Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 72 - Table Manners...

(Twenty-fifth day afternoon. Five days till the Wave.)

(At the inn)

(Raphtalia's POV)

Raphtalia: "I want to learn the way to use a knife!"

Mommy: "Didn't I already train you in that area?"

Raphtalia: "Not fighting! I want to learn table manners!"

I made a sudden declaration after we ate lunch at the inn and compared my plate with others. Mommy, Daddy, and Rino-nee ate properly making sure that they didn't waste food but my side is with scrambled rice grains here and there and also my face is a mess. I want to become m.a.t.u.r.e soon and it isn't good for a m.a.t.u.r.e lady to waste food. I must promote my inner growth as well so that I can stand beside Daddy and Mommy and not bring any shame upon them.

Daddy took a napkin and wiped my mouth with tears at the corner of his eyes.

Daddy: "My Raphtalia is growing huh. Children sure do grow fast."

Mou... Start looking at me as a woman already, Daddy! I looked at Mommy who was also having the same expression as Daddy.

Mommy: "Yeah... This is one of the proud moments of my life. For the first time, she asked for training in something normal instead of Yandere training or 'How to Seduce Daddy' training."

But for someone who wants to be Daddy's wife, those are normal too.

Rino-nee: "Well, normally I would say that both of you are exaggerating but knowing my family, I can understand your emotions."

It's a good thing that she started considering this as her family too. Daddy started patting my head and asked the inn owner.

Daddy: "Hey, my daughter wants to learn table manners. Is it alright with you if we practice here today evening after we come back from training?"

Inn owner: "Could you do it in the evening when during the closing time of dinner? There will be fewer people at that time."

Daddy: "Alright."

Rino-nee already had her magic training in the morning with Aunt Elaria. We went to the forest. Daddy told me that the Sword Hero is coming today evening and he might be able to teach me table manners before his entry. So, we did our regular training and hunting. Today, I was told to be Rino-nee's opponent in sparring. I should only defend while Rino-nee can attack me with the staff. After our sparring, Daddy told Rino-nee and me our every mistake. Daddy is an excellent observant. He pointed out the mistakes that even Mommy couldn't point out. He told many ways in which Rino-nee could have defeated me and vice versa.

When I asked Daddy how he became so good at it, he answered that back in his world, he used to think that his greatest enemy is himself. And he tried to surpass himself again and again and became what he was. I asked about what made him do all those in the past. He told me that he doesn't want his daughter to know all of that. I wanted to know but after looking in his eyes, I chose not to ask it today.

We completed our training and went back to the inn. And the time we reached the inn is almost closing time for dinner. Most of the customers were already gone after having their dinner.

Inn Owner: "Oh, you guys came huh. This is a perfect time for you guys to have your table manners session. Give me the order. I will bring the food and you can have your thing."

We sat at a table and Daddy gave the order. After some time, the Inn Owner came back with the food. And Daddy started teaching me from basics like saying 'Itadakimasu' before the meal and 'Gochisousama' after the meal. There is some problem with the berries when I am trying to pick them with the fork. They are moving here and there.

???: "Sorry, I came right before the closing time. Are there any seats available... Hiro?"

All of us looked at the person and the group of four behind him.

Daddy: "Yo Ren!"

So, this is the Sword Hero, Amaki Ren. It's like Daddy said... He is keeping his distance from his teammates. I guess some people like to take their distance from others.

Daddy rose from the seat and went near him like he wants a hug.

Ren: "I don't like hugging."

Daddy: "Who the hell is hugging you?"

Daddy immediately went past the Sword Hero and gave a hug to the four behind him.

Daddy: " Hey, Welt, Bakta, Tersia, and Farrie! How's it going ?!"

All of us except the Sword Hero started giggling and he just said 'Whatever.'

Ren: "It looks like you finally formed a party, Hiro."

He said while looking at us.

Daddy: "Ah, yes. Meet my family. Introduce yourselves, girls."

Mommy: "Nice to meet you, Sword Hero Ren. I am Claire Iwatani, Hiro's wife."

"What ?!!" All the five including the Sword Hero shouted at once. The four of Sword Hero's party started bombarding Daddy with questions like 'When did you marry ?!!' 'Why didn't you invite us ?!!'. Daddy said that he will explain it later and asked me to introduce myself.

Raphtalia: "I am Raphtalia! Daddy's daughter! Nice to meet you!"

The four again started their questions and Daddy calmed them again.

Ren: "Hmm... So, you adopted a daughter too. You are really enjoying your new life huh."

Daddy: "Yep."

And finally, it's Rino-nee's turn.

Rino-nee: "I am Rino and I am Raphtalia's elder sister and I am 18 years old."

Everyone looked shocked. Well, this is to be expected. It looks like the Sword Hero didn't recognize her.

Ren: "So, you are Hiro's daughter."

Rino-nee: "No, I am not."

Ren: "Didn't you just say you are Raphtalia's elder sister?"

Rino-nee: "Yes, I did."

Ren: "Then, doesn't that mean..."

Rino-nee: "No, it doesn't."

Ren: "Whatever."

Sword Hero understood that it's useless arguing with Rino-nee and introduced himself and sat on a table. The group of four also introduced themselves and demanded explanations. Daddy told them some truth along with lies.

Daddy: "What about Ren? Is he at least leveling up with you?"

Welt: "Well, yeah. He always does level grinding with us."

Bakta: "He's also making sure to watch our backs."

Tersia: "I can clearly say that our team coordination increased a lot from your advice."

Ren: "There's no deeper meaning to it. As Hiro said, you are my teammates. I can have you injured or dying on me."

The four of them along with Daddy sighed at Sword Hero.

Daddy: "Well, I am actually teaching her table manners today. So, let's talk the remaining after the dinner."

The four agreed and went and sat on a different table to that of the Sword Hero.

Daddy: "You are still maintaining the distance huh."

Ren: "Yes, I would like to have my personal space."

I don't like this person's way. I looked down at the berries on my table and immediately got an idea. I winked at Daddy. He smiled and said.

Daddy: "Alright, Raphtalia, try to pick that berry with the fork."

I poked the berry with the fork only for it to move aside. I did like that two times and used more force the third time which made the berry fall on the Sword Hero's table.

Daddy: "Ah, sorry Ren... She is still learning."

The Sword Hero smiled and said.

Ren: "Children huh. They can be really troubling. I absolutely do not..."

*Pow* *Pow* *Pow* *Pow* *Pow*

Five berries went and hit his face at once.

Ren: "Oww! Just what are you doing?"

Daddy: "Well, like I said, she is learning table manners."

Ren: "Fine, be careful next time."

And another six went to his direction next time.

Ren: "Hiro! What is your daughter doing ?!!"

Daddy: "As you can see, she is learning table manners. Inn owner! Keep the berries coming!"

Ren: "No need. I understood that as long as I don't sit with my teammates, she will keep on learning table manners."

Daddy grinned at him.

Daddy: "What are you talking about? My daughter is just a beginner and yeah, it'd be better for you to sit with your teammates as it's a safer position. By the way, I need to remind you that there are a lot of items she needs to learn table manners with."

Ren: "Yeah... Yeah... Whatever you say..."

The Sword Hero went and sat with his companions. The four of his team made a thumbs up to us and we winked at them. The Sword Hero just sighed. I learned table manners and we completed our dinner. After our dinner, we went to the main topic.

Daddy: "Ren, I need your help with something."

Ren: "What is it?"

Daddy: "My wife is at the level cap. It seems that she has to undergo some class upgrade at the church."

Ren: "She's already at the level cap?"

Daddy: "Yeah, she was already high level before we even came to this world. It went to level cap a few days back but you know that I don't have a good name with the church. So, I need a hero's recommendation."

Ren: "I see... Well, it's not a problem to me. I also wanted to go and check the time and also get some of its sand."

Daddy: "Sand?"

Ren: "Ah, you didn't know about this world. After a certain level, you can absorb the hourglass sand to get Portal Spear. That's a basic of the game, Hiro."

Daddy: "And you expect me to know that?"

Daddy asked sarcastically.

Ren: "It's not my fault that you don't know about this world. Well, at least you know now. You can come with me tomorrow to get it if you want. Good night."

He went to the room he took saying that. Just like Daddy said 'A loner who thinks he is enough to save the world'. Well, at least we got what we need. We said good night to them and went to our room.

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