Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 97 - Everyone's Fears...

(Hiro's POV)

Well, now that Goddess-sama is here, I might as well ask my doubt.

Hiro: "Anyway, Goddess-sama, tell me about Sakura. Why is she behaving like my Devil Emperor side?"

The plans Sakura makes. Her common sense. All of them remind me of my Devil Emperor form.

Goddess: "Oh, that's because Filolials inherit their common sense from their parents. I mean, don't you find it strange that they don't ask what is a carriage and what are clothes even though they are born just two days ago?"

Oh, my Goddess.

Goddess: "Yes, what is it?"

Hiro: "I am not talking to you. But that makes sense. Sakura took over my Devil Emperor's common sense."

Goddess: "Yep, in other words, she will think like a killer, she will kill without remorse. She is a born killer."

For the first time after I came here, I started panicking.

Hiro: "No! I don't want it! I don't want her to become like me."

Goddess: "Then, try to guide her as her father."

Yes, I have to do that. First, I need to know how much of my common sense went to her.

Hiro: "Umm... Goddess-sama, if you don't mind. Can you show me what Sakura's illusion currently is?"

Goddess: "Okay, I don't mind. In fact, let's play all the illusions."

And a screen appeared in front of us showing Sakura. And she is seeing me. What's the last thing she wants to hear?

Hiro: "You don't act like a filolial. So, I don't need you."

So that's the last thing she wants to hear. I have to make sure to consolidate her after the illusion broke.

Sakura: "Who are you?"

Huh? She found that this is an illusion?

Sakura: "The voice is not coming from Dad's direction. You aren't real."

Oh, my Truck-sama. She was able to say it that easily.

Hiro: "You don't act like a filolial. So, I don't need you."

Sakura: "Repeating the same thing just confirms that you are an illusion."

Sakura takes out her swords and closes her eyes. She moves forward and gives a single slash at my illusion killing the Voice Gengar with it.

Sakura: "I want to protect Dad. Not his illusion. I don't care if he accepted me, I will keep protecting him."

And she stops moving with that. I was just looking at the screen with my mouth open.

Goddess: "Alright, I stopped her time again. Shall we play the next ones?"

Hiro: "Focused on only one goal. Not caring about anything else. That intuition and that brain. She completely inherits my dark side."

Goddess: "Isn't that great ?!! We got a devil empress now! I am also a fan of your stories just like Onii-chan, by the way."

Hiro: "I don't want her to become like that!"

Goddess: "Then you should do something about it as her father. By the way, I don't think Devil Empress suits her appearance. I know, how about Dark Angel!"

Hiro: "Stop it! Please, stop! You don't understand! Sakura is on the edge! One push is enough for her to get snapped! You don't know how much I went through for getting snapped!"

I couldn't believe that my trauma still remained. I was neglecting that side of mine. I completely forgot about it. And yet, here comes my daughter inheriting it. She will keep reminding me even if I try to forget.

Goddess: "Well, fine... Everyone has their own traumas. Even Onii-chan had one after all. Let's play the next ones."

I have to do something about it. With that thought, I look at the screen. It's Filo this time and again the other side is me.

Hiro: "I don't want you. I will buy another better filolial in your place."

Filo: "No! Papa! Don't! Don't abandon me!"

Haa... I have to make sure that Filo feels secure. And Filo stopped moving again. And the screen changed. It's Raphtalia this time. And why the hell is the other person me all the time ?!!

Hiro: "Raphtalia, after thinking about it, I made a decision. You are my daughter and I can't make you my lover."

Raphtalia: "No! Daddy, you have to make me your bride! Or else I will **** you and make you take responsibility!"

She will do what ?!! Did my daughter just say she is planning to **** me? And Raphtalia stops moving too. And the screen shifts to Rino.

Hiro: "I am sorry, Rino. Eclair didn't accept. So, I can't marry you or have s.e.x with you."

Rino: "I see... So, it's come to this. I am currently learning illusion magic to change my appearance. So, I just have to change as Eclair and drug you and get f.u.c.k.e.d by you, Hiro-sama."

That's her motivation for learning illusion magic ?!! Rino stops moving and the screen finally changes towards Eclair.

Hiro: "Eclair, you see... I don't care about your answer and I am going to make a harem of thousands of women. I will be busy f.u.c.k.i.n.g them. So, wait for your turn."

Seriously? Thousands? Does your imagination know no bounds, Eclair? How will I be able to maintain that many wives?

Eclair: "No way! Come here, you harem-seeking husband of mine! I will break your arms and legs and keep you all for myself!"

Hey! How the hell did you even believe it ?!

Goddess: "Thousands? Even Onii-chan doesn't have that many harem members. He just has hundreds."

Hiro: "Umm... Isn't a hundred a huge number too? How does he manage?"

Goddess: "Onii-chan says, 'If you have to satisfy a massive harem, you should either clone yourself and your senses or grow tentacles or stop the time every time you f.u.c.k!'."

Hiro: "Hmm... Which one of those methods does he use?"

Goddess: "None!"

Hiro: "Huh?"

Goddess: "Hehehe... It's a secret!"

It looks like she doesn't want to answer.

Goddess: "Haa... I have been here for a lot of time. It's time for me to go. Bye!"

And with it, She disappeared.

Hiro: "Bye, Goddess-sama. And thank you once again."

The time started to move again for everyone together. Magic Shop Owner made a chant and did a spell to restore our vision to normal.

Eclair, Raphtalia, and Sakura killed them before others could even think. Well, they are the ones with Sword after all. Filo immediately came to me.

Filo: "Papa! You won't abandon Filo, right ?!!"

I smiled and patted her. Well, she has a huge head in this form though.

Hiro: "Of course, I won't abandon you, Filo. You are my daughter after all. And I will never abandon my family."

Filo: "Yay!"

And Sakura came to me next.

Sakura: "You won't abandon me because I don't act like filolial, right Dad?"

Hiro: "Why would I abandon you for that stupid reason? You don't act like a filolial. That just makes my daughter unique."

She smiled.

Sakura: "Thanks, Dad. But isn't this a little dangerous? We need more information about the monsters here."

Hiro: "Sakura, at max, the most dangerous monsters here could be at the level of the Waves. And we could take care of that Wave even without you and Filo. So, we can do this."

Sakura: "I see... Okay, Dad. Well, we have teleportation as a fail-safe after all."

So, that's the reason she is okay with going forward. I wonder what else is running through her mind. I just have to make sure that she doesn't end up like me.

Filo: "What did others see?"

The moment Filo asked, Rino, Raphtalia, and Eclair started blushing while looking at me. Drugging me, Raping me, Breaking my arms and legs. No wonder they can't say it out loud.

Rino/Raphtalia/Eclair: "Nothing!"

Three of them said at once while looking away from me while whistling.

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