Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 98 - A Father and Daughter Moment...

(Hiro's POV)

We went forward and finally reached our destination. A cave full of gemstones. We looked inside and found that there is a monster sleeping in there.

Magic Shop Owner: "It's called Nue. Why is the monster from the eastern region here."

Nue has a monkey's head, a raccoon's body, a tiger's limbs, and a snake-like tail.

Hiro: "Alright, we need a plan to kill that thing."

Raphtalia: "I will kill it while being invisible using my illusion magic."

Sakura: "Snakes sense body-heat. Illusion is useless."

Everyone looked at Sakura the moment she said that.

Eclair: "How do you know?"

Sakura: "I don't know. I just know."

Filo: "Papa, I can sense that the monster is s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e to sound too."

Sakura: "Yep, I can feel it too."

Rino: "How do you know that?"

Hiro: "Maybe they have some Mutual monster analysis."

Yep, that's right. In the original light novel, Filo is the one who found out that Nue is s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e to sound.

Sakura: "The best choice is to kill it before it even attacked."

Hiro: "Alright then..."

I changed my shield to the Voice Gengar shield. The effect is megaphone i.e makes the sound louder.

Hiro: "Here's the plan. As it's s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e to sound, Filo will shout in here. And it will be surprised and we will keep attacking that thing without giving it time to think, okay?"

Everyone: "Yes!"

Hiro: "Filo, Now!"


Nue's eardrums exploded and blood started pouring from its ears. Sakura went and immediately cut its tail. Raphtalia cut its legs while Eclair gave a stab to its heart killing it completely. Sakura didn't care about Nue's body but went to the snake part and stabbed the snake's head.

Sakura: "Snakes' head doesn't need much oxygen. So, they can stay alive for minutes or even hours with their head. We shouldn't risk it."

Filo: "Really? So, I can't eat snake's head after it's severed?"

Sakura: "No."

Rino: "Wait, shouldn't Filo also know what Sakura knows as they are both monsters?"

Hiro: "It seems that Sakura didn't get that knowledge from the Monster side. She inherited knowledge from me."

Eclair: "I see... No wonder she reminds me of Hiro a lot. Wait, does that mean that my rival has Hiro level intelligence ?! Doesn't that mean she is the most dangerous rival ?!"

Sakura: "Huh? But it doesn't matter for you if the rival is dangerous or not, right? I mean, knowing you, you will accept all of them in the end."

And with that Eclair felt a stab straight at her heart.

Sakura: "I mean, going by the story, you did an awful job in stopping Mom from making Dad fall for her, and you are already on the verge of accepting Mom's relationship with Dad. So, aren't you just going to go through that all the time Dad gets a new girl? Shouldn't you just accept it? Or are you a low-key M.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t that enjoys crying every time Dad falls for a new girl?"

And by the time Sakura is finished, Eclair was with her hands and knees on the ground. Anyone can tell that Sakura undoubtedly did a KO on Eclair.

Eclair: "Your daughter is too cruel, Hiro."

Raphtalia made a complicated expression while Rino looked proud of her daughter. Filo didn't care and just looked at the corpse with drooling mouth.

I absorbed the parts to unlock some shields and gave the rest to Filo to eat. And that left us with a cave full of gemstones. Alright, time to start the business.


(Hiro's POV)

Riyute was nearby. So, we went there first. I talked with its people about the gemstones. They accepted to help me with doing business with those stones. And of course, I make the rules as I am the governor.

???: "It's dangerous to walk alone at night, Dad."

I looked back to find Sakura.

Hiro: "Didn't sleep?"

Sakura: "I slept but I realized that you weren't at my side."

I lied down on the grass and indicated Sakura to sit beside me. She sat beside me and I started patting her.

Sakura: "Did I do good today morning, Dad?"

Hiro: "Yes, my Sakura did very well today. But you worry about me too much, Sakura."

Sakura: "But I have to protect Dad."

Hiro: "And I have to protect you too. And in fact, worrying about children is a parent's job."

Sakura: "Why?"

Hiro: "Hmm... It's because we get old faster than our children. And in general cases, we die before our children."

Sakura suddenly hugged me.

Sakura: "No. I don't want it. I want Dad to stay with me forever."

Well, I will live forever but saying that won't help me in this case. Sakura won't grow if she kept hanging to me. She should know to let go of her nest and fly freely into the sky.

Hiro: "Well, I want to stay with you forever too. Life is not just about me, Sakura. I am not everything. What would you do if I die?"

Sakura: "I will kill myself for not being able to protect you."

Hiro: "That's what I am talking about! I don't want you to die! If that happened, I want you to move on, Sakura."

Sakura: "But what's the purpose of living without Dad?"

Hiro: "I am asking you to make one!"

It's really funny that it's coming from a guy who once gave up on living and let Truck-sama run over him.

Hiro: "Sakura, think about how Rino would feel if you and I died on her."

Sakura: "So, you are asking me to live for Mom?"

Hiro: "No, not just Rino. If you don't find a reason, I want you to keep searching for a reason! To be honest, You don't need a reason to be happy!"

If I realized this in the past, maybe I wouldn't have died. Well, I got my family because I didn't realize. So, I am glad that I didn't.

I stopped patting Sakura and took her face into my hands and looked into her eyes.

Hiro: "So, smile Sakura. I want you to smile. with or without me."

Sakura smiled.

Sakura: "Alright, Dad. I will try. But..."

She put her fingers on the edges of my lips and spread them apart making my face look like it's smiling.

Sakura: "I think I prefer smiling together with Dad rather than without Dad."

I laughed and started patting her again.

Hiro: "Hahaha... Me too."

Sakura hugged me and wrapped her wings around me and rested her head on my c.h.e.s.t.

Sakura: "Can I stay like this tonight, Dad?"

Hiro: "Yes."

I nodded and kept patting her and looked at the sky filled with stars.

Hiro: "The sky is beautiful, isn't it?"

Sakura: "Yes, It is."

That was the last conversation we had that night before Sakura went to sleep.

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