WARNING: Violence, blood, gore


(UA High School...)

"Today's training will be a little different," Aizawa said as he stood in front of the class, giving them the 'this is serious business' look that made them all stiffen up, "You will have three instructors, me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."

A soft murmur arose from the students at the news.

'Three pros? Is that because of the break-in?' Haru yawned, a little tired from staying up too late the night before. Usual teenage stuff.

Sero raised his hand, "Sir? What kind of training is this?"

Aizawa held up a card, reading it aloud, "Rescue. You'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, stuff like that."

Everyone instantly began chattering in animation.

"Disasters huh? Sound like we're in for a big workout," Kaminari commented.

Ashido hopped up and down in her seat, "Totally!"

Kirishima leaned forward excitedly, "Real hero stuff! This is what separates the men from the boys! I'm shaking with excitement!"

"Finally, I'll get to show off how good I am in the water! Ribbit," Tsuyu tilted her head as her way of expression.

Haru looked over at Katsuki, cracking his knuckles, "Competition on who does the best job?"

Katsuki grinned competitively, "Oh, you're on!"

"Guys, I'm not finished yet," Aizawa told them, causing them all to hush, "What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you're excited about costumes," he pulled out a remote and clicked it, opening the capsules holding the said costumes, "But keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet and they might limit your abilities."

Haru had already decided he was going to wear his costume as it would be easier to train with it anyway. After all, thanks to the brilliant minds of the support companies, his outer robe was flame-resistant, shock resistant, waterproof, blade resistant, and completely breathable. His inner clothing and armor for his costume were further reinforced with special metallic threads woven in the cloth to further protect against blade slashes. Of course, the downside of this was that in his preference for lighter materials, heavy impacts and stabbing would still affect him, but his 'Quirk' should help make up for it, so should be fine

Aizawa's dry voice broke him out of his reverie, "This special training is at an off-campus facility so we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all. Start getting ready."


Now changed into his costume, Haru stood near the giant bus, waiting for Iida to note down that everyone was present. For the rescue training, he had decided to leave his sugegasa behind, leaving his head bȧrė.

As he waited, he noticed that Izuku was not wearing his costume. The moss haired boy was only wearing the school's gym uniform along with his respirator and some pads for his elbows and knees. Of course, there were the boots too.

"Hey, Izu."

Izuku turned to smile at him, his freckled face brightening up, "Haru-chan! You need something?"

"Did they not finish your new costume?"

Izuku shook his head, "They said they need a couple more days to make improvements. The first one wasn't quite up to standard on how it withstood damage."


Haru and Izuku looked up to see Uraraka standing by them. The girl was looking at Izuku curiously.

"Why are you wearing your PE clothes? Where's your costume at?"

Haru neatly slid away unnoticed as Izuku explained to her what had happened.

He approached Iida who was marking down people's names on a notepad, "Is everyone here?"

Iida looked up, "Ah! Class Rep! I just finished taking everyone's attendance. We are all ready to board!"

Haru nodded gratefully, "Thanks. I'll get started."

Iida held up a hand, "Wait! Shouldn't we organize by seat number?"

Haru shook his head, "I checked the bus when we first got here. It's an open layout."

Iida adjusted his glasses thoughtfully, "Two steps ahead. Just what I'd expect from you, Class Rep."

Haru sweatdropped, "Um, okay?" he shook his head, "Nevermind, can you get their attention?"

The class secretary smiled as he pulled out a whistle Haru had given him, "Oh course."

The shrill shriek of the whistle made everyone look towards them. Haru stifled a grin at the annoyed looks on some of their faces at the harsh sound. Who said you can't mess with your class a little bit as the class representative?

"Alright, everyone!" Haru called out in a loud voice, "We're boarding now! The bus is an open layout, so sit where you please. No fighting over spots!"

With Iida helping organize, everyone was ushered inside were seated according to preference. Well... mostly.

"No offense but I feel like I'm going to get roasted alive," Jiro stated from where she sat as Katsuki sat in the only vacant spot (Iida was saving a spot for Haru who was entering last) next to her.

Katsuki popped a vein, "You got something to say, plugs?"

Haru walked into the bus, tapping Jiro's shoulder, "Oh yeah, Jiro, can we switch spots? I need to make sure Katsuki doesn't cause us to crash."

Katsuki's eyes turned white with anger as he stood up and spartan kicked Haru in the stomach, causing him to fly out of the bus, "Screw you!"

A gasp of shock stemmed from several of his classmates.

"Bakugo! That is no way to treat the class rep!" Iida reprimanded.

Katskui wasn't able to respond as a blur of black and red charged back into the bus and cannon itself back into his stomach.

"Geez, you don't have to be all grumpy because I ignored you this morning. Ask for attention as a normal pomeranian would," Haru's voice was dead serious, but also full of laughter.

"Haru, are you okay, man?" Kirishima asked.his fellow redhead, "Are you kidding, I was needing an afternoon pick me up!"

Kaminari sighed, "As if one warmonger wasn't bad enough."

Kirishima clenched his fist, "But that's what makes them hella manly!"

Jiro just shrugged nonchalantly, trudging over to her new seat, a small smile touching her lips.

Haru sat down in the empty seat next to Katsuki, roughing his brother ash blonde hair, "You needed some exercise, huh?"

Katsuki gave him a lazy look, obviously liking the feel, but pretending he didn't, "What's this shit your pulling?"

Haru tilted his head, "It's called affection! I read about it once," he answered seriously.

Katsuki clicked his tongue, "Tch. Disgusting... Keep doing it."

Haru complied as the rest of the class watched.

"The true bonds between brothers!" Ashido squealed.

"Yeah, but it seems that Bakugo can't ask for attention like ordinary people," Sero pointed out

"I heard that!"

Haru nipped the conversation in the bud, "Change of subject."

Tsuyu obliged, "If we're pointing out the obvious, there is something I want to say," she said, turning to Izuku, "About you actually."

"A-about me? What is it, Asui?" Izuku stammered.

"I told you to call me Tsu," she reminded him.

"Oh right, sorry," he apologized.

"That power of yours. Isn't it a lot like All Might's?"

"While that may be true," Haru stated, still absentmindedly roughing Katsuki's hair, "Quirks of their type are actually pretty common and share many similarities."

"Yeah, Tsu," Kirishima added, "You're also forgetting All Might doesn't hurt himself. That makes a huge difference," he looked at Izuku, "Still, I bet it's cool to have a simple augmenting type Quirk. You can do a lot of flashy stuff with it," Kirishima hardened his arm, "My hardening is super strong and destroys bad guys in a fight, but it doesn't look all that impressive."

Izuku's eyes sparkled as he viewed Kirishima's Quirk, "Woah, no way I think it's awesome looking!" he gushed, "You're defiantly pro material with a Quirk like that."

Kirishima's smile softened.

"You think so? Seems like it would be easier to be a popular hero if I had something flashier."

"My navel laser's got the perfect combination of finesse and strength," Aoyama claimed, making the air around himself sparkle.

Ashido placed a hand on his arm. "But is way lame if it gives you a stomach ache, sweetie," she said crushingly.

Kirishima looked around the bus, "Well if any of our classmates have pro Quirks, it's Todoroki, Bakugo, and Haru."

Haru turned to look at Kirishima, his fingers still stuck in Katsuki's hair, "There are lots of pros who are at the top whose Quirks are not flashy. Best Jeanist and Edgeshot for example. They have simple Quirks that didn't seem special, but they worked hard and developed them into something amazing. Having the Quirk is just the first step. What you do with it to make it 'flashy' or powerful is up to your creativity."

Izuku spoke up, "Haru-chan is right! His own Quirk could only make paper float at first, but he trained it to take shapes and change the composition."

Kirishima brightened at the information, "Wow, really? That's awesome! Guess I better start thinking about how to something like that with mine! Maybe I can make it into the big leagues like you guys will be!"

"Sure, but Bakugo is always angry, so he'll never be that popular. It shouldn't be hard, " Tsu stated bluntly.

Haru quickly moved his hand into a seal of confrontation using his origami to try to hold Katsuki down in his seat. It didn't work.


"You see," she said, pointing at the ash blonde as he proved her point.

Haru snickered.

"You know, we basically just met you, so it kinda tells that we all know that your personality is flaming crap mixed with garbage," Kaminari said in a teasing tone.

Katsuki's knuckles turned white as he gripped the back of the seat, "YOUR GONNA REGRET THE DAY YOU APPLIED TO THIS SCHOOL, YOU LOSER!"

"Hey, hey, we're here," Aizawa interrupted, irritatingly, "So stop messing around."

"Yes sir!" everyone answered submissively.


"Hello everyone! I've been waiting for you!" the Space Hero, Thirteen, greeted them.

Izuku and Uraraka were instantly all blushy and starry-eyed as they geeked out over the famous rescue heroine. Haru grinned as he listened to them rambling off all kinds of information about her as they followed Thirteen inside the training center.

'Never change Izuku.'

When they entered, everyone made several sounds of awe. A huge dome made of glass panes stretched far and wide, they felt almost as if they were in a huge greenhouse. The training center was huge!

"Holy crap," Kirishima wowed, "It like some kind of amusement park."

Haru expanded his sensory, enjoying the feel of the wide expanse, "This place is awesome!"

Thirteen proudly motioned around the dome-shaped structure, "A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, etc. I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters. I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, but you can call it USJ!"

Everyone stared at the hero blankly, their eyes blank. 'Just like Universal Studios Japan.'

Aizawa stepped up to Thirteen, "Shouldn't All Might be here already? Let me guess, he booked an interview instead."

Thirteen leaned closer to the teacher, "Actually, it's something else."

Haru couldn't hear anymore but he saw Thirteen hold up three fingers as she explained something.

Aizawa sighed at whatever Thirteen was saying, "That man is the height of irresponsibility! Whatever clocks ticking. We should get started."

Thirteen spread her arms out enthusiastically, "Excellent! Before we begin, let me say one thing," she hesitated, "Well, maybe two things... possibly three... four... five...?"

Everyone sweatdropped. 'We get it.'

The heroine recovered herself and spoke firmly, "Listen carefully. I'm sure you're aware that I have a powerful Quirk, it's called Black Hole. I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust."

"Yeah, you've used Black Hole to save people from all kinds of disasters, haven't you?" Izuku beamed.

Uraraka was nodding furiously beside him.

Thirteen gave them a single nod, "That's true, but my Quirk can easily be used to kill. Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous."

Most of Class 1A became thoughtful.

"In our superhuman society, all Quirks are certified and stringently regulated so we often overlook how unsafe they can actually be. Please don't forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly, even if you're trying to do something virtuous like trying to rescue someone. Thanks to Aizawa's training, you have a solid idea of your Quirks' potential, and because of All Might's battle training, you likely experienced how dangerous your powers can be when used against people. Carry those lessons into this class. Today, you're going to learn how to use your Quirks to save people's lives. You won't be using your powers to attack enemies or each other, only to help. After all, that's what being a hero is all about. Ensuring the safety of others."

Haru noticed Katsuki silently biting his lip from the corner of his eye. His amber eye softened slightly as he sent a silent message his brother's way.

Katsuki felt something lightly touch his arm and glanced down to see a white paper buŧŧerfly crawling on his skin.

He looked up to see Haru glancing at him reassuredly.

'You'll do great.' Haru mouthed.

Katsuki blinked before taking a deep breath and squaring his shoulders. He was going to prove he was the best. He was going to make sure he never hurt Haru again. Not in that way.

Meanwhile, Thirteen bowed low, "That's all I have to say. Thank you so much for listening."

Haru started to join in the applause that most of the class was giving Thirteen when he felt a sharp pain in his forehead. Damn it! Not now!

He quickly clapped a hand to his brow, covering the seal as it slowly started to appear. He failed to hear what Aizawa was saying as he strained to suppress the sudden movement of chakra in his body.

A strange feeling, or lack thereof, of electricity, made his sensory tingle as the lights flickered on and off. Even the fountain standing in the center of the building was sputtering. It made his instincts scream danger.

Narrowing his eyes, Haru expanded the range of his sensory throughout the building. What he found, made his eyes widen in horror.


Aizawa snapped his head to where Haru was pointing past him just in time to see a dark swirling vortex appear in the middle of the central plaza. With a rush, it stretched itself expanding in size.

Haru ran to the front of the class to stand by his teacher, "They're entering through all the disaster zones!"

Thirteen's cheerful demeanor instantly dropped, "Impossible! How many are there?

Haru scanned the area, "Too many for me to count," he shivered as if he had touched something dirty, "Their chakra is so malicious."

Aizawa kept his eyes on the villains pouring out of the warp gate on the plaza, "Everyone, stay together and don't move," he ordered.

The hero students made several confusing sounds at the command, still oblivious of the danger they were in.

"Has the training started already?" Kirishima asked, taking a step forwards, "I thought we were rescuing people?"

Haru's origami wings suddenly shot out, block his path, "Stay back!"

The harsh and fearful tone in Haru's voice made everyone flinch.

Izuku reached a hand out towards his friend, "Haru-chan, what–"

"This isn't training, everyone. Those are real villains, and they are here for blood."

Everyone stiffened at the words, their faces blanched with fear. Villans? How? Why were they here?

A strangely familiar blue-haired man walked in after the first wave of villains. His face was covered with a strange hand mask. Several other hands were attached across his arms and shoulders as well. Haru focused on him just as a tall, purple-skinned monster stepped through the warp gate.

"Now..." Aizawa started, "You all need to–"

Haru abruptly fell to his knees, retching on the ground, his wings falling apart.

Katsuki ran forward, "Haru!" the ash-blonde knelt by his brother's side, "What wrong?"

Haru shakily pointed at the massive creature that stood dumbly by the hand villain's side, his voice bȧrėly audible to Katsuki and the two teachers, "T-that thing isn't natural. It's no longer human."

Thirteen stepped back, "No longer...?"

Aizawa frowned, pushing his goggles over his eye, "I see."

He didn't blame Haru's reaction. Haru's sensory allowed him to see the life force of every living being, sense their emotions, and even feel the uniqueness of people Quirks. To be confronted by such an atrocious perversion of nature had to be a nightmare incarnate. Like seeing what seemed to be an innocent baby transformed into a demonic imp, like in the film, 'The Passion.'

Just looking at the creature on the outside was revolting in itself. Its birdlike beak, half-open to reveal its jagged teeth. Its mindless, dead eyes staring blankly ahead. It's exposed brain the only brighter color on its sickly purple skin. Aizawa could only imagine what its chakra looked like to Haru.

"The only real heroes I see are Thirteen and Erasure Head," a deep voice, apparently coming from the villain creating the warp gate stated, "Perplexing. According to the schedule, we retrieved from UA, All Might should be here as well."

Haru looked up again, staring in the direction of the voice, "No..." he clapped a hand to his face in a suppressed whimper. 'Another one? His chakra is so twisted. It's writhing in agony! Make it stop. Stop torturing them! Stop it! Stop it! STOP IT!'

"Haru! Snap out of it!" Katsuki yelled.


"Haru! Stays calm, buddy," He heard Kaminari calling out to him.


Jiro was kneeling next to him, her earphone jack pressed to his cheek, giving off the soft vibrations of her heartbeat, calming his own racing heart.


Haru forced himself to breathe in rhythm to the soft thump of her heart.

In and out.

In and out.

"Where is he? Where is All Might?" the familiar voice snapped him to the present, realization hitting him.


Oblivious to the fact that he had been recognized, the villain kept talking, "I went through the trouble of bringing so many friends who were eager to meet him. They want All Might, the great Symbol of Peace. I can't believe he's not here. Maybe if I kill a few kids, he's come out to play."

Haru felt something snap inside him at the mention of his classmate in danger. A swirl of paper started rising from the ground, causing Katsuki and Jiro to jerk back.

Aizawa felt the sudden pressure emanating from the redhead as he stood up, "Class Rep. You good?"

Haru's wiped the faint traces of vomit from his lips with the back of his hand, "I'm fine."

The pro hero grunted, loosening his scarf, "See if you can search out the most powerful, real quick. You all are going to need to leave right after."

Haru nodded, "Roger!"

"How did so man villains get into a facility this secure?" Kirishima wondered.

Yaoyorozu looked at Thirteen, "Thirteen, why aren't the alarms going off?"

The Space Hero looked up at the framework of the dome, "Good question, I'm not sure."

Todoroki eyed the villains with a chilly expression, "Is the entire campus under attack, or is this their only target? Either way, if the alarm sensors aren't being triggered, then one of these villains must have a quirk masking their presence here. They carefully chose this isolated facility as an entry point at a time when a class was being taught. Their fools for trespassing here, but they thought this out. Whatever their plan, they must have a concrete objective in mind."

Tokoyami hummed, "But what is it?"

Haru opened his eyes, "Found an answer to most of your questions, Todoroki."

"Wait, that fast?" Kaminari was stunned.

Haru pointed at the main trio standing a the fountain, "Quirkwise, those three are the strongest. As far as I could see, the rest of the campus is unaffected by the attack."

Aizawa started walking towards the steps, "Figure out who is blocking the sensors?"

Haru pointed at the landslide zone, "He's more likely hiding apart from the rest over there. He's the only one constantly using his Quirk inside the building, but it's difficult to pinpoint his exact location."

Having processed the information, Aizawa proceeded to take full command, "Thirteen, get them all out of here, and alert the main campus. It's more likely that if they have the ability to block our sensors, then they might be jamming out regular communications too," he glanced over his shoulder at the class, "Kaminari, try using you Quirk to contact the school."

The electric blonde raised his hand to the radio by his ear, "Uh, right!"

Thirteen looked at Haru, "Remembering your profile, can't you create messengers from your clones?"

Haru looked frustrated, "The Paper Clone Technique can only travel a measured distance from the user. My range is too limited. Maybe Yaoyorozu?"

The girl shook her head, "I can't create something that will break through the interference, sorry."

"If that's the case, just follow Thirteen and get out," Aizawa told them.

"What are you going to do?" Izuku asked him, "You can't fight them on your own, even if you do erase their Quirks! You're fighting style is not suited for this! Your power works best in stealth and one-on-one fights!"

"You can't be a pro if you have one trick," Aizawa informed them cryptically, "I'll leave it to you, Thirteen."

With that, the underground hero launched himself off the top of their stairs, his capture weapon shooting out in a frenzied dance.

"He won't be fighting alone," Haru announced slamming his hand to the ground, "Shinra! Kai! Kyo!"

Two leopards and a Bengal tiger rose from the ground with fierce growls and took off after Aizawa.

The villains looked up to see the lone dark figure and the three white felines approaching and grinned confidently.

"Shooting squad, take your aims!" a masked villain with gunlike fingers yelled.

Several villains stepped forward, eager to cut their opponent down in a stream of projectiles.

In an instant, all their Quirks were just erased, leaving them vulnerable. Without breaking a stride, Aizawa trapped several of them with his capture weapon and slammed them together over his head before slamming them into the ground.

"Watch it! That's Erasure Head! He can cancel your Quirks by just looking at you!" someone yelled.

A massive rocklike villain with four arms scoffed, "Cancelation?" he charged at the hero, "Bet you cannot erase the Quirk of a heteromorphic type like me!"

A massive roar echoed across the dome as Kyo ran past Aizawa and pounced at the villain, tackling the man to the ground.

"Yeah, you're right!" Aizawa admitted, punching another villain out of commission, "But villains like you are only dangerous if you can reach me," he swung back, avoiding a punch from a strength type villain who he took out with a roundhouse kick, "Good thing I've taken measures to make sure that never happens."

A series of yowls from two leopards cause several villains to panic, especially after they saw the four-armed villain having gotten mauled. The two smaller cats were making short work as a pair, circling around the group, and ambushing those who didn't pay attention.

Erasure smirked a little, "Which one of you gutter punks is next?" he challenged.

The hand villain who had called himself Tenko safely watched from a distance.

"How annoying," he grumbled at the warp gate, "With his goggles, it impossible to tell who's Quirk he's erasing, and his fighting style makes it hard for us to work together. The cats were unexpected. Must be some student's Quirk, and I can make a good guess at whose."


Thirteen was ushering all of Class 1A towards the entrance.

Haru grabbed Izuku's arm as the teen tried to catch a glimpse of the fight, "This is no time for analyzing! We've got to go!"

Izuku reluctantly obeyed and allowed Haru to push him towards the USJ's main door.

They had all almost reached it when Haru felt something shift in the air, "Thirteen! Stop!"

With a grunt of surprise, the heroine slid to a halt as the dark purple cloud of the warp villain swirled up in front of them, his yellow eyes glowing.

"There is no escape for you," the villain's deep voice sent chills up everyone spines, "It's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you. We are the League of Villains. I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello. Besides, isn't this the fitting place for All Might, the Symbol of Peace, to take his last breath? I believe he was supposed to be here today and yet I see no sign of him. There must have been some sort of change in plans we could not have foreseen," the villain spread his misty arms, expanding himself, "Ah well, it doesn't matter. I still have a role to play."

Thirteen popped open one of the caps on her fingers, activating her Quirk, "BLACK HOLE!"

A vortex formed from her finger, forcefully suċkɨnġ the villain in.

The villain resisted, however, not even once lost his calm, "Ah, Black Hole, the Quirk that sucks up the matter and turns it into dust. Such an astounding power. However, you're a rescue hero, Thirteen. Skilled at saving people from disasters. Consequently, you have little fighting experience or battlefield awareness.

A portal swirled open behind Thirteen, turning the crushing power of her Quirk against her. The hero gave a surprised cry before the entire back of her suit crumbled.

"How unfortunate," the villain taunted, "You've turned yourself to dust."

Thirteen stopped using Black Hole and collapsed, "I'm sorry," she apologized, "He got me..."

(I love playing this when I read this part: Naruto Shippuden - Konan Theme youtu.be/bAbuSBaqTao)

Ashido looked like she was on the verge of tears, "Thirteen!"

Haru and Katsuki exchanged looks and nodded. They both started moving forward, Katsuki's handed poping and Haru's paper rustling as he created wings. He knelt over Thirteen, swinging them forward to shield her while Katsuki dashed towards the villain, sending a massive explosion at him. Kirishima joined him slashing with his hardened arms.

The area shook with the impact of the two attacks.

"You think we were just going to just stand around and let you get away with hurting our sensei?" Kirishima queried, a confident look on his face.

Haru's eyes widened, "Guy's get back!"

"You live up to your school reputation," the villain's voice was becoming dangerous, "But you should be careful children. Otherwise, people might get hurt."

Haru's hands flew in a series of hand signs, "Shikigami Dance!"

Too late.

The dark mist composing the villain's body flooded around them, engulfing everyone in its shroud, "Now, I'll scatter you all across this facility to meet our comrades and your deaths!"

Haru tried to use his origami to grab as many people as he could, but they all slipped through his grasp. He was forced to listen to the cries and screams of his classmates as they were suċkėd into the void. All he able to do was continue to shield Thirteen.

"Oh my, some of you are still here."

Haru opened his eyes and raised his head. Only he, Iida, Uraraka, Sero, and Ashido were left. 'Where's everyone else? I must find them!'

Haru tried using his sensory, but felt his seal throb once again, "Shit!"

Iida, who had fallen outside the mist, ran over to him, "Class Rep!" his eyes widened as he saw the dark symbol on Haru's forehead, "What's that?"

Haru instantly covered it, "It's nothing, the teachers already know of it. Tell Shoji to find everyone. I just need a second."

Iida looked skeptical, but complied, "Shoji, can you find them?"

The dupli-armed teen nodded and spread his tentacles, growing several eyes and ears to locate his lost classmates.

After a few moments of searching, he was able to report what he saw, "They've scattered across the facility, but our classmates are still here."

Everyone gave a sigh of relief and turned their attention back at the waiting warp gate.

"What do we do," Sero asked no one in particular, "The guy isn't affected by physical attacks and even Thirteen can't hurt him."

Haru sat up, revealing the soft green light emanating from his hands, "Thirteen isn't in danger, but she can't help us now," the glow faded and he stood up, his wings rustling as they moved, "Iida."

The bespectacled teen straightened, "Yes?"

"I need you to run to the school and tell the faculty what's going on here. That is an order from your class representative. The alarms aren't sounding and our phones and radios won't work. Even with my sensory, I can't find the exact position of the villain responsible. Finding him would be too much of a chore at this time. It would be faster for you to run back to the main building."

"Yes, but it would be disgraceful for me to leave you all behind!" Iida protested.

"If you can get outside, there are alarms everywhere," Sero pointed out, getting into a defensive position, "They can't follow you out there."

Ashido also got into a fighting position her body trembling, "Y-yeah. That must be why they are trying to keep us here."

"Just go Iida," Haru commanded as several pieces of paper started peeling off the surrounding surfaces, "Being a hero is using your Quirk to save others.

"We'll back you up," Uraraka said encouragingly.

Shoji stepped forward, but Haru held a hand for them to wait, "You make sure Iida gets out," he said glaring at the villain, "I will take care of the warp gate."

The villain chuckled darkly, "Even if this is your only option, are you really foolish enough to strategize in front of your enemy?"

Several streams of mist shot out of the villain, stretching out to absorb the remaining students.

Haru stretched out his hand, "It doesn't matter if you know what we're planning or not, I already see through your strategy!"

A sharp hiss filled the air as a cloud of paper shot forward, blinding the villain's view. He tried creating alternate portals but Haru simply redirected his paper before it could affect anyone else. It never mattered where the villain sent it, as long as Haru's chakra was in that paper, he knew where it was and what it was doing. His training on the beach had sharpened his brain so it practically worked like a hive mind, each individual piece of paper was under his control.


The class secretary gritted his teeth and blasted off, his engines roaring as he screamed out his frustration, "DAMN IT!"

The warp villain turned to see the dark-haired boy striking for the main door, "A sheep trying to escape the wolves? I simply can't allow that," a portal opened up directly in Iida's path, "If other heroes arrive, it would be harder for us to put an end to All Might."

Shoji ran forward and snatching up the gate as it solidified, "I got it! Go!"

The villain turned around fully, "You insolent child, you won't set foot outside those doors!" he took chase and quickly caught up to the running Iida, looming over him, "I've got no time for this... BEGONE!"

A wall of paper exploded from the ground, shielding Iida before the villain could catch up. The villain tried to push through but suddenly started floating as Uraraka touched the neck armor he wore.

"I don't know what his Quirk is," the brunette stated as her finger glowed pink, "but if he's wearing armor, then he must have a physical body in there somewhere!" she flung her arms back, sliding the villain's body over her head, "Now, run Iida!"

The villain's yellow eyes widened as Iida picked up speed, "No! You can't!"

Iida makes it to the doors and started prying them open, his muscles straining under his armor. Inch by painful inch, the doors were slowly forced apart.

The warp villain somehow forced his way to bypass the effects of Uraraka's Anti-Gravity and sent another tendril at Iida, "I GOT YOU!"

Sero shot out a strip of tape, sticking an end to the villain's armor. With a heave, he yanked the villains back.

Meanwhile, Iida with one final push, pried the doors wide enough for him to squeeze through. Once outside, he ignored his engines to full power, dashing away at the fastest speeds he could muster.

The villain silently watched the stream of dust kicked up from the dark-haired boy, "He will alert the campus. It is over..." He turned to the other students, "I suppose I should just dispose of the rest of you."

"It isn't wise to forget who you're fighting," Haru's voice sounded above him.

The villain looked up in surprise to see Haru hovering above him, "Hmm?"

Haru divebombed directly at the villain, another storm of paper surrounding him.

"Trying to overwhelm me with numbers isn't a sound strategy," the villain scolded, opening up his portals to suck the paper in.

Haru smirked and disappeared, revealing himself to be a paper clone. The villain's bright eyes widened as he saw several strange tags mixed in with the harmless-looking paper.


Several explosions, both loud and muffled, filled the air as the tags glowed and ignited as they shot into the warp gates. There was a deep cry of pain as the villain took the full brunt of the fiery inferno.

The remaining UA student held up their arms to shield their eyes from the blinding light.

"Did you get him?" Sero asked.

Uraraka clenched her fists, "You are so cool, Class Rep!"

Haru's body slowly started to reconfigure, "Don't celebrate yet. He's still conscious. Everyone, stand back."

Everyone did as he said as the smoke clear to reveal the warp villain hunched over on the ground, breathing heavily.

"You outsmarted me," the villain's voice held a note of respect, "You tricked me into thinking that you would just attack with your paper again, but you really were setting me up for your bombs. You even waited until they were well within my gate. How careless of me. Even after seeing you use them before, I let my guard down."

Haru stretched his arm out, fully reconstructing his arm, "You give me too much credit. That was just luck. If you didn't underestimate me, that wouldn't have worked," he pulled out his two kunai, "Now surrender."

A deep chuckled made everyone tense, "You are too modest, but you are right. I underestimated you, and that's a mistake I won't repeat."

Haru suddenly slid to his right as a warp gate opened beneath him.

'Paper Chakram!'

Haru raised his arm, forming a wheel-shaped weapon over his head, with a grunt he flung it, forcing the villain to defend himself with another portal.

"You say you are here to kill All Might. What are you planning? Who are you really?" Haru demanded

He body flickered directly in front of the villain, slashing with his right and stabbing with his left at the villain's weak spot.

The villain bȧrėly avoided the attacks with his mist, "How rude of me. I know who you are but didn't tell you my name," he phased through another slash, "I am Kurogiri."

Haru dodged back from another stream of dark mist, "Let me rephrase that. What are you?"

The villain stared at him blankly, "I'm not sure I understand."

"What are saying, Haru?" Uraraka asked, a disappointed look on her face, "Just because he looks different, doesn't mean he's an alien!"

Haru couldn't help but feel the irony of the sentence considering what he was categorized.

He pointing a kunai at Kurogiri, "I can sense your chakra flow. You are not a normal human. By right's you shouldn't even be alive, what are you?"

Kurogiri took a step back, "This is just some trick of yours."

Haru scoffed, "Beleive me, I'm dead serious. You're just like your big friend down at the fountain. Let me guess, is he your secret weapon?"

Kurogiri's eyes narrowed to slit, "Your mind games won't work on me. You've delayed me long enough."

A warp gate started opening right under Uraraka's feet.

Time seemed to slow down as the brunette started her fall with a scream. The terrified girl closed her eyes, trying to brace herself for the dark void she was going to be subjected to.

A pair of hands suddenly grabbed her and shoved her away, causing her to tumble to the ground. Luckily, Shoji was able to catch her before she fell.

Haru gave his classmates one last look before he was swallowed up, bȧrėly registering the screams of his classmates calling his name. He felt the mist crushing against him blocking all sense of direction as he kept falling.

When the light finally appeared, he blinked, realizing he wasn't prepared for the impact of his fall. He was left with only one option.


The human body is a strange and wonderful thing with natural potential that has bȧrėly been scratched. Even before Quirks, humans have been known to adapt or survive very unexpected circumstances. One of those strange things was how durable the human body was in its most relaxed state.

There had been cases of unconscious people falling from ridiculous heights and surviving. This is because when unconscious, the human body becomes completely limp, enhancing the body's natural flexibility of its muscles and skeletal structure. Normally humans were not able to achieve this sort of relaxation in a matter of seconds.

Then again, Haru wasn't a normal human.

Almost instinctively, Haru let himself go limp just as he hit the ground, thudding on his back.




Haru grunted from the fall, the wind knocked out of him. He tried to breathe but felt a sharp numbing pain shoot through his body. It was as if he had been hit by Katuski's explosion all over again, only this time it was focused in his side.

He felt something warm and sticky trickling across his skin and the smell of copper hit his nose. His eyes slowly trailed down to the strange numbness in his torso.. There, directly in his vision, was a steel pole sticking from his stomach.

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