Warning: violence, gore, language.

Fact you should know before reading: I forgot to cover this in an earlier chapter but Haru doesn't tolerate people calling him a bastard since he sees it as an insult towards his parents. In other words, that insult is taboo in his presence. (RIP Katsuki)


Haru grunted from the fall, the wind knocked out of him. He tried to breathe but felt a sharp numbing pain shoot through his body. It was as if he had been hit by Katuski's explosion all over again, only this time it was focused in his side.

He felt something warm and sticky trickling across his skin and the smell of copper hit his nose.

His eyes slowly trailed down to the strange numbness in his torso.

There, directly in his vision, was a steel pole sticking from his stomach.

At first, he was unable to register what had happened. His adrenaline was giving his body such a high, he unable to feel pain, just a dull throb.

All he could do was just stared dumbly at the piece of metal pushing through him.

'Oh, look at that... I've been impaled...'


(A/N) Sorry, Olaf! Couldn't resist!


A cry of horror that seemingly came from the empty air snapped his brain back to reality, triggering the first wave of pain. He tried to see who had screamed but suddenly hissed as fire shot through his side.

"Class Rep!" Hagakure's voice sounded right by him, the ground shifting as her invisible knees hit the ground.

Haru clenched his teeth, trying to find her, but was met with frustration as his sensory refused to cooperate, "H-Hagakure... Are you okay?"

He felt the air shift as the girl tried to keep herself from panicking at the sight of the red stain spreading across his robe, "Are you kidding me? You're the one who bleeding out and you ask me how I am?"

Haru huffed a short laugh, wincing a little, "Sorry."

'Just keep talking, Hagakure. Keep me from blacking out.'

He felt the invisible girl's hands gingerly try to apply pressure to the wound, "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! Where are bandages when you need them?"

Haru reached out and grabbed the terrified Hagakure's hand, "Hey. Calm down. I can stop the bleeding a little."

Fighting back the pain that threatened his concentration, Haru activated his Mystical Palm.

The green chakra sputtered slightly as Haru pressed his hand against the wound. It wasn't much since he was still developing the technique, but he could at least help his body clot the blood and deaden the pain. Apart from that, he was unable to do more.

"Hagakure, reach into my pouch and find the packet of pills."

The girl hesitated, "But didn't they have side effects from last time?"

"It's fine," he cut her off, "I got new ones for Recovery Girl. They're in the pouch on my leg."

Hagakure gingerly pushed aside the edge of Haru's robe and fished out the pills, "Alright, got 'em."

"Now feed me one of them and go find help. I'll be fine."

"O-okay," she stuttered, still greatly shaken about finding her class rep bleeding out on a pole.

She pressed a pill against his lips, allowing him to bite down on it. She instantly ran off, the sound of her scrambling and the moving debris the only evidence of her departure.

Haru lay back, trying to process what had happened.

'By the looks of my surroundings, I was warped to the landslide zone. I guess Kurogiri was just trying to get me out of the way in a hurry, otherwise, he would have dropped me in the middle of his allies somewhere. They said that they were here to kill All Might. That means they must have some sort of secret plan or weapon to take him down. That must mean...'

He heard running and looked up to see Todoroki running over as Hagakure's voice called out to him.

"I brought Todoroki!"

Todoroki knelt down, his expressionless eyes reading the situation at a glance, "From the color of your blood, your injury missed your vital organs, but you can still bleed to death if we don't do something soon."

Haru steeled himself, taking a deep breath, "Todoroki, I need you to do two things."

The bi-colored haired boy nodded, "What do you want me to do?"

Haru gritted his teeth, "I need you to freeze the pole and break it. Then I need you to lift me off and cauterize the wound with your heat."

Todoroki frowned, "I don't think that's a wise idea. You could lose too much blood if we remove the pole."

Haru coughed violently the chakra on his hands fizzing out for a moment, "Trust me on this. I do not feel like dying today."

Todoroki stared at him a moment then complied, "It will hurt," he warned.

Haru nodded, his face resolute, "I can take it."

Todoroki placed his hands on the pole. "Okay. Hagakure, don't look," he ordered, hoping that she might end just a bit less traumatized.

The green light from Haru's hands intensified as he poured all his power into the wound.

The pole turned white as it was coated in frost. With a sharp jerk, Todoroki snapped it off right above Haru's stomach, causing the teen to grunt.

Todoroki slid one hand under Haru's neck and another under his back. "Brace yourself," Todoroki says as he took in a deep breath. Swiftly but gently, he lifted Haru off the remainder of the pole, immediately placing him on some clear ground nearby. Haru stifled a groan, beginning to lose focus.

Todoroki placed his left hand over Haru's wound, "I need you to move your hands so I can cauterize the injury."

Haru drew in a breath, slowly pulling his hands away. At that moment, his seal shot waves of agony through his body, and the full force of the pain hit him like a truck.

He couldn't help but whimper.

The pitiful sound of pain made both his classmates gasp. Even Todoroki was unnerved at the sight of Haru, a normally composed person, writhing in agony. The strange symbol on his forehead did little to reassure him. Hagakure was just plain terrified and began crying.

About to scream from another wave of pain, Haru tried to gag himself by sinking his teeth into the exposed skin of his arm.

'It hurts... Hurry... It hurts...'

Out of nowhere, his chakra spiked. He was covered in the same green chakra he used in the Mystical Palm all over his body. He heard Todoroki and Hagakure choke as he felt the pain leave his side.

"What is it?"

Hagakure's voice was trembling, "Y-you're healing!"

Haru's eyes widened and he tried to sit up but fell back, dizzy from his previous loss of blood.


Todoroki furrowed his brow, "It seems you actually do possess a healing Quirk, not just energy manipulation."

Haru glanced at his arm and blinked, "When I bit my arm," he felt his two classmates looking at him, "I must have triggered a healing technique when I bit my arm. That's probably how it activates."

Hagakure cried out in surprise, "Your wound! It's completely healed!"

Haru pushed himself up again and looked down at his stomach. Just as the invisible girl had said, his wound had closed, leaving only drying blood. Haru also realized something else.

"What the? Even my bruises are gone!"

Todoroki grunted, standing up, "Do you think you can fight?"

Haru placed a hand on the ground, pushing himself up to one knee, "I think so. I lost a decent portion of my chakra from healing myself, but it's no hassle."

"Good. The villains plan on killing All Might. They have some secret weapon of some sort."

Haru nodded, his face serious, "And I figured out what it is. It's the villain with the exposed brain. He's a biologically engineered human."

A cry of horror sounded from Hagakure as Todoroki's expression briefly reflected disgust.

"So that's why you collapsed earlier," Todoroki's tone was thoughtful.

Haru lowered his head, "One of the downsides of my sensory is that I can sense all the corrupted and negative chakra within individuals," he looked Todoroki in the eye, "Even yours."

Todoroki didn't answer.

Hagakure shifted uncomfortably, "Guys! What are we going to do? You two are strong, but I don't know how I can help! I scared!"

Haru reached out a hand and much to the other's shock placed it on the shivering girl's shoulder comfortingly, "Todoroki and I will head back towards the entrance," he pointed over to an outcropping of rocks, "Aoyama is hiding over there. Find him and head over in that direction," He pointed to the far side of the landslide zone, "The villain who is jamming the alarms is hiding there. If he's taken out, the alarms will trigger," he patted the invisible girl's arm, "Can you two do that?"

"O-okay," she replied, a little unsure.

Haru smiled, "It's going to be okay. Just trust in yourself. You're where you are now because you are strong."

The girl perked up, "You got it, Class Rep!" she said confidently, "I won't let you down!"

Haru stepped back, "Okay, I'm heading over the plaza," he glanced at the other male present, "Todoroki?"

The bi-colored haired boy gave a short nod.

"Okay, let's go."



Aizawa was starting to feel tired. There were just too many villains to deal with at once. Even with the help of Haru's animal clones, he was at a disadvantage.

Kicking down another thug, he stepped back, his hair falling about his shoulders again.

'Damn! The times between blinking are becoming shorter. If I don't get more back up soon, I'm in big trouble.'

His focus suddenly shifted to the hand villain charging him head-on.

"Final boss!" he warned, flinging out his scarves.

The villain, grabbed the end of the scarf, rendering it useless. With a growl, one of the leopards, he believed it was Shinra, pounced at the villain.

The villain dodged the cat's outstretched paws and grabbed the animal's head with his other hand. With one last defiant yowl, Shinra disappeared into a pile of dust.

Aizawa took advantage of the villain's occupied hand and slammed his elbow into the other man's stomach.

A few villains tried to step in, but Kyo and Kai intercepted them.

"It was hard to see when you were jumping around," the villain said, regaining Aizawa's full attention, "Your hair gives you away. When it drops it means you've stopped using your Quirk"

Aizawa's eyes widened when he realized that the villain had a hold of one of his elbows. He also realized he was forced to blink.

'Not good.'

The villain placed all his fingers on the hero's arm, causing the skin to crumble, "You need to blink more often. You shouldn't push yourself too hard you know. You might just... fall apart. Wouldn't that be a shame?"

Aizawa punched the villain in the face, just before the Quirk could disintegrate his elbow, and leaped back. Even so, his left arm was now out of commission.

"You are really out of your element, Erasure," the villain taunted, getting, up, "Yet despite that, you didn't hesitate to jump in the middle of this fight."

Aizawa didn't bother replying as he fought off another attacking villain. Kyo jumped to his side, finishing off the last couple of minions that remained in his blind spots.

The villain scratched his neck thoughtfully, "Those cats are annoying. Such a shame their creator has decided to become a hero. Oh well, guess I should even the playing field a little," he spun on his heel, dodging a passing attack from Kai, "Time for you to go to sleep," he said, pushing a hand on the leopard's ċhėst.

Aizawa gritted his teeth as the cat was destroyed. He was accompanied by a fierce growl from Kyo.

The villain chuckled at the Erasure's tired form, "Look at you, you're still standing. You really are so cool!" he calmed down, "Oh, by the way, hero. I am not the final boss."

A looming shadow darkened Aizawa's vision, causing the hero to turn around in alarm. He was faced by the bird villain, the one Haru had said was genetically modified.

The creature slowly raised an arm, giving a muted roar. Before it could strike, however, Kyo had already twisted around and leaped at its throat.

With a fierce slash of its arm, the creature smacked the tiger across the plaza. The ground cracked from the impact of the landing, sending up a cloud of dust. Aizawa used that moment to jump back, but the creature was on top of him before he could activate his Quirk, violently smashing him into the cement, again and again, shattering his bones.

The hand villain sauntered over to where Kyo's still form was lying, "A praiseworthy attempt, but you are no match for Nomu," he gloated, crouching over the origami feline, "You've failed," he slammed his hand through Kyo's ċhėst, disintegrating him, "Now we can move on."

He turned around, a leer growing under the hand he was wearing.

The creature was squatting on top of Aizawa's slumped body, one of the hero's fractured arms in its hand. It stared dumbly at its master, waiting for orders. The surrounding ground was bloodied from the beating it had just given, but it was completely unresponsive.

"What do you think Erasure Head," the villain hummed maniacally, "He's the bioengineered Anti-Symbol of Peace. You can call him Nomu."

Nomu twisted Aizawa's arm, causing the hero to scream as it snapped another bone.

"You can erase people's powers," the villain continued, "That's irritating, but nothing impressive. When faced with true devastating power, you might as well be a Quirkless child."

Aizawa painfully twists his head and tried to erase Nomu's Quirk. The only response he got was Nomu stomping on his shoulder, crushing his bones yet again.

He screamed, his mind racing. 'He's snapping my bones like twigs. I'm sure I erased his Quirk so that means he's super strong. Even without powers.' He ġrȯȧnėd as Nomu grabbed his head, forcing it up. 'He's as strong as All Might.'

A dark portal opened up next to the hand villain as Kurogiri appeared, "Tomura Shigaraki."

Shigaraki turned to look at his minion, "Kurogiri. Did you manage to kill Thirteen?"

"The Rescue Hero is out of commission, but there were students I was unable to disperse and one of them got outside of the facility. I was also injured by one of them. If the pros arrive, I won't be able to help as much."

"What?" Shigaraki was enraged. He scratching as his neck, scraping the skin raw, "Kurogiri, you fool! If you weren't our warp gate, I'd tear apart every last atom in your body!"

"It was Haruko Bakugo who helped the student escape as well as injuring me," Kurogiri stated, "It appears your sparing him has backfired.

Shigaraki pulled his hand from his neck, "A mistake I will not repeat. There's no way to win if dozens of pros show up to stop us. It's game over, back to the title screen, and I was looking forward to today. Damn it," he turned to Kurogiri, "Let's go home."

"As you wish."

Shigaraki turned to glance at the nearby lake, "Oh, before we leave, let's make sure the Symbol of Peace is broken. Let's wreck his pride!" he dashed to the water, surprising Izuku, Tsuyu, and Mineta who had been hiding there, "Let's make this hurt!"

He reached for Tsuyu's face, planning on killing her.

A faint whisper of wind filtered across the water.

Everyone stared in shock to see Haru, his robe torn and covered in blood, was standing in the villain's way, his arms spread out protectively. Shigaraki's hand was clamped on his shoulder, but nothing was happening.

"You really are cool, Erasure Head," Shigaraki sighed.

Aizawa's eyes were blazing scarlet as he used the last of his strength to erase the villain's Quirk. This was cut short as Nomu slammed his face back into the cement.

Haru kept his attention locked on Shigaraki, "Izuku, get the other to safety, I've got this."

The mossed-haired teen stared at his friend worriedly, but obeyed, snatching up his two classmates and carrying them away from the fight. He had no choice but to trust his friend at this point.

Haru's robe started crumbling under Shigaraki's touch as the villain smirked, "Haruko Bakugo. You've been an annoying little obstacle in this game. Too bad you're about to die."

Haru felt the skin of his right shoulder starting to crumble, "So that's was your Quirk is. Decay. It really is dangerous... Tenko."

The villain squeezed harder, his Quirk eating away at Haru's shoulder, "That was a fake name I gave you. My name is Tomura Shigaraki."

"Your lying."

Shigaraki's eyes widened, "What?"

Haru raised his left arm, the bite mark from earlier still clearly visible, "I can tell when a person lies. When you told me your name, I knew you were telling the truth. Now enough talk. You've not even come close to clearing this level."

He bit into his arm.

"Haru-chan!" Izuku screamed as he ran back, his arm glowing, "SMASH!"

A massive blast of wind blew across the USJ, shattering the lights and causing the water to surge violently.

A look of confusion passed over Izuku's face.

"Izuku! Get out of there!" Haru yelled.

The dust cleared to reveal Nomu standing in front of the green-haired teen, having tanked the force of the blow.

"You are powerful," Shigraki noted still holding onto Haru's arm, "That smash of yours... are you a disciple of All Might's? Doesn't matter. I'm done with you now."

Nomu grabbed Izuku's arm, raising its other hand to crush him.

Haru raised his hands, several pieced of paper formed on his fingers, creating a series of blade-like claws, "LEAVE HIM ALONE!"

He struck down, sinking his claws into Shigaraki's stomach.

An earsplitting scream shattered the air as Haru twisted his improvised Neko te deeper into the villain's torso.

Nomu spun around, moving faster than the eye could see, and punched Haru's body.

The redhead was sent flying into the stairs, his figure slamming into the stonework.

Shigaraki held his bleeding stomach, hissing, "That brat, how dare he! I'll annihilate his remains!"

"That really hurt, you know!" the sound of Haru's angry voice made everyone gasp as the teen lurched to his feet.

Haru's right shoulder was bleeding heavily from Shigaraki's Quirk, his arms and his left leg were broken, he was favoring his side with several broken ribs, not to mention his neck was at a weird angle, yet somehow, he was still standing.

"How are you still alive?" Shigaraki asked in disbelief.

Haru's body glowed green, "Just so you know, I am in a lot of pain and ****ing pissed right now," he snapped his neck back into position, causing it to crack eerily, "Harlequin."

A giant origami bear rose up from the ground in front of him.

Unnoticed by the villain, a flock of hummingbirds had surrounded Izuku, Tsuyu, and Mineta and carried them to the far edge of the plaza as a paper clone did the same to Aizawa.

Shigaraki glared at Haru hatefully, "Nomu, crush him!"

Nomu dashed forward, growling mutely as it reached towards the injured boy. He was intercepted by Harlequin, the bear catching the modified human's hands in its paws.

Izuku and his two classmates watched in awe as the two creatures pushed against each other, each trying to overpower the other. Haru's clone appeared in a swirl of paper, holding Aizawa in its arms.

The three students gasped as they viewed the damage the man had taken, "Mr. Aizawa!"

The clone pulled back its sleeve, "He doesn't have much time. The repercussions for using this so much won't be pretty, but this is our only option."

The clone cradled Aizawa's head pressing its arm against the unconscious hero's teeth. Gently it forced Aizawa to bite down. With a faint glow, the healing chakra worked to heal Aizawa's injuries.

Harlequin was losing the battle. Even if this version of himself was larger and stronger than any living bear, Nomu was just too strong.

"It's no use resisting," Shigaraki mocked, "Nomu is unbeatable."

Haru didn't say anything, clutching at his shoulder which was the last to heal.

'Seems like I've come across my new Heal Bite's weakness. If I being injured on a cellular level, it harder for me to heal. Never mind that, I need to find a way to hold out until Todoroki, Katsuki, or the pros come along. I already used up over fifty percent of my chakra in healing and in creating clones. This is bad.'

Harlequin ġrȯȧnėd as he slid back, his form beginning to crumble.

Haru responded to his creation's cry of distress by launching himself over the bear head and slamming a chakra infused axe kick directly on top of Nomu's exposed brain.


Nomu didn't even respond as it pushed harder against Harlequin, forcing him into the ground. Haru created a pair of wings and hovered at a safe distance from the ground, his mind racing to create a new strategy.

"Using lethal force against a villain," Shigaraki mocked, "How can you call yourself a hero?"

Haru watched sadly as Nomu destroyed his paper clone with a final push, "You and I both know that that thing is no longer even capable of human reason. It carries less humanity than my clones," he sent a glare at the blue-haired man, "To twist life in this way. Have you no respect for nature at all?"

"Don't preach to me. Nomu is a means to an end. He's designed to crush to the number one hero into dust."

Haru raised an arm, "Well, you'll have to be satisfied with smaller prey."

A massive boom resounded across the facility as the front doors were smashed down.

Haru looked over his shoulder, "All Might!" his relieved expression faded when he saw the expression on the number one's face.

All Might wasn't smiling.

Shigaraki sighed in approval, "Looks like our game's getting a continue."

As if to refute his words shrill ringing of an alarm pealed out across the campus.

Haru smirked. 'Hagakure, Aoyama, good job.'

Kurogiri looked towards the direction of the landslide zone, "Impossible! How?"

The sound of All Might footsteps echoed as he slowly approached the head of the stair, "I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong when Aizawa and Thirteen didn't answer my calls, so I hurried over, running into Young Iida along the way. He told me of the villainy at work here."

All Might gritted his teeth. 'I can't believe all this went down while I was resting. I hate to think of how frightened these children must be. He glanced at Aizawa and Thirteen. And how they had to fight to protect everyone. The only thing I can do now is to reassure them that things will be okay.'

The Symbol of Peace stood at the head of the stair, a look of righteous anger etched on his face, "Have no fear, student," the gravity of his voice making the air feel heavy, "I am here."

Shigaraki flexed his fingers, "After all this waiting, the hero piece of trash shows up. If only the alarm didn't go off. How did that happen?"

Kurogiri noticed Haru's smug expression, "You much smarter than we thought," he said addressing the floating teen, "You switched from one plan to the next without hesitating and without a wasted move. You are quite the strategist."

Haru blinked, refusing to answer.

Shigaraki trembled in frustration, "Let's finish this quickly. I'll deal with the brat later."

At his signal, all the remaining and recovered villains from Aizawa's fight began preparing for battle.

Haru narrowed his eyes, his hand weaving hand signs, "Senbon Shower!"

A rain of paper needles hurled down at the thugs. Screams and curses filled the air until the last villains were either unconscious or in too much pain to move.


Nomu shot off the ground, aiming directly at Haru. Caught off guard, Haru's eyes widened.

A blur passed between them, sending the engineered human flying back. Haru suddenly found himself get picked up and placed at the base of the stairs. Less than a second later, Aizawa, Izuku, Tsyyu, Mineta, and even Haru's clone were also there.

"Everybody back to the entrance," All Might ordered form where he was kneeling in front of them, "And take Aizawa with you, he doesn't have much time."

Haru's clone stood up, "Aizawa will survive, but I couldn't give him enough chakra to completely heal. I will go now. My original needs all the chakra I have left."

The clone disappeared, causing Haru to clutch his forehead, feeling the sudden flood of chakra and the clone's memories returning. On his arm, a third bitemark appeared, the one from healing Aizawa.

The sound of heavy breathing made Haru look up to see the hand covering Shigaraki's face had been knocked off. The man looked like he was on the verge of a temper tantrum.

"No, no, no! It wasn't supposed to go this way! He's still fast, father, somehow he managed to hit me!" he leaned over and picked up the hand, causing Haru to blanch when he realized it was real, "Of course a government hero relies on violence. I wasn't prepared. I couldn't even see him when he moved, but he's not as fast as I thought he would be. I guess it's true after all," a deranged chuckle rumbled from the villain's ċhėst, "All Might is getting weaker!"

Haru and Izuku tensed, both knowing the truth about All Might's form.

"All Might, you can't," Izuku pleaded, "That brain guy took One-for... Uh, I smashed him and didn't break my arm this time, but he wasn't fazed at all!"

Haru pressed a hand against Aizawa's body, wrapping all but his teachers face in a protective sheet of origami, "He's a biologically engineered superhuman. I used a chakra enhanced kick on his head and he didn't even feel it. He's also destroyed two of my strongest animal clones without any effort at all. The hand villain has a decay Quirk that activated through touch and the smoky villain can create warp gates."

Izuku leaned forward desperately, "They're too strong!"

All Might waved him back, "Young Midoriya," he turned giving them a reassuring smile, "I got this!"

Haru floated Aizawa's body sliding it over to Tsuyu, "You just need to steer him, I suggest you get him to the top of the stairs before something breaks my concentration. I'll bring up the rear."

The frog girl nodded, "Got it!"

Haru looked over his shoulder as his classmate started climbing the steps, seeing All Might speed towards Shigaraki, his arms intersected for a cross slash attack.


Nomu jumped between them, absorbing the impact.

With a mute cry, Nomu snatched at the hero, missing by a hair as All Might leaned back.

All Might began throwing punches and dodging Nomu's head-on attacks, keeping himself out of its grip.

"No effect?" Shigaraki taunted, "Well Nomu here had Shock Absorption. The only way you're going to hurt him is to slowly gouge out his flesh. Of course, I don't think he'll sit back and let you do that. You finally met your match!"

A massive spike materialized in the air and shot down, impaling Nomu in the back.

"Thanks for the tip."

Shigaraki scratched his neck turning an angry look at Haru, "You again."

A crash rumbled through the air as All Might took advantage of the opening and performed a suplex, slamming Nomu into the ground.

All the students from Class 1A who saw the move cheered. Haru, on the other hand, frowned.

All Might grunted in pain as Nomu's finger dug into his side, "What kind of cheap trick is this?"

The dust cleared to reveal Nomu's upper body had disappeared into a warp gate and had reappeared from the ground just under All Might, allowing the birdlike creature to grab the number one hero.

"Nice, you were trying to bury him in the concrete so he couldn't move a muscle," Shigaraki chuckled, "Sorry. That won't work. Nomu's as strong as you are. That won't stop him," he gave a chilling laugh, "Nice work Kurogiri! We've got him just where we want him now!"

Kurogiri's eye narrowed into slits as the warp gates started to close. All Might coughed up blood as Nomu tightened its grip on his side. 'He found my injury. My weak spot!'

Haru slammed his palms together, "Shikigami Dance!"

Shigaraki snarled sticking his arm through a small portal Kurogiri created, "I haven't forgotten you."

Without even looking Haru stuck out an arm and caught the villain's wrist as it appeared near him, "You forget that doesn't work on me. Need a hand remembering?"

A sickening crunch accompanied by a scream made everyone blanch as Haru skillfully snapped Shigaraki's wrist.

The villain attempted to pull his arm back, but Haru refused to let him go, his finger clamped in a death grip on the villain's arm.

"You bastard!"

A flash of anger passed over Haru's face as he gave his enemy's wrist another twist, causing Shigaraki to scream again.

"Don't you ever call me that."


Haru pulled out a kunai and held it over Shigaraki's wrist, "One move out of any of you and I slice his wrist."

Kurogiri eyed him carefully, "You, a hero, would commit murder?"

Haru smirked, "Oh forgive me. I suppose I never told anyone before. All of my training wasn't to become a hero. It was to become a shinobi."

Shigaraki growled, "Kurogiri, kill All Might."

Without another word, Haru slid his blade across Shigaraki's wrist in a warning slice, earning a mangled curse. Unfortunately, the blood allowed Shigaraki to slip his hand out of Haru's grip.

Kurogiri instantly began shutting the warp gates, "Normally, I wouldn't want blood and viscera flooding the insides of my warp gates," he said, "But I'll make an exception for a hero as great as you. Since you're too fast to see with the human eye, Nomu had to restrain you. Once he's pulled your body halfway through, I'll squeeze the gate shut! I'm going to enjoy tearing you to pieces!"


Everyone's heads snapped up to see Izuku running towards them.

Haru reached a hand out towards his friend. No!

Kurogiri warped into Izuku's path, "How foolish."

Izuku's eyes widened as he started falling into another portal.

Just in time, a familiar explosion intercepted the gate, "Get the hell out of my way, Deku!"

Haru smirked. 'Katuski...'

The elder Bakugo slammed Kurogiri to the ground, effectively capturing the villain.

Frost spread across the ground, encasing Nomu in ice.

"One of your poorly trained thugs told me you were here because you think you can kill All Might," a familiar emotionless voice announced.

Haru's smirk grew wider. 'Todoroki...'

A flash of red jumped past them, striking at Shigaraki with a yell. Despite his injuries, the villain dodged back with relative ease.

"Damn that was gonna be cool!"

Haru straight up grinned. 'Kirishima...'

His mood changed as gave Katsuki an annoyed look, "It's about time! What took you so long?"

Todoroki nodded in apology, "I was delayed."

Kirishima, smiled ruefully at Haru, "Sorry, Class Rep. Bakubro and I had to fight off some villains."

Haru raised an eyebrow at Katsuki, "You let some low-level villains detain you this long?"

Katsuki sent a feral grin back at his brother, "They were just some weakling! If you can't handle yourself without me for five minutes, your worse than they are!" he stopped when he saw the blood staining Haru's cloths. His face darkened, "Who hurt you?"

"Not the time, Katsuki."

"Who hurt you?"

Haru sighed, "It's more like who didn't hurt me, but I can heal myself, can we go back to kicking ȧss?"

Katsuki clicked his tongue, "Tch. Fine, but this conversation isn't over," he turned his attention back to Kurogiri as the villain struggled, his hand popping warningly, "Guess I found your body this time you smoky bastard."

"The Symbol of Peace will not be defeated by delinquents like you," Todoroki said, addressing Shigaraki.

Haru undid the front of his robe with a sigh, letting it hang open, "Games up, Tenko. You've lost."

Izuku was still stunned, "You guys..."

Shigaraki stood, clutching his injured wrist as blood from his stomach stained his shirt, "Kurogiri, how could you let this brat get the best of you. You've gotten us into a real jam here."

Katsuki smirked, "You got careless, you dumb villain. It wasn't hard to figure you out. Only certain parts of you turn into that smoke for your warp gate. You use that mist to hide your actual body as a kind of distraction thinking that made you safe. That's why we missed you before. If you didn't have a body, you wouldn't be wearing this neck armor, right? You're not immune to physical attacks if they're well aimed."

Kurogiri ġrȯȧnėd, "You're as observant as your brother. Too bright for your own good."

He shifted, causing Katuski to suppress him with minor explosions.

"Don't move," Katsuki's tone held a warning note, "You try anything funny and I'll blow you ȧss up right now, you got it? You obviously had something to do with hurting my brother, so I won't hesitate."

"Oh, that doesn't sound very heroic," Kirishima grinned.

Haru pinched the bridge of his nose, "Katsuki, you can't become number one with that attitude," he turned to Shigaraki, "Anyway, the rest of us have a bigger fish to fry."

Shigaraki glared at them under his hand mask, "Surviving everything and capturing my two strongest men. Kids these days really are amazing. They make the League of Villains look like amateurs. Can't have that. Nomu."

Haru stretched out a hand but suddenly recoiled as his seal shot another wave of pain into his head. Nomu pulled itself through the portal its frozen limbs breaking off as it moved. Everyone's eyes widened at the brutality of the action.

'He's sacrificing his body to escape, why? Haru felt fear strike the pit of his stomach. Don't tell me...'

All Might motioned for them all to retreat, "Stay back, everybody!"

The remaining ice clinging got the bioengineered human's skin shattered as new muscles began growing from its torso.

The number one hero glared at Shigaraki, "I thought you said his power was Shock Absorption."

"I didn't say that was his only Quirk," Shigaraki stated, "He also has Super Regeneration. Nomu has been modified to take you on, even at 100% of your power. He's basically a highly efficient punching bag."

Haru gritted his teeth, "You, monster! How dare you!"

Shigaraki gave a malicious chuckle, "First we need to free our method of escape," Everyone's eyes widened, "Get him, Nomu."

Haru dashed towards his Katsuki, just as he felt Nomu charge his brother, his chakra streaming off him as he tried to save his sibling's life, "KATSUKI!"

He was sent flying back as an explosive force blasted across the USJ. He landed face down, the wind knocked from his body. He struggled to raise his head, seeing a figure had been slammed against the wall, "K-Katsuki..."

His sensory kicked in, causing him to look over to where Todoroki, Izuku, and Kirishima were standing. Katsuki was sitting there, unharmed, his eyes wide.

Izuku blinked as he realized the same thing, "Whoa, that's awesome! You dodged him!"

"Shut up, no I didn't, you damn nerd!"

Kirishima looked at him in confusion, "Then how did you get over here?"

Todoroki drew a sharp breath following Haru's gaze towards the far wall.

(Play: Naruto Shippuden - Girei (Pain's Theme Song) youtu.be/pI7Jc-fSQQ8)

All Might, his arms raised in a guarded stance, coughed as he tried to recover from the near-lethal attack.

"These are kids and you didn't hold back?" he questioned angrily.

Shigaraki shrugged, "I didn't have much choice. He was threatening my companion. Besides these kids are no angels. The plain-looking one," Izuku flinched, "He tried to kill me with a maxed-out punch. The redhead brutally injured both me and my subordinates. What kind of hero does something like that? You think you can get away with being as violent as you want if you say it's for the sake of others," he spread his arms as if he had an epiphany, "Well you know what, All Might? That pisses me off. Why do people decide that some actions are heroic and others are villainous? Casting judgment on what's good and what evil... You think you're the Symbol of Peace?" he gave a mocking laugh, "You're just another government-sponsored instrument of violence, and violence always breeds more violence. I'll make sure the world understands that once you're dead."


Haru slammed a fist into the grounds, causing it the crack under the pressure. He slowly staggered to his feet. His eyes were hidden under his scarlet red locks and his figure was drooping, but an intense aura that Katuski and Izuku had only felt a few times before was radiating off him like the flames of hell. Only this time it was stronger. Sickeningly stronger.

"I mentioned earlier that I can tell if someone of lying. Even so, you're just full of shit, Shigaraki," Haru took a trembling step forward, "Putting aside the historical evidence proving your point wrong for a moment, did you honestly say that you're here to kill All Might because you think he's mean? If being a jerk caused you to disappear, every war in human history would have ended the moment it started," Haru gave a chilling laugh, the aura of his killing intent growing stronger, "Pathetic. Only hypocrites like you would make such a weak argument. People like you only understand one thing, and that's why heroes use violence."

Shigaraki eyes widened as Haru tilted his head back, his molten golden orbs glowing through his bloodied hair, locking with the villain's red ones. IT made one feel like prey facing a deadly predator.

A dark symbol appeared on Haru's forehead as the boy's chakra thickened. Haru felt as if his body was on fire, consumed by a fierce rage and a will passed on by generations untold.

Shigaraki took a step back, "What is this? Are you some miniboss? What are you?"

Haru gave a dark chuckle, a wild look in his eyes, "I'm a glitch, Tenko. The one that always keeps you from winning," the ground cracked under his's foot as he took a step forward.

Haru arched his back, screaming in pain as four, scaly, paper tentacles shot from his lower back

He leaned forward, giving another scream as a strange weapon, a long, flat, whip with jagged edges, it's segmented parts resembling a scorpion's tail, grew from his right arm.

Shigaraki's eyes widened at the sight of them, "Fueguchi One? Rinkaku Kagune? You can create weapons from Tokyo Ghoul?"

Haru raised his head, his shoulder trembling, "You have made your final mistake, bastard."

A look of horror appeared on Katuski's face, "Haru!"

Kurogiri panicked as Haru shifted his right arm, "Nomu!"

A sickening splat split the air as one of the creature's massive arms was sliced off in a blink of an eye. Shigaraki felt a twinge of fear as he realized that he had almost died. If Nomu hadn't stepped in the way, the Fueguchi One would have decapitated him before he could react.

Haru pulled his weapon back, holding the bloody tip up to eye level, "Hmm..." the otherwise lack of words sent a shiver down everyone's spines.

All Might didn't dare make a move. One wrong step and Haru may attack him out of instinct. The boy was clearly out of control. Whether from the seal or just pure rage, he wasn't sure, but he couldn't afford to be hasty.

"Young Bakugo–"

He dodged just before one of Haru's Kagune stabbed just where he had been standing.

"Enough, playing around," Haru took a step forward, his vision tunneling on Shigaraki, "Go to hell..."


Everyone raised their arms to shield their faces a cloud of blood splattered across the plaza, staining the ground red. Several purplish body parts followed, flying in all directions.

Shigaraki choked as he saw the dismembered Nomu regenerating, "Im-impossible! He moved faster than the Nomu?"

Haru gave a dry laugh, blood dripping from his Rinkaku, "Moved faster? More like predicted. A creature that can't think for itself is way too easy to read."

Kurogiri's yellow eyes grew bigger, "But that would mean you would have to have memorized... his movements..." he trailed off.

Haru smirked, "Bingo."

Another Kagune shot forward, aiming at Shigaraki's heart. It disappeared into a warp gate Kurogiri created and reappeared right behind the teen with the intent of turning his attack against him. Haru simply clicked his tongue as the writhing origami tentacle twisted around him.

"Trying a move I saw you use before? How boring," Haru pulled out a tag, "Let's make this more interesting, shall we?"

Smoke poured out of the tag as a steady stream of paper bombs were summoned.

Nomu gave a mute growl as it rose to attack again.

Haru gave it a disinterested look, "Stay down," he placed his hands into a tiger sign, "Exploding Flame Formation!"

The ground beneath the creature erupted as several tags of kanji inscribed paper slid across its body. An instant later, a blast rocked the plaza again sending body parts all over the vicinity.

The student of Class 1A stares in horror as Haru preparing to do the same with the other villains.

All Might Stretched out a hand warningly, "Young Bakugo! Stop!"

Haru ignored him, "You dare to threaten the lives of my classmates, my friends, and my brother. You shall pay for it with your lives. Now you will face the judgment of the Uzumaki Clan."

One could almost hear a feather fall from the sudden silence.


Haru raised his arm, but it was grabbed before he could bring it down.

"Haru. Don't do it. I know you will regret it if you do."

Haru blinked, the paper bombs froze in the air before fluttered to the ground.

He slowly turned to see a familiar shock of ash blonde hair and crimson eyes, "Katsuki?"

The elder Bakugo placed a hand on Haru's shoulder, "Death is too good for those bastards. They aren't worth the effort."

The seal on Haru's forehead started to fade as Haru buried his face into Katuksi's shoulder, "Okay," he mumbled, instantly fainting out from chakra exhaustion.

Katsuki wrapped his arms around Haru's shoulders protectively, glaring at the terrified villains, "You've got hell to pay."

Shigaraki raised a trembling hand, pointing at the brothers, "Nomu, k-kill them!"

Nomu limped up, its second leg still regenerating.

Izuku, Todoroki, and Kirishima sank into fighting stances but were stopped by All Might, "Don't attack. I've got this."

"You would have been in trouble earlier if it weren't for us," Todoroki pointed out, "You need our help."

All Might stepped in front of Nomu, standing between it and his student, "Thank you for your help, but this is different," he clenched his fist, "It's gonna be alright! Just sit back and watch a pro at work!"

"But you're hurt," Izuku protested, "And you're almost out of..." he cut himself off.

All Might sent them a reassuring thumbs-up, turning all of his attention on Nomu as it finally stood up.

A swirl of paper fluttered around the hero, attaching to his arms and clenched fists to form protective gantlets. Katsuki looked down at Haru, noticing a trembling of his eyelids.

All Might slowly walked towards the villains, "Thank you, Young Haruko. You do not need to help anymore. I will finish this."

A sudden surge of power flowed from the hero as he blasted forward, his fist raised.

Nomu met the punch with one of its own, causing the entire building to tremble. The gauntlet of All Might's fist shattered from the combined force of the two attacks.

Everyone on the plaza was thrown back into the air from the crushing force that emanated from the two, unable to interfere, even if they wanted to.

"Weren't you listening?" Shigaraki yelled, "One of his Quirks is Shock Absorption!"

All Might sent another punch to Nomu's gut, "Yeah, what about it?"

His fists pounded the modified human faster and faster until his punches were no longer visible.

Kurogiri grunted as he tried to use his Quirk but was nearly blown away, "I can't get near!"

Another wave of power caused everyone to flinch back.

"You said he had Shock Absorption, not Nullification," All Might reminded them, "That means there's a limit to how much he can take, right?" the Symbol of Peace grunted as the Nomu punched his side, "So you were made to fight me, big guy? If you can really stand to fight me at 100% of my power, then I'll have to go beyond that to force you to surrender!"

With a fierce yell, All Might sent Nomu flying with a massive punch, shattering the second gauntlet. While Nomu was still airborne All Might followed it and slammed both fists down on it, sending it smashing through a wall.


Nomu launched itself toward the hero again, only to have its arm caught as All Might pushed himself into the air. With a rapid spin, All Might shot Nomu into the ground below, creating a massive crater in the plaza.

As it picked itself up, All MIght leaned next to it, "Now for a lesson. You may have heard these words before, but I teach you what they really mean," he clenched his fist, putting all his power into one final punch, "PLUS ULTRA!"

Nomu was sent flying into the air, smashing through the dome of the USJ.

Everyone stood, shell shocked at the sight.

"I really have gotten weaker," All Might grunted, "Back in my heyday, five hits would have been enough to knock that guy out," he straightened up, "But today it took over three hundred," he turned to the stunned Shigaraki, "You've been bested, villains. Surrender. We all want to get this over with quickly."

Shigaraki trembled with rage, "He's not any weaker at all! Look what he did to my Nomu! He cheated! They all cheated!"

He clawed at his neck in frustration. 'What's going on here? He's just as strong as he's always been. Damnit! Don't tell me I was lied to. On top of that, I'm injured. What to do, what to do? Damn you, Haruko Bakugo!'

"What's wrong?" All Might questions made the villain cringe slightly, "Didn't you say you were going to kill me earlier? Well come and get me... If you dare."

Shigaraki took a step back.

The five students on the plaza started backing away from the intense atmosphere.

"We should go," Todoroki said, "There's no reason for us to fight now. All Might can handle this. Our top priority, now, is to protect our class rep."

Katsuki turned to leave, supporting Haru's limp body when he felt a squeeze on his arm.

"H-he's not o-okay..."

The words were bȧrėly a whisper but Katsuki's head snapped up upon hearing them

"C'mon, guys," Kirishima called out, unaware of what had been said, "We should regroup with everyone else."

Izuku didn't respond, his eyes locked on the All Might's figure, noticing the steam rising from the Symbol of Peace's body. 'He's not fine. He's out of time! He only bluffing!'

All Might took another short step forward, "What? Are you scared?

Shigaraki growled, "If only Nomu was here, he'd rush you right now and pound you into the ground without giving it a second thought!"

Kurogiri leaned towards his master, "Tomura Shigaraki, please do not fret. Look at him, he had definitely weakened. Nomu's attacks were successful. He's on his own. The children appear to be frozen in fear and our biggest trouble is out for the count," he nodded at the groaning villains who were now regaining consciousness, "And look, our underlings are recovering. We likely still have a few minutes before their reinforcements arrive. If we work together we can do this. We haven't missed our chance to kill All MIght!"

Shigaraki instantly calmed, "Yeah... yeah you're right," an excited breath caught in his throat, "We have no choice, we have to do it now. I mean, the big end boss is right here!"

Shigaraki rushed forward, Kurogiri close behind as they closed in on the number one hero.

"Shikigami Dance..."

A roar filled the air as a monstrous origami dragon shot from the ground and curled itself around the Symbol of Peace protectively, it's its long body acting as a shield.

Everyone looked over to see Haru's arm go limp, his last ember having burned out.

Shigaraki's eyes blazed in anger as he charged towards the students instead, fully intending to murder them, especially the unconscious younger Bakugo "Consider this revenge for interfering!"

The Izuku used his Quirk to blast towards Kurogiri, planning to divert Shigaraki's attention, "I won't let you hurt Haru-chan!"

A portal opened up, revealing Shigaraki's hand. The villain gave a maniacal laugh as he reached out to touch Izuku's face.

A shot rang out as a bullet shattered Shigaraki's hand.

"Sorry, everyone."

All eyes looked up towards the top of the stairs to see a familiar furry figure clinging to the tall frame of Vlad King.

All Might gave an internal sigh of relief. 'Nezu...'

"I know we are a bit late, but I got the teachers over here as fast as I could."

Uraraka felt her restained tears begin to fall, "It's Iida!"

Several familiar people appeared at the top of the steps, the staff of UA, each one fully geared and ready to deal retribution of those who dared enter their territory.

The villains (minus Kurogiri and Shigaraki) all surged up the stairs to attack.

Present Mic let out a loud yell, send many of the weaker ones to the floor, clutching their heads.

Ectoplasm created a large number of clones to engage in close combat.

Snipe ċȯċked his pistol and aimed at any that tried to escape.

Nezu nodded in satisfaction, "Our priority is to protect the students!"

"Yes sir!"

Shigaraki hastily retreated to Kurogiri's side, "The pros are here. It's game over for real," he turned to look at his minion, "Let's go home and try–"

A series of bullets shot through his arms and legs, courtesy of Snipe. Upon seeing the injuries of Erasure Head, Thirteen, and All Might, and seeing two of the students hurt, one broken and one covered in blood, the hero gladly disabled the one who seemed responsible for it.

Kurogiri extended m his mist, shielding Shigaraki as he fell, "Let's go–urg!"

A sudden pull of gravity revealed a wounded Thirteen using her Black Hole at full power, suċkɨnġ the villain in.

Kurogiri resisted, pulling himself tighter to avoid capture.

"I may have failed this time, but your days are numbered!" Shigaraki screamed in defiance.

Haru's dragon growled, bursting into hundreds of pieces that shot towards the escaping villains.

Kurogiri's eyes widened, "No!"

A series of explosions burst inside his portal just as he tried to shut it. To his credit, Kurogiri kept a cool focus on his mission and managed to warp both himself and his master from the USJ.


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