Shikigami Dance: Naruto/BNHA Crossover

Chapter 22 - Preparing for the UA Sports Festival

(A/N) If you like the story, please leave reviews if you have time.

I am doing the unthinkable! I am adding another franchise crossover!

Nisekoi: False Love!

I'm expecting to hear crickets for that name but if you've seen it, besties forever!

The characters from Nisekoi will remain side characters that I will add to further the story in some parts. Otherwise, they won't appear too often.

Quirks of Nisakoi characters are listed at the end of the chapter.


(Early the next day...)

"Here we are!" Haru announced cheerfully, "And just in time for breakfast!"

His four friends stared in awe at the large compound they were standing in front of. At Haru's instructions through text, they were in casual wear while carrying their clothes for training in their school bags.

As can be expected they were completely unprepared for the grand scale of the place.

"This is the dojo?" Jiro asked, a little awed.

Haru grinned at his friends' reactions. "It's inside," he raised his hand to knock, paused, and looked back, "Brace yourselves."

He knocked once before the gate swung open to reveal a tall, muscular man with dark brown hair and mustache. He wore a purple kimono and had a large dragon tattoo on his exposed right shoulder.

Haru's classmates paled as the man turned his scarred face towards Haru, his expression stern.


The fierce facade instantly dropped as the man picked up the teen in a bear hug.

Haru grunted in protest, "Nice to see you too, Ryuu."

Ryuu quickly put Haru down, dusting him off, "You haven't been around to train for weeks! Congratulations on getting into UA! The whole gang was so proud!"

The other four teens' eyes bored into Haru's back. Gang?

Ryuu turned around calling out something to the main house, giving Monoma a chance to sidle up to Haru, "Haru, did you seriously take us to train with yakuza?"

Haru corrected him, "Friendly yakuza," he made sure to emphasize friendly.

Shiozaki looked nervous as her eyes darted around anxiously. "But we're students from a hero school," she whispered.

"Best Jeanist encouraged me to make connections with these guys," Haru told them reassuringly, "They're good people and are actually big admirers of heroes. I'm friends with the leader's son."

Kaminari shoved his hands in his pockets, "Cool!"

Jiro sweatdropped, "You are adapting to this way too easily."

Ryuu turned back to them, looking at Haru's friends, "Are these your classmates?"

Haru nodded and introduced everyone.

Ryuu gave a satisfied nod rearing up to his full height, "Nice to meetcha! I'm Ryuu, second in command of the Shuei-Gumi Clan! I'm the one who trained the young master's friend here." He nudged Haru playfully, "He's been my best student!"

Haru rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment, "You give me too much credit."

Ryuu chuckled motioning for them all to follow him, "Come on in! The young master's almost finished making breakfast!"

Haru leaned back towards them as they followed the yakuza member inside, "He's really good at cooking. You're in for a treat."

They entered a room full of men as rough and rugged as Ryuu. The yakuza all stopped what they were doing as the group walked in and called out greetings at Haru as he walked by.

"They know you pretty well," Jiro commented.

Haru waved as another man yelled a hello, "Yeah, I used to come here quite a bit to train. I'm more or less an unofficial member."

Momona shivered, "When you said membership, I thought you meant the little card most people use."

Shinozaki looked around with shining eyes at the traditional decor of the room, "I think it's amazing!"

Their attention was drawn when a boy with messy black hair entered the room, "Hey! Breakfast is ready, you bums!"

This seemed to trigger a dominos reaction throughout the room as the gang member looked over at the young man.

"Yo! Good morning, young master!"

The boy sighed before seeing the UA students, "Haru!"

Haru grinned, "Raku!"

The two boys performed a man-hug.

"How've you been?" Raku laughed.

Haru returned the laugh, "Great! You?"

Raku suddenly went into a deep depression, "Not good."

Haru patted his back, "That bad, huh?"

Jiro cleared her throat, reminding Haru that other people were there.

"Oh yeah, guys, this is Raku Ichijo. Raku, meet my friends from UA."

They were quickly served breakfast, which was rather fancy, considering Raku was cooking for nearly fifty people.

"You cook this yourself?" Shiozaki asked, taking another bite.

"Nothing beats our young master, the chef!" a yakuza cheered.

His fellow gang members joined in simultaneously, "That's right! Nothing better than breakfast cooked by the heir apparent!"

Raku popped a vein, "Who are you calling 'heir apparent'? I've told you guys over and over... I'm never going to become a yakuza!"

The Shuei-Gumi reeled back as if Raku had shot them, "HUH? NO WAY?"

Haru sighed, "Here we go..."

Raku got up getting all dramatic, even doing air glasses, "I want to graduate from a top university, get a steady job as a civil servant, and walk straight and narrow, looking right at the sun!"

The yakuza cheered at the words, not understanding the true meaning at all.

"They'll never get it," Haru stated, focusing on his food, "You might as well give up."

A new voice sounded from the doorway, "For God's sake... you sure know how to bring the chaos every day."

Raku and Haru stood up, hastily being followed by everyone else in the room.


"Uncle Issei!"

The yakuza bowed in respect towards their leader, "Good morning, boss!"

The UA students stared at Haru, "Uncle?"

Issei chuckled good-naturedly, as they all settled down to eat again, "I insisted that he call me that. He's been a close friend to my son since middle school so I see him as a member of the family."

Haru sighed, "I had no choice. He's very persuasive."

"It is my Quirk, so that's a given," the leader of the Shuei-Gumi quipped before looking at Raku, "Your girlfriend and her father are visiting today."

Raku paused, his food midway to his mouth, "Huh?"

There was a clatter as Haru's chopsticks fell from his lifeless hand, "Raku... You have a girlfriend? You?"

Not that Haru was one to talk.

The yakuza heir grabbed Haru's collar and started dragging him from the room, "We need to talk."


Haru sighed, "So the Shuei-Gumi got in a gang war with another group, and you and your 'girlfriends' dads decided to have you two pretend to be a couple to avoid it?"

Raku's head was lying on the table as he wept anime tears, "And I was going to confess to Kosaki too!"

Haru grunted in sympathy, knowing how big his friend's crush was for the other girl, "That's rough buddy."

Raku ġrȯȧnėd.

"How long do you have to pretend?"

"Three years..."

Haru choked, "Three years?" he paused, "Which gang did you say it was?"

The door slammed open, revealing a blonde girl with a bright red ribbon in her pink highlighted hair.

"Darling! I'm here for a visit!" her tone was cheerful but Haru could sense it was forced. He could have sworn he had heard that voice before.

The girl froze, her eyes widening at the same time as Haru's.

Haru blinked, "No way..."



Raku's jaw dropped, "You know each other?"

A silver-haired man wearing a suit and glasses ran into the room, "Mistress, you seem disturbed," he paused when he saw Haru, "You..."

Haru paled, "Uh... Hi? Been a while... Claude."

A dark-haired girl in men's clothing walked in, "Master, what's..." she trailed off.

Haru began sweating, "Crap! It's Tsugumi!"

Claude adjusted his glasses, a sadistic smirk on his face, "I was wondering when we'd meet again... Shikigami."

Haru launched himself across the table, "Bail! Every man for himself!"

His body flickered over to the window.

Claude pulled out a silenced pistol, "Where do you think you're going?"

Without hesitation, Haru slammed the window open and disappeared in a cloud of origami buŧŧerflies, avoiding the multiple shots fired at him.

Claude clicked his tongue, "Black Tiger, after him."

Tsugumi nodded leaping through the window.

Raku flailed his arms, "Whoa! Whoa! What's going on!"

Chitoge grabbed Claude's arm, "Stop it, Claude!"

The silver-haired man adjusted his glasses, giving the girl a dismissive look, "This doesn't concern you, mistress."


Haru was forced to reform his body, unable to maintain his scattered buŧŧerfly form any longer. The instant he did, however, he was forced to dodge, hardly given time to process the thud of knives piercing the ground.

"You won't escape us this time, Shikigami," Tsugumi warned, pulling a pistol from her pocket.

Haru launched himself backward his fingers in the shape of finger guns, "I have a name, you know!"

He fired off several paper bullets, making the hitman dodge.

Tsugumi raised her arms and fired back, riddling the walls of the compound with bullet holes fired after Haru's running figure, "You've avoided us for too long. Its times you do as you're told."

Haru flicked his head, feeling a bullet whiz through his hair, "Both Claude and I know that's impossible."

Tsugumi reached into her pocket again, "It's very simple really. You have no choice in the matter."

Haru's eye narrowed, know from experience that Tsugumi's Quirk, Infiltrate, allowed her to carry whatever objects she wanted in interdimensional storage as long as she could fit them in her pocket.

"You and I both know shooting me won't get you what you want."

Tsugumi pulled out a submachine gun, flicking off the safety, "We can always heal you."

She reached into her pocket pulling out a pistol.

Haru placed his hands into the tiger sign, "Paper Shuriken!"

With the grace of a dancer, Tsugumi dodged each of the projectiles, her weapon blazing at Haru's moving figure.


The ground trembled and cracked under the pressure of multiple soundwaves, causing Tsugumi to temporarily stumble.

Haru looked over to see Jiro kneeling nearby, her earphone jacks rammed in the ground. The girl was glaring at Tsugumi angrily.

"Get away from him!" Kaminari yelled.

A forest of vines shot up and attempted to trap the hitwoman. Tsugumi flipped away, also dodging plasma bullets Monoma was firing from a yakuza's copied Quirk.

Haru moved to step in but suddenly was raised his arms to post himself from one of Claude's flying kicks to the head.

'Damn! I didn't realize he was there!'

Claude's Quirk, Espionage, allowed him to hide his presence in plain sight. It was one of the few Quirks that could counter Haru's sensory and it galled the boy no end.


The UA students tried to go to his aid but were stopped when Tsugumi stood in their way.

"Keep out of this," Tsugumi's tone was monotone, "This is a matter of the Beehive Gang."

Kaminari's hand sparked aggressively, "Oh yeah? Well, it just became our business when you shot at our friend!"

Tsugumi ċȯċked her head, "You're misunderstanding us. We aren't trying to kill him."

Jiro unplugged her jacks and pointed them menacingly at the girl, "Your actions speak otherwise. What's your purpose?"

Haru grunted as he defends against another of Claude's attacks, "They are trying to recruit me, that's what!"



Claude smirked, "Accidently finding you were one of the most fortunate things that could have happened. Just accept it."

Haru spun on his heel slamming a foot against the man's crossed arms. There was a thud and Claude was sent skidding a short distance back.

"What part of 'no' don't you understand?"

Clause opened his mouth to say something but was forced to block a downward swing of a katana at Ryuu appeared in front of him in a bright flash of light.

The tattoed man was livid.

"You Beehive scum! Attacking the young master's friends is unforgivable!"

Claude adjusted his glasses, "I see the Shuei-Gumi is trying got to steal my prize."

Haru's eye twitched, "Hey, I'm still here!"

It was a standoff. Claude and Tsugumi against Ryuu and the five UA students.

"Enough, all of you. Stand down."

Everyone stiffened, feeling the commanding voice force them to obey.

Haru felt a wave of relief when he looked up to see a familiar blonde figure.

"Mr. Kirisaki. It's nice to meet you again. Sorry about making you use your Quirk."

The middle-aged man smiled, "No, I should apologize for my subordinates' behavior. They still haven't stopped bothering me about making you join our gang. They keep saying that your potential would be wasted as a hero," his smile turned to a frown as he looked to Claude who had knelt at his master's arrival, "Claude, we are guests at the home of my daughter's boyfriend. Attacking one of their guests is unbecoming of the Beehive Gang," he raised a brow, "Even if you did use rubber bullets."

Haru's friends blinked. 'Wait, what? Rubber?'

Haru crossed his arms, glowering, "They still hurt like a bitch."



"Long story short, Claude caught me training by myself one day and has since tried to convince me to become his next student."

The seven teenagers at the table sweatdropped.

"That sounds like Claude," Chitoge sighed.

"Your entire gang is even more psycho than you!" Raku exclaimed, addressing his 'girlfriend.'

The blonde popped a vein and slammed him into the floor.

Haru held up a hand at his worried classmates, "Hang on, he's fine."

Raku sat up slowly, only sporting a small lump on the head.

"His Quirk is Endurance," Haru explained. His lips twitched as he realized something, "Actually those two are really compatible Quirkwise. No matter how many times she pummels him, he won't experience more than some minor injuries."

The fake couple slammed their hand on the table at the same time, "We are not compatible!"

Kaminari smirked at them, wiggling his eyebrows, "Aw, we've got a pair of tsundere on our hands."

An instant later his smoking body was flat on the floor, twitching a little in its death throes.


Haru held his hands over his injured friend activating his Mystical Palm.

Jiro gave a mean smile as she looked at Chitoge's heaving figure, "I like this girl."

Kaminari ġrȯȧnėd, "Ow... She's as strong as a gorilla."

Chitoge popped a vein, ready to give the electric blonde a royal beatdown when Haru placed a hand on her shoulder, "Save it for another time?"

She blew out the air in her lungs with a steamy huff, "Fine."

A knock made them look up as the door slid open.


A girl with waist-length orange hair flew into the room and threw herself at Raku, wrapping her arms around the black-haired teen.

Raku screeched as the girl cuddled against him, "Tachibana! Stop!"

Haru's eyebrows shot up, "Marika?"

The girl let go of Raku, (who fell over, foaming at the mouth) her eyes lighting up, "HARUUUU!"

She flung herself at the redhead, wrapping her arms around his neck and rubbing her cheek against his. Haru smiled and patted her head.

Everyone else looked confused.

Chitoge looked at Haru, "You know her too?"

"Her dad's the commissioner of Police for Japan... So yes."

"WHAT!" the UA students screeched.

Jiro frowned when Marika was still up close to Haru, not understanding why she felt bothered.

Monoma held out a hand, "Hang on! Let's start over! This is happening too fast!"

A teenage boy with messy dirty blonde hair and glasses, a fair-skinned teenage girl with shoulder-length dark-brown hair, and another girl with waist-length brown hair and rimless glasses entered the room.

Haru peeled Mirika off of him and grinned at the newest arrivals, "Shu! Kosaki! Ruri! Long time, no see!"

Shu threw Haru a peace sign, winking, "Yo!"

Kosaki clasped her hands behind her back, smiling, "It's nice to see you again, Haru!"

Ruri adjusted her spectacles, "You and Tachibana seem close."

Question marks were clearly visible all over the room as everyone was eight-steps behind in the introductions.

Haru clapped his hands together once, "Let's start from the beginning, shall we?"

They all sat around the table, which was now a little tight considering there were now eleven people present.

Haru cleared his throat, "Okay, we'll take turns introducing ourselves," he looked around at everyone, "Come to think of it, all the people here are more or less aware of my family secret so this works perfectly."

Kaminari choked, "I thought it was a major secret!"

Haru winked at his friend, "I was rebellious in middle school."

Shu sat up beaming, "I'll start!" he propped his chin on his hands, "My name's Shu Maiko. My Quirk is called Analysis. Self-explanatory."

"How do you know Haru?" Shiozaki asked.

Shu shrugged, "Through Raku. We were all best buddies in middle school... Despite Haru's older brother trying to kill us."

Haru leaned back with a happy sigh, "Ah, the good old days."

Raku gritted his teeth, "You two use me as a human shield!"

Shu gave Raku a cat grin, "And you were such a good one too!"

Chitoge went next, "My name's Chitoge Kirisaki. My Quirk is called Strength because it makes me stronger than the average person," Kaminari and Raku unconsciously rubbed their heads, "I met Haru when we were in grade school, but how that was is still fuzzy," she glowered as she nudged Raku with her foot, "This beanpole here is supposed to be my boyfriend."

Haru broke in before a fight could break out, "My adopted parents are designers at the fashion business owned by her mom. Our families meet for occasional business dinners."

Kosaki started as Haru nodded at her, "My name is Kosaki Onodera. My Quirk is Confection. It makes everything I create look nice, but it doesn't affect the taste of the food I cook. Rui and I met Haru in middle school."

Rui blinked dully at everyone, "Rui Miyamoto. My Quirk is my business."

Raku went next, "I'm Raku Ichijo. My Quirk is Endurance. Haru and I met when we were kids," he shrugged, "That's about it."

Haru pouted, "Wow, thanks," he said sarcastically.

Mirika smiled flirtatiously at Raku before her turn, "My name is Marika Tachibana. My Quirk is Sing. It enhances my voice so more people can hear it. I met Haru ten years ago at the same time as I met Master Raku. I had such a crush on both of them at the time, I almost couldn't decide who I wanted to marry when I grew up! Now I'm Master Raku's fiance!"

Haru looked at Raku, "Yeah, I wanted to ask about that. Your dad?"

Raku slumped, "He randomly accepted a marriage proposal from Tachibana's father many years ago as a joke."

Jiro sweatdropped, "Yikes, what a mess."

Rui looked at Haru, her glasses glinting, "You're still single aren't you Haru?"

Kaminari threw an arm around Haru's shoulder, "He sure is! You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Rui gave him a scathing look, "Unlikely."

Kaminari curled up in an emo corner, "Cruel..."

Shu raised a hand excitedly, "I curious about Haru's UA friends! We saw you guys on the news the other day."

Monoma smirked, "Neito Monoma. My Quirk is Copy, so I can copy other people's Quirks. Actually, Shiozaki and I are in a different class from the one who got attacked," he pinched the bridge of his nose dramatically, "It just comes to show that our class was superior in luck."

Shiozaki pricked him with a thorn, causing him to yelp.

The vined haired girl smiled at everyone, "My name is Ibara Shiozaki. My Quirk is Vines. My classmates and I met each other during the UA entrance exam."

Kaminari crawled back from his emo corner and grinned, "Denki Kaminari! My Quirk is Electrification!" He winked at Kosaki and Rui, "And I'm available."

Jiro stabbed him with her plugs, "Enough flirting," she nonchalantly looked up as if she wasn't still pumping sound waves into the electric blonde's brain, "Kyoka Jiro. My Quirk is Earphone Jack. Nice to meet you."

With introductions over, the teens began talking about different things, sometimes splitting off into different conversation groups, sometimes participating in a general conversation.

Mirika sidled up to Haru and hugged his arm.

Haru tensed a little but knew the girl was just more touchy-feely from her time spent in America. Also, her code was to act aggressively whether in pursuing dreams or showing affection to family or friends.

"You wanted something, Marika?"

The girl gave Haru a solemn look, "Haru... you remember that summer ten years ago, right?"

Haru understood what she meant. That summer was the summer he had met Raku. Katsuki's Quirk had been hard to control at first, causing the elder Bakugo to burn himself and his younger brother several times by accident. Haru had been sent to the country to stay with his grandparents while Masuru and Mitsuki had taken Katsuki to a special facility in Kyoto to learn control. It was there that Haru had met Raku.

The two boys spent the whole summer playing together. They had made many friends during that time, including Kosaki, Chitoge, and Marika. The problem was that most of them had forgotten what had happened that summer. Only Haru and Marika remembered, and even she didn't know all since she had been bedridden during that time with an illness inherited from her mother. Raku only remembered playing with a girl his age and making a promise to her.

Now the only evidence of the promise was a locket in Raku's possession. The girl had been given the only key capable of opening it. Raku didn't even remember the promise or what was inside the locket. Haru remembered but had kept mum on that fact until today.

"Yes, it's strange you never asked me before."

Marika sighed, "When I enrolled at Raku's school, I had no idea he wouldn't recognize me."

Haru rubbed his neck, "Well, it seems he wasn't the only one who forgot. It's almost painful watching all of you at this point."


The pair turned to look at Raku, who had been eavesdropping.

"Raku dear, it's rude to spy on other people's conversations," Marika sang, completely unabashed.

Raku stalked up to Haru holding out his locket at the other boy's face, "You remember that summer? You remember the promise? You know the girl I gave the key to?"

Haru stared blankly, "I remember everything."

"Aren't you going to tell me?" Raku said, staring at his friend in disbelief.

Chitoge and Kosaki stood nearby, pretending not to listen.

Haru gave Raku a closed-eyed smile, "No."


"You'll figure it out," Haru patted Raku's shoulder and called out to his UA friends, "Okay, guys, I brought you here to train for the festival. You ready?"

The four UA students raised their fists, "YEAH!"


(A/N) What will happen now? Heh Heh Heh


Nisekoi Quirks


Raku and Friends


Raku Ichijo: Main character

Endurance (Mutant): His Quirk allows his body to survive damage and stress that would normally kill or brutally injure a person with little or no damage at all.


Chitoge Kirisaki: Raku's fake girlfriend

Strength (Mutant): Her Quirk enhances her natural strength and flexibility. Drawbacks are soreness in the muscles.


Kosaki Onodera: Raku's crush

Confection (Mutant): Her Quirk automatically enhances her natural creative skills. Anything she makes will look nice whether it is food, crafts, or clothing. However, it does not affect the taste of her food (which is pretty terrible)


Marika Tachibana: Raku's childhood friend and 'fiance'

Sing (Emitter): Her Quirk allows her to sing at any octave on the voice scale and spread the sound of her song within a 100-meter radius. Overuse causes a sore throat.


Shu Maiko: Raku's best friend

Analysis (Emitter): His Quirk allows him to analyze any situation or object he chooses according to his intent. This included basic information, anatomy, and weaknesses. This even applies to computer hacking, allowing him to hack secure files and cover his tracks. Drawbacks are that his Quirk is limited to analyzing for information he wants specifically so he can't gain extra details unless it comes to mind.


Ruri Miyamoto: Kosaki's best friend

Scheme (Emitter): Enhances her thought power, especially when concerning the behaviors of living beings. Allows her to manipulate people without them realizing. Her eyes turn a shade darker when activated. Drawbacks are permanent hazy eyesight.


The Shuei-Gumi/Ichijo Family


Issei Ichijo: Raku's dad and leader of the Shuei-Gumi

Persuasion (Emitter): Enhances his diplomatic skill to his advantage. It allows him to make his opinion appear more attractive to people (He seldom uses it though). Drawbacks are that the effects of the Quirk only last for an hour after a person was last exposed to it.


Ryuu: Second in command of the Shuei-Gumi

Flash Step (Emitter): Allows him to move from one place to another in quick succession. Each time he takes a step his body disappears in a flash of light to reappear somewhere of his choosing. The drawback is that it drains energy.


The Beehive Gang/Kirisaki Family


Hana Kirisaki: Chitoge's mother and a world-renowned business consultant who keeps much of the world's finances in balance. (Not shown yet, but will appear)

Stamina (Mutant): Her Quirk gives her limitless amounts of stamina. She is capable of going for days without needing to sleep or rest.


Adelt Wogner Kirisaki: Chitoge's father and the leader of the Beehive Gang.

Command (Emitter): His Quirk allows him to control people if they hear his voice. Once he gives a command, people are forced to obey him, no matter what. If a command is not fulfilled within a time limit of 24 hours, the command is automatically voided.


Claude Ringheart: Second in command of the Beehive Gang.

Espionage (Emitter): His Quirk allows him to hide in plain sight by influencing the receptors of the brain to ignore him. This ability is stronger than invisibility Quirks because unless an opponent is distinctly aware of his presence beforehand, he is undetectable until he interacts with the person.


Tsugumi Seishiro: Black Tiger: Hitman of the Beehive Gang, Claude's protege, and Chitoge's best friend.

Infiltrate (Emitter): Her Quirk allows her to smuggle any object in an interdimensional space so long that fits into her pockets.


Paula McCoy: White Fang: Hitman of the Beehive gang former partner of Tsugumi. (Not shown yet, but will appear later)

Pinpoint (Emitter): Her Quirk allows her vision to locate mentally visualized targets. This includes people, weak points on the body, and even potential shortcuts.


Police Force/Tachibana Family


Gen Tachibana: Father of Mirika and Commissioner of Police for all of Japan. (Not shown yet, but will appear)

Intimidation (Emitter): His Quirk allows him to appear more intimidating to others.


Honda: Mirika's personal attendant and bodyguard. (Not shown yet, but will appear)

Track (Emitter): This allows her to know the exact location of any selected target at any time she wishes until she chooses a new target. Limited to three targets.


Migisuke Aiba: Captain of the First Riot Police Squad and one of Marika's bodyguards. (Not shown yet, but will appear)

Hunch (Mutant): Gives him a higher likelihood to detect a problematic situation within a large radius.. It also allows him to gauge a person's character and intent.

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