Shikigami Dance: Naruto/BNHA Crossover

Chapter 21 - An Attempt at Normalcy

(A/N) I'm changing speakers, radios, etc. marks from *asterisks* to [square brackets]


(Two days after the USJ incident...)

[We are still receiving updates from the recent USJ incident where hero course students were attacked by villains. According to police officials, the villains called themselves the League of Villains. Investigators have reportedly uncovered that this group was plotting to kill UA teacher and popular hero, All Might, since the spring of this year.

Police arrested seventy-two villains on the scene, but the league's leader escaped. His whereabouts are unknown. From school reports, student casualties were at a bȧrė minimum with only a couple of exceptions. In private interviews, the parents stated that their injured children are now fully recovered.]

Nezu turned off the tv, turning to look at the figures of All Might, Snipes, Midnight, Vlad King, and Tsukauchi, "Well, the media has cooperated and kept identities a secret in exchange for some insight on the matter," he looked at Tsukauchi, "Now we need some more detailed insight of our own."

"Our investigators are trying to learn everything they can about the so-called League of Villains," Tsukauchi stated, "We've made some progress, but we can't find anything on this Shigaraki or Tenko as he seems to be called so far. We've searched our records for men in their twenties or thirties registered as having some sort of disintegration Quirk, but so far we've come up empty. Same for the warp gate villain, Kurogiri. So, they're not citizens or they're using aliases. Hard to find wither way."

"So, what you're really saying is we don't know anything," Vlad Kind, glowered at the table.

"We've got to track them down," Snipe ȧsserted, "I shot their ringleader and Uzumaki gave him multiple injuries, but once he heals up, he'll probably try pulling something like this again," he sighed, "What a pain."

All Might looked thoughtful, "He did seem like the type..."

Nezu looked up at the hero, "Is something on your mind, All Might?"

The Symbol of Peace frowned as he contemplated. "The attack on the USJ was too bold. No sane ȧduŀt would ever attempt it. The ringleader kept monologuing about the reasons he was there and bragged about Nomu's many Quirks. He never said anything about his own powers and when things didn't go his way he nearly threw a tantrum," he ġrȯȧnėd in frustration, "His bragging about Nomu's powers may have been a quick way to draw me into a fight but he completely ignored the fact that others with Quirks much different than mine were present. Young Haruko took advantage of that and even held his own for a few moments when his seal went out of control."

"Yes, it was a foolish strategy," Nezu agreed, "Things would have ended differently had he kept Nomu's Quirks a secret."

Tsukauchi nodded in agreement.

"Shigaraki made wild claims," All Might continued, "But he said them with a completely straight face, and he talked about Nomu as if he were some kind of pet. He seemed like he had never been told 'no' before and he thought things would go his way no matter what."

"He had a rude awakening," Snipes commented, "Compared to our students, he's simply a man child."

"A child with incredible power though," Vlad King growled, "We were lucky we didn't lose any students as a result of his rampage."

"It's possible he never got the Quirk counseling student to receive in elementary school," Midnight pointed out, "But considering the circumstances, it doesn't really matter now."

Tsukauchi pulled out a document, handing it to Nezu, "There were seventy-two villains arrested. They were all small-time thugs who usually lurk in small dark alleys," his face looked grave, "What worries me is how this 'man-child' got them all to follow his crazy plan and view him as a leader.

"Now that the world is brimming with heroes, criminals are starting to feel the pressure," Nezu analyzed, "That would explain why they would act so carelessly."

Vlad grunted, "That would make sense."

"Give someone a cause to get behind and they'll flock around it," Snipes sighed.

Midnight plucked at her sleeve absentmindedly, "So, what can we do to stop it? Not to mention the secret of an Uzumaki attending UA has been revealed to two extremely dangerous villains."

Tsukauchi glanced through another file, "Well, thanks to the time you heroes give us, the police can devote themselves to this case. We will expand our investigation and try to apprehend the ones behind this attack. We'll leave Uzumaki's safety to you."

Nezu studied the file Tsukauchi had given him, "I guess that there is another mind behind this attack. One who has nurtured Shigaraki like we do our young heroes," he looked up, "We must be cautious from this point on."


(Bakugo Residence...)

"No, Bumi."

The Shiba Inu whimpered as it pawed at Haru's leg.

"I said, not today."

Bumi whɨnėd.


Now he howled.


The canine's ears drooped as it began to sulk.

Haru ġrȯȧnėd, "I know you're worried, but I can't take you today."

Bumi gave a short bark.

"Yes, I know I promised, but I never specified when."

Haru popped a vein, "I swear..."

He was interrupted by Katsuki yelling from the bottom of the stairs, "Oi! Haru! Get your lazy ȧss down here!"

Haru pinched the bridge of his nose. "Okay! Just a moment!" he called out.

The redhead looked down at his pet. Bumi had been overprotective ever since they'd come home after the USJ incident. The canine had refused to leave his master's side ever since, going as far as following Haru around the house during the day off given following the attack. Now the dog wanted to follow his master to school, something that was completely against the rules. Haru was still mentally berating himself about allowing pressure to make him promise to smuggle the dog inside one of these days.

He was going to put his foot down this time.

"Bumi, stay."

Bumi sent him a look that clearly was meant to be a glare. Haru gave him the 'you heard me' look.

The golden furred dog took a couple of steps forward and obediently sat down, causing Haru's features to soften, "Good boy!"

Haru slung his school bag over his shoulder and took a step towards the stairs.


'Why does it feel that I'm dragging a bunch of extra weight?'

He looked back and instantly realized what his problem was.


The Shiba Inu was innocently sitting on Haru's shadow, now firmly attached to his master with his Quirk. Haru managed to take a step, slowly dragging the dog a short distance

"C'mon! I'm gonna be late!"

Bumi remained sitting, his ears now perked up as he was slowly pulled down the stairs.

Katsuki raised an eyebrow at his younger brother and the shadow sitting dog, "What the hell are you doing?"

Haru stumbled as he nearly fell off the bottom stair, "He won't get off!"

Katsuki sent Bumi a death glare, "Mutt..."

Bumi responded by immersing himself in Haru's shadow up to his eyes, growling.

Katsuki crouched by the stubborn pet, "Get out of there before I kill you."

Bumi growled even more fiercely as if he was daring the blonde to just try it.

Haru made the painfully slow journey to the door, feeling as if he were pulling weights attached to his legs, "We don't have time for this!"

Katsuki sighed, standing up, "Just take him with you."

Haru choked on his spit, "What?"

"He's obviously not gonna move, so just have him sit in your shadow and follow you around."

Haru gave Katsuki a disbelieving look, "You're kidding."

"Got any better ideas, buŧŧerfly boy?"

'His names are so uncreative.'

Haru sighed, finally caving "We're so getting caught..."

Bumi raised his head, barking happily.


(Later at UA...)

By some miracle, they still weren't caught.

Haru made it a point to ignore the smug looks Bumi sent at him when no one else was around, which was the whole hallway to the classroom. Luckily he was able to avoid the majority of them by making Bumi stay submerged in his shadow since partial submergence instantly added extra weight to Haru's legs.

They opened the door to see most of the class already present.

"You guys! Have you seen the news?" Hagakure asked excitedly, not noticing the new arrivals.

Ojiro nodded, "Yeah."

"It was so cool that we got a few seconds of screen time!" the invisible girl gushed before she sighed, "But I bet no one noticed me hanging out in the background."

"Probably not," Shoji agreed bluntly, "It is difficult to stand out when you're only a pair of gloves."

Kaminari clasped his hand behind his head, "We're totally big deals! Those news channels love us! We're basically celebrities!"

"Yeah, it's a little crazy," Kirishima agreed.

Jiro twisted one of her earphones jacks around her fingers in boredom, "Get over yourselves. The hero course that pumps out pros was attacked and that's what they care about."

"Who knows what would have happened if the teachers hadn't shown up," Sero said from where he was lying across his desk.

"Why'd you say that?" Mineta screamed, "I'm gonna pee myself just thinking about it!"

Katsuki lost his temper and screamed at the crying teen, "SHUT UP AND GROW A PAIR LOSER!"

This attracted everyone's attention to the fuming ash blonde.

"Bakubro!" Kirishima cheered, "You're here!"

"Where's Haru?" Uraraka asked, not seeing the redhead by the door.

Jiro deadpanned, "Guys, he's in his seat."

Kaminari twisted around quickly to see Haru calmly sitting at his desk, "Haru! How did you get here?"

Haru deadpanned, "I walked."

Jiro gave him a worried look, sensing something off, "Are you okay?"

Haru sent her a reassuring grin, "I'm fine. Just tired."

Ashido waved from her seat, "Nice to see you're doing okay, Class Rep! Also, so cool about you being an Uzumaki!"

Kirishima looked towards the hallway in panic, "Mina! Not so loud!"

Katsuki's hands sparked threateningly, "Dammit, Raccoon Eyes, can't you keep quiet?"

Izuku, looked lost, "Uh, I'm still confused. Why is this a secret?"

Everyone was silent.

"Yeah, why is it a secret?" Jiro asked.

Haru shrugged apologetically, "Classified."

The girl shrugged back, "Okay."

'Did she give up that fast?' Everyone else mentally screamed.

"Powers hidden in shadow," Tokoyami practically chanted.

"Aww! I wanted to learn more!" Hagakure whɨnėd.

Katsuki slammed his bag on his desk, "Just shut up already, extras!"

Iida came striding through the door at a record speed walk, "Class is about to begin! Everyone, stop talking and take your seats!"

There was an awkward silence.

"Uh, we're all sitting," Kirishima pointed out.

"Yeah, you're the only one standing," Kaminari added.

Iida sat down at his desk, "Dang. It."

"Don't sweat it," Uraraka comforted, patting his back.

Ashido leaned back in her seat, nearly tipping it backward before Asui caught it, "So who's gonna teach class today?"

Asui thought for a moment, "I have no idea. Mr. Aizawa is still at the hospital recovering from his injuries."

Haru cringed in his seat, holding up his phone for them to see, "Yeah... About that..."

The door slid open, "Morning, class."

Everyone screeched at the sight of their teacher, completely bandaged with his arms in slings.

Haru rubbed his neck awkwardly, "I got a notification saying he was still showing up..."


Haru stopped rubbing his neck and looked at Aizawa, "Seriously, though, I draw the line with people bringing back mummies."

Aizawa glared at the boy for his cheekiness, "In case you don't remember, you're the one who made me bite you."

Haru ducked his head in gloom, "Yeah I did..."

Iida raised his hand, "Mr. Aizawa! I'm glad you're okay!"

Uraraka looked strongly perturbed, "You call that okay?"

Aizawa slowly placed himself behind his desk, "My well-being is irrelevant. More important is that your fight isn't over yet."

Everyone stiffened.

"Our fight?" Katuski started.

Izuku paled, "Don't tell me..."

Mineta instantly began to fall apart, "Not more bad guys!"

Aizawa's eye peeped at them sternly from between the bandages, "The UA sports festival is about to start."


"Yessssssss," Kirishima gritted out happily, "Let's go kick some ȧss!"

Kaminari silenced him by pushing a hand against the redhead's face, "Wait a second! Is it a good idea to hold the sports festival so soon after a villain attack?"

"They could attack anytime!" Ojiro protested.

Aizawa sighed, "Apparently the administration thinks this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled."

Haru held his chin in his hand, thoughtfully, "I see, to show that UA is still safe, they would more likely boost security especially for the event to ensure no incident occurs."

Aizawa nodded, "Precisely. This event is a huge opportunity for all students at UA. It's not something we can cancel because of a few villains."

"Why not?" Mineta interrupted, "It's just a sports festival."

Izuku looked at his classmate, "Mineta, don't you know how important this competition is?"

"We can't just skip it like the 2020 Olympics. Ribbit." Tsuyu added.

"I just don't want to get murdered," Mineta insisted.

Haru pressed his forehead against his desk, "Mineta, if you are that scared, just run in my direction."

Jiro's eyebrows shot up, "Wow, you are way too nice."

Haru turned his head a little, grinning at her from over his shoulder, "Not really, it mainly so I don't get in trouble for him being a perv or him dying under my responsibility."

"The UA sports festival is one of the most-watched events in the entire world," Aizawa stated, cutting off Mineta's protests, "The Olympics have long been surpassed in popularity since the arrival of Quirks. Now, anyone who cares about competition only sees the UA sports festival as an event that matters."

"That's right, the top heroes everywhere will be watching," Yaoyorozu added, "This is where you get scouted."

"Sure, unless you're dead," Mineta grumbled.

"She's right!" Kaminari realized, ignoring Mineta's comment, "This is where you get offers to be a sidekick!"

"Yeah, but that's as far as some people go," Jiro told him, "They miss their chance to go indie and stay eternal sidekicks," she sent a smirk at the electric blonde, "Actually that's where you're headed. Kinda dumb."

Haru snickered at the pained face Kaminari made. Teasing the blonde was too easy.

"Joining a famous hero agency can indeed garner greater experience and popularity," Aizawa informed them, "That's why the festival matters. If you want to go pro one day, then this event can open a path for you. One chance a year; three chances in a lifetime; no aspiring hero can miss this festival. That means you better not slack off on your training."

Everyone felt a tingle of anticipation and felt the flames of competition ignite in their souls, "Yes, sir!"

Aizawa turned, "Class is dismiss–" he cut himself off, "Class Rep, what is that under your desk?"

Haru felt himself begin the sweat as he felt all eyes turn to him.

'Damn it!'

He slowly looked down at his feet to see a pair of pointed brown ears poking up from the shadow of his desk.

Aizawa's eyes gleamed red and the furry form of a Shiba Inu suddenly materialized under Haru's feet.

"Is that?" Jiro began.

"A dog?" Ashido squealed.

Izuku's eyes widened in recognition, "Bumi?"

Iida stood up, "Class Rep, you brought an animal to school?"

Haru sent Bumi a death glare, "It was that or stay home. He wouldn't let me leave the house."

"The little fur ball's been acting like that since the USJ," Katsuki fumed, glaring daggers at the canine.

Aizawa turned his gaze on the elder Bakugo, "You knew about this?"

"So, what if I did?"

Hagakure waved her arms around, "Wait, where'd it go?"

Aizawa turned back to Haru who held up his hands defensively, "I'm not hiding him, I swear!"

The pro narrowed his eyes, "Then who is?"

Haru glanced around the room, "Oh, there he is," he pointed under Tokoyami's desk.

Bumi raised his head, letting his tongue out in a pant.

Aizawa's eyes widened in understanding, "He has a Quirk, doesn't he?"


Haru covered his ears as most of his classmates screamed, "Tone it down a little. What do you think I meant he wouldn't be left behind? He literally hops into shadows."


Everyone paused, trying to process the information.

"It's not that unusual," Aizawa told them, "Nezu himself is an example of animals with Quirks. Of course, having one of this kind is not seen very often," he looked at Haru, "I'll let it slide this once, but he has to be sent home as soon as possible."

Haru turned to his pet, "You hear that, Bumi?"

The Shiba Inu sneezed and sank deeper into Tokoyami's shadow.

"You're going home."

Bumi barked disagreement.

Haru sent a stern look that brooked no argument, "You get over here and head home. Now."

Dropping his ears, Bumi slowly stepped out of the shadow and made his way back to his owner, his head hanging.

Haru's face softened as he stroked the dog's fur, "Good boy!"

Bumi's head perked up slightly and wagged his tail.

"If you head back now, we'll get you a treat after your walk, you little pisser," Katsuki snapped from his seat, "Now stop stalling."

Bumi sent Katsuki a disgruntled look and stepped into Haru's shadow, disappearing for good.

"Why'd he go back into your shadow to go home?" Sero asked.

"Bumi can hide in our shadow or travel between us and the place he started at," Haru said, "He's back at home by now."

"Aizawa blinked tiredly from under his bandages, "Whatever, class dismissed until next period."



Kirishima could bȧrėly contain his excitement, "I so pumped for these games!"

Sero grinned, "If we put on a good show, then we're basically on the road to being pros!"

Even Tokoyami was less emo than usual, "We get so few chances, we have to make the most of this."

Hagakure was flailing in excited panic, "Oh man, Ojiro, I'm so nervous about the festival! I have to come up with a way to get noticed!

The tailed boy scratched his cheek, "Um, sure. Maybe you should be looking at a shinier costume or something? Otherwise, you're gonna have to try really hard."

Ashido pulled out her notebook again adding a third line to her ship list.


BakuJiro (Now crossed out) UzuJiro


Tsuyu peeped over her shoulder, "Are you sure?" she whispered.

Ashido flashed a mischievous smile, "Oh, yeah."

"My, what's a boy to do?" Aoyama sighed, posing, "I stand out even when standing still! That means the scouts won't be able to take their eyes off me!"

Koda, who was standing near, panicking, hurried to agree with frantic nods.

Kaminari sighed dramatically, "You're so lucky, Shoji. People are bound to notice your unique Quirk!"

"Sure, but what matters is to show them how useful I can be," the tall student answered modestly.

Jiro suppressed a laugh as she pictured Kaminari's face from after the entrance exam, "No doubt you'll make a scene too."

Haru chuckled, resting a hand on the girl's shoulder, "Tone it down a little, Jiro," the girl looked at his hand, making the younger Bakugo quickly pull it off, blushing slightly, "Sorry!"

Jiro ducked her head a shade of pink touching her cheeks, "You're good."

Ashido was shaking Tsuyu's arm as she held back a squeal.

"Deku. Iida."

Everyone looked over and pulled back at the powerful aura that was flowing off of Uraraka. The brunette was completely overflowing with fighter's spirit, her eyes intense.

"Let's do our best in the sports festival!"

Izuku's eyes nearly popped out of his head, "U-Uraraka? What happened to your face?"

Ashido studied the other girl, "Seriously, what's up? You usually the most laid-back girl ever."

Mineta started to blush, but Tsuyu smacked him across the head with her tongue before he could say anything perverted.

Uraraka planted her feet and raised her fist, "EVERYONE! I'M GONNA DO MY BEST!"

Iida, Izuku, Asui, and Ashido raised thair fists, "Yeah!"

Uraraka turned on the rest of the class, "I SAID I'M GONNA DO MY BEST!"

Haru raised his fist with everyone else, "Got it..."

"You okay?" Sero asked the girl in concern, "You look like you're losing it."

Haru glanced at the clock, "Guy's I suggest that if you want to eat, you best go now."

Everyone followed his gaze, realizing he was right. With that, they all quickly headed towards the cafeteria.

Haru waited at the classroom door with Kaminari and Jiro as they waited for Shiozaki and Monoma.

"Are you guys training for the sports festival?" Haru questioned.

Jiro shrugged playing with her earphone jack, "I haven't really thought that far, but I guess I need to improve my hand-to-hand combat skills."

Kaminari sighed, "Yeah, me too. I never realized how helpless I would be in close quarters until the USJ."

Haru hit his fist into his hand as he got an idea, "I know! You guys can train the dojo I go to! The trainers there are really good, no charge."

Kaminari leaned forward excitedly, "What, really? You can do that?"

Jiro ignored him waving at the two figures approaching them, "Monoma, Shiozaki, over here!"

Monoma grinned, "Hey losers! Ready for 1B to beat you at the sports festival?"

Kaminari did some finger guns, "Yeah, right! Our class will take the win, no problem!"

Haru smiled happily at his 1B friends, "Hey guys, I invited the group to train at the dojo I was taught. Wanna join?"

Shiozaki had her hands clasped as her eyes sparkled, "Dojo? A real dojo?"

Jiro looked at the girl curiously, "You've never been to one?"

Shiozaki shook her head.

Haru's excitement suddenly became subdued, "Oooookay... Just one problem. The trainers are good people... but... they are rough around the edges. They'll behave because you guys are my friends."

Jiro eyed him suspiciously, "Is there something wrong with them?"

Haru waved his hand in panic, "No! Not like that! They're just... Rougher..."

Kaminari clenched his hand excitedly, "Sounds fun! I can't wait."

"If these people trained you, then it's worth looking at," Monoma stated, "I'll come."

Shiozaki was still sparkling in excitement, "I will as well!"

Jiro shrugged, "Okay, why not?"

Haru fist-pumped the air just as he felt his phone buzz. He pulled it out, checking the message. His eyes widened before he gave his friends an apologetic look.

"Best Jeanist."

They all understood and nodded.

Haru pocketed his phone and turned to leave, "See you guys later, does the dojo tomorrow work?"

They exchanged glances before Kaminari answered for them, "Yeah."

"Okay," Haru waved back at them as he ran off.

Shiozaki's eyes became sad, "He's always so happy, but he carries such a heavy burden."

Jiro didn't answer, just deciding to keep staring after the running figure.

Kaminari raised his hands in a 'what can we do' gesture, "Well, as much as I'd like to sit here and act all pouty, I want to go eat even more."

Monoma used Kaminari's Quirk against him and sparked the electric teen, causing him to yelp, "What goes in your mouth is better than what comes out."

He laughed maniacally as Kaminari chased him down the hallway.

Jiro shook her head, "Boys..."


(End of the day...)

Uraraka gulped at the large body of students crowded around the doorway, "Why are you all here?"

Haru sighed, "Welcome to human nature at its finest, the instinctual urge to ȧssemble in front of doorways," he stepped forward placing himself in front of the brunette, "Do you guys have any business with our class?"

"Why are you blocking our doorway," Mineta challenged, "I won't let you hold us hostage!"

Katsuki pushed past Haru, confronting the crowd, "They're scouting out the competition, idiots. We're the class that survived a real villain attack. They want to see us with their own eyes," he glared at the students standing in his way, "Now you've seen what a future pro looks like. Now move it, extras."

Everyone in Class 1A panicked.

"You can't just call someone extras because you don't know who they are!" Iida yelled, chopping his arm at Katsuki.

Haru placed a hand on Katuski's shoulder, "Katsuki, don't make my job harder than it is," he said in a cheerful whisper that was heavily laced with danger.

"So, this is Class 1A," a tired-looking student with wild, lavender-colored hair pushed himself to the front of the crowd. He looked directly at Katsuki, "I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an ȧss. Is everyone in the hero course delusional or just you?"

Everyone else in CLass 1A frantically shook their heads in denial as Katuski popped a vein, "Huh?"

The student smirked, "How sad. I came here to find a bunch of egomaniacs."

Haru mentally grimaced, trying to maintain the cheerful facade he had been wearing. 'He's not wrong about one person.'

The student rubbed his neck tiredly before looking at Katsuki again, "I wanted to be in the hero course, but like many others here, I was forced to pick a different track. Such is life. I didn't cut it the first time around, but I have another chance. If any of us do well in the sports festival, the teacher can decide to transfer us to the hero course," his purple orbs eyed the tense bodies of Class 1A, "And they'll have to transfer people out to make room. Scouting the competition? Maybe some of my peers are, but I'm here to let you know that if you don't bring your very best, I'll steal your spot right from under you. Consider this a declaration of war."

"Very well," everyone looked at Haru, the redhead wearing a calm expression, "Our class will bring everything we have."


"Hey, you!" Haru shifted his gaze at a silver-haired student glaring daggers at him, "I'm from Class 1B next door to you! We heard you fought some villains, and I came to see if that was true, but you're just a bunch of brats who think you're better than us!"

Monoma appeared beside the angry student grabbing his shirt, "Tetsutestu!"

Shiozaki pushed her way through the crowd, "Stop! That's too far!"

Tetsutetsu shrugged out of Monoma's grip, pointing at Haru and Katuski, "You know I'm right. They just think they're better because they fought villains big deal! They can talk all they want because it will be more embarrassing when they get K.O.ed!"

"And you think we wanted this?"

A wave of killing intent filled the hallway.

"You think we wanted to be attacked?"

Everyone stared in shock at Haru as he bowed his head, his shoulders trembling.

"It was twenty students against seventy-two villains! You think we can't be happy about surviving that?" Haru's breathing became rapid as he suddenly felt the ghost pains from his wounds burning across his body, "Have you ever seen your teacher's broken and bleeding in front of your eyes? Have you ever bled out before? Have you ever been scarred for life?" he clutched his shoulder where Shigaraki had touched him and looked up, his amber-colored eyes glistening from between the strands of red hair falling in his face, reflecting all the pain and fear he had suppressed from the USJ, "Have you ever been forced to fight a life or death battle? Have you ever watched helplessly while the people you care about almost die in front of your eyes? You all say we are being arrogant, have you ever thought that we may just be happy to be alive?"

His breathing became ragged as Katsuki enveloped him protectively in his arms, glaring death at the shamefaced students.

Haru held his head, his head pounding as his seal became visible, "You people are just so ready to judge from the surface!" he raised his head, openly revealing his pained face, "Sometimes the people who laugh the most are the ones hiding the most pain."

Jiro placed a hand on Haru's arm, "Haru, it's fine," she sent a chilling look at the crowd, "They aren't worth your time," she looked at Katsuki, "Best take him home."

Katsuki grunted still keeping an arm around his younger brother, "Move, extras," his voice was low.

A few people started shifting but moved too slowly. A groan of growing vines intervened as Shiozaki used her Quirk to clear a path.


Not waiting for a second prompt, Katsuki hurried through the cleared path, shielding Haru's stricken face with his school bag.

Tetsutetsu raised a hand after them, "Wait!"

Monoma grabbed his arm in a vise-like grip, his eyes now two chips of frozen blue fire, "You've done enough," he said venomously.

The blonde jerked his arm back and pushed his way through the crowd.

Tetsutetsu tried to catch up to him, "Look, I'm sorry!"

Shiozaki deactivated her Quirk, giving her classmate a sad look, "We're not the ones you should apologize to."

Katsuki frantically searched his surroundings as he hurried down UA's halls. Haru was still trembling from his breakdown and the elder Bakugo needed to find a safe haven quickly.

Finally seeing a dark classroom, clearly empty, Katsuki made a beeline for it. He led Haru in and shut the door.

"You can cry now."

Haru buried his face into Katsuki's shoulder, sobbing his heart out. Finally releasing all of the suppressed feelings he had been afraid to let loose before.

Katsuki rubbed soothing circles across his younger brother's back, softly telling him that it was okay. It was times like these that he realized how often he forgot just how hard things could be for his more sėnsɨtɨvė sibling. Now, knowing the burden that Haru carried and the secrets he was forced to keep, even from his own brother, Katsuki wasn't sure how Haru could still smile as he did.

When they were kids, Haru had been quite the crybaby. He seemed to cry over the littlest things even when he saw someone else was hurt. That had changed somehow, some time Katsuki couldn't even remember.

Now, Haru always smiled and was friendly to everyone, even when roughhousing with his brother, he never failed to show the twinkle of happiness in his eyes. It wasn't fake, but the joy was heavily overshadowed by loss, loneliness, and fear. Katsuki realized that sometimes... everyone forgot to return what Haru gave freely.

After several minutes, the sound of crying had subsided to sniffs and heavy breathing.

"You okay?"


Katsuki gripped Haru tighter, "Never apologize for who you are," he growled, "A Bakugo never apologizes for being the best."

Haru rubbed his eyes, "I'm not the best..."

Katsuki grabbed his brother's chin and jerked his face so they were looking directly into each other's eyes, "I'm just going to say this once, damn it! You're better than me. You came in first in the entrance exams. You tanked one of my strongest explosions. You fought villains that were strong enough to kill All Might and not only lived but sent them packing. You're my brother, and my brother is the strongest person I know."

Haru teared up again.

Katsuki stepped back, having had enough of the emotional shit, "Oi, stop crying! I don't want snot on my uniform!"

Haru gave a weak laugh, wiping back his tears with his wrist, "I think it's too late for that."

Katuski look down at his uniform and realized that his blazer and shirt were stained with Haru's tears, "Why you..."


(A/N) I know this is angsty, sorry

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