Shikigami Dance: Naruto/BNHA Crossover

Chapter 31 - Special Chapter: AU

Here it is guys! A 13000-word special chapter! Yay! My ghost shall return to its body for an official chapter ASAP!

As thanks to Neni for pointing out a major mistake and for also picking up on one of my first little secret Easter eggs, I made a special chapter of their choice. The timing and ages may not be completely accurate due to vague timelines, but I did the best I could.

I will give a couple of sneak-peeks at Haru's powers plus a couple that will only exist in the Naruto universe.

(AU) What if Haru was successfully reverse summoned to the Hidden Leaf and grew up there?


It had been fifteen years since the Fourth Great Ninja War. The world was at peace and there was nothing to fear.

Well, mostly...

A small village on the border of the Land of Rain and the Land of Fire was suffering heavily from bandits. The villagers were terrified, unable to call for help from the Hidden Rain because all roads there were blocked.

"C'mon! Hurry it up!" the leader ordered, as his men rounded up all the villagers to the open space that acted as the village's market and gathering place.

The bandit leader, a rogue ninja from the Hidden Leaf and a veteran of the 4th shinobi war, stood with his sword jammed angrily in the ground. Someone had defied him and he was going to set an example. Neither the rain nor the early morning was going to interfere.

"Where's the village leader?"

One of his minions pulled an old man out of the crowd and shoved him to his knees.

The old man was trembling, but only from cold. Fear was the last thing in his mind.

The rogue ninja glared down at his victim, "What do you have to say for yourself?"

The elder looked him calmly in the eye, "What would you like for me to say?"

The shinobi's sword was instantly pointing in the old man's face.

The bandit leader gave a low growl, "Don't play games, I know what you tried to do," he raised his voice so the whole village could hear, "Several days back. One of you went missing. I dispatched a few of my men to bring him back. Late last night, they returned."

He motioned with his hand and a pair of bandits stepped out of a nearby building he used as headquarters. Between them, they were holding a young man of about eighteen. The villagers stared at the teenager with dead eyes, not giving any sign of emotion. The village leader, however, gave the boy a single look, receiving a hidden message in the escapee's eyes.

The bandit leader held up a note, "They found him lost on the road, carrying this," his eyes hardened, "A distress message requesting help from one of the Hidden Villages."

The villagers met his glare unflinchingly.

There was a hum of steel as the rogue ninja held the sword to the messenger's neck, "Now before I decide a punishment, I want to know which village you tried to contact. Sand? Valleys? Grass?" his face turned into a sneer as he spat out the next word, "Leaf?"

He received no answer. Only the patter of rain responded to his questions.

Getting impatient, the former shinobi raised his sword, "You won't answer? Looks like I'm gonna have to kill a few of you."

Lightning flashed as he swung the sword down in a deadly arch at the unprotected elder's head.

A flash of movement blurred in front of the old man just a loud snap sliced the air. The bandit stared at his broken sword as a tall redheaded figure stood before him, a look of calm anger on his face.

"Fujita Hiroshi, you are under arrest."

The rogue ninja leaped back, putting some distance between himself and the young shinobi flashing a Leaf symbol across his forehead and holding a strange-looking katana that appeared to be made of paper in his hand.

"Wha? How'd he get here? We caught the messenger!"

He looked around to see the two men who had been holding the hostage were merely transformed paper clones that disappeared when the village leader and the messenger had rejoined the rest of the villagers.

The bandit leader glared carefully at the lone ninja.

At first glance, nothing about the young ninja's appearance seemed to stand out. Simple ninja trousers and a kimono shirt of charcoal grey while wearing the Hidden Leaf flak jacket. However, a chill was sent through the bandit leader's blood upon seeing the crimson red spiral on the unknown shinobi's shoulder. That along with the teen's unmistakable red hair and amber-colored eyes left no doubt in his mind.

Haruko Uzumaki gave the man a smirk, "You caught him after he delivered the message to the Hidden Leaf and I had already brought him part of the way back. I needed a distraction to bring your whole gang in one place. Deception is the art of a shinobi. You of all people should know that," the bandit growled, his brain racing to create a plan while Haru continued to speak, "It impressive you've kept hidden from us this long, Hiroshi. After you defected ten years ago, for the attempted ȧssassination of the nine tails Jinchuriki and our 7th Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki," he tilted his head with a dangerous closed-eyed smile, "My sensei."

Hiroshi's eyes hardened at Haru's declaration, "That demon fox deserves to die. He's just a traitor like all the Uzumaki's," he leered at Haru, "Yes I know who you are, Haruko Uzumaki. You're the brat who the Hidden Rain believes was born from an angel and a god. Heh, more like a pair of demon spawn."

A blur passed the rogue ninja's vision before. he felt a sharp blade slice his cheek, drawing blood. A flutter filled the air as the paper began appearing around the village.

"If you truly wanted to escape or try to fight me, you would have kept your mouth shut. I was going to take you back to the Leaf, but I think I will leave you to rot at the Hidden Rain for a bit. I'm sure they'd be less forgiving than I for what you just said."

Hiroshi started weaving hand signs, "Kill them all!"

"Shikigami Dance!"

Haru manifested a pair of origami wings and pushed himself up into the air.

Hiroshi inhaled deeply, "Fire Style: Fire Dragon Bomb!"

He and two other bandits blasted a stream of fire at the floating figure flying above them. Haru's figure disappeared in flames.

Hiroshi panted at the amount of chakra he had used as the other bandits cheered. He hadn't been made to use Ninjutsu for a long time and he was out of practice. Luckily for him, he and his subordinates seemed to have gotten the ċȯċky young Jonin.

"Seriously? I didn't even need to use substitution!"

The sound of Haru's outraged voice made the bandits stop their cheering in shock. Haru appeared out of the smoke, not a single burn or smoot of ash on his robe.

"Okay, I get it that you might ȧssume this, but fire is not my weakness."

Hiroshi's anger quickly faded to fear as he realized the strength of his opponent for the first time, "Kill him! Kill him now!"

A female launched herself at the young shinobi, her kunai suddenly flickering with lightning. Haru twisted in the air, easily avoiding the stab.

"Too slow."

He chopped down on the woman's neck, effectively knocking her out. He slung her limp body over his shoulder and descended to the ground. Once his feet were touching the earth, he non-too-gently tossed her away and dispersed his wings.

"I don't even need these. Next."

With a cry, another bandit charged him with a knife.

Without even blinking, Haru swung up a leg and ax kicked the man into next week. His sensory tingled a warning and he bent backward, narrowly dodging a barrage of shuriken and arrows as they passed over him.

With a quick flick of his hand, a dozen paper shuriken took several of the bandits out of commission. He sensed Hiroshi making his escape and directed a hand in the rogue ninja's direction.

"You won't escape me."

Paper shot up at the shinobi's feet, encasing his entire body before several lines shot across the paper's surface.

Haru's amber eyes darted to the remaining bandits, "Okay, playtimes over."

The other bandits quickly found themselves in similar bindings, unable to break free no matter how they struggled.

"There's no use struggling. I placed seals on every one of your bindings and as you know, the Uzumaki clan is unrivaled in Fuinjutsu."

He slowly approached Hiroshi.

"You bastard!"

The loud smack of Haru backhanding him echoed through the rainy landscape.

"The next strike will be with a kunai," Haru's voice was as cold as ice.


(Hidden Leaf Village: A week later...)

The Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki, read over the report on his desk, "Rescued village without any civilian casualties, captured bandit gang, and apprehended rogue ninja, Fujita Hiroshi," he looked up, grinning at the young shinobi standing at his desk, "Great job, Haru!"

Haru rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, chuckling, "It was nothing. Just all in the line of work."

Shikamaru sweatdropped at the teacher-student interaction.

Haru straightened up, "So, I haven't visited your place for a while. How's the family."

Naruto broke out in a cold sweat, "They're doing great! Perfectly fine!"

Haru gave his godfather a disappointed look, "Don't tell me you haven't been home much."

Naruto gave an awkward chuckle as Shikamaru sighed.

Haru bopped his fist into his palm in resolution, "Okay. Today, you get all your work done. You are going to get some family time tomorrow."

He turned away giving a wave at the blonde.

Naruto slammed his hands on the desk, "WHAT? I can't just ditch and play hooky!"

"Why not? You did that all the time with training," Haru shot back cheerfully. He sobered up as he reached the door, his aura turning dark, "You didn't forget Boruto enters the academy tomorrow, right?"

Naruto sobered, "I haven't forgotten."

The multiple piles of paperwork around the roof fluttered around as it organized itself into neater stacks.

"I'll leave a couple of clones to help organize the finished work," Haru said, opening the door, "I know being Hokage is an important job, but you can take time for your family a little more often, you know-DAMN IT! NOW I GOT YOUR VERAL TIC!"

The door slammed shut and Naruto slumped back in his chair, looking helplessly at Shikamaru, "...How much work is there?"

Shikamaru hid a grin, "If you make a few more clones to help with the work, you ought to be free tomorrow."


Haru wandered the streets of Konoha allowing himself to relax a bit after his mission. 'I wonder what I should do for fun today?'

His sensory tingled and he looked up to see two small figures jumping across the roofs of the town. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips and he immediately took chase.



Boruto Uzumaki sat on top of the moving train, heaving a sigh of relief, "I bȧrėly made it," he held up a burger in his hand with a grin, "The limited-edition green chili burger! It's the last day they're serving it!"

Next to him, his best friend Shikadai Nara ġrȯȧnėd in frustration at being roped into yet another wild goose chase, "Why do I keep hanging out with you?"

Boruto looked at his friend in confusion, "You don't want yours?"

"I didn't say that," Shikadai's answer was instantaneous.

The two boys bit into their respective burgers, savoring the spicy flavor.

"Mmm!" their faces heated up in pain, "Spicy...!"

"What is in this?" Shikadai took a sip from his drink.

Tears were welling up in Boruto's blue eyes, "It's so good, right?"

Shikadai kept on slurping his drink through his straw, "I don't believe this. You know you're impossible."

Boruto ignored the jab and changed the subject, "I gotta say, this train is really convenient. I hardly have to walk at all now that we've got this."

"Don't let Haru hear you say that. You know he hates lazy bums," Shikadai warned. He glanced out over the village, "You know, the village is getting more and more modern," his voice droned to a tired mumble, "But of course we still have to attend that old-fashioned ninja academy."

Boruto jerked in surprise at that looking at his friend in shock, "What? That's tomorrow?"

"Like father, like son. Not a good thing in this case."

Both boys gave a scream as they noticed Haru squatting right behind them.

The redhead gave them a closed-eyed smile and a small salute, "Yo!"

Boruto clutch his rapidly beating heart, "Niisan! Don't sneak up on us like that!"

Haru chuckled good-naturedly, "I hardly sneaked up on you. You honestly have zero sense of self-preservation."

Shikadai sweatdropped, "You always pop up when no one is expecting you. It's a bad habit."

Haru raised a finger as he made a point, "It good when dealing with the bad guys, right?"

Boruto yawned, "Niisan, there aren't any big bads anymore."

Haru ruffled the boy's blonde hair roughly, "And who do you think makes sure that it remains that way?" he stood up, "I better go. See you at your house for dinner tonight."

Boruto deadpanned, "I bet you weren't even invited. Tired of your own cooking?"

Haru held up his hands innocently, "I can't resist the food your mom makes," his body started dissipating into a cloud of paper buŧŧerflies, "Be ready by tomorrow. Your whole family is looking forward to a special family day. Don't be late!"

Boruto waved at his older brother figure, "Shut up! I won't!"


(That evening...)

Boruto shut the front door, kicking off his shoes, "I'm home!"

His mother, Hinata exited the kitchen to meet him, "Boruto, you said you'd be home for the celebration dinner."

The blonde apologized, "Oh. Sorry, Mom. Shikadai wouldn't let me go."

"Now that's a lie if I have ever seen one," Haru's teasing voice could be heard as he entered the hall, carrying Boruto's younger sister, Himawari, on his back.

Boruto broke out in a cold sweat, knowing Haru could read him like a book.

Hinata gave her son a stern look, "Is that true?"


Haru burst out laughing, "Sorry, I was just messing with you!"

Hinata gave the redhead a fond smile, "It's no joking matter, Haru. You know I do not tolerate lying."

Everyone shivered, knowing this to be true.

Himawari spread her arms wide in greeting from where she sat on Haru's back, "Welcome home, Big Brother! I helped make dinner!"

Haru set her down so she could run back into the dining room, "And it smells delicious."

Boruto sniffed the air, his stomach growling, "Heck yeah, it does!"

The four of them entered the dining room where the table was all set for four. Hinata brought out the multiple dishes she and Himawari had created and set them out.

Boruto looked at the empty spot at the head of the table glumly, "Dad's not here tonight either," he gritted his teeth, "He just keeps ignoring you and Himawari, Mom! Even Niisan bȧrėly sees him and he visits the Hokage office every day!"

"Don't complain," Hinata told him patiently, "This village stays safe because your father and many others protect it."

Haru picked up his chopsticks, "You know, every time I visit him, all he can ever talk about are you guys!" he glanced at them all, grinning, "He's trying really hard to make ends meet. Believe me, having him around part of the time is better than not at all."

Even though he said it with a cheerful tone, Hinata could detect the hint of pain as well. Being an orphan was never easy, no matter the circumstances.

"There's not even an enemy to protect us from anymore," Boruto continued, not picking up on Haru's hidden meaning.

Hinata gave her son a steady look, "Look Boruto, fighting isn't the only duty a ninja has. The Hokage has a lot to do to make sure people can live safely in peace. You are going to learn that starting tomorrow at the academy too. It's something very important."

Haru grinned at the boy, "If you make sure to make it to your entrance ceremony on time and keep up with classes, I'll teach you some cool Ninjutsu!"

Boruto perked up slightly, "For real?"

Haru laughed, "Of course! I teach you the things your dad once taught me!"

Boruto pouted, "I suddenly lost interest."

Haru shrugged, "Oh well... It was going to be some cool new fire Jutsu but..." he twirled his chopsticks in his hand, giving Boruto a mischievous look from the corner of his eye, "But if you prefer not to... then..."

Boruto stood up at his spot, "I'll do it!"

The other three laughed at his intense expression.


(The next day...)

Haru stood among the other Jonin of the village, a tick mark on his face. 'I told him to be on time!' His anger was so prominent, he didn't even feel awkward like he usually did when standing among his fellow Jonin despite being much younger than they were.

Actually, in this era, being a Jonin at fifteen was unheard of, but Haru had managed to fit the qualifications for it. By the time he had graduated from the academy, he had already mastered his unique Kekkei Genkai inherited from his mother and was proficient in Medical Ninjutsu. By thirteen he had completely mastered both Fire and Wind Style chakra natures (Not to mention he knew multiple Jutsu from the other three) and had gained a wide knowledge of Fuinjutsu including his clan's secret Adamantine Chains technique. At fifteen he had mastered his clan's natural affinity for Yang chakra to create new Jutsu including his Origami Clone. As far as rumors went, he was nearly strong enough to be ranked among the Kage, not just because of his massive chakra reserves, but his flawless chakra control and his undisputed fighting skills.


(A/N) This only applies in the Naruto Universe because he had teachers and resources at his disposal. Naruto could have easily reached this level at this age if he learned proper chakra control earlier in life and actually learned his clan's techniques.


The names of the students were called one by one to make sure they were all in attendance. Of course, when Boruto's name was called he didn't answer.

Naruto shifted a little from where he stood.

"Where is he?" he whisper-yelled at his godson.

Haru answered in like, "I. Don't. Know."

"You've got the sensory, find him!"

"You can use Kurama, you know."

"Find. Him."

Haru puffed up his cheeks and blew out a sigh, "Fine."

He shut his eyes. 'Kagura Shingen: The Mind's Eye.'

His eyes snapped open as he looked up, "Oh no..."

There was a screeching boom as a large dilapidated train car flew through the air toward the Hokage monument.

"Shikigami Dance!"

There was a rumble as a tsunami of paper burst from the nearby cliff in the form of a giant hand that caught the car midair. At that same instant, two small figures were snatched from the wreckage by a pair of tiny hummingbirds.

"Well... we made it..." the blonde figure floating in the air raised a fist, "Boruto Uzumaki has arrived on the scene, you know!"

Naruto's eyebrow twitched, "Boruto..."

Haru deadpanned, "I can't say I approve, but his entrance was pretty creative-YOU ARE SO DEAD!"

Boruto screamed and failed around in the air as he tried the escape the bird clinging to his collar, hoping to save himself from his Niisan's wrath, "WAIT! TIME OUT! I'M SORRY, HARU!"

Haru cracked his knuckles as he levitated off the ground, "Funny, but you don't look sorry!"

Boruto looked at another Jonin standing nearby, "BIG BRO KONOHAMARU! SAVE ME!"

Konohamaru looked away, "You're on your own, kid."

Everyone flinched as Haru dealt Boruto the disciplinary fist of love.


(Five years later: The Chunin Exams...)

Boruto and his class had long graduated and were now participating in the Chunin Exams, the time-honored event held between nations.

The five great shinobi nations had all participated together for the first time ever. To make the event even more special, the Hidden Star was also participating for the first time, not to mention the representation of the Hidden Rain, Grass, Waterfall, Frost, and Snow. It was the highest number of participating villages ever seen in the shinobi world.

The five Kage, excluding Gaara, had all been succeeded by a younger generation. The number of five Kage had risen in number to include the Hidden Star's Hoshikage and the Hidden Waterfall's Takikage, making seven. The other village leaders of the Grass, Frost, and Snow did not have the combined influence and the power to be ranked as such, but they were all imposing shinobi in their own right. The Rain hadn't had an official leader since the fall of Konan, but the elder council had maintained the village fairly well the past couple of decades for reasons only known to them.

The final battle of the exams was a three-way battle between the Hidden Sand's remaining participant, Shinki, and the Hidden Leaf's two remaining participants, Sarada Uchiha and Boruto Uzumaki.

Shinki had been using his unique abilities to control iron sand to face both of his opponents at once. This led both Leaf Genin to team up to defeat him. However, even with their combined power, the two were not making much headway in their fight. Shinki's defense was too strong for shadow clones and fire Jutsus to work against him.

The fight escalated with Sarada and Boruto attempting to overpower Shinki's sand with lightning only for the plan to fail to lead to Sarada's easy knockout and leaving Boruto to fight alone.

Shinki then proceeded to mock the Hokage's son for his village's weakness and overdependence on its Hokage.

Outraged at being called dependent on his father, Boruto used his personal Jutsu the Boruto Stream to project himself forward using clones and Wind Style. As he flew forward, his fist lit up as white lightning coated his hand.

He met Shinki's drill-shaped attack with his Lightning Style. For a moment, the two attacks were at a stalemate neither able to overpower the other. Then suddenly, out of the blue, a shriek of purple lighting appeared on Boruto's hand.

With a yell, the blonde smashed through Shinki's defense and punched the Sand shinobi into the wall of the arena.

Haru, who was standing as Naruto's guard looked grave. He stared at the Hokage's unmoving figure, knowing what was about to happen.


The redhead lowered his head, "Yes."

"I see."

Naruto slowly stood up from his seat and body flickering to the arena.

Haru's amber-colored eyes watched as an ecstatic Boruto ran up to his dad, raising his arm for a fist bump. Naruto slowly reached out a hand and firmly grabbed his son's arm pulling it up to reveal a piece of tech on the young Genin's wrist. A question that could only be heard between the two was asked and Boruto's face fell.

Naruto looked away from his son and addressed the audience, "Boruto Uzumaki has used a ninja tool which is prohibited in the Chunin Exams," there was a confused murmur from the crowd at the announcement as the Hokage explained, "With this shinobi gauntlet, you can use Jutsu without using your own chakra, and also, you can use other people's Jutsu. It defeats the purpose of the exam in showing your true strength. Boruto Uzumaki is disqualified. We'll have to figure out how to revise the results."

The feeling is disgust, anger, hurt, sorrow, and broken trust were so rampant Haru had to cut off his sensory. The outrage from everyone in the crowd at the cheating was widespread while the betrayal of those who personally knew the cheater was beyond words.

Boruto hung his head in shame, realizing for the first time how terrible his actions were.

Naruto reached out and removed his son's headband, "You are no longer a ninja either," he placed a hand on the blonde's shoulder, "Come with me. We'll talk later."

Boruto's eyes lit up in fury as he flung his father's arm away, "Really? You'll talk to me later? Yeah right, like you'd actually take the time to do that, Dad!" he spat out the last word ferociously, "If you talked to me before this, then I... I wouldn't have ended up in this damn mess!"

"You hold your tongue!"

A wave of killing intent thickened the air as Haru's figure appeared near to them, his eyes blazing.

"He's right you know," the three of them looked up to see Katasuke Tono, the gauntlet's creator, walking up to them, "Boruto wasn't able to win and we're all very disappointed in that, Lord Seventh. To be honest I really wanted to make this announcement after he won," he turned to face the audience, "Listen everyone. Yes, it's true that Boruto used a scientific ninja tool. I know such things are prohibited here, but there is no denying that this tool–"

There was an ominous rattle as several thin golden chains sprang from the ground and wrapped themselves around the scientist, firmly capturing him.

"How dare you!" Haru spat out the words like venom, "How dare you drag the Uzumaki name through the mud! How dare disgrace this village! How dare you insult shinobi name!"

Boruto looked stricken. Every word Haru spoke stuck him through the heart as if they were directed at him. If he felt remorse before, the anger, shame, and disappointment in Haru's eyes made him feel like he had stabbed his older brother through the heart with his own hand.

Haru was now twenty, a shinobi in his prime, but he never took the easy way. People thought that he was a genius, but those who knew him best knew he also a very hard worker. He took pride in every accomplishment he gained little by little. He took intense pride in his family name, always saying it belonged to a family of heroes. He grew up without parents, spurned by some of the citizens for who his parents were, but he never complained. He was always patient, kind, and full of confidence, full of love for his village, a true possessor of the Will of Fire.

Even when Naruto was unable to be there, Haru had always taken the time that could have been used for missions or training to spend time with Boruto and Himawari. He always had time to help them with whatever problem they couldn't ask their parents about, to laugh with their fun, and comfort them when they cried

Seeing that his actions had not only reflected badly on his father and himself but on his whole family, Boruto was completely devastated.

Meanwhile, Katasuke was petrified with fear. Haru pulled out a kunai and took a step forward.

"That's enough, Haru," Naruto's voice was commanding.

Haru stopped. In a swift movement, he flung the kunai through the video camera Katasuke's ȧssistant was using to film the whole thing.

"Your footage is unauthorized and therefore illegal," Haru's tone was emotionless now, "By rights, this misconduct is a criminal offense that breaches the treaties we have with every nation participating this year. If it were any other time, this could be seen as an act of war."

"Haru, stand down," Naruto ordered.

Boruto stared at his hand in horror, "What have I..."

Haru's head snapped to the sky, "Naruto! Invaders!"

Two pale-skinned figures floated in the sky above the stadium.

The smaller of the two, a man bearing strangely shaped horns and the Byakugan, smirked at them.

"It seems like I found you."

The two figures lowered themselves to the ground. The smirking man jumped off the shoulders of his partner, a giant of a man.

Haru didn't take his eyes off of them, "These must be the rumored Otsutsuki Clan."

The chains holding Katasuke in placed faded as Haru grabbed Boruto's shoulder, pulling the younger boy behind him and Naruto.


Naruto's secret message was met with a nod, "Got it," he gave a secret hand signal to the Anbu stationed around the arena to evacuate the citizens.

'Kagura Shingen: The Mind's Eye!'

Naruto glared at the two aliens, "Are you related to Kaguya Otsutsuki?"

Momoshiki, the smaller of the two invaders, looked at his larger partner, "There are too many vulgar creatures in the way right now."

Kinshiki, a literal giant with a heavy-set body, spoke in a gruff voice, "Shall we cleanse the area first?"

Momoshiki smiled menacingly, "Perhaps so."

Kinshiki's fingers glowed with a magenta-colored chakra as he slammed his hand into the ground. A massive shockwave tremored through the arena. The stone and cement of the building ġrȯȧnėd as hundreds of cracks spread across its many surfaces.

"Shikigami Dance!"

A tsunami of paper plastered itself to the crumbling surfaces, effectively holding the building's main structure up. Taking action, the attending Kage, Anbu, and Leaf shinobi worked to protect the civilians from any falling debris and moving them to safety.

Sarada, seeing that she would be in the way, jumped from the arena to join the evacuation. As she was in midair a dark shadow made her look up see Kinshiki raise his magenta-colored axe with the intention of killing the Uchiha girl.

With a blur of movement, something snatched the girl from the air and pulled her out of the way.


Sasuke glared at the giant Otsutsuki, his Sharingan blazing, "Don't touch my daughter."

Kinshiki's eyes widened as Haru's figure appeared in his vision and a devastatingly powerful kick to the gut sent him crashing into the far wall.

"I'll leave him to you, Sasuke," Haru's amber-colored orbs flickered to another end of the arena, "There's one more to deal with."


Meanwhile, Naruto was standoff against the Momoshiki. Boruto stood beside him, ready to fight.

"Dad, who are these guys?"

"It's too dangerous, Boruto. Go on, go with the others, get out of here," for a brief instant, Naruto took his eyes off the enemy.

When he looked back, he realized that the Otsutsuki was gone. He spun around and was met with a kick to the face that sent him crashing into the wall. His impact was softened by Haru's paper that formed a rough cushion.

Momoshiki smirked condescendingly, slowly making his way towards the Hokage.

Boruto gritted his teeth, "Stop!"

Being out of chakra, he began using the stored Ninjutsu within his gauntlet to fire multiple attacks at the enemy. Still smirking, the Otsutsuki held out a hand, revealing a glowing red Rinnegan embedded in his palm as he absorbed them all. Instead of stopping, Boruto kept firing off Jutsu after Jutsu.

In the stands, Boruto's teammate, Mitsuki, saw his condition and moved to help him, his body glowing with an abnormal cyan-colored chakra while his features became snakelike.

A magenta chakra fishline shot towards the Genin from behind but was intercepted by someone else. The line pierced through the rescuer's shoulder.

Urashiki raised an eyebrow ċȯċkily, "I wanted the boy's unusual chakra, but I suppose you'll do."

Haru smirked, grabbing onto the fishing line, "Unfortunately for you, the Kazekage already told me about your tool."

A seal appeared across the Uzumaki's ċhėst, causing the Urashiki to frown, "My, my, to think an insect like you would dare defy a god."

A sickening thud split the air and blood foamed at the Otsutsuki's lips. He fell to his knees, his eyes wide with disbelief. How?

Haru pulled the fishing rod from his shoulder, addressing Mitsuki, "Deactivate your sage mode. Focus on helping the civilians. Naruto's got everything taken care of.

Deciding to listen to his superior, Mitsuki nodded and flickered away. Urashiki staggered to his feet his body still nearly paralyzed from the poison-coated paper senbon that had stuck the blind spot of his Byakugan.


(A/N) Apparently, a weakness of the Otsutsuki is physical things they cannot absorb and hand-to-hand combat. Poisons, fire (that is not created by ninjutsu, sealing Jutsu (can inhibit but is only temporary without Six-paths), etc. To top it off they are so self-confident, they never learned actual healing outside of regeneration (and that's only used by a couple very rarely). If shinobi actually decided to think up ways to kill them, the 'all-powerful' Otsutsuki would not be as unbeatable as people think.


"You bastard! How dare you strike me! I will crush you to oblivion!"

He reached out a hand, a confident grin on his face in his face. The smile dropped as a dull throb filled his head and his body became weak.


Haru gave the Otsutsuki a chilling look, "The one instant you overestimated me, the battle was over. I've researched how to deal with people of your type for years."

His body flickered directly in front of Urashiki as he slammed his palm into his central chakra point.

The Otsutsuki staggered back to his feet, his overwhelming chakra breaking past the blocked chakra nodes. His eyes changed into a pair of blue Rinnegan, "I'll kill you...!"

A pair of paper kunai buried themselves into the alien's eyes, causing him to scream.

Haru had a look of disgust on his face, "So much potential but so full of yourselves that you are beaten by any unusual tactic."

To the outsider, it would seem Haru was purposely drawing out the Otsutsuki's pain, but in reality, he was being extra cautious. If these people were anything like Kaguya as he had been told, they could not be killed by ordinary means.

"Adamantine Burial Ground."

An immense rumble filled the air as golden chains bound the Otsutsuki, sealing his chakra. Knowing that he only had seconds before Urashiki forcefully tried to break the seal, Haru kept on telekinetically applying new chakra suppressing seals every second as he prepared his final move.

Momoshiki frowned upon realized his clansman's predicament but was unable to help directly because of his fight with Naruto. Kinshiki tried to break away from his fight with Sasuke but was intercepted by the Mizukage, Chojuro. In a small opening, Momoshiki fired multiple of the Ninjutsu he had absorbed from Boruto but they were blocked by a wave of Gaara's sand.

"Finish him," the Kazekage's voice was emotionless as he kept his focus on the fight in the arena.

Nodding, Haru formed the ram sign, "Ninja Art: Ashen Flames!"

A pure white fire ignited across Urashiki's body, causing the Otsutsuki to scream and writhe in agony, unable to use his powers to quench it due to the continuous seals being applied to him by the second. To make matters worse, the flames fed off of Otsutsuki's massive reserves of Yang chakra, draining him of all bodily strength.

Three paper clones appeared around the burning invader their hands weaving in sync, "Three Seal Barrier!"

Three tags bearing sealing formulas were slapped in a triangular formation and a prism-shaped barrier encased Urashiki, blocking out the sounds of his screams.

In the arena Momoshiki was back to facing Naruto, only this time, he was livid, "He managed to kill Urashiki. It seems he must be deposed of before too long. The Otsutsuki pointed a hand in Naruto and Boruto's direction, "But first, I must capture you, Fox."

His body froze momentarily as Shikamaru trapped him in his shadow possession. Shrugging he absorbed it.

"Don't use Ninjutsu on him! He got the Rinnegan!" Haru yelled.

As if in defiance of his warning, a burst of purple chakra in the shape of a dragon burst from the stands and charged directly towards Momoshiki. Smirking even wider, the Otsutsuki reached out a hand and absorbed it.

Everyone looked over to see the Hoshikage, Sumaru, standing in clear sight, a fan-shaped array of the same purple chakra spreading out behind him like a peacock's feathers.

Realization filled everyone's minds as they stared in Momoshiki's direction just in time to see the Otsutsuki frown and begin coughing blood.

"What... is this... chakra..."

"A highly lethal chakra that even my own body rejects," Sumaru explained shortly, "Anyone who absorbs it without restraint is hit by massive side effects. No matter how good your healing is, radiation will still cause massive damage."

Veins of lethal purple chakra began to break out across Momoshiki's skin as his body tried to heal itself but was hardly keeping itself from deteriorating. Having never exposed himself to this sort of chakra before, his body's rejection of it was catabolic.

Kinshiki flickered next to his master's side as Momoshiki summoned several chakra pills to his hand. Faster than the eye could see, the pills snatched from his hand by the invisible chakra threads used by the Hidden Frost's leader and tossed in Naruto's direction.

The Hokage crushed the pills in his hand, his hand flashing gold as he used the nine tail's power to obliterate them.

Momoshiki gritted his teeth, "Kinshiki!"

The giant Otsutsuki wordlessly charged in Naruto's direction.

Sasuke's Rinnegan eye widened and Naruto switch places with Haru. The younger Uzumaki burst into a flurry of paper, making himself invulnerable to Kinshiki's brute force. Directly where he had been standing a sealing formula appeared and activated.

The gravity increased by several times and the Kinshiki was forced to one knee

"Fuinjutsu only has a temporary effect on people of your strength, but the plus is that it cannot be absorbed," Haru's body reformed, "It's all you, guys."

Naruto and Sasuke stepped towards Momoshiki, their chakra flaring, "Right."

Panicking, Momoshiki sent out a bursting shockwave of his power, his chakra levels skyrocketing.

The Hidden Grass leader slammed his hand together, "Typhoon Style: Severe Wind Destruction!"

Shibuki, the Takikage wove multiple hand signs, "Water Style: Giant Vortex Jutsu!"

The Hidden Snow leader spread her arms "Ice Style: Twin Dragon Blizzard!"

A combined force of wind, water, and black ice sprang up in a rotating vortex, shielding the surrounding village from the devastating force.

Momoshiki wasn't done, "Takami Musubinokami!"

A massive orb of dense chakra formed overhead, slowly falling to obliterated everything as a portal appeared underneath Momoshiki, Naruto and Sasuke. Kinshiki broke from the gravity seal's hold and grabbed his master and proceeded to flee.

His eyes filled with hate, Momoshiki held out a hand and suċkėd Boruto and Sarada along with him. The two Genin were pulled through the portal unable to resist, their eye wide with fear.

A cataclysm of golden chains filled the arena, pouring through the portal to hold it open and trying to apprehend the devastating ball of chakra. Haru was breathing hard as his chakra reserves quickly began to decline, the origami holding up the stadium and his multiple clones helping civilians dissipating all at once as he used all of his strength to create the Adamantine Sealing Chains to literally pry open a rip in space-time and slow down a condensed superweapon.

Seeing what was happening, even though he was falling, Naruto flung a prong-shaped kunai before being swallowed up into the dark void of Momoshiki's portal. The kunai struck the orb, activating a sealing formula before Momoshiki's attack vanished.

An instant later a massive explosion went off several miles away.

Seeing that both Naruto, Sasuke, and both their children were gone, the Kage looked to Kakashi as the next in command within the Hidden Leaf.

"Lord Sixth," Gaara moved towards the collapsing portal, "Please stay here in the village. The rest of us Kage shall deal with the Otsutsuki."

With a silent nod, the six Kage and the three village leaders jumped into the portal one by one.

As the last one went through, Haru began releasing the Adamantine Chains.

"You're going with them?" Kakashi asked already knowing the answer.

"I can't let them die..." Haru's face grimaced and he coughed blood into his hand, "I can't lose them too."

Without hesitation, he bit into his arm, healing the internal injuries he had gained strain of killing Urashiki.

Knowing he couldn't stop him, Kakashi patted the young man's shoulder reassuringly, "Then go get 'em. Be careful."

Haru ran towards the rapidly closing portal, "No promises."


(Elsewhere... At the Divine Tree...)

Naruto and Sasuke stood in front of their children at the base of the Divine Tree, bruised and bleeding from using themselves as body shields. As the group had fallen, the Momoshiki had sent many attacks at them and the two shinobi had been forced to prioritize the protection of their children first.

Now, Momoshiki and Kinshiki stood opposite them, the former finally having forcefully rejected the absorbed radiation from his body, albeit in a painful way. The tainted chakra had been so damaging, he wasn't able to turn it into his own attack.

Naruto looked at his friend, "What now?"

Sasuke kept himself between the Otsutsuki and the two children that had been pulled in with them, "I'm not sure. Give me a moment."

Momoshiki gave the two shinobi a malicious smirk, "You might as well give up. Now that you two are alone against us, you stand no chance of winning. If you sacrifice your children, you may live a little longer, but you shinobi with your pitiful attachments would never do that," the Otsutsuki gave a sinister laugh, "You ninja train and persevere endlessly and pointlessly and all for nothing. Once you become chakra fruit, you are merely fodder. Those Ninjutsu I absorbed are now quite the helpful little pills that after we consume, we can become more powerful effortlessly."

Boruto paled from where he had knelt, too terrified to move, "Just like the ninja tool..." he punched the ground, "I'm such an idiot."

Sarada placed a hand on her teammate's shoulder, "Boruto..."

"I'm sorry... Boruto..." Naruto's sudden apology cause everyone to look at him in confusion, "I pushed you. I treated you like a little kid and didn't even acknowledge you or even try... That's the reason..."

Boruto shut his eyes, "SHUT UP! I CHEATED, OKAY!" his yell subsided to a quiet sob, "I-it's my fault!"

Momoshiki gave a mocking scoff, "Look at you, you even fail as a father."

Something seemed to snap in Boruto's mind as he flung a kunai at the Otsutsuki, "SHUT UP!"

He tried to charge the enemy head-on, but Naruto grabbed him before he could get himself killed.

"Boruto, stop! He's right!" Boruto struggles slowly subsided as Naruto gripped his son's shoulder, "Really... By trying to protect you and everyone in the village, I ended up ignoring my family... and I didn't even try to understand you. When I was just a kid, I wanted attention too. So, I kept pulling pranks. Honestly, I'm the last guy who should be lecturing you."

Boruto blinked, "Wait, you used to pull pranks?"

Naruto chuckled, "I could tell you hundreds of stories of the things I did."

Boruto looked downcast, "You know, I bȧrėly know anything about you... Actually, I've always wanted to know, but... my pride held me back. I didn't even try to see things your way. I just kept pushing back at you... but now, I wanna know," he straightened up, "What I mean, it's fine the way it was. It's okay to keep things like they were... but when you're around, instead of lectures, I'd like to hear some stories about your past."

Naruto's eyes softened, "Sure," he stepped away from his son, facing the waiting Otsutsuki, "Although, I have to give you a warning. We're talking about a seriously long story, you know?"

Boruto grinned and let out a laugh, easing away the fear he still felt, allowing his father's warm presence to comfort him in a time of danger for the first time.

Sasuke glanced at his daughter, "Sarada..."

The Uchiha girl adjusted her glasses, "Another time. Not in front of people."


The Uchiha never showed emotions in front of others.

Naruto grinned confidently, "Welp, if we're going to protect everybody, then we better get going."

Boruto stared at his father's back, "You really mean that... don't you...?"

Naruto gave him a thumbs up, "Of course I do! I gave my word. Once I do, I never go back on it. That's my ninja way."

Momoshiki hovered above them, his intentions clear, "Have you made your peace?" an evil smile tugged at his lips, "Seeing your expressions when we crush you one by one will be much more satisfying now."

Sasuke drew his sword, "Your arrogance is what will kill you."

Momoshiki pointed a hand at them, firing several high-powered Ninjutsu at the group.

There was a flash of golden chakra as Naruto activated his nine-tails cloak, shielding all of them.

"Sorry, but you won't take us that easy. We've got to hurry back home so we're going to defeat you."

A sudden disturbance in the air made them all look up.

Ten small figures came to view in the sky above.


(Play: Boruto - Naruto the Movie - Spin and Burst Ost:


"Let's do this!" Gaara cried, sending a barrage of sand bullets towards the Otsutsuki's direction, forcing them to dodge in separate directions, Momoshiki levitating, Kinshiki remaining earthbound.

The Raikage, Darui, pulled out his cleaver sword, "Oh yeah!"

Chojuro pulled out a scroll, summoning Hiramekarei to his hands, "Summoning Jutsu!"

The Hidden Snow leader encased her forearms in ice and created a kusarigama.

The Hidden Frost leader summoned a storm of various weapons, attaching hundreds of chakra threads to control every one of them.

Shibuki slid a hand across his arm, using water to form a sword, "Hidden Waterfall Style: Water Slicing Blade!"

The Hidden Grass leader exhaled onto his sword, "Wind Style: Vacuum Blade!"

Sumaru placed his hands into a unique hand sign, manifesting his purple chakra into its peacock-like form, "Ninja Art: Kujaku!"

The Tsuchikage, Kurotsuchi, used earth chakra to cover her hand with a stone gauntlet.

Momoshiki gritted his teeth in frustration as Darui swung at him, unable to counter as he dodged the Hidden Snow's deadly sickle and chain.

Kinshiki shifted quickly to avoid Chojuro's blade increasing his movement speed as a plethora of weapons rained down on him from the Hidden Frost.

Glaring at the new arrivals, Momoshiki tried to figure out what had happened. 'How did they get here? We kidnapped the man with the Rinnegan.' He glared as a detestable figure with flaming red hair appeared among them. 'Was it him?'

Gaara created multiple sand platforms for himself, Cloud, Waterfall, Star, and Snow to fight Momoshiki while the leaders of the Stone, Mist, Frost, and Grass moved to face Kinshiki on the ground.

Haru landed directly beside Boruto and Sarada.


Haru gave them a tired grin, "You guys are all giving me quite the extra workout today."

The Uzumaki placed a palm to Naruto and Sasuke's back as he began healing them.

Momoshiki growled under his breath, annoyed.

"Don't even think of escaping," Gaara's emotionless voice conveyed a clear killing intent.

Momoshiki extended his hand, his embedded crimson Rinnegan glowing, "You vulgar creatures!"


Kinshiki sent a heavy punch towards the Grass Leader in an attempt to crush him. The Grass Leader used his wind blade to deflect the punch, jumping away as Chojuro used the Hiramekarei to slash at the giant Otsutsuki from a distance.

A flash of blue chakra emanated from the legendary sword and a blade-shaped wave came at Kinshiki from behind. Kinshiki jumped in the air to avoid the attack.

Chojuro huffed, "You're really nimble and fast for someone your size."

"You'll regret your insolence soon enough," Kinshiki growled as he flew in the Mizukage's direction, creating a magenta-colored axe, "You inconsequential weakling!"

Chojuro was put on the defensive at the Otsutsuki swung his weapon, dealing devastation to the surrounding area.

Kinshiki backed the Mizukage against one of the giant roots of the Divine Tree, managing to land a slash across the shinobi's ċhėst.

"You're wide open!"

Chojuro smirked, "And so are you."

The ground erupted as Kurotsuchi appeared. With a devastating punch, she sent the Otsutsuki smashing through multiple tree roots and stone structures.

Kinshiki tried to right himself but was faced with a slicing headwind from the Hidden Grass.

"You impudent..."

The leader of the Hidden frost appeared behind him, wielding a massive blade coated in lightning, "Storm Dance!"

He stuck the Otsutsuki across the back. Kinshiki cried out as the electricity ripped through his body and he fell to the ground.

Managing to land on his feet, Kinshiki found himself immediately beset from all sides.

"Bloody Mist Sword Art: Honenuki: Bone Mutilation!"

Dozens of blue chakra needles impelled the Otsutsuki in all of his key chakra points, keeping him from properly using his chakra.

The Hidden Frost tugged at his chakra threads, binding the giant in a complicated web trap, "Tsuchikage!"

"Leave it to me!" Kurotsuchi placed her hand in a hand sign, "Lava Style: Ash Stone Sealing Jutsu!"

She inhaled and spewed a stream of volcanic ash, engulfing the struggling Kinshiki, and hardening it.

The Hidden Grass Leader grinned, shouldering his sword, "Making a move on the Hidden Leaf Village when the Kage were all ȧssembled there. You guys sure have bad luck."

The Mizukage and the Hidden Frost Leader moved closer, keeping a tight hold of the Otsutsuki with their restraints.


(Meanwhile... Against Momoshiki...)

Gaara sent out a wave of sand in the form of a net as Momoshiki moved to avoid getting trapped. Darui and Shibuki jumped across the webbing in close pursuit, their blades at the ready.

Weaving through the sand and the branching roots of the Divine tree, Momoshiki created chakra receivers to deflect the two Kage's swords, creating sparks with every clash.

There was a slicing hiss in the air causing the Otsutsuki to nimbly avoid the icy kusarigama sent his way as it performed a slashing dance, the chained sickle seeking to draw blood.

The Hidden Snow leader clicker her tongue, her hand manipulating the chain in a blur as she kept up her pursuit along with her two allies.

Sumaru hovered at a distance, using his chakra to manifest wings, watching for an opening, "Remember, we need to only use Taijutsu to fight him! No Ninjutsu!"

Darui sent another slash before jumping back to rest on a nearby root, "We'll just use brute force, although that's kinda dull."

Momoshiki was livid with anger at being kept on the defensive.

He glanced at where Haru was healing Naruto and Sasuke, knowing he had to finish the fight before that happened.

Glancing in Kinshiki's direction, he noticed his subordinate's trapped state.

Gaara noticed the look, "We've already captured your friend. Just surrender."

Momoshiki raised an eyebrow, stretching an arm in Kinshiki's direction, "Let me show you how we handle things in my clan."

A sudden force tugged at Kinshiki's body, breaking him from the trifold binding.

The Hidden Grass leader swung his blade but missed the Otsutsuki by a hair, "Damn it!"

"Do it now, Lord Momoshiki!" Kinshiki cried at his master, "The time has come to consume my chakra! Just as in the past when my guardian entrusted me with their power! Do not waver!"

Momoshiki aura turned dark, "Don't worry, I won't!"

With a pained scream, Kinshiki's body contracted and formed into a crimson pomegranate-shaped fruit. Everyone watched in horror as Momoshiki proceeded to consume his clansman without hesitation.

An explosion of white smoke made them all raised their arms to shield their faces.

Momoshiki's levitating figure appeared from the smoke, completely changed. His formerly pale skin was now covered with radiating black markings that resemble sunburst patterns while his horns had become greatly enlarged Short claws now grew from his fingers and toes and his canines now resembled fangs. However, the most chilling aspect of this transformation was that all of his Byakugan and Rinnegan had evolved into a golden color including a third Rinnegan on his forehead.

Haru gritted his teeth, "Great... He transcended..."

The powered-up Otsutsuki opened his Byakugan in his head, "Fox..." the Rinnegan in his eye snapped open, "It's going to be your turn next."

Naruto ground his teeth in anger, "You monster! Your own brethren?"

"It was Kinshiki's wish to be of use to me," Momoshiki brushed him off, "The transfer of power is simply the law of our clan," he slowly rose into the air the Rinnegan in the center of his forehead changing to a bright red, "This playtime has gone on far too long. How about we just end this right now. All of you fools who would dare to defy a god!"

Momoshiki pulled his arms horizontally across his ċhėst, palms facing outward as his two Rinnegan in his hand changed to an angry red.

Naruto and Sasuke, now healed, dashed towards the Otsutsuki as Haru created a pair of origami wings to shield Boruto and Sarada.

With a fierce battle cry, Momoshiki sent out a slicing wave of power that cut through the massive truck of the Divine Tree, causing a shockwave that sent nearly everyone flying back. With a groaning creak, the severed trunk of the giant tree slowly began to fall, luckily in the opposite direction as everyone else.

In a blur of movement, Momoshiki appeared directly beside Darui.

"He's fast!" was all the Raikage could say before a punch sent him plummeting to the ground.

The Hidden Snow leader gripped her kusarigama but was sent slamming into the ground by a kick to the back.

Shibuki raised his sword defensively but was sent flying into the Divine tree's stump with a hook to the jaw.

Sumaru's wings extended to shield him but were not fast enough before he too was sent to earth.

Gaara sand moved automatically to defend him as it caught Momoshiki as the Otsutsuki attempted a frontal attack.

"Sand Cof–"

Much to everyone's surprise, Momoshiki's hair came alive and bound the Kazekage hand and foot, turning the tables. Giving a slow smile, Momoshiki slammed his arm into Gaara's stomach, making him cough blood.

The remaining Kage on the ground stared in horror as the clearing smoke revealed half of their number defeated.

"Lord Kazekage!" Chojuro cried as he moved to help Gaara.

He was stopped in his tracks as Momoshiki moved and dealt him an open hand stick to the face, sending the Mizukage flying into a distant root.

Spinning on his heel, the Otsutsuki slammed a foot against the Hidden Frost leader's ċhėst, removing him from the fight.

The Hidden Grass leader raised his sword for a strike but was met by a stiff uppercut.

Kurotsuchi encased her arm in stone, swinging a heavy punch at Momoshiki's head from behind. Not even looking, the Otsutsuki easily deflected it, reaching behind him to grab the Tsuchikage by the throat. Kurotsuchi jerked her head to the side, avoiding the grab but hit by the following elbow strike to the head.

The surrounding area rumbled as the trunk of the Divine Tree hit the ground.

In a matter of seconds, all the Kage had been beaten.

Again, moving in a blur, Momoshiki appeared in front of Haru, slamming a fist into the young shinobi's face. Haru's body exploded into a pile of paper, revealing that both he and the children were missing.

"So, you replaced yourself with a clone and hid with the children under the guise of shielding them," Momoshiki's golden Byakugan searched for his escaped victim but found nothing. Shrugging, he cricked his neck and levitated into the air once again, "You're going to be next, Fox."

With a flicker of movement, the Otsutsuki appeared in front of Naruto aiming a palm strike to the head. Naruto blocked the blow just bȧrėly as Momoshiki used a rough variation of the Gentle Fist against him, ending the combo with a one-inch punch. The Hokage was sent flying back as Sasuke, removed himself from the tree's wreckage and joined the fight.

Grabbing both opponents by the head, Momoshiki shot into the air. He slammed back down, dragging both Naruto and Sasuke through the stony ground.

With a sharp movement, both Leaf shinobi were flung in opposite directions.

"Dad!" Boruto and Sarada's voices echoed over the stilled air.

Naruto pushed himself to his feet, wiping a hand to remove some dirt from his cheek, "I see what's up."

Sasuke rose from where he feet, swing his sword to remove the dust from the blade, "So you're a completely different beast from a moment ago."

Haru jumped from his spot on the root rubbing his neck, "Or... maybe he's just a monster through and through."

The three shinobi flickered forward, each aiming for the kill. There was a boom as dust billowed from the disturbed air.

Momoshiki smirked as he with one hand he blocked Naruto's now golden-colored fist, Sasuke's lightning-coated sword hand with the other, and Haru's glowing white foot with his knee.

"Finally, this is actually getting fun!"

Naruto's body was enveloped with Kurama's bright golden chakra, "Let's teach him a lesson, guys!"

Sasuke's Rinnegan and Mangekyo Sharingan lit up, "Yeah."

Haru's headband slid from his forehead to hang around his neck, revealing a white diamond symbol on his forehead, "I haven't used sage mode in an actual fight before," a series of white line patterns ran across the young Uzumaki's skin as his hair and eyes changed to the color of snow, "Enter the Slug Sage!"

The four-shot away from each other moving so fast that even the most skilled ninja would have trouble keeping track of where they were.

Momoshiki slid to a stop, getting into a fighting stance, "Bring it."

Naruto and Sasuke both attack in succession, each strike sending streaks of lighting and golden chakra through the air.

Sasuke was kicked into the air, his body spinning. Haru's winged figure appeared behind him his touch instantly healing the Uchiha's wounds. With a flick of his wrist, Haru caught Sasuke's sword as it flew past allowing Sasuke to kick it in Momoshiki's direction, accompanied by hundreds of origami blades.

His movements a blur, the Otsutsuki deflected all the oncoming swords and engaged Naruto in a fistfight. In the midst of the exchange, Naruto landed a light punch to Momoshiki's cheek, enraging him.


Haru's foot slammed into the angry Otsutsuki's face, the strength of the sage chakra sending the alien flying.

While in midair, Momoshiki started his hands, creating a magenta-colored naginata. Spinning it in a deadly arc, he struck around in all directions, deflecting his opponent's strikes.

With a yell, he slammed the weapon into the ground, causing some of the giant tree roots to heave from the ground and move to grab Naruto.

Haru placed a hand against the wood, his chakra making it burst into the splinters. The tiny wood fragments instantaneously grew tiny leaves a d buds, feeding off of the life-giving Yang chakra emanating from the Uzumaki's hands.

Taking advantage of Momoshiki's distraction, Sasuke buŧŧed the hilt of his sword into the Otsutsuki's stomach, sending him airborne.

Streaks of gold, purple, and white weaved through the destruction of the Divine Tree in hot pursuit as Momoshiki's body flew through the air.

Landing on top of the stump, Momoshiki claws dug into the wood as slid backward. An angry growl ripped from his throat.

Naruto smirked, slamming a fist into his hand.

Sasuke wordlessly pulled out a small scroll, unfurling it.

Haru's eyes squinted as he raised a hand into a seal of confrontation.

There was a burst of smoke as Sasuke summoned a large Fuma shuriken, "Go, Naruto!"

Naruto raised his hand into the Multi-Shadow Clone sign, "Yeah!"

Sasuke flung the shuriken, coating it with lightning. With a roar of thunder, the shuriken multiplied into a hundred more as hundreds of wind-enhanced paper blades and explosive tag crane origami appeared among them.

Sasuke tugged at the wires attached to each of the shuriken, directing them in Momoshiki's direction. Haru flung out a hand doing the same with his origami.

Momoshiki was forced to dodge, the sound of thudding weapons and small explosions following his movements. With an angry yell, he released a burst of wind, scattering the oncoming attacks.

The barrage was shown to merely be a ply as a lone Fuma shuriken burst from the ground, missing the Otsutsuki by a hair. The shuriken burst, revealing Naruto with a small Rasenshuriken.

With a yell, the blonde sent the Jutsu spinning directly at Momoshiki.

Momoshiki reaches out a hand to absorb it but the Rasenshuriken burst into smoke to reveal Sasuke.

Giving a victorious grin, Momoshiki created a magenta chakra chain, directing it to bind the Uchiha, pinning his arms to his sides. Sasuke's Rinnegan eye widen and he and Momoshiki switched places.

Momoshiki's eyes widened in shock as Naruto slammed his fist into his face, making him slam through the stump of the Divine Tree.

Sasuke clutched his hand in the Otsutsuki's direction, "Planetary Devastation!"

There was a rumble of the earth as stone and debris began tearing up from the surrounding area to encase Momoshiki in a large planetoid.

Haru flung out a hand, sending hundreds of sealing tags to cover the new moon's surface.

Before the sealing formulas could be activated and spread, the surface of the planetoid cracked.


A canine-headed dragon made of earth burst from the moon, its jaws open wide. It was met by an enlarged golden chakra fist from Naruto and exploded a moment later courtesy of Sasuke's lightning.

Momoshiki burst from the remnants of the small moon with an angry scream and slammed his hand into the ground, creating several more canine earth dragons. Sasuke kicked Naruto out of the way and began slicing at the oncoming gaping maws.

Haru twisted in the sky as a number of the heads charged at him as well, "Shikigami Dance: Waltz of the Flowers!"

A storm of white sakura petals filled the air as the Uzumaki danced away from the snapping fang of the monsters. The innocent-looking petal sliced into the dragons imploding them from inside.

Even so, this didn't last as both Sasuke and Haru were overwhelmed and each snatched up in a dragon's mouth and slammed into the ground.

Naruto dashed in their direction, "Sasuke! Haru!"

Momoshiki slammed his hand on the extended neck of his two dragons, "DIE!"

A glowing red chakra flowed through the dragon's bodies, aiming at Sasuke and Haru's trapped bodies.

There was a streak of golden light and a massive explosion lit up the darkened sky as Kurama's massive figure loomed from the smoke.

Naruto leaned protectively over his friend and student's bodies, "You guy's okay?"

Sasuke ġrȯȧnėd and sat up, "Yeah, thanks, I'm doing just fine."

Haru reached out and touched the two ninja, quickly healing them, "Just peachy."

Momoshiki spread his arms, the surrounding search crumbling under his overwhelming power, "There you are. His power..." his voice deepened to a deafening roar as his body encased within a giant stone monkey golem, "SHALL BE MINE!"

The golem's surface lit up as an inner fire ignited in its core.

Kurama's golden figure leaped forward, swinging a clawed fist at the golem's head. The golem caught the punch, countering with a punch of its own that was deflected by a pair of massive origami wings, merely causing the nine-tailed fox to stagger back.

Haru smirked from where he rested a hand in Naruto's shoulder.

Sasuke did the same, placing a hand on Naruto's shoulder, I'll lend you Susanoo's power."

Naruto grinned, "Good idea!"

There was a roar as purple samurai armor encased Kurama's body. There was a blinding flash of white as a pair of massive origami wings grew from its back distracting Momoshiki of the Susanoo's glowing katana forming in the fox's hand.

"YOU VULGAR CREATURE!" the golem swung an arm back its arm, bringing back its fist for a devastating punch.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Haru yelled at the top of their lungs as they moved in the offense.

With a beat of Kurama's behemoth-sized wings, a hurricane forced gale slammed into the golem sending it staggering back. Having broken the enemy's defense, the armor-clad Biju gripped the Susanoo sword, swing with all his might, bisecting the stone monkey's body.

The golem scattered into thousands of pieces amidst the cataclysmic explosion of lighting, flames, and earth.

Kurama's formed faded and the three Leaf Shinobi dropped down, landing nimbly on their feet.

Naruto's exited his nine tails cloak while Sasuke withdrew his Susanoo. Haru retracted his sage mode, his eyes and hair returning to their original color.

"Hey, Hokage."

The trio looked up at Darui's voice to see him leaning on Gaara's shoulder. The other Kage had also gathered around, each bearing their own injuries.

Sumaru looked up at a distant figure floating lifelessly among the destruction, "Did you get him?"

Naruto followed the Hoshikage's gaze at Momoshiki, "No. It isn't over yet."

Kurotsuchi clicked her tongue, "Tch, he just won't give up," she pounded her fist in her palm, "Let's finish him with a flashy Jutsu and end this!"

Chojuro gave a rueful smile, "Please don't suggest something as reckless as that."

The Tsuchikage gave him a deadpan look.

"If he absorbs it, we'll right back at square one," Gaara stated.

Kurotsuchi waved it off, "Yeah, yeah..."

Naruto chuckled, "Well, at least it looks like everyone's okay."

The Hidden Snow leader archer her back, "I'm gonna need some therapy when we get back."

Boruto and Sarada jumped from their hiding spot to see if everyone was alright. Seeing that everybody was at least standing, they gave a sigh of relief.

Haru saw them and waved, cheerfully. His smile faded as he looked in disbelief at a familiar pair running from the opposite direction.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me."

Katasuke and his cameraman slid to a stop.

"Alright! Somehow we made it in time!"

Naruto stared in disbelief at the scientist, "Katasuke? How did they get here?"

Darui deadpanned, "They must have snuck in behind us."

Haru glared at the man, "Permission to kill him?"

Several people spoke at once, "NO!"

Haru ġrȯȧnėd, "Fiiiiiiine... But the offer still stands."

Completely oblivious, the scientist duo approached the group only to stop facing Momoshiki, "Make sure to get the power of this ninja tool on camera!" Katasuke aimed an all too recognizable device at the beaten Otsutsuki, "And now I'll use this and finish you off!"

Everyone paled upon realizing the stupidity was about to be unleashed.

Naruto took a step forward, "You fool, don't!"

"Old man, Katasuke! Don't use that!" Boruto yelled in warning.

It was too late, however.

A blast of several dozen Jutsu of multiple elements shot toward Momoshiki before anyone could stop it. Predictably, they were all suċkėd into Momoshiki's palm.

Shibuki looked like he had internally died, "Well that's just great. Now you've done it, you idiot."

Katasuke gripped his head in consternation before turning to his cameraman, "S-so did... did he just absorb that chakra just now?"

The cameraman, now soaking in sweat, gave a sad nod.

Momoshiki gave an intimidating chuckle as his wounds began healing at a rapid pace, "I see... It appears that that device is just like our pills. Of course, it's crude and inferior, but all the same... I owe my thanks to all you fools."

The Otsutsuki raised a hand, sending the absorbed Jutsu down at the Kage with twice the power. Gaara used his sand to create a shield around everyone keeping them separated from the devastation outside.

Momoshiki gave a taunting laugh as he scorned the ninja before him.

Once the barrage ceased, Gaara removed the sand, and Naruto and Sasuke launched themselves forward to fight, but Momoshiki used the absorbed Shadow Paralysis of the Nara clan to trap them and all the Kage.

Grinning, Momoshiki created several chakra receivers and sent them stabbing into Naruto's body, cutting off his nine tails chakra.

"Naruto!" Sasuke yelled, feeling helpless.

Haru burst from the ground directly behind the Momoshiki, revealing his trapped self to be a clone, and pushed his arm forward, shooting streams of gold chains from his arm.

"I don't think so," Momoshiki slid to the side, grabbing one of the chains.

With a jerk, he swung Haru over his head, smashing him into the ground.

Another chakra receiver embedded itself in the young Uzumaki's heart. Haru collapsed to his knees.



Haru wrenched the pole from his ċhėst and bit into his hand before collapsing.

The other Kage gritted their teeth in frustration as they willed their bodies to move.

"I'll have you know, I'm putting extra effort into all of you."

Naruto winced in pain as he looked at his godson's still form, "Damn it! This is not looking good."

"Yes, that's right, you understand!" Momoshiki said mockingly as he aimed another powerful attack at the frozen group, "And now you will die."

From where he stood, Boruto tensed, his face morphing got one of anger and resolution.

Sasuke caught this from the corner of his eye, seeing this as their final chance, "Do it! Boruto!"

Boruto cupped his hand creating a small Rasengan. The small rotating orb sputtered, and the young Uzumaki grist his teeth, to low on chakra.

Sarada placed her hands around her teammate, channeling her chakra to fuel his, causing the Jutsu to grow. 'Do it, Boruto... Save them!'

With a yell, Boruto put his full strength as he flung the miniature orb.

Momoshiki scoffed, stretching out a hand to absorb the pitiful attack, "You know, you should have just stayed hidden."

To everyone surprise and consternation, the Rasengan spurted and faded.

Momoshiki smirked, "Your attack's nothing but a joke. I mean it didn't even come close!"

A hiss cut the air as a paper blade sliced across the Otsutsuki's cheek.

"Damn, that was close! I almost died for a moment there."

Haru staggered to his feet, revealing himself alive and well.

Momoshiki didn't lose his smirk his cut healing, "It doesn't matter what you try. You are all going to the same place."

An invisible force struck him in the face, sending him falling to the ground, completely stunned. The Shadow Paralysis faded and everyone was free.

Boruto and Sarada jumped own for the giant root and ran in their parents' direction, "Dad!"

Naruto looked at his son in confusion, "Boruto, when did you ever learn to do that?"

"I told him I'd make him my student if he mastered the Rasengan," Sasuke explained, "To my surprise, he managed to do that only a few days' time."

Haru grabbed Boruto in a headlock, twisting a fist into the young blonde head, "What was so bad about my teaching, eh? Explain yourself!"

Boruto writhe as he tried to free himself from the redhead's iron grip, "Stop bullying me!"

Sarada looked at her father, ignoring the two children, "So dad, how did he make it invisible?"

Sasuke gave a small smile, "He used his forte, Lightning Style, and changed it chakra nature, creating a new Jutsu. I call it a Vanishing Rasengan."

Naruto, Boruto, and Haru all had inspired looks on their faces, awing in amazement, their eyes sparkling.

"No way! A vanishing Rasengan? What a Jutsu!" Naruto gaped.

Boruto pointed himself in confusion, "I did that?"

Sasuke grunted in confirmation, "Hm."

Haru burst out laughing slapping the smaller boy on the back with enough force to knock him down, "See! If you apply yourself, you can actually do something!"

Sarada adjusted her glasses, "Who would have thought..."

Boruto looked offended, "Hey!"

Naruto chuckled proudly, "Why you cheeky little kid."

Boruto looked at his hand, "I don't even know how I do it. I just make this kind."

Sasuke rested his single hand on his waist, "Well, anyway, the results were good. Nice work, Boruto."

Momoshiki ġrȯȧnėd and staggered to his feet, "What the hell was that?" he glared at them, "I still won't save you!"

Sasuke gave the supposed god a stern look, "Momoshiki Otsutsuki. At first glance, you appear invincible, but it seems that even you can't absorb Jutsu you can't see."

Momoshiki gave a rasping breath as his anger overcame his reason, "Don't misunderstand you piece of garbage!" he summoned several chakra pills to his hand, "Who cares even if I can't see it! As long as I have these, I'll triumph!" he instantly gulped the pills, powering up again.

Naruto looked at his son, "Boruto, do it again."

Boruto blinked and looked at the ground, "But Dad, I'm not strong enough to–"

Naruto gave Boruto a reassuring g grin, "It's okay, you've got this."

Nodding, Boruto tried creating another Rasengan. A small rotating orb of chakra formed in his hand. Naruto placed a hand under the boy's palm channeling his own chakra into the Jutsu.

The father and son duo raised their arm together as the Rasengan grew in size.

Haru placed a hand underneath theirs, "To kill a false god, you need an angel's blessing."

A white chakra flowed through Boruto's body, invigorating him and turning the Rasengan into a blinding sphere of starlight. Memories of several people filtered through the young boy's mind as he saw the ones who gave strength to the other two.

An old sage with snowy white hair, a fiery woman with flaming red hair, a stern-faced Hyuga, a blonde man the spitting image of Naruto, a redhead man bearing the Rinnegan, a stoic woman with purple hair, a younger version of Sasuke, his mother... Boruto felt several emotions stir his soul as the full weight of the Rasengan was given to him.

'It's so heavy... So this is... All this weight...' He looked at his family with tears in his eyes. 'What they went through... To get to this point...'

Boruto turned to face Momoshiki, "I'm not losing today."

Momoshiki scoffed, "I see it. You won't hit me again!"

Sasuke placed his hand on his sword, "Let's go!"

Boruto twisted his hand, making the giant Rasengan vanish, "Alright!"

Sasuke body-flickered his blade smashing through the chakra receivers Momoshiki fired at him. Jumping into the air, he flung the katana at the Otsutsuki. The sword missed and thudded into the ground as Momoshiki tilted his head to avoid it just before Sasuke switched with it, his hand holding a screaming Chidori.

"Such transparent moves!" Momoshiki spun around, his hand reaching to absorb the Jutsu.

The switched-out sword exploded in smoke to reveal Sarada, her Sharingan eyes blazing as she flung a single kunai. Momoshiki easily caught the weapon raising it to stab the elder Uchiha.

An instant later the kunai and Chidori switched. Momoshiki screamed in rage and pain as a kunai stabbed one of his Rinnegan and his other hand was momentarily disabled by electricity.


Haru's image flickered into view as a paper katana stabbed into the other Rinnegan in Momoshiki's hand.

The Otsutsuki swung a kick that sent both shinobi flying away, but the damage was done.

A stream of golden chains burst from the ground, wrapping around Momoshiki's arms and legs.

Boruto launched himself forward using his Boruto stream his invisible Rasengan giving an ethereal glow as it reappeared.


Momoshiki strained end freed an arm from the Adamantine chains, creating a similar sphere with a dark, reddish-black chakra.

The two Jutsus clashed and the Otsutsuki gave a feral grin, "That was pretty close but I won't allow you to land a hit on me again!"

There was a sickening thud and Momoshiki screamed as a kunai entered his Byakugan's blinds spot, lodging itself in his neck. A short distance behind, Sarada watched the results of her throw with satisfaction before flickered to her injured dad's side.

Form where he lay, Haru smirked. 'She copied me!'

Boruto gave a fierce battle cry, his right eye glowing strangely as he pushed the giant Rasengan into Momoshiki's body. The Otsutsuki's orb imploded and his body was exposed to the grinding obliteration of the legendary Jutsu.

A blinding white light lit the surrounding area, making everyone wince.


Boruto looked around the strange void he was floating in wondering where he was

"Can you sense my presence, human child?"

Boruto's eyes widened in shock at seeing Momoshiki appearing in front of him, "What the..."

Momoshiki stared closely at Boruto's changed eye, "Now I see... It seems you have strongly inherited the powers of the Otsutsuki, but your still inexperienced," he floated around to whisper in the young Uzumaki's ear, "You aren't able to use it to see ahead into you own destiny."

Boruto gritted his teeth, "What's your deal?" he gasped as Momoshiki reappeared directly in front of him.

"I..." Momoshiki's voice echoes eerily in the void, "Can see you destiny quite well," a deranged chuckle escaped the Otsutsuki's lips, "Heed this warning. Beware, for those blue eyes shall eventually take everything from you," Momoshiki reached for Boruto's arm, "And know this as well... that those who defeat the gods cannot remain ordinary individual any longer..."

A flash of golden light lit up the void as a barbed golden chain stabbed through Momoshiki's ċhėst.

"Sealing Jutsu: Binding Adamantine Chains."

The Otsutsuki's eyes widened in shock as more of the hated golden chains appeared from the surrounding darkness binding him securely, "Impossible! How!"

A transparent figure appeared in front of Boruto, protectively placing an arm between the boy and the alien, "To think you'd dare come into his mindscape after I gave him my blessing. You Otsutsuki never learn, at this level of power, even a tailed beast would put up a better fight than you."

Momoshiki strained against the restraints angrily, "How dare you! Curse you! I'm a god!"

Haru gave the alien a disgusted look, "To think a being like you thought you could take over my little brother's mind. You are quite pitiful," a white flame ignited in the darkness, "Ninja Art: Psychic Ashen Flames."

Momoshiki screeched in agony as Haru placed a protective arm around Boruto's shoulder, blocking out the sights and sounds of the Otsutsuki's death.

"It's over..."


Boruto woke up to see Momoshiki's body get absorbed into the Rasengan before the Jutsu spiraled up into the atmosphere, vaporizing.

Letting out a relieved sigh, the young Uzumaki let his body relax as his back hit the ground.

There was a rustle and he was picked up by a mound of paper that morphed into Haru.

The redhead gave the boy a closed-eyed smile, "You did it! Great job!"

At the bottom of the tree, Naruto felt chakra receivers crumble. With a tired sigh, he leaned back, resting on his wrists from where he sat.

"It ended up just like I told you before," Sasuke walked up to him, his hand placed on Sarada's shoulder, "The soul of a shinobi never changes... even if the times do."

"You're right," Naruto agreed.

Sasuke looked over at where Boruto was pushing Haru's face away, protesting he did not need to be carried, resulting in his being unceremoniously dropped in a huff, "He really is just like you."

Naruto laughed, "Yeah, you think?"

Sasuke gave a short chuckle, "Well I told you, right? You loser."

Naruto tensed at the name his smile becoming awkward.

Sasuke gave his friend a look over, "You're a total mess."

"Look who's talking?"

"Don't lump me in with you!" the Uchiha held out a hand, to help the Uzumaki up, "At I'm still able to stand, right?" he helped Naruto to his feet and looked back towards an arguing Haru and Boruto, "I 'd say that I won this contest."

Naruto gave a sigh of defeat, rolling his eyes, "Seems so... Well, adding up all of our matches so far, I'd say we're just about even right now."

In the distance, Haru placed a hand on Boruto's shoulder. A moment later the two appeared right next to the group.

"Mission accomplished, Lord Seventh," Haru reported cheekily.

Naruto ġrȯȧnėd loosening his joints, "Oh, shut up," he looked at his son, "You okay?"

Boruto unconsciously touched his eye, "I think so. That Momoshiki guy tried to do something with my mind until Niisan helped."

Naruto and Sasuke's eyes widened in concern and they looked at Haru who had a self-satisfied smirk on his face.

"Oh yeah, Naruto once told me how his mom and dad used a chakra imprint to speak to him after death. I followed the concept for my own special Jutsu, Angel's Blessing. It acts as a sentient protector within your mind, but it only works once per application."

Boruto rubbed the back of his head, "I'm glad you gave me one. Really helped me in a pinch."

Naruto sighed in relief, "Thank goodness."

Sasuke nodded silently.

Haru popped a vein, "Is no one impressed by the fact I made a new Jutsu that protects you from mind control? Seriously?"

Sarada fidgeted slightly before bowing low, "Please teach me!"

Haru blinked and looked at her, "It's tempting. Sasuke did steal my student..."

Sasuke gave him a mocking glare, "You are so petty."

Haru ignored him as he thought about it carefully, "This actually might be a perfect opportunity," he raised an eyebrow at the girl, "You said you wanted to be Hokage. Are you prepared for the training I will have you do to groom you for the position?"

The Uchiha girl looked up, her face bright with enthusiasm, "Really?"

Sasuke sighed, "Haru, you remember your deal with the Hidden Rain to take the title as village leader and Amekage after the Chunin Exams right?"

Haru shrugged, "Then I'll make it a field trip. Kids need to see the world," he gave Sarada a thumbs up, "As of now, I, Haruko Uzumaki will be your teacher! I will make you the most powerful kunoichi the shinobi world has ever seen."

Naruto gave his student a cheeky grin, "Even more powerful than Kaguya?"

Haru waved him off, "She doesn't count. She wasn't a ninja," he paused, "You know what? Why not try for that?" he grinned, poking Sarada on the forehead, "We'll make you super angel number two. Like a regular angel, but super."

Sasuke grabbed his arm, not liking the fact that Haru blatantly stole his form of affection, "That's my thing."

Haru gave the Uchiha a sly look, "No, that's your brother's thing and he didn't patent it."

Sarada rubbed her forehead, "I had an uncle?"


Haru gripped Naruto and Sasuke's shoulders, giving them a 'friendly' smile. "Before any training, a couple of fathers that I know will take a vacation and get to know their own kids, savvy?"

The four silently nodded.



(A/N) Sage mode will definitely not exist in the actual story.. The My Hero Academia Universe is incapable of hosting those types of sages not to mention there are no sage animals or sage teachers to learn from.

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