Shikigami Dance: Naruto/BNHA Crossover

Chapter 32 - A Scroll and a Favor

(A/N) Sorry for the wait! My registration was messed up and I had to fix it and my finals are right around the corner. I had this done earlier but I wasn't happy with what I wrote and had to change it.

BTW does anyone want an Iroh and Zuko cameo again? They won't play any further part in the actual story just a brief showing. Please tell me if yes.

I did a count on the words written in this fic so far... Over 160,000 words not including the notes! That's the length of JRR Tolkien's (my idol's) book The Two Towers!

Also, this chapter will give a brief lesson on chakra nature.



Katsuki's yelling filled the house as he aggressively brushed his teeth.

"Stupid weasely mouth germs!"

Mitsuki slammed her fist against the bathroom door as she screamed at her eldest, "KATSUKI YOU CAN'T WAKE UP AND START YELLING!"

The door to Haru's room opened ominously as dark miasma flowed out the doorway.

"...Who do I need to kill..."

Haru's zombified face peered around the door, his eyes searching for a victim to kill. Upon seeing his mother, his survival instincts kicked in and he reeled in his killing intent as he made a hasty retreat. In the Bakugo home, one never challenges the alpha.


"Doesn't sound too bad at this point..."

Mitsuki raised a brow, her aura turning dark, "What did you say?"

Haru's demeanor did a one-eighty turn around as he smiled, filling the air with enough sparkles that would make Aoyama jealous, "I said, why would we do that at this point?"

The angry mother let go of her younger son, slightly placated, "Good."


Haru's eyes became overshadowed by his hair, "Can I kill him, Mom?"

Mitsuki cracked her knuckles, "Wait your turn. I made him, I'll kill him."

Downstairs, Masaru calmly drank some tea, "It seems rather peaceful this morning. Right, Bumi?"

Bumi barked in agreement as the crash of the bathroom door getting broken in could be heard from the upstairs.

Both the man and the dog sighed in contentment.


(Back to the Past Jutsu...)

Right after the sports festival, the school had given the students two extra days off along with the weekend, leaving them all with an extended four-day weekend to recover.

Aizawa had given the class a runover of what the next couple of weeks were going to be now that the whole class had been viewed on live tv. Put briefly, their performance would attract attention from pros all over Japan (and even from other countries in some cases) causing many hero agencies to try and recruit them as potential sidekicks.

The class was then dismissed to go enjoy their well-earned rest. Aizawa was meant to tell them to take it easy but decided it was a waste of time since they more likely wouldn't listen anyway.

As Haru was exiting his classroom with his classmates, his phone buzzed in his pocket, signaling a text.

Kaminari raised a hand after him, "Hey! Haru! Where are you going?"

Jiro placed a hand on the electric blonde's shoulder, "Let him go. It's obviously important," Jiro placed a hand to her mouth as she yelled after the running figure, "Don't forget to call!"

Haru turned briefly, giving a wave.

Jiro instantly felt several eyes boring into her back.

"Kekekeh..." Ashido's face was lit up in a devilish smile, "Something you're not telling us, Jiro?"

Even invisible, Hagakure's aura emanated the same demonic air, "Heh, heh! Come on! Spill!"

Uraraka and Aoyama radiated a similar vibe as they nodded in expectation.

Tsuyu kept a blank expression, "Should we really be prying into this?"

Ashido slowly took a step forward, her hand raised like a cat ready to pounce, "It'll be fine! She just needs to be a good girl and tell the truth."

Jiro leaned back in trepidation as the group approached her and look around for help, "Momo!"

Yaoyorozu looked away guiltily, leaving the poor girl to her fate.


Jiro had two options left, fight or flight.

She chose flight...


Unaware of what had happened with his classmates right after he left, Haru kept on running up the stairs leading to the roof.

Slamming it open, he found himself staring at Best Jeanist's back as the hero looked out across the campus.


The number four hero didn't turn around, "I always liked the view from here. It gives you a view of the entire city."

Haru gave his mentor a disgruntled look, "Really? Asking me to meet you alone on the roof and then trying to tie me up? That's sketchy as hell?"

Best Jeanist chuckled as he loosened the threads, turning to look at his protege, "And yet, even after all that happened today, you still didn't fall for it."

Haru deadpanned as he jumped down, "We both know you would have caught me if you were being serious."

Best Jeanist straightened a loose hair, "I can't afford to risk injuring you," he scanned the redhead's body up and down, "You're covered in bandages as it is."

Haru flexed an arm dramatically, "I'll heal."

He flinched as the hero chopped down on his head.

"Enough messing around. You deserve a rest after all the work you put in," Jeanist's tone softened, "I'm proud."

Haru felt a warmth fill his ċhėst at the praise.

Best Jeanist placed a hand on Haru's head, pulling the boy's scarlet locks from his face, "I noticed something strange about your seal during your last match. Any clue?"

Haru's face fell, "It-it's... gone."

Jeanist's eyebrows shot up, "Gone?"

Haru nodded, "It fulfilled its purpose. I'm now considered old enough to use my full potential. Since it was no longer needed it finished the final step of the sealing process, granting me the ultimate technique of my clan."

A tear threatened to trickle from Haru's eyes. Even though the seal had unintentionally caused him pain during all these past years, it was still an important part of him. It was one of the few things he had left of both of his parents.

Best Jeanist gently wrapped the boy in a hug, "I know it's hard. We are all afraid of letting go," he ran a hand comfortingly over the boy's head, "But it helps us grow."

The hero smiled behind his collar as memories of the young Uzumaki flashed through his mind. Watching this young one grow up had been quite a journey for both of them, but the hero wouldn't change a single moment of it. Training, teaching, protecting, guiding, it had all been worth it.

Haru let out a calm breath, reeling back his emotions, "Thank you, Sensei."

The number four hero pulled back, placing both hands on Haru's shoulders, "I think it's time I kept up my end of the deal," he reached into his pocket, pulling out a scroll and Haru's locket, "Your friend bumped into me and asked that I return your locket to you," he held out the scroll as he watched Haru carefully place the chain around his neck, "As promised. This may be a little early but..." Best Jeanist gave the teen a closed-eyed smile, "Happy Birthday."


(Jutsu Released...)

Haru ascended the stairs of an all-too-familiar apartment complex. Reaching the top, he rested against the wall outside, breathing hard.

"I train all these years and I still can't climb a few flights of frickin stairs," he grumbled fumbling in his pocket.

He finally fished out a key and unlocked the apartment door to the Midoriya household. He was greeted by the voices of the two residents in conversation.

"Seven! Isn't that crazy?" Inko's voice seemed cheerful as usual.

"Well... yeah..." Izuku sounded a little more subdued than usual, and understandably so considering his broken arm stood as a grim reminder of his defeat.

Haru quietly shut the door, kicked off his shoes, and made his way to the dining room.

A smiling Inko was using her Quirk to telekinetically move her son's glass of milk at a safer distance from the table edge as she described her experience, "That's how many times I passed out after the cavalry battle! I'm pretty sure the last two were due to dehydration!"

Izuku was struggling to use his left hand to eat his breakfast his lips pressed in a thin line of extreme concentration, "Kinda sounds like you were way more heroic than I was out there..."

Inko gave him a stern motherly look, "Don't mock your mother. Suddenly finding out you had a power like that; I'm glad you have a Quirk but did it have to be so dangerous?"

Haru imagined Izuku randomly attempting to explain his unusual biological change and resulting in a mumbling mess while Inko smothered him in happy tears at his dream coming true. He chuckled, letting his presence known to the two green-haired people he deemed as part of the family.

Inko's face brightened even more upon seeing the boy she saw as her godchild, "Haruko! Honey, when did you come in?"

Izuku's face was stunned for a moment before a smile appeared on his face, "Haru-chan!"

Haru smiled, leaning down to let Inko hug him, "Hello Aunty! Sorry, I let myself in with the key you gave me. I wanted to check up on you two."

Inko grabbed the younger Bakugo's hand and led him to the table, "It's no problem. You are welcome any time! Would you like some breakfast?"

Haru let himself be seated, "Just some tea if there is a pot ready. I already ate at home."

Inko scurried to the kitchen, "I have a pot simmering right now. Don't bother trying to help. I'll be back in a jiffy!"

Haru smiled after her as she left the room, "Thank you, Aunty!" he gave Izuku a contented look, "Your mom is one of a kind, Izu. Knowing her, she'll support you every step of the way. Try not to worry her too much, okay?"

Izuku gave a determined nod, "Got it!"

Haru fondly shook his head, "Relax. I'm not here to reprimand you."

Izuku let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding and his eyes sparkled in admiration, "Your moves during the sports festival were amazing! Your moves were perfectly executed! You even used all those other powers! Were they part of the same Quirk? What were those chains? What do they do? Did they hurt? Your power is so cool! Are you–What are you doing?"

Haru was poking Izuku's face, his brow furrowed as if searching for something, "Where's the repeat buŧŧon? I missed half of that."

Izuku pouted slightly, "Haru-chaaaan! Stop being mean!"

Haru chuckled, settling back in his seat as Inko reentered the room with the tea.

"It's so nice that you two get along so well," Inko looked a little sad for a moment, "I'm happy for that."

Izuku's eyes widened, "Mom..."

Inko shook herself, smiling once again, "Enough of that! Do you two want to watch the festival recording? It's in HD!"

"HD?" Haru brightened in excitement, "How can I say no?"

Izuku gave an awkward laugh, "Maybe some other time?"



Haru sat cross-legged on the floor of Izuku's bedroom, staring intently at the scroll Best Jeanist had given him.

Izuku sat opposite of him, resting on his heels as he knelt, "Is that what you wanted to show me?"


"Is there something wrong?"

Haru sighed, "I just need someone to brace me for this. I'd ask Katsuki, but... you know..."

"Things between you and Kacchan are a little awkward at the moment," Izuku finished.


"What about your parents?"

"It... just didn't feel right... at this moment... Opening something of my birth parents in front of them doesn't seem appropriate somehow."

Izuku nodded, "I don't think they'd mind, but I get it."

Carefully, Haru reached out and picked the scroll up. Izuku gulped nervously as his friend slowly undid the fastenings and cautiously unfurl the length of paper, spreading it across the floor.


The contents were revealed to be some sort of formula similar to the tags Haru had made before.

"The Enclosing Jutsu," Haru's face was somber as his amber-colored eyes studied the marks.

Izuku looked questioningly at his friend, "That's the interdimensional storage you use for your Quirk right?" he noted Haru's unreadable expression, "Wait, what's with that face?"

Haru frowned, "This is much more advanced than any type of seal I have created before. Everything I made before, the paper tags, the chakra suppressing seals, storage, all of it that I worked so hard to replicate is bȧrėly the elementary versions of the real thing. To be honest, it's embarrassing when I think about how happy I was when I thought I made a breakthrough only to find out that I collected a single grain of sand from a beach is... frustrating."

Izuku grinned at his friend's irked expression, "We can't all be perfect, can we?"

"Oh, shut up."

Studying the details of the seal, Haru was able to discern three separate seals contained on the scroll. Moving instinctually, he bit his thumb, drawing blood.

Izuku raised his hand in panic, "Wha-what? Why did you–?"

Ignoring the other boy's cries, Haru made a quick swipe across the surface of the paper, streaking the three seals with crimson red.

His hands began weaving hand signs.

Boar... Dog... Bird... Monkey... Ram...

He slammed his hand on the scroll, "Summoning Jutsu!"

Sealing formulas activated and spread across the scroll's surface and there was a bang. Smoke filled the room, causing both boys to cough.

Realizing this may set off the smoke alarms, Izuku ran to open the window while Haru used wind chakra to breeze the smoke out of the house. Having safely avoided a disaster, they both gave a sigh of relief and peered at the contents of the scroll curiously, wondering what was stored there.

In a row, three large tomes of different colors lay on the scroll's now blank surface.

Haru looked them over carefully without touching them at first. They were thick, as thick as a giant Webster's dictionary, the kind that was a foot thick. Even more curious, they appeared to be newly handbound. The dully-themed covers still gave off the scent of new leather and dye.

Haru read the titles of each one starting with the green book on the far right.

'Compilation of Medical Ninjutsu.'

His eyes widened in shock. Quickly he looked at the black book on the far left.

'Chakra: Basics of Manipulation and Theory.'

At this point his mind was numb. Slowly, he looked at the white book lying in the center.

'Fuinjutsu: The Art of Sealing.'

Haru was convinced he was dreaming.

Izuku slowly reached for the chakra theory, opening it up to the first page, "These are handwritten!"

Haru's eyes widened as he snatched up the medical book, opening it to find that it was true. The books were painstakingly written in a smooth, flowing script. Several small explanatory notes and illustrations dotted the pages each and every one written and traced with care. Many of the pictures were even colored, hand-painted with a skilled and steady hand.

Haru's eyes stung as he recognized his mother's handwriting from his memories.



Konan finished writing another entry before setting the ink pen aside with a tired sigh.

"M'lady, please. You must rest," Elder Kenji pleaded with his mistress as she turned another page.

The purple-haired woman shook her head, "I don't have time to rest, Elder."

The old man gave her a sorrowful look, "I understand your concern, but you cannot keep pushing yourself like this. Even with clones, you cannot rule the village, prepare for war, and spend countless hours writing these textbooks down. You will break yourself."

Konan rested a hand on her swollen stomach, gently stroking it, "Even so, I can't stop now. I must finish these soon. All the information Nagato's Akatsuki has gathered over the years, all the knowledge we ransacked in the ruins of the Hidden Eddy Village, all the documents I copied from the Hidden Leaf archives, I must compile as much as I can before the worst happens. Time isn't a luxury we have."

Kenji sighed in defeat, "Your will is law, M'lady. I won't say anything more," he looked over at a clone copying a medical illustration of the chakra network, "I will do what I can to lighten your load. Just remember that your action will affect the child's health."

Konan hummed in understanding, "I know. I'll be sure to rest. For his sake."


Haru let out a trembling breath.

Izuku gave his friend a concerned look, "Haru-chan?"

Haru gave Izuku a reassuring smile, "I'm okay. I'm just happy," hugged one of the textbooks to his ċhėst, "These books were made by my parents for me. It makes them seem a bit closer now, you know?"

A slip of paper fell from the chakra textbook Izuku was holding. Grunting in confusion, Haru picked it up, turning it over as he inspected it.

"This is weird. It looks like ordinary paper but I feel like there's something significant about it."

Izuku has an idea and opened up to the first page of the textbook. A moment later, he made an exclamation and pointed at a small passage.

Haru looked at it and read it silently.

"It says that if I channel my chakra into the slip of paper it will react to it and reveal my primary chakra nature."

Izuku tilted his head, "Chakra nature?"

Haru held up five fingers, "In the shinobi world, there are five basic nature transformations: Fire, wind, lightning, earth, and water. Each shinobi is born with one nature."

Izuku looked confused, "But I saw you using all five during the festival. Also, your origami, what nature does it fall under?"

Haru nodded, "With proper chakra control you can theoretically use any chakra nature. As a member of the Uzumaki Clan, I was born with chakra reserves far larger than the average shinobi from my world. However, the downside is that four of those elements will drain my chakra much more than my primary element. My origami falls under a different category."

"A different category?"

Haru demonstrated by creating a paper crane in his hand, "An exception to the single nature rule is when an individual possessed the Kekkei Genkai, a limited genetic trait usually found exclusively in particular clans and families. Kekkei Genkai is found in three forms: Dojutsu, advanced nature transformation, and bodily changes. Dojutsu gives the eyes of the user special perceptive abilities. The advanced nature transformation combines two of the basic transformations. The third type affects their bodies. I possess the Kekkei Genkai of my mother that allows me to turn my body into paper and manipulate it, the Shikigami Dance."

Izuku was writing this all down in his notebook, "I see," he tapped his pencil against his chin, "What about your Heal Bite and sensory?"

Haru sighed decided to humor him this once, "There are also two other chakra natures that some clans can inherit outside of natural transformations yin and yang chakra. Yin chakra is based on the imagination and spiritual energy of an individual while yang chakra is based on the vitality and physical strength of an individual."

"Wait, you mentioned something like this before," Izuku remembered, "Your clan uses yang chakra!"

"That's right. I can share my yang chakra to heal others or even spread it out to detect the life force of anything alive within my range of perception."

"How far can you sense?"

Haru thought for a moment, "If I extend my range to the limits, at least several kilometers."

"Oh whoa..."


Izuku glanced at the paper in Haru's hand, "Are you going to see what chakra nature you are?"

Haru raised the hand holding the paper, his brow furrowed slightly as he concentrated.







"Are you actually trying?"

Haru smirked at his friend's impatience, "Sorry, I was messing with you."

Izuku huffed as Haru focused again.

The paper burst into flame and quickly turned to ash...

Haru gathered the grey dust before it could get on the carpet, "Fire."

Izuku's eyes lit up, "That's so cool!"

Haru looked at his friend knowingly, "It bothers you."

Izuku rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, "Um... a little."

"Because of your dad's Quirk?"

Izuku gave his friend an abashed smile, "I just remember how disappointed I was when I was told I would never be able to inherit it," he looked down, "But I'm happy you can something like it. It makes me feel better about getting a completely different Quirk."

Haru didn't answer as his phone buzzed, giving out a ringtone.

['Cause you're hot then you're cold

You're yes then you're no

You're in then you're out

You're up then you're down~]

Haru's face was full of surprise as he pulled the phone from his pocket and accepted the call, "Todoroki?"

Izuku choked on air at the name.

[I found your number in the class chat,] Todoroki stated blandly, [Was I not allowed to call you?]

Haru shook his head despite the other boy's inability to see it, "No! I was just surprised! Did you need anything?"

He was met by silence for a moment before Todoroki spoke again, [I have a favor to ask.]


Haru's face was serious after hearing what was being asked, "Todoroki, are you sure about this? This is highly illegal and there is no guarantee it'll work. I'm nowhere near the level of expertise you're asking for."

[It's worth a try.]

Haru picked up one of the textbooks (which one I wonder) and flicked through the pages, "I can't just say yes. This is too dangerous a thing to try on a whim. I can't chance it. Matters like this are too fragile to deal with lightly."

[I know that but... can you at least take a look?]

Haru leaned his head back, staring at the ceiling, "I will only do it on one condition."


(A few hours later...)

"Thanks for this," Todoroki said as the two boys exited the station and made their way to the nearby hospital.

Haru adjusted the book bag on his shoulder as he gave the bicolored-haired boy a questioning look, "It's no problem, but you are completely sure this is what you want to do?"


"I'm not a miracle worker. I have limits."

Todoroki gave a small smile, "So you do have humility."

Haru stared hard at his classmate's rare expression of mirth and meticulously took out his phone and snapped a picture.

Todoroki blinked in confusion, "What?"

Haru grinned, "That photo will go in the yearbook."

Todoroki's heterochromatic eyes were full of confusion, "Why?"

Haru pocketed his phone and walked past the other boy, "Your first smile since joining Class 1A. The first one that I've seen, that is."

"Sorry..." Todoroki suddenly looked a little gloomier than usual, "I've never been good with other people."

Haru waved it off, "You and every homeschooler in existence."

"...I am homeschooled."

"Shit! I meant no offense!"

"It's fine."


(A/N) FYI I'm homeschooled


(Fujiya Hospital... Room 315...)

"I don't know if I can do this," Todoroki stood in front of the door to the room, his hand hesitating as he reached out to open it.

Haru placed a hand on his shoulder, "You'll be fine. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you."

"It's just been so long. Do you think she could have ever forgiven me for leaving her alone all these years?"

"You'll never know unless you talk to her," Haru stated, "But you have to take the first step if you're going to become the hero you want to be. This is your choice."

Todoroki gave a slow sigh, "Okay."

Haru stepped back, remaining out of sight as Endeavor's son opened the door. Silently Todoroki stepped into the room, sliding the door shut behind him.

"Hello, Mom," his muffled voice could be heard through the door.


Haru pulled out his phone, moving down the hall a ways as he texted the newest contact he had received in exchange for his help. Pushing send, he pocketed his device.

A minute later, unsurprisingly, the phone buzzed as a call (Haru hadn't chosen a ringtone yet) was sent in.

He hit accept, "Hello, Endeavor."

[How did you get this number, brat?] the hero sounded angry.

Haru glanced at the closed door, "Look. I was planning on not doing anything more but it seems that your son has other plans..."


[So that's it,] Endeavor sounded calm.

Haru leaned against the wall, "I'm not asking permission, but I can't do this without telling someone and you're the only ȧduŀt I can tell without getting asked too many questions."

[Can you do it?] the question made Haru blink in surprise.

"I can't really say. This is way outside my expertise," he unconsciously placed a hand on the bookbag, "I will have to check and see the condition."

[I see. You have my permission to do what you can.]

"You are way too trusting of a random teenager who chewed you out."

[Your records say you are trustworthy.]

"Did you praise me?"

[No, the files say it right here.]

"You're actually reading my files right now... I feel so safe."

[Snotty brat. Just do what you like.]

"I translate that as 'mess up and you die.'"

The call went dead on the other end.


(A few minutes later...)

The door slid open and Todoroki leaned outside, "You can come in."

Haru entered the room.

It was a decent size, clean, a little plain, but comfortable. By the window, a woman with snow-white hair sat in a chair. Even though she looked frail and tired, she radiated a soothing aura of motherly calm.

"Is this the friend you mentioned, Shoto?" the woman asked.

Todoroki shook his head, "No. He's the one who beat me during the sports festival."

Haru gave Todoroki a mock hurt look, "We're not friends?"

Todoroki looked confused, "Are we not?"

Haru decided to refuse the temptation of giving the oblivious teen a hard time, "You think I would have come here if we weren't?" he patted Todoroki's shoulder as he walked past, "We had a good fight. We should spare again sometime."

Haru gave a small bow to the white-haired woman, "It's an honor to meet you, Mrs. Todoroki. I'm Haruko Bakugo. Your son and I are in the same class."

Rei Todoroki gave the redhead a small smile, "The pŀėȧsurė is all mine. Thank you for befriending my son."

Haru straightened up returning the smile, "It wasn't easy, but I think I'll manage."

Todoroki looked between them for a moment, "Am I hard to deal with?"

Haru chuckled at the other boy's dead-serious tone, "Don't take me too seriously," he looked back at Rei, "Now, did he tell you what I'm here for?"

Rei nodded, "Yes, but I don't want you to get in trouble."

Haru grinned, "No trouble. I made a quick call and got permission."

The mother and son looked at him in surprise.

"Permission? From who?" Rei questioned.

Todoroki connected the dots a disgusted look appearing on his face, "You called HIM?"

Rei's grey eyes widened as she realized who they were talking about.

Haru raised a hand for silence, "I did. He gave permission."

Todoroki clenched his fist, his knuckles turning white, "Whose side are you on?"

Haru massaged his forehead, "Listen, Todoroki. I told you the risks. Neither of us can afford to be careless," he sent a stern look at the other boy, "And whether we like it or not he had a right to know."

The bicolored-haired boy contained his anger, remembering his mother was right there, "He forfeited the right a long time ago. He couldn't care less about it anyway. He just wants to leave the past behind and forget about his family."

"I don't think that's true," Rei spoke softly, but they made both boys stop their argument.

Todoroki looked at his mother disbelievingly, "Mom..."

Rei looked at a small vase standing on the windowsill, "See those flowers?" they all looked at the sprigs of fresh autumn bellflowers, "He knows they're my favorite," a vacant look appeared in her eyes as if she were remembering a past memory, "I only mentioned it once when we'd just met."

Todoroki leaned against the table, stunned, "Dad's been here?" he was so shocked he did not even realize that he had called Endeavor 'dad.'

Rei gave a single nod, "Many times, apparently. Of course, I haven't seen him... I'm still afraid. The doctors don't think it's a good idea. I have no idea what he's feeling, or how his mind works, nor the external pressures that must be on him," she gave them a closed-eyed smile, "But see? He's thinking about his family. I'm sure he's definitely trying to face his past and his family. In his own way," she placed a hand over Todoroki's, "Shoto, your father's probably the most stubborn man in the world. He's not the kind of man to run away from us."

Todoroki sat down on the bed, "I can't forgive him."

Haru sighed, "Then don't. He's not asking. Probably never will. You have no obligation to do so."

Rei gave Haru a knowing smile, "You speak as if you met him."

Haru rubbed his neck, "Well you can say I observed him at a close-ish sort of range?"

Todoroki gave him a deadpan look, "How close?"

"Enough to chew him out."

Todoroki smirked slightly, "That explains why you didn't have his number."

Haru deadpanned, "Har har... Your sense of humor floors me."

Rei gave a soft laugh.

Haru immediately went all business mode, "I hate to bring this short but the doctors won't give us too much longer. May I?"

"Of course," Rei answered.

Haru took a deep breath, placing his middle and index fingers against the woman's forehead. There was a faint whoosh as a green chakra coated his hand.

A minute later, Haru lowered his arm, "I was afraid of this. I can't help."

Todoroki stood up, grabbing Haru by the arm and pulling him to the far end of the room "Can't you anything to heal her?" he hissed.

Haru shook his head, keeping his voice low, "When it comes to the physical body, my healing capabilities, once honed, can be placed on par with Recovery Girl. I don't possess the knowledge of chakra type to do something this complicated. Not with this amount of damage. If I try to force it at my level of training, I'll just put her in a coma."

Todoroki pressed his fists against his sides as he trembled slightly, "I'm sorry, Mom."

Rei shook her head, "It's alright, Shoto. The fact that you tried so hard is enough."

Haru walked over to her again raising his fingers once again, "I can help a little, but it will only soothe your weaker memories slightly. That's the extent of what I can do at this point.," he pressed his fingers to her forehead again, "This is a merely a harmless numbing effect. It won't be permanent, but I will help you rest. If I try for more, I'll do more harm than good."

Rei felt her body relax slightly as her mind calmed in response to the warm chakra, "Thank you."

Haru gave a sad smile, "I wish I could do more," he turned to Todoroki, "I'll leave now."

He slid the door open but Todoroki's voice stopped him, "Thanks, Class Rep. I owe you one."

Haru glanced over his shoulder, "If you call me Haru, I'll treat this as a freebie," he sent the two Todoroki's a closed-eyed smile as he waved at his classmate, "See you in class!"

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