In the days after the sports festival ended, the students of UA rested and recovered from their injuries. Normal classes started up again. Everyone's lives went back to normal.

Well... some things were different.

Izuku was looking at hero vs villain battles on his phone again as he stood wedged among the morning rush of people that flooded the trains.

"Hey! You!" Izuku didn't respond at first, "Your Midoriya from Class 1A!"

A few other passengers shifted to look at the teen making him feel flustered. Immediately they gave Izuku their congratulations on his placement.

"Great job at the sports festival! I rooted for you!"

"You were in the top eight, right?"

"That's so impressive!"

"Keep trying for it, hero!"

Izuku felt like a cornered bunny.

Izuku sighed as he tramped through the pouring rain, the falling droplets pattering on his umbrella, "I feel like I'm bȧrėly awake. I wonder if Kacchan and Haru-chan are getting along again?"

There was a blur of scarlet hair as Haru, without an umbrella, pelted at breakneck speed past him.

Izuku hardly had time to process what happened when Katsuki nearly bowled him over, shaking a closed umbrella at his brother like a weapon.


"I don't want it!"

Izuku opened his mouth to say something when Iida ran past him, dressed in full rain gear, "Good morning, Midoriya! Why on earth are you walking so slowly? We'll be late!"

Izuku ran after the class secretary, "Late... but it's only five minutes to the first bell!"

"Exemplary students should always arrive ten minutes early!" the bespectacled student upped his speed as he chased after his class president, "CLASS REP! SUCH BEHAVIOR IS UNSEEMLY FOR SOMEONE OF YOUR POSITION!"


Haru had his hands full draining water from his classmate's uniforms. It had started as removing the liquid from his hair and Katsuki's blazer but the newly arriving students had lined up for a turn.

Floating a small bubble of water that he had drained from Sero's clothes, he stepped over to the open window and tossed it out.

"Todoroki, if you please?"

Todoroki held up a hand and used his left side to generate heat. Haru did the same using his fire chakra. Within a minute, the room was feeling toasty.

Ashido sighed in satisfaction, "Ahhh... I love this class. It's so weird that people now recognize us from tv. Everyone wanted to talk to me on the way here."

Kirishima gave her a sharky grin, "Yeah, me too!"

"People on the street were staring at me!" Hagakure beamed, "It was kinda embarising!"

"Sure, but isn't that normal for you?" Ojiro pointed out.

Sero had a disgusted look on his face, "You won't believe what a bunch of elementary school brats yelled at me..."

"Nice try?" Tsuyu asked.

Sero ġrȯȧnėd.

Kaminari was a little more hyped than usual, his hair sparking excitedly, "All it took was one sports festival and suddenly we're like celebrities!"

"This school really is amazing," Mineta piped in.

Haru's phone buzzed as a song began to play.


Song: I'm Not Famous - Shota Aizawa || BNHA[AMV]


[Where my haters

Where my haters

I don't got em

I'm not famous, no

It don't matter what my name is

I don't got one I'm not famous, no

And I don't hate it, no]

Haru quickly pressed decline, looking at the door in trepidation.

The door opened to reveal Aizawa, now unbandaged, standing in the doorway, his phone showing a failed call symbol.

"Really?" the hero gave the class representative a tired look, "Best Jeanist warned me about your choice of ringtones, but really?"

Everyone's eyes grew to the size of saucers. 'THAT'S MR. AIZAWA'S RINGTONE?'

Haru whistled innocently, inwardly seething at being caught.

Aizawa closed his eyes, "I'll let it slide this once."

Everyone sat down as class proceeded to start.

"Ribbit. Mr. Aizawa, you don't have bandages anymore," Tsuyu observed out loud, "That's good news."

Aizawa deadpanned, "Haruko's healing gave me a record recovery. The bandages were just a precaution in case there were side effects. I don't know what he did, but I don't even have scars," he glared at the class, "I was told to convey that usage of the Heal Bite is reserved exclusively for life and death cases. Don't go asking for quick heals. That's what the nurse office is for."

"Yes sir."

Erasure eyed the class with his bloodshot eyes before continuing, "Anyway, we have a big class today, hero informatics," everyone tensed, fearing it was a pop quiz, "You need code names. Time to pick your hero identities."

Most of the class rose from their seats, cheering


Aizawa's eyes glimmered a crimson red as he activated his Quirk threateningly and everyone instantly calmed.

"This is related to the pro hero draft picks that I mentioned the last time they were in class together. Normally students don't even have to worry about the draft yet, not until their second or third year actually, but your class is different. In fact, by extending offers to first years like you, pros are essentially investing in your potential. ANy offers can be rescinded if their interest in you dies down before graduation though."

"Stupid selfish ȧduŀts," Mineta muttered.

"So, what you saying is that we'll still have to prove ourselves after we've gotten recruited," Hagakure clarified.

"Correct," Aizawa clicked a buŧŧon activating the displayed hologram behind him, "Now, here are the totals of you who got offers."

Shoto Todoroki: 4123

Haruko Bakugo: 3895

Katsuki Bakugo: 3556

Fumikage Tokoyami: 360

Teyna Iida: 301

Denki Kaminari: 289

Momo Yaoyorozu: 108

Eijiro Kirishima: 68

Kyoka Jiro: 27

Ochaco Uraraka: 20

Hanta Sero: 14

"In past years, it's been more spread out, but there's a pretty big gap this time."

Kaminari ġrȯȧnėd, "That's not fair!"

Aoyama was all pouty, "What about the real star?"

Ashido looked sorely offended at not being listed.

Jiro looked at the board, "Todoroki got the most ahead of Haru and Bakugo?"

Kirishima looked confused, "Yeah it's all mixed up from how they place during the festival."

"I mean, Bakugo had to be chained up in the end, so his placement makes sense," Sero shrugged.

"IF I SCARED A PRO, THEY'RE JUST WEAK!" Katsuki screamed.

Yaoyorozu looked a little dismal at her number but kindly complimented Todoroki, "That's quite amazing, you must be quite proud."

"These offers are probably because of my father," he stated matter-of-factly.

Uraraka was shaking Iida's shoulders excitedly on seeing her name on the list.

Izuku seemed a little downcast on seeing that his name wasn't listed.

"Midoriya, you got none," Mineta unhelpfully pointed out, "I bet everyone was really grossed out by the crazy way you were fighting."

Aizawa placed his hand on the desk, "Despite these results, you'll all be interning with pros. Got it? Even those who didn't get any offers."

Izuku snapped out of his daze, "Oh, so we're all interning?"

"Yes, you already got to experience combat with real villains at the USJ, but it'll still be useful to see pros at work. Up close, personal, in the field, first hand."

"And for that, we need hero names!" Ashido cheered.

"Right. These hero names will likely be temporary," Aizawa explained, "But take them seriously or–"

The door slammed open, "–You'll have hell to pay later!" Midnight interrupted as she made her seductive walk into the classroom, "What you pick today could be your code name for life. You better be careful, or your end up stuck with something utterly indecent."

Aizawa's expression soured, "Yeah, she's got a good point. Midnight is going to have the final approval of your names. It's not my forte."

Haru smirked. There's a story here... I can tell.

As if detecting the teen's thoughts, Aizawa glared him into continued silence, "The name you give yourself is important. It helps reinforce your image and helps show what kind of hero you want to be in the future. A code name that tells people exactly what you represent. Take All Might for example."

With that, the pro hero bundled himself up in his sleeping bag, set himself against the wall, and slept.

At Midnight's prompting, the class passed out whiteboards and markers and began brainstorming their names.


"Now, students. Who among you is ready to share?"

Several people were unnerved at Midnight's question, not wanting to go first.

Aoyama walked up to the teacher's desk, as cool as a cucumber, "Hold your breath," he warned with a flamboyant smile, and everyone complied as he held up his board, "The Shining Hero: I Cannot Stop Twinkling!" everyone was dumbstruck, not to mention blinded, as the air literally glittered, "Mon ami, you can't deny my sparkles!"

Haru squinted. 'We can't deny that our eyes are melting. The name actually applies somehow...'

Midnight took Aoyama's whiteboard and made a few minor changes, "It'll be better this way. Take out the 'I' and shorten the 'cannot' to 'can't'."

Aoyama closed his eyes as he gave a satisfied nod, "It's stunning, mademoiselle."

Everyone sweatdropped. 'She likes it?'

Kaminari gave the other blonde boy a disbelieving look, "Just for the record, you're not really French, that's just an act, right?"

Everyone looked at Haru as if he could confirm.

The redhead gave them all a blank look, "What?"

They all stared at him.

"Did you all actually think I investigate every student file to find your place of birth?"

They all nodded.


They all stared.

"He was born in France... I asked him..."

Everyone deflated, "Oh..." somehow they were a little disappointed at the simple answer.

Ashido jumped up from her seat, "Okie Dokie, let me go next!" she slammed her card on the desk, "My code name. Alien Queen!"

Midnight shuddered, "Hold on! That horrible with the acidic blood? I don't think so!"

The pink girl slouched back to her seat, depressed on being shot down, "Dang it~"

At this point, just about everyone in the class was panicking over what name they could choose that would satisfy the heroine.

Tsuyu raised her hand, "Ribbit. I think I've got one. Okay if I go next?" she stood up and made her way to the front, "I had this name in mind since grade school," she flipped her board for them to see, "Rainy Season Hero: Froppy."

Midnight cooed, "That's delightful! It makes you sound approachable! What a great example of a name everyone would love!"

The gloominess in the room dispersed as hope illuminated the other students' minds.

"Frop-py! Frop-py! Frop-py! Frop-py! Frop-py!" most of the class began chanting, sending their heartfelt thanks to the girl for the mental fortitude she had given them.


Kirishima banged his card on the desk, a determined look on his face, "I've got mine too! Sturdy Hero: Red Riot!"

Midnight gave him an interested look, "Red Riot? Interesting. You're paying homage to the Chivalrous Hero: Crimson Riot, yes?"

Kirishima rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, "That's right. He may be kind of old school, but someday I want to be just like he was. Crimson is my idol!"

Midnight smiled slightly, "If you are bearing the name of someone you admire, you have much more to live up to."

Kirishima clenched his fist resolutely, "I accept the challenge."


There was a squeak of pens as 1A kept up their brainstorming.

"Man..." Kaminari placed a hand to his chin as he stared at his whiteboard, "I still haven't been able to think of anything cool enough."

Jiro poked his shoulder, "Hey, I've got one. How does Jamming-yay sound to you?"

Haru banged his head against his desk, his shoulder shaking uncontrollably.

Kaminari looked suspicious at his reaction, "So like Heming-way?"

Jiro held a hand to her mouth as she bȧrėly kept herself from laughing, "No~ It's because even though you're powerful, you always... jam your brain!"

Kaminari popped a vein, "Oh, come on Jiro, quit messing with me! Haru, stop laughing!"

The girl slid off her seat with a laugh and presented her codename, "The Hearing Hero: Earphone Jack!"

"Now that's a good one," Midnight exclaimed.


"The Tentacle Hero: Tentacole," Shoji announced.

"Oh, I like what you're doing with that!" Midnight praised.


Sero grinned, "The Taping Hero: Cellophane!"

"That's on the nose! Good work!"


"Martial Arts Hero: Tailman," Ojiro tail waved nervously.

"No surprise with that one, I guess!"


"PINKY!" Ashido screamed out.

"Make those looks work for you, girl!"


Kaminari smirked as he showed his choice, "Stun Gun Hero: Chargbolt! Electric don't you think?"

"Makes me all tingly!"


Hagakure's board and uniform floated behind the desk, "Stealth Hero: Invisible Girl!"

"That really suits you!" Midnight was getting pumped up, "Come on! Who's up next!"


"I hope that I can live up to this name," Yaoyorozu said, "The Everything Hero: Creati."



Todoroki was as emotionless as usual, "Shoto..."

Midnight looked at the boy to the whiteboard, "Just your name?"



"Jet Black Hero: Tsukuyomi," Tokoyami announced.

Midnight swooned, "Ah~ God of the night!"


Mineta's short figure was hidden behind the desk as he held up the card, "Fresh-Picked Hero: Grape Juice!"

"Very catchy!"


Koda trembled as he stuttered out his name, "P-petting Hero: A-anima..."

Midnight gave him a thumbs up, "Yup! All about it!"


"King Explosion Murder," Katsuki's expression was dark.

Midnight deadpanned, "I'm going to say that one is a little too violent."

As expected the ash-blonde lost his temper, "HUH? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?"

"Why don't you be Explosion Boy?" Kirishima suggested.


Katsuki stomped back to his seat, violently sitting down.

Haru leaned back, "How about Ground Zero? Fits your Quirk and seems edgy enough for you."



Uraraka set her card down, "This is the name I thought of. Uravity."

Midnight clapped her hands together, "I just love that!"


Iida silently set his card down, avoiding the looks of his classmates.

"You're using your real name too?" Midnight shrugged helplessly.


Izuku hesitated a moment before showing his card.

There were several exclamations of surprise from most of the class. Katsuik's eyes widened slightly as Haru had a subtle smile.

"Really Midroiya?" Mineta asked.

"You sure about that?" Kaminari asked.

Kirishima leaned forward earnestly, "Yeah, man. That can be your name forever."

Izukulooked down, "Right. I used to hate it, but then something changed. I guess... someone taught me that it had a different meaning and that had a huge impact on how I felt. So, now I really like it," he looked up, "Deku. That has to be my codename!"

Haru stood up from his seat and made his way behind the desk.


"I thought about what kind of hero I wanted my name to represent so..."

He flipped the card.

"The Origami Hero: Akatsuki!"

Everyone was silent for a moment.

Midnight narrowed her eyes, "Akatsuki? Dawn? I was honestly expecting you to choose something like Shikigami."

Haru grimaced, thinking about a certain bespectacled criminal, "Yeah, that's actually a nickname for me given by some… not so reputable people."


A lot of yakuza sneezed at once. Someone must be talking about me.


"Correct me if I'm wrong, but that was the name of the organization your parents were a part of, correct?" Midnight queried.

Haru nodded, "The Akatsuki was an organization founded to make the world a better place and to establish a society of peace. I based my costume on their uniform, the black cloak of the night sky with the red clouds of dawn. I want to help establish the morning of a new era of peace."

"That's a very heavy burden you are giving yourself," Midnight warned.

"I'm been aware of that for a long time."



Midnight was on the verge of giving up the case, "That's basically the same thing."


(After everyone (minus Katsuki) has chosen a name...)

Aizawa had been woken from his nap and was now lecturing them on what to do next, "Now that everyone has decided on their hero names, we can go back to talking about your internships. They last for one week. As for who you will be working with, those of you on the board choose from among your offers. Everyone else will have a different list."

He up a stack of paper, raising an eyebrow at Haru. The younger Bakugo sighed leaning back in his seat as the papers floated to the spots of the non-listed students.

"You have a lot to think about," Aizawa held up his teacher's copy, "There are around forty agencies from around the country who agreed to take on interns from this class. Each agency has a different specialty that its heroes focus on. Keep that in mind."

Midnight posed an example, "Imagine you are Thirteen. You'd want to choose a place that focuses on rescuing people, not fighting villains. Understand?"

"Think carefully before you decide," Aizawa warned, "Turn in your choices before the weekend."



For the rest of homeroom, the students were left alone to look over what hero agencies they could choose for their internships.

I want to fight crime and bad guys in a big city," Kirishima's face was lit up with anticipation.

"I just hope I can intern someplace where is some kind of flooding," Tsuyu commented, "Or maybe a lake."

Todoroki's let out a short gasp of surprise when he saw his father's agency on his list.

"So, he wants you, huh?" Todoroki looked up to see Haru resting his arms on the heterochromatic-eyed boy's desk.

"It would seem so, I suppose you guessed from my expression."

Haru scrunched his face, "What expression? If it wasn't for your heartbeat I wouldn't have noticed."

"Do you spy on everyone at all times?"

Haru grinned, "I lied. Your expression was readable. Even sensors have to concentrate to utilize their sensory. Unless I'm within a fifteen-meter distance from someone holding strong, negative emotions, I won't automatically detect people or their reactions."

Iida looked up at that, his glasses fogging over as he adjusted them nervously.

Haru felt something tap his shoulder and turned to see it was one of Jiro's earphone jacks.

"Since when did you two get all chummy?"

Todoroki blinked at Jiro's question, "Chummy?"

"Become friendly," Haru translated.

Todoroki looked up at the dark-haired girl, "Over the weekend."

Kaminari shook his head, "And thus the Class Rep thawed our resident ice prince."

Ashido lay across her desk gloomily staring at her agency sheet, "So, guys, have any of you decided what pro agency you wanna go for?"

Mineta jerked a thumb at himself, "Mount Lady's my top choice!"

"Mineta, are you thinking something perverted?" Tsuyu questioned accusingly

Mineta immediately looked scared, "P-possibly...?"

Haru gave the small boy a thumbs up, "Points for honesty. I'll take it."

Ojiro walked over to Ashido's desk, "You made it pretty far in the tournament. It's weird you didn't get any offers."

Ashido let out a whɨnė, "I know~"

Uraraka looked over at Izuku, "Hey Deku, who's on your list?"

The brunette's question went unheard as Izuku was mumbling.

Haru turned his head, still laying on Todoroki's desk, "Izu, you're scaring the kids."

Izuku jerked, "What? What did you guys say?"

Tsuyu gave him a blank look, "You're really thinking hard about this, aren't you?"

Uraraka nodded enthusiastically, "It'll all work out! I settled on my pick!"

Ashido gaped at her, "Already? What agency?"

Uraraka smiled happily, "The one that the Battle Hero: Gunhead runs."

Izuku tilted his head, "Gunhead's a big brawler, though. Are you sure that's where you want to intern, Uraraka?"

Uraraka nodded affirmative, punching the air, "Yup! He sent me an offer!"

Kaminari rested an elbow on Haru's back, earning a discomforted grunt, "So, Haru. Any idea where you're going?"

"A couple, but it has to okayed by the Hero Safety Commission," Haru grumbled.

Todoroki made a failed attempt of a smile, "That's rough, buddy."

Haru glared at him, "Don't infringe on copyright," he turned his head, "Izuku, stop hovering over your seat for a second and sit down."

Everyone in the class suddenly noticed the green-haired boy was trembling, his muscles probably screaming with pain as he squatted in a sitting position but remained suspended a finger's breadth from the chair.

"Were you doing that the whole class?" Uraraka exclaimed at him in astonishment.

Katsuki popped a vein as he crumbled his paper, "Idiots..."


(Principal's Office... After School...)

Nezu turned another page of the textbook Haru had given him.

"Fuinjutsu, the art of sealing. Quite the fascinating concept. Your parents' gift is quite impressive."

Haru sipped the tea, the principal had given him, "Considering their versatility and potential, these techniques are very complicated to learn, not to mention time-consuming. I was hoping you could recommend someone to help me analyze the textbook. I already lent Recovery Girl the book on Medical Ninjutsu and chakra theory, but she said I'd best consult you on this."

Nezu grunted happily, "Why, of course. I'll be happy to personally help you with this knowledge!"

Haru choked on the tea, "I beg your pardon?"

Nezu smiled, "If this Fuinjutsu is a versatile as it seems, who knows what we may discover for its use in the future. I am curious if it's possible to be used in synchronization with technology or even security systems."

"But, Principal," Haru protested, "You're already so busy... I can't possibly..."

"I understand your concern, but there is nothing to worry about," Nezu reassured the boy, "I may not look it, but am a creature in need of stimulation. Having the chance to be one of the few to analyze such world-changing information is quite an enviable predicament."

Haru set his tea on the desk, bowing his head gratefully, "I can't thank you enough for this, sir."

The principal tapped the side of his nose, "Of course, this is all confidential. We don't want to leak too much info to the higher-ups."

Haru saw the sadistic gleam in Nezu's eye and realized the mouse-like creature was also using this as an opportunity to create another bargaining chip with the higher-ups.

Nezu was a sadist. Thanks to his Quirk, High Spec, he was granted super high intelligence and flawless memory. As expected, he never forgot a wrong done to him. Nezu loved children, he would protect them, tooth and claw, to the death. That was why he was a teacher. He was also fiercely loyal to his friends and a true contributor to society. However, for the rest of humanity, Nezu couldn't care less. If an opportunity to pull one over the humans who had experimented on him showed up, Nezu would take it, within reason.

"You know, Uzumaki," the principal said, using Haru's birth name, "I've looked at your records and observed your behavior. The way you act towards everyone, despite the constant shadow looming over your head is intriguing. It reminded me of my theory about helping young villains return to the right path through instructional programs," he picked up the thermos on his desk and poured himself another cup of tea, "It's a naive viewpoint, but I have always been a strong believer of choice. A villain becomes a criminal after they choose to commit a crime, but they also have the same capacity to choose not to," he looked up, "I'm curious what choices you will make in the future."

Seeing this as his dismissal, Haru stood up, "I hope I won't disappoint you, Principal," he bowed, "I will take my leave now. I have a few things to finish as class representative."

"Ah yes, the internships. I hope your experience will help you become a better hero. We will proceed with your training in Fuinjutsu after they are over."

Nezu watched the door shut behind the student. Looking around the empty room Nezu noticed that Haru had left his teacup on a tray on the far side of the room where Nezu placed all the other dirty china from other visits.

The principal smiled at the boy's thoughtfulness before frowning. 'We may not be telling him how hard it was for us to compromise with the Hero Safety Commission to let him attend as a normal student, but he seems to know deep down what is really happening behind the scenes. Despite that, he trusts us to protect him while trying to repay us in the little things that would normally go unnoticed.' He sighed. 'It's rare...'

Most would never see, but Nezu did.

It was a little ironic, Haru seemed to help people who hurt him and he did it gladly. It was just how he was.

Nezu got up from his seat and went to stare out the window, "This year's students are quite the interesting batch."


Haru walked down the hallways after his meeting with Nezu, a thoughtful look on his face.

'He's curious about the choices I make... I wonder what he meant by that...'

Absentmindedly, he opened his book bag and pulled out the intern application sheets of his classmates who had already decided. Since he was already staying behind, he had volunteered as the class representative to deliver them.

He slid open the door to the teachers' office and stumbled into Snipes by accident, losing a grip of the papers.


Haru reached out a hand and pulled all the falling sheets back to his hands, "Sorry."

Aizawa looked up from his seat, "Are those the applications that have been filled in?"

Haru nodded, holding out the stack when his eyes fell on Iida's name listed on the top sheet.

"We don't have all day," the teacher reprimanded, "Hand them over."

Haru shook his head, "Right."

Aizawa received the stack and his eyes fell on the same page, "Hmm?"

"Sensei..." Haru began.

"You should best head home," the Erasure Hero's tone held no room for argument.

"Yes, sir."

Haru walked out, thanking Snipes who held the door open for him.

Aizawa stared at Iida's application. 'A Hero Agency in Hosu...'


Haru returned to the classroom, making sure everything was taken care of. One time a couple of weeks back, Kaminari and Mineta had slacked off at cleaning duty and Haru had been given an earful by an irate Erasure Head so now he double-checked before he left to make sure everything was done.

The room was immaculate. Haru mentally rolled his eyes of course because it was Shoji and Koda's turn today and both boys were very good at straightening things up.

He exited the room, moving into an empty hall.

"Ah, Class Rep, I thought you would have left by now!"

Haru looked over at a surprised Iida, "I would say the same about you. You are always so punctual."

Iida adjusted his glasses, "Well, yes. I do my best to arrive and leave in a timely fashion. I was leaving earlier but I had forgotten my bag."

Haru glanced at the bag, a sick feeling in his stomach.

"Iida, do you have anything you want to talk about?"

The bespectacled boy shook his head, "Whatever worries you have, they are unfounded. Everything is alr–"

"Forgive me, Iida, but you're lying. I can feel your heart rate and muscle tension giving you away."

Iida abruptly turned away, "This is a personal matter. You do not need to concern yourself about it."

Haru was feeling tired after a long day, but he couldn't let the matter drop, "Iida... I said once that you'd make a better class representative than me. I know that if I was in the same situation as you are right now, you would do your best to help me. Please, listen to what I have to say."

"If it is about my brother–"

"This is about you, Iida. When I was appointed class representative, I said I'd take my job seriously, and I will not let you blindly seek revenge," Haru's amber eyes pierced through the Iida's soul, "I saw the agency you chose for your internship. The teachers and I may not be able to stop you, but we're damn far from stupid."

Iida gritted his teeth, "You don't understand."

Haru ran his fingers through his scarlet locks in frustration, "Funny how people say that phrase as if it's some mantra for excusing poor decisions," he closed the distance between them and gripped Iida's shoulder, "I understand what you are feeling right now. At the USJ, when I saw Katsuki almost die right in front of my eyes and seeing everyone hurting... feeling their fear... I was ready to kill. I wanted to shred every last villain to pieces."

Iida reached up and removed Haru's hand before brushing past him, "Then you'd understand why I have to do this. Excuse me."

"You don't have to do anything!" Haru raised his voice.

Iida stopped in his tracks

Haru inhaled slowly, calming himself, "Anger breeds hatred, which will only breed more hatred and suffering. Sometimes the only true solution is to forgive."

Iida's glanced back at Haru's immobile figure, stony-faced, "I will not forgive that villain for what he did."

The class secretary began walking away but stopped once again at Haru's voice.

"Iida. Forgiveness isn't letting the guilty getting away, it's being able to look at someone without having our minds clouded with anger. It's not easy.. I haven't forgiven a lot of people for the things they've done," Haru walked in the opposite direction from his classmate, "Be a better person than me, Iida."

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