(A/N) Good news and bad news. Good news: school is over. Bad news: full-time summer job with evening shifts. Hopefully, this won't interfere with my updates.

A scary fact that I discovered. Jiro actually lives in the Shiosame Prefecture, the same district as Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, and Tokoyami. A complete accident on my part when I first set up the story.

Just a warning. I will have a Food Wars cameo that won't play a part in the future story.


(Weekend before internships...)

Haru stood at the station gate, fidgeting as he glanced at his phone.

Today he wasn't wearing his usual school uniform. Instead, he was sporting slim fit army-green slacks, a thin black hoodie bearing a red spiral symbol on the front, and a pair of black lace-up boots. To finish the outfit he had picked a dark crimson leather jacket to wear over the hoodie.


The young teen's head snapped up at the voice as Jiro ran into the station.

The dark-haired girl was wearing a black open-shoulder tee shirt, skinny jeans, a pair of knee-high boots, and a cream-colored cardigan to guard against rain-chilled air.

Jiro panted, a little flushed from her run, "Sorry I'm late. I forgot my phone and had to run back," she caught her breath, a look of relief on her face, "I'm glad I wasn't late for the next train

Haru was staring at her in a daze, "Y-yeah," his cheeks turned the color of his hair as he fixedly looked away from her, clearing his throat, "You look nice."

Jiro looked down, "Thank you."

There was a low ding over the station's intercom before it was announced that the train would be departing shortly.

Haru straightened up, his awkwardness forgotten, "We'd better hurry."

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her through the automatic check-in gates. Luckily their IC cards worked without a hitch. Within a couple of minutes, they were both seated on the train as it quickly made its departure.

Jiro leaned back in her seat, looking over at the redhead next to her, "So, where are we going?"

Haru turned to face her, "I have a couple of ideas, but since this is meant to your day, I thought I'd have you make the final decision..." his voice trailed off as, for once, he was completely unsure of what he was doing.

The girl smiled, feeling her nerves calm a bit at his sincerity, "Sound's great. I hope you'll be able to entertain me," she teased.

Haru's shyness disappeared as he sent her a competitive grin, "You'll be so entertained, you won't be satisfied by subpar attempts in the future."


"Anything stand out to you?" Haru asked Jiro as they both walked down the busy streets.

Jiro's eyes were lit up, despite the rest of her face being expressionless, as she looked around at the many shops and recreational businesses lining both sides of the small shopping district, "Are you kidding me? I had no idea this even existed. It'll take me forever to pick a place."

Haru chuckled at the girl's attempt to restrain herself. From what he had gathered, Jiro had seldom felt the initiative to wander the city around her own home. Being out like this was something new for her.

Jiro calmed herself as she fiddled with one of her earphone jacks, "How did you find this place?"

Haru motioned at a nearby shop that seemed to be closed, "Katsuki and I used to come here for the curry served in one of the restaurants around here, but Restaurant Yukihara has been empty for the past couple of months. The owner is traveling abroad and his son went to attend Totsuki Culinary Academy."

"The prestigious cooking school?"

"Yup," Haru answered lightly, popping the p.

"What is with you and the people you know?"

Haru gave Jiro an amused look, "I actually don't know them that well. Acquaintances at most."

Jiro shook her head, "Whatever, let's see what's interesting around here."

"No rush. We have all day."

They kept walking like this for a time. While they walked they talked about many things. Hobbies, skills, stories, etc. Haru found out that Jiro had originally wanted to be a musician before deciding to be a hero and even learned to play several instruments she kept in her room. Jiro found out that Haru had actually taken dance lessons in swing dance, acro, and was even a practitioner of the Viennese Waltz, all of which contributed to his overall fluid fighting style.

At some point, Haru noticed Jiro staring a few extra moments at the karaoke club across the street from where they were before moving on.

Smiling, he placed a hand on her shoulder, "Hey."

She paused and looked up.

He jerked a thumb at the karaoke club, "How about we stop here first? You like music, right?"

Jiro hesitated, "I don't know, I don't feel like singing in public."

Haru shrugged, "Then we rent out a room or go somewhere else. Whatever you prefer."

This seemed to give Jiro a confidence boost as he clenched her fists in anticipation, "Okay, let's do it!"

They rented out a room, the owner even giving them a discount despite their insistence they were not a couple. The man merely excused it saying he recognized them from the sports festival, and no amount of refusal would change his mind.

Haru slid his finger across the selection screen as he scanned through the random selection of songs, "What do you want to try first?"

Jiro ducked her head, having second thoughts, "I-I don't know. I've never done this with anyone before."

Haru smirked at her, earning a glare, "A music lover who never tried real karaoke. We'll have to fix that. Here, I'll start."

He typed in the name 'Jewelry Dust' and selected the song that popped up. A fast pace rhythm began playing as Haru moved to the center of the, his hand tapping the beat to the music.

As the beat picked up, he began performing choreographed movements as if he were on a stage.


(Play: [LYRICS]I★Chu | F∞F- Jewelry Dust): youtu.be/O174tbYLIrg


(Say, what'd you think it is I'm lacking?)

Akusen kotou shitenda hibi

(Every day I fight a difficult battle)

Aa isso yamecha itai da nante sa

(But, "Oh, I wish I could quit this")

Omotta koto nai

(Is something I've never once thought)

Chiisai koro mitsuketa yume

(The dream I found when I was little)

(Like a meteor shower racing through the sky)

Aa kitto koukai nante shinai no sa

(Oh, I know I'll never regret it)

Omotteta toori

(It's just as I thought)

Itsuka maigeta suteeji ga

(One day, when I look up at that stage)

Haruka kanata ni kanjite mo

(Though it feels so very far away)

Hajimari no aizu ga kikoeteru desho?

(You can hear that signal to start, right?)

Bokura dake no~

(It's just for us)


Haru's face was lit up as he transitioned to the chorus.


Hikatte hikatte houseki no you ni

(Shine! Shine! Like jewels)

Utatte utatte kageyakeru made

(Sing! Sing! Until I sparkle)

Soba de waratte kureru~

(With you by my side, smiling at me)

Kimi ni niau you ni

(So that I'm worthy of you)

Hikatte hikatte daiyamondo yori

(Shine! Shine! Brighter than a diamond)

Utatte utatte kirameite itai no

(Sing! Sing! I want to twinkle brightly)

Kimi no ichiban chikaku de~

(Right by your side)


Haru's silky voice flowed easily through the speakers, filling the room with warm music. Jiro was pleasantly surprised to learn that Haru had a more than decent singing voice. As he finished the final verse and the song ended, she gave a light clap.

"You never said you can sing. You can probably pass off as an idol if you tried."

Haru turned a beet red as he realized that he had been dancing to the music, "When did I...?"

"From the beginning."

Haru covered his face and shrank into a ball, "Why... I have been used to practicing dancing as training so much I kind of do it automatically now... This is embarrassing."

Jiro poked his head teasingly, "Where did all that self-confidence go? You're embarrassed about dancing in front of people?"

Haru lifted his head a pout on his face, "This coming from you. You're embarrassed about just the singing part."

Jiro patted his shoulder, "I don't like attracting too much attention. Now move, It's my turn."

She took the microphone and approached the selection screen. She glanced at the list and tapped 'History Maker' before selecting the version she wanted.


Play: Yuri!!! on ICE - "History Maker" (FULL Opening) - Dean Fujioka | AmaLee Ver: youtu.be/L3yHWOFDXIo


Can you hear my heartbeat?

I'm tired of feeling never enough

I close my eyes and tell myself

That my dreams will come true

There'll be no more darkness

When you believe in yourself, you are unstoppable

Where your destiny lies, dancing on the blades

You set my heart on fire~

Don't stop us now, the moment of truth

We were born to make history~

We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around

Yes, we were born to make history~

Born to make history

Bo-bo-born to make history~

Don't stop us now, the moment of truth

We were born to make history~

We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around

Yes, we were born to make history~


After Jiro finished the last verse she looked up to see Haru grinning at her.

"Who's the idol now?"

She glowered at him, "Shut up."

He waved a hand in front of himself defensively, "No, really! You're really good!"

Jiro tilted her head, a little unsure, "Uh... thanks?"

Haru tapped at the selection screen, "How about a duet?"

Jiro deadpanned, "Eighty percent of those are sappy love songs..."

Haru wiggled his eyebrows at her his ears a light pink, "Is that what you want?"

He leaned back with a laugh as her earphone jacks flew at his head.

Jiro growled deep in her throat, "Just pick a song."

Haru brought his laughter under control, "Okay, okay! Here we go."

He found what he wanted and clicked 'Good Time' before gabbing another mic.

Jiro shuffled nervously, unsure how to start as the song began.

Haru moved so he was standing in front of her, "Just pick up after me and only focus on singing. It'll be fun!"


Play: Dekusquad- Good Time: youtu.be/8dqX4xc_n8w


Woke up on the right side of the bed

What's up with this Prince song inside my head?

Hand's up if you're down to get down tonight~

'Cause it's always a good time


Jiro was too fidgety to join in for the first chorus letting Haru take the lead. When her verse came up, Haru stopped singing, looking at her expectantly.

Seeing the growing confidence he had been radiating since the song began, she quietly began singing, her voice growing stronger as she continued.


Freaked out, dropped my phone in the pool again

Checked out of my room hit the ATM

Let's hang if you're down to get down tonight~

'Cause it's always a good time


Her husky voice flowed through the room as she transitioned to the chorus, her excitement building as Haru joined in.


Good morning and good night~

I wake up at twilight~

It's gonna be alright~

We don't even have to try

It's always a good time!

Whoa oh oh oh oh, whoa oh oh

It's always a good time

Whoa oh oh oh oh, whoa oh oh

We don't even have to try, it's always a good time!


Without realizing it the two teens had left the door ajar. As they sang a small number of people had begun to gather in the hallway outside to listen.

It was almost a sing-off, both young teens trying to out-sing the other as they switched off.


Doesn't matter when! It's always a good time

Doesn't matter when! It's always a good time

Doesn't matter when! It's always a good time

It's always a good time


They both jumped to the music as they sang out the final chorus. Their voices melding together.


Whoa oh oh oh oh, whoa oh oh

It's always a good time

Whoa oh oh oh oh, whoa oh oh

We don't even have to try, it's always a good time!

Whoa oh oh oh oh, whoa oh oh

It's always a good time

Whoa oh oh oh oh, whoa oh oh

We don't even have to try, it's always a good time!


Both Haru and Jiro were panting heavily their faces holding bright smiles.

A sound of applause from the door made them jerk in surprise as the gather spectators showed their appreciation for their performance.

Jiro paled then flushed as red as a tomato, instinctively hiding behind Haru's taller figure. Left in the open, Haru could only give a nervous laugh as he rubbed the back of his head.



After the attention streak they had received at the karaoke club, both Haru and Jiro had made themselves scarce and explored several of the other shops and arcades in the shopping district.

Several hours later, they stood in front of a family cafe that they had chosen as their final stop. Haru was lugging a medium-sized bag with the prizes they had won at the arcades (He was not allowed to participate in some games due to his past reputation of cleaning out the prize inventories).

"This seems like a nice place," Jiro noted as they entered through the double sliding doors of the restaurant.

Haru nodded, "I've visited here before, but I haven't been here in forever. Actually, I heard of this place through Raku."

"Your yakuza friend?"

Haru sweatdropped, remembering Raku screaming at his dad's thugs, "Yes, though he wishes he was otherwise."

They waited at the front until the hostess came to seat them.

"Welcome, Customer. Table for two?"

Haru and Jiro blinked, recognizing the long orange hair and familiar face.



Marika blinked before she recognized them, "Haru! Kyoka!" she threw herself on them in a hug that nearly threw them off balance, "It's been forever!"

Haru grunted as he gently pushed her off, "It's been a few weeks, Marika," he looked at the girl in confusion, "Since when did you work here? I must admit, that's a little..."

"Unexpected," Jiro finished.

Marika, being the daughter of the Chief Commissioner of Police (and apparently her mother's family was wealthy but another story for someone else to tell) was from a wealthy family. She could have anything she wanted by just asking. That, added with her dislike of work in general, made the fact that she was working as a waitress at a cafe was, to say the least, bizarre.

Marika winked, clasping her hands behind her back, "Father wanted me to experience 'society work' and here I am!"

Haru deadpanned. 'Somehow I do not see that actually see him wanting that... ever...'

Deciding to let it go, he sighed, "Table for two."


"Take a seat! I'll be back to take your orders!" Marika said cheerfully.

"Tachibana! You're already seven orders behind!" a man who appeared to be the owner bawled out, anime tears flowing down his face.

Marika gave her boss a look that screamed innocence, "Oh, boss. Impatience isn't going to salve anything." she said seriously."

The owner raised his voice, "What do you mean?"

Haru and Jiro sweatdropped at the girl's airheadedness. 'I'm worried.'

They quickly placed their orders, Jiro choosing the cheesecake special and Haru choosing the mochi ice cream, and were left alone.

"Do you think we should...?" Jiro started to ask.

Haru shook his head, "She'll be fine. She's clumsy and completely oblivious, but she'll manage."

On the far end of the restaurant, there was the sound of a plate breaking followed by the owner wailing Marika's name.

The two seated teens deadpanned, fixedly staring at their waters.

"I'm sure she'll be fine."


Sometime later and their orders had still not arrived but something else happened that brought quite the change of atmosphere to the little restaurant.

"Well look who it is..." Haru said.

Jiro looked over to see Raku and Chitoge entering the restaurant.

"We should invite them over," she suggested.

Haru looked at her questioningly, "You sure?"

She shrugged, "Why not?" a knowing smile tugged at her lips, "We have Raku here, and we get prime service."

Haru snickered, "Friend with benefits. I like it."

He got up and walked over to the 'couple.' A few minutes later he was back with them in tow.

Chitoge waved at Jiro, calling out a greeting. With a sigh he plopped down next to the other girl, stretching her arms.

"I craving some potato fries after school today! Let's order, honey," she said the last word sarcastically.

Haru slid into the seat on the other side and Raku sat next to him. The fake couple placed their orders and the four started to talk.

"So, you two seem to be getting along better," Jiro commented.

Chitoge snorted, "That beansprout and I have no chemistry whatsoever," she looked at the other girl, pointing between her and Haru, "What about you two? Is this a date or something?"

Haru felt the heat rising to his face but managed to keep his face calm, "You can kinda say that."

Jiro stiffened in her seat, "Wait, what?"

Raku drove an elbow into Haru's ribs, "Be more specific. Romantic or platonical?"

They were all spared the answer with Marika's return, "Sorry for the wait, here you go!"

It suddenly became clear there was bias in the orders. Haru and Jiro's plate were relatively normal but Chitoge only received a single fry while Raku's anmitsu dessert looked more like a jumbo sundae.

Chitoge slammed her hands on the table, her temper flaring, "Hold on a sec!"

Miraka looked confused, "What is it, Kirasaki?"

The blonde popped a vein, "What is with that reaction? You know exactly what it is! Why do I only get one fry? Also, I've never seen a larger anmitsu dessert in my life!"

"Oh, you're being picky now, Kirasaki," Marika stated as if she had just realized what the matter was, "I guess it can't be helped then," the waitress held out a tray full of ketchup cups, "I'll give you this ketchup instead, my treat."

She tripped off, cheerfully calling out to the next customers.

Haru leaned over to whisper in Raku's ear, "Be a good boyfriend and share some of that dessert with your girlfriend. It'll be healthier for you at that rate," he sent an apologetic look at Jiro, "Sorry, this wasn't what I had in mind when I suggested we eat here."

Jiro chuckled, "I'm honestly surprised things are this calm. With you around, I'd think... No best not jinx it."

They all nodded taking a sip from their waters.

The sound of the entry bell made the four look up as Marika called out a welcome to the incoming customers.

A familiar group of motley thugs walked into the restaurant as if there was no concern.

"Man, I'm starving."

"What are we gonna get, Ryuu?"

A dark-haired man with a dragon tattoo on his shoulder stood in the forefront of the group, "It's been a while since we ate at a family restaurant."


Raku, Chitoge, Haru, and Jiro choked and sprayed water all over the table. The Shuei-Gumi!

Raku sprang up from his seat in panic and ran towards his father gang in panic, "Ryuu? What are you guys doing here?"

The yakuza second-in-command brightened upon meeting his young master out of school, "Young Master? What a coincidence!"

The owner sidled up to Raku, "You... know these people?" he asked timidly.

Haru sweatdropped as he walked up to join them, "Unfortunately, yes."

Ryuu waved at Haru, "Yo! Haru! Congrats on winning the sports festival!" he noticed Jiro and waved at her, "Great fight, girlie! You gave him a run for his money!"

Raku gave Ryuu a deadpan look, "All right, Ryuu. Listen up. You better not start anything, okay?"

The yakuza radiated childlike sincerity, "Of course, Young Master! I won't be a bother to you, Young Master!"

Haru gave Ryuu a smile that screamed fakeness, "And please don't bother the others either, okay?"

The two boys turned back and returned to their booth.

Chitoge watched as they sat down, "What a strange coincidence."

Raku still had a deadpan expression on his face, "I just hope nothing weird happens."

The other three nodded in agreement as they all took a sip from their waters.

The sound of the entry bell made the four look up as Marika called out a welcome to the incoming customers.

A familiar group of gangsters in suits walked in as if there was no concern.

"Now, what to eat? What to eat?"

"Man, I love the food from Japanese family restaurants."

A bespectacled, silver-haired man stood at the forefront of the group, "Calm down, children.


Raku, Chitoge, Haru, and Jiro choked and sprayed water all over the table. The Beehive Gang!

Claude adjusted his glasses, upon seeing the two seated couples, "Ah. Milady. I didn't expect to see you at a place like this..."

Chitoge was still gaping in shock, "That's... my line..."

Claude glanced at Haru, a demonic aura seeping out, "Shikigami, your performance at the sports festival only makes me want to recruit you even more."

Haru glowered at the Beehive's second in command, "Not today, Satan–Ow!"

He rubbed his forehead where Jiro had flicked him.

The girl gave him a stern look, "Don't provoke him."

Clause smirked and turned to his young mistress, "Worry not Milady. We'll stay out of your way. We'll never bother you by causing a ruckus, Milady."

The blonde deadpanned, "Ah, yeah. Okay then..."

The Beehive Gang left to be seated, leaving the four teens to panic.

"Hey, what is this? What is going on?" Chitoge whisper shouted, "Why are the guys from my group here as well?"

"This whole situation is a ticking time bomb," Jiro hissed.

Raku gave them a helpless look, "I have no idea what's happening! Anyway, all we can hope for is that nothing happens!"

Haru banged his head against the table, "Raku, stop jinxing us already," he looked over to the other booths and broke out in a cold sweat, "Not good."

They all looked and internally screamed as they saw the yakuza and the gangsters seated in booths.

Right. Next. To. Each. Other.

As expected, trouble immediately began to escalate.

"If it isn't the fine gentlemen of the Shuei-Gumi," Claude said mockingly, a fake smile on his face "I was wondering where that disgusting stench came from."

"Well, if it isn't one of the Beehive leaders," Ryuu countered, a similar smile plastered to his battered features, "Wearing luxury perfume as always, I suspect? Which one are you wearing today? Pig Piss?"

All semblance of nicety faded from both sides.

Haru sent a warning look at Raku and Chitoge, "Guy's, lovey-dovey mode, now!"

He shoved Raku from the booth as Jiro did the same with Chitoge from the other side.

Chitoge stumbled as she tried to gain her subordinates' attention, "He-hey, c'mon guys!"

Raku put up his lover facade, "You said you wouldn't start anything, right?" he gave a faked lighthearted laugh.

His girlfriend picked up on his act, shaking a finger at the two gangs, "I'd rather you guys didn't cause a commotion since we are on a date."

The effect was instantaneous.

Ryuu rubbed his neck awkwardly, giving a hearty laugh, "Ah, right! Sorry about that! I just got a little worked up there."

Claude bowed in apology, "I'm sorry as well, Milady."

Everyone gave a sigh of relief.


Haru and Jiro stood up at their spots in panic as Marika threw her arms around Raku's neck.


Completely unaware of the danger she was causing, the orange-haired girl fawned over the yakuza boy, "I'm finally on break! How about we get some tea together!"

In a blur of red and dark purple, Marika's arms were swiftly removed from Raku's neck as she was pulled away. Haru was fake laughing as he inched the oblivious girl away from the danger zone.

"Hahaha! She must have gotten Raku mixed up with a different Raku!"

Jiro facepalmed, "Sure, we'll go with that."

Claude popped several veins in anger as an aura of killing intent filled the room, "Hey, brat! Who's she?" he pointed a pistol at Raku's head, "I wasn't told you had another girl!"

Haru's soul left his body, forcing Jiro to grab it and attempt to put it back.

Raku was waving his hands in panic, "Whoa! Hold on! Hold on!"

The Shuei-Gumi as a whole spoke out in anger.

"Shut up, four-eyes!"

"It wouldn't be weird at all if a classy man like the Young Master had more than a few lovers!"

Raku began crying anime tears, "You guys calm down too!"

Marika blinked in confusion, "Huh? Who are these people?"

Chitoge clenched her fists in frustration as Jiro sighed tiredly, both of them muttering, "You are so..."

The sound of the entry bell made Haru's soul get suċkėd back into his body at an alarming speed.

'Ah, hell no!'

A fully suited swat team walked into the restaurant as if nothing was unusual.

"Phew, finally done with today's training."

A man with wild brown hair stood in the forefront of the group, "I'm really craving some melon soda right now!"

One of the officers grinned at his superior, "You really like sweet things, don't you, Squad Leader?"

Jiro noticed Haru jerk back to life and looked from the new arrivals to the verbally clashing gangs, "I think things got really bad."

Haru placed a hand over his eyes, "You think? That's Captain Migisuke's squad. Special Forces and Tachibana's men."

Jiro deadpanned, "Of course, they are."

Raku and Chitoge were standing in the middle of it all, their eyes popping like deer in headlights.

The squad leader's eyes widened upon seeing Marika, "Miss Marika?" he knelt before her, "What are you doing here?"

One of the other officers recognized her a second later, "What? Commissioner Tachibana's daughter?"

Marika, still oblivious to the already rising tension addressed the kneeling squad leader as if a three-way war could not break out at any moment, "Migisuke. It's funny running into you here."

Migisuke looked past his mistress and noticed the Shuei-Gumi and the Beehive Gang standing behind her.

"Huh?" a dangerous look appeared on his face, "I thought I recognized you two," he said, addressing Ryuu and Claude as he stood up, "You think it's okay for the scum of society to eat at a place like this?"

Claud and Ryuu dropped all differences as they turn to face their common enemy.

"Well, well..." Claude reached into his pocket casually, "If it isn't the squad leader of the Special Forces first squad?"

Ryuu casually placed a hand on his belt as he eyed to police, "Can I take your statement as a declaration of war?"

Chitoge placed herself in front of Claude, "Just calm down, Claude!"

Raku placed himself in front of Ryuu, "Ryuu, let's just talk this out for a sec–"

Seeing Marika not making a move, Haru placed himself in front of Migisuke, "Hold on, Captain! They haven't caused any trouble!" he stopped himself from saying 'yet.'

The three men didn't listen.

Migisuke gave Haru a studious look, "Oh, it's you... We can talk later," his eyes hardened, "We have some criminals to wipe up."

Claude adjusted his glasses, "Please stay away, Milady. Fighting, when offered a fight, is the way of the Beehive Gang."

Ryuu just went for the simple reply, "C'mon men! Charge!"

The restaurant owner stood by helplessly, unable to stop the conflict, "W-w-w-what should I do? What should I do? They're going to destroy my restaurant..."

Marika, who was standing next to him, tilted her head in confusion. I wonder what's going on right now?

The owner looked like he was about to pass out from fear, "We're going to lose all our customers if this keeps up!"

Equations began filtering around Marika's head as realization struck her. A fight meant the restaurant shutting down, which meant no job, which meant no money, which meant no funds for a house with her beloved Raku in the future. Summed up, fight equals bad.

Slowly, she walked towards the struggling mass of yakuza, gangsters, and police, her eyes overshadowed by her hair.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared in surprise at the slender-looking girl as she walked straight into the middle of the paused struggle.

Marika took a deep breath, her Song Quirk unconsciously activating, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING? FIGHTING HERE IN A FAMILY RESTAURANT? YOU'RE BOTHERING THE OTHER CUSTOMERS!" her usually proper speech was replaced by a heavy country accent (something that only happened when she was really angry) as she bodily picked up everyone within range and hurled them out the door, "IF YOU ARE GONNA FIGHT GO FIGHT SOMEWHERE ELSE!"

The police, yakuza, and gangsters were all bodily thrown out of the door of the restaurant in droves.

"Thank you very much!" Marika called out sweetly as the sliding close closed behind them.

She huffed and turned back to the owner and her friends who had all become mere shadows of themselves due to shock.

The three second-in-commands stared at the closed door, their eyes widened in stunned shock, "Huh...?"



Haru puffed out his cheek letting out a drawn out-breath as he walked, "Well... that was different."

Jiro twisted her finger around one of her jacks, "Could have been worse," she looked down at the bag of prizes Haru was still carrying, "What are we going to do with all that?"

Haru lifted the bag slightly as he examined it, "Don't know. I mean, the stuff is technically yours so it's up to you."

Jiro held out a hand, "Let me check. I can't take it all home. My parents say I have too much stuff as it is."

Haru held out the bag, letting her take it. Jiro shuffled through the bag a bit.

"How can a small bag hold so many random things. Is this Mary Poppin's bottomless carpetbag?"

Haru chuckled at her, patiently waiting for the girl to sort through everything.


They both looked up to see a giant man with a speed boost Quirk tearing down the sidewalk with a couple of police officers at his heels. The man was heading directly at Jiro and was on course to run her down.

Moving instinctively, Haru reached out and pulled her close, creating a pair of wings to warp them both in a protective cocoon. The running man didn't try to stop and increased his speed in order to knock the pair over. Much to everyone's shock the origami feathers changed shape into hundreds of senbon needles.

The man tried to stop himself but was being carried forward by the momentum of his speed.

"Lacquered Chain Prison!"

A cage-like cluster of wooden branches shot out and wrapped around the runner, binding him.

Haru grinned at a familiar hero, "Kamui Woods. Right on time."

The Arbor Hero raised an eyebrow under his mask, "Seems you're still a magnet for trouble since we last met. It's a good thing I came by before anything bad happened. Why didn't you move?"

Haru opened his wings, revealing a wide-eyed Jiro being held to his ċhėst.

Kamui's eyes flickered in recognition, "Oh! You're the girl who accepted my internship!"

Haru blinked, looking down at Jiro, "You're interning at his agency? You never told me that."

Jiro was blushing uncontrollably, her jacks feebly stabbing Haru's shoulder. 'Too close...'

Haru suddenly realized how tightly he was holding her and quickly let go, raising his hands and taking a step back as he retracted his wings.

Kamui chuckled at them as the police took the speedster into custody, "Well I can't scold you since you used your Quirk to protect yourself from danger and didn't hurt anyone, but be a little more careful next time."

Haru gave the hero a bow, "Thank you for your help."

The hero waved as he swung himself up, leaving the two alone. Well, mostly alone. There were a few bystanders who approached, asking if they were okay.

Seeing that Jiro was getting uncomfortable, Haru grabbed her hand and pulled her away, calling a reassurance and a thank you to the people they left behind.


(A hop, skip, and a train ride later...)

Neither of them had spoken much on the way back to Jiro's neighborhood. It was a little awkward at first, but that had faded to a comfortable silence for them to revel in.

The moment they entered her block, Jiro turned to face Haru, "I can walk home from here."

Haru nodded, not pushing it, "Alright," he held out the bag to her, "Here you go."

Jiro took the bag and fished out something from the inside, "Here," she handed him a small packet, "As thanks for earlier."

Haru opened the packet to see a charm bracelet. It was a simple woven black fiber with a string of three small Lapis Lazuli beads hanging off of it. Each bead bore the kanji for loyalty, hope, and friendship.

Jiro held up her wrist, showing a similar bracelet with a white cord, "A promise of the future."

Haru stared at her, unsure if he had misinterpreted what that meant. Did she just...?

A single look told it all.

Without a word, Haru placed the bracelet on his wrist. He held it up for her to see, a small smile on his lips.

"A promise of the future."

Jiro handed him the bag with the rest of the prizes, "There's a toy drive down the street."

Haru took the bag, "Good idea."

With that, they both turned and went their separate ways. Maybe in the future, they would have a more serious conversation about what they had promised, but for now, they had other commitments.. They could wait until then.

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