Shikigami Dance: Naruto/BNHA Crossover

Chapter 37 - Naruto Universe Part Three: Old Allies Old Enemies

(A/N) I just happened to have this mostly finished without realizing it. I planned for longer but cut it in half so I could post this to make up for the lack of updates

If you are not familiar with Naruto Shippuden then much of this may not make sense.


(Land of Lightning: Day 2 of the 4th Great Shinobi War...)

Nagato stared at the two reanimated shinobi as Konan used her origami to seal them away. The fight hadn't lasted for too long but still long enough to delay them. After all, they were former Kage.

"We'd best hurry. We must find Itachi and end the Reanimation Jutsu."

Konan looked up at him, "Nagato... You're still weak."

He shook his head, "Even if my body is weakened, the Reanimation grants us infinite chakra," he slammed his hand on the ground, "Summoning Jutsu!"

There was an explosion of smoke as the drill-beaked bird appeared beneath him. Wordlessly, he reached out a hand towards his wife.

Konan stepped onto the summon and held Nagato kneel on its back, "Very well. Let's go."


(Akatsuki Hideout: Hidden Grotto...)

Nagato and Konan made their way to the hidden cave Kabuto had been hiding since the beginning of the war following the path Itachi had laid out for them.

Once they arrived, Konan stiffened slightly.

"What is it?"

Konan pointed at the cave, "Look."

Nagato's Rinnegan eyes scanned the cave, piercing through the barriers and broken traps that littered its maze-like structure. Upon seeing the chakra signatures within the largest cave, his eyes widened.

"Sasuke Uchiha..."

Konan nodded, "It appears so."

Nagato released the summon, lightly dropping to the ground, "Let's enter."


Itachi straightened up his left Sharingan eye fading into a dull white, "He cannot escape this loop," he stated as he stepped back from Kabuto's frozen figure, "He'll remain inside this Samsara."

Sasuke heard the sound of footsteps behind them and whirled around, his sword held ready to attack.

"No need for alarm. We're allies," Nagato's deep voice echoed in the large cave, as he entered the room, leaning on Konan's shoulder.

Konan looked at Itachi and then Kabuto, "What Jutsu is this?"

"The other Uchiha forbidden Jutsu. The companion to Izanagi," Itachi explained, "A Jutsu that decides fate. The Izanami," he rested a hand on the still-standing Kabuto's head, "I'll keep him trapped so that it's easier for me to cast my usual Genjutsu on him."

Sasuke looked slightly awed, "So... he's caught in the loop you've created? That's the Izanami?"

Itachi turned to face him, "The Izanami is a visual Jutsu that places one's opponent into an infinite loop of time and sensations that you create. All at the cost of the sight of one eye. Just like the Izanagi."

Nagato felt Konan's sudden agitation at the mention of Izanagi and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "So he will be fighting phantoms of you and your brother in his mind for all eternity?"

Itachi shook his head, "Not quite. There's an escape route built into the Jutsu. He can feasibly disengage. You see, the Izanami was made to admonish and salvage an Izanagi user."

Sasuke drew a sharp breath, "What does that mean?"

"Reality is a product of chance that we call fate. We cannot predict it. Izanagi can twist around an inconvenient reality and lead it to a new fate. At a whim, a user can change the original reality and change it into a new one. A fallen opponent can just revive so to an enemy it is an intolerable Jutsu. If someone is using the Izanagi to change the outcome to their own benefit, the Izanami causes them to circle around in an endless loop."

"I believed that the Izanagi was the ultimate visual Jutsu," Sasuke stated, "But this means that the Izanami is a far superior one. Izanami forms a loop using physical sensation and even stopping Izanagi from warping reality."

Itachi didn't confirm or deny the statement, "Since the Izanami is a Jutsu meant for stopping the Izanagi, there's an escape route that's built into the loop," Sasuke's eyes widened as Itachi continued, "Originally, the Izanami was designed to keep the Uchiha honorable and humble. It's to stop you from taking the easy way out from inconvenient outcomes. Once one accepts the original outcome and stops trying to run from it, the loop will stop. This Jutsu guides you towards accepting your fate instead of relying on Jutsu to change it. A Jutsu with an escape is too dangerous to use in combat. That is why the Izanami is a forbidden Jutsu. If Kabuto stops trying to transform himself as he has, then he'll bring the loop to an end."

Sasuke stared at his older brother with a neutral expression, "The Uchiha Clan and their history of conflict. The arrogance and recklessness displayed by those who misused the Izanagi. The clashes between them and being stopped by the Izanami. I understand why Izanagi and Izanami became forbidden Jutsu. I also see how one must also learn from the past and accept one's fate and find a way to move on afterward. But..."


(Play: Uchiha Itachi Words || Accept Yourself:


The young Uchiha took a step towards his sibling.

"Why? Why'd you even bother casting this Jutsu on Kabuto? If he can still escape then–"

"–He reminds me of the old me," Itachi's voice was soft as he spoke to his younger brother, "He thinks by getting everything, he can accomplish whatever he wants to and he makes himself believe that he can't fail. Even if that really amounts to lying to himself. I stopped listening to what anyone else said and I stopped letting myself trust anybody. In his case, Kabuto is so deluded that he thinks that all these powers are his and his alone. I understand him too well. Both of use were used by the shinobi world. He can't forgive himself or accept himself for what he truly is. It's clear that what he's doing is wrong but he's not completely to blame for not realizing that. My chance has passed me by but he can still forgive himself."

Sasuke gritted his teeth, "But why, Big Brother? Why would you feel you needed to help him do that? He is not like you! No, you were perfect!"

"Sasuke..." Itachi reprimanded gently, "You know... I was going to control you. I planned to use the visual Jutsu, Kotoamatsukami. I treated you as though you were a child. I thought you needed my protection. I was unable to trust your strength," he paused for a moment, "It may be... that a perfect being does not all exist in the whole world. Sometimes two people who appear to be complete opposites are actually two sides of the same coin and can only succeed when they work together. Like the Izanagi and the Izanami," he gave a sad smile, "Look at me and find in yourself what I couldn't find in me. However... Do not ever say that I was perfect. First off, I should have acknowledged and appreciated myself for the person I was. If I'd just done that, I never would have had to lie to anyone, to myself, or to you. If you lie to yourself, how can you have friends or be trustworthy? In the end, all these lies will keep you from seeing your true self," he turned to face Kabuto, "I'll stop the Reanimation Jutsu now."

The elder Uchiha reached out and removed the non-responding Kabuto's glasses.

Nagato gave a sad smile, "All the reanimated shinobi will be gone."

"And that shall bring the war to an end," Konan finished.

Sasuke's eye widened, "But, Brother... that means you'll be gone too..."

"But I will have protected my village," Itachi answered, "I'm Itachi Uchiha of the Leaf once again. I have no regrets."

"But why?" Sasuke raised his voice, "Why help the very village that did this to you? That put you where you are? You may be able to forgive the Leaf but I can't!" he clenched his fists in anger, "You have no more regrets? What about what you made me become! What about that?" he ċhėst heaved after his emotional outburst, his Sharingan eyes staring at the elder Uchiha's expressionless face.

"I'm not the one who can change you, Sasuke," Itachi turned away, "But I can stop this. This Reanimation Jutsu is something I can affect. In doing so, I would fulfill my promise to Naruto at least," Sasuke gasped at the name as Itachi placed a hand over Kabuto's eyes, gently opening them, "It's time to end this. Tell me the signs to stop the Reanimation Jutsu."

Itachi's single Mangekyo Sharingan widened. Tsukuyomi!

Kabuto, while still stuck in the Izanami, slowly spoke in a trance-like state, "Ne... Ushi... Saru... Tora... Tatsu... I..."

Itachi's face bore a resolute expression, "Alright. Ne."

Kabuto placed his hand in the rat sign.


Kabuto placed his hands in the ox sign.


Kabuto placed his hands in the monkey sign.

Sasuke's eyes teared up but he blinked back his tears deactivating his Sharingan, "I guess... it won't matter what I say, will it?" Itachi didn't respond, "When I saw you because I wanted to confirm whether or not Danzo or Tobi had told me the truth... but that wasn't the only thing I was able to verify," Sasuke's voice cracked, "When I'm with you, I remember things. Childhood feelings of adoring my big brother... That's the reason why... The closer I get to you, the closer I get to how we were before as brothers and the more I understand you," his expression changed to one of grief and restrained anger, "The more I come to hate the Hidden Leaf for causing you so much pain. I hate it more now than I've ever hated it before. I know what you want me to do. What you want me to be. You're my big brother, so you are going to disapprove, but it's because you're my brother that no matter what you say you're not going to stop me. Even if you protect the village now, I will destroy it someday."

Itachi spoke softly, "Tora."

Kabuto placed his hand in the tiger sign.


Kabuto placed his hands in the dragon sign.

Sasuke's attempt to remain strong was fading, "So it's goodbye."


Kabuto placed his hands in the boar sign.

Itachi took a breath, "Reanimation Jutsu: Release!"

A burst of chakra displaced the air within the cave causing a gentle breeze to break the silent hush of the grotto.

Itachi's body began glowing with a dim light as his form began to crumble.


(Play: Emotional Anime OST- Goodbye Forever ( Naruto):


Across the many battlefields spread across the shinobi world, hundreds of reanimated shinobi began glowing in a similar light.

With the control on their minds broken, the undead army stopped fighting and allowed themselves to be put to rest, their souls returning to the Pure World.


Itachi staggered slightly as he turned to face his little brother for the final time, "There is... still time..."

"Itachi," Nagato spoke up as Konan helped him forward, "Have him tell how to sever the ties of the Reanimation Jutsu. If you use it, you can remain longer with your brother!"

Sasuke's eye widened as hope bloomed in his ċhėst.

"I will not."

Konan stares at him in disbelief, "Itachi... He's your family... At least..."

Itachi shook his head, "My time has long passed. I will trust Sasuke to make his own decisions," he sent a small smile, "However, while I have already decided to entrust to future to my brother, both of you still need to do the same with your child."

Nagato gave a sad smile, "Even if wanted to. We don't deserve to do so."

Konan blinked back tears, "Our actions left him without the family we should have had."

Itachi looked at Kabuto, "Tell me the signs to break free of the Reanimation."

"Mi... Hitsuji... I... Inu... Tora..."

Itachi turned to the couple, "I'll leave the choice to you but if you remain..."

Nagato looked at Konan, "Even with the Reanimation Jutsu undone, the war wouldn't end so quickly."

Konan nodded in understanding, "First, we will deal with Madara."

Nagato looked at Itachi, "We'll leave for now," he looked at Sasuke, "Madara is targeting you. If you'll allow us, we'll accompany you where you head next... Repayment for what your brother has done for us."

Sasuke didn't respond and the couple withdrew.



Konan and Nagato stood at the entrance to the cave.

"Are you sure this is the right decision? Lingering from beyond the grave?" Konan's voice was subdued.

Nagato gave her a resolute look, "The Akatsuki was founded to bring the world into an era of peace. However, due to our actions, the world has instead been riven to war. In order to repent for my sins during my life, I must bring this conflict to an end," he reached out a hand, "Konan, will you help me fulfill my selfish dėsɨrė one last time?"

The purple-haired woman took his hand giving him a fond smile, "As you wish."

They both sensed the approach of several people and turned to face them.

"Well, well, to think the two of you decided to linger after all," Orochimaru smirked at them.

Nagato looked at the snake unperturbed, "Orochimaru. I suspected that Sasuke killing you was too easy, considering who you are. It seems he was able to revive you."

Konan looked at the two other men standing next to Sasuke, "Suigetsu. Jugo. I see you're still alive. Is Karin well?"

Suigetsu flinched on seeing the dead kunoichi, "This whole reanimation thing is getting on my nerves! How are you still here?"

Sasuke glanced at the Uzumaki and his wife, "So you two decided to stay."

Nagato gave a short nod, "Yes, but as promised, we'll accompany you on part of your journey before we head off to the war," he glanced off into the distance, "I sense an incoming battle of the kind the world hasn't seen in our lifetime."

Sasuke looked off in a different direction, "Let's go."


(Later... In the Hidden Leaf...)

Five shadowed flickered into appearance within the village.

Nagato glanced off in a northerly direction, "It seems that battle has begun."

Konan looked amazing, "I can sense the chakra from here."

Suigetsu and Jugo looked up as well. Despite not being sensory ninja, they could feel it too.

Sasuke looked at the Sannin by his side, "Let's just go. Lead the way, Orochimaru."


They arrived in front of a large rundown shrine.

Nagato's eyes widened at the symbol over the door, "This...!"

"A shrine of the Uzumaki Clan," Orochimaru confirmed, "Surprisingly it seems to be untouched."

They entered the shrine and were faced with a large wall adorned with many forms of oni masks.

Konan glanced at Nagato, "The Reaper?"

Orochimaru reached up and took down one of the masks, "Found it. Let us go."


As they moved through the village, they were met by the peaceful night bustle of shinobi and civilians heading home from work. No matter the era, even in war, the people of the hidden villages knew that life had to continue.

Nagato and Konan kept looking around, their eyes sad as they remembered the pain they had caused on this very site.

Without warning, Sasuke leaped away from them, moving to stand where he could overlook the village.

Suigetsu placed a hand on his hip a little impatiently, "What is up with Sasuke now?"

Orochimaru answered with a hint of nostalgia in his voice, "He's like me before I wanted to destroy the Leaf."

Suigetsu looked at the Sannin, "How so?"

"You see, both he and the village have changed. This place still remains his homeland. He needs time to reconfirm his decision and resolve by immersing himself in sentimentality and retracing the past."

Suigetsu sighed, "I see... So, you're over it already, then?"

"Hm?" Orochimaru glanced at the white-haired teen.

"That immersion in sentimentality to reconfirm your resolve to destroy the Leaf thing?" Orochimaru gave a soft smile as Suigetsu continued, "Hey, you know, come to think of it, all of us were your cream of the crop top subordinates, isn't that right?" he raised a finger, "And right now we're inside the Leaf village. With all the strong folk away fighting in the war, isn't this like... the absolute perfect chance for you."

Orochimaru let out a small chuckle, "Yes, perhaps. Well except for one little thing," he glanced at the two reanimated shinobi behind them, "Since these two were placed under Kotoamatsukami telling them to protect the Leaf. It's not as simple as that. Even at my full power, I wasn't able to win against Nagato's Six Paths of Pain."


(Ruins of Uchiha Naka Shrine...)

The stone covering the secret entrance to the shrine's underground chamber slid open as Sasuke weaved the needed hand signs.

"Let's go."

Sasuke jumped into the dark passage and the others followed directly behind.

They all entered the secret chamber as the young Uchiha used Fire Style to light the braziers in the room.

"Well then, I'll get started," Orochimaru took off the cloak he was wearing and let it drop to the floor, "It's best if you stand back."

The Sannin placed the oni mask on his face.

A burst of foreign chakra burst from his body as he staggered, letting out several cries of pain. There was a chilling hum as a demonic manifestation appeared behind him with a ghostly cackle.

Nagato narrowed his eyes, raising his hand threateningly but did not attack. Even though the plan had already been explained on the way, the fact that Orochimaru was summoning the Shinigami, the Death Reaper, was not something he would take likely. Although he did not know the full details of the Reaper Death Seal, Nagato, as an Uzumaki, knew how dangerous it was.

The Shinigami raised its sword and slit open its stomach. At the same time, a gash appeared on Orochimaru's body as well, but the object was achieved.

Five spirit-like chakras flowed from the Shinigami's open stomach. Four flowed to the center of the room. That last flowed into Orochimaru's arms.

Orochimaru pulled the mask from his face, causing the Shinigami to vanish.

"Jugo! Sasuke! Suigetsu! Nagato! Konan!" His face was twisted in pain, "Get ready now!"

Jugo took a step towards Sasuke, "Got it!"

Jugo raised his hand and placed it on Sasuke's arm. Using his inborn sage power, he injected Sasuke with his special chakra. As a result of this, six White Zetsu clones were forcefully ejected from Sasuke's body.

Nagato reaches out a hand, "So Tobi planted you on Sasuke to keep an eye on him. He didn't take chances."

An invisible force gripped the clones and pinned them to the ground.

"Damn it! How did you–?"

Orochimaru had dropped to one knee, bleeding out, but he still smirked, "I know your Hashirama cells inside and out from all of my experiments," he grunted in pain, "And that includes how to detect you, of course."

Before the White Zetsu could do anything, Konan's paper had them entrapped and bound.

Orochimaru placed a hand on the floor, breathing heavily as a sealing formula appeared on the floor, surrounding four of the White Zetsu. "Stand away. I have the DNA of those four too. Suigetsu, Jugo, take care of the last two."

Suigetsu gave a sinister grin as took hold of the clone nearest him, "Okie Dokie, Lord Orochimaru! You got it!"

"..." Jugo silently absorbed the Zetsu he was holding to regain the chakra he had used.

Orochimaru raised his hand, "Reanimation Jutsu!"

He slammed his palm to the floor, causing a bright light to ignite from the sealing formula. The four Zetsu clones scream as their bodies were encased in some paper-like ash, changing form. At the last moment, Orochimaru changed into his true, white snake form and possessed the body of the White Zetsu in Suigetsu's hold.

The Zetsu clone shuddered before taking Orochimaru's shape and appearance.

The Sannin raised his head, a sinister grin of accomplishment on his face, "Yes, the all-knowing. The previous Hokage!"

A silver-haired man in blue armor glared at Orochimaru with a pair of crimson red eyes, "It's that shinobi, Orochimaru again," his deep voice was full of menacing.

The man next to him, a man with long black hair and wearing red armor looked around, "What's going on?"

The shortest of the four, an old man in black, replied, "I suspect what is going on is that he undid the Reaper Death Seal. The very thing that sealed us away... and then performed the Reanimation Jutsu."

"No way..." they all looked at the tall, blonde-haired man in a flam patterned robe as he stared at Orochimaru in disbelief, "You solved how to undo that Jutsu? How?"

The Sannin smirked, "You underestimate me... Minato. It was originally a sealing Jutsu of the Uzumaki Clan. I extensively researched the ruins and scattered documents of the now-extinct clan since I've lost my Jutsu."

Minato Namikaze, the fourth Hokage looked at the red armored man, "Well, Lord First. It seems that we were recalled to the world of the living."

The First Hokage, Hashirama Senju, peered at the other man in confusion, "Hmm... who the hell are you?"

Minato blinked and realized he had never met the man in life and turned to show the back of his robe, "The Fourth Hokage, sir."

Hashirama noted the embroidery symbolizing Minato's rank and grinned, "Oh ho! The Fourth Hokage, huh? Nice. Nice! The village has remained stable then?"

Minato hesitated, "Uh... I'm not actually sure if it has or not because, you see, I died and was sealed away before the Third Hokage was."

Hashirama sobered a little, "Hmm. Is that so? In a different incident than when I was sealed away with Sarutobi."

"Yes sir, completely separately."

Hashirama took an eager step forward, "So who is the Fifth then?"

"Your granddaughter, Princess Tsunade," Orochimaru informed him.

Hashirama suddenly went into a depression-like state, "Tsuna... huh... is the village... okay...?"

Minato gave an awkward smile, "Is... there a reason to worry?"

Hashirama perked up, "She was my first grandchild! I spoiled her rotten. I the end, she even picked up my gambling habit!" he confessed shamelessly and let out a boisterous laugh.

Everyone sweatdropped.

"Your granddaughter has actually become quite an exemplary Hokage," Nagato stated, catching everyone's attention, "When I attacked the village, she defended it heroically."

Hashirama's aura turned a little cold at the mention of the attack, "Who are you?" he noticed the other man's eye pattern, "The Rinnegan?"

Nagato nodded, "I am Nagato Uzumaki. Thanks to Leaf's Jinchuraki, I am an ally."

Konan spoke up from next to him, "I am Konan of the Rain Village. His wife."

Minato jerked in surprise, "Jiraiya sensei's students? We thought you were dead! Wait, are you speaking of Naruto?"

Konan gave a small smile, "Well... we're dead now. Yes, we know Naruto."

Hashirama peered at Nagato again, "Unusual hair color for an Uzumaki."

Nagato shook his snowy colored hair, "I died performing a Jutsu resurrecting the people I killed in my attack. As a result, my hair changed color."

The man in blue armor, Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage, snorted impatiently, "Even on those two," he looked at Nagato and Konan, "A Jutsu I devised being used so casually," he was clearly disgusted.

"Well, it really isn't at all that complex a Jutsu," Orochimaru pointed out, "But you shouldn't have created it."

"Hmm?" Tobirama grunted in question.

"Lord Second. Many of the policies that you created and Jutsu that you developed caused problems down the line. Even now."

Tobirama became enraged, "Why you!" he pointed an accusing finger at the Sannin, "Are you planning to attack the Leaf again?"

The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, faced his student sternly, "I took away your Jutsu in exchange for my own life. Yet even now, you still..." he paused, "Then at this time, you revived me, your former master to pit me against the Leaf?"

Hashirama placed a hand to his aching head, "Ugh. Conflict no matter what era. For sure it can't be called a great Jutsu. Tobirama, that's why I told you that time to–"

"–Be quiet, Elder Brother! I'm trying to speak to this stripling!"

"What? But I–"


Hashirama sent into depression once again.

Nagato cleared his throat, "You were not brought back for this reason, but if things get out of hand, my wife and I will try to stop you. After all, we broke our connection to the Reanimation under a different caster but remain programmed to protect the Leaf."

Orochimaru spread his arm invitingly, "Please do not misunderstand. I do not have any more leanings in that direction at all. That's why I didn't suppress your personalities. Certain circumstances are at play this time," he moved to stand next to Sasuke, "I am merely setting the stage for discourse per his dėsɨrė."

Konan sent a worried glance outside the chamber, "And please hurry. The fate of the world may be at stake here."


(After a long conversation... If you want to see it watch it yourself because I am not writing it...)

Hashirama looked at Sasuke, "And now. The truth behind the Uchiha Clan's Massacre, the meaning of shinobi, and the purpose of the village has been explained, what will you do, Sasuke Uchiha?"

Sasuke was silent as Itachi's last word rang through his head.


"I want to impart at least this much to you. You don't ever have to forgive me... and whatever you do from here on out, know this. No matter what I will love you always."


Sasuke opened his eyes, "I'm going to head to the battlefield. I won't let the village and Itachi become nothing!"

The First Hokage gave a slight smile, "It's decided! Tobirama! Prepare to fly us outside!"

"I'd love to use Flying Rajin, but I'm bound right now," Tobirama pointed out.

Hashirama turned to Orochimaru, "What will you do now?"

"You said earlier you'd stay with Sasuke, didn't you," Hiruzen reminded the Sannin.

Orochimaru gave them a smile that seemed sinister but actually was one that reflected a rare show of good-natured intent, "Of course. We shall accompany him."

"Whaaaaaaat," Suigetsu screamed, breaking out in a cold sweat. He looked at his friend, "Jugo! Are you?"

"I'll go with them too. After all, it's my duty to protect Sasuke."

Suigetsu sent silent. Six mighty zombies and three monsters? If I tag along, I'm gonna die for sure. I'm making a break for when I get the chance.


The group made their way outside. Standing on top of the cliff over the stone faces of the Hokage carved into the mountain.

"Ah~ This view sure brings back memories," Hashirama sighed in content.

With everyone distracted, Suigetsu instantly bolted. IT'S NOW OR NEVER! ACK!

His body hit the ground when a red-haired figure sailed through the air and drop kicked his head into the cement. The only reason the teen wasn't dead was that he had turned his body into water last minute.

"SO IT REALLY WAS YOU, HUH SASUKE!" Karin screeched at the top of her lungs as she took her rage out by pummeling a liquified Suigetsu, "SINCE YOU'RE DIFFERENT, I REALLY COULDN'T BELEIVE IT BUT LOOK WHAT I FIND!"

Sasuke looked surprised at her sudden appearance. When he had killed Danzo, Sasuke had stabbed him through Karin to do it when she had been taken hostage by the man. Since she was wounded, Karin had been captured and imprisoned at the Hidden Leaf Village. Now it appeared she had escaped and had tracked them down.

Karin was livid as she tiredly punched Suigetsu's face once again, "JERK! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!"

"I'm sorry, Karin."

Karin's anger visibly subsided although she clearly was trying to hold a grudge, "Bastard... You think an apology... will get you off the hook... after what you did to me?" her face changed into a ŀėwd smile, "Good for nothing..."

"I see you still have a weakness for Sasuke, Karin," Orochimaru teased.

The redhead flared up, pointing an accusatory finger at them, "JUST LISTEN LORD OROCHIMARU! Sasuke had the gall... to stab me! You believe that?"

"Me too, dear. Quite a coincidence," the Sannin answered coolly, "But now, I'm cooperating with Sasuke. This is perfect. You can come help us too."

Karin looked at him as if he were sick, "Whaaaaat~?" she suddenly latched herself onto Sasuke's arm, "Well I guess I have no choice!" she squealed.

Hashirama felt chills as he watched, "Who's she?"

Nagato turned away, "A distant relative... hopefully very distant."

Konan looked at the girl hugging the boy, "We never acted like that, did we?"

The undead couple had an image of themselves standing a measured distance apart their expression emotionless. Then a picture of them behind closed doors not being much different except the rare occasion. They both fell into depression.

"Maybe it was a mercy for our child..."


Hashirama placed a comforting hand on their shoulders, "Don't worry about it! You should have seen Tobirama! His love life was way worse."

The younger Senju popped a vein, "If we weren't dead already, I would kill you now, Elder Brother."

Unnoticed by all of them, Hiruzen moved to stand near his former student, "Orochimaru, why have you decided to cooperate with Sasuke now? You've been trying so hard to destroy the village."

Orochimaru became thoughtful, "As you may know, Kabuto absorbed my cells before I was revived. After spending time inside him, I have come to realize something. He copied me and tried to possess everything and failed. Now I'm curious about the different path Sasuke has chosen. That boy, unlike Kabuto, didn't try to copy me. Maybe there is more to life than what I believed. We shall see."

Hashirama raised his voice, catching their attention, "My fellow shinobi! From atop these great stone faces watching over the Leaf, let's burn the image of this village into our minds! Tobirama sighed, placing a hand on his brother and Konan's shoulders.

A moment later they vanished, having teleported.

Minato did the same with the Third Hokage and Nagato.

Nagato's expression softened, "Naruto... This time I shall repay the debt I owe you and pass the reigns of godparent of my child to you. Peace shall come!"

Konan amber eyes glinted, "Tobi... Your actions tore us apart, but I will rectify those mistakes and end this war you created!"

Minato smiled, "I'll finally meet my son! Naruto... I'll make up not being there as your father by bringing you a huge present now."

Hiruzen had a resolute look on his face, "Now then, it's been a while since my last war. I must focus and brace for battle."

Tobirama's expression hardened, "Madara... We will defeat you!"

Hashirama grinned, "It's foolish, I know, but I'm kind of excited to see a familiar old friend! Just you wait, Madara! There's always conflict, no matter the era, but this shall be the end of wars!"

The six of them raised their voices in unison, "LET'S GO!"

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