(A few days previously... Office of the Hero Public Safety Commission...)

Hawks had his hands shoved in his pockets, looking all nonchalant as he stood in front of the Commission President.

"We have an ȧssignment for you," the female president's voice held a note of one used to being obeyed.

Hawks raised an eyebrow, "Oh? what is it this time?"

The president opened a file and slid it forward, "We are ȧssigning you this student for the internship program."

Hawks looked at the photo of a student with crimson red hair and amber-colored eyes, "Oh really? Aren't students meant to make their own choice when it comes to their internships?"

"Not this one," the president's voice was cold, "He's a special case as you may remember. Anyway, you have already sent a request for him to come to your agency. It will be easy to arrange."

The number three hero cricked his neck, "It's not like I have any choice, but even if he is so special, why make all this effort to control him? Is this some spy mission?"

The president rested her chin on her interlaced hands, "This boy's been taught too well not to suspect a move like that. Even with your skills, he'd see through it instantly. This is mainly a reminder that we control what he does," she sighed, "Although I must admit he's drawn too much attention for us to openly do anything. If my predecessor had cracked down from the beginning, we could have groomed him into one of our best agents. Now, there are too many people involved, the police, Best Jeanist, UA's principal, now Endeavor has his eyes on him. There are others of course, but those are the ones who can cause the most issue."

"Sounds like you've got quite a tangle to deal with," Hawks quipped lightly although his expression didn't match his tone, "If you don't want me to spy on him, then what do you really want?"

The president sent him a serious look, "What I'm about to tell you is highly classified. No one hears this beyond this room."

Hawks dropped his carefree facade, "Alright. What is it?"

The president sighed, "Before the rise of All Might, the Japanese government went through several changes as our society was overrun with criminal activity. The position of Prime Minister used to be by appointment by the Cabinet and then designated by the National Diet and the Ministers of State. He'd serve four years without limitation on the number of terms he'd be given. However, in a time of chaos, a new system arose. It became a habit for the Prime Minister to be appointed for life and the successor would be chosen from within the family, creating a ruling dynasty of three generations now. Unofficially, the Prime Minister is considered the Emperor of Japan and holds great power at will."

"And why are you explaining this? Everyone knows how this works."

The president sighed, "The current Prime Minister has been acting aggressively of late. He has overrun the procedure and appointed his daughter as his successor. He's even been provoking war with other countries," she scoffed, "As if we don't have enough problems. He's been making moves against our organization and other threats to his power."

Hawks sighed, "I see... so this is a power play. You want me to get on the kid's good side and gain another chess piece."

The president held out another file, "That is only part of it."

Hawks opened the file and his eyes widened, "What the..."

The president face looked grim, "He's been working with someone really powerful. That file holds several cases of mysterious disappearances."

Hawks flipped through the file, "Heroes, police, civilians... but all disappearing without a trace. All with a potentially useful Quirk. All were covered up with no investigation by a higher up. This has been going on for a while, too."

The president nodded, "At first we thought it may be a coincidence until one case a missing civilian with a Quirk: Air Walk appeared in front of a local hospital. Doctors said his trauma rendered him unable to reveal anything, but his Quirk had seemed to disappeared due to shock. They kept him overnight, but the next morning, he was missing from his room."

Hawks furrowed his brows as he turned another page reading aloud the next entry, "Oboro Shirakumo. Quirk: Cloud. Cause of Death: Villain attack. Body found missing. Never reported."

"After Uzumaki revealed the Nomu from the USJ Incident to be a genetically modified human, we became even more suspicious," the president explained, "Best Jeanist also reported that the villain Kurogiri was the same. We did some tests on the one we have in custody and it seems that the theory about the Nomu was correct."

"That's kid's powers are quite amazing," Hawks mused.

"Exactly. Now that the reputation of his strength is gaining prevalence, we are worried he may be targeted next. Since recruitment has more or less become out of the question, our idea was to use the public's image of the Uzumaki to create our own psychological weapon."

"A symbol to power against the villains," Hawks finished.

"Exactly. As such, he's a factor the Prime Minister and his allies won't ignore. The internships are a time where he, as a student, is vulnerable. Our sources believe he may be next on the hit list."

"So it's a protection mission."

"We want you to keep an eye on him. If our suspicions are true, we'll take action," she stood up facing the window, "The world he's comes from is mysterious. We can't know for sure if he's the only one out there. It would be in our best interest to appear favorable in Uzumaki's eyes."

Hawks hid the look of disgust on his face, "I'm not one to talk, but this kid is a human being, not an object."

"Debatable. He's technically not human by Earth's standards, but that's beside the point," the president turned to face the hero, "The Hero Public Safety Commission has a duty to balance the influence between heroes and regular members of society. It is our job to monitor potential threats to our peace."

Hawks closed his eyes defeatedly, unable to say anything. His hands were tied. He knew what would happen if he opposed his superiors. Not all disappearances were as mysterious as the ones he had been shown.


(Present... Kyushu...)

Haru's body jerked from the impact of something striking his ċhėst as the sound of a sniper echoed across the city. As he began to fall, his sugegasa fell from his face, revealing his widened eyes.

Hawks' expression shifted to one of shock and despair as he ran forward to catch him.

Haru's boot slammed into the ground, skidding as he righted himself. A chilling look glowed from his golden orbs.

"Shikigami Dance," the tone of his voice was colder than a northern Japanese winter as he slammed his palms together, "Yggdrasil!"

There was a rustling sound of thousands of pieces of paper shifting into an immense white tornado that encompassed the whole street. Everyone could only watch in awe as the white wall shimmered and created the hollow trunk of a giant tree, its majestic branches spread out protectively in an unbreachable wall.

Haru's opened his eyes, his former expression calmed.

Hawks was dumbfounded for a moment, not at what he just saw, but the brief show of killing intent that had emanated from Haru's eyes so briefly he almost missed it. He mentally shook himself, "Akatsuki!"

Haru touched his ċhėst to signal he was fine, "I'm not hurt," he pointed in a seemingly random direction, "I sense the villain in that direction a few kilometers from here," his expression hardened, "She's dangerous. Way more skilled than the villains we just fought."

Hawks had a sudden suspicion on who it was, "Anything unique about her?"

Haru held out a hand, revealing a bullet made from some strange material, "Does this look familiar?"

Hawks took the bullet, examining it briefly before confirming his suspicions out loud, "Lady Nagant," his face looked grave as he looked at his interns, "She's too dangerous for any of us to go after. She'll snipe us before we can get near."

Haru tilted his head, "She's moving away. Judging from her energy flow, she's not intending to try another kill."

Slowly the tree began to dematerialize, the paper swirling in a mesmerizing hush.

Hawks sighed, "I'll have to make a call... You two get inside and wait for me."


Hawks flew to a nearby rooftop, spreading his feathers around to ensure his privacy. Knelt on one knee, making sure to keep out of sight as he dialed a number, impatiently tapping his foot as he waited for the other side to pick up.

[...Hello?] a man's voice picked up on the other end, [This is your emergency line. What's the situation?]

Hawks face held no trace of joking, "My intern was targeted by Lady Nagant."

The hero heard a sharp intake of breath before a string of orders was called out on the other side, [Is he alive? What's his status? What's her status?]

"I'm not sure how, but he seems fine. Agitated, but physically unhurt," Hawks expression soured, "I let her go."

[That's fine. Even with your skills, she's a trained killer.]

"That your commission trained," Hawks pointed out bitterly.

[Don't get judgmental with me, Hawks. Nagant was an ȧssassin trained to eliminate threats that other heroes were unable to deal with publicly. Her killing the last president and going rogue on us was unanticipated. She's more likely targeting the boy to eliminate another ȧsset of ours. This can actually work in our favor. If we use the boy as bait...]

Hawks spoke with a dangerous tone, "We're not using a kid as bait because you can't manage one of your own agents. Anyway, this is the president's decision. Your job is to report to her and inform me what is the next move. We already know he can't stay in Kyushu."

[Fine! Fine!] the voice sounded angry, [Just stay low for now. We'll send some agents to track her down and let you know what we'll do next. Just fulfill your mission!]

There was a beep as the man hung up.



Haru and Tokoyami entered a nearby antique shop that was run by an old couple and their grandson.

"Oh my! I saw you were hit! Are you hurt?" the old woman asked.

Haru gave a rueful smile, his eyes glowing reassuringly from above his mask, "I'm fine, really."

Tokoyami peered at him as Dark Shadow hovered around the redhead in concern, "How did you block the bullet?"

Haru opened his robe revealing the ever-present locket around his neck. My robe is completely bulletproof when reinforced. The bullet got caught on my locket so I was only knocked back."

Tokoyami continued to stare at him, unconvinced, "...I see..."

Haru gave an awkward laugh and turned to the shop owner, "Do you have a washroom I can borrow? The smoke from earlier got in my eyes."

The old man gave an eager nod, "Of course, sir! My grandson will show you the way! My wife and I shall see to your friend's needs as well."

The younger man motioned for Haru to follow him and headed toward the back.

"Class Rep," Haru looked at Tokoyami holding out a hand, "I'll hold onto your things while you clean up."

Haru nodded as he pulled off his robe and handed it to the emo teen, "Thank you."

He followed the shop owner's son to the back where he was shown to a small, well-kept bathroom.

"Feel free to make use of anything inside. We keep this for our customers," the young man informed him. He gave a slight bow, "Thank you for your efforts! If you didn't stop the fire, our shop may have been burned down!"

Haru pulled down his mask, revealing a smile, "I'm happy no one was hurt."

The young man shuffled a little, "Can I get an autograph? For my little sister?"

Haru blinked before noticing a little girl peeping from around the corner of the hallway.

"Of course, what's her name?"


Haru accepted the offered marker, "Since this is my first, I'll make this extra special."

There was a rustle of paper as he created an intricate paper phoenix. On its ċhėst was the kanji for dawn and beneath it was the spiral symbol of the Uzumaki. Haru crouched and offered the mystical bird to the girl.

"Here you go!" his eyes squinted kindly at her.

A little shyly at first, the little girl came out of hiding. Moving as if she were afraid of being bitten, she took the gift.

"Th-thank y-ou..." she ducked her head in embarrassment.

Haru chuckled, "You're very welcome, but since it's special it has to remain our secret, okay?" he placed his finger to his nose secretively, "We don't want everyone wanting one now do we?"

The little girl known as Renata nodded violently, carefully clutching the origami to her tiny ċhėst.

The older brother patted her head, "Best head on upstairs, now. Let the hero rest."

Haru stood up, "I'm not licensed yet. I'm just a student."

The brother nodded, "From UA. I saw you during the sports festival on tv, but you and your friend risked your lives to protect everyone today. That's a hero in my book," he gently took his sister by the shoulder, "We'll leave you now."

Haru watched them head back to the front for a moment before entering the bathroom. Once he locked the door he pulled up his shirt, revealing a large, angry-looking bruise. He grimaced, revealing the pain he was in. He had lied about the bullet striking the locket. The only reason he was alive was because of his costume, but even if the bullet was blocked, the force of the impact was strong. It was a sniper bullet, after all.

A green light glowed from his hands as he placed a palm to his ċhėst.

'That was too close.'

He shook his head, refusing to think about it. If he pondered his brush with death, he'd lose it. He needed to wait until he got back to the agency before he could consider talking to someone. As if reading his thoughts his phone buzzed.


(Play: fashion || bnha: youtu.be/xw9QhaWBgS4)

[Fashion~ (Fashion~)

Put it all on me

Don't you want to see these clothes on me

Fashion~ (Fashion~)

Put it all on me

I am anyone you want me to be!]


Haru fumbled with his weapon's pouch, cursing under his breath. He finally fished out his phone, putting it to his ear as he accepted the call.

"Yes, sensei?"

[I heard what happened. Are you okay?]

Haru deadpanned slightly, "That was fast."

[This isn't a joking matter. Are you alright?]

Haru sighed, "I'm okay. Just bruised and shaken."

[It happened, didn't it... That same feeling from the USJ.]

Haru sighed, running his fingers through his hair, "Yeah..."

There was a short silence before Best Jeanist spoke again, [I'm proud of your reaction. Instead of following your first instinct, you prioritized the safety of the people around you,] there was the sound of angry yelling and a crackling boom, [Looks like I'll have to cut this short. Call me if you need anything.]

Haru heard the other end hang up and put away his phone. The conversation wasn't much, but he felt better. He finished his first aid, bringing the swelling of the bruise down. While still unable to fully heal it using Mystical Palm yet, he'd got a little better at developing the Jutsu to this point. Now, he could at least maneuver without too much discomfort.

Pulling his shirt down, he exited the bathroom, readjusting his mask. He returned to the shop where he found a discombobulated Tokoyami being praised by the shopkeeper and his family.

"Ah, you're back," the old woman smiled kindly, "I suppose you'll be going soon?"

Haru bowed respectfully, and was mirrored by Tokoyami, "I'm afraid we must. Thank you all for your hospitality."

The shopkeeper bowed in return, "It was our pŀėȧsurė for our ship to be honored with your presence. I see the two of you cling to the old ways of heroes. You will do well in the future."

Haru took his robe and hat from Tokoyami and pulled them on as they turned to leave. Renata ran after them, stopping at the door.

"Thank you, Mr. Heroes!"

Tokoyami gave a stoic nod, "Our pŀėȧsurė."

Haru gave the girl a closed-eyed smile, "You be good, Renata," he patted her on the head before following Tokoyami down the street.

They walked in silence before Tokoyami spoke up, "So where is Hawks?"

Haru pointed up, "Above us."

As if on call, Hawks dropped right behind them, placing a hand on both their shoulders, "What are you two doing out here?"

Tokoyami looked at the hero from over his shoulder, "Looking for you."

Hawks sighed, giving them the sad eyes, "I thought I said to wait inside. You two are really stubborn."

Haru ġrȯȧnėd dramatically, "There you go... batting your big eyes with your false fricken eyelashes!"

"I... don't wear false eyelashes..." Hawks admitted.

Haru spun around in shock, "WHAT?" he peered closely at Hawk's face, "Well, aren't you a gorgeous bastard!"

Hawks was a little thrown off, "Umm... Thank you?"

Tokoyami shook his head, "Don't overthink it. He like this with everyone."


(Hawks' agency...)

"Transferred?" Haru was incredulous.

Hawks deadpanned, "I know. It's ridiculous, but that's the decision. The Commission is afraid they might have a mole who reported where your internship is. We can't keep you here."

Haru massaged his temple, "Well, who is it?"

Hawks gave an awkward chuckle, "It might piss you off~" he said in a sing-song voice.

"Who. Is. It."


Both of Haru's eyebrows shot up, "Eh?"

Hawks snorted in amusement at his expression, "Yeah, I had the same reaction."

"Well, I can't complain since I'm neither being locked up nor sent back home... but..." Haru's voice trailed off.

"Endeavor won't be very happy about being the second choice?" Hawks guessed.

"Exactly," Haru ducked his head in depression as he ġrȯȧnėd, "Ugh..."

Hawks clapped his hands together, catching Haru's attention, "Well then. We'll ship you off tonight!" he stood up, "And while we wait, you can tell me about the League of Villains!"

Haru sweatdropped, "What's there to tell? A bunch of thugs with a hidden mastermind infiltrated the USJ, I got stabbed, and there was enough blood to make a vampire happy... and in the end, All Might showed up... and the rest of the teachers."

Hawks played along with the game of riddles, handing Haru a piece of paper, "I made a map of all the possible hiding places in the League could be holing up in."

Haru stared at it, "This is... just a map of Japan."

"Yeah, I have no idea where they are."

"In case you couldn't tell, I'm laughing on the inside."


"That was sarcasm."

Hawks laughed.


(Endeavor Agency... Musutafu...)

Haru felt completely drained. It was late. It was dark. He was tired. He was hungry. He was pissed. A day with patrols, a fight, not to mention several hours on a train was not ideal to improve one's temper. On top of that, he had to be escorted by an agent of the Hero Commission the whole time.

The agent didn't stand out much, but his overly suspicious behavior of Haru's actions had grated on the young Bakugo's already frayed nerves. Haru wasn't able to do anything without the man demanding what he was doing as if the teenager was a ticking time bomb (something that wasn't impossible after the first hour) or had a record of trying to escape.

'I swear if all this isn't worth it, I'll go to Kiyomizu-Dera and take the plunge.'

Haru bȧrėly restrained himself from dragging his feet as he finally entered the lobby of the Endeavor Agency.

"We've been waiting for you! Welcome to the Endeavor Hero Agency!" an enthusiastic female voice called out to them.

Haru and the agent looked up to see a woman with copper flame green hair standing with her hands on her hɨps.

The agent grunted, "Burnin," his way in saying her codename did little to hide his distaste.

The sidekick gave the man a feral grin, "I wasn't talking to you!" she leaned forward, staring into Haru's face, "So you're the guy who beat Endeavor's kid."

Haru's eyebrow twitched, not feeling in the mood, "Forgive me, but it's been a long day. Can we cut this short?"

Burnin straightened up, "A spitfire, huh?" she turned and yelled out to a few other sidekicks in the room, "EVERYONE, WE'VE GOT A FIERY ONE!"

Several people stopped what they were doing to yell back at her, "HELL YEAH! FLAME ON!"

The commission agent snorted and slapped a document onto Burnin's hands, stalking out of the agency without a word.

Burnin laughed, "Well, c'mon! I'll take you to see the big man!"


Endeavor sat at his desk amidst the awkward silence that shrouded the room.

Haru spoke first, "So!" he tried to be perky but only managed to sound borderline dismissive.

The number two hero's flames burned a few degrees hotter, "And so, indeed."

Haru's sensory made him feel even smaller in the giant office room than he did when he first saw it, but he refused to back down. Actually, he was feeling a little spiteful, not at Endeavor in particular, but to the world in general.

"So, I've been sent here. Now what?"

Endeavor stood up from his desk, "It seems the both of us are unhappy with the commission," he snorted, "The fools. If you'd been sent here in the first place, they wouldn't have had to transfer you."

Haru raised an eyebrow, "You know why I was transferred?"

"I know who's after you and believe me, even if she is a good shot, that woman knows that her bullets are not enough to deal with me."

Haru looked a little skeptical but didn't question, "Good to know."

There was a knock on the office door.

Endeavor looked up, "I'm busy at the moment. Who is it?"

The door opened, revealing Todoroki, "I was told you wanted to see..." he stopped on seeing Haru standing in the room.

Haru gave him a nonchalant wave.

Todoroki's face twisted in anger as he stormed to his father's desk, "What are you up to? What are you planning, you bastard!"

He was struck on the head by a harisen fan, causing him to groan. Both the father and the son looked at a horrified-faced Haru.

"Shit! Sorry! I acted out of instinct!" Haru hid the fan behind his back.

Endeavor looked at the hidden fan, then at Haru, "Is this a habit of yours?"

Haru sweatdropped, giving a weak laugh, "My brother has a bad habit of using that word. I've been trying to break him of it."

Todoroki rubbed his head, "Through violence?"

Haru tilted his head, "This is Katsuki we're talking about."

A looked of understanding dawned on Todoroki's face, "Oh~"

"If you two are done wasting time, then let's talk about what's going on," Endeavor said gruffly.

Haru absorbed the fan into his body, "Yes, well," he rubbed his neck as he faced Todoroki, "You remember the stuff I told you at the sports festival? Well, long story short, The Hero Safety Commission has an enemy who wants me dead so I was moved to a safer agency."

Todoroki looked from his classmate to his father, "This is safe?"

Endeavor crossed his arms, "He's better off here than anywhere else. At least at this agency, he can hone his abilities."

Haru leaned close to Todoroki while Endeavor was still speaking, "I don't mean to pry, but even if your dad is a pain, is at least a good teacher?" he asked in a stage whisper that the hero can distinctly hear.

"For your information, brat. I'm actually considered a great teacher. I may have a reputation of being strict and brutal, but I at least get results."

Haru's eyes actually sparkled, his Bakugo fighting spirit showing, "So, I get to fight someone strong?"

Endeavor actually gave a smile of satisfaction at having an eager student. He hadn't had one with that kind of spirit since... He suddenly frowned at the bitter memory.

"It's too bad you were born male," he growled as he covered up his discomfort, "You'd have made a suitable partner for Shoto."

Todoroki looked at his father in disgust but only Haru noticed the slight glimmer of humor from the Flame Hero's demeanor.

Haru's face twisted mischievously, "Not that I'm interested... but... technically... with modern technology... There are a couple of ways..."

Endeavor's turquoise blue eyes glared at him warningly, "Even I draw a line, brat. I'm not that desperate."

"Wow! A hater?"

"I didn't say that."

Todoroki looked at the both of them in confusion, "What are you talking about.

Both the redheads in the room mentally came to a screeching halt. 'SHIT~'

"It's best you don't know," Haru said quickly.

Endeavor cleared his throat.

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