Shikigami Dance: Naruto/BNHA Crossover

Chapter 39 - To Be The Better Person

(The next morning...)

Todoroki woke up bright and early as was his habit. Running his hand through his messy bedhead, he looked around the office dorm reserved for the staff and their interns. He noticed the bunk Haru had been sleeping in the night before was empty and neatly made.

'Where'd he go?' Todoroki frowned. He was still a little perturbed about his friend (he still couldn't believe that Haru considered him a friend now that he thought of it) was staying at his father's agency. Considering that Haru had beaten his son publicly at the sports festival, it could be expected that the number two hero would hold a grudge against the redhead.

The bicolored-haired boy got up and got dressed in his usual training outfit. Endeavor had told both of them that they'd have a morning spar before breakfast so they didn't need to wear their hero costumes yet.

After he finished getting ready, Todoroki made his way over to the training room a couple of floors below, taking the staff's private elevator.

The Endeavor Agency owned the whole building. It had been designed to fulfill every need the employees could ever need. Living quarters for those unable to find a home nearby, specially reinforced training rooms for Quirk training, high-tech security to ensure privacy in staff-only areas. No expense had been spared.

Yet another thing that made Todoroki bitter was how his father almost treated his employees better than his own family.

He opened the door to the ȧssigned training room they were instructed to meet, his mood already ruined for the day.

The sound of soft, calming music echoing in the large room filtered into his ears, making him freeze in his tracks. He blinked in confusion at the sight in front of him.

Haru, dressed in a traditional charcoal grey kimono shirt and hakken pants, was performing a series of slow, flowing movements to the music playing from his phone. His eyes were closed, but he moved with perfect awareness. All around him, several sheets of paper curlicues, flowers, and shapes formed and faded away in sync with his movements.

"Care to join?" Haru broke the near silence, pausing his movements.

Todoroki felt himself get tugged forward by several pieces of paper before he could refuse.

"Just follow my movements," Haru flowed into the next kata, "Picture your energy as a stream of water and let your body relax."

Todoroki complied and tried to imitate his classmate's movements. For the next couple of minutes, the two of them performed in silence with only the accompanying music filling the room.

"You're unfocused," Haru opened his eyes look into Todoroki's mismatched ones, "You're trying too hard to imitate me and you're letting your thoughts wander. It makes your form stiff."

Todoroki frowned, stopping his movements, "What's the point of all this?" he was not asking rudely, he was legitimately confused.

Haru let out a focused breath, "Where I come from, meditation is used to hone and expand our chakra. Tai Chi is a martial art that is designed with meditation as one of its core foundations."

Todoroki tilted his head, "So I meditate?"

Haru held out a hand, "Meditation is a practice where an individual focuses the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity," a small flame ignited in the redhead's palm, "Let's try to control the size of the flame."

Todoroki looked uncertain as he raised his left hand. A burst of flame appeared on his arm, threatening to burn his clothes.

"Focus in containing it. Picture how you want it to look," Haru instructed.

Todoroki did as he was told and closed his eyes, using the techniques his father had been teaching him to control his flames. The fire on his arm retreated and moved to burn calmly in the palm of his hand.

"Very good," Haru moved to stand next to him, "Now, let's continue. Don't try to imitate me. Calm your mind."

They both flowed back into a series of katas, each moving individually but using a similar style of containing the fire in their hands. Todoroki's breathed deeply, feeling the warmth in his left side. Several memories... memories that still gave him frightening dreams at night... filled his mind... but reassured by the other presence in the room, he pushed through.

Without either boy realizing it, Todoroki's fire had begun to burn brighter, leaving a bright trail as it was moved through the air.

Haru's own flames transitioned from hand to hand as his body expertly twisted in a series of complicated moves, all the time still keeping in sync with the other boy beside him. They had both abandoned their sense of sight and relied only on hearing and feeling the presence in the air to stay in time.

"Quite the impressive demonstration, but enough wasting time," they snapped their heads up to see Endeavor's imposing figure standing in the doorway, "Now, let's begin."


"I read about your 'Quirk' from your files, but it's lacking in information," Endeavor pointed out as towered above the two boys, "Tell me more about your Ninjutsu."

Todoroki bristled at the demanding tone, but Haru placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"What I tell you can't be shared with anyone else," Haru's tone was serious, "Since you are willing to teach me, it makes sense I'd tell you how my power works."

Endeavor gave a single nod, "Very well. Proceed."

Haru raised a hand, splaying his fingers, "Besides my Kekkei Genkai, which you are familiar with, I can utilize five separate elements: earth, wind, lightning, water, and fire," as he listed them off, the tips of his fingers displayed a small demonstration of each element, "Conveniently for both of us, fire is my strongest element. Normally that would mean I'm restricted to that single element, but now that I have access to my inherent chakra reserves and have mastered chakra control, I can slowly master the others."

Endeavor grunted, "The sports festival?"

Haru closed his hand, extinguishing the elements on his hand, "I was able to generate different nature transformations but not all of them were mastered. Using them costs much more chakra than if I mastered a particular Ninjutsu. They can also backfire if I do them wrong."

"And at what point can you say you've mastered an element?"

Haru thought for a moment, "When you can freely create and control the element, you can say you've mastered it. It also helps if you do it without losing too much chakra."

Todoroki interrupted, a single question prevalent on his mind, "Has anyone mastered all five?"

Haru nodded, "A few. My dad was one of them."

Endeavor crossed his arms, "We'll test your skills with fire while you're here. Prepare to spar."

Haru took a step back, "Wait, wait! Now?"

Endeavor jerked his head at Todoroki, signaling his son to stand to the side, "Of course. I want to see at what level your skills are at," he sent a stern look in Haru's direction, "No using your Kekkei Genkai for this. While training here, you will learn to master your flames."

Haru opened his mouth to protest when he was hit by a wave of intense heat emanating from the hero.

"Hold on!"

"No need to hold back, this room was built for rough sparing," Endeavor's flames burned hotter, "I'll be sure not to hurt you too much as long as you can keep up."

Todoroki took a step forward in anger when he saw the intense look on Haru's face.

"Fine," Haru jumped back a short distance, weaving hand signs. 'Fire Style: Misty Flames Dance!'

He pursed his lips and exhaled a large cloud of flammable gas towards the Flame Hero.

Endeavor's expression didn't change as the flames on his body vanished, leaving him flameless.

Haru's eyes widened as the man's giant figure moved faster than he could react, slamming a heavy fist into his gut.

"Bleurgh!" Haru's coughed out spittle as he was sent flying across the room into the wall.

"That trick may work on amateurs, but using a technique like that head-on against an experienced fighter is carless," Endeavor rebuked.

Haru struggled to his feet, his faced twist in pain.

"Don't tell me, that's all you've got?" Endeavor goaded him.

Haru raised his bowed head, cracking a rueful grin, "Nope."

Endeavor burst from the inferno, his body covered in his Hellflame once again.

Haru slammed his hands into the tiger sign, kneading chakra in his mouth. 'I may not have enough skill to create much, but it may give me an edge!'

"Water Style: Water Pillar!"

A pressurized stream of water shot from his mouth, forming a circular barricade to intercept Endeavor's charge.


Unfazed, Endeavor pushed through the water with his flames only slightly cooled.

Haru ducked a swing, sliding to the side to avoid a knee to the face, "Water Style: Hidden Mist Jutsu!"

He opening his mouth, releasing a cloud of dense fog into the training room, trying to disable Endeavor's sight. It seemed he was forced to switch tactics. Without a water source, he had no potential of creating enough water to combat the pro. Even if he was allowed to use his origami, Endeavor could generate enough heat to burn it if he wanted. To make things worse, the hero's body was trained to peak condition, not to mention his experience made him even more formidable.

Haru calculated that even if Endeavor went at half power, he'd probably beat Haru within the minute. The teen was strong among his peers, but it could be said that the top five heroes could stand their own against many top shinobi from his home universe, excluding god level.

(A/N) Do not comment on this being wrong. According to Death Battle, Might Guy can only kill All Might at full power after entering the Gate of Death (Where he wins easily) Based on that calculation the rest seemed clear to me. Also, the power comparison was fair. My brother and I are knowledgeable in both universes.

Want to confirm?

Watch: All Might VS Might Guy (My Hero Academia VS Naruto) | DEATH BATTLE!:


"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!"

Haru blew out a small fireball that burst into many other fireballs of similar size.

"Karmic Raze: Hellfire Storm."

An intense tornado of fire lit up the room, causing the mist to evaporate from the heat and deflecting Haru's fire Jutsu.

Haru leaped into the air, using his chakra to land on the high ceiling, "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"

A stream of fire blew from his mouth, aiming directly at Endeavor. The number two hero crossed his arms, tanking the attack as if it were nothing.

Haru continued to blow as he formed more hand signs. Futon! He opened his mouth, expelling a stream of wind chakra to mix with his fire, intensifying the flames.

On the sidelines, Todoroki shielded his face from the extreme light and heat, his expression not showing the awe he felt on seeing this rare spectacle.

Haru cut off the Jutsu, breathing hard as he was out of breath.

Endeavor raised a fist and launched a compact fireball at him.

Haru's body blurred as he dodged. He continued to jump around the room as the hero kept shooting.

"You can't dodge forever," Endeavor called out gruffly, his intense blue eyes following the young Bakugo's movement, seeking a pattern.

Finally seeing one, he shot a second fireball in alongside the first.

Haru was racking his brain for a decent strategy that wouldn't end with him getting roasted alive and unexpectedly, he was given one.

When he realized that his next landing would be directly in line with one of Endeavor's fireballs, he opted for a surprise strike.

Crossing his arms over his face, he slashed both arms across his body, using his fire chakra to protect himself. Endeavor's fireball blew apart, harmlessly spreading away from him.

Taking the opportunity of an opening, he dashed forward, "Fire Style: Calidos Brachium!"

Both his fist burst into flame as he raised them for a head-on strike.

Endeavor's own fists ignited, "Bad move, brat."

Haru's body suddenly changed tactics as he launched himself into the air. His feet hit the ceiling, causing it to crack under the intense force of his chakra as he propelled himself downward.

Endeavor raised an arm, as Haru slammed a bone-jarring kick down on him. The hero's body didn't move, but his feet sunk into the concrete training floor slightly.

Haru's fists heated up intensely as he clasped them together, "DIE!" he slammed them down towards Endeavor's head.

A sudden burst of heat knocked him back, sending him tumbling across the room. Moving on instinct, he righted himself, landing in a kneeling position. Haru's eyes glowed intensely for a moment. With a flash of gold and a rattle of metal, several golden chains appeared on his back swaying behind him menacingly.

"That's enough for now," Endeavor relaxed his stance, crossing his arms over his ċhėst.

Haru blinked, his chains fading to nothingness, "Eh?"

Todoroki also blinked, "Huh?"

Endeavor raised an eyebrow, "Any problem with that?"



"Good," he turned to walk from the room, "Sparring is over for now. You two better get ready for the day. We'll be heading to Hosu on patrol tonight."

Haru looked a little surprised, "Hosu?"


(Evening... Hosu City: Tokyo...)

Stain was crouched on a water tower that overlooked the city, his tattered scarf floating in the evening breeze.

A warp gate swirled open behind him and Shigaraki stepped out, "Huh. Hosu City is nicer than I expected," he looked at the Hero Killer, "What will you do?"

Stain's eyes flickered around the cityscape, searching, "I will reform it. In order to do so, blood must spill."

Kurogiri appeared behind them, "You have a clear goal. Your dedication is admirable."

Stain stood up with a sigh, "Finally someone understands."

Shigaraki held his shoulder in remembrance, "I get the feeling you enjoy picking on me."

Stain blatantly ignored him as he spread his hand, "'Hero' is a title for those who've accomplished great deeds!" he declared, "The city is full of false champions! All they care about is money and fame! Until this world realizes its mistakes," he gripped the handle of the katana strapped to his back, "I will continue my work."

He launched himself from the tower, drawing his sword as he descended into the city.

"He talks all high and mighty and stuff," Shigaraki scoffed, "But's he's wasting his time focusing on a small stage. He's so noble, I can cry."

"You shouldn't spurn his methods," Kurogiri gently admonished him, "The reality is in all the cities that Stain has appeared, the crime rates have fallen. Perhaps because heroes are more conscientious or perhaps out of fear. Regardless, he does bring change."

Shigaraki clawed at the skin on his neck, "Oh isn't that wonderful," his voice was dripping with sarcasm, "Heroes are working harder thanks to all those murders! I guess you can say our hero killer is also a hero breeder!" he dropped the dramatics and sulked, "This is getting boring. It won't work. We can't even agree on a basic level and he annoys me. Kurogiri, bring out the Nomus."

Kurogiri wordlessly opened a portal, letting three of the modified humans through.

Shigaraki let out a harsh sigh, muttering under his breath, "You think you can get away with stabbing me? When I get tired of you, I'll kill you whenever I feel like it, just like that, Stain," he let out a maniacal giggle, "Let's make it more interesting. How about I crush your honor and your pride first. What do you say, big bad Hero Killer?"


(Play: Boku no Hero Academia OST - Uncontrollable Evil Extended:


(Minutes later...)

Endeavor and his team dashed at full speed down the street in the direction of the growing chaos. They could see the glow of several fires illuminating the night sky while the air was filled with panicked screams and inhuman screeches.

"Akatsuki, use your sensory and update me on the situation," Endeavor commanded.

Haru nodded, his eyes closing as his sensory expanded. Kagura Shingan: The Mind's Eye!

His eyes snapped open, "Three Nomu! Two directly ahead! One of them has attacked the train line, but it seems that a pro has engaged. It's attacking at random!"

Endeavor grunted thoughtfully, "Show me the way to the loner. The rest of you engage the other two!"

The sidekicks picked up the pace as they continued down the main street, "Got it!"

Endeavor signaled Haru and Todoroki to follow him and the three of them headed off in a different direction.

Haru's phone buzzed and he pulled it out.

A message from Izuku and a missed call from Ida. Haru's face stiffened. I forgot! I silenced my calls!

He opened the voicebox, hearing Ida's rushed breathing and the sound of him running.

"Sorry, Class Rep. I may end up doing something stupid. Call you later!"

There was the sound of Iida's engines roaring to life and the message ended. Haru checked the time. The voice message was timed only a few minutes ago. Having an ominous feeling, Haru slid his finger across the screen, viewing Izuku's message.

"All he sent was his location..." Todoroki held up his phone showing he had received a similar message.

Haru paused, focusing his sensory to its limit.

Endeavor turned when he realized they had stopped running, "What are you two doing? We don't have time to–" he broke off as Todoroki ran off in the opposite direction, "Where the hell are you going?"

Haru held up his phone, "This is an emergency! An alleyway at 4210 Echo Street! We've got a pro and an intern down with another intern holding off a villain."

Endeavor gritted his teeth, "Damn!"

"The other heroes can't defeat the Nomu!" Haru speaking became rushed, trying to contain his stress on having checked the several battlefields simultaneously, "At the least, Todoroki and I can make sure to get the other's away!"

Endeavor made the quick decision, "You are both authorized to use your Quirks for whatever necessary. Do not engage unless forced. Prioritize escape and the safety of the injured. Either I or other pros will come to get you. Do not underestimate the villain."

"Got it!" Haru burst into a flurry of paper, revealing himself to be a clone.

Endeavor turned and dashed to the ruckus a few streets over. 'You'd better not do anything stupid or you'll feel the back of my fist for it. The both of you!' He shook his head. 'Enough of this. I'd better end my fight quickly.'


Haru placed a couple of fingers on his temple as he received the clone's information, "Okay."

"What's the message?" Todoroki kept his eyes on the road as they both ran together.

"Permission to use Quirks. Our priority is rescuing the fallen pro and the interns," Haru lowered his body close to the ground as he sped up, "We'll get in, grab them, and get out! Don't attack unnecessarily. We'll try to find some sort of diplomatic solution or at least stall for time."

Todoroki grunted acknowledgment.

Haru raised his hand in a seal of confrontation, "I'd best provide support for the others. Ryuk! Harlequin! Kyo!"


Iida had chosen to intern under the Normal Hero: Manual. For the past few days, things had gone... well... normally. He had been shown the workings of the office, been taken on patrols, and overall was given the average intern experience.

The whole time he had been in Hosu, he had kept watching for any sign of the Hero Killer: Stain. Only his searching had been done with conflicted feelings. His conversation with Haru had shaken his resolve for revenge a little and that lingering doubt had remained.

Iida had come to admire Haru's free-spirited personality and his admirable strength. Flawless grades, natural leadership skills, and the ability to bring that warm comfort into a room, he had so many qualities that Iida saw in his older brother. It was only after their argument that Iida had realized he had placed his Class Rep on a pedestal. Haru admitting that he'd probably do the same as he was planning to do had humanized his in Iida's eyes but didn't lower his admiration and present guilt. The remembrance of Haru humbling himself by asking Iida to be better than him, made the dark-haired teen sick at himself.

It was because of this doubt that he had taken the time earlier that day to call his family about his brother's condition. There had been little improvement, but it seemed Tensei was able to talk a little more freely. The two had been put on speaker for a few minutes. Tensai had sounded really proud about his progress and had encouraged him to keep working hard.

Iida had been silent most of the conversation. He had wanted to say which agency he had joined but was ashamed, knowing his brother would connect the dots.

It was the third night of patrol that Manual had taken the habit of bringing him on when flames lit up the distant sky.

Manual received a message from the radio headpiece in his helmet informing him of a villain attack.

"Don't worry, I'll head there right now!" the hero turned to Iida, "Stay with me, we're running!"

Iida ran after his superior, confused over the nature of the attack. He knew the Hero Killer wouldn't do something so flashy so it had to be someone else; but still. He shook his head. He didn't have time for this.

A distant flash of red caught the corner of his eye and he skidded to a stop, staring down the line of alleyways that ran for several blocks.

His eyes widened and he changed direction as he pulled out his phone, hitting the speed dial he had set earlier that day.

The call went to voicemail and felt a sinking feeling in his ċhėst.

At the tone, he left a hurried message, "Sorry, Class Rep. I may end up doing something stupid. Call you later!"

He hung up, activating his Quirk as he picked up speed.


Stain frowned at the sight of smoke and the sirens in the distance, "That idiot's making a move. Instigating something like this on a childish whim. I'll have to dispose of him later," he looked at the paralyzed hero under his hand, "At the moment, I have more important work to finish here."

The pro hero, Native, helplessly tried to move his unmoving body as the Hero Killer pinned him against a wall, brandishing a beaten-up katana.

"I can't move... You bastard, I'll kill you!"

Stain's glare intensified, "If you call yourself a hero, you should choose your last words with care."

The antihero felt his instincts flare and he swung his katana in a wide arc, catching the edge of Iida's helmet as the teen tried to hit him with a roundhouse kick.

Iida was sent reeling back, landing heavily to the ground as his helmet flew off.

Stain raised his head in slight confusion, "A child wearing a suit. Who are you?"

Iida pushed himself up, his expression torn with mixed emotions. Grief. Hatred. Reluctance. Confusion. Fear. Determination.

"Run," Stain's words were final, "Run away from here."

Iida got up on one knee, his body trembling, "You're carrying blades all over your body and you're wearing a blood-red scarf. You must be the Hero Killer: Stain!" his eyes hardened, "I must admit I was looking for you for revenge, but now that I'm here I see what my friend was trying to tell me," his deep blue eyes became resolute, "It would only make me no better than scum like you and sully my brother's name."

Stain eyed the young hero with an awakened interest, reading him like a book, "Your eyes were full of vengeance a moment ago, but you're trying to suppress it. Interesting," he pointed his blade at Iida's face, "Tell me your name and leave. Even if you are young, if you get in my way, I'll deal with you as well."

Iida clenched his fists, "I see you don't even consider me as a threat, but even so... I won't let you hurt any more people," he rose to his feet, "I am the brother of an incredible hero that you attacked. He's the best older brother anyone could hope for. I have come to stop you because he can't anymore," he braced himself for an attack, "I am Ingenium and I will lay down my life to end your reign of terror!"

Stain's eyes lit up, "So be it. Show me what you've got... Hero."

Iida's engines burst to life as he swung an upward kick at the Hero Killer.

Stain revealed his exceptional skills, leaping high into the air.

Iida shifted his path of movement to try and grab a hold of Native.

Seeing what he was doing, Stain, with an expert movement, drove his spike-clad boot into Iida's shoulder, slamming his other foot into the teen's back.

Iida hit the ground hard, a look of surprise on his face. He gritted his teeth, attempting to push himself up.

Stain pushed down harder, stabbing his katana into Iida's other arm.

"Ingenium... So you're brothers," Stain licked his lips menacingly, "I let him live so he could spread the good word. He was a weakling. He wasn't a hero. He had no right to be called that. He was nothing but a fake."

Tears of helplessness fell from Iida's eyes, "Shut up! You know nothing about him! He spent every day, thinking of how he could save more people! He came home every night, exhausted from all the extra patrols he'd take off the main roads! He was a caring person who saved many lives and you damaged his spine from the waist down. He's never gonna be able to work as a pro again, much less walk! He was someone people looked up to!" he forced his head up, "What about that was fake?"

Stain's expression changed slightly still retained his eerie brutality, "It seems that I may have been wrong. How unfortunate."

Iida let his head drop, "And even after all you've done... Even if try to forgive you, I can't yet. It's too soon... but..." he grabbed ahold of Stain's leg, his knuckles turning white under his gloves, "I won't let you do it again if I can help it. I won't."

Stain growled, effortlessly shaking off the hand, "Forgive me? I crippled your brother. Even a saint would have trouble forgiving that!"

The Hero Killer's words shocked both Iida and Native to their core.

Stain pulled his sword from Iida's arm, making him groan in pain, "If you came at me for revenge, only focusing on yourself, I would have killed you. However," he flicked the blade, staining the wall with a stream of fresh blood, "You've shown that even when the man you hate most is in front of you, you will be willing to even save a fake hero."

He licked the remaining blood on his blade.

Iida felt his body go stiff, his limbs suddenly going as numb and as heavy as lead.

"Apologies, child," Stain stepped from the fallen Iida and approached the unmoving Native, "May this death bring about a better world."

Iida gritted his teeth, willing his body to move, "No, please... Not like this! Stop!"

Stain paused as a flicker of green lighting entered his vision.


Iida stared in disbelief at Izuku's back amazed at his friend's new power, "Midoriya? How?"

Izuku's expression was set and determined, "Don't worry, Iida! I'm going to save you!"

Stain slid back a short distance from the punch to the face, his eyes lighting up in recognition. 'It's him! The one from Shigaraki's picture!' He suddenly recognized Izuku's face from somewhere else. 'That sludge incident. He was that other boy! This can't be a coincidence.'

"You found him too?" Iida grunted weakly, his body unable to take large breaths, "But how?"

"I saw it on tv," Izuku explained, "They had some stats about the Hero Killer. Most of his victims were found where there weren't many people. So, in order to find you, I needed to search far away from the panic. In the back alleys of Hosu City," he looked at his fallen classmate, "Let's go! Back to the street! We have to get help from the pros!"

"I..." Iida closed his eyes, "I can't move my body. It must be his Quirk. Since he cut me, I'm paralyzed! It's that same for him."

Izuku looked up to see Native's slumped figure nearby and hissed under his breath. 'If it had just been Iida, I could have just taken him away myself, but with two...'

"Midoriya, grab him and leave me," Izuku's face paled at the words Iida could bȧrėly grit out, "Don't try to fight. You can't beat him! I'll be fine!"

Izuku stared at Iida disbelievingly, "Iida, what are you saying? I won't leave you."

"You came to save your friend's life," Stain called out to Izuku, catching his attention, "You even made a big entrance. He tried to stop me from my duty of killing this so-called pro," he stated jerking his head at Native, "Unless you want him to die too, I suggest you take him and go."

Izuku felt the intensity of Stain's gaze taking a small step backward. Discreetly, he reached behind his back and pulled out his phone, and sent out his location to all his contacts.

'I'll just have to protect them and stall as long as I can.'

Ida saw Izuku get into a fighting stance and called out to him, "Listen to me! Stand down! Run away! I told you, I'll be fine."

"I won't!" Izuku's voice rang out strong as he raised his clenched fists, "It's like All Might said. Meddling when you don't need to is the essence of being a hero."

Stain actually smiled as the green-haired teen charged him, "Good!"

Izuku used his newly found speed to get in close, ducking past Stain's sweeping sword slice.

The Hero Killer pulled out a knife keep on his torso, bringing it down in a crosscut.

Izuku slid between his legs, avoiding it altogether.

Stain twisted, bringing his sword around for another strike, only to find his opponent gone.

He quickly glanced up in time to see Izuku flipping over his head.


Izuku's fist slammed down on the Hero Killer's head. Landing on his feet, Izuku let out a breath.

Stain smirked and licked the minuscule droplet of blood on his knife.

Izuku felt his body stiffen as a paralyzing shock ran through his veins. 'What?' He noticed the almost indiscernible cut on his arm. 'Did he cut me and I didn't even notice? Wait...' He saw the small trickle of blood on Stain's knife. 'I thought I would be paralyzed if I was cut, but it's the blood!"'

"You're not powerful," Stain admitted, "You just left my field of vision and maneuvered yourself to get a clean shot, but I saw through your plan," he turned and walked away from the fallen Izuku, "There are countless false heroes around here who are all talk, but you young ones seem worthy to leave alive," he paused in front of Native, "Unlike this one."

Izuku watched in horror as Stain raised his katana to dispose of the hero, "Wait... Don't... Stop it! GET AWAY!"

A winged silhouette overshadowed them from above.

Stain looked up, "What now?"

Haru clapped his hands together, blue lightning shrieking from his body as he twisted his palms against each other before directing his right hand at Stain in a claw-like motion, "Lightning Style: Storm of Midnight Fire!"*

A sizzling blast of violet-blue electricity shot from his hand towards the Hero Killer.

Stain jumped, retreating several steps as the lightning pursued him, its many crackling tendrils scarring the cement surface of the alleyway.

Haru ignored the convulsing of his hand as a result of using an incomplete Jutsu as Todoroki sent a spiral of fire in Stain's direction.

"You call this a diplomatic solution?" Todoroki deadpanned as he ceased using his fire.

Haru dispersed his wings, lightly dropping to the ground, "No. I call it aggressive negotiations."


*Storm of Midnight Fire is another name for Force Lightning

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