Shikigami Dance: Naruto/BNHA Crossover

Chapter 40 - Dance of the Shikigami

(A/N) Sorry, this took so long. I had writer's block last week and combined it with afternoon/closing shifts it didn't mix well. Also, the last part was written but the stupid sight didn't save when I hit save and I had to rewrite it.


It's a living nightmare for the staff and most places won't pay extra for the extra couple hours they work because of those customers who linger an hour past closing for no reason or order ten minutes before closing. Don't think tips make up for it! Most places will only give tips to waiters and bussers. The cooks, dishwashers, and basically everyone who prep your food, tableware, and close thing down don't get anything but extra work. There may be exceptions, but this applies to every class of restaurant.

Just remember that some people work for hours in steaming hot kitchens and that your very presence will affect their work time.

Sorry for the rant, this happened to me several days in a row and no amount of pay is worth it.


Several fires burned amid the rubble and destruction caused by the Nomu as nearly a dozen heroes struggled to contain one particularly large black one. For something that lacked eyes, the creature was very difficult to approach, much less hurt, due to its super regeneration and tough skin.

"He's too damn strong!" one of them cursed as he flung a barrage of shuriken at the Nomu's back to no avail.

A horned hero, who specialized in brawling, charged in, planning on tackling the thing head-on, "Everyone attack at once!"

Several pros jumped from all directions, their Quirks at the ready, "RIGHT!"

The dark Nomu gave a muffled wail as it slammed its fists into the ground, sending out a shockwave that knocked its attackers back.

A blonde heroine shielded her face from the smoke and dust blowing in her face, "Damn it! Where is he?"

Manual's face paled in horror as a dark figure loomed behind her.


The Nomu raised its fists, preparing to end the human in front of it.

A harsh roar made it look up before a massive origami bear tackled its back, burying its fangs into the Nomu's shoulder.

There was a shrill screech as a giant origami eagle attacked the flying Nomu that had appeared on the scene, making it drop the hero it had in its grasp.

One of the heroes stared wide-eyed as the battle was changed from a hopeless to a stalemate, "What is this?"

The grizzly's eyes picked up a bright movement from the corner of its eyes. With a growl, it bodily lifted the Nomu, its claws digging deep into its opponent's sides.

A moment later, Endeavor's fist smashed into the Nomu's muscled arm, sending it flying into a building. In his wake, an origami Bengal tiger roared as it leaped through the flames unharmed.

"It's Endeavor!"

The Flame Hero ignored them as he stared down the black Nomu, watching its mangled arm heal itself.

"So, you can regenerate."

The Nomu gave a throaty roar at the hero, stepping forward to charge. Harlequin slammed his forepaws into the ground, roaring an answering challenge before lumbering forward. The Nomu's attention switched to the imminent threat as it charged, its arms reaching out to grab the animal.

To its shock, Harlequin suddenly stopped, lowering his body. Too late it realized this was a distraction when Endeavor launched himself over the bear's back, latching his hands around the Nomu's neck.

"Let's see you come back from this," the hero challenged.

There was an intense burst of heat as the Nomu's head was engulfed in flames. It struggled, mutely screaming as the fire intensified more and more until it was a pale blue. The Nomu's head burned away, it's super regeneration no match for Endeavor's heat.

The hero smirked, "Incinerated cells can't regenerate," he stated as he let the dead Nomu drop.

"Above you!"

Endeavor frowned as he saw the flying Nomu trying to make its escape.

"Any hero whose Quirk isn't suited for this, go help on Echo Street on District Four."

The other pros nodded as they moved to obey.

"Endeavor, where did those animals go?"

Endeavor looked around, noticing that the three clones were indeed gone, "Let them go. They're probably gone since they've done their job."


(Play: Naruto - Strong And Strike (Extended):

(Elsewhere in Hosu...)

Todoroki's right side burned brightly in the dark alleyway, "Midoriya, you need to give more details in times like this. If it wasn't for Class Rep's sensory, we wouldn't have been here on time."

Izuku stared in his classmate's direction, "Wait! How'd you get here?" he gasped, "Todoroki, you're using your flames."

Iida's eyes widened as Haru knelt beside him, "Class Rep! I thought you were in Kyushu!"

Haru's expression softened slightly, "There was a change of plans," he placed a greenlit hand on his classmate's head, "I'm proud, Iida. I may not know what happened exactly, but I can feel you've become a better version of yourself."

Iida allowed himself to sigh in relief, his body relaxing, "I'm sorry. I'm still too weak."

There was a rustle of paper as the ground rippled. Native, Izuku, and Iida were shifted over next to Todoroki, "You both did well. Now rest. We'll take care of this."

"Not so fast!" Stain moved forward but was forced to jump away as the ground beneath him was frozen by Todoroki.

"You are just like they said you were," Todoroki addressed the antihero, "But you won't be taking any more lives, Hero Killer–ARGH!"

Haru's eyes widened. 'He's fast! I didn't even see!'

"Todoroki! Haru-chan! you can't let that guy get your blood! I think he controls his enemies' actions by swallowing it! That's how he got us!" Izuku yelled.

Haru raised an arm in front of Todoroki, to stop him from attacking again, "That explains the blades. However, our mission is retrieval and withdrawal," as he spoke two paper clones took form, "Iida and the hero need medical ȧssistance. We can't let them lose too much blood or remain paralyzed for too long. Carry them as far away as possible while I cover your retreat. The pro heroes will arrive at any moment."

"I'll stay and help," Todoroki offered, but Haru shook his head.

"You're wounded and my clones have limited range and ability since they only hold a fraction of my power unlike my specialized animal clones. They need an escort in case of other attacks," his amber eyes glowed in Stain's direction, "Also, out of the two of us, I'm the only one with enough speed to hold him off."

As if to prove his point, his arm blurred, creating a clawed gauntlet to deflect a blade thrown in his direction.

Todoroki realized this wasn't a time to argue and decided to trust the younger Bakugo's word, "I'll bring help. Don't take too long."

"You have good friends, Ingenium!" Stain commented as he closed the distance between him and his targets.

There was a rush of movement as Haru created four massive wings to shield everyone behind him, "GO NOW!"

Stain's knife clashed with Haru's Neko te, screeching against the reinforced origami.

Haru's sensory tingled causing Haru to look up, seeing the katana Stain had thrown into the air as he charged.

"Paper Shower!"

A barrage of paper blades shot from his wings, forcing Stain into another hasty retreat.

Haru bent into an aggressive stance, his wings spread menacingly, "You shall not pass!"

Stain's eyes narrowed as he saw his target and the two interns being carried away, escorted by Todoroki. He pulled out a few throwing knives, and flung them at Native's exposed back.

Haru gripped the edge of his sugegasa spinning it in a backward motion. There was a clash as it blocked the thrown knives in the air.

"Earth Style: Mud Wall!" Haru slammed his hands to the ground, causing a portion of the ground behind him to groan and rise to block off the full height of the alleyway.

Stain eyed the wall, and then eyed Haru's panting figure, "You expended a bit of energy to trap yourself here with me to buy them time. Are you not afraid of death?"

Haru brought his breathing under control as he slid a hand into his cloak, unfastening the front as he dispersed his wings. He stood ready, bȧrėheaded, his dark robe hanging open.

"It's my responsibility to protect them and to do that, I have no intention of dying," a rush of wind caused from the distance fire blew through the alleyway, stirring their hair and clothing as they faced each other.

Stain's face shifted slightly in recognition, "Oh, I recognize you now. Haruko Bakugo."

Haru calmly stared the Hero Killer in the face, "I don't remember us ever meeting before. Sorry if I do not know your name."

Stain gave an eerie grin as he released a small amount of killing intent, "In other days, I was known as Stendhal."

Upon sensing Stain's aura, Haru felt his body move instinctively. 'Shikigami Dance: Fueguchi One!' The wide, jagged-edged whip shot towards the antihero as a wave of bloodlust emanated from Haru's body.

Stain casually swung his katana, blocking the Haru's attack. His expression became more focused as he noted Haru's unusually dilated pupils and killing aura.

"I see," he sank into an aggressive stance, "Your eyes aren't those of a normal child. You've seen things, the worst things of humanity yet you retain the innocence of one who hasn't dirtied their hands. Your instincts are telling you to eliminate everything that endangers you, but you hesitate to do so," a slow smile tugged at his lips, "You're much more interesting than I thought."

Haru held his clenched hands to his ċhėst. He pressed them together and pulled them apart, revealing an origami katana.

Stain ran forward, "Show me that restrained bloodlust!"

Haru almost felt his body going numb as he let out a breath, "Shikigami Dance: Waltz of the Flowers: Ataru!"

The air thrummed with the built-up energy being released as the redhead gripped his weapon, charging the Hero Killer with a fierce battle cry.

As he got close, he leaped into the air, slashing toward Stain's head as he somersaulted. When the villain blocked his attack, Haru twisted pressing his feet against the wall before dashing back in.

Still screaming out his defiance, he performed a series of spins, hacking and slashing in several blurring motions.

Stain, moving at the same speeds, blocked them all and hooked a toe around Haru's leg, tripping him up.

Feeling himself fall, Haru instantly dropped to his knees, swinging his katana in a horizontal slash.

Stain parried the attack and proceeded to follow up with his own slashing combo.

Unable to rise, Haru again spun, this time on his knees, as he defended against the barrage of devastatingly powerful strikes. Using his momentum, he pushed himself up, landing in a crouch. Sensing an attack from above, he raised his katana, using his other hand to brace for the blow.

This proved to be a ruse as Stain's boot slammed in his ċhėst, sending him flying back.

Righting himself, Haru landed on his feet. He spun the katana in his hands as it morphed into a naginata. Holding it in a ready stance as he pushed a palm forward.

There was a clash of metal as the steel of Stain's sword made contact with Haru's iron-hard origami.

Haru expertly rotated his spear-like weapon, swinging the blade end to slash at Stain's leg. Realizing this would fail he quickly transitioned into a strike to the body with the buŧŧ end of the spear.

Stain simply knocked it away, and Haru rotated his weapon using both the bladed and the pole end in an attempt to land a hit on the Hero Killer to no avail.

Finally, Haru made a wide swing, causing Stain to duck. Using the momentum of the failed strike to his advantage, Haru spun the staff over his head and stabbed downward.

The Hero Killer jumped back but instantly closed in again, his knife aiming at Haru's shoulder. As it made contact, however, Haru's body turned into paper, scattering into a cloud of buŧŧerflies.

Stain gripped his weapon's his eyes searching for his opponent.


The ground burst as a large snake coiled itself around Stain's leg, its hissing jaws opening to strike at the Hero Killer's body.

Stain swung his knife, cutting off its head before noticing Haru's crouched figure on the alley wall forming hand signs.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!"

Haru launched himself off the wall as two throwing knives thudded where he had been sitting a moment before. He inhaled and spat out a series of small fireballs in Stain's direction.

The Hero Killer dodged using his acrobatics to avoid the constant barrage of flame raining down on him.

Still, in midair, Haru formed a paper kunai in his hand as Stain jumped up the walls to attack him again.

Performing a sleight of hand, Haru revealed himself to be carrying several hidden paper kunai as he launched them downward.

Stain flipped backward, sending out his own knives in a counterattack.

Haru moved evasively but was unable to remain completely unscathed as a blade nicked his ear while another was hit his leg but was dulled by his robe, resulting in a bruise.

He landed on his feet, just in time to see Stain stabbing his sword directly at his face.

Haru jerked his head to the side, feeling a sting on his cheek as Stain's katana drew blood. Swinging his leg upward, he kicked the sword into the air before the Hero Killer could paralyze him. It clattered to the ground a distance away.

Stain drew a second knife, slashing with it in a skillful frenzy as Haru recreated his naginata

Moving faster than the average eye could read, the villain and the hero in training exchanged a series of attacks, the clashing of their blades almost blurring together with the speed of their strikes.

Haru wielded his naginata expertly as he spun, slashed, twisted, stabbed, turned, countered, parried, flowing his attack and defense all in one.

Stain was laughing as his fighting style changed, revealing how much he was holding back.

Haru's weapon was knocked from his hands and clattering and it landed behind him

"Come on!" Stain challenged, "FIGHT!"

Haru reached into his weapon's pouch, pulling out a pair of his steel kunai. Spinning them in his hands, he gripped them reversely before charging in again.

Stain sidestepped, his knifes clashing with the kunai as Haru passed by.

The two of them hacked and slashed at each other, moving around the alleyway as if gravity had no effect in them, sending out sparks upon each clash of their weapons.

Rolling around his opponent, Haru jumped, performing a series of front handsprings, twisting around on the final flip to face his opponent.

"Paper Shuriken!"

A barrage of star-shaped origami spun at where the Hero Killer should have been standing but he wasn't there.

Stain appeared behind Haru's unguarded figure, his knife raised, "Don't lose sight of the enemy!"

Haru turned, giving a smirk. 'Shikigami Dance: Rinkaku Kagune!'

Four white tentacles shot from his back, stabbing at Stain's body.

The antihero leaped into the air, avoiding the kagune. 'A good ruse...' He grabbed Haru's head and slammed him to the wall. 'But not good enough.'

Haru's body glowed revealing several explosive tags covering his body now revealed to be a replaced clone.

The alleyway shook as an explosion echoed across the cityscape. Less than a second later, Stain's figure appeared from the smoke, practically unharmed.

"Right? Left? Behind?" Stain looked up, "Above!"

Haru has revealed floating quite a distance away, his hands blurring while his wings were drawn close to his sides.

There was an ominous sound of tightening metal and Stain felt his movements suddenly retrained by several wire threads.

"A trap?"

Haru pressed his wrists together, moving his hands forward in a pushing motion, "Shikigami Dance: Zennyo Ryuo!"

A giant origami dragon formed around him, its majestic body curling majestically as it charged towards its target, giving a bloodcurdling roar.

Stain expression was almost maniacal, "Very good!"

The wires snapped, making Haru's eye widen in shock as Stain raised his arms, gripping the open jaws of the dragon. The Hero Killer's feet skidded across the cement until he was pushed against Haru's mud wall. The veins in his neck bulged as he yelled, forcing the origami dragon's jaws farther apart.

Haru raised his hand in a seal of confrontation but was too late to do anything as Stain bodily tore apart his strongest attack.

'H-how is he so strong?'

Stain grunted, rolling his shoulders, "You're powerful, but you're nowhere close to as experienced as me."

He stomped, knocking up a familiar blade laying on the ground, and licked it.

Haru's gasped as he felt his body stiffen. Seeing himself falling helplessly to the ground, he closed his eyes, mentally bracing himself for the fall.

To his surprise, he was caught by a pair of heavily muscled arms and gently leaned against the alley wall.

Opening his eyes, his vision was confronted by his captor's terrifying face. It was all the more terrifying was how Stain had covered the distance between them so quickly. It showed Haru more than anything else how this man was at a completely different level.

Stain plunged his sword into the wall by Haru's head, "Now..." he twisted the blade so that it faced Haru's neck, "How about a little chat?"

Haru felt a sinking feeling in his stomach but calmed himself. He'd be lying if he wasn't curious about the famous Hero Killer's true reasons behind his attacks. After what happened to Ingenium, the younger Bakugo had researched all that could be found on the man. He had even called up Uncle Issei about any info, resulting in a blank. Another bonus was that the longer Stain remained here, the longer the other had to get away. Was he terrified? He was scared shitless. He was unable to move, much less form hand signs. Even if he was able to mold chakra, and he was already feeling his body lose the ability to do that, he'd be unable to fight against someone as skilled as Stain in this state.

So, the aggressive negotiations ended, and a diplomatic solution was adopted.

"You have my attention..." it took everything for Haru to keep his tone calm.

"Tell me," Stain sank on his heels, "Why did you become a hero?"

Haru chocked on his breath at the question.

After a moment he regained his composure and answered, "To achieve my goal."

Stain eyed him carefully, "And what is your goal?"


His response was automatic as if he was somehow compelled to answer. He didn't know why, but Stain's expression held a deep sincerity amid all that ferocity.

Stain tilted his head, "Oh? Your eyes are ones that have known the betrayal of those you've trusted and admired. You've felt fear, hatred, and anger towards the ones who've wrong you and your loved ones. You've more likely 'seen the injustice of our society and the hypocrisy of the heroes. This world is full of people who are selfish, cruel, and without pity. Why try for such an impossible thing when you know it's hopeless?"

Haru answered calmly despite the battered steel katana near his neck, "A wise old man once told me you cannot find peace for others if you cannot find peace in yourself. Peace isn't just a concept, but a state of mind. Peace can be found by anyone if they are willing. Peace comes with understanding. Understanding brings wisdom."

"But what if someone isn't willing?" Stain unknowingly repeated the same question Haru had asked several years before.

"If you look for the light, you will find it, but if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see," Haru replied simply, "Even if things seem impossible, you must never give in to despair or you'll submit to your lowest instincts," Haru's eyes softened slightly, sensing the chaotic emotions from the man who had murdered dozens of people, "That's what happened to you, yes?"

Stain eyes bore into the helpless teen's soul, "I'm the one who has seen the corruption and vanity of this warped society. I intend to purge the fake heroes that taint this world and show everyone what is wrong with these present ideals. Those heroes who only care for money and fame do not deserve the title 'hero.' I will stain my hands with their blood to change the current system that plagues us."

"Then it's not the heroes who need changing, but the system that makes them like this," Haru countered, "And is receiving compensation wrong?" Haru lowered his eyes to avoid Stain's glare, "I've met several people while training at UA. Some people need the money to live or to support their families. When it comes down to it, a hero is basically considered a part of the military or police forces. They fight to preserve the peace and risk their lives protecting people and their country. Are they all guilty? At what point do you draw the line?"

Stain grabbed Haru by the hair, forcing his head up as he held his katana to the helpless teen's throat, "You really must want to piss me off. Do not misunderstand. I'm not talking about compensation, I'm talking about the corrupted ones of this society but All Might is the only true hero I see among all these fakes!"

"And what about Ingenium?" Haru's throat swallowed but his voice remained firm, "Was he a fake? Not everyone can be like All Might and even he has flaws. I can vouch for it as his student. No one is perfect but not everyone is corrupt. Can you guarantee that everyone is fake? You said I have a killing instinct. Wouldn't that make me a fake, pretending to be the model hero when I'm actually as dangerous as the villains?"

"An interesting question," Stain held his blade closer to Haru's neck. One move of his arm and he'd end the boy's life, "Maybe I should kill you. Are you ready for me to end your life? To end your hopes and dreams? To destroy all your bonds with the people you wasted your life for?"

Haru suddenly gave a soft smile, "I'm unable to move. I can't even sense your emotions anymore... but if you really plan on killing me, I'll just have to fight to stay alive to my last breath. I have too much to live for. Too many people I want to protect. I can't let it all end."

Stain scoffed, "Death is not the end. Loss of conviction is the end. It's quite a nuisance. It's hard to discern someone's conviction just by looking at them. If you were to die here, society would consider you another unfortunate victim of the Hero Killer. They may blame the pros or your friends for allowing you to die alone because you used yourself as a shield to defend them," he pushed his face close, his hot breath hitting Haru's face, "If I kill you now, I can still hunt down your friends and kill them all., making all your efforts in vain."

"You're wrong," Haru's amber eyes glowed, "They trusted me to buy time and I fulfilled that. Even if they didn't trust me and just ran, it wouldn't matter. I'd just need to earn their trust because they're worth it. Because I have faith in them... in humanity."

Stain shifted his grip, pulling his katana away from Haru's neck, standing up, "I said one cannot tell if someone has conviction or not just by looking at them, but sometimes one can tell just by fighting that person. You're a rare one indeed. We'll see if your conviction holds over time," he stretched out a hand, "Join me in my quest. You are worthy of being a hero. Help rebuild this society."

Haru stared at the offered hand, "I–"


The mud-wall crumbled and broke as two figures burst through, one green-clad figure covered in lightning and one armor-clad figure right behind him.


The two young heroes got into fighting stances, glaring at Stain fiercely.

Haru's eyes widened, "Izuku? Iida?" he felt a sudden rise of panic, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

Stain spun around, his katana at the ready, "Looks like I'll have to put you two down again."

Unleashing a wave of killing intent that froze the two boys in their tracks, the Hero Killer dashed forward, moving towards the stunned interns.

Haru didn't know what happened, but he felt a wave of intense heat light inside his soul, shining bright, brighter than the sun. 'I have to move! I've got to save them! MOVE!'


(Highly Recommended: Play:Kimetsu no Yaiba - Hinokami Kagura OST:


(Will Also Work: Play: Demon Slayer "Kimetsu no Yaiba" 『Zenitsu vs Spider』FULL VERSION | OST Volume


As if suddenly snapping his internal bindings, he felt his chakra overflow as his body was engulfed in flames.

"HINOKAMI KAGURA!" he created a flame-wreathed katana, dashing in pursuit of Stain's running figure. Stain turned to counter, but Haru kicked his leg against a nearby wall and pushed himself into the air, sailing over the villain's head, "HALO DANCE!"

He hit the ground, his boots sliding as he facing Stain's head-on with a terrifying expression on his face.

Izuku gasped as the intense heat hit him, knocking him from his trance, "Haru-chan!"

Haru didn't answer as he swung his blade, sending out a slash of fire in Stain's direction.

The Hero Killer swung his sword, dispersing the attack as he kept running.

Haru burst forward, his flames giving out a dull, throbbing boom as he closed the difference between them.

Their swords clashed, sending out a shockwave of blistering heat through the alleyway.

"Stay. Away. From. Them." Haru's voice was overcast with his fully unleashed killing intent.

He pushed away, his speed increasing as he attacked Stain mercilessly. He launched himself at the Hero Killer repeatedly, pushing himself off whichever surface he touched for each charge. Every step he took scorched the ground.

From the outer perspective, it was like a living comet was ricocheting everywhere, trying to strike at the dark spot in its center that sought to push it away.

Haru's was now covered in burns and cuts that were mostly self-inflicted, but he kept moving. Every time he swung his sword an arc of fire flowed from it. He was a walking inferno. 'This feeling... It's burning inside me like... some unquenchable flame... it's filling me with power!'

He felt a knife rake across his side, but the heat was so intense his blood evaporated as the wound cauterized instantly.

'Ignore the pain. Win...'

He jumped into the air, spinning and slashing in a series of unpredictable movements.


Stain slammed a fist into his stomach, making him cough up blood, but he retaliated in a fierce head buŧŧ to the man's chin and cracking his jaw.


"HAH!" he brought his sword down in a downward strike, sending out a wall of fire down the middle of the alleyway.

Stain sidestepped, the end of his scarf burning away.

"HAH!" Haru swung his sword horizontally sending out a burning slash.

Stain jumped over it, locking blades with the enraged teens.

"You've gotten stronger," he grunted, "Your no ordinary human. Who are you?"

Haru's amber eyes glimmered like molten gold, "I am Haruko Uzumaki, son of Nagato Uzumaki and Konan. I am a child born from those who have been dubbed god and angel. I bear the Will of Fire passed down by my clan since the dawn of shinobi," he pushed away, spinning once as he dispersed his sword, "And I'll become the pillar that holds up the bridge towards peace!"

A roar filled the air as a storm of paper blades formed, igniting with an intense red flame.

"Shikigami Dance!"

The combined origami and fire seemed to take the shape of a giant winged figure that towered behind the young shinobi as he charged forward.

Haru stretched out his hand, a golden light flashing from his palm. A spiked chain shot from his arm and he jerked it, swinging it like a flail.

Stain's katana clashed against the chain to counter the sound of metal screeching on contact. There was a snap and the broken half of the Hero Killer's sword spun into the air. The chain faded, disappearing as quickly as it had appeared.

Haru let out a yell, his movements intensified by the raging inferno of burning origami powering his final attack, swinging his leg up before bringing his heel down in a crushing axe kick to Stain's face.

The Hero Killer slammed back into the ground, his face smashed in and burned. His eyes rolled back in his head, but a satisfied smile remained on his beaten features.

Haru's shoulders heaved as his fire vanished, a wave of exhaustion hitting him at that moment. He started to fall back but felt a pair of hands catch his shoulders.

"You never cease to impress," Todoroki's voice sounded in his ear, "I think you've mastered fire."

Haru left out a weakened chuckle, "Yeah, no," he let himself be lowered to the ground, "I'd yell at you all for ignoring orders, but I'm happy you came back anyway."

Iida knelt by his side a look of concern on his face, "We didn't help at all. If you didn't step in again, he'd have got us."

Haru stared at the unconscious Stain, "If he fought seriously from the beginning, he'd have beaten me. His level of experience and speed along with his Quirk was too powerful a combination for any one of us. If he wasn't distracted by you, I wouldn't have been able to get a clean hit on him.

Izuku held his chin in his hand, "Haru-chan, what blood type are you?"

Haru tilted his head, "Type A, why?"

Izuku smacked his fist into his palm, "That's it! His Quirk has a time limit based on blood type!"

Haru deadpanned, "Can we just find a way to disarm and restrain the guy who outclasses me on the anomaly scale?"

"I can take care of that," they all looked up to see a newly recovered Native.

"Are you okay?" Haru asked, craning his neck to look at the hero.

"Yep, I'm as good as new now," Native replied, "Sorry I was so useless back there."

"It's fine," Haru shivered slightly, "His Quirk even stopped me from using my sensory. Any longer and it would have affected my breathing like with you."

Todoroki nodded in understanding, "That was why you wanted us to leave so quickly. You were afraid they would die of asphyxiation since you didn't know about the time limit based on blood type."

Haru sighed, resting his head against his friend's shoulder, feeling the pain and exhaustion fully hit him with his rush of adrenalin gone, "That and if Endeavor saw you hurt, I'd be the one hearing about it."

Todoroki smiled slightly at the mental picture of his father yelling while Haru snarked out random excuses, "So you prefer a fight to the death than a scolding..."

Haru grimaced, "Well if you put it that way, it sounds messed up. By the way, why did you guys come back?"

Izuku was busy helping Native and Iida carefully searched the unconscious Stain, removing the Hero Killer's large variety of weapons and laying them out on the cement, but he answered for everyone, "Not long after we left, first I, then Iida regained control of our bodies. At first, we weren't sure If we should come back, but then your clones suddenly fell apart and we knew you were in trouble. So, we rushed back to help."

Haru eyed the remains of his mud wall, "And I worked so hard to make that wall."

Izuku closed his eyes apologetically, "I'm sorry!"

Haru chuckled, "I'm joking. You're fine."

They finished tying up Stain with a length of rope they had found in a nearby dumpster and Todoroki dragged the villain out of the alleyway while Native took upon himself the duty of carrying Haru.

"I never realized he got so many hits in," Haru complained, feeling the throb of several cuts and bruises he had gained in the last part of the fight, "Sorry about this. Being carried is becoming a bad habit of mine."

Native smiled, "It's the least I can do. You were pretty impressive."

Haru smiled weakly in return, "Thank you very much."

"I should be thanking you. I'm sorry again for being so useless," the hero sighed, "I'm the pro, but I just ended up a spectator."

Haru shook his head, "You couldn't help it. I was just lucky in the end," he became thoughtful, "But it was strange. He clearly didn't want to kill me and even held back from injuring me too much. I have a lot to learn."

They all exited the alleyway together with the Hero Killer in tow.

"Okay," Native stated, "We should get this guy to the police as fast as we can."

"What are you doing here, boy?" a gruff voice yelled out from across the street.

They all looked up to see a small, elderly man in a yellow cape glaring at Izuku.

The green-haired boy gasped, "Gran Torino! I was only–"

He was cut off when the old man's boot slammed into his face.

"I thought I told you to stay on the bullet train!" the old hero scolded angrily.

Todoroki glanced at the fuming elder, "Who's this?"

Izuku drooped, "Gran Torino, the man I'm interning with..." he looked at the shorter man, "I don't get it. How did you find us?"

Gran Torino was emanated steam as he fumed at his intern, "I was told to come by someone else," he calmed slightly, "I have no idea what's going on, but I'm glad you're not dead at least."

Izuku sighed, "Me too, and I'm sorry."

"Tch" the old hero clicked his tongue.

There was a running of feet and several pro heroes appeared.

"Endeavor told us there was a request for help here..." the pro who was speaking trailed off, "Children?"

One of Endeavor's sidekicks stepped forward, "Those injuries look bad! I'll call an ambulance right away!"

Another hero saw Stain's bound and battered figure and gasped in shock, "Look!"

The female pro followed his gaze and caught her breath, "Is that... the Hero Killer?"

Another of Endeavor's sidekick pulled out his phone, "I'll get the police on the line!"

Instantly going into wok mode, the heroes proceeded to take Stain into custody until the police arrived and tend the wounded.

The pro who had recognized the antihero first took charge of the checkups having the most experience in injuries on the field.

"Can you walk?" he asked Haru in concern as he examined him.

Haru grunted as the man handled the burns on his hand, "Just give me a moment. I can heal myself, but I'll be unable to move on my own for a bit.

He pulled back his sleeve and slid down his arm warmer, revealing the bite scars on his arm. He raised his mouth but was stopped when Iida grabbed his wrist.

"Wait for the ambulance, Class Rep," the dark-haired boy spoke gently, "You don't need to worry about doing anything now. Let us take care of you."

Haru hesitated but slowly complied, "Okay... thanks."

Iida suddenly burst into tears, bowing his head, "I'm sorry. You all got hurt because of me. I was just so angry when I charged in, I didn't think of a plan."

Haru gently ruffled the other boy's hair, causing him to freeze, "I'm sorry too. I know it was hard."

Iida nodded, awkwardly rubbing his eyes against his sleeve.


(Play: Avatar The Last Airbender X Duel of the Fates [EPIC ORCHESTRAL COVER]


With that, they all thought it was over. The fight had bȧrėly lasted ten minutes, but to them, it had been an eternity.

However, as fickle as fate was, trouble still had it out for them.

A dark shadow appeared in the night sky.

Gran Torino noticed it first and yelled out a warning, "GET DOWN!"

Everyone looked up to the winged Nomu, the only one remaining of the three, diving towards them. Before anyone could react, it had swooped down and snatched Izuku in its claws.

The green-haired teen screamed as the sharp talons dug into his side as he struggled to free himself.

The female pro felt hot blood fall on her cheek, "It's bleeding! It must be trying to escape!"

Haru's eyes dilated releasing a wave of killing intent to the shock of everyone around him.

"Oh no you don't!" he shot an arm out ignoring the painful spasms in his muscles, "GET OVER HERE!"

There was a rattle as several golden chains shot from his arms, trailing into the air at insane speeds. A muted screech rasped from the Nomu's throat as the spear-like tendrils impelled its body and wings in several places.

At that moment, Stain sprang to life. Pulling out a hidden blade from his sleeve, he cut the ropes binding him and before anyone could react, he extended his abnormally long tongue and licked the blood from the heroine's cheek.

The flying Nomu whɨnėd as its body stiffen, quickly losing altitude as it became paralyzed.

Stain snatched his broken katana, moving in a blur as he leaped into the air and ran along Haru's chains towards his victim.

"The word 'hero' has lost all meaning in this society!" his words sent shivers down everyone's spines as he raised his broken sword, "The world is overrun by fakes and criminals like you who CHASE PETTY DREAMS!"

Clouds of blood sprayed everywhere as he stabbed the katana into the Nomu's brain, burying it up to the hilt.

The Nomu gave one last groan before it crashed into the ground, sliding across the cement from the momentum of its fall.

Haru, too weak to stand his ground, was jerked off his feet and dragged out of the group. He landed a short distance from the Hero Killer, his already abused body damaged even more. His adamantine chains faded as he struggled to raise himself, but every move was painful.

Stain twisted the broken katana in the Nomu's skull fiercely, "You must all be purged..." he let out a raspy breath, "Everything I do..." he jerked the sword from the Nomu's body, sending its blood everywhere, "Is to create a stronger society."


Shigaraki's hands trembled in anger as he watched Stain's action through his binoculars, "Hey, hey, hey! What the hell? Why did he kill that Nomu? Why are those brakes here?" he flexed his fingers angrily, "I'm so mad, I don't even know what to say. This is a mess! Why don't things ever go the way I want them to?"

A dark shadow from above darkened his vision as a massive harpy eagle dove down at him, its claws and beak aiming for the kill.

Kurogiri opened a portal, dropping his leader a short distance away, "Watch out!"

The eagle banked, veering back into the sky.

Shigaraki glared at it, "What the hell?"

A familiar growl met his ears as a Bengal tiger leaped onto the roof, its face wrinkled up into a snarl.

The villain backed away before the sound of claws on concrete made him turn to see a giant bear, hauling itself on top of the water tower.

The eagle screeched from the sky ready to rend anyone who tried to run.

"Damn him! How did he...?"

"This doesn't seem like him," Kurogiri was cautious, not wanting to make an unnecessary move, "If he'd sensed us, he would have sent the heroes to capture us. My guess is that these clones are acting on their own. They must have memories of the USJ Incident."

"Bloody hell!" Shigaraki cursed, "Get us out of here!"

Kyo lowered his body, pouncing in Shigaraki's direction. Harlequin reared up, biting at Kurogiri's neck.

Before the two animal clones could dispose of the villains, Shigaraki and Kurogiri were swallowed up by a pair of black portals, vanishing from sight.

Kyo gave a frustrated roar, his rage echoing across the cityscape while Harlequin howled in anger at the night sky. Ryuk remained silent, broodily landing near them. They had been thwarted this time and would most likely be rebuked for taking matters into their own hands, but even if Haru was their master and creator, their first priority was his safety. If they saw those villains again, they'd make sure to end them.

Unable to maintain form any longer, they dispersed, the paper that they were created from scattering to the wind.


The pro heroes found themselves in a stalemate. Just a second before, they had seen Stain brutally kill without hesitation and was now holding Izuku hostage. To make things even more complicated, and injured Haru lay only a short distance from them too exhausted and hurt to escape.

"Why are you all standing around like fools?" Endeavor's gruff voice made everyone turn as he ran up to the scene, "The villain must have flown this way, right?" he stopped upon seeing Stain's stooped near the dead Nomu, "Hold on... don't tell me that man is..."

Stain's let out a ragged breath as he slowly turned, the tattered bandana he used for a mask falling from his head.

"Endeavor," he hissed out the hero's name.

The Flame Hero's fist ignited in response, "Hero Killer."

Gran Torino panicked stretching out an arm towards Endeavor, "Wait, Todoroki!"

The warning turned out to be unnecessary. Endeavor had seen the two interns trapped within close proximity of the Hero Killer and knew any attack would also endanger them. The number two hero gritted his teeth in frustration as he pondered his next move.

All these thoughts were forgotten as Stain rose up, his boots slamming heavily into the cement as he turned. His bloodshot eyes glared at Endeavor's blazing figure with unbridled hatred as a wave of killing intent filled the air.

"You false hero!"

Everyone present felt their blood freeze as another wave of the deathly aura hit them, seemingly coloring their surroundings a bleeding red.

Stain took a slow step forward, his terrifying figure silhouetted by the light of the blood moon behind him, "I'll make this right... These streets... must run with the blood of hypocrites!" his voice rose to a fearsome scream, "COME ON! JUST TRY AND STOP ME YOU FAKES! THERE IS ONLY ONE MAN I'LL LET KILL ME! HE IS A TRUE HERO! ALL MIGHT IS WORTHY!"

A wave of shadowy red aura seemed to flow from the Hero Killer's body, overwhelming everyone's minds, sapping their will to fight.

However, in the face of adversity, the Will of Fire will burn brightest.

Terrified and racked with pain, Haru pressed his hands on the ground, his body trembling. With the last of his strength, he managed to push himself to one knee. Clenching his teeth, he spread his arms protectively, using himself as the last living shield between Stain and his targets.

Stain's focus switched to the helpless boy in his path, his rage threatening to crush him through sheer pressure.

"Move, boy."

Haru met the Hero Killer's glare steadily, a look of resignation and determination on his face.

Seeing his friend in danger, Izuku tried to force his body to move, but to no avail. Stain's presence was too powerful for him to resist.

Stain's aura took a demonic shape that sought to crush all resistance before it. It ferociously clashed with the angelic manifestation of Haru's will that shielded the boy from the toxic miasma that threatened to engulf him.

It was as if seeing a clash of convictions between a demon and an angel. A battle of darkness and light.


Nearby, amidst the rooftops, a shadowy figure arrived at the scene. Briefly staring at Stain's back, they took in the scene, calmly searching for their target.

Their eyes landed on the crimson-haired boy crouched in front of the Hero Killer. He seemed injured and was bȧrėly holding on with sheer willpower.

A perfect target.

The ȧssassin crouched, bending their right arm back. From their elbow, the barrel of a sniper extended as they aimed for the kill. They twisted their navy-blue, pink highlighted hair, breaking off a piece as it turned to putty. Quickly and efficiently, they molded a bullet and loaded their weapon.

Carefully, they aimed through the scope.

Finally, releasing a low breath they pulled the trigger.


Stain, being the experienced fighter he was, felt the eyes boring into his back. Reeling in his killing intent he glanced over his shoulder. His sharp eyes bȧrėly made out the hidden figure on top of the building, but what caught his attention was the weapon they wielded.

It jogged his memory of a small event he had heard about a day previously. One almost so minor, he had almost missed it through the grapevine of the underworld.

A flash of understanding hit him within milliseconds of seeing the threat.

Whirling around, the Hero Killer's body moved faster than even the trained eye could read, powered by instinct alone.

There was an echoing peal of a gunshot and Haru felt blood splatter across his face.

Everyone snapped out of their trance shocked to see Haru laying on his back where Stain had thrown him while the Hero Killer towered over him bleeding heavily from the ċhėst where the bullet had pierced his lung and passed through.

Haru's eyes were wide, realizing that if Stain hadn't pushed him away, the bullet meant for him would have pierced his skull.

"You are worthy..." Stain coughed out a mouthful of blood, his knees refusing to buckle.

Shaking himself, Gran Torino looked up to see the shadowing culprit making their escape, "Nagant!"

Endeavor growled in anger, "Catch her!"

Gran Torino blasted from where he stood, using his Jet to bounce off of the building surfaces in pursuit.

The other heroes began to rush forward to restrain the wounded Hero Killer, but Haru raised a hand for them to stop.

"Wait! If you move him, he'll die!"

His words made them pause, unsure of what to do as they were still shaken from the killing aura Stain had emanated only a minute ago.

Haru struggled to his feet, running completely on adrenaline, as he took a cautious step towards the wounded antihero. Slowly he raised his arm, holding it out as he would an offering.

"Thank you..." the dryness in his throat could only allow a whisper.

Stain's eyed the exposed arm, noting the bite marks embedded into the pale skin, "What is this?"

Haru lowered his head, "It will heal you," his voice was so low only they could hear it.

"Don't bother," Stain grabbed the Haru's wrist, pressing the broken hilt of his katana into the boy's hand, "Reclaim the title of hero," his steady voice rang in everyone's ears, "Change this corrupted society and find your peace."

With that, Stain let out a final sigh, falling unconscious from his injuries his standing body remaining tall.

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