Shikigami Dance: Naruto/BNHA Crossover

Chapter 41 - One Year Anniversary Special: Interview

Present Mic:

Hello, my rapid fans! I will be running the interview today! The author realizes this was short notice for some of you who participated and not all sites had the opportunity. He apologizes for this. His job has increasingly gotten burdensome. This was originally just for one site, but due to a lack of questions, it was expanded to a couple more. The author refurbished the questions a little and I will be reading those and a few others either gathered from previous comments or suggested by others for this special event!

*Turns to the seated people across from him*

So! Haru! How does it feel to be here with your Author's persona right next to you?



I just survived getting killed Mic, this is hardly the most nerve-wracking thing to happen today... Wait? Am I answering all the questions?


Right you are! The author is having you act as his mouth today!



*Looks at Author*

You're throwing me to the simps?



*Writes in a book*


*Reading aloud*

That's the point! This whole scenario is to make things fun for the reader! It's all about customer service.

*Raises an eyebrow*

You don't believe that.



*Smirks because he knows he doesn't and didn't want to talk*


Present Mic:

Alright! Let's get down to the questions!





Present Mic:

How does it feel to have lived a full year in the real world time?



This story has grown beyond what we originally hoped. We are now posted on five different sites: Quotev, Wattpad, , Archive of Our Own, and FanFiction. Since maintenance of five sites isn't easy due to different formats the author has regrettably been forced to focus on staying up to date on the first three. We love all our readers, but we're also human... Well... the author is... what I am is debatable... while the proper term is 'fictional character,' I feel pretty alive.


*Under his breath sarcastically*

I wonder why?


Present Mic:

You say growth, how much growth exactly?



Shikigami Dance now has 550+ library collections on Quotev, 1700+ thousand stars on Wattpad, 1170 +collections on , 7 bookmarks on AO3, and 130+ story followers on FanFiction.

Present Mic: Is there anyone else working on the story with the author?


Haru: Yes. There are two editors: Agent Toxic and Woodpecker from Quotev. Due to personal reasons, they haven't been active but they have been supportive all the while. The author also has an older brother (a fellow anime watcher familiar with both Naruto and BNHA) who he talks to quite a bit about story ideas and has even given the author several amazing inspirations and moments of humor. The author also consults his younger brother who does not watch anime but has given several great ideas from an outer perspective.


Present Mic:

What's your relationship with the author?



We get along quite well although the author had an existential crisis for a week when he realized how much of himself he projected onto me. Not in a weird way, mind you, just the little things.

Present Mic:

So you used several moves utilized by the Hyuga Clan. Are you going to master the Gentle Fist?



No. Before anyone says anything, let me explain the ability of the Hyuga. Their Kekkei Genkai, the Byakugan, grants them a near-360º field of x-ray vision around themselves, save for a small blind spot at the back of the neck above the first thoracic vertebra. The Byakugan's vision can penetrate almost any object, allowing users to see through walls, peer underground, or even examine the contents of a person's body. One of the lesser-known effects of the Byakugan is the ability it grants by allowing a person to expel chakra from any or all of their 361 tenketsu or chakra points.

Are you all still following me?


Present Mic:




I can replicate several techniques of the Hyuga Clan, remember Boruto (a show that has crushed the author's hopes despite their defending it at first) used palm strikes even though he has no Byakugan. Eight Trigrams Air Palm simply projects a shockwave caused by expelling chakra from the palm. I can't ever master the true power of the Gentle Fist like Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation since I can't expel chakra from all my tenketsu at once or Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms since I cannot see the enemies tenketsu points. Even my sensory has limits but that's for another question.

If the readers want me to use Protective Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms in the future then maybe I could (my flexibility levels and chakra control are high enough to do it) but it's up to the readers mostly whether I do or not.


Present Mic:

Okay, Are there any regrets the author has with the story?






There was one time on Quotev last year the author had an emotional breakdown and posted a page that was more or less political, as a result, losing readers.

The breakdown was triggered by several events. They were in recovery from early age addiction (no not drugs or alcohol) and depression. The side effect of it all was a period of suppressed emotions, including grief and loneliness, surfacing all at once, nearly causing them to turn to self-harm. To clarify, this wasn't caused by their family. Their family life is actually a very happy one. Also, being a college student who has a hard time making friends going through Covid and losing contact with their friend group along with the stress of the political hatred of the 2020 elections didn't help. They are of an empathetic personality type and are strongly affected by others' negative emotions.

Also, the author has a bad habit of not telling anyone when they really need help, and even when their family was in the other room don't think of going to them when they experienced their first panic attack.

Don't worry, they are doing better now and are seeing a therapist, but they still regret bringing politics into their story.

This book has been therapeutic for them to express themself along with opening up to others in their daily life.

Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive and comforting.


Present Mic:

Do we have any original villain's coming up soon?


Haru: We've already seen some within the most recent chapters, but the author is planning more who may play a more important part in the story.


Present Mic:

Do we get to see you use the Rinnegan at any point, Haru?



*Shakes his head*



The author originally planned to give me the Rinnegan eventually but decided it was too powerful. Fights would become boring. Also, it is too destructive for the My Hero Academia universe.


Present Mic:

Is it true that Bakugo has a collection of romance novels stashed away?



I'm not sure where this question came from, but as far as I know, he doesn't. I may check after the interview to make sure, but for the official record, no.


Present Mic:

Is the Quotev app good? Can it be used on a mobile phone? Are there other fan-fictions in Quotev?



Quotev is the author's first fanfic site. As far as they have experienced, it is good. (I have dabbled in it myself)

Yes, it can be used on a mobile phone, the authors use it all the time because he has no life. *flinches when the author smacks him on the head*

As for other fanfictions, yes, they have several. The author hasn't been overly daring, but depending on taste, you can find many great stories for BNHA and Naruto. There are also a few good Assassination Classroom, Fruits Basket, and Black Clover fics as well.


Present Mic:

You said the naruto world storyline will be important, are the people from there going to be able to influence the MHA world in any way?



My memories of the future will be wiped after the interview but the author confirms yes. How and to what extent are classified for now.

*Author pulls out MIB Neuralyzer and erases his memory*


Present Mic:

Have you ever done a gender-bend Jutsu transformation with Bakugo's body as a prank?



I haven't but now I want to do it. Hehe!


Present Mic:

We have a question in Spanish, let's see how well you do.

Haru en algún punto conocerá cara a cara a sus padres? (Will Haru at some point meet his parents face to face?)


Haru: *Takes a breath* Okay, let's hope google translate will help me here. Sí, en algún momento conocerá a sus padres pero cómo y cuándo se clasifica. (Yes, at some point he will meet his parents but how and when is classified.)



... (is terrible with languages)


Present Mic:

Will Class 1A will go to the world of naruto?



Sadly, no. The plot has no spot for that to happen unless the author changes everything they have planned.


Present Mic:

How did you first come up with the idea for this story?



A long story.





Haru: (Illistrastions on Wattpad)

It all started after the author got into fanfiction. They had been working on a Naruto fic but had been caught in the slump of writer's block for several weeks. They had been watching My Hero Academia over winter break of freshman year and had enjoyed several BNHA fanfics. Along the way, they even planned to write one of their own.

Originally they had created a character named Takashi who had a Redirect Quirk that allowed them to redirect the direction of any object or element in motion within a meter of their hands or feet. They had a story planned, no romance planned, being trained by a mysterious man before finding out his teacher was actually Stain, struggling to get through UA during an approaching crisis in hero society.

Hero Costume

The second concept was about a girl named Natsumi who had a unique Quirk that was often mistaken as a dual Quirk like Todoroki's. The Quirk: Light Moth allowed her to grow a pair of translucent mothlike wings and manipulate light that she could use as protective shields or compress onto bullets. Her chosen hero name Moth Goddess Heroine: Mosura. She was going to be paired with Kirishima and reach her goal of becoming a Symbol of Mercy.

The third concept was a girl of the same name, but with a Heat Quirk. In this case, she was childhood friends with Todoroki and was paired with Bakugo. Similar to All Might's passing One for All to Izuku, she had a power passed on to her by the dying Symbol of Mercy, a heroine who acted as a neutral party between villains and heroes over generations. The Quirk had the power to share its vast power reserves with others even to the point of giving it away as well as bind anyone they touch in place. As it would have turned out, it belonged to All for One's mother who once acted as the peacemaker between her sons before she died.

Finally, the author took a step back. At first, they considered a crossover with a person with Gaara's sand but then, (Since they thought Konan's ability was heavily underrated and just as good as the sand in many ways) they opted for Konan's child.

To be honest the first chapter was on a whim and almost spur of the moment. After several happy responses, the author found that they wanted to continue and here we are. After all the research, brainstorming, consultations, prewriting (many fight scenes were written a long time ago and rewritten multiple times before the actual chapter), rewriting, planning, even acting out movements to improve description.

It's all worth it though.


Present Mic:

Will Haruko be transported back to the shinobi universe?



Same as with Class 1A. There are no plans for that at the moment. The special chapter may be the only time you see that


Present Mic:

Who is going to be Haru's rival?



The author actually paused at this one because they never thought of that.


Present Mic:

While I do think elemental ninjutsu is a bad idea for the story I won't make a fuss. I just hope it doesn't become too prominent or powerful.

It would also be nice to have a chapter or something about Haruto learning about his powers with the scroll. There's a lot of questions unanswered still.

Has he learned all the chakra control exercises?

When did he learn to use nature transformation?

Did he learn the paper Jutsu or was it natural?

Could he heal All Mights scarring if he gets his medical ninjutsu more powerful? That way he won't be in as much pain or spitting up blood.



A lot of questions that were asked a little earlier on in the story. I will answer one by one.

First of all my elemental Jutsu's will become more prominent, especially against more powerful enemies. My Fire Style will probably end up being used almost as much as Shikigami Dance not to mention become quite powerful.

Remember the seal on my forehead held basically all the knowledge and memories of my parents, Konan and Nagato, who were trained by Jiraiya and leveled the Hidden Leaf.

So, I inherited all her knowledge of chakra control (Manipulating 600 billion paper bombs all at once. Tell me if that isn't chakra control)

My mom had mastery over Wind, Earth, Water, and Yang Style while my dad had mastery of Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Water, and Yang Style. Also, the old Akatsuki had to access the knowledge from several people well versed in nature transformation including Sasori, Orochimaru, Itachi, Kakazu, Deidara, and Kisame.

As for Shikigami Dance, the same instance. Implanted memories. Also, since this story has it labeled a Kekkei Genkai (although canonically it remains unclear), I will have a natural knack for it. Also, in a society full of random abilities, it's no problem researching ways to use them.

As for All Might, I'd say yes. The Mystical Palm and Heal Bite are among the most powerful healing Ninjutsu beside the Hundred Healings Mark's Mitotic Regeneration: The Hundred Healings. Mystical Palm on its own is unable to do anything, but the Heal Bite can fuse body parts together when a person is cut in half. If I master other medical Ninjutsu like Cell Activation Jutsu I can heal him completely. The only issue is that All Might's injuries are to such an extent (lost organs like his stomach and a heavily damaged respiratory system) that it would require surgery with the help of several people with healing Quirks or medical ninja to bring All Might back to full health. If the Heal Bite had been used when All Might had first been injured, then that may have been a different story, but this is years later.


Present Mic:

Does the author have plans for other fanfics in the future?



They have several but whether they would be able to ever write them is another story. They have ideas and concepts for a Black Clover, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Fruit's Basket, another My Hero Academia, and a Naruto story on hiatus. At one point they nearly co-authored a Naruto fic with someone, but after some time they were forced to drop it before they even got it going.


Present Mic:

What was the author's first anime?



Their first show was Naruto but they didn't watch it in the traditional sense. It happened in high school, their other older brother who was in college came back for spring break and let them watch the show together. They started during the Naruto vs Kimimaru fight. Thanks to the constant flashback and show explanation, they picked up on things pretty quickly. They got to see, Rock Lee vs Kimimaru, the Sand Siblings against the remaining Sound Five, and Naruto vs Sasuke fight #1. They fell in life and began watching anime as soon as they got their first ŀȧptop and smartphone.


Present Mic:

Does the author have favorite shows?



Favorite shows: My Hero Academia has been among the top but there are others I really love Akudama Drive, 3D Girlfriend, From Me to You, The Ancient Magnus Bride, Demon Slayer, Ouran Host Club, and Rise of a Shield Hero

Others include: From Commonplace to World's Strongest, Horimiya, The Ancient Magnus Bride, Welcome to Demon School Iruma, That Time I Reincarnated as a Slime, Nisekoi, Noragami, Scarlet Fragments, Yona of the Dawn, and Lord Marksman and Vanadis.

Angels of Death somehow spoke to them on a spiritual level and they still have no idea how. Maybe it was Zack? Something about his personality really drew them in.


Present Mic:

Is your Kekkei Genkai a combination of chakra nature or something else altogether? Otherwise just having one chakra nature didn't make sense to me.



It was explained in an earlier chapter an I quote:

In the shinobi world, there are five basic nature transformations: Fire, wind, lightning, earth, and water. Each shinobi is born with one nature. With proper chakra control, you can theoretically use any chakra nature. As a member of the Uzumaki Clan, I was born with chakra reserves far larger than the average shinobi from my world. However, the downside is that four of those elements will drain my chakra much more than my primary element. My origami falls under a different category. An exception to the single nature rule is when an individual possesses the Kekkei Genkai, a limited genetic trait usually found exclusively in particular clans and families. Kekkei Genkai is found in three forms: Dojutsu, advanced nature transformation, and bodily changes. Dojutsu gives the eyes of the user special perceptive abilities. The advanced nature transformation combines two of the basic transformations. The third type affects their bodies. I possess the Kekkei Genkai of my mother that allows me to turn my body into paper and manipulate it, the Shikigami Dance.

Other Kekkei Genkai of my type include the Iburi Clan's Kekkei Genkai to turn their bodies into smoke, Jugo's Clan's Kekkei Genkai to absorb Natural Energy, Sakon and Ukon's Kekkei Genkai to break their bodies down to a molecular level, the Kaguya Clan's Shikotsumyaku.


Present Mic:

My question for you Author...How can I send fanart to you?



Shikigami Dance now has a Discord server!



I will happily love to see any fanart! If I have permission, I may even post it on the fanfic sites that can hold it!

Take note that I'm horrible with communication so using discord to talk to me isn't exactly the best option, but that doesn't mean I won't check-in!

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