(Meanwhile above Hosu...)

An NHA news helicopter flew over the city, circling around the numerous fires that dotted the area.

The journalist in charge tested her mic, "Okay, can you hear me in the studio?" she received confirmation from her earpiece and began reporting.

[I'm reporting to you live from the skies over Hosu City. It's unclear what's happening below, but take a look,] she shifted to allow the cameraman a better view of the chaos, [Smoke and fire are rising from different locations in the area. Is this a series of accidents, or have villains taken the streets? Currently, we have no info on the situation here, but our station will continue reporting as this breaking story unfolds.]

"And cut," the cameraman announced.

"Don't you dare stop filming," the journalist ordered, her eyes calmly searching the area.

As a reporter, it wasn't just about getting viewers, but about keeping the public informed about the happenings outside their homes. She squinted as she saw a strange pair standing on top of a distant water tower.

"What in the world? Look!"

The cameraman looked confused, "At what?"

She pointed, "Right over there! The building with the water tower on top! Zoom in!"

"There are people," he exclaimed, "Two of them!"

"Wait! They're being attacked!" the cameraman gasped.

The journalist jerked, "What? Get closer."

The helicopter banked and headed towards the scene where three massive animals, a bear, a tiger, and an eagle were attacking the two on top of the tower. However, before the reporters could get closer, the two men on the tower had disappeared in a cloud of dark mist.

The reporters could only watch the three animals vent in frustration before they too disappeared, shattering into hundreds of sheets of paper.

"That was strange," the journalist turned to look at the cameraman, "I wonder what that was about?"


(The next morning... Hosu General Hospital...)

The light of an early day shone through the windows of the hospital room where the four UA students involved with the Hero Killer were being treated.

"Did you sleep, Midoriya?" Todoroki asked the moss-haired boy sitting on the bed near to his.

"No, not really," Izuku answered.

Izuku's right arm and left side were bandaged. His arm was minorly cut from Stain, but his side was more concerning as he had cracked a rib. Luckily the Nomu's claws had missed anywhere vital.

Todoroki nodded blankly at Izuku's answer, "I figured. Me neither."

"Now that I think about it. It almost seems like a miracle we're even alive," Izuku mused out loud, "Any of us could have been an easy target."

"Yeah, it may have ended up differently if he were really trying to kill us," he turned to Iida whose left arm was in a sling, "I'm impressed about you, Iida. It seemed like he was really trying to kill you, but you stood tall."

"That's not true," Iida answered calmly, "He had no true interest in me. When it comes down to it, we were all being protected."

They all looked at the fourth bed where a boy with crimson red heir was sleeping peacefully. Bandages covered both his arms and legs while another ran across his ċhėst and right side. Two large patches were stuck on his left cheek and forehead. From his arm, an IV drip hung, replenishing his lost energy.

Despite that, the sleeping teen's features were serine, his ċhėst rising and falling softly as he rested.

Haru had been dubbed lucky by the doctors when they had found out what happened.

He had suffered minor electrical burns, first and second-degree fire burns, several bruises, some minor cuts, muscle tearing in his arms, two cracked ribs, and several scrapes.

The lucky part of it all was that his natural vitality, along with the help of their nurse's minor healing Quirk had him almost as good as new.

The other three watched him silently for a moment, their attention not on his present injuries but on something a little more concerning.

On the exposed skin on his right shoulder, a large patch of discolored skin with a faint imprint of a human hand within the center showed where Shigaraki had grabbed him at the USJ and used his Decay on him. On his right forearm, four distinctive bite marks could be seen.

"He never mentioned the scar before..." Izuku murmured, feeling guilty as he remembered how Haru received that injury from shielding him at the USJ.

"Yes he did," Todoroki pointed out, "Right after the USJ when he chewed out those students."

Iida blinked in remembrance, "Yes, he said something about being scarred for life," he paused, "But I thought his Heal Bite can even heal scars?"

This made them all fall silent.

"Maybe there is a limit," Izuku suggested, "He said it leaves a permanent mark when he uses it, maybe it has something to do with that."

Izuku and Iida looked at him curiously, "What do you mean?"

Todoroki placed a hand to his face, gently touching his own scar, "When I heard, he was able to heal scars from Mr. Aizawa, I was tempted to have him remove mine. This was before the sports festival."

"And why didn't you ask?" Iida questioned.

"Because it's a reminder of where I came from and where I want to go," Todoroki answered simply, "To me, it's a representation of what not to become."

Izuku stared in awe at his friend, "Todoroki..."

The door to their unit slid open, revealing Gran Torino and Manual.

"Well, so the injured youngins are awake," Gran Torino stated as he walked in.

Izuku brightened up a little, "Gran Torino!"

Iida straightened up, a look of guilt on his face, "Manual!"

"Y-yeah, I'm sorry..." Izuku tried to apologize.

The old hero sighed, "But before I do," he turned to look at the doorway, "You've got some visitors."

A very tall, sturdily built man wearing a suit entered the room. His imposing figure was almost counteracted by his dog head, of some sort of beagle breed.

"This is Hosu's Chief of the Police, Kenji Tsuragamae," Gran Torino introduced.

Iida and Todoroki stood up and Izuku moved to do likewise despite his injuries.

"No, please stay seated. Woof," Chief Tsuragamae said drily.

Izuku's blinked. 'Woof?'

The police chief looked over at Haru, "It seems one of you hasn't awakened yet. Not that I blame him," they all heard the sound of footsteps as another man approached the doorway, "But knowing my superior, he won't be sleeping long," he said with a slight hint of amusement.

The three boys tensed. 'Superior?'

"Allow me to introduce the Chief Commissioner of Police for Japan, Gen Tachibana," Chief Tsuragamae announced.


Commissioner Tachibana turned his eyes to the only remaining person in the room who was asleep. It was only a single look, but the effect was instantaneous.

Haru's eyes flew open, fully awake and fully alert, "Danger..."

He shot up, baring an origami kunai in his hand.

The commissioner snorted, "Hmph, you're as jumpy as ever. What did you do now?"

Haru stared at him for a moment, his surprise appearance on his face, "Commissioner Tachibana!"

"That's sir to you."

Haru straightened up stiffly, "Sir!"

"That's better."

Gen Tachibana, Chief Commissioner of Japan and one of the most powerful people in the circle of people knowledgeable of Haru's identity. He was also Marika's father.

If Haru was being honest, when he first met him, he thought the man was a yakuza. On second thought, Gen was scarier than any yakuza. The scar on his face did little to help. Interestingly enough, the person who gave him that scar was non-other than Issei Ichijo himself, Haru's proclaimed uncle.

That all happened years ago before, but it was said among the yakuza that on that day the two men had acknowledged each other's power. They were on different sides, but they bonded enough to drink together man-to-man. It was still a well-known fact among their acquaintances that Gen's one dream was to throw Issei behind bars.

Haru had met him by accident that one summer over ten years ago. Raku had hum had befriended the sickly Marika and had made a habit of visiting her several times a week. Due to Haru's delicate constitution at his age, he had spent more time indoors with her than with Raku's other friends. It was during one of these playdates that the four-year-old had literally bumped into Gen.

The policeman's domineering frame mixed with the unintentional use of his Quirk: Intimidation, ended the meeting before it started. Namely, Haru passed out, foaming at the mouth, his eyes like little golden whirlpools on his pale face.

Even years later, Haru still felt trauma from that first meeting. Of course, everyone found the story hilarious, but Haru would still shudder at the memory to this day.

Tsuragamae raised a ridge of skin that would have passed for an eyebrow if dogs had eyebrows as he eyed the four students, "So you're the UA students who brought down the Hero Killer, huh?"

Todoroki gave a slow nod, "We all played a small part, but it was our Class Rep who did most of the fighting."

The bicolored-haired boy stared at the police chief and his superior distrustingly. He had no idea why they were there but he didn't like the situation.

Tsuragamae cleared his throat, "Stain has some serious injuries. Severe burns, several broken bones, uncountable heavy bruises and cuts, and a bullet through the left lung. Right now, he's in the hospital under strict guard. Woof!" the four boys tensed slightly at the mention of Stain, but the police chief kept talking, "Here's a lesson you should have already learned. When Quirks became the norm, the police sought to maintain the status quo. It decided we wouldn't use our Quirks as weapons. That's when heroes came in. They could do what we couldn't. If they were licensed, of course. Woof! It would be impossible for the police to condone the use of deadly Quirks. After all, we're here to stop such harm from being done. The only reason the pros can use their powers now is because of the early code of ethics the early heroes chose to abide by," the was a moment of heavy silence as the point hit home, "That's why it's against the law for people to use their Quirks to cause injury. Whether you were up against the Hero Killer or not, none of you have the authority to harm the villain. That means the three of you and your supervisors, Manual, Gran Torino, and Endeavor are sure to receive harsh punishments for gross abuse of your powers."

Todoroki's eyes blazed angrily as he bristled at the dog man, "Now, wait a minute! If Iida and Midoriya didn't show up, Native would have been killed, and if Haru didn't hold off the Stain, then more people would have died! Are you saying we should have just stood by and watched people die?"

Tsuragamae locked eyes with the angry teen, "So, it's okay to break the law as long as it goes your way?"

Todoroki gritted his teeth and was about to bite out another angry retort when a hand covered his mouth.

"Yes, we would all receive punishment if we did break the law," everyone looked over to see the upper half of Haru's body floating by Todoroki's side, pressing a hand to his friend's mouth.

Tsuragamae blinked as he didn't understand, "Oh?"

There was a flutter of paper as Haru's upper body rejoined to his lower body sitting cross-legged on the bed, "Hero Constitution: Article III: Those without a license may be considered interns and can use their quirks at the discretion of the individual they are interning under. As I'm sure you are aware, Endeavor authorized Todoroki and me to use our Quirks to do whatever necessary to prioritize the escape and the safety of the injured. Also, Iida never used his Quirk on Stain as he was trying to rescue Native. Since it is the right of interns to use their Quirks for mobility when in uniform, neither he nor Midoriya broke the law. Additionally, I was the only one who caused Stain any injury outside of the sniper wound. If you count the Stand Your Ground Doctrine, I was within my rights as an intern with permission and a citizen in danger to fight back. So, if you were trying to convict us, there is nothing you can prove that we did that was illegal to the degree you claim," Haru tilted his head, "But that wasn't your intention was it?"

There was an awkward silence for a moment as the other three students stared in disbelief at their friend, wondering how he had already figured all of this out in a matter of seconds.

Tsuragamae suddenly let out a growling-sounding chuckle, "Well, Commissioner, he's as sharp as you said. When you said Best Jeanist was his mentor, I was curious to see how good he was with the loopholes. Just to be expected of the number four hero, he doesn't skimp on his teachings," he coughed and sobered, "As you've said, this is true. The scenario I mentioned was if you acted without permission. As the police chief of Hosu, I wanted to make sure you all understood the importance of following the law. After all, you will one day be the ones helping to uphold it."

Todoroki glowered a little but didn't say anything. Iida and Izuku gave a sigh of relief.

Haru looked over at Gen, a look of resignation on his face, "And you, sir?"

Gen let out hum, "I'm afraid the matter isn't over with the legality of your actions," he grunted, looking at the other people in the room, "This incident is a very touchy one to deal with due to several circumstances. The police considered giving you four the choice of handing the credit of the Hero Killer's capture to another pro hero to avoid any complications."

Gran Torino frowned at the implication, "...But...?"

Gen sighed, clasping his hand behind his back, "While the witnesses were few, footage of Stain's actions after the fight was caught on camera footage, including him telling Bakugo to reclaim the title of hero. As you can guess, this has led to a lot of speculation. Even when we take the footage down, it's immediately reposted somewhere else."

The three students didn't understand what this meant, but the others did, Haru because he had been up to his neck with the commission and secrets all his life and the pros because they had experienced the ugly side of society in their line of work.

"The Hero Commission asked me to represent them along with the police on this matter," Gen continued, "We all decided to give the credit for the catching of the Hero Killer to you four."

Everyone except Tsuragamae was stunned.


Haru gripped the footboard of his bed, "Hold on! You're letting students take credit for capturing a guy who killed seventeen heroes and crippled another twenty-three? Won't that make the other heroes look bad?"

Tsuragamae flicked a floppy ear, "You don't seem too keen to be in the spotlight, young man, but this will increase all of your reputations. Also, the news that students took down the Hero Killer encourages other heroes to step up their game. It will also send a message to villains that the next generation of heroes is stronger than before and hopefully dampen their urge to commit further crimes. The Hero Commission was reluctant to agree, but the police think this is quite proper and suitable."

"You four shall be interviewed at the end of the week after recovering from your injuries," Gen stated, brooking no argument, "That was the only compromise we could get from you four by the general press, so be grateful. Your supervisors will instruct you on how to handle them"

Tsuragamae placed his hands in his pockets, "Of course, the punishment I mentioned earlier shall be avoided publicly, but the two students who did not receive permission will still be privately reprimanded along with their supervisors. The law can't make exceptions. However..." the police chief bowed low, "Allow me as the chief of police to thank you for your bravery and your heroic actions."

Todoroki became a little awkward as he looked away from the bowing man, "You know... you could have started with that."

Iida stepped up to Manual and bowed in apology, "I'm sorry for what happened. I should have listened."

The hero sighed, gently chopping down on the young teen's head, "Yeah you caused us a lot of trouble. Remember that, and don't do it again."

Iida bowed lower, "Sir!"

Izuku lowered his head, at Gran Torino, his hair overshadowing his eyes, "And I apologize as well."

The old hero sighed, mumbling something about the boy being the same as Toshinori, whoever that was, because no one present knew.

Gen coughed, gaining their attention once again, "As for the matter of Stain's chosen successor..." he looked at Haru from the corner of his eye, "My daught–ahem... the police find no need or legal right to find issue with the matter. Therefore, as long as the unnamed person remains within the boundaries of the law, no action is required. Any individual or organization who deems otherwise isn't of authority to say otherwise."

Haru, Tsuragamae, and Gran Torino sweatdropped at this, knowing the gruff old man was totally twisted around his only daughter's little finger. They could all picture the scene as if they had been present.


(Ninja Art: Imagined Scenario...)

Gen Tachibana pulled on his coat, preparing to head out the front door of his luxurious penthouse suite.

"I won't be home till late, Mari!"

There was a patter of light footsteps as a girl with hip-length orange hair flounced into the hallway.

"Where are you going, Papa?"

Gen's face softened drastically as he stroked his daughter's hair, "Just some work concerning an incident last night, nothing to worry yourself about."

Marika's eyes widened innocently, "Is it the Hero Killer, Papa? I saw it on my phone!"

Gen chuckled, "Yes, Mari. It seems like your friend was mixed up in it and papa has to reprimand him."

Marika placed a finger to her cheek, tilting her head, "Did he do nothing wrong?"

"Not particularly," Gen answered without thinking.

Marika pouted as she hugged her father's arm, "Go easy on him, won't you, Papa? He's my only real friend besides Raku, and I want him as Raku's best man at our wedding!"

Whatever Gen planned to do when he headed out was thrown out the window, "Of course, Mari! I just wanted to talk."


(A heavy disturbance in the force dispelled the Jutsu...)

As if sensing their thoughts, Gen's eyes narrowed at the three people wearing knowing expressions in the room. The air became unusually heavy.

"Personally, I think every criminal should be imprisoned, including heroes who break the law. I'm not draconian in how I deal with things, but I do not allow the guilty to go unpunished."

The unspoken warning aka threat was noted by everyone present. It may have been possible that Marika had softened the blow, but the Police Commissioner wasn't a pushover by a long shot.

Tsuragamae decided to tactfully change the subject, "On another note, we are happy to report the capture of Bakugo's attempted ȧssassin who we now have confirmed as Lady Nagant."

None of the students, except Haru who had been told by Hawks, knew who this was, but the news was good in their eyes.

Gen looked at Gran Torino, "The police thanks you for apprehending her."

The old hero raised a hand in acknowledgment, "I'm not as young as I was, but this old geezer's still got speed. She almost got a hit on me, but I finally brought her down," he sighed sorrowfully, "It's sad that a former pro would fall as low as her. Sniping children."

Tsuragamae rubbed his chin, thoughtfully, "Yes, quite the difference from her character years ago. Perhaps we may find out what changed her so much after she's safe inside Tartarus."

Izuku and Iida looked stunned on hearing that Haru's attempted killer was a former hero.

Haru visibly relaxed, revealing the mental strain he had been under.

Tsuragamae then approached Haru's bed, "Indirectly, you helped with this capture along with Stain's. The police are in your debt. A monetary reward would be trifling in comparison to what you experienced, considering you were unintentionally used as bait and that you were attacked more than once. As a young hero in training and a citizen of Japan, you were inconvenienced by our incompetence. As such, we of the police are willing to grant you whatever favor within reason."

Haru blinked, "It's no big deal. You were all doing your job."

Gen cleared his throat, his aura growing dark, "Are you implying you'd dishonor the police by refusing compensation?"

Haru felt a chill run up his spine, "No, sir!"

Gen's persona became less intimidating as he turned off his Quirk, "Of course not. You are a smart person."

Everyone shuddered. The commissioner was scary.

Haru tugged the edge of his blanket, "If you are willing to pull a few strings, then I do have a couple requests."


A small group of people stood outside a special treatment center in the hospital. Haru, now wearing a hospital shirt over his bandages, waited patiently as Tsuragamae quietly spoke with a dark-haired couple standing at the entrance.

Iida was fidgeting beside him, his expression revealing a torn attitude.

"Relax, Iida," Haru placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, "Everything will work out alright. I promise."

Iida hung his head, ashamed, "I should be telling you not to do this, but I... I really..."

"Do you think I would I listen to you if you told me no?" Haru queried teasingly.

Iida slumped, "No, you wouldn't"

Tsuragamae turned around and nodded, "The paperwork will be taken care of. You should thank Recovery Girl for updating your Quirk status of this would have been much more difficult. You may enter."

One of the couple, a bespectacled woman with dark bob-cut hair, grabbed Haru's hands and clasped them pleadingly, "Can you do it? Is it possible?"

Haru's amber eyes met hers determinedly, "If it can work for me, it can work for him."

The woman covered her mouth, letting out a sob as her husband, a man who looked the spitting image of Iida, minus the glasses, held her shoulders.

"Please, heal our son."

Haru bowed respectfully, "Your son is a great hero. It is wrong he has to suffer like this. It is only right that I should repair the damage caused to him in the apology from the one who misunderstood him."

The woman shook her head, "We know what happened. Please do not feel duty-bound because of that."

Haru raised his head, "Show me to him."

They nodded and led him through the doors leading into the room. There they were met by the sound of beeping from the multiple life support machines surrounding the nearly comatose patient in the room.

The nurse standing present looked up from his clipboard, "I was informed of your arrival. Can you spare a moment?"

Haru nodded and approached the nurse. For a few minutes, they spoke in low tones as the nurse flicked through the files that included several x-rays at different angles.

"Has his injury healed at all since he arrived?" was the only question Iida and the couple could make out from where they stood.

"It's been nearly two weeks but nowhere close for any kind of recovery," the nurse murmured back, "We've been forced to keep him in heavy painkillers in the meantime."

Haru's expression showed relief and he smiled, "This will work, let's begin."

The nurse nodded, and they both approached the patient from either side of the bed.

"Sir," the nurse spoke to the sleeping man, "You have a visitor."

The patient, a tall, muscular man with dark hair ġrȯȧnėd as he weakly opened his eyes, "Wha?" he blinked at the ceiling and strained to look at who had spoken.

"Don't push yourself," Haru spoke softly, leaning over so the man could see, "We are here to heal you."

The patient lowered his eyes to get a look at Haru, "Aren't... you a patient?"

Haru gave him a rueful grin, "I am, aren't I? Don't worry, I received permission to treat you," he pulled back his sleeve, revealing the bite scarred arm, "I'm going to need you to bite my arm, okay?"

The man couldn't move, but answered softly, "Alright..."

Haru leaned down, placing his arm close to the man's mouth.

With a weak effort, the man softly bit into the boy's pale skin.

Haru frowned and gently placed his free hand to the patient's jaw, applying a little pressure to help him bite harder.

A green light engulfed the man's body as Haru bit his lip, holding in the cry of pain that rose in his throat as his chakra was suċkėd away.

Everyone waited in silence, the sound of healing chakra the only sound that filled the room.

Finally, the green chakra faded and Haru withdrew his arm, "It's done."

His vision blurred as a wave of lightheadedness hit him suddenly.


Iida was suddenly by the redhead's side, his uninjured hand steadied him.

Haru smiled reassuringly, "I'm fine, just suddenly felt dizzy from the rush."

The patient ġrȯȧnėd and shifted in the bed.

Iida's eyes widened when he distinctly saw the man's leg move, "Brother!"

The couple rushed forward, the wife kneeling at the bedside while her husband stood behind her, "Tensei!"

Tensei opened his eyes, a confused look on his face, "I feel... he looked at the couple. Mom? Dad?" he pushed himself up.

Iida bit his lip, tears coming to his eyes, "Tensei..."

Haru stepped away allowing his friend to kneel by his brother's bedside. A moment later the room was filled with relieved sobs as Iida and his mother cried into the formerly injured Ingenium's bedsheets. The young hero placed a hand on each of their heads, reassuringly stroking them.

Haru awkwardly looked away, feeling out of place in the middle of the touching moment.

The nurse, noticing this, smiled in understanding and moved around the bed, "Let's give them a moment," he whispered, "I'm sure they'd want to thank you later."

Haru followed him out of the room, leaving the Iida family to rejoice in their son's recovery.


"Um..." Haru stared at the small crowd of hospital staff who were gathered outside the doorway.

The nurse grinned at them, "The treatment was a complete success."

They all cheered softly, remembering the occupants of the room and the other patients nearby.

Haru looked confused, "What's going on?"

The nurse continued to grin, "Ingenium has helped bring many injured patients to this hospital in the past in emergencies. Many people's lives were saved thanks to him. When everyone heard he was here and that he would have to stop hero work, we all felt horrible. Now, thanks to you, we can see him healthy again."

Haru ducked his head in embarrassment at the many stares he received, unsure of what to say.

"Ahem... If you may. I would like to have a word with the young man," a familiar voice announced from the back of the crowd.

Tsuragamae stepped through the gathering, his hand shoved in his pockets.

Haru caught his breath, "Sir?"

The staff quickly dispersed, each heading back off to work.

The nurse stepped away from Haru's side, "I will be back to check on your condition momentarily."

As his footsteps faded away, Tsuragamae and Haru faced each other.

"Your request was rather unusual," the police chief pointed out, "However, I shouldn't be surprised, considering your files. You're quite an interesting person."

Haru rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, "Sometimes that's not convenient."

Tsuragamae chuckled, "Maybe not. I have made the preparations for the transferal of the object you requested. The permit will be sent to UA shortly. As for its repair, I'm positive you've gotten someone in mind."

Haru nodded.

"Good. My work here is done," Tsuragamae turned away, "A word of warning. By taking ownership of the object, you are acknowledging a certain level of acceptance as that man's successor."

Haru remained silent, not responding.

Tsuragamae walked away, "I look forward to working with you in the future.. We will watch your career with great interest."

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