Shikigami Dance: Naruto/BNHA Crossover

Chapter 43 - Naruto Universe Part Four: War in Every Era

(A/N) I owe you guys an explanation for three weeks of no updating. First of all, I had food poisoning at the start of the first week and the area I lived in was hazy with smoke from forest fires (wood smoke makes my eyes and throat dry and sėnsɨtɨvė and also gives me headaches). To top it off, my summer job has me working from afternoons and into the night five days a week. Sundays I spend time with family and on my other day off I attend therapy sessions and do yardwork for an elderly friend. Along with the time constraints, I've had writer's block that has kept reoccurring.

Hopefully, I can squeeze in some more time for writing from this point onward.

Prepare for some side character cameos


(Land of Lighting: Second Night of the 4th Shinobi World War...)

The Shinobi Alliance was on its last legs. With seven of the nine Tailed Beasts and some remnants of the Eight and Nine Tails' chakra sealed into the Gedo Statue, the Ten-Tails had awakened. Madara Uchiha had reappeared on the battlefield having easily beaten the combined efforts of the Six Kage and the other village leaders. He had to admit, the young Hoshikage's toxic radioactive chakra and the Kazakage's sand were a problem since absorbing them was an issue even for a regenerative body like his, and that last-ditch effort of the combined power of the Kage was quite impressive. However, he had more important things to deal with and quickly defeated them.

With the Reanimation Jutsu undone, the Alliance had been focused on the defeat of the Ten-Tails but were heavily impeded by the interference of Obito Uchiha and Madara Uchiha. Only minutes ago, the Ten-Tails had fired a giant Tailed Beast Bomb that had destroyed the Shinobi Alliance's headquarters. Luckily the commanding team had been able to formulate one last plan for the alliance to follow that severed the two Uchiha's direct control of the beast.

Thousands of shinobi had died in the beast's rampage, even with Madara and Obito's connection now having been severed, it was extremely dangerous.

At this point, Naruto's chakra reserves were depleted and his Nine Tail's Chakra Mode was gone. Now battered and bruised and unable to stand he knelt on the rubble of the battlefield.

Sakura stepped up behind him, placing her hands on his back as she activated her Mystical Palm, "Time for you to recover."

Madara scornfully looked down at them, "A futile attempt."

The Ten-Tails roared, opening its giant maw as it regurgitated what appeared to be its stomach. The giant organ opened up like a giant flower with sickly fleshy petals as a massive orb of dense chakra formed within the center of the giant blossom.

Seeing the slight waver in everyone's thoughts, Sakura spoke out in a compelling voice, "We have to remain strong, everyone! We can't stand down after coming this far! Naruto is putting his all in doing what has to be done! The words he said about keeping his comrades in his heart made it clear."

There was a murmur of agreement among the ninja ranks.

"She's right," someone admitted, "He's been going out of his way to protect even people like us, former enemies. of his village"

"That's not what I mean!" Sakura yelled, "He's told us he considers all of us his comrades from the bottom of his heart."

A thrill of inspiration filled the Shinobi's heart, remembering the Gaara's words to them that united them all at the start of the war. Comrades. They were no longer enemies, rivals, or ninja of different villages. They were all standing there as comrades. Shinobi.


(If you don't remember Gaara's speech, check out: Lord Kazekage Words || He Cried For Me:


Like a calm ripple, a wave of conviction strengthened everyone's resolve.

Shikamaru let out a small laugh, "Heh..." he turned to a blonde girl next to him, "Ino! I want you to link me to someone with your Jutsu."

The Yamanaka girl brightened hopefully at the words of her genius friend, "You have a plan!"

Their teammate, Choji grinned, "I knew you could come through."

Within a moment, Ino had linked Shikamaru to the head of the Hidden Stone shinobi present, Kitsuchi. The young Nara then relayed his plan. The entire Shinobi Alliance would use the simplest earth-style barrier Jutsu they had and combine it to create several weak walls to slow the momentum of the beast bomb while the Hidden Stone shinobi created a final defensive barrier to stop it.

"Ino, I need you to connect me to every shinobi on this battlefield," Shikamaru stated, "Can you do it?"

The blonde popped a glare at him, "It doesn't matter if I can! I'm going to do it!"

The Yamanaka heiress concentrated her veins standing out from the effort. The information and the other parts of the plan were telepathically passed throughout the alliance along with the hand signs for the Jutsu.

Hitsuji... Tora... Mi... Inu... Ne... Ushi... Uma... U... Tora... I... Mi...

The alliance in sync replicated the hand signs, a responding clap echoing over the battlefield as they slammed their hands together in the finishing snake sign.

The Shinobi Alliance slammed their hands to the ground, "EARTH STYLE BARRIER!"

Thousands of small earthen walls sprang from the ground, combining into dozens of larger ones. Killer Bee went into full Eight-Tails mode, firing off volleys of small Tailed Beast Bombs at the larger bomb, trying to knock it into the sky.

The Ten-Tail's beast bomb crashed through the smaller barriers as if they were nothing and crashed through the last barrier put up by the Stone Shinobi.

Naruto calmly closed his eyes, remaining focused on getting healed.

A tremor shook the ground as the great Tailed Beast Bomb grated to a slow stop as Killer Bee and the Eight-Tails tackled it, despite their only being less than a third the size of the dense chakra sphere.

One of the Cloud shinobi yelled out in concern, "Lord Bee!"

The Eight-Tails Jinchuriki grunted as he felt himself being pushed back, unable to withstand the power of the Ten-Tails attack.

Suddenly the air distorted and the massive Tailed Beast Bomb froze in place against the raised hand of a floating white-haired figure.

"To think I'd see shinobi from different nations fight together as comrades. I was right to entrust the future to you, Naruto. However, I'm sure a little intervention would be appreciated," Nagato's deep voice made Naruto smirk on hearing it.

"Am I too late?" the blonde-haired figure of the Fourth Hokage cause several shinobi to gasp in recognition.

Naruto's smirk grew, "No way. You got here right on time, Dad."

Sakura stared at Minato's robe that marked him as the Fourth Hokage and glanced around in confusion, "Huh? Whose dad?"

Minato spoke calmly and cheerfully as if they weren't on the battlefield, "I'm Minato Namikaze. Brace yourselves."

The air blasted across the field as it got displaced as the Tailed Beast Bomb warped and shrank as it was absorbed into Nagato's body.

Madara grunted blandly as he saw the Ten-Tail's Tailed Beast Bomb get absorbed into Nagato, "The pawn has returned from the dead to meddle."

Nagato flexed his hand, his white hair restoring itself to its original flaming red crimson as his haggard appearance filled out, revitalizing his body back to the condition it had been when he was fifteen and before the Gedo Statue took its toll on him. His Rinnegan eyes looked toward Madara coldly.

"So, you are the real Madara. How interesting."

A wave of killing intent rolled off of the redheaded Uzumaki in waves, causing the Shinobi Alliance to shiver.

Shikamaru sighed, "We got off easy."

Sakura was distracted by Minato and Nagato's appearance noticing their Reanimation feature.

"So, talk," she spoke firmly, "Who are you?"

"Don't worry. We're allies," Minato reassured her, "Looks like I owe you thanks for healing Naruto," he gave the girl a curious smile, "So... are you Naruto's girlfriend?"

"Huh?" Naruto's jaw dropped for a moment before a mischievous smile lit up his face, "Yeah, yeah, yeah! I guess you can say that!"

Sakura popped a vein her eyes white with anger, "YOU SHUT YOUR TRAP!" she slammed her forehead down on Naruto's head, causing his eyes to roll back in his skull as he faceplanted into the ground.

Everyone winced.

Sakura planted her fists on her hɨps, glaring down at her patient, "Naruto... Don't waste your energy talking!"

"Sakura... you're supposed to be healing me, not hurting me even more..." Naruto ġrȯȧnėd weakly.

Minato sweatdropped, giving a nervous laugh as he remembered his wife, Kushina's, similar fiery temper, "So... uh... please... can you please go easy on my son?"

Nagato floated down to stand next to him, eyeing Naruto's downed figure, "If he could survive me, this wouldn't hurt him too badly."

Minato deadpanned, "That not what I meant."

Sakura's expression softened, "This is such a surprise," she reactivated her Mystical Palm as Naruto got up again, "But it seems like you knew."

Naruto rubbed his sore neck, smiling, "Yeah, I sensed their chakra in Nine-Tails Mode. The others should be arriving soon."

Ino sat up as she sensed several approaching figures, "Something's coming!"

A lone figure landed by Minato's side revealing the aged but still dangerous Hiruzen Sarotobi.

"Well Minato, you're as fast as ever," the Hokage commented.

Sakura's eye widened, "Lord Third Hokage," she looked up as two other figures geared up in complete battle armor landed next to Hiruzen, "And aren't they...?"

Tobirama smirked in satisfaction, "Well, Lord Fourth. I must say, you are better at teleportation than I am."

Hashirama straightened up, "Alright then, let's do this!"

The Leaf shinobi on the battlefield gasped in amazement at the line of the most powerful shinobi in their village's history.

"No way!"

"Lord First...!"

"Lord Second...!"

"Lord Third...!"

"Even Lord Fourth!"

"Who reanimated them?"

There was the sound of fluttering as Konan landed next to Nagato, her origami wings causing the Rain ninja to gasp.

"The Angel!"

"That must mean..." there was a sense of awe upon realized who Nagato was, "It's him..."

Nagato's eyes softened briefly as he glanced at his wife before he faced the Four Hokage, "We must stop the Ten-Tail's and end this war quickly. Our other reinforcements will arrive soon."

His words cause several shinobi to cheer, now confident that they could win.

A crash from a nearby plateau made everyone look up as Madara appeared from the dust and smoke he had created just from landing.

"It's about damn time!" the undead Uchiha actually lost his composure as he stared at the First Hokage in excitement, "I've been waiting, HASHIRAMA!"

The God of Shinobi pointed a finger in his former rival's direction, "I'll deal with you later! First I have to stop the Ten-Tails."

Madara froze, his expression falling as he sighed, "He hasn't changed a bit. We were never on the same page."

Hashirama raised an eyebrow at Madara, shifting his pointing finger toward the moving Ten-Tails, "After all... The Ten-Tails is charging towards us."

Nagato glared at the offending creature, raising a hand towards it, "Almighty Push!"

A repulsive force leveled the battlefield and hit the ten-tailed beast, causing it to flinch away as it was forcefully pushed backward, its claws gouging out huge chunks of earth.

Nagato dusted off some dirt from his robe, "What a troublesome pest. If I was capable of using my full power while reanimated, this would go much differently."

Everyone sweatdropped. Even though he changed in the end, Nagato still had remnants of a god complex deep inside.

Minato gave Naruto a smile, "Naruto, you did well. Why don't you take a little break? That friend of yours... he'll be here soon. He's our ally too."

Minato turned to face the Ten-Tail's letting out a slow breath.

"Fellow Hokage," Hashirama's voice rang out across the battlefield, "Let's go!"

Minato's body glowed as he suddenly entered in Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, shocking everyone, "Please, Lord Second... Lord Third... Stand in front of me."


Inside Naruto's mindscape, the Yang half of Kurama paused from his process of gathering chakra, "I never imagined that Minato would master my Yin half like you mastered my power, Naruto."

Naruto turned, giving his newly made friend an excited thumbs up, "See! See! Is my dad totally amazing or what?"

The Nine-Tailed Fox gave the teen a scornful look, "I know that better than you. He's the one who split me up before sealing me away."


Minato placed his hand on the backs of Tobirama and Hiruzen.

"Have you already placed your markers?" the Third Hokage asked.

Minato nodded, "Yes."

"It appears you're quick at striking too," Tobirama stated.

A second later the three of them had vanished, instantly teleporting to three marked out spots at different points on the battlefield.

Hashirama stood at the fourth point, completed the square formation.

The reanimated Hokage raised their hand in the ram sign, "Ninja Art: Four Crimson Ray Formation!"

From the four points they were standing, four pillars of red chakra shot into the sky. There was a shimmer as a red barrier rose a second later, forming a four-sided impenetrable wall that towered above the clouds.

Hashirama chakra flared as he entered into his Sage Mode, "Sage Art: Gracious Deity Gates: Ten Seals!"

As he finished speaking ten massive wooden tori gates fell from the sky, each one pinning down one of the Ten-Tail's tail-like limbs.

Nagato slammed his hand into a snake sign, "Summoning Jutsu!" a rain of black chakra rods, larger than the height of several people, fell from the sky, embedding themselves into the Ten-Tails, "Cursed Seal Chains!"

A rattle of metal could be heard among the Ten-Tail's pained growls as hundreds of white chains covered with a demonic purple chakra appeared from the black receivers and wrapped around the beast.

The Ten-Tails roared in fury but was unable to move as the barrier could withstand its attacks while the First Hokage's Wood Style pinned it down.

Hashirama had a satisfied look on his face, "Now it won't be able to move around so easily."

A dark-haired figure landed nearby, causing Sakura to catch her breath.

"You sure took your time getting here, Sasuke," Naruto snarked, happy to see his friend when they weren't trying to kill each other.

Sakura swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry, "...S-Sasuke...?"

The young Uchiha glanced at her, his face emotionless, "Sakura..."

This snapped the pinkette out of her trance as she raised her voice, "Sasuke?"

Her cries caught the attention of multiple people, most especially the other members of the former Rookie Nine, Team 8's Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, and Shino Aburame, and Team 10's Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka, and Choji Akimichi.

Upon seeing her childhood crush, Ino ran forward, "Sasuke, you–"

Shikamaru and Choji land in front of her, both of them in a defensive stance.

"Ino, stop!" Shikamaru warned, "He's still an enemy."

Choji's normally cheery attitude was replaced by a serious one, "Yeah, Ino. You should probably keep your distance."

Sasuke looked at Team 10 for a moment and looked back at the Ten-Tails, "You guys are still as annoying as ever."

There was a whoosh of air as Team 8 landed nearby.

"Why are you here, you bastard?" Kiba growled as Akamaru barked angrily at the offending Uchiha.

Sakura's face fell as her joy vanished. She had some mixed feelings about Sasuke's appearance. True he had tried to kill her not too long ago, but she had been planning to kill him first at the time so that technically made them even. When all was said and done, he hadn't actually hurt any of them directly, but his betrayal and his ȧssassination of a Hokage candidate (even if that candidate was Danzo, no explanation needed for that) was not something they could forget either.

"That's right," she spoke softly, "What are you doing here, Sasuke?"

"A whole lot has happened," Sasuke explained calmly, "I've decided to protect the Hidden Leaf Village now. Then after... I will become Hokage."

The silence that followed was deafening.


As expected, everyone, excluding Naruto and Hinata, was shocked and understandably confused.

Kiba was enraged and began yelling at the rogue teen, "Long time no see, rogue ninja. You can't come back suddenly and crack lame jokes! You know what it means to be Hokage?"

Shikamaru gave Sasuke a disgusted look, "I don't know what's happened to you, but that's just an impossibility. I mean, do you even know what you're saying?"

"Do you really believe that we can forgive and forget all you've done?" Shino may have sounded like his calm self, but his anger was evident in his stiff body language.

"Fine then," Sasuke shrugged it all off as if it weren't a big deal, "I realize you probably can't, but then... it doesn't really matter what any of you think of me. The previous Kage caused all these circumstances, so I will become Hokage and change the village."

Naruto suddenly remembered Itachi's words.


"Becoming Hokage isn't about getting people to acknowledge you. Only those already acknowledged will become Hokage."


"You will have to take care of Sasuke."


Naruto rose to his feet, now healed enough to fight. 'Leave it to me, Itachi.'

He stepped forward until he was standing at Sasuke's side turning his eyes towards the Ten-Tails.

"I'm going to be the one... the one who will be Hokage," he declared confidently.

Hashirama glanced over his shoulder at the two young shinobi with a mixture of pride and impatience, "It does please me to see you guys so infatuated with becoming Hokage, but speed it up! Start infusing chakra. We'll take down Ten-Tails with an all-out attack."

Naruto grunted an agreement and look back at Sakura, "Thanks Sakura... for healing me. Now it's your turn to go get some rest," he turned to the Uchiha next to him, Let's go Sasuke!"

The two boys body-flickered away until they were up close to the barrier.

An instant later, Sakura appeared next to them, "You think I'm some weak woman who can't keep up with you two? Do you think Lady Tsunade is the only Sannin who'd give inadequate training to her student?" she looked at them resolutely, "I'm almost there. I'll be at full capacity in a little bit and I'll put out my true power. I'm part of Team 7 too and a student of a legendary Sannin."

The two boys looked at her and a smile lifted on Naruto's face and he slammed a fist into his palm, "Alight! Team 7 is together and finally back in action once again!" a feral grin appeared on his face, making his whisker marks stand out more prominently, "Sakura! Sasuke! Let's go!"



Team 8 and Team 10 appeared around them.

"It's been a while since the Rookie Nine was back together, it feels like old times," Choji said.

Hashirama narrowed his eyes, "Just hold on."

Everyone gasped as the Ten-Tails charged up yet another massive Tailed Beast Bomb.

A massive explosion shook the ground as the barrier twisted in shape but remained strong. The force of the blast was projected towards the sky.

Nagato raised his hand in a seal of confrontation, "Settle down."

A shock passed through the Ten-Tail's body, making it screech as the cursed chains of Nagato's out path fed it waves of pain.

From elsewhere on the battlefield, Mifune smirked, "Heh, it seems like it scorched itself from the blast and is suffering the consequences."

Cheers echoed across the battlefield on seeing the once-unstoppable enemy meet its match.

Hashirama focused his chakra once again, "Wood Style: Wood Clone Jutsu!" five wooden replicas of the First Hokage appeared. Four of them body-flickered to different points around the barrier, "I'll make four entry points in the barrier so we can go in and out."

The fifth clone wove several hand signs, "Sage Art: Gracious Deity Gate: Head Seal!"

A massive red wooden tori gate slammed headlong on the Ten-Tails neck, forcing it down so it couldn't create anymore Best Bombs.

The remaining four clones opened up four small spots around the barrier, allowing the Shinobi Alliance access to their target.

With a series of yells and battle cries, thousands of ninja flooded into the barrier.

The Ten-Tail's skin suddenly became lumpy as hundreds of strange creatures crawled out to fight back.

Hashirama gritted his teeth, "Those are fission beings! It's trying to keep us away from its real body!"

Nagato looked at Konan, "You help take care of the Ten-Tail's," he looked towards a distant seated figure watching the whole proceedings, "I will take care of Madara."

Hashirama frowned, "Do not underestimate him. He's very powerful and has awakened the Rinnegan."

Nagato gave the First Hokage a neutral look, "He may have awakened it, but I possessed mine longer than he has. He glanced at the Ten-Tail's, "But first," he wove a series of hands signs, "Summoning Jutsu!"

There was a bang as smoke flooded the area as several creatures swarmed out, making a beeline for the Ten-Tails fission clones.



The gap between the fission clones and the Shinobi Alliance grew smaller as the two forces charged head-on.

"Don't hold back," Naruto yelled.

There was a rumble in the ground as three giant centipedes burst from the earth, amidst the fission clones, and began a complete massacre. Hearing a trample of hooves, Team 7 looked up to see a giant ox and rhino lumbering in their wake followed by a giant multiheaded dog and a giant snake-tailed chameleon. A deafening screech was heard as a giant drilled beaked bird flew overhead, dropping several eggs among the enemy ranks that exploded on contact.

Upon seeing this, multiple shinobi across the battlefield wove a series of hand signs.


Clouds of smoke appeared across the battlefield as animals, both mystical and real of all sizes and types, appeared to fight alongside their contract partners.

Naruto grinned, "Aw yeah! Let's do this!"

With a roar, the Shinobi Alliance smashed in the fission clone army.

Naruto and Sasuke used a series of Taijutsu and Kenjutsu respectively to level anything in their way, defeating each clone with ease.

Sakura slammed a fist into a clone that was twice her height, smiling, "At last, I can finally unleash it!"

A concussive force sent the clone flying back, wrecking everything it pas through.

Naruto and Sasuke paused in shock as Sakura appeared above a large group of the clones


She slammed her fist into the ground, causing a devastating eruption of the earth around her to obliterate dozens of fission clones at once!

Naruto had a perturbed look on his face. I am never ever going to talk back to Sakura or making her mad ever again! She'll destroy me!

Sasuke's face didn't show it, but his eyes held a light of respect.

Sakura straightened up. revealing the rhombus seal on her forehead. Three years of delicate chakra control where she constantly focused eighty percent of her chakra into a single point wasn't an easy task. It wasn't just a heavy and risky limitation on her power, but it was also a challenge to her will as she was unable to use her full healing potential before. Now with the seal complete, she was at one hundred percent capacity. Not only did she master it, but she also perfected it better than Tsunade, capable of even greater strength and without the need to use Mitotic Regeneration and shorten her lifespan. In a matter of seconds, she had risen to Kage level alongside Naruto and Sasuke.


(A/N) Note to Sakura haters. This is canon. In the anime flashbacks, you see Sakura's process of her Hundred Healing's Seal, the First Hokage's stating she was stronger than Tsunade, and Shizune stating it did not age her at all.


Two extremely large fission clones appeared from the dust cloud and moved to attack her.

"Wind Style: Rasenshuriken!"

"Inferno Style: Flame Control!"

A mixture of light and dark chakra flew through the air, hitting the clones.

One clone burst into black flames while the other was cut through, its cells obliterated.

Sakura smiled gratefully, "Thanks, Sasuke!"

Naruto deadpanned, "Hello~ I'm here too, you know that? Right, Sakura?"

Sasuke deadpanned at his teammate, "Look, don't drag us down, Naruto."

"That's right!" Sakura teased, "Keep complaining, and I'll just grab the Hokage seat for myself!"

"What? Not you too, Sakura!"

The pinkette smirked, "We'll fight with our backs together."

Naruto entered his first Nine-Tail's chakra mode while Sasuke activated his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.



Kiba gritted his teeth, "Come on, Team 8! We can't let Team 7 show us up!"

Shino and Hinata nodded, "Hmm!"

Kiba formed his hand into the Multi Shadow Clone hand sign and summoned a single clone, "Let's go, Akamaru!" the ninken barked in response as his master and the clone jumped on his back holding their hand in the tiger seal, "Inuzuka Style: Transformation Combo: Three Headed Wolf!"

Hinata and Shino jumped back as their teammate transformed into a snarling three-headed canine beast.

The wolf rolled forward, chasing its tail so fast its body morphed into a rotating chakram of white fur, "Tail Chasing Fang!

Spinning across the battlefield, Kiba proceeded to mow down the Ten-Tail's clones.

Shino dodged a swinging fist of a particularly large one, sending out a seemingly weak punch to its stomach.

"Secret Jutsu: Parasitic Gigantic Beetle: Infestation!"

The fission clone ġrȯȧnėd before its body imploded, revealing several giants insects that had been implanted in its skin and had fed off its chakra.

Nearby Hinata got into her Gentle Fist stance, "Eight Trigrams..." she slammed her open palms into a clone, "Two Palm! Four Palms! Eight Palms! Sixteen Palms! Thirty-Two Palms!" her fists blurred as she slammed into the clone's body, "Sixty-Four Palms!"

The clone flew back, its tenketsu blocked.

Hinata's fists lit up with a dense blue chakra, "Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fists!"


Ino clenched her fist, "Alright! C'mon Team 10! Let's attack with the Ino-Shika-Cho combination!"

Choji smiled, "We can use Formation E."

Shikamaru sighed, "This isn't the Chunin Exams. No need to compete against the other teams. We're in the middle of a war."

"But we still want to show them what we're made of," Choji reasoned and slammed his palms together, "Expansion Jutsu!"

"Damn it," Shikamaru sighed, crouching down as he formed the rat sign, "Shadow Grasping Jutsu!"

The young Nara's shadow extended until it was attached to his Akimichi partner.

Ino held her hand in a seal of confrontation, using her sensory, "Twenty-five enemy signatures picked up, "She placed her hand on the back of Shikamaru's head, "Sensory Relay!"

Using her telepathic abilities Ino gave Shikamaru sight of the enemy so he could use his shadows to direct Choji's movements as he used his Human Boulder Jutsu.

"Human Boulder Yo-Yo!"

The combination Jutsu tore through the approaching clones, crushing them beyond recognition.

Choji unrolled and grinned, "I'll expand some more and increase my weight.

Shikamaru suddenly got serious, "You're as light as a feather, Choji, and beside it isn't quite flashy enough to impress anyone!"

Ino deadpanned, "Who's being super competitive now?"


"The enemies keep on increasing!"

The ninja and samurai of the Shinobi Alliance were cutting down fission clones right and left, but they weren't making much headway in getting closer to the Ten-Tails due to the nonstop enemy reinforcements pouring in.

One of the Hashirama's clones grunted as it held off several of the larger fission clones, but with only a fraction of the power of its original, it could only do so much.

"Beast Wave Gale Palm!"

A wave of wind-chakra formed as a massive demonic-like claw extended and grabbed one of the giants crushing it in its grip.

A young man with dull bluish-grey hair and dressed in monk robes brandished a triple-bladed claw-like weapon, "We'll all clear the way! Go, Naruto!"

Naruto's eyes widened ins recognition, "Sora!"

A fission clone charged the young monk but was suddenly grappled by a pink crystal dragon.

"Crystal Style: Divine Pathway Jutsu" a woman with light blue hair kept up in a spiky ponytail appeared and slammed her palms to the ground, creating a long stream of sharp blue crystals before her.

The wave of crystal pierced through several of the fission clones and tore at any who stood nearby


Guren, stood up, crossing her arms, "We got this," she placed her finger to her lips, letting out a shrill whistle!


"Here we come!"

Two trails of dust could be seen speeding across the battlefield before two massive figures barreled into the group of the fission clones.

Guren sighed, shaking her head, "Why was I put in charge of them?" she held up a pair of dumplings, "Hey, Stupid Brothers, I'll give you this for now. If you help fight these things trying to steal your food, then we'll feed you later!"

The Legendary Stupid Brothers, Fujin and Rajin, grinned cheerfully at her, "OKAY~!"

Naruto and Team 10 sweatdropped as the two simple-minded ninja proceeded to pound every clone in their path.

"They haven't changed much," Ino mused, remembering her team's encounter with the two years before.

"Hey brother, you think these things are edible?"

"If they were, wouldn't everyone eat them? They're probably poison!"

"Oh, good point! You so smart big brother!"

An ink eagle appeared overhead before Sai jumped from its back, tracing his inked pen across the surface of his scroll before forming a seal of confrontation.

"Super Beast Imitating Drawing: Aun Fist!"

Two ink giants rose from the scroll, attacking the oncoming fission clones with heavy punches.

"Ninja Art: Super Beast Scroll!"

A pride of Tomoe Lion's and a leaped from the scroll and attacked alongside the giants.

Naruto grinned, "Thanks for the help, Sai!"

The pale-skinned teen gave a closed-eyed smile, "Of course, I'm also a member of Team 7."


Elsewhere on the battlefield, things weren't going as well.

"Get back!" someone yelled

An especially large clone slammed its mallet-like fist down, nearly crushing several ninja.

A burst of yellow lightning suddenly pierced through its body, causing it to collapse.

A young teen with purple hair and glowing red eyes suddenly appeared from a cloud of mist.

"It took me a long time to retrieve the Kiba from your resting place, Raiga, but now I can fight to protect my family just like you once protected me," he dug the twin legendary blades into the ground, "Thunder Funeral: Feast of Lightning!"

With a crackled of thunder, a flash of yellow lightning trailed across the ground in several directions, hitting several fission clones around him.

The clones wheezed and fell over, smoke rising from their charred corpses.

Seeing their companions' destruction, a pair of smaller clones charged the kneeling boy, forcing him to roll away, leaving the blades behind.

"Hidden Mist Jutsu!"

The boy slammed his hands into a tiger sign and breathed out a cloud of mist into the air, vanishing inside it. The clone looked around and found themselves surrounded by multiple chakra signatures.

"With my Kekkei Genkai, you'll never know which is the real me," the boy's disembodied voice could be heard from no particular direction.

There was a whirring sound and two spinning blades passed through the clones, slicing them through.

Ranmaru exited the fog amidst his chakra ghost clones, "Forgive me. Although I hate violence, I am not above using it to fight for those I care about.

The Kiba blades, once among the seven legendary weapons of the Seven Swordsman of the Mist, whirled through the air, dispatching several more clones before returning to their master's hands.


A group of fission clones looked around the battlefield for more enemies to fight when a rumble sounded under their feet.

Water Style: Geyser Burst!

An infinite source of water burst from the ground, knocking several of the clones back. Amidst the new water flow, a dark-haired girl appeared swimming in it. Weaving through the ever-growing pillar she created, the girl transformed into a scaled aquatic creature.

"Scale Senbon!"

A hail of needle-like scales few at the clone causing them to sweat at them in annoyance.

"Water Style: Great Cannon Ball Jutsu!"

A compressed blast of water shot from her mouth, piercing through several of the clones. The ones that remain fell to the girl's claws and steel-hard scaly body.

Swirling around in the water, Isaribi surveyed the damage she'd done. Thanks to Lady Tsunade's medical care, I was able to completely control my Kaima transformation. Now I can use it to repay them.

A shadow caught her attention before the earth around her crumbled and scattered, sending her flying back.

A giant fission clone raised its weapon to crush her when help came to her rescue.

"Ninja Art: Kujaku: Destroy!"

Several streams of purple, feathery chakra stabbed through the clone, killing it.

Isaribi pushed herself up to see three ninja, two men and a teenage girl, run up to her, each wearing the standard attire of the Hidden Star Village.

"Shiso! Yotaka! Shield us!" the girl called out.


The girl knelt by Isaribi, "I'm Hokuto of the Hidden Star Village, are you okay?"

Isaribi nodded, her eyes flickering over to the two men placing their hands in a unique-looking hand sign.

"Ninja Art: Kujaku!"

A feather-shaped array of radiation-dense chakra appeared behind them.

The burst of color caught the attention of multiple fission clones that charge them head-on.


Their chakra formation took the shape of massive lion dogs that proceeded to tear apart their enemies.

"Amazing..." Isaribi whispered.

Hokuto clenched her fist confidently, "Our village may be small, but one day, we will become a great nation too, just wait!"


A faired-skinned ravenette ran across the battlefield in front of a small battalion from Nadeshiko Village.

"Attack!" she jumped at the closest fission clone, "Nadeshiko-Style: Roaring Gale Chop!"

She stabbed her wind enhance fist through a clone's ċhėst. The power of the strike passed through, stabbing several clones behind it.

"Lady Shizuka, what formation shall we take?"

Shizuka pulled her arm from the clone's body as her warriors fought around her, "Keep close to each other. We do not need to worry about the enemy escaping."


A mist ninja with dull black hair performed a series of Kenjutsu movements, cutting down one clone after another

"Go to hell, monsters!"

He jumped into the air, allowing a water dragon to pass under him and wipe out the clones he had to be fighting.

"Ganryu, don't go too far!" one of his companions said.

Ganryu clenched his jaw firmly, a nostalgic smile on his face, as he shouldered his cleaver-like blade, "Are you kidding, Kiri? This is like the Bloody Mist days on Saturday night!"

A Stone ninja, Ittan, called out to him teasingly, "Then, this ought to be a walk in the park for you Mist ninja."

Ganryu swung his blade, decapitating another clone, "I just hope you Stone ninja can keep up!"

His words were greeted by loud whoops and battle cries as he and several other Mist shinobi charged back into the fight.


A brunette girl knelt on the ground, quickly painting a picture, "I'm almost finished, Uncle Unkai!"

A middle-aged member of Konoha's Kurama Clan remained focused on maintaining the Genjutsu he and the other clan members had used to bind several fission clones in the area, "Do it, Yakumo!"

Yakumo swiped her brush in the final stroke activating her Kekkei Genkai. As a rare inheritor of her clan's bloodline, her ability to make Genjutsu so real it would trick the body into believing it was reality was invaluable in dealing with multiple weak-minded targets.

"Genjutsu: Five Senses Real Illusion!"

A bright orb of light formed overhead and scattered into hundreds of white beams that struck through each of the fission clones' heads.

Yakumo heaved a deep breath pulling out another sheet of paper, "I'm ready."

Her Kurama Clan nodded in response as they moved to another part of the battlefield.


A tall man cut through a fission clone with his large zanbato blade.

"Lord Hanzaki!" a girl with bright orange hair pressed her fingers together, weaving them together on a unique series of hand signs, "Slicing Thread Cutter!"

Her hand shot out, shooting a net woven from chakra threads past her Clan leader towards a trio of small fission clones. The net expanded before passing through the clones, neatly dating them into several pieces.

Hanzaki nodded in gratitude at the girl, "Good job, Sasame. You make the Fuma Clan proud.

He turned to see one of his clan's summonings, a giant spider, struggling against one of the large clones.

"Fuma Ninja Art: Spell of the Mandala!" the Clan Leader formed his hands into a triangular shape and pushed them together.

A pyramid-prism of rainbow-colored chakra encased the massive fission clone and pressed in on it. It struggled to escape but the chakra compressed it until it was nothing more than a crushed corpse.

Sasame kept the other clones from interfering using her Hair Binding Jutsu to entangle them while her other clan members finished them off.

Seeing the clone was dead, Hanzaki released the Jutsu, "You will do well not to underestimate the power of the Fuma Clan!"


Konan flew over the battlefield, using her Shikigami Dance to rain down punishment on vast swaths of fission clones.


The familiar voice caught her attention and she looked down to see a small contingent of Rain shinobi engaged in battle. In the center, she could see Kenji alongside his giant crab summoning.

The crab was acting as support, spitting streams of foamy bubbles to impede the fission clones' movements, allowing other shinobi to finish them off more easily.

Konan spread her wings, floating herself to her loyal advisor's side, "Elder."

The old man knelt before her, "Even if you are under the effect of the Reanimation Jutsu, it is a blessing to see you again. Our village awaits your words."

Konan's eyes softened, "Win this war."

The surrounding Rain ninja raised their voices in confirmation, "Yes, Angel!"

Their spirits bolstered, the shinobi fought harder as Konan eyed the large space swarming with fission clones between the alliance and the Ten-Tails.

"Elder, I will use that Jutsu."

Kenji nodded, knowing he could not convince her otherwise, "As you wish, M'lady."

Konan raised an arm, a vast amount of chakra emanating from her body, "Sacred Paper Emissary Jutsu!"

Enormous tracts of ground opened up, suċkɨnġ hundreds of fission clones into pits teeming with paper bombs.

An instant later columns of fire from several explosions ignited across the battlefield.


Team 7 continued to fight on the frontline, but as the fight drew out, it became clear that unless they took care of the Ten-Tail's main body, heavy casualties would become imminent.

"We need to force our way through and slip past the large clones!" Sakura called out obliterating another clone with a devastating punch, "If we let the fight continue like this we will suffer severe losses and the Medical Core can't come here!"

Naruto and Sasuke nodded, "Right!"

The three of them bit their thumbs, drawing blood before weaving hand signs.

"We need to mow them down and slip past, huh?" Sasuke slammed his palm to the ground, "That'll be easy."

Naruto did the same, "This guy can clear the distance in one leap and repel any enemy attacks too!"

Sakura placed her hand beneath her, "I can now stay near and heal anyone who suffers serious harm!"

A tracery of sealing formulas and curse marks spiderwebbed across the ground as the three of them yelled out, "Summoning Jutsu!"

Three massive clouds of smoke rose from where they stood, catching the attention of the entire battlefield.

"Those are..."

"The three legendary summoning of the three sage regions!"

The smoke cleared to reveal Team 7 standing on top of their respective summoning, like many years ago how the Sannin once stood on their own battlefields.

Naruto, the student of Jiraya the Sage of Mount Myoboku, summoning the giant toad, Gamakichi.

Sasuke, the student of Orochimaru the S rank shinobi of Riuchi Cave, summoning the giant snake, Aoda.

Sakura, the student of Tsunade the Senju Princess of Shikkotsu Forest, summoning the giant slug, Katsuyu.

Sasuke pointed his sword at the Ten-Tails, "Aoda! Attack"

Sakura placed her hands into a ram sign, "Lady Katsuyu! Please divide!"

Naruto pointed in the Ten-Tail's direction, "Now! Jump, Gamakichi!


Madara sat cross-legged, his hand propping up his chin, as he watched the whole proceedings with disinterest.

"Do you honestly think that just because you possess the Rinnegan I gave you, you stand a chance against me?"

His eyes flicked towards Nagato who had suddenly appeared nearby, but he didn't move from his sitting position

"Such trivial words from a man who was so pathetic in life he let himself die of old age while having a minion do the dirty work."

Madara's Rinnegan glinted, "Trying to get a rise out of me is pointless. I'm way beyond your league."

A burst of blue chakra ignited around the undead Uchiha as the ribcage and arm of his Susanoo appeared, stabbing its blade towards the undead Uzumaki's body.

Casually, Nagato reached out an arm, easily blocking the Susanoo's blade in his hand.

Madara raised an eyebrow, "How interesting."

Nagato twisted his wrist, snapping the glowing blue sword in his grip, "For the first time in twenty years, I'm in peak physical condition thanks to Reanimation and the chakra of the Ten-Tails. You would do well to take me seriously former God of Shinobi."

Madara suddenly threw back his head and laughed, "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You intrigue me! I was disappointed when you didn't use the Rinne Rebirth on me as planned, but this might have been for the better. Very well," he got to his feet a look of anticipation on his face, "Let's dance!"

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