(One Week Later...)

It was still all over the news about the Hosu Incident.

The Nomu attack and the resulting damage and casualties shook the people of Japan to their core. Recordings of the Nomu attacks on the streets, the train line, and the destructive fires they caused covered every news story for days.

By a sheer miracle, there were no deaths from this attack, but twenty-three civilians were heavily injured while another forty-six suffered lesser hurts. Out of the heroes who were at the scene, three were hospitalized and most of the others required treatment following the battles with the Nomu.

Even so, news that the League of Villains was responsible, even when supported by some footage of Shigaraki and Kurogiri being identified on the scene, was overshadowed by the presence of the Hero Killer: Stain and his capture by four interning students.

Stain had killed seventeen heroes and crippled twenty-four past recovery during his reign of terror so it caused quite a buzz among the media that four unlicensed teens, first-year students no less, managed to accomplish what full-fledged pros had failed to do for months. It was at least believable considering that every student responsible was a finalist in UA's sports festival. Details of the fight were scarce since there was no security footage but the agreed-upon story given to the media was that it was a combined effort.

There was a brief interview of the students released at the end of the week, but it was mostly just a show of presence as the questions were brief and mostly answered by Endeavor who was also given credit for the arrest as two of the students acted under his authority. The only questions the students really had to answer were their Hero Names and give a brief demonstration of their Quirks.

No one who watched in the interview knew how many retakes had to be made (Since Izuku and Todoroki had major problems adapting the former freezing up with nerves and the latter lacking any social sense) or the tension caused (Haru being asked about his connection with Stain, Iida being asked about possibly seeking out the Hero for revenge, and Todoroki about his rumored home life) when ambitious reporters tried to corner the students for extra info. They especially didn't know the amount of scolding those students received from their mentors or the hellish training Endeavor placed his interns under.

As far as the public could see, since the capture of the Hero Killer crime across the country had fallen almost exponentially. At least on the surface.


(Undisclosed Location...)

"You know, it's been hard finding people to do business with," a short overweight man with an eyepatch leaned back in his seat, "My buddies all complain about not being able to sell stuff. It's a real pain."

He looked up at the man sitting across from him who was lighting a cigarette with a tip of a pistol.

Giran fondled the gun in his hand as the other dealer ġrȯȧnėd and continued to complain, "Man, I miss the days before All Might. I was still small-time back then. Remember when villains were wild and impulsive? Everyone thought they could take over the world! It was a real good time," he slammed his glass on the table in frustration, "But when All Might show up everything changed and got so damn boring. Can't have any fun when that pillar of justice is still around. Maybe it's time for me to really call it quits."

Giran puffed out a stream of cigarette smoke from his lips, "Don't be rash. Listen. Just between you and me, I know a way to make some real cash," he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, "Keep this on the down-low. I'm only telling you because I know your guys have quality goods to sell," he held out his phone, revealing an unplayed video, "Have you seen this yet?"

The other dealer squinted his one good eye at the screen, "Huh? What's that?"

Giran smirked, "It's a video of the Hero Killer. He's hot right now," he pressed play and let the video run.

Serial killer type print made up the opening title of the Hero Killer: Stain, as eerie music played.

[The Hero Killer: Stain. Real Name: Chizome Akaguro. As a child, he was greatly inspired by All Might's debut. He enrolled in a private hero high school but was dismayed by what he saw as an educational system's skewed understanding of what it meant to be a hero. Throughout his teenage years, Chizome advocated for the return to the early days of heroes but realized that words had no power. For the next ten years, he trained in killing techniques in order to fulfill his self-appointed duty. During this time, his parents passed away in what police eventually ruled as a tragic accident. His focus was on a return to the old days. He believed Heroes should not seek compensation. That one should epitomize the idea of self-sacrifice, a trait he lived up to until his capture. He believed that present-day pros were frauds. From his violent purges, he hoped society would eventually side with him.]

The video switched to video footage of Stain's final confrontation before his capture.

[These streets... must run with the blood of hypocrites!] his voice rose to a fearsome scream, [COME ON! JUST TRY AND STOP ME YOU FAKES! THERE IS ONLY ONE MAN I'LL LET KILL ME! HE IS A TRUE HERO! ALL MIGHT IS WORTHY!]

The Hero Killer stopped as the figure of a crimson-haired boy placed himself as a living shield between the pros and the Hero Killer, despite his obvious injuries and weakened body.

Although the footage could not catch the boy's face, his unmoving demeanor said it all. For a moment the young hero and the villain locked eyes and stared at each other.

Suddenly Stain shot a quick glance behind him and dashed in the boy's direction. With a quick movement, he had grabbed the boy by the shoulders and pushed him away as a distinct shot of a sniper rang out.

The boy's face was suddenly revealed, his intense golden eyes staring in shock through his bright red locks of hair. The Hero Killer was bleeding heavily from the ċhėst but was still standing as he stood over the fallen boy.

[You are worthy...]

"See what I mean?" Giran asked as he paused the video, "This keeps getting uploaded and immediately taken down online, but they can't stop it."

The dealer noticed the video wasn't finished, "Is there more?"

Giran gave a cynical smile, "That's where things get even more interesting."

He pushed play and continued the video.

A picture of Haru in his junior high uniform showed up, [Stain's supposed chosen successor: Identified as Haruko Bakugo. Age: Fifteen. Orphaned weeks from birth, he was adopted and raised by the family who rescued him after his parent's murder. A possessor of a unique Quirk that granted him a wide range of abilities, he was inspired to use his power to become a hero alongside his adopted brother and applied at the prestigious hero school, UA High. Refusing recommendations, he scored the highest of his year at the school's entrance exams and was voted as Class 1A's representative. A survivor of the USJ attack and winner of UA sports festival, his drive stems from the personal belief that true peace can be found within society through understanding and the willingness to help others in need no matter whether you were a hero or a villain. While his philosophy differs slightly from the Hero Killer's, it is believed he was deemed worthy to carry on the Hero Killer's mission by acting as an example for the rising hero generation.]

The video shifted to show footage of the UA sports festival when the teen was giving the student pledge.

[We, the first-year students, we will show you all that we are all here as equals! We will show we are the rising generation ready to take hold of our futures and stand up no matter who we are, where we come from, or what Quirk we have. We will prove that we are all still the everyday heroes that will bring a smile to everyone.]

Several scenes of the sports festival competitions played in brief clips, mostly focusing on the final round battles with Endeavor's son and the boy's adopted brother. The main attention-getter was the sudden use of variety including the use of several elements alongside his origami along with the awe-inspiring revelation of his Adamantine Chains.

"Is he a normal human?" the dealer breathed, "Where did the heroes find this one?"

Giran smiled, "Keep watching."

The video changed to an event in Kyushu. A group of villains had just been subdued by Hawks and his two interns. One of them, a slim teen wearing a dark cloak emblazoned with red clouds, suddenly jerked as a sniper shot hit him. As he began to fall, his sugegasa fell from his face, revealing his widened eyes and crimson red hair.

However, he righted himself and slammed his palms together, [Shikigami Dance: Yggdrasil!]

Within seconds a giant white tree contained the whole street, shielding both the heroes and the bystanders from any future harm. In a split moment, the dealer saw a flicker of killing intent on the boy's face, an expression that froze his blood yet made it boil excitedly.

At this point, the dealer was now watching eagerly as the video showed with the flying Nomu's attempted capture of another intern at Hosu. A flash of golden light blinded the beholder as golden chains impelled the creature before Stain brought it down.

The dealer gasped as he broke from the trance he had been put under.

Giran lowered his phone giving the dealer a knowing look, "Both of them are revolutionaries in their own way. While Stain destroys, the kid rebuilds. Yet they share that same trait that only the trained eye would pick out. The kid has killer instincts buried deep inside his soul like it in his blood to fight. He can become a figure to follow, either for heroes and villains. He's got charisma, conviction, power, and most importantly, presence. It's like he's been born with the makings of a leader, a leader who can make change happen. That's what makes this so great. Villains who were driven bad by the oppression in our society now see a symbol of hope for them to regain ordinary lives again while heroes who get away with all kinds of crimes now feel nervous about having their comfortable spots removed. A new idealism is rising and both parties now want this guy on their side. They are all watching, villains with countless convictions, felons on the run, hypocritical pros, and idealistic heroes. Vigilantes, politicians, police, and dealers like us are eyeing this situation," he leaned forward, "It's infectious. Don't you feel it? A conflict for who gets him first. I don't think the heroes fully realize what's awakening. Stain's ideals and leaving behind a visible head is a rallying cry to all the buried evil of the underworld while bringing the hidden gems from inside the rough of hero society. People from all walks of life will get involved, each wanting to step up for the cause. Most importantly, villains will seek out the group closest to getting them to their dėsɨrėd goal. The League of Villains."


(UA High School... 1A Classroom...)

Most of the students of Class 1A had arrived and were idly passing time by talking, reading, or playing on their phones.

Jiro and Kaminari each lounged by their seats, waiting.

"When do you think he'll be here?" Kaminari asked.

Jiro's earphone jacks were almost a tangle which how much she had twisted them around in absentminded agitation, "Why are you worrying so much. Not being early isn't a bad sign."

Kaminari was biting his thumbnail, "I forgot the hospital would take his phone so I panicked when he didn't answer my calls. We were so busy during the internships, I didn't want to bother him. Then that news statement from the police over the weekend and that interview."

The sound of arguing voices echoed down the hallway

Kaminari perked up, "That must be them!"

Mineta's ears twitched, "Can't be, those are the sounds of hot babes."

The door slammed open and the arguing pair entered.

Everyone looked up and blinked.


In the doorway, two girls, one calm girl with hip-length, wild, ash-blonde hair and one angry girl with shoulder-length straight red hair, stomped into the room.

The redhead had her back to the blonde flipping her off and screaming at her, "**** you! **** your ****ing flat skinny body and your ****ing girly face! I'm going to piss on your grave you son of a–"

The blonde, who had been silent the whole time, popped a vein and smacked the redhead from behind with her schoolbag. The redhead crashed face-first into the floor, disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

The blonde huffed, flinging her spiky locks over her shoulders, "He's fine."

Everyone paused. 'WAIT! HE?'

"You little ****ing twerp! I'll blast you to ****ing kingdom come!"

Katsuki's voice thundered throughout the room, freaking everyone out as they saw him sit up amidst the smoke, glaring at the blonde girl with his hands popping mini-explosions.

The girl huffed, plopping down into Haru's usual seat, "Shut it."

Kaminari sat up in his seat, peering closely at the girl who looked like Katsuki's female counterpart, "Haru?"


Kaminari grinned, letting out a low whistle as he looked her up and down, "Daaaaamn~!"

Haru's released his transformation, his expression turned away as he leaned down to adjust his bag, "And what's that supposed to mean?" he asked putting a heavy emphasis on the 'that.'

Kaminari waved his hand defensively, "Nothing! Nothing. Why were you guys disguised as girls anyway and why did you transform yourselves into the opposite of yourselves?"

"Paparazzi. Felt like it."

Everyone deadpanned in understanding, "Oh~"

Everyone was able to empathize on the first point, especially after their own experiences after the USJ and the sports festival.

The annoyance of freelance reporters.

Most of the class got that these people were making a living, but it was hard not to get annoyed or made uncomfortable when a stranger pushed themselves up to you in your daily life, hoping to make the next big story at your expense.

Luckily, over the years since the rise of Quirks, Japan had passed laws that dealt heavy repercussions with the invasion of personal property or causing bodily harm. The key factor was that the law stated that physical contact with those being approached by the press was forbidden and verbal abuse was also something that could lead to reparation payments. Of course, the press had laws protecting their rights too, but now the media had restriction measures against the ruination of an individual's life due to scandal diggers.

Unfortunately, even if the reporters couldn't get too wild towards the Bakugo brothers. There wasn't much anyone could do when in public streets. Thus, the art of Transformation Jutsu.

Both Haru and Katsuki had gotten quite a kick from the confused faces of the paparazzi hidden around their street. Yes, Katsuki had been fuming at the indignity of being turned into a girl, a female counterpart of Haru no less, and parading around in his transformed female uniform. However, the confused looks on the annoying extras' faces on seeing two girls who looked similar to (But with switched personalities from) the intended targets.

One wise guy tried to snap a picture of them for personal reasons but was suddenly attacked by a white peregrine falcon and lost his chance.

By the time the camping reporters suspected anything, the two boys, or girls as they were, were long gone. There wasn't even street surveillance of them since Haru had discreetly covered all security feeds in their path of travel all the way to the school.

Class 1A only just realized at the moment that they had lost a chance to gain blackmail material and inwardly ġrȯȧnėd.

They shook the feeling off and an instant later and split off into smaller group conversations and Sero and Kirishima suddenly looked at Katsuki's hair.


Katsuki's rage was so intense he wasn't capable of yelling as usual as his body trembled in suppressed wrath.

"Stop laughing...! My hair's gotten used to this and I can't get it back the right way and my idiot of a brother won't help fix it or use that damn transformation until it's back to normal! Did you not hear me? I'll kill you both!"

"I'd like to see you try, pretty boy!" Sero taunted, overcome with laughter.

Katsuki's eyes turned white as his hair poofed back to its normal spiky style as he yelled, "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?"

"It's back!" Kirishima and Sero were almost rolling around uncontrollably, hugging their sides aching from the intense effort of their lungs and stomachs.

Ashido was leaning excitedly on Jiro's desk, where they were exchanging stories about their internships, "I heard you got to face actual villains? I'm so jealous!"

Jiro twisted her cord around her finger absently, glancing at Haru from the corner of her eye, "Well I didn't fight. All I did was evacuate civilians and provide logistical support."

"But it still sounds like so much fun!" Ashido insisted.

Tsuyu placed a finger to her chin thoughtfully, "I basically spent the whole time training and cleaning the ship deck. Although there was this one day we caught a bunch of drug smugglers."

The two other girls stared at her in awe, "Okay, that's cool."

The frog girl turned to speak to Uraraka, "How about you, Ochaco? How was your week?"

The brunette let out the mystical breath that martial artists gave in anime as a powerful purple aura seemed to enshroud her figure, "It was very enlightening."

"I think she found her fighting spirit," Tsuyu noted.

Jiro hugged her arms to her body, "Yeah that battle hero she interned with must have been something else."

Kaminari stood by Mineta's desk to place some distance between him and the intensity coming from Uraraka, "It's just been one week and she's like a different person."

Mineta scoffed, "Different?," he wagged his finger at his classmate, "Don't be fooled Kaminari," he suddenly became a nervous wreck as he began biting his nails, "All women are demons at heart. They just hide their true personalities behind pretty faces."

Kaminari shook his head at the other boy, "What the hell did Mount Lady do to you?" he shook Mineta from his trance, grinning reassuringly, "Everyone at my internship loved me. It was actually kind of great," he sobered as he looked around, "Now if you really want to talk about the ones who really changed..." he looked at where Iida, Izuku and Todoroki were talking and then where Haru was sitting, his head lying on his desk.

Sero looked up on hearing that, "Oh yeah, the Hero Killer! So, cool you guys took him down! Also, congrats on your big bro's recovery, Iida!"

"Yeah, we're all proud and happy for you guys," Kirishima added, "But you had us all worried sick."

"I can't believe you four had to face off against such a dangerous criminal without a pro," Yaoyorozu had her hand clutched to her ċhėst in concern.

"Did you guys hear?" Ojiro spoke up, "They're saying that the Hero Killer is connected to the League of Villains. Can you imagine if he had been there when they attacked the USJ?"

"He's scary yeah," Kaminari stated, "Did you see the video? It's all over the internet."

No one saw Haru tense at that.

"I didn't know there was s video," Ojiro admitted.

Kaminari pulled out his phone, pulling up the video, "Yeah, Stain's a pretty evil villain but super tenacious. He's almost kind of cool, don't you guys think?"

"Kaminari!" Izuku cried out, causing the electric blonde to look over and realize how insensitive the statement was considered both Iida was there.

"Oh..." he smacked a hand to his mouth, "Uh..."

"It's okay," Iida reassured him, "You're fine."

Haru twisted his head tiredly, smiling a little from behind his hair, "You were just being honest. Thoughtless, but honest."

Everyone stood nonplused at the unintentional jab at Kaminari's soul which Haru had made.

Iida stared at the bandages still around his arm a little sadly, "It is true he is quite a tenacious villain. I understand why people might think he was cool. I saw firsthand many things that were admirable about him, but instead of helping the world, he turned to cold-blooded murder. No matter his motives; killing cannot be condoned," everyone was silent as they pondered Iida's words, but were shaken out of their thoughts as Iida raised his voice, "To keep anyone else from suffering as I have... well, I promise!" he stretched out an arm to emphasize his fervor, "I'll aim to be the perfect hero!"

Izuku, pumped his fists, "Yeah, Let's do it!"

Haru stood up from his seat, "Okay! Class is about to... start..." he trailed off seeing everyone stares at his face.


Katsuki suddenly grabbed his brother's shoulder, gripping his chin as he looked closer at the burns around his mouth.

"What the hell?"

Haru pulled away, "I got them while training. It was late when we got home last night so you didn't see."

"My father went pretty hard on us," Todoroki explained, showing his left hand where similar burns could be seen.

He didn't mention that the burns were gained from hours of extra training done in the dead of sleepless nights or how bad the burns they were before Haru had managed to heal them to a presentable state.

Haru clapped his hands together, gaining everyone's attention, "Now! Everyone be seated. Mr. Aizawa has been waiting for thirty seconds now.

Everyone blinked and shifted their gaze to the large yellow cocoon that seemed to have appeared on the floor.


Haru motioned everyone to their seats and stepped over to the dormant object.

"Mr. Aizawa...?"


"Mr. Aizawa!"




Haru sank on one knee, pulling out his phone. He typed something in and set the device on the ground by the zipped-up sleeping bag.

"Here you go," he set the phone down as a cat video started to play.

A full second later, the cocoon rustled and unzipped, revealing a hand that grabbed the phone and pulled it back in zipping itself in again.

"...Class in five minutes..." Aizawa drawled tiredly before he chuckled at the contents of the video.

Everyone in Class 1A sweatdropped.


(During lunch...)

It took a lot of reassuring from Haru to convince Kaminari and Jiro he was alright. To his secret relief, it seemed Kaminari never watched the video through to the part that included him since the other boy had only watched it once and the video had been taken down halfway through his watching it.

"Can you go anywhere without almost dying?" Jiro asked, sighing.

Kaminari grinned as leaned back in his seat, placing his arms behind his head, "C'mon, Jiro. Haru's a tough guy. You can't kill him if you nuked him."

The electric blonde paled at Jiro's glare and Haru's suddenly thoughtful expression, "Wait it was a joke! Haru! I know that look, don't even think of testing whatever it is!"

Haru chuckled, "Don't worry, I was just calculating if any of my defensive moves could withstand an atomic bomb.

Jiro deadpanned, "And your verdict?"

Haru gave her a closed-eyed smile, "Absolutely not."

The girl sighed again, "You're a piece of work, did you actually calculate that or just guess?"

"Come on no way he calculated it. What's your IQ anyway?" Kaminari asked half-jokingly.

"Nothing special," Haru answered in the same tone.

"One hundred fifty-eight," Katsuki stated as he walked by carrying his tray of spicy curry.


(A/N) I ran a million searches of different calculated IQ numbers of both Naruto and BNHA characters. With most Naruto geniuses ranking high like Kakashi at 170, Itachi at 180-200, not to mention Shikamaru ranking above 200. Then there are BNHA smarts like Nezu at 245, Momo and All Might ranked 6/5 in intelligence (so near 200), Saiko with a base intelligence of 150, and Izuku and Katsuki being at 4/5 (with Katsuki's calculated number of 140). So, considering how fast I had Haru learn new Jutsu at this point and in the future, I ended up with this.



Haru frowned at Kaminari's screams, a little annoyed at his sibling. Wanting revenge, he created a paper ball and hurled it at his brother's head. Still, not looking, Katsuki caught it and burned it to ash with his Quirk.

"You're just jealous your score was lower at one hundred forty," Haru shot at him.

"Piss off!"

Haru stuck out his tongue tauntingly at Katsuki's back.

Kaminari was gaping at Haru in shock, "Okay, that's high."

Jiro smirked, "I was expecting higher, but guess I expected too much."

Haru popped a vein, "Har... har... Very funny."

Kaminari ġrȯȧnėd, "Damn! It makes my head spin on how fast you learn things."

Jiro flicked his forehead, "Yeah, unlike you."

"Stop being meeeeean!" Kaminari lifted his head, staring at an approaching cloud homing in on them, "Oh.. incoming..."


Monoma tripped midscream, faceplanting on the floor so hard his momentum sent him sliding forward until he was perfectly in line with the table his friends were sitting at.

Shiozaki skidded to a stop right next to him, her arms still held out from her failed attempt to catch him

Haru glanced down at Monoma, then back up at Shiozaki before calmly returning to his meal, "We saved a spot and got your favorites. Better eat before it gets cold."

Monoma raised his scuffed face from the ground and clawed his way to the edge of the table where he clung, glaring daggers at his friend.

"Explain yourself!"

Haru raised an eyebrow, "About what?"

Monoma pulled out the video of Stain showing it had been paused.

Haru deadpanned, "Well damn..."

Monoma slammed his hands on the table, his voice lowered to an urgent whisper, "This is a big deal! Aren't you worried about what people think of you?"

Jiro and Kaminari looked confused.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Kaminari asked.

Monoma slid into a seat, playing the remainder of the video on low volume so passersby could not hear.

Jiro looked at Haru, a slight trace of hurt in her eyes, "How long were you planning to keep this a secret?"

Shiozaki laced and unlaced her hands nervously, "To think you'd be placed under such a diabolical position. Aren't you going to do something about it? What about the teachers"

Haru set his chopsticks down looking at them all seriously, "What will I do? Nothing. There's nothing to do. Even if I deny everything, the media won't let it go. It was agreed that I don't make any public statement in either direction and let the police and Hero Commission take care of it."

Monoma clenched his fist angrily, "That's not fair."

"Life never is, copycat," they all looked up to see Shinso standing by them with a full tray, "Room for one more?"

They all brightened at the sight of the tired-looking boy.


"Glad you decided to join us," Jiro said genuinely as she shifted her seat to make room.

The lavender-haired boy sat down between Haru and Kaminari, "I felt like you losers needed some guidance from someone wiser in the world," he looked at each of them, "Whatever happened at Hosu, happened. No amount of talk will change it. I learned that the hard way back in middle school."

"It takes action to prove a point, you learned that two weeks ago," Haru taunted good-naturedly lightening the mood.

Shinso snorted.

Haru looked at his friends, his eyes softening, "I'm fine, guys. I wasn't going to live an ordinary life anyway because of my bloodline. I have all of you and Class 1A. Everything will work out fine."

Everyone smiled nodding silently, feeling a little reassured as they let the subject slide.

"So, Shinso," Kaminari eyed the other boy's arms noticing how he was grunting in discomfort as if he was in heavy discomfort, "What's with the stiff shoulders?"

Shinso shrugged, stopping as his sore shoulders complained at the moment, "I've been training."

"With the Shuei-Gumi?" Shiozaki looked at him curiously.

"Sometimes, but I've mostly been training with someone else."

Haru suddenly took interest, "Oh? Who?"

"It's a secret"

Haru let out a pout, "Stingy."

They all laughed.




All Might stood in front of the gathered Class 1A. Since it was hero training, they were all in their costumes. That is, all except Iida as his arm was still too injured to wear his armor.

All Might flashed a smile at them all, "I hope you are ready to return to your lessons! Today, it's hero basic training. It feels like I haven't seen you in a while! Welcome back!" he tilted his head forward in a business-like manner, "Now then. Listen carefully for what's in store. We're going to be conducting a little race! Take everything you've learned in your internships and apply it to this rescue training."

Iida raised his hand, "If it's rescue training, shouldn't be at the USJ instead?"

All Might nodded in agreement, "Ah! That facility specializes in disasters. As I said earlier, this is a race. So! Prepare! You are about to step into Field Gamma! Inside is an area full of factories that form an intricate labyrinth. So, good luck finding your way around. You'll be competing in groups of five. Each person starts in a different location on the outskirts of the model city. I'll send a distress signal and you do what you must to rescue me. Whoever finds me first, wins!" all the while he was speaking, All Might's finger was shifting around until it was pointing at Katsuki, "And try to keep the damage to a minimum please."

The ash-blonde popped a vein, "Why are you pointing at me?"

Haru gave a closed-eyed smile behind his masked features, "Cause when you go boom, you tend to make a mess."

The redhead's body turned into paper as his brother raised his arm and tried to explode him.

All Might gave an awkward chuckle, "Now, now! Calm down! First group in your places!"


Everyone stood on the observation platform to watch the race on the giant screen showing the five racers getting in place. Izuku, Iida, Sero, Ojiro, and Ashido waited patiently for the starting signal.

"Iida hasn't recovered yet," Kaminari pointed out, "He should sit this one out."

"Yeah, and everyone in this group has really good mobility," Kirishima agreed.

Yaoyorozu pondered the possible winners of the match, "I'd say Midoriya is at a heavy disadvantage against those four."

Jiro nodded, "Yeah, that's what I think. Moving around quickly isn't one of his strong suits, that's for sure. Whenever he uses his power he gets badly injured."

Kirishima looked at Kaminari, "Who's your pick? I'm betting on Sero."

Kaminari tilted his head, "Oh yeah? Hmm... I got odds on Ojiro."

Mineta pointed at the only female student on the screen, "I'm choosing Ashido because she's got a super athletic bod!"

"I know Deku will be last," Katsuki stated matter-of-factly.

"I think even if he's recovering, Iida's got his one," Uraraka claimed as Tsuyu agreed with her.

Haru leaned against the rail of the observation platform, his arm crossed over his ċhėst and his eyes closed.

The starting alarm went off, and all the contestants began moving towards All Might's signal.

Kirishima grinned as he saw Sero taking the lead by using his tape to swing above the buildings., "Look at him go! In a maze like this, it'd make sense to be above everything else!

Suddenly a green flash zipped past the black-haired boy, causing everyone to, minus Todoroki and Haru to gape in shock


"Since when can he do that?" Kaminari cried.

Katsuki glared at Haru, realizing that his sibling knew something about this, a given as Haru saw Izuku's newly mastered Quirk at Hosu.

He was ignored as Haru was now looking at the screen, or more accurately beyond it.

'Kagura Shingen: The Mind's Eye!'

Haru's eyes narrowed. While everyone was observing how Izuku's movements were almost carbon copies of Katsuki's maneuvers, he was observing something else.

'That energy signature... It's definitely Izuku's but it's also too foreign. It's almost like...' His focus shifted to where All Might was standing. 'Impossible... No improbable... Those other energy signatures at the sports festival...' He lowered his head, hiding his furrowed expression under the shadow of his sugegasa. 'I won't say anything for now.'


In the end, Sero won the match because Izuku miscalculated his footing and took a tumble that cost him the lead.

Haru and Katsuki ended up winning their respective rounds. Even though Haru had chosen to run instead of fly, his ability to enhance his speed and run across surfaces regardless of angle gave him the superior advantage in the match.

Now that training was over, all the students had retired to the locker rooms to clean up and change back into their school uniforms.

Sero ġrȯȧnėd, "It was some tough training today huh?"

Aoyama was wiping the sweat from his face with his cape, "It was the first class in a while that had me glistening."

Kirishima looked a little disheartened, "Man, I really got to work on my mobility."

"Still, you can also compensate by improving other skills," Tokoyami reassured him.

Kaminari paused mid pulling off his shirt, "Still I wish I could use my Quirk for speed. At most I can make short dashes, but I don't have enough control to use it in a race. It's at best a quick strike or dodge move."

Izuku looked a little downcast and thoughtful.

"Pssst! Midoriya!" Mineta broke Izuku from his thoughts as the smaller boy excitedly motioned at him to come closer, "You won't believe what I just found! The jackpot! Someone shawshanked a hole in this wall!" all the other boys looked up to see one of the posters on the wall torn away to reveal a small peephole in the wall, "A previous generation has given us a gift!" Mineta exclaimed, steam flaring from his nostrils, "You know what's next door right? This wall lies between us and the girl's locker room!"

A chill ran up everyone's spine upon realizing what this was.

Iida instantly began berating the perverted boy, "Don't even think about it! Peeping on them would be criminal!"

Mineta had clearly lost all sense of reason, "Then you're going to have to put me in solitary confinement because you can't stop me!" he tore the poster down and put his face up to the peephole, mumbling under his breath, "I want to see Yaoyorozu's curves... Ashido's slender waist... Hagakure's floating undėrwėȧr... Uraraka's super fine body... Asui's inexplicably soft boobies...!"

A sharpened plug shot from the peephole and stabbed itself directly in Mineta's probing eye, causing him to screech in pain while his ball like hair spiked out in all directions.

"It's Jiro's earphone jack!" Izuku exclaimed, "What a brutal and precise attack from next door!"

All the boys flinched at the sight of the merciless retribution as Mineta's screams of agony nearly burst their eardrums.

Haru went back from being about to punish Mineta to undressing from his costume, still looking a little ticked off.

'He didn't say anything about Kyoka... No! Bad thoughts! Since when did I know her by her first name? Bad Haru!'

He slammed his head against his locker, making everyone jump. They were about to ask why he did it but a hazardous dark miasma was seeping from the class rep's direction, signaling that silence was the best method of survival.


On the other side, the girls were glaring at the peephole angrily.

"Ugh! Thanks, Kyoka!" Hagakure huffed.

Yaoyorozu was righteously offended, "Despicable. We'll close up this hole immediately."

Jiro was leaning against the wall, one earphone jack still down the peephole while the other was jammed into the wall where she had been listening in on the boys' conversation.

'Why am I the only one he didn't say anything about?' A look of embarrassment appeared on her face as she wrapped her arms around herself self-consciously.

Ashido pressed a finger to her cheek as an idea hit her, "You know... instead of filling the hole, maybe we should use it for ourselves?"

Her words made all the other girls stare at her in shock and disbelief, "WHAT?"

The pink girl grinned evilly, "If boys are going to peep on us, why not return the favor? I know some of you are curious."

Uraraka and Jiro blushed heavily and even Hagakure had a rosy tint on her invisible features.

"Mina, that's inappropriate!" Yaoyorozu tried to say but she was also curious.

Seeing that no one was going to stop her, Ashido's smile grew wider and she pushed Jiro away from the hole.

"Show me those muscled bodies, boys," she exclaimed, putting her eye up to the peephole.

"I don't think this is a good idea," Tsuyu warned, "Someone might catch you and it will make us no better than Mineta."

Ashido waved her off, "We're just getting information on the guys we like. This is purely for research."

"But Mina, you don't like anyone," Uraraka said, suddenly growing red, "Not that I have anyone I like."

Ashido gave a low squeal, "Damn girls, you hit the jackpot!"

"Who? What" all reluctance was lost as all the girls gathered around, wanting the details.

Ashido giggled, "For someone with a babyface, Midoriya is pretty cut... I knew Todoroki was hot, but he's seriously flawless under his shirt, OMG...! Same with Bakugo... I knew he worked out, but wow... I think just every guy in our class is jacked... Oh my..."


"Class Rep is taking off his shirt!"

They all waited with bated breaths.

"Shit! I think he noticed!"

The girls gasped stepping back from the peephole.

"Ashido was too absorbed with watching to stop, "He's coming towards the wall... Why is he forming hand signs? Oh, wait! NONONONONONO!"

She jerked back as the hole in the wall was suddenly filled in with Haru's earth chakra.

The girls blinked in surprise.

Ashido pouted, "He sealed up the hole...."

There was an awkward silence of shame and embarrassment at being caught staring, albeit a few secret regrets on not getting a turn to look.


(Undisclosed location of the ominous type...)

"Reclaim the title of hero. Change this corrupted society and find your peace."

The video on the large screen paused at the picture of Stain pressing his sword into a now all too familiar redhead's hands.

"I didn't think he'd get caught... but even then everything would have gone exactly as expected... this new development is quite a hazard."

The faceless features of the man watching the video were twisted into a smile that showed no satisfaction or joy.

"The boy has remained silent. An unexpected move," a short silhouette stood behind the seat teeming with life-support apparatus and cords, "With his neither openly accepting nor denying the implied position as the Hero Killer's successor, it will cause many to hold back and wait for further word. We must proceed with caution."

"Yes, those who wish to wreak havoc or simply sympathize with the Hero Killer will more likely seek out the League of Villains in order to find this boy, but a wrong move on the League's part will cause them just as easily break away. Tomura Shigaraki will be put in a precarious position where he must unify many new recruits."

"I believe things would move faster if you were to talk to them yourself or recruited the Uzumaki boy now," the shorter man said as he adjusted the setting on a screen showing the life signs of his master, "I'm not so sure if your successor has grown at all enough to unite the League of Villains.

"Then you'd better hurry and fix my body, doctor," the faceless man chuckled before he sobered, "As for my successor, I'm sure he'll do well. Even if I have to work him to the bone. It's the only way he'll be able to take my place. He was born with the twisted mind we needed to become the next me."

"If only we'd gotten our hand on the super regeneration Quirk five years earlier," the doctor complained, "Now that your wounds are healed, we can't really do anything to help you. Finding a restorative Quirk we can steal would be too difficult and risky to try. Even the criminals of the underworld would fight to protect those with healing Quirks considering how rare and important they are. We can't afford to make enemies at this time," the doctor turned to a third silhouette that appeared from the shadows, "If you helped us, our plans would have been complete years ago, but you've been too adamant of remaining behind the scenes and keeping your secrets. You even knew of the Uzumaki's existence long before us and yet you remained silent on the matter."

The third silhouette turned its gaze at the other man, speaking in a deep voice, "Patience, doctor. You seem to forget it was I who retrieved the body of Oboro Shirakumo over a decade ago for you and gave you such an important Nomu. I have my own plans and goals I want to achieve and being hasty won't be beneficial for me in the slightest," the mysterious figure stared at the screen, "You cannot treat this boy carelessly. We have no clue what precautions or safeguards could have been set on him by his parents. I suggest you proceed with caution as the plan unfolds," the unknown man turned away and faded into the shadows, "I will continue manipulating events through the emperor to cover your tracks, but you have limited time. People grow restless."

After the other man left, All for One leaned back in his seat, "I hope you're celebrating while you still can, All Might.. Very soon this temporary peace will come to a violent end."

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