Shikigami Dance: Naruto/BNHA Crossover

Chapter 45 - And the Plot Thickens

(A/N) Sorry for the delay. Junior year of college...


A burning log snapped amidst the roaring fire on the hearth where Author-Sama was reading.

"And so two months go by... but since the author wants to go straight to the main story go right to the Final Exams Arc."

Author-Sama slammed the book shut in perfect sync as the door to the room slamming open.

"Wait? You can't just skip through two months and have no explanation on my progress!" Haru screamed at the shadowy figure of their creator, "What about my character development?"

Author-Sama rubbed their eyes tiredly, "We aren't missing anything. The anime skips right here anyway. They just don't explain it since the time skip happens between the end of an episode and a post-credits scene. How about a training montage in written form?"

Haru sweatdropped, "Are you being serious right now?" he waved his hand around at the room which was suspiciously designed like Rivendell from Lord of the Rings, "And anyway, what's with this?"

Author-Sama did air glasses as they returned Haru's questioning look calmly, "I may be a recluse of sorts, but I appreciate the beauty of things. I happen to have a hobby in architecture."

Haru raised an eyebrow, "So... elves..."

Author-Sama snapped their fingers, changing the room to a vast library brimming with all kinds of books.

"This better?" they asked as several grimoire-type books floated around them as their former Elvin robes became a darker color.

Haru grabbed one of the floating grimoires, leafing through it, "It's not that different."

Author-Sama popped a vein, "Fine..."

Haru peered at one image that looked to be a spoiler and paled, "What the... You twisted sicko!"

Author-Sama snapped their fingers removing the image and hazing their character's memory of the event, "Whoops!"

"What's all this again," Haru asked, continuing where he had left off before his memory wipe.

Author-Sama waved off his comment, "I'm in writing mode. This is the visualization of my mind when I organized the facts and write it down."

Haru looked at a screen showing the words he had just heard being processed and listed out before he saw the sentence you are now reading (dear reader) appear beneath it.

"What's it like before that? Can I see you brainstorm?"


(The Greatest Showman Cast - A Million Dreams (Reprise) [Official Audio]:


After exposing Haru to the full power of their mindscape for five seconds they replaced everything with a dark void where they floated about aimlessly.

Haru looked a little green from the overstimulation and chaos of unrestrained mindscape.

"Yeah, I break my mindscape into categories for that reason," Author-Sama explained and clapped their hands together, "Now! You will return to the story and I will create that little montage."

Haru raised a hand as he was suċkėd into a portal of light, "Wait! I have questions!"

After he disappeared, Author-Sama pulled up a hologram of his list of favorite songs and proceeded to listen to the majority of them.

"These will do," they selected the dėsɨrėd music and pulled out a ŀȧptop, cracking their knuckles, "Right."


(A/N) You all know the drill... Pick one...

Make a Hero out of you (Animatic) Re-upload:

Disney's Tarzan - Son of Man - Phil Collins (2nd version):

Strangers Like Me [ANIMATION] - Caleb Hyles & CG5 (Disney Cover):


Haru poured over one of the large tomes and scrolls in his room, his exhausted features clear evidence of how tired he was.

"Alright, one more time," he focused his chakra, bringing his hand up into a crossed finger hand sign, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

There was a bang as three identical copies of Haru appeared.

"Yo, boss!" the first one said, raising his hand in greeting, "Nice to meet you!"

The second slumped down on the floor, yawning, "Four hours of practice and only three of us, what a letdown.

"Hey! It's his first time succeeding in this!" the third cried out, "Maintaining focus for shadow clones is difficult even for Jonin!"

"Actually, he's half Uzumaki..." the first pointed out a little reluctantly.

The second nodded, "Oh yeah, his mom."

Haru glared at the offending clone, "Leave my mother out of this!"

The second sighed, standing up, "Fine, fine," it picked up the scroll, "So your mom sealed scrolls with various techniques in your chakra basics book. Smart," the clone scanned the scroll, "You already have paper clone you use for reconnaissance and who help ȧssist you in fights. I guess that either you need us because we are capable of using Jutsu or you need us to accelerate learning."

The third deadpanned, "You guess? He's our original. You know!

Haru sighed his shoulders slumping, "This is going to take a while."


Haru stood in the center of a barren sparing courtyard opposite a man with dragon tattoos, his hands lightly gripping a wooden training katana.

"Now, attack," Ryuu, commanded.

Ryuu vanished in a flash, making Haru close his eyes at the blinding light. Ryuu appeared behind the boy, aiming a downward blow to the boy's back.

Without even looking or even opening his eyes, Haru spun on his heel, deflecting his opponent's strike.

Ryuu nodded excitedly, "That's it! Use those instincts!"

Haru slid into an attack stance, his sensory pulsing briefly as he gained a mental visual of his surroundings. With a lunge, he aimed a slash at Ryuu's ċhėst.

Ryuu sidestepped the attack, bringing his sword up to rest against Haru's neck.

The two froze, each with a sword at the other's neck with their other hand was held up ready to deflect the others' menacing weapons.

Ryuu grunted, pulling his sword to rest on his shoulder, "Very good. You've learned well since I took you on years ago."

Haru withdrew his sword, his eyes still shut as he bowed formally, "Thank you for your teachings, sensei."

Ryuu preened like a peacock, "Ah! I'm pretty good, aren't I?"

Ryuu bellowed out a laugh that was cut short as a third person suddenly appeared at the far end of the training ground.

"Quite an entertaining demonstration," Claude praised, giving a slow clap, "But I'm sure you'd benefit more if you'd let a true expert teach you."

Haru pulled out a pair of origami senbon from the air and flung them at the hitman's heart.

Claude smirked as he caught the projectiles, "You've gotten better."

Haru deadpanned, inching away every time Clause took a step forward, "And you're still sneaky."

Ryuu popped a vein at his natural enemy, "Begon, Beehive scum before I call the men out on you!"

Claude adjusted his glasses, "Are they even capable of taking me on?

Haru hung his head in depression, "Here we go again..."


A shadow clone sat in the principal's office, glancing over a large tome and the many stacks of notes scattered around it alongside the tiny Nezu perched on his shoulder.

"Yes, that must be it," Nezu exclaimed happily as he pointed at an illustration of a particular seal, "It's in that part of the formula that this Sealing Jutsu's key is found.

The clone grunted, mentally filing the information away as it noted the fact down.

Nezu looked at his ŀȧptop and typed down more information.

"I'm happy you allowed me to create this program. With the artificial intelligence I created, thanks to a little help from my contacts, we are able to analyze the seals much faster and learn more on their potential."

The clone nodded, using Shikigami Dance to organize the notes into a file as it shut the book they had been reading and the books on calligraphy, space/time theory, barriers, and energy composition.

"Thank you for your help, Principal," it said earnestly, "Without your help, we wouldn't be able to get this far alone."

Nezu transported the books to a nearby shelf he had set aside specifically for Fuinjutsu research, "Even with our combined efforts it may take years to unlock the full potential of the limits and uses for Sealing Jutsu, but these past couple of months have born promising fruit," he grunted motioning at the tea set at his desk, "Care to have a casual chat? I'm always willing to learn more about your world."

The clone accepted the offered tea, "I have time."


In one of the clearings in the forested Ground Omega, Haru sat cross-legged on the grass his face set with heavy concentration.

"I got it, boss!"

He looked up to see a clone holding up a split leaf.

"Finally!" one of the other clones dropped the leaf it was holding and leaned back, "We've been destroying leaves for days! How long do we keep doing this?"

Haru looked at the leaves in his hand, one with a perfectly burned hole in the center and the split on the successful clone had given him, "You know, I can swear I don't complain as much as you do."

The discontented clone snorted, "I just voice what you think but don't say."

A third clone walked up, holding another leaf, "You know that's not true. You're exaggerating," he looked at Haru in confusion, "I did what you asked, but I can't tell if this type of training is useful for this."

Haru nodded, receiving the leaf, "Using Yang style of a leaf was a long shot."

The complaining clone scoffed, "That's because Yang Style is physical energy and vitality. You put that into a perfectly healthy leaf, you aren't going to see a difference.

"..." Haru and the other two clones were struck dumb.

"He's got a point," the first one finally said.

Haru popped a vein, "Oh, shut up," he held his hand up in a seal of confrontation, "Release!"

The three clones vanished in a puff of smoke.

Haru placed a hand to his head, "Dealing with their mental fatigue is much more straining than my paper clones," he sighed, "But they're effective. Maybe one of these days I'll be able to manage five."

He paused, focusing on the untouched leaf in his hand.

Closing his eyes he focused, feeling the flow of vitality passed from him into the leaf. For a brief moment, a white glimmer emanated from his fingers. All around him, the surrounding foliage flushed a deeper green and became more robust as it fed off of the pure life energy being spread throughout the grove.

Letting out a breath, the Haru opened its eyes, a satisfied smile gracing its lips.


(Now that we've got that montage out of the way, we go back to the story...)

It had been nearly two months since the night of the Hozu Incident and Stain's capture.

It was just another normal early summer day as Jiro strolled down the street from the train station to the school. As she walked she hummed a song that was in her head. Subconsciously realizing she was the only person on the street she allowed herself to sing out loud, her sultry voice floating over the air.


(Play: Hawks find Y/N singing [Animatic]


"♪–Don't wanna taste it~ That's just too bitter for worse, don't wanna face it~♪" she twirled around, completely immersed into the music.

Suddenly, a second voice joined in on the chorus, making her eyes widen.

"♪But I think that I'm done trippin', I'm trip-trippin' I've been sippin', that's how I control~ This feelin', you keep givin'~ You keep on hittin' it, ooh, oh~♪"

Startled, she looked around to see who it was, her voice trailing off.

A paper buŧŧerfly crossed her vision as she heard the male voice keep singing.

"♪Maybe it's your love, it's too good to be true~ Baby boy, your love, got me trippin' on you~♪"

Whirling around, she gasped at the sight of Haru grinning at her from where he sat on top of a courtyard wall, his arms wrapped around the knee pulled to his ċhėst while his white wings framed his body casually. With a rush of origami feathers, he unfurled them and dropped to the sidewalk, his hands shoved in his pockets.

"♪You know your love is big enough, make me trip up on you~♪" his silky voice sent chills up her neck as he leaned down so he was at eye level with her, "You sound happy today!"

The poor girl flushed as red as a tomato at being caught singing, "Sh-shut up!"

Haru expertly dodged her attempt to stab him with her jacks and took a step back, "Seriously, you should start your own NewTube channel! You can get a lot of free promotion for yourself and do something you like at the same time."

Jiro jabbed his arm with her earphone jack making him flinch, "And what, you'll make origami tutorials?"

Haru hummed and stroked his chin thoughtfully, "Not a bad idea!"


Recovery Girl stared fixedly at the scroll spread on the medical table, or more accurately, its contents, her expression intense, "Hmmm?"

Haru had a similar expression as he stared with the same intensity, "Hm!"

Recovery Girl rapped her cane on the ground, "Begin."

Haru stretched out his hands a clear green chakra coating his hands. For several seconds the room was filled with the whooshing sound of healing energy.

Finally, the glow faded and Haru took a step back.

Both he and Recovery Girl stared hard at the thing on the table. A second later it twitched, spreading its many tentacles around experimentally as it returned to life.

Haru's face lit up, "I did it!"

Recovery Girl gave a satisfied nod as she softly poked the revived octopus, "It took a little time, but I am proud to say we managed it. We recreated the Mystical Palm of your world."

Actually, saying it took a little time was an understatement. Haru had been trying to learn this technique for several years before attending UA but lacked the knowledge to perfect it. A single mistake could send a person into a coma or even injure them, so the best he was capable of before was stimulating the body's natural healing to a small degree or numb the nerves to deal with pain. Now, thanks to his many years of effort, the extensive knowledge of Earth's medical field, and the guidance of Recovery Girl, and learning the key factor which included the use of Yang Chakra, Haru had finally learned to use Medical Ninjutsu. The elusive Mystical Palm, a failed effort for so long, was now perfected to its finest, capable of treating either injury or disease.

Of course, Haru still had years of training and experience to gain before he could be labeled a full-fledged Medical Hero, but Recovery Girl was more than confident to allow him to treat minor injuries or ȧssist with more major ones as her official apprentice.

When word spread around the school about the handsome new ȧssistant at the nurse office, students of all years found an excuse to get checked on, hoping to receive the warmth and attention of the teen's gentle smile and experience the honestly addictive treatment he gave. If Recovery Girl was being honest, she found it entertaining how many students found their way in with minor scrapes and bruises that they would normally ignore just to get the opportunity to get close to the boy. Her office hasn't seen such a large number of patients since she was a thriving young beauty in her prime. It was made all the more entertaining as Haru, completely oblivious of their intentions, performed treatment without concern.

It wasn't just girls either. Plenty of boys had given him the eyes too.

It was just as well that Haru did not notice, a fact everyone learned when one particularly bold student tried to spank him in the hall when none of the staff were around. He was met by a heavy kick and enough charged lightning to floor a bear not to mention a follow-up from Katsuki blasted him awake to finish the job painfully before Aizawa showed up. The matter was dropped (at Haru's request) but the eyes either stopped or became more discrete as it became understood that just because a student was working in the nurse's office it did not make them any more approachable than if it were a teacher.

Recovery Girl gave a small chuckle, making Haru look at her questioningly.

"What's so funny?"

The old heroine only gave him a knowing smile, "Oh nothing. Now, please do the necessary prep work. Class 3E's biology class will need it for their dissection later today. Hopefully, their teacher won't turn it into takoyaki like last time."

Haru nodded, using the Mystical Palm to numb the mollusk's pain receptors before skillfully killing its nine brains with an electric shock and stopping its three hearts. No pain. No struggle. Quick and silent.

"You served a good life. Your sacrifice will be remembered and will be used for the benefit of others."

Recovery Girl nodded in satisfaction. Showing respect for a life taken, even if it was just an animal in some people's eyes, was important for members of the medical field. As a medical hero in training, this would also apply to Haru. The value of life, even down to the smallest cell.

Having paid his respects, Haru formed hand signs in quick succession, "Medical Ninja Art: Chakra Scalpel."

A deadly blue light vibrated from his fingers as Haru focused his chakra into thin sharp blades and got to work.

"Does it still bother you, dear?" the old heroine sat on her seat, as the boy silently operated.

"Does what bother me?" Haru deactivated the Jutsu he was using and covered his hands in medical fluids.

"What happened a couple of months ago. You've been pushing yourself hard," Recovery Girl frowned a the memory.

She didn't approve of the whole affair or how it was dealt with, but there was little she could do about it at the time. So she did the only thing she could do, and that was to help her student grow so he'd be able to rise to the challenge.

Haru smiled good-naturedly, using the medicinal liquids on his hand to drain the bodily fluids from the octopus, "I'd be lying if I said it didn't, Granny Chiyo, but it's fine."

The old woman smiled warmly, "You know, I was at a children's hospital the other day. I was helping treat a little boy with a broken arm and would you believe it, he was smiling despite the pain? Do you know why?"

Haru shook his head.

Recovery Girl smiled, "He wanted to be a hero. A hero who would get back up and fight for his dream," she leaned back in her seat, closing her eyes, "I never saw the real need for a Symbol of Peace but I know how important it is for a child to have a hero to look up to. A courageous, self-sacrificing person who can set an example for them. People look to them for hope in hard times. I believe there's a hero in all of us... That keeps up honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride. Sometimes we have to give up what we want most, even our dreams... Sometimes being a hero is taking small steps. We may not see it as much, but to others, it makes a big difference," she opened her eyes, "You're still young, Haru. Take things one step at a time. Don't give up on your dreams before they've started."

Haru's expression softened, "I'll try."


(Later at homeroom...)

Aizawa for once was standing in front of the class as he made an announcement, "Well, it's almost time for summer vacation," he stifled a yawn, "Don't get too excited. You can't just relax an entire month."

Kaminari and Kirishima exchanged intense knowing looks, "Does that mean...?"

"You'll be training..." Aizawa paused for effect, "While you're camping in the woods."

All the more excitable students jumped up in their seats, raising their fists as they cheered, "I knew it! Alright!"

"A big sleepover!" Ashido squealed.


"Fireworks!" Tsuyu cried out.


Iida raised an arm in a chopping motion, "And smores!"

"Skinny dipping!"

Haru popped a vein at Mineta's one-track yells and snapped his fingers gagging the other boy's mouth with his origami.

Yaoyorozu became thoughtful, as she mused her thought out loud, "We've been training in cities so this will be very different conditions for most of us."

Tokoyami crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat, "No matter what the environment, we must always remain vigilant. Yes, very wise."

Hagakure waved her arms excitedly, "Hanging out with everyone all summer? I'm so excited!"

Aizawa glared at them, his eyes glowing red, "However."

"..." everyone became silent.

The pro hero closed his eyes, "Those of you who don't pass the final exam before the semester is over will have summer school."

Kirishima turned to look at his classmates, a serious look on his face, "Everyone does your best!"

Katsuki clicked his tongue, "Tch, this is so stupid."

"You girls better pass this thing!" Mineta called out, having finally removed the gag.

Aizawa tapped his stack of papers on the desk, "You have one week until your final exams begin. I'm sure you're all studying constantly, right? Don't forget to keep training. The written exam is only one element. There's also the practical portion to worry about," he opens the door to the classroom, giving all one final side glance, "Good luck."

The door slid shut with an ominous thud.

"I've bȧrėly even taken notes this semester!" both Kaminari and Ashido cried out, the boy in complete panic while the girl was almost cheerful.

Ashido began laughing half hysterically while Kaminari gripped his head in his hands, "Between the sports festival and the internship I bȧrėly had time to read the textbook!"

The class looked up at the scoresheet hanging by the blackboard on the wall.

Midterm Results

1. Haruko Bakugo

2. Momo Yaoyorozu

3. Tenya Ida

4. Katsuki Bakugo

5. Izuku Midoriya

6. Shoto Todoroki

7. Tsuyu Asui

8. Kyoka Jiro

9. Mashirao Ojiro

10. Minoru Mineta

11. Mezo Shoji

12. Koji Koda

13. Ochaco Uraraka

14. Fumikage Tokoyami

15. Eijiro Kirishima

16. Toru Hagakure

17. Hanta Sero

18. Yuga Aoyama

19. Mina Ashido

20. Denki Kaminari

Tokoyami sweatdropped, "Yes. We haven't actually had a lot of free time between that and training.

Sero ġrȯȧnėd, "We bȧrėly learned anything when we took our midterm so they didn't seem all that hard, but I'm kind of worried about the finals. We've been through a lot and they probably won't pull any punches while testing us."

Mineta smirked, "As someone ranked in the top ten, I'm not that concerned."

Kaminari and Ashido looked at the scoresheet, "WHAT? YOU GOT TENTH AT MIDTERMS?" they screamed in disbelief.

Ashido pouted angrily, "Ah man! Here I thought you were one of us!"

"Don't you know weirdo little creeps like are only likable if they're kind of stupid?" Kaminari asked, "Who's going to love you now?"

Mineta gave off Aoyama like sparkles, "Everyone. Trust me."

Haru pulled out a sheet, "For some reason, he did rank 18th in the first character popularity poll."


Haru flipped the page, "But in the second popularity poll, he got 31st and in the third popularity poll he got 45th. So as the story progresses, he gets less and less popular."

Mineta stood up in his seat, screaming at the top of his lungs, "STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL! THEY DON'T NEED TO KNOW!"

Sero surveyed the damaged fourth wall, "Damn! Do I have to tape this up?"

Haru waved his hand dismissively, "It will fix itself."

Ashido whɨnėd, "Whatever, what will I do if I fail? I wanna go so bad!"

"Ashido! Kaminari!" Izuku called out, gaining the two students' attention, "We still got time to study. Then we can all go to the training camp together! Right?"

Iida raised his hand, "Yes! As class secretary, I have high hopes that we'll make UA proud!"

"It's pretty hard to fail if you just pay attention in class, isn't it?" Todoroki queried.

Haru sweatdropped giving the bicolored-haired boy an awkward chuckle, "Todoroki, that doesn't apply to everyone."

Kaminari clutched his ċhėst as if he were in pain as he took in the group of top scorers trying to encourage him, "Why do you have to cut me down like that?"

Ashido threw herself on her knees by the class mom's, aka Yaoyorozu's, desk, "Mommy! Help! I'm failing!"

The vice representative smiled at her patting her head comfortingly, "Don't worry about it, I can catch you up to speed on the important topics if you want."

Ashido and Kaminari clasped their hands, giving thanks to their new savior, "You're the best, Yaomomo!"

Yaoyorozu frowned and hung her head in gloom, "I'm afraid I won't be much help when it comes to the practical though."

Haru spoke up, "If it's physical training, I can help with that. I can't let Yaoyorozu tackled both Kaminari and Ashido at once without help."

The two teens glowered at him.

"Why do I sense a hidden insult there?" Kaminari growled.

"Yeah, Class Rep's a meanie," Ashido snorted.

Jiro walked up to Yaoyorozu's desk, "I've been studying, but I still have problems with quadratic functions. Can I come too?"

Sero pressed his hand together as he pleaded with Haru, "Tutor me, please! Classical Japanese is killing me!"

Ojiro approached them, "Is there room for one more? I'm afraid I'm falling behind a little."

The trio spoke together, "Pretty please!"

Yaoyorozu's eyes sparkled happily, "This is wonderful!" she stood up all excited, "Yes! Let's do it!"

The pleading trio returned her smile, "Alright~!"

Yaoyorozu turned away, already planning the visit, "Okay! We can hold a study session at my residence over the weekend!"

Ashido practically danced for joy at the prospect of visiting a friend's house, "Really? I can't wait to see your fancy digs!"

Yaoyorozu was nearly as bouncy as Ashido as she gushed her plans out loud, "Oh! I must tell the mother to prepare the great hall for us to set up! It'll be the perfect spot!"

Jiro and Kaminari stood in a trance not hearing half of what she said.

'Great hall...?'

"What kind of tea does everyone like?" Yaoyorozu suddenly asked, "I'll have her make sure we're stocked! In my family, we always drink Harrod's or Wedgewood so if you have any other preference, let me know! When we're finished, you'll all be model students! I'll make it my personal duty to push you forward!"

Despite the fact she was unintentionally humble bragging, the five students who she had promised to tutor could only bask in their vice representative's warm aura.

"About that tea..." Kaminari voiced blissfully, "I'm not so sure about that Harry one."

"No, it's from Harrod's," Yaoyorozu corrected.

Haru bopped his fist into his hand, "Say, do you happen to have Harney & Sons Jasmine Tea?"

Yaoyorozu pressed a finger to her cheek, "I believe so. What type of jasmine do you prefer, Yin Hao, Silver Needle, or Dragon Pearl?"

"Silver Needle sounds nice."

The other five deadpanned. 'He speaks her language...'

Haru noticed their look, "What? You know how many people I know who are obsessed with tea?"

Kaminari sweatdropped, "Oh yeah... I forgot you're rich too..."

Jiro hid a smile, "Geez, guys. Way to be bigoted against the wealthy."

Kaminari began crying crocodile tears, "Bigoted?" he flung himself on Haru, clinging to the redhead's blazer, "Daddy! Jiro's using dirty boy words!"

Ojiro blinked, looking around in confusion, "Who is daddy?"

Haru rubbed his forehead, "Based on class position, I ȧssume it's me..." he paused, "And you perverted readers stop thinking dirty thoughts."


On the other side of the room, Kirishima sent a grin at Katsuki, "Sound's like I should be studying with them."

"You think I don't know enough?" Katsuki growled, "Maybe I should beat the lessons into your skull."

Kirishima remained grinning but looked determined, "I'm counting on it."

Hearing them, Aoyama gave a light scoff, "Everyone's panicking right now but it won't do them any good to cram this late in the game."

"Shouldn't you be more concerned?" Shoji asked, "You didn't do very well in the midterms."

The French boy turned to the taller student, his face overshadowed, "Are you talking about moi? I did just fine, thank you," he huffed, obviously offended at being reminded of his low placing.


(Later in the cafeteria...)

At one of the table in the cafeteria, Izuku, Uraraka, Iida, Tsuyu, Todoroki, and Hagakure.

"I'm kind of scared about the practical," Izuku worried as he pressed his hands together for itadakimasu, "I have no idea what it's going to be."

"Hard to believe they'd give us anything too crazy," Iida stated.

"The written exams will all be from class so I should at least be able to do those," Izuku admitted.

Uraraka trembled a little remembering her midterm score, "Do you really think it'll be that simple?"

Izuku took a bite, "It's driving me nuts. I just want to know what they'll have us doing."

Hagakure fiddled with her chopsticks, "It's a comprehensive test of everything we learned this year.

"Yup, and that's all we could get Mr. Aizawa to tell us," Tsuyu said.

Uraraka mentally reviewed what they learned, "Okay~ So combat training, rescue training... oh and basic training."

Izuku was on the verge of mumbling, "We can't just study, we have to stay in great physical shape."

He yelped as an elbow rammed him hard at the back of the head.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Monoma cried, his face full of shock, "I wasn't paying attention and ran into you! Are you okay?"

Izuku rubbed the back of his head dazedly, "Ow... You're from Class 1B. Monoma, right? It hurt a little but I'm fine."

Monoma blew out a sigh of relief, "Oh, that's good," his expression sobered, "Look, I don't like you guys or your class. I'm not exactly thrilled you dragged one of my friends into the Hero Killer business."

Izuku and Iida tensed.

"You mean Haru-chan, right?" Izuku asked while the others around the table remained silent.

Monona's eyes suddenly became like two chips of ice, "Haru was one of the few people I've met who treated me like a regular human being, even though I had a Quirk that was supposed to be villainous. Damn it, he even helped me during the entrance exams after I tried to take advantage of him."

Izuku blinked in surprise, "I didn't hear about that."

Monoma snorted, "Of course he didn't say anything," he sent a pointed glare at the seated group, "As you may know, Haru is capable of feeling compassion towards just about anyone. It's because of that, I've decided to help you guys out."

Iida blinked, "What?"

"You're all worried about what's on the practical," Monoma stated, "Well our class rep, Kendo, has a friend a few grades up who told her that it'll be combat against robots like the entrance exam," his shrugged, "I know... Cheating... but gathering information ahead of time could also be a part of the test."

"Uh. T-thank you," Izuku stuttered.

Monoma began to walk past them, calling over his shoulder, "A word of warning. You are all not in the spotlight because you are good heroes but because you keep getting into trouble. That's not being cruel, it's just how this twisted society works. You all better be sure to improve and not drag the rest of us into your mess and make us unwitting victims," he paused, glancing back at them, "But if things go down and Class 1B gets involved with some villain attack, just know we won't stand by and do nothing. When all's said and done, when facing villains, class rivalries no longer apply."

The blonde left the 1A students dumbstruck as he headed for a table at the far end of the room composed of students from several classes chatting contentedly.

Uraraka looked at Tsuyu, "What was that about?"

The frog girl tilted her head, "I think that was his way in declaring a truce?"


(Ending homeroom...)


Ashido and Kaminari's yell made everyone flinch at the volume.

"This will be super easy if it's just robots!" Kaminari cried out in relief.

"Such awesome news," Ashido agreed.

"Why do you sound so happy?" Shoji acted as the voice of reason, "You both have a hard time controlling your Quirks."

Kaminari pumped his fists, "Yeah, I've gotten better, but I can let loose with robots!"

"And melting them will be a cinch for me!" Ashido added.

"Now you just need Yaoyorozu to help you study and you'll be all set for finals," Sero grinned.

"We'll definitely be able to go to the training camp now!" the other two cheered.

Katsuki got up from his seat and slid his chair back in place, "It shouldn't matter whether it's robots or actual people. Why are you morons so excited?"

Kaminari bristled, "Hey, who are you calling a moron?"

Katsuki popped a vein, "Shut up! You need to learn how to control your Quirk! You got it?"

The electric blonde was struck dumb.

Haru sat up in his seat, giving Katsuki a warning look, "Katsuki. That's enough."

The elder Bakugo ignored him and glared in Izuku's direction, "Hey, Deku.

The moss-haired boy stiffened as the ash-blonde teen's crimson eyes glared deathly at him.

"I don't know what's going on with your power, but I saw the way you were using it now and I want you to know," the glared intensified, "It's seriously pissing me off."

"Uh oh," Uraraka whispered, "It be about how Deku was flying around like him when they got back from the internships."

"He's still upset about that?" Iida whispered back.

"I won't have a half-assed result from you like at the festival," Katsuki declared, "We'll be getting individual scores in the upcoming finals. New rankings," he pointed in Izuku's direction challengingly, "So we'll all know exactly where we're standing. I'll show you how much better I am," he shifted his glare at a certain heterochromatic eyed boy at the far side of the room, "And Todoroki, I'll kill you too."

Haru reached out a hand, "Katsuki."

Katsuki flung off his brother's restraining hand, "Piss off!" he sent a glare at him, "After I slay those two, I'm coming for you. You better give it all you got from the start," he turned away, "I don't care what you can or can't tell me but be ready for me to force you to spill your guts."

A flicker of hurt filled Haru's eyes as the door to the classroom was forcefully slammed shut.

Everyone remained where they were, awkwardly trying to look like they weren't involved.

Kirishima scratched the back of his head, "I haven't seen him that worked up in a while."

"You think it's impatience?" Tokoyami guessed, "Or hatred?"

A few of the students looked at Haru, but they instantly looked away as they saw the stoic look on his face. Whatever emotions were there, and whatever Haru had felt from his sibling, it was clear they would never get it from him. They could only judge that it wasn't a simple matter if it got their Class Rep this worked up.

Jiro placed a hand on Haru's shoulder, "You okay?"

Haru raised a hand, touching hers, "I'm fine. It's been a long day."

He shouldered his bag and walked to the door, sliding it open.


The redhead looked up to see Todoroki standing by him.

"Yes, Todoroki?"

"Can I ask you a favor?"


The sound of skates echoes across the ice rink as the two boys, now in casual clothes, stepped on the frozen surface covering the floor.

Haru expertly skated backward, facing Todoroki and they both glided across the empty rink.

"When you said you needed a favor, I wasn't expecting this."

Todoroki shrugged, "I needed a training partner to help me with mobility. This seemed like a good place to practice."

Haru shook his head, his lips twitching, "And your family just happens to own a private rink."

The bicolored-haired boy gave him a blank look.


Haru let out a chuckle, making the other boy tilt his head in confusion, "What's so funny?"

The redhead spun before performing a quick lutz and balancing one skate as he circled around in reverse, "Oh nothing, I just thought it was funny."

Todoroki shrugged, not understanding, "Okay."

Haru began skating backward, "I'm going to fire some lower-level attacks at you. Prepare to dodge."

Todoroki nodded, bracing himself as he skated around his training partner, "Right!"

Haru stretched out a hand, "Paper Shuriken!"

A flurry of four-pointed origami weapons flew at Todoroki, humming as they spun in the air.

Using a series of twists and skillful maneuvers, Todoroki dodged, dusked, and spun out of the way. Remembering something from a previous memory, he glanced behind and discovered many of the shuriken had changed direction and were aiming at his back.

He ducked low, sending up a cloud of ice particles flying as he made a sharp turn, avoiding the spinning stars by a hair.

With a rush of skates, the bicolored-haired boy tore across the rink, covering the distance to the far end in mere moments.

A blur of white crossed his vision and he skidded to a stop. He took a quick glance around and found himself surrounded by floating shuriken.

"Guess I lost," he turned in place, facing towards Haru.

Haru snapped his fingers, drawing the shuriken back to his body, "It was a good start, but you moved without considering you may be led into a trap.

Todoroki nodded, "Let's try again."


"That's it for today," Haru announced.

Todoroki felt the cold air of the rink chill the sweat drenching his body and used his left side to warm himself, "Yeah, okay."


(Play: Shoto Todoroki AMV | Imagine Dragons - Demons:


They both gathered their things and left the rink, saying a thank you to the caretaker who locked up after them.

It was already getting dark as they walked to the station where Todoroki planned to split off and head to his home in the car that would be sent for him there.

Haru took a deep breath of the cooling air, feeling his tense nerves relax slightly.

"Ah~ That was fun!"

Todoroki shrugged, "You helped me a lot today. I think I can become stronger if I train in my mobility more."

Haru chuckled, "I was just talking about the ice skating, but that works too."

"Would you say you're more relaxed?" Todoroki stared at him intently.

"A little," Haru answered nonchalantly

Todoroki blinked, giving a soft smile, "That's good."

Haru shoved his hands in his pockets, "You know, you're not subtle in the least. You're trying to make me feel better from earlier."

"Well, it worked," Todoroki pointed out.

Haru chuckled again, and shook his head, "It did," he bowed his head, slightly, "It was just a small spat. I'm just as much at fault."

"You still haven't told him? About what you are?" Todoroki asked.

Haru stopped, his eyes overshadowed, "I can't yet. If I do, then I'd have to admit the whole truth about what the government sees me as and the fine line between freedom and death I live in. I'm not strong enough to tell him yet and I don't think he's strong enough for me to tell him."

"I heard from Midoriya about how he reacted about the Hero Killer. He didn't speak to you properly for days," Todoroki looked sympathetic.

"We both needed space," Haru admitted.

Todoroki looked directly at him, "That's a lie."

Haru glowered at him, "Screw you and your one moment of insightfulness."

Todoroki put a hand to his mouth, letting out an amused huff.

Haru puffed up his cheeks, running his hand through his hair out of stress, "It's been bothering me a lot. What Stain said to me in the alley. It was like he saw right through me. The memories my parents left behind, every time people have broken my trust, the bloodlust to destroy whatever can harm those I care about. Sometimes I wonder. Will I lose hope like the Hero Killer did and become a monster? I can't get myself to talk about it..." he slumped against a nearby building, his hands covering his eyes that reflected an expression not meant for someone of his age.

Todoroki reached out a hand and hesitated. Slowly he placed a comforting hand on the shorter boy's head.

Haru raised his face from his hands, "What are you...?"

"Bakugo does this when you feel stressed, doesn't he?" Todoroki pulled his hand away, a neutral expression on his face.

Haru touched the top of his head in remembrance, "He does, doesn't he..." he said less as a question than a fact and smiled, "I guess he does know me better than I give him credit for," he closed his eyes, "Where I come from, war is second nature to us. It's in our blood, our beliefs, our very way of life. The memories and knowledge my parents left in my mind are all about war, death, and suffering. Fighting is just another part of my existence and it scares me sometimes... But... I guess it isn't fair to Katsuki to think he can't understand that if I never tried."

Todoroki shouldered his bag, "If it means anything, avoiding the problem won't solve anything. You need to talk about it and face it together. He may be a jerk sometimes, but he cares for you a lot."

Haru grinned as they continued to make their way to the station, "Look at you, giving advice on familial relationships. The student has learned well."

Todoroki tilted his head, "Was it that insightful?"

Haru fist-bumped his friend's shoulder, "It was. Thanks for the talk. I needed it."

"My sister would say you were working too hard and need a break," the duel-colored-eyed teen stated, "Or do a fun activity with someone," he scratched his head, "Although, I can't see Bakugo doing anything like that.

Haru let out a fond chuckle, "Poor Katsuki. He still has trouble expressing himself. That's why he always acts so angry. He set's such a high bar with everything that he overwhelms himself," he rested his hands on the strap of his bookbag, fidgeting with it, "But deep down, he cares more than he lets on. He'd never admit it, but he remembered the names and Quirks of everyone in the class," he snorted, "That little fiasco before the cavalry battle, where he pretended he didn't remember anybody's names or powers, he learned everything about everyone right there without them realizing. I don't know how, but he even remembers everyone's birthdays. Remember on Ojiro, Aoyama, and Kaminari's birthdays?"

Todoroki's face brightened slightly in understanding, "They had little care packages left in their lockers. The class was wondering who it was but no one admitted it. That was him?"

Haru laced his fingers behind his head, leaning back, "Actually, I made them, but he'd hint the hell out of me when a birthday came around. Then when I'd make a little something, he'd grumble and help me, telling me I'm wasting my time and I owe him one."

Todoroki smirked, "He's actually a softie."

Haru looked slightly alarmed, "You can't tell anyone, and I mean nobody, not even Izu, about this. If Katsuki got wind that I said anything–"

"He'd kill you," Todoroki finished, huffing in amusement.

Haru sighed good-naturedly, "Yeah..."

They continued to walk in silence until they arrived at the station where. they parted way.

"Thank you for your help," Todoroki said, "We should train again sometime."

Haru sent him a wave as he began to walk off, "Yeah, but don't expect me to spill my guts every time."

Todoroki smiled, "Sound's good, Class Rep."


It was already dark out and Katsuki was still waiting at the front door for his brother to come home. Ever since the outburst in the classroom, he had been all nerves and full of self-disgust. Even if Haru hadn't told him all his secrets, it didn't give him the right to take it out on him. Hell, he'd not tell if he had anything half the skeletons in his closet than Haru did.

The sound of heavy footsteps outside the door heralded the arrival of the younger Bakugo and Katsuki's head snapped toward the front door.

It slammed open and Haru stomped in, flinging his book bag to the floor

Katsuki braced himself, "Look, Haru..."

Haru grabbed his sibling's shirt, yanking him forward until their foreheads were touching., "What's up you fabulous bitch!"

All sign of apology disappeared from Katsuki's eyes as his face twisted in a fierce glare, "Eh? Are you picking a fight?"

Haru let go of the blonde's shirt and poked his ċhėst forcefully, "Stop being a depressed little shit and come with me to Sirens*," he dodged a swipe at his head as he sang excitedly, "We're getting Frappuccino's~!"

He took off running, making sure to get a head start before he was hunted down.

Katsuki only paused to slip on his outdoor shoes before taking pursuit, his angry voice echoing down the street, "Hell no! You're hyper enough without sugar and it is past your bedtime! It's fricken 9:00 PM!"

Haru sent a look over his shoulder, letting out a laugh. The laugh quickly became a panicked yell as Katsuki used his explosions to increase his speed.



Back at home, their parents stood at the open door, watching their two children acting all crazy.

"Be back soon, boys!" Masaru called after them.

Mitsuki shook her head, turning to go back inside the house, "Those boys."

At her feet, Bumi sneezed.


Haru was using his chakra to bounce off of walls and lampposts as he weaved his way downs the streets of Musutafu. Katsuki was blasting himself across the rooftops at insane speeds, close on his heels.

Both brothers knew that if Haru decided he really wanted to escape, he'd do it easily, whether with speed, substitution, or tricks. It was just a more violent game of tag that they had done several times in the past. The residents of their neighborhood and the nearby business were used to it at this point and ignored them since they never caused damage and were regulars of the past. Some locals would even yell their encouragement at the chase, seeing it as a highlight of their day.

Haru pushed himself off the trunk of a roadside tree and skidded to a stop across the asphalt of a crosswalk next to a well-known coffee shop that sacrificed their overall coffee quality for higher dosages of caffeine.

"I win!"

His body transformed into origami buŧŧerflies that scattered in all directions as Katsuki landed in front of him, his hand popping aggressively.

"Come out, you coward!" Katsuki yelled at the spot where the redhead had been standing.

A small pile of paper formed on the ground as Haru's head and right arm rose slightly from the ground and raised finger in reminder.

"Say the magic word!"

Katsuki's response was to stomp on him, making the paper mass collapse again.

"Spoilsport," Haru's voice sounded in his ear as he leaned on Katsuki's shoulder.

His cheerful expression causing Katsuki to sigh and give a reluctant smirk.

"You drive me crazy."

Haru grinned, standing back with his arms crossed behind his head, "I'm your little brother. It's my job."

Katsuki snorted, "I'm still going to crush you in the exams."

Haru flicked Katsuki on the forehead, giving him a closed-eyed smile, "Smile when you say that."

Katsuki gave him a forced feral grin, "I'm going to crush you, you little shit."

*Starbucks in the future

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