Shikigami Dance: Naruto/BNHA Crossover

Chapter 47 - SoulmateFemale AU: Special Part #1

'Okay, bitches, and bros, and nonbinary hoes!'

That was a quote, don't troll me.

I decided since I'm a sadist and like messing with people, I will mess with you more and write an AU special. Not any AU, but a gender-bend AU!

This will also be just about the only chance for a different ship.

In response to a poll question a while back, the soulmate will be whoever got the most votes.

Haru's name will be the same since Haruko is a unisex name in Japan.


So Haru's character is slightly different in this AU. Also, the premise is that she was born in the BNHA Universe but from a really old bloodline. She goes by the last name of Uzumaki instead of Bakugo. Some of the facts for the original story, like the seal on her forehead still exists.

Also, some of the characters like Izuku and Shinso trained to fight without Quirks.

Characters will change slightly in this chapter.

Clear your minds and enjoy!


The soulmates bond...

It'd been around for thousands of years but no one knew how or when it came to be or how it worked. There was no rhyme or reason. No predicting the pairs or the outcome. It just was. Even in a world of Quirks, no science was, is, or ever could explain the phenomenon.

Some considered it a myth, some thought it was instant love, some thought it a hassle, some yearned for it, some dreaded it. It came in all types and kinds.

For Haruko Uzumaki, it was an unknown... and the unknown scared her.

'I've been waiting for you'

The first words she would ever hear from her soulmate etched into the innermost layer of her skin. Most people would think that sounded romantic, but others would say it belonged to a stalker. Either way, it didn't matter because whenever she met anyone new, Haru would subconsciously tense in fear of those words being spoken.

Because of an accident, Haru's memories weren't always the happiest. More accurately many of her most traumatic ones weren't even hers. The result was she was fearful. No matter how much she hid it or tried to overcome it, she suffered mental breakdowns out of fear of losing the things she clung to. Anything unfamiliar or in the realm of the unknown was a secret terror for her. Creating attachments to anything was a taboo in her mind.

It was because of this that she had avoided people as much as she was able. She'd avoid speaking in fear of triggering the connection or someone replying with the doomsday phrase. In Junior High, she'd had a reputation for being extremely cautious of strangers, even being given the moniker of the Silent Shikigami. It wasn't an insult either. Her Quirk, Shikigami, was an equivalent to several Quirks combined into one. From day one, she'd had been respected for her power and, despite her silence, her presence was distinctive.

Those who didn't fully respect her, or pushed her comfort zone, quickly learned to be cautious of her foster brother.

Katsuki Bakugo, a true spitfire and polar opposite of his adopted sister, was protective of her to it being a crime. No one could look at her wrong, no one was allowed to speak to her without her (his) permission, no student in school dared consider asking her out.

Being the oblivious angel of mercy she was, Haru would scare the life out of her schoolmates every time she'd try to help someone. Above everything else, even her fear, her compassion reigned supreme. If anyone needed help, she'd offer it, most often nonverbally. With Katsuki's aggressive protection, her help caused everyone to walk on eggshells. It was always a double-edged sword because if someone accepted help too familiarly, they'd be interrogated by an angry blonde about what dirty thoughts they had on his little sis. On the other hand, if they refused help, Katsuki would roast them to find out if they thought they were too good for his little sister's attention.

The power Haru had over her brother was no joke either. Her word was law. Well... Mostly...

Katsuki still had a grudge against Izuku Midoriya for one particular marriage proposal when they were all three. He still wouldn't let it go.

He was still paying for it to this day, even after the crush faded into memory. Did he regret it? No. Would he change anything? He'd have made sure Katsuki hadn't been eavesdropping on the whole confession.

Now he was just another brother figure to his one-time crush. To be the hero he wanted to be, to protect his best friend and sworn sister, he'd grown out of his timid attitude had mȧturėd into a confident young man. He may have been Quirkless, but no boy in Aldera Junior High could beat him in a fight... except Katsuki...

And so, this was how things went. The three of them had taken the entrance exams for UA and had been accepted.

It was only the second day of school and the boy's rivalry had already come to a head. In the battle training, Katsuki had gone too far and Izuku had gotten badly hurt. Haru had gotten caught up in the crossfire and had been sent to the nurse's office.

By the time she had woken up from her injuries and exhaustion, classes had ended for the day. Using her sensory, she'd found Katsuki waiting for her at the front entrance and rushed to join him.

She rounded a corner so absorbed with getting to the main exit that she didn't notice her surrounding until she felt herself slam into something hard and warm and hear the grunt of what seemed to be a male student. Being much lighter than the average person, Haru was knocked back and sat down hard on the floor.

Groaning, she rubbed her forehead as she looked up to apologize.

And froze.

Above her stood a tall boy with fluffy indigo-colored hair.

They were purple with white pupils, and were thin and somewhat triangular, pointing downward. They looked down at her, bȧrėly half-closed, the dark eye bags underneath them almost making the indifferent look seem hostile. Yet they held that charm a cat had, the look of dismissal that tugged the heartstrings of people around the world.

"Pretty..." Haru started when she realized she said it out loud, "Sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you... That was rude of me! I'm so sorry!"

The boy didn't say anything, only staring down at her, noting her hero course blazer, before clicking his tongue and walking past her.

Haru picked herself up, brushing off her skirt. She wasn't offended. She ran into him first and it was clear he had had a bad day. She had apologized and he had ignored her. Anyway, she had other things to take care of now.

It was strange though. Instead of her usual nervousness, she had felt no discomfort speaking to him.


(Play: lovelytheband - broken (Lyrics) | "i like that you're broken broken like me":


Just around the corner, Shinso held his breath as the redhead's footsteps faded away. He clutched his wrist to his ċhėst, feeling the burning sensation of his soulmate's first word on his skin.

"Her?" he slumped against the wall sliding down until he was sitting, his fingers tangled in his wild hair, "A damned self-righteous hero course student? Why someone like her? If I talk to her, she'll know. She'll see me as a villain like everyone else."

His expression hardened. No. He wasn't going to fall apart like this. He'd tried so hard to get here. He wasn't going to let something like this ruin his chances. As long as he didn't talk to her, everything would be fine. At the same time, a sharp ache struck through his ċhėst.

'Why her? Why someone like her?'

He slowly pushed himself to his feet. It didn't matter. He'd avoid her at all costs for now.

He retrieved his schoolbag and shoes and made his way towards the front so he could head to the station home.

As he exited the door, however, he froze.

His soulmate was hugging another boy.

Shinso felt jealousy cloud his vision as he took a step forward and stopped. It wasn't his business. She hadn't met her soulmate (at least as far as she knew) yet. It wasn't any concern of his if she was dating anyone else or whatever. He still couldn't help discreetly sending a death glare at the ash-blonde boy.

Since Haru had a different last name from her brother, Shinso had no clue things were much different from what he ȧssumed.

All resolutions he made before flew out the window. Screw it. This was his soulmate and she was his and his alone. He wasn't going to share.

"I'm going to visit Mom and Dad today," Haru said to Katsuki, adjusting her bookbag, "I'll be home later."

"You better watch yourself, sis," Katsuki warned her threateningly, his eyes still damp from his breakdown earlier.

"I'm a tough girl, Kats. Even you can't take me down!" the girl quipped, breaking into a trot toward the station.



Shinso had no idea what he was thinking, but now he had found himself in a graveyard, spying on his oblivious soulmate as she swept the leaves from the monument of the family tomb.

Just the sight of it made his stomach churn nervously. Being a hero fan when he was younger, he had been fascinated about researching old heroes, especially ones from way back when Quirks first appeared.

The name Uzumaki wasn't common, but he had no idea this girl was related to the esteemed Uzumaki Clan.

And the girl he was fated to be with was holding a one-sided conversation with her parents at the family tomb of this same clan.

This was a mistake.

As he was about to leave, Haru raised her head, signaling she detected another's presence but she remained silent.

"Can you please come out?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly, "You don't need to be afraid."

Realizing he had been discovered, Shinso sighed and stepped out of his hiding spot behind the ancient wisteria tree.

Slowly Haru rose to her feet and turned to face the boy standing a short distance behind her.

As their eyes met, Shinso noted that they were a clear golden amber. It was like staring into two pools of glowing firelight.

For several seconds the two stared at each other in complete silence.

The air seemed to grow heavier by the second and Shinso felt heat rise to his face while his mouth felt dryer than the Atacama Desert.

Swallowing, he slowly opened his mouth, feeling his voice coming from deep in his ċhėst.

"I've been waiting for you..."


(The next day...)

Haru was walking to school like any other day, except for one major difference.

The two boys glaring over her shoulder as they walked on either side of her.

Shinso's confession at being her soulmate, complete with showing her the word on his wrist that she had said to him bȧrėly an hour ago, had been less of a surprise to her than she originally thought it would. She could even say she took it very well, putting aside the near-fainting spell she had.

However, her big brother did not share that same benefit.

When Katsuki saw her walking home with some random guy who looked like he hadn't slept in a month, he instantly grew suspicious. To discover the truth, he'd burst out the front door, attracting the attention of all the neighbors on the street with his yelling, and confronted them right there. The fact that the guy was her soulmate only made it worse in his eyes. No one saw the look of relief on Shinso's face on hearing that the explosive blonde was Haru's brother but Katsuki did pick up on the other boy's grimace on being told they were adoptive siblings.

Needless to say, this pissed Katsuki off even more as he yelled at Shinso for having dirty thoughts about his little sis and no guy on earth was worthy of being her soulmate, least of all, the cynical looking insomniac. Haru ended up grabbing her sibling by the face and slamming his body backward into the ground, all the while calling out an apology to her disturbed neighbors.

Much to her annoyance, she was only greeted by congratulations on finding her soulmate and several pieces of advice to Shinso on things she liked and didn't like.

The poor boy was still too stunned at the sudden show of brute force he just saw his soulmate use to even notice the flood of good wishes. He was even more perturbed, noting that the neighbors were unfazed, on realizing this was normal. He made a mental note to not mess up with this girl because she could easily demolish him.

Haru had pried her dazed brother from the ground and dragged him back to the house. It was opened by a rather excited ash-blonde woman Shinso guessed was her adoptive mom. Haru had neatly plopped her brother into the woman's arms, effectively getting rid of him and keeping the parent away from Shinso.

Finally getting privacy, she had returned to her soulmate and they discussed what to do next.

"We should walk to school together and get to know each other," she had said.

Yes, she had said that, but she realized she underestimated the unspoken enmity that had grown between Katsuki and Shinso at their first meeting.


(After the USJ Incident...)

"I'm fine, Shinso," Haru insisted for the millionth time, "I'll heal."

"Why are you so reckless?" Shinso had a very upset and angry look on his face, "You could have died!"

"But I di–" Haru froze at the look in her soulmate's eyes.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence," a fierce growl sounded from deep in the boy's ċhėst.

"Sorry..." Haru hung her head, realizing how insensitive her words sounded.

Shinso sighed, "Look, I know this soulmate thing isn't easy for either of us, but I'm trying my best here."

"I know," Haru smiled at him, "You've managed to only fight with my brother three times today. A new record low."

Shinso shut his eyes in slight frustration, "I'm being serious here!"

The girl let out a laugh.

Shinso sighed, placing a hand on the infirmary bed, "Date me."

Haru's eyes widened in shock, "What?"

"I want you to be my girlfriend."


Shinso grunted in shock, "What?"

Haru turned her face away, her eyes overshadowed by her hair, "I can't."

Shinso gritted his teeth, "Is it because of my Quirk? Because I'm not from a pureblood family? Don't want a lowlife like staining your image," he clenched his fist, "No, you aren't that kind of person."

"YOU DON"T KNOW THAT!" Haru's voice broke as she yelled at him.

He leaned back, calmly eying her, "I do. You don't care about those things. You don't avoid people because you were just afraid of finding a soulmate. You're afraid of yourself. No one sees you as a human being. All they see is the Uzumaki princess and all of her power, looks, influence, and prestige. Anyone who stands by your side is instantly in the spotlight. If you dated me, I'd receive flak for probably blackmailing you or brainwashing you into agreeing to it."

"But you aren't like that!" Haru bit her lip, "You're different..."

Shinso's eye softened, "I've been called a villain all my life. Until I met you, I only wanted to be a hero to prove them wrong. Now I have you to strive for and push me on," he rubbed his neck, "I'm not an overly complicated guy. When I know what I want, I work for it. And right now... at this moment... I want you."

Haru turned her head, revealing her tear-stained face, "Do you know why the villains attacked the USJ?"

Shinso frowned, "To kill All Might?"

"To capture me. The last Uzumaki," Haru's tone sent chills up the indigo-haired boy's spine.

Rage and protectiveness clashed together in Shinso's ċhėst, "Over my dead body!"

More tears fell down Haru's cheeks, "That's why we can't be together! If you got hurt because of me, I'll never be able to live with myself!"

Shinso stared at her for a moment. Finally, he stood up from his seat his footsteps the only sound breaking the silence as he began to leave the room.

"The Sports Festival."

Haru blinked in confusion, "What?"

"If I win the Sports Festival this year, wouldn't that prove me strong enough to protect you?"

"Shinso... you can't–"

"I want this, damn it!" he snapped, shocking her.

A drop of blood hit the floor as Shinso dug his nails into his palm.

"If the only thing keeping you, my soulmate and the girl I've come to love, from being with me, then I'm going to show everyone that I'm the only one worthy even if you still don't want me."

With those parting words, Shinso opened the door, surprising several students of Class 1A and 1B, and slammed it shut.


(A/N) You can listen to this for the next scene if you like, but I mostly liked the video because it kind of inspired parts of this Special.)

(Play: "Rewrite the Stars" [BNHA animatic]:


It was two weeks to the Sports Festival and Shinso was training like a beast.

Having been bullied from a young age, Shinso had learned all the dirty moves used in a fight and more. He'd picked up some knowledge here, some experience there, slowly adding on more and more to his skills. When his body was old enough, he had trained. His endurance, core, stamina, flexibility, and speed and took some proper training in martial arts. Being of a lighter build, he would never be a power-type fighter, but he made up for it with his own unique strengths.

His body was lean but wiry. Not the muscles bodybuilders got at the gym, but the muscles of someone who worked hard and trained his body as a weapon.

Have finished his last set, Shinso allowed himself to sit, his skin glistening with sweat and his ċhėst was heaving slightly as he caught his breath. A little tiredly, he attempted to rub the perspiration from his eyes.

"Use this."

He looked up to see Haru holding out a towel for him to wipe his face.

"Come to tell me to give up?" he queried with a hint of bitterness, "I thought you were giving me the silent treatment."

"Shinso, why are you trying so hard? What do you see in me that makes it worth it?"

Shinso set the used towel down and stood up, "Look, I wasn't thrilled about us being soulmates when we first met. I thought you'd be some stuck-up person who took advantage of their family name and privileged life to take life easy. After getting to know you better, I know that's not the case. I still don't know why this soulmate bond had to be us, but it had to be for some good reason."

Haru sighed, looking away, "Sorry, I've been so selfish. I just can't lose anyone else. I already lost my birth parents."

Shinso scoffed, "So what if you're a little selfish? I just don't give a crap. If you need reassurance that I can handle myself, then fine," he narrowed his eyes, "Unless, you really don't want me to win."

"Don't you get it!" Haru yelled, clenching her fists. She lowered her voice with a suppressed sob, "I'm scared..."

Shinso's eyes softened and he wrapped his arms around her shoulders in a comforting hug, "Hey, hey... Sorry I got mad. I know it's not easy. If you can't decide, then let fate decide for you. If I win this thing, then you'll know the mark on your wrist wasn't just some random fluke. I promise I'll take this slow."

Haru pushed him away, "Stop!" she hugged herself protectively and turned to run away, "Why are you making this so hard?"

He snatched her wrist before she could flee, "Because if I let you go, I know I'll regret it for the rest of my life!"

Haru tugged at her arm, crying tears of frustration, "I'm a danger to you! I'm a danger to my family! If I get close to anyone, they'll come for them!"

"And I'm telling you, I'm not afraid!" Shinso shouted, "Of them or of you!"

"Let me go!"

A gust of air blew in Shinso's face as Haru unfurled her origami wings and flew out of the gym, dragging him into the air.

Shinso set his jaw and kept a firm hold even as the distraught girl climbed higher and higher until the campus below was far beneath them.

Haru twisted her wrist as she continued to struggle, "Are you trying to die! Give up already!"

With an effort, Shinso swung up his other arm, getting a firmer grip, "Look me in the eyes and tell me you want me to give up on you."

Haru's amber orbs stared down into his purple ones, but the light in her stare flickered, "I don't want anything to do with you."

Shinso gave her a sad smile, "Okay then."

He let go.

Haru froze in horror as she watched Shinso plummet downward. The look of emptiness and resignation on his face tore into her soul, inspiring her next action.

She dove after him, her wings pulled tight to her body as she reached for him.

Shinso had closed his eyes, letting himself fall without resistance.

"Shikigami Dance!"

He felt a pair of arms wrapped around him in a death grip and a whoosh of air as a vortex of paper surrounded him and his rescuer as they banked and veered upward, slowly losing momentum from the fall.

"What is wrong with you?"

He opened his eyes to see Haru's terror-stricken expression and felt little guilt at his, now that he thought it through, insanely stupid action.


They sank to the ground where Haru's knees buckled and she leaned against him for support, "If you ever do that again. I'll let you fall."

"I got desperate."

"Is this how a guy shows a girl he's desperate?" she cried, looking angry, "Geez, why do you have to prove a point by killing yourself?"

She stopped as she felt his lips touch her forehead.

Shinso pulled away, "Then how about this?" he turned and walked away, seemingly unimpacted by his near-death experience, "Still not giving up on you, though."

He rounded the corner where his expression completely changed and he tangled his fingers through his hair, "Oh my gosh that was terrifying! What is wrong with me?"


A short distance away, Erasure Head and Present Mic watched the whole proceedings in hiding.

"What was that?" the Voice Hero whisper shouted, "Do they like each other or not?"

Erasure deadpanned as he stared at the entranced redhead resting her hand on her forehead.



Two Weeks Later...

The UA Sports Festival was completely being overturned.

The third portion of the events, a series of one on one battles had taken a new tangent. Two students, in particular, stood out for opposing reasons.

The first a girl with crimson red hair was blowing all her opponents away. Using a variety of moves that hadn't been seen for nearly a generation, she defeated the strongest of Class 1A one by one. Her last two fights against Shoto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugo had shaken the stadium to its core, quite literally.

The second contestant had gained quite a bit of popularity along the way. Fighting mostly Quirkless, except for a pair of support items, he had managed to outfight even students with widespread attacks.

What confused the audience the most was the boy's Quirk. They ȧssumed it was some sort of mind control, but how it worked and its limits were unknown. It was theorized by many that force would break the controlled person's mind would break the connection but the only example of this, Midoriya, used so much force in his case they weren't sure how much force would be needed.

The final round of the final event of the festival. The announcement board lit up as it revealed the final contestants.

Haruko Uzumaki vs Hitoshi Shinso

Everyone was watching with anticipation, wondering about the outcome. If this match had been at the beginning, the win would have been instantly given to Haru, but after the amount of chakra she had used in her past matches, her Quirk had almost no time to recover, especially after her last match with Katsuki.

The two soulmates faced each other at either end of the arena, all the noise of the stadium drowned out as they focused on their opponent.

"Just one last match," Shinso stated, pulling at the scabbard harness he was wearing, and tightening his leather support gauntlets.

Haru suddenly spoke up, "Shinso. After the rankings, can you brainwash me?"

The request caught him off guard, "Huh?"

Haru twisted a lock of her hair around her finger, "I want you to command me to be true to myself and then pass out afterward. I don't want to experience the aftermath."

Shinso narrowed his eyes, unable to read the girl's expression, "I don't get it, but fine."


Shinso reached behind his back and drew a pair of black escrima sticks. They buzzed as he activated their electric pulse, setting them to shock his opponent upon contact.

Haru gathered her origami into her hand, running the fore and middle finger of her other hand across the air as she shaped the blade of her katana.

Accompanied by the roar of the crowd, they charged.

Shinso caught Haru's blade on one of his batons and swung the other to strike her body.

Haru spun, her body whirling around until she was nearly behind her opponent.

Shinso swung his leg around in a backward kick but missed as Haru's body shifted into paper and floated back just enough to avoid the impact.

Taking initiative, Shinso charged her again, intending to keep her off balance. The next few minutes were mainly hand-to-hand combat as Shinso used his dual-wielding style to keep up with Haru's superior speed and variety of moves.

It was almost like a dance. Spinning, attacking, weaving, avoiding, dodging, kicking, punching, swinging. A courtship of danger and skill.

"Paper shuriken!"

Haru launched a flurry of paper ninja stars and Shinso spun the escrima in his hands, neatly deflecting them away or dodging them.

"Shikigami Dance!"

Haru jumped into the air, forming a pair of origami wings as she began to take flight.

Shinso aimed his wrist gauntlet at her and fired a thread cable that wrapped around her ankle. He gave a hard jerk and she came crashing to the ground, earning several disproving sounds from the audience.

Haru staggered to her feet but Shinso tugged the cable again and made her fall, earning more boos.

Haru pulled out a kunai from her pouch, "Wind Style: Vacuum Blade."

She breathed in the weapon, infusing it with wind chakra before quickly slicing the cable. Her sensory flared and she looked up to see Shinso coming down on her, his weapons overhead for a downward strike.

Just in time, she raised her weapon, extending the blade to block both of the electric laced sticks.

For a moment, the two struggled against each other, Shinso bearing down from above while Haru resisted with just as much strength.

Suddenly Shinso performed a spartan kick to Haru's stomach, winding her and sending her tumbling across the arena.

Haru righted herself and skidded to a stop as she formed hand signs and slapped her hand against the ground, "Lightning Style: Earth Flash!"

A wailing screech filled the air as blue lightning ripped across the surface of the arena, spreading in an expansive shockwave.

Shinso ran at the lightning at full speed. Just before it hit him, he crouched slightly and leaped onto the air, performing a double barrel roll to carry him over the passing wave.

He landed in a crouch and instantly ran at Haru once again.

The girl raised her arm to block sliding back slightly as Shinso's kick slammed at her.

Spinning in his heel, Shinso swung one of his escrima around and slammed it on her shoulder.

Haru's body jerked from the electric shock that paralyzed her for a split moment.

Shinso took advantage of this and slammed a knee into her stomach.

Haru coughed up spittle, bȧrėly able to recover before she was bodily swung around and thrown.

She managed to stop herself from landing outside the arena but just bȧrėly. Trembling from the effort, she pushed herself to her feet."

Shinso remained where he was, his face grim and his eyes conflicted.

"Do you want to continue?"

Haru nodded, getting into a Taijutsu stance.

Shinso rotated his escrima in his hands and prepared for another attack.

"What the hell are you playing around for, kid? Finish her off?"

Shinso paused as several angry cries sounded from the crowd.

"Yeah! Stop beating up on the girl!"

"Don't think you're so special just because you've got gear! She's already tired from fighting guys much stronger guy than you!"

"Be a man and end it already!"

"Her being from a dying clan doesn't give you the right to belittle her!"

Shinso hesitated, lowering his weapons slightly. Looking at Haru's exhausted and battered figure, remorse filled his soul. He was perfectly aware she was nearly spent even before their battle. He'd made the claim he'd win the festival, but he'd only gotten this far from sheer luck. This win would mean nothing.

"Don't you dare listen to them!"

The sudden venom in Haru's tone snapped Shinso from his trance.

Haru's hair began waving around her as her chakra spiked, "You got here because you trained hard and you've had the skill. Even if you had luck, that's reality works sometimes. If you went this far and held back in the very end, you'd have gained nothing."

Shinso's eyes widened as he felt the pressure of his soulmate's aura increase until it was almost crushing him.

The audience stopped their cries as the pressure bore down on them all well, filling them with fear as the amount of inner power radiating off the young girl.

Down in the arena, Shinso gave her a rueful grin, "Damn. I thought it was too easy."

Haru spread her hands slightly, palm downward as a circle of swirling flames surrounded her.

"Ashen Flame."

She slowly raised an arm above her head as the flames turned a greyish white.

There was a roar as a white column of flame shot into the sky. Burning with the brilliance of the sun.

"Shikigami Dance!"

The flames finally shrank down as they engulfed the two massive oriental dragons that were formed from Haru's origami.

Haru raised a hand in Shinso's direction, "This is my last attack. Come at me."

Shinso flipped his escrima in a reverse grip and gave her a feral smile, "Here I come."

He charged his weapons at the ready.

Haru swung her arm in his direction, commanding the two dragons to attacks simultaneously.

Seeing the mythical created bearing down on him, Shinso rolled, avoiding the combined attack. He pressed a pair of buŧŧons on his dual escrima, releasing pointed blades from each end.

With a yell, he stabbed them into the twin dragons, dragging them through the creature's bodies as he ran. The action caused the dragon to roar and lose form but as a result, he lost his grip on his weapons.

He kept running, his eyes remaining on the main target.

Haru rotated her arms clockwise, gathering the scattered remnants of her special fire on a massive fireball that launched before her.

Shinso crossed his arms to protect himself but was surprised to realize the flames did not burn him.

He paused for a moment feeling the flames pass through him, but do no damage. He was unable to even feel the heat.

He looked at Haru, noticing her smile.

He lowered his head in acknowledgment, giving a faint smile before reaching behind his belt. He drew his remaining support item, a knife, and slowly made his way forward until he was within arm's reach from her.

From the perspective of the audience, both Shinso and Haru had vanished inside a raging inferno. When the flames cleared, they found Shinso, unharmed, standing calmly in front of Haru, a drawn knife held at her throat as she, just as calmly, stood unresisting.

"I surrender the match," Haru announced, "I'm out of chakra."

Midnight nodded understanding, [Haruko Uzumaki is unable to continue and withdraws from the match! The winner is Hitoshi Shinso!]

The audience cheered in response. Being as fickle as they were, despite their disapproval earlier, the fact the Shinso was an underdog was enough to make them excited.


All Might placed the gold medal over Shinso's head as Haru, Katsuki, and Tokoyami watched.

"Great work, Young Shinso! Your hard work and fighting spirit have made you the champion for today! It would be no surprise if you would be allowed to transfer into the hero course after this!"

Shinso bowed his head, "To be honest, even though I really want to be a hero, I didn't win this to get into the hero course."

All Might laughed, "Whatever reason you may have had, you have succeeded with impressive results!" he gave the teen a thumbs up, "Congratulations!"

Shinso nodded and looked at Haru, "Well?"

Haru returned the look, "First the promise. Then we'll talk."

Shinso raised an eyebrow impatiently, "Now?"

Haru bit her lip nervously, "Now, before I change my mind."

Her eyes glazed over, but her trance was only noticeable to those who were near to her.

"Haru, I want you to be true to yourself and pass out afterward."

"I like you, Shinso."

Shinso head snapped up in shock as All Might and the other contestants on the podium gaped at the brainwashed girl.

"From the moment we met, I felt you were a gentle and compassionate person, even if you act the tough guy in front of everyone. Your perseverance as a person and as a hero only makes me admire you even more. If giving up all that I am would ensure a happy future with you, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Please... Would you accept me, with all my imperfections and insecurities, as your girlfriend?"

Shinso's was beet red, but a happy grin had etched itself on his face, "Haru..."

The redhead stepped in front of him and stood up on her tippy toes, planting a kiss on his lips in front of the school, the stadium full of people, and the live cameras of the news.

And that, dear readers, is where things went blank. Both soulmates fainted right after.


(A Few Days Later...)

Things were back to normal school-wise. Class 1A were all getting ready for their internships and leading the normal life of students. Shinso was scheduled to join Class 1A that fall, despite Erasure Head's misgivings about having a dating couple in the same class.

Things were looking smooth. A new boyfriend (coupled with a very pissed brother), class projects, hero training, everyday activities. What could happen?

If only life were that simple.

Haru and the girls had taken a little extra time for a coffee date after school and were simply hanging out, having their girl talk when Haru got a call from Mitsuki.

"Mom? You need something?"

[I'm sorry, honey. I know I said you could hang out after school, but we're having an unexpected important guest and they asked you'd be here when we meet them.]

Haru detected a hint of agitation in her mother's voice and glanced back at the table where the other girls were sitting, "I'll head home now. I just need to tell everyone."

[Thank you, Haru. See you later.]

Haru furrowed her brows. 'Mom never talks like that. Who in the world is visiting us? Something's off.'

She returned to the table and retrieved her bag, "Sorry, girls. Something came up with the family."

Kyoka noticed her worry and spoke up, "Is everything alright?"

Haru didn't hide her nervousness, "I don't know."


"Mom?" Haru stood next to her mother by the front door, "Who is..."

"Wait and see," Mitsuki's jaw was firm as they both stared through the glazed glass at the imposing figure approaching the front door.

It was an ordeal they both had to face alone. Both Masuru and Katsuki were out for their extremely rare father-son time and Mitsuki had kept this meeting quiet to not ruin it for them.

Both females were dressed in formal attire. Mitsuki was wearing the black knee-length business dress she wore to meetings and special events. Haru wore a similar style but in white color with a lighter and more flared fabric that was more appropriate for her age. The girl's usually loose hair was now pulled from her face and put up in a simple bun while the rest was left to fall down her back.

The bell rang and Mitsuki, putting up a calm front, opened the door.

Haru's eyes widened, "Endeavor!"

She almost didn't recognize the pro hero out of costume. He was decked out in a full suit without his trademark flames around his face.

"Uzumaki?" the quiet voice made her look up at the other person standing at Endeavor's side.


Haru felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. Was it because of the Sports Festival?

Remembering back, she had been very confrontational towards the number two hero about his family. At the time, he didn't seem angry, at least not too angry, considering what she said. Hearing Todoroki's story had enraged her, but after reading Endeavors emotions, she had only been slightly placated.

Maybe it was because she beat Todoroki? It had been a big deal in the news. Not as big as the kiss, but the Uzumaki heiress vs the son of the number two hero was a hot topic. Her devastating win had taken the media by storm. Was Endeavor that upset?

"You can calm down, Princess," Endeavor broke through her thoughts gruffly, "This isn't about the festival although I may wish to discuss that at a later date."

Haru let out a faint sigh of relief, "Oh, right."

Mitsuki shot her daughter a look that promised another talking to later and showed the hero inside, "Please take a seat in our family room, Mr. Todoroki. Haru will bring some refreshments."

Unprecedented or not, the Bakugo family would show full hospitality. The Todoroki's followed the Bakugo matriarch into the family room, seating themselves opposite her

"Now. Straight to the point," Endeavor began, "I'm aware your schedule is busy, Mrs. Bakugo, so I'll skip the unnecessary formalities."

"I feel that is best," Mitsuki replied politely, "Although, taking the time to meet the parents of my children's classmates can be just as important. I'm sure you can relate."

The younger Todoroki grimaced slightly.

"No, I'm afraid I cannot," Endeavor admitted honestly as Haru entered with the tea tray, "Regrettably, I haven't been the most tender parent."

Mitsuki kept the smile on her face, "I see. May I ask the purpose of your visit?"

Endeavor gave the ash-blonde woman a look over, "I see you are a determined woman who has worked hard in her career. I must say I am impressed you managed it all while raising two children."

"My husband and I raised them together," Mitsuki stated, "We've had some rough spots, but they're still young. They both have bright futures in front of them."

"It was the future I wished to discuss with you," Endeavor's turquoise eyes met Mitsuki's red ones, "I wish to propose an arranged marriage between your daughter and my youngest son."

Shoto stiffened, "What?"

Luckily Haru had just knelt by the table to prepare the tea at the moment, or she would have fallen over from the shock. Even so, she was forced to place a hand against the table surface to steady herself.

There was complete silence in the room. Even a pin being dropped would be heard. Mitsuki was just as shocked as Haru, struck completely speechless.

Haru was now trembling, her mind racing all over the place. Of the things Endeavor would visit for, this was the last thing on her mind.

"May I ask why you came to propose this to us?" Mitsuki finally managed, not wanting to jump to conclusions.

Endeavor nodded, "I have been aware of your daughter through her family name for several years now, but it wasn't until recently that she truly caught my attention. After meeting her during the Sports Festival and seeing her performance, I found her to be the ideal partner for my son. Not only is she powerful, but she also has several admirable attributes that serve her well. I can see she will be a good influence and comfort in our household. With the bloodline of both our families united, they will create a powerful new generation of the future."

As his father spoke, Shoto placed a hand on Haru's shoulder, trying to calm her despite his own conflicted feelings.

Although he didn't like the idea of his father forcing him and someone else into a Quirk marriage he would be lying to say he didn't like the partner that had been selected. Haru was a good-looking girl, having inherited her mother's hourglass figure and her father's well-defined features and flawless skin.

Then there was her hair.

It was straight, long, and smooth. A fiery crimson red that put spider lilies to shame. The person who once said a woman's beauty can often be defined by her hair would have had no problem proving their point if using Haru as an example.

Putting her looks aside, Shoto knew she was a genuinely kind person, despite the fact they had bȧrėly spoken together at all. Voted class representative, she was seen all over the place managing her classmate's affairs in school. Only Todoroki had noticed the million little things she did on the side. The specific way she made her notes so anyone could borrow and understand them, placing the odd pencil at the spots of people who never remembered to bring one, the personalized acknowledgment of every individual classmate when they entered the room.

So, did Shoto Todoroki mind? Not really.

Endeavor rested his hands on his knees, "So? Do we have an agreement?"

Mitsuki narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth to speak but Haru beat her to it.

The redhead removed the Shoto's hand from her shoulder and bowed her head respectfully, "Sir, I am honored by the proposal, but I'm afraid I must refuse."

Endeavor turned his stern gaze on her, but he was not unkind, "Normally the agreement isn't made in the presence of the arranged, but out of respect towards you, I proposed you'd be present. You should carefully think about this. There are other people in high places who would not respect your opinion. Our family can offer you protection and security for the future and you won't need to worry about being used as a political tool."

"Be that as it may, Endeavor," Mitsuki answered, giving the hero a decisive look, "If my daughter isn't willing to marry your son, then that's it. Our family must respectfully decline your proposal."

Shoto didn't say anything, but a close observer would have noticed he was a little bit downcast on being rejected, even if indirectly.

Endeavor returned Mitsuki's look unflinchingly, "Mrs. Bakugo, I must ask you to reconsider. I see no reason why your daughter should refuse. My son is both strong and good-looking. Marrying into our family would not only secure her future financially but increase your own family's influence and standing. A mere child won't know what she wants at her age."

Mitsuki sighed, seeing no other alternative, "As true as that may be, my daughter has a good head on her shoulders. I trust her ability to make choices for herself thoughtfully and carefully. I would also let you know, things are not simple for her as with some other children," the ash-blonde woman glanced at Haru who nodded back in response, "My daughter already has a soulmate. She met him at the start of the school year."

A complete silence enveloped the room.

"A soulmate?" Endeavor hesitated, "So, it wasn't just some hopeful romantic theory? I am interested to hear about it."

"Haru, show him," Mitsuki's answer was instantaneous.

Haru pulled back the sleeve on her right arm and revealed the words on her wrist.

"This has been on her since she was born," Mitsuki explained, "The first words she would hear from her soulmate are imprinted on her arm. The same is for the boy she met at the beginning of the school year. They both know about the other and they both decided to give their relationship a try."

"I see. Then there isn't anything we can do," Endeavor stood up, "If you do happen to change your mind..."

"If my daughter and your son get together that is their business," Mitsuki replied bluntly, "Whether my daughter eventually marries her soulmate or falls in love with someone else is up to her. No amount of persuasion..." she paused, "Or threats from other parties will make us change our position."

"If the latter ever happens, do not hesitate to call us," Endeavor bowed respectfully, "Our family would like to maintain a friendly relationship with the Uzumaki Clan."

Mitsuki returned the bow, "The Bakugo family has always been close friends with the Uzumaki. Their allies are our own."

Haru rose to her feet, bowing an apology, "Excuse me."

She hurriedly left the room.

Shoto stood up and followed after her, calling her name, "Haru!"

The two parents watched them go, remaining where they were.

"I hope you do not take offense, Mrs. Bakugo," Endeavor finally said.

"Not at all," Mitsuki responded, "She may be young, but these things would happen eventually. Honestly, I'm grateful for you being so understanding."

"At the very least, I hope your daughter will remain friends with my son," Endeavor confided, "Her presence is a good influence on him."

"Yes, she's a good girl," Mitsuki smiled.


Haru exited the house from the back door, her feet carrying her into the garden to clear her mind.

"Haru!" Shoto ran up to her, stopping a short distance away, "I'm sorry about that. I had no idea."

"It's fine," Haru turned around to face him, giving him a forced smile, "I just panicked."

Shoto scratched his cheek, suddenly realizing that they were completely alone, "Y-you look nice."

Haru ducked her head in embarrassment, "Thank you. You look nice too."

There was an awkward silence for a moment.

"So, the guy who's your soulmate," Shoto began, "Is it...?"

"The guy who I kissed at the Sports Festival," Haru confirmed, turning a bright red at the embarrassment she had felt when she watched footage afterward.

Of course, her first kiss was one she'd never remember except from a third-person perspective.

The bicolored-haired boy chuckled, "You must really like him."

Haru didn't dare make eye contact as she answered, "Well... Yes. I like him a lot."

"It's fine. We bȧrėly know each other anyway," he reassured her, "We can just be friends."

Haru smiled, "Friends."


(A Couple Months Later...)

It had been nerve-racking at first. Exchanging numbers, calling each other by their first names, going on dates (that was something couples did back in the day). Even if Shinso, or Hitoshi as Haru now knew him by, kept his word and took things slow, it was kind of hard for him to take baby steps when Haru, not understanding she was breaking her own boundaries, kept taking things to another level.

Week one, they were already holding hands

A month in, they were exchanging kisses, almost in passing.

At present, they were completely comfortable with cuddling, now their favorite pastime. Hitoshi was like a cat, with the love of comfortable places to rest throughout the day, and Haru liked nothing better than to curl up with him.

There was that one time she called him Kitty, but after he had sat her down and in very graphic terms explained the consequences of her cuteness, namely a merciless attack of the tickles. So, she stopped... unless she had enough distance to get a head start.

And no, the dog with the 'no horny' stick hadn't been seen yet during this whole relationship.

Finals were over for the summer. Hitoshi and Haru were now relaxing at home. More accurately, Hitoshi was reading on the couch while Haru was resting her head in his ŀȧp, playing on her phone.

Hitoshi found himself continually glancing from the book in his hand to his girlfriend's preoccupied face.

They had been dating for two months now and their relationship had been... well...

In Hitoshi's words, the best days of his life (not that there was a better comparison existent before, but that was beside the point).

For Haru...

He wasn't so sure.

Now you, dear readers may think, 'oh he's overthinking it,' or 'he's worried about nothing,' or 'have some faith in your girlfriend,' or 'just talk to her about it,' or 'how cliché author,' but remember that this particular boy had next to no friends since elementary school. Things like trust and confiding in others weren't exactly his forte.

Also, there was the minor, oh ever so minor, detail that at the start he had practically strong-armed her into dating him in the first place.

Hearing about the marriage proposal didn't help either. Haru had told him what happened, know that these things tend to bite one in the back in the future when kept secret.

Overall, Hitoshi had the thought, and not the unhealthiest thought, of whether he was good enough. He wasn't paranoid, he just wanted to make sure he was making the person he cared for the most at this point was happy.

The book nearly slipped from his hand and he reacted quickly to catch it.

"Careful with my face, Hitoshi," Haru cautioned, still staring at her phone, "I didn't insure it yet."

Hitoshi let out a fond chuckle, "If you keep making that face, we may need insurance. What's with the solemn face, babe?"

Haru looked up from her phone, her amber eyes meeting his purple ones, "Finding the right ringtone for you," she answered seriously.

Hitoshi sweatdropped, "Is it that important?"


"Okay, what have you got?"

Haru smiled and scrambled up, "I think this one's perfect."

She hit play, beginning a song that rightly belonged in the ancient's collection.


(Play: Stray Cat Strut Lyrics:


♪Black and orange stray cat sittin' on a fence

I ain't got enough dough to pay the rent~

I'm flat broke but I don't care

I strut right by with my tail in the air~♪

Hitoshi leaned a hand over his eyes and ġrȯȧnėd as the song continued playing, "Oh my gosh..."

His girlfriend giggled, "Fits you pretty well, huh?"

"I bet you just picked it for the title. There's no way you actually listened to this song."

Haru smiled at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and tugged at him so they were both standing, "♪I don't bother chasing mice around~♪" she let go, twirling around him until her back was pressing against his, "♪I slink down the alleyway looking for a fight~ Howling to the moonlight on a hot summer night~♪"

Hitoshi chuckled, grabbing her hand as he spun them both facing her again, "♪Singin' the blues while the lady cats cry~♪"

Haru leaned back allowing her boyfriend to dip her, "♪Wild stray cat, you're a real gone guy~♪"

He pulled her in, touching noses with her as his eyes glinted, "♪I wish I could be as carefree and wild~♪"

They both finished the last line, "♪But I got cat class and I got cat style~♪"

There was the sound of the music screeching to a halt as they both saw a familiar explosion of ash-blonde hair from the corner of their vision.


Haru pulled away from her boyfriend a little too quickly, tripped, and fell on the couch. In her panic, she accidentally dragged Hitoshi with her.

Katsuki growled under his breathe, "Stop the gross shit and get a room already."

Hitoshi hauled himself up, sprawling his body over the back of the couch, "Says the guy who ruined our moment."

Katsuki clicked his tongue, "Tch, whatever."

The two boys bumped fists much to the Uzumaki's girl's surprise.

"Since when did you two get all chummy?"

Katsuki's face went livid as he glared at his little sister, "Did you just imply that we're friends?"

"Of course not!" she answered quickly.

"But Kats, we are friends," Hitoshi grinned evilly.

"Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft," Haru choked on her spit as her brother's aura grew darker.

"You are so dead, Hypno."

Hitoshi's response was to beadily pick his girlfriend and sling her over his shoulder, "Time to go!"

He took off, pelting out the front door and down the street with a yelling Katsuki at his heels.


Haru was crying anime tears as she was forced to watch the horrifying creature chasing them down, "Why?"

Hitoshi let out a laugh, "Sorry, babe!"

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