Shikigami Dance: Naruto/BNHA Crossover

Chapter 48 - SoulmateFemale AU: Special Part #2

(A few weeks later...)

Classes 1A and 1B were getting ready to head to training camp.

And they had a special guest with them.

Mr. Aizawa thought it would be a good idea to bring Hitoshi along on the trip. He was going to join the hero course within the next semester so it made sense that he'd participate in the Hero Course summer program so as not to fall behind.

Everyone was gathered in the buses that were now driving to an undisclosed location.

Of course, Hitoshi and Haru sat together.

The entire class knew about them dating at this point and the fact they were soulmates. A few of the class were cautious towards the insomniac teen in the relationship at first, but they had warmed up little by little.

The girls, as usual, wanted all the details. Haru wasn't enough for them, they wanted to ask Hitoshi all kinds of personal questions about the relationship.

"How far have you two gone!" Toru blurted out first thing.

Several people in the bus looked hot all of a sudden.

"Toru, that's not the kind of question you ask here," Tsuyu pointed out.

"Oops," they saw the invisible girl's sleeve go to her face as the sound of her hand slapping over her mouth could be heard.

Mina gave the uncomfortable couple a mischievous chuckle, "We'll settle for one question right now," she glanced back and forth between the two of them, "Screw stereotypes. When you guys do nyaa," she made the cat paws motion with her hand and wrist, "And I know you guys do. Do you do paws or claws?"

Shinso looked at her blankly before raising his hand in the claws motion.

Haru blushed a little and held up her hand in the paws motion.

The girls all squealed, causing Katsuki to lose his temper and yell at them to shut up.


"After that hike and those dirt monsters we fought today, it's nice to enjoy a good bath," Tsuyu agreed.

"It's amazing what your family built here. I knew they were influential, but I had no idea the Uzumaki Clan owned these mountains as well!" Momo exclaimed.

Haru rubbed the back of her head, "Well, long story short. My family used these mountains for training grounds and left them in the care of Mandalay's parents. In recent years, she took over and now manages it with the other Wild Wild Pussycats.

"That's actually pretty cool," Kyoka stated, "It's like a secret summer getaway."

Mina motioned all the girls closer, "Come on, this is girl talk time. I think we all want to know the deets!"

Haru opened her eyes from where she sat, a look of nervousness on her face, "Come on, Mina!" she whɨnėd, "Can't a girl relax in peace?"

The pink girl shook a finger at her, "Uh uh! Not until you spill!" she leaned forward, her eyes sparkling, "How far have you gone! What's his body like? Is he hot? What about size–"

The rest of her questions were muffled as a paper gag sealed her lips.

Haru sighed, too tired to be embarrassed, "Well... we hold hands, cuddle, and we kiss... Nothing else."

"What do you mean, 'that's all?'" Haru glared at her, "We're sixteen!"

"Oh yeah. Forgot about that..."

Haru suddenly looked a little gloomy, "Still... he's the one who usually initiates the kisses. Not that I don't like it, but I want to... you know..."

Mina had a smile that said a thousand words Haru didn't like, "Next time you kiss him, pull him in by his belt."

Haru jolted away, splashing hot water on everyone, "What kind of advice is that?" her sensory flared as a malevolent being entered her detection sphere, "We've got company."

The girls went silent just as they heard Iida's voice on the other side of the board wall separating the boys' and girls' baths.

"You're to stop this at once, Mineta! What you're doing is demeaning for yourself and the girls! It's shameful behavior!"

"Get your perverted ȧss back here! No one spies on my sis!" Katsuki's yell sounded out.

The warnings obviously went unheeded as the thuds of Mineta's sticky balls traveling up the sides of the fence heralded his unwelcome arrival.

She looked up to see Mandalay's nephew, Kota, standing on top of the wall, glaring down at the other side.

"If you want to be a hero, you should learn how to be a good human."

There was the sound of a slap and Mineta's scream could be heard, followed by a splash as the pervert fell into the boy's spring.

"Mineta really is the worst, isn't he?" Tsuyu called out.

"Thanks so much, Kota babe!" Mina sang, "We owe you one!"

The little boy automatically turned around on being addressed but instantly regretted it on seeing the group of nȧkėd girls.

A small trickle of blood leaked from his nose and he took a step back. His foot hit the edge of the wall and he lost his balance. With a loud cry, he began to fall.

"Got you!"

In a flash of red, Haru had body-flickered to the top of the wall and grabbed the small boy before he could plummet to the ground.

At that moment Haru realized she was only wearing a towel and the momentum of her action was carrying her straight into the boy's side.

"Hidden Mist Jutsu!"

Opening her mouth, she exhaled a cold fog into the bath area, shielding herself from the eyes of the boys.

She landed in a crouch, holding the unconscious Kota in her arms, "Don't look!"

"I can't see anything!" Kaminari complained.

Izuku's voice could be heard panicking as he flailed around in the bath.

"Geez, now the air's cold," Sero's teeth chattered as the sound on him slashing deeper in the water could be heard.

"OI, HARU! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" Katsuki yelled.



A pair of familiar arms reached out and steadied her, causing her to recognized the latecomer to the scene.

"HITO... shi..." her voice trailed off as she went into shock at her boyfriend wearing absolutely nothing but a towel around his waist.

Hitoshi took one look at her ċhėst, turned as red as her hair, and looked away, holding a hand over his mouth, "You'd best get out of here before you're caught."

His words snapped her back into reality and she hurried out of the bath, taking Kota with her.

After she left, the mist disappeared, bringing the heat back to normal.

"Dude, what happened?" Kaminari asked, seeing Hitoshi in a trance.

The indigo-haired boy lowered his hand, staring at the blood from the very obvious nosebleed on his face.

All the boys instantly knew what happened.

Katsuki slowly rose to his feet, "You, damn bastard," his rage rolled off in waves, "How much did you see?"

Hitoshi sank into the hot spring, still in a daze, "They looked so soft..."

That was enough to sign his death warrant, "I'LL KILL YOU!"


"Okay everyone," Haru had gathered everyone together before they all went to bed.

To say the atmosphere was awkward was the understatement of the year. Neither she nor her male classmates could look each other in the eye. She refused to get within arm's length of Hitoshi. The memory of what happened was too much to live down.

"Iida. Take over," admitting defeat, she passed the duty to her secretary.

Iida nodded, "We start training tomorrow. Mr. Aizawa told us that during that time, we are to put all of our electronics and things we don't want to be damaged in this box," he motioned at the large box in the middle of the room. To put it in his words, put everything you like in the box."

The Bakusquad began whispering among themselves before everyone raised their hands.

Iida chopped at the male redhead in the room, "Yes! Kirishima!"

Kirishima lowered his hand, "Can I put Class Rep in the box?"

Haru blinked, caught off guard, "Huh?"

Iida didn't even take a second to answer, "No.

Kaminari spoke up, "Can I put Class Rep in the box?"

Iida narrowed his eyes, "Also no."

Haru waved her arms in panic, "Wait, hold on!"

"Can I put Haru–" Todoroki started, joining in the game.

"No one is putting Haru in the box!" Iida yelled, popping a vein.

Most of the class lowered their hands at that.

Katsuki clicked his tongue, "Tch! Simps."

Hitoshi, who had been watching the whole proceeding with an unreadable expression suddenly smirked, "I bet you secretly want to shove your little sis in the box more than any of us."

Katsuki bristled at the offending boy, "I'm not following Spectacles rules, Hypno..."

His eyes glazed over as Shinso took control of his mind.

"Put Haru in the box."

"Yes, O sleep-deprived lordship," Katuski answered robotically

The entire class choked, "What?"

Shinso began sweating, "Okay, I did not tell him to add that part."

Kaminari and Sero gave him a side-glance, "Bullshit!"

"Guy's save me!" Haru squealed as she was bodily picked up by her brother and seated in the box.

"Just go with it, girl," Mina giggled.

After being set down, Haru shifted around, getting used to the cardboard, "This is surprisingly more comfortable than I thought it would be."

Hitoshi smiled at her, "With everyone staring at you, I'm getting a little jealous. Maybe I should remind everyone who you belong to, babe."

He stepped over to her, his intentions clear amid the catcalls and whistles of the majority of 1A.

Haru's eyes widened, "No! Don't you even think...!"

"Too late."

Before she could move, Haru found herself trapped as Hitoshi sat behind her inside the box his legs and arms trapping her from escaping.

"Oh my gosh, so adorable!" Toru pulled out her phone and took several pictures and Aoyama joined her, taking selfies on himself with them in it.

"I hate you..." Haru muttered, hiding her face in her boyfriend's ċhėst.

She felt him vibrate as she chuckled, "Nah, you know you love me."

If only this moment could have lasted forever.


The two classes were enjoying a test of courage in the old woods after a couple of days of hard training.

Hitoshi headed pounded and his muscles were sore. Aizawa had pushed him hard in improving his brainwashing and had him practice sparring with his support gear.

The indigo-haired teen rolled his sore shoulders, letting out a quiet grunt of satisfaction as he loosened his tense muscles.

He was still disappointed he and Haru hadn't been paired together for the night game, but since the teachers refused to switch partners there was nothing that could be done to change it.

Several pairs including Haru's had already gone. Soon it would be his turn. Who was he paired with again?

His eyes caught sight of a suspicious plume of dark smoke as it rose over the trees.

Pixiebob sniffed the air, frowning, "Wood smoke? This is restricted land. Campers wouldn't be found around here and we told the students no fires."

The smoke suddenly rose over the forest in a billowing haze that spanned across the horizon. In the distance, a pale blue light could be seen.

Hitoshi's eyes widened as he realized the fire was precisely around where Haru would be at this point, "Haru!"

Ignoring Aizawa's yells for him to stop, he ran into the forest to find his soulmate, praying that he'd make it in time.


Haru was breathing hard as she stood amid the blue-colored flames burning up the forest.

"Water Style: Wave Surge!"

A vast stream of water poured from her mouth and smothered a large swath of flames before her.

"Go! Go!" she motioned at the students standing behind her.

They followed her command and ran through the cleared path as she made sure they all made it through before taking up the rear.

"Where is this coming from?" Juzo asked, using his Quirk to soften the surrounding trees in an attempt to stop the fire.

Haru felt fear in her stomach and had the urge to run and hide, but she knew there were more people in trouble and she had to get them out. This was her land and the fact that it was under attack made it her responsibility.

"All of you head back to the campsite and rejoin the teachers," she instructed, "I'll get the rest of our classmates."

"Wait, we can't let you go alone!" Pony protested.

Haru shook her head, "I can find people with my sensory and use my Water Style to help them get out. As a class representative, it's my job."


"No more arguments, go!"

Haru created a pair of wings and took off into the air, making a beeline for the nearest students in need.


"Just hang in there, I'll get you to safety!" Haru called out to the unconscious forms of Toru and Kyoka on the back of the origami tiger she had summoned.

Barely a second later, a wave of blue flames lit up her vision.

"Shikigami Dance!"

A vortex of paper shot into the air, canceling the flames out, but burning to ash as a result.

"Kyo, get them out!"

With a concerned huff, the cat took off running, racing its two passengers to safety!

"Trying to escape?" a scarred, dark-haired villain stepped from the trees his arm raised to hurl another wave of flames at the unconscious girls.

Haru flickered between the attack and its intended targets, "Water Style: Water Pillar!"

The air hissed as the flames met water, getting snuffed out in a cloud of steam.

"Oh~ there you are," the villain turquoise eyes gleamed as they saw the girl's flaming red hair, "Haruko Uzumaki. Princess of the Uzumaki Clan."

Haru had was on her last legs. After a full day of training to her limits and excessive use of Water Style, she was nearly drained. To make matters worse, most of her available origami was burned away. All of her summoned resources were used up and the nearby trees were either burning or soaking wet making the option of creating more a no go.

Even so, the image of her classmates struggling against the dangers, dangers brought to her own doorstep, fueled her drive to fight harder

She formed her origami into a compact katana, hardening to the strength of steel.

"You have trespassed on sacred land belonging to my ancestors," she pointed her weapon threateningly at the villain, "I must ask you to leave."

The villain smiled mockingly at her, "And if I don't comply?"

He dodged just in the nick of time as Haru's figure blurred by him. He felt blood trickle down his shirt from the flesh wound in his neck.

"Went right for the kill, huh?" he gingerly touched the cut as he eyed the girl over his shoulder, "I like a woman with grit."

Haru sank into a fighting stance, her katana raised in the ko-gasumi stance, "Before I kill you, tell me who you are and why you are here."

The villain faced her and spread his hands wide, "Who am I? Nowadays I go by Dabi. I'm the leader of the League of Villain's Vanguard Action Squad. We're here to kidnap hero students and destroy the image of a peaceful hero society and the public's trust in heroes."

He took a step back as lightning crackled in Haru's palm.

"If you think you'll have your way so easily on my turf..." Haru's low voice rose into a defiant yell, "You're horribly mistaken!"

A boom of thunder echoed over the forest as a stream, of bluish-purple lightning, shot out of her hand towards Dabi's body.

The villain took the electricity directly to the body, dissolving into a mass of sticky liquid.

"A clone?"

Another wave of fire shot from the forest, aiming at her back.

Before it could make contact an earthen wall rose up to shield her before her body turned into a cloud of buŧŧerflies.

"Did you kill her? We can't do that! Yes, we can! She's just a kid! So, what!"

A masked man stepped out of the woods, obviously agitated at the girl's disappearance.

"No need to panic, Twice," the real Dabi stepped out of the trees, "You're not the only one who can clone themselves."

He surveyed the burning forest, surveying the uncountable silhouettes perched on top of the trees.

Twice followed his partner's gaze and balked, "What the..."

With a rustle, the clones dropped from above, attacking in mass.

"Watch out!" Dabi warned jumping back as several of the clones glowed.

Multiple explosions rang out as several of the clones blew themselves up in the villain's faces.

Twice jumped around, avoiding the clones attack, "What the hell? Who does something like that? A good girl! Shut up! You shut up!"

Blue flames lit up in Dabi's hand, "Here they come!"

The two villains were made to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the clones, continuously kept on their toes with the odd suicide bomber among the ordinary ones.

"Hey! Hey! We just want to talk!" Twice yelled, using his sharpened measuring tape to slice through another clone, "Let us slaughter you!"

Dabi scorched a trio of clones to ash, "She couldn't go far. She's stalling us from somewhere nearby."

A growl from above warned him as a leopard dropped from above, pinning him to the ground and biting his arm.

"Son of a–" Dabi cursed, burning the feline off.

Twice let out a scream, running like a child from a swarm of hummingbirds following him around the clearing.

Dabi ignored him, carefully surveying the landscape for signs of his target.

At that moment, a bright pillar of light shot into the sky filling the air with a steady hum of pure energy as a barrier form over the forest.

Dabi narrowed his eyes, "Wait, just a damn minute," a comm in his ear crackled and he answered, "Kurogiri, what am I seeing here?"

[This is an emergency,] the villain's voice was urgent, [An anti-spacetime barrier is being placed over the area. You must give me your coordinates to get you out now or defeat the caster before they complete the barrier or I will not be able to get you out and you'll be trapped.]

Dabi turned off the comm with a grim smile, "Clever girl," he swung his arm, burning up the remaining clones that stood in his way, "She wasn't exaggerating about messing on her turf. This place is probably loaded with ancient stuff we can't fathom."


Haru was sitting on top of a large altar-like stone, with her eyes closed. Her head was reeling as she began to feel lightheaded. Activating the ancient sealing formula for the barrier placed on the land was really risky. The amount of chakra required was enormous and that was just putting it lightly.

She just needed to hope that she could remain unfound until she completed the ritual.

"Hello, doll."

Her stomach sank in despair, but she kept a calm facade.

"I see you found me," she opened her amber eyes to stare into Dabi's turquoise ones.

The villain looked around the grove wonderingly, noting the difference between the tree here than the rest of the forest. These trees were older and of a type, he couldn't identify. Not only that but his flames did not affect them.

"This some ancient ruin of your clan or something?"

Haru remained unmoving, having lost the strength to move, "Or something."

Dabi shrugged, "Whatever, release the damn barrier or I'll have to burn you."

Haru seemed to consider his demand for a moment.

"Enough. I know you're stalling for time," Dabi stretched out a hand towards her, "By the way, I lied about kidnapping students. We just want you. We were told to kill the rest."

A ball of blue flames shot towards the helpless girl.


(A/N) Why does this make me cry?

(Play: Nightcore - Tears of an Angel - (Lyrics):



Hitoshi's figure ran in front of her, raising his arms as he took the hit.

Haru's focus flickered as she watched her soulmate get burned.

Hitoshi hissed under his breath as he felt the night air bite the now raw skin of his arms. He remained strong, however, sending a defiant glare at the villain before him.

Dabi paused, observing the injured boy standing between him and his target, "A brave little hero came to save the princess, how sweet," he spread his arms as he prepared to attack, "Unfortunately, I have no time to play. You can burn to ash!"

Hitoshi ran to the side, circling the clearing as he closed the distance between him and the fire villain.

Dabi shot a wall of flames at him, but the teen dodged around a tree and avoided it.

Dabi watched for the boy to come out, ready to burn him as soon as he showed himself.


A dark shadow loomed up behind the villain and lunged for the kill.

"A sneak attack?" Dabi spun around casually, blasting the bear clone to ash in a single move, "That wasn't very nice, my pretty?"

He raised his arm and blocked a swinging kick to the head from Hitoshi.

"I'm way beyond your league, kid. Do yourself a favor and run home."

Hitoshi was pushed back, falling on his back,

He gritted his teeth, "Go to hell!"

He swung up an arm, throwing a handful of dirt in the villain's face.

Dabi raised a hand to his eyes instinctively and Hitoshi followed up with a double punch to the midriff to knock him down. He knelt on Dabi's ċhėst, pinning him down as he reached to restrain his arms.


Hitoshi's eyes widened as Dabi revealed a sinister smile, revealing the opening was all an act. The villain slammed a palm against the boy's body, his eyes glinting sadistically as a blue light lit up the clearing.

"HITOSHI!" Haru's scream ripped from her throat as she saw her soulmate's body get engulfed in flames.

The barrier shattered, sending out a shrieking sound across the mountains.

Barely able to move, Haru threw herself off the altar and dragged herself to Hitoshi's still form.

"Hitoshi! Hitoshi! Speak to me! Hitoshi!"

She cupped his heavily burned face in her hands, trying to find a heartbeat, signs of breathing, anything to show he was alive.

"HITOSHI!" her heartrending cries fell on deaf ears as Dabi watched the entire scene without a single flicker of emotion.

Hot tears fell from Haru's eyes, soaking her dead lover's face as she cried her heart out in despair.

"Please... stay with me... don't leave me..."

She pressed her arm against his lips, desperately forcing his rapidly chilling body to bite down.

To her horror, she got no response. Several strands of her hair turned white, but no signs of healing appeared on her boyfriend's body.

"Give it up kid, he's dead," Dabi said as he stepped towards her, "You're coming with me."

Much to his shock, a pair of white wings appeared on the girl's back, covering the dead boy's body protectively.


Even as she spoke, her vision was fading and her wings were falling apart. Bowing her head in defeat, she sobbed into Hitoshi's ċhėst.

Dabi clicked his tongue, stomping forward and hauling her away.

Haru desperately tried to struggle, "No! NO! LET GO OF ME!"

She felt a sharp pain in her neck and went limp.

"Geez, what a pain."

Dabi slung the unconscious girl over his shoulder and left the grove, leaving behind the horrible scene of his creation.


(Undisclosed location...)

A dark portal opened and several villains entered the bar.

"What happened to the others?" Shigaraki demanded, his frustration evident at the absence of several strong allies.

"They were captured," Spinner explained, "Those students are no joke. Taking out the like of Muscular and Moonfish like that."

"Did you get the target?"

"Yeah, yeah, I've got her," Dabi drawled as he walked through the portal, carrying the unconscious Haru over his shoulder.

"Still, that was too close for comfort," Kurogiri sighed, "It's a good thing our people knew that she's still inexperienced and we knew about that grove. Otherwise, the plan would have been a complete failure."

Shigaraki face twisted into a satisfied smile, "But just think, with all that power at our disposal, we will be unstoppable. With this, we have gained the key piece for our game."

"You think you can really convince her to join us?" Twice asked, "Of course not! He's never thought anything through!"

"And what if this girl refuses to join us?" Magne pointed out the obvious fact that was on all their minds, "Keeping someone like her hostage is way too dangerous."

"You leave that worrying to me," Shigaraki replied, brushing the observation away, "If she won't join willingly, we have ways to help convince her. If even that fails, it's not a complete loss. After all, her descendants can be the perfect molding clay."

"You want to use her as a breeding machine?" Spinner exclaimed, disgust clearly written on his face.

"As he said, it's a last resort," Kurogiri placated him, "There is still a lot of options to turn to before that."

"Considering her strength with fire and her family's physique, don't you think her and Dabi would make some interesting result?" Shigaraki mused.

"No thanks," Dabi refused.

A weak groan broke off the conversation as they all look toward to shifting figure on Dabi's shoulder.

"Cuff her."

Kurogiri stepped forward and placed a pair of Quirk suppressing bracelets around Haru's wrists.

Dabi nonchalantly dropped her to the floor, earning a pained grunt.

"Careful, Dabi! Don't hurt my new friend!" Toga scolded, sashaying across the room to crouch before the awaking girl.

Dabi gave her a scornful look, "Friend? You never met her before."

Toga ignored him and crouched by Haru's side, "Hello!"

Haru's only response was to open her eyes, staring into space, "Hitoshi..."

"I'm Toga! Can we be friends?" the blonde girl leaned forward eagerly, baring her long canines in a cheerful smile.

Too distraught to care, Haru clung to the nearest source of human warmth, her shoulders shaking with her nonstop sobbing.

For a moment, Toga's eye lit up at the other girl holding onto her but that smile quickly faded as the crying continued.

"Hey, what up? We're besties now, right? Why are you sad? Aren't you happy to have a new friend? What's wrong?" she suddenly saw the mark on Haru's wrist, "Is that?"

The blonde's expression made a drastic change as she returned the hug, desperately watching Haru drowning in her loss.

"She's upset because I killed her boyfriend or something in front of her," Dabi shrugged.

"What?" Toga's eyes widened, "You... killed someone precious to her...?"

"What of it? He was in the way. If the idiot just looked out for his own skin, then he'd be alive."

"That was no ordinary love," she raised her head with an ominous leer, "Da-bi~"

In a blur, she had drawn her knife and stabbed it directly towards the other villain's face.

Dabi slid on his heel, bȧrėly avoiding having his face receiving more damage than it already had, "Shit! What the hell, you maniac!"

Toga twirled the knife in her hand and struck at him again, "That was her soulmate! A bond like that is one in a million!" she gave a maniacal laugh while tears formed at the corners of her eyes, "Destroying a persons love when it was so fated to be, how could you?"

The League gaped at the scene as the teenage girl continuously tried to slice open her target, screaming at him in a complete rage.

"Enough, Toga!" Spinner yelled, drawing his sword and locking it with her knife as Magne grabbed hold of Dabi, "He was just following the mission!"

"She's got a point, though," Compress partially agreed, "Killing a person's soulmate, especially if they accepted them will send most people over the edge."

Dabi shrugged off Magne's grip, "So what?"

Toga's anger was evident, "So what?" she pulled back the sleeve covering her wrist, revealing a mark very similar to Haru's, only this mark was faded and indiscernible, "My soulmate rejected me. You have no idea how much pain that was. I hated it," he eyes went dark, "And I destroy the things I hate. I hate you Dabi..."

Dabi ignited his Quirk, filling the room in blue light, "Bring it on."

"Stop it. Both of you," Shigaraki snapped, "This makes things complicated. Of course, something like this had to happen. Damn it!" he stared at the limp figure on the floor, "Put her in a room for now. She's not going anywhere."


(Time passed...)

Haru had cried all the tears she could cry. Now she was too exhausted and drained to take care of herself, escape, or even sleep. The recent memory burned on her mind was too much for her to handle. Her mind, now writhing in pain, had forced itself into a dull nothingness.

It was her only choice of salvation at the moment as she lay in on the bed within her prison. The room was lined with materials that kept her Quirk suppressed, rendering her unable to heal her hurts even if she wanted to.

Minutes, hours, days passed. They must have but she no longer cared. Her concept of time was gone.

"Oi, are you just going to lie there for the rest of your life?" her first visitor, Dabi, entered the room and casually sat down in the empty chair by her bed, "Well?"

"I can't do it."

Finally getting a response from her, Dabi raised an eyebrow, "Can't what?"

He only asked this automatically, but the answer came anyway.

"Even though I'm feeling his way. Even though I can still see him dying over and over again in my mind. Even though the pain I feel is so excruciating and horrible I don't think I can remain sane. Even though I know he died horribly. Even though I know I will be forced to live with it forever. Even though I felt you do it in cold blood and you still don't care. Even though I'm about to be used as a tool because of you. I can't make myself want to do anything else."

"What? You want to kill me?" Dabi scoffed, "Sorry, kid. A lot of people want that. You're hardly new news."

Haru shook her head, "No."

She turned her head and stared at him, her eyes like twin pools of molten gold revealing her soul.

"I forgive you."

Dabi felt the whole world crash around him at those words and the sincerity in the girl's eyes.

"Are you out of your mind? I just killed your soulmate and brought you here to a fate worse than death. Bullshit!"

"I just do. I forgive you."

"Stop saying that!" the villain shot towards her, grabbing her by the hair as he held a burning flame to her face, "You're supposed to hate me! Want to kill me! Take revenge!"

"Like you?"

Haru's words struck home and Dabi's expression became livid.


He raised his hand, creating a large flam in his hand to kill her.


A portal opened up in front of the tied-up girl, saving her from being turned to ash.

Dabi disappeared as Compress contained him inside a marble.

"That was too close," Compress pocketed the orb, "I'll bring him out later."

"That damn idiot getting all emotional," Shigaraki clicked his tongue, "Bring her."


"We've been observing you for a while, Haruko Uzumaki," Shigaraki rested his clasped hands on his knee as he stared at the bound girl, "Just like us, you've been suppressed by this system everyone considers the norm. Heroes who only care about fame and fortune are all that's left of the greats that lifted in your clan's glory days. We of the League of Villain's wish to rectify that."

Haru didn't respond, her eyes remaining closed as she sat straight up in her chair.

"I know you are listening," Shigaraki persisted, "No need to be shy with us. We want to welcome you as one of us to help change things. Join the League of Villains," he turned a glare at Dabi, "Dabi, let her go, and this time, don't try to kill her."

Dabi looked at their leader as if he were crazy, "She'll just try to run away now that she is no longer in the suppression room."

"It's fine. We're recruiting her, so we should treat her as an equal."

"In that case, I can take care of myself," the quirk suppression bracelets slipped off of Haru's wrists, startling the villains in the room as a trace of wind chakra sliced the ropes."

Kurogiri narrowed his eyes at her, "Your Quirk should have been turned off. How did you escape?"

Haru held up her hands, revealing her dislocated thumbs before a green light healed them, "Members of my clan all are made to learn the Escape Jutsu before they become shinobi. It's one of our most basic techniques."

"You continue to impress me," Shigaraki praised, "Your joining us will be a useful ȧsset to us."

"My joining you?" Haru let out a condescending scoff, "You attacked my home, my friends, my family. You hurt other people without care of the consequences. You seek to destroy a society my clan has upheld, protected, and sought to improve for generations. You killed the person I wanted to spend the rest of my days with and kidnaped me to become your tool. What part of what I just said sounds like I will want to join you? Even if your goals were in the right, any normal person would tell you to go die in a hole. Even if I forgive you, you have the gall to ask me to help you hurt innocent people because you don't like how things are? I'm sorry, guys, but reality is not that kind."

"..." the League had no answer to this.

"She's got a point," Kurogiri stated, "We haven't exactly endeared ourselves to her in any way."

"Kurogiri!" Shigaraki growled warningly.

A fluttering filled the room as Haru partially turned her body into paper, scattering it throughout the room, "I've seen enough violence and death these past few days. I'd prefer not to shed any more blood," her eyes shifted to Toga, "As thanks for your comfort, as little as it was, I won't hurt you this time. Please don't get in my way."

Toga leaned back in her seat, showing he had no interest in joining the scuffle, "Okay, bestie! I'm out!"

"Toga," Shigaraki said warningly.

The girl waved him off, "Bestie says she wants to go. I'll look the other way this once."

A knock on the door made them all freeze.

"Pizza delivery," a muffled voice called out.


(Kamino Ward...)

Haru stood in the center of several of the League members attempting to capture her. Dabi and Kurogiri were unconscious and Toga was sitting it out, but Shigaraki, Spinner, Compress, Magne, and Twice were still a problem.

"While Master is distracting All Might, we'll escape with her," Shigaraki told the others, "We can't let this chance slip!"

Haru couched as she spun in a circle, spewing a stream of fire from her lips, "Fire Style: Fire Dragon Bomb!"

The move forced the villains to jump back, unable to counter her.

"Get her now!"

A marble flew past Haru's head before it expanded to reveal Compress.

Haru formed her hand into a ram sign, "Ninja Art: Hair Binding!"

The girl's presently white-streaked crimson hair came alive as it grew and gripped itself around the five villains surrounding her.

"GAH! What the hell?" Shigaraki struggled to escape but the hair was wrapped around his wrists and gave him no chance to use his Decay.

A rush of displaced air and a blur of yellow crossed her vision and the five villains were all knocked out.

"Good work, child. You stayed strong," Gran Torino, complimented her, "Now we just need to take down the boss. You need to escape. We'll handle this."

A blast of air hit him, slamming him into a pile of rubble, knocking him unconscious.

"Not so fast."

Haru raised a hand, "Wind Style: Zephyr Shield!"

The second blast from Air Cannon was deflected by a sphere of wind chakra that swirled around her.

"Shikigami Dance: Zennyo Ryuo!"

A massive origami dragon formed and sought to swallow the villain floating nearby.

All for One raised a hand to catch the creature by the snout, "Pitiful."

A stream of black lightning ran through the origami creation, scattering git to the four winds.

All Might burst from a pile of rubble, launching himself towards his enemy only to be caught by several red and black tendrils, ragged across the ground and flung far away.

"I'll deal with you later," a greyish liquid bubbled around All for One's feet as several grey Nomu were summoned to the field, "Be a good hero and fight these Nomu until I'm done."

Haru felt the full brunt of the killing intent being directed at her and fought the instinct to freeze.

"Cursed Miasma."

A mass of dark fog shot from his body and crawled towards the Uzumaki girl.

Haru raised her arms, "Ninja Art: Song of Lamentations!"

She opened her mouth and sang a high, ethereal note that scattered the miasma cloud.


Haru sensory detected a falling storm of burning stones that to threatened to raze the district and formed her hands into the horse sign, "Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame!"

A literal sea of fire shot into the sky, engulfing the deadly storm and engulfing the villain who caused it.


A vast amount of water appeared out of nowhere, snuffing out the flames effortlessly.

The villain looked down where Haru was standing to find her gone.

Haru appeared behind him, sweeping her katana in a horizontal slash to decapitate her enemy.

"Ghost Blade."

An invisible force clashed against Haru's weapon, snapping in half.

Instinctively, she jerked her head back bȧrėly avoiding the second attack the clipped several hairs floating around her face.

"Senbon Shower!"

Haru spread her wings rising into the air as she rained down a barrage of deadly needles.


All for One turned to look at her, his presence growing stronger. The sheer force of will and terrifying aura was like a terrifying weight. Unable to resist, Haru's Jutsu came undone and she collapsed to the ground.

"You see? You cannot even stand in my presence."

Haru clenched her fists, fighting against the overwhelming fear as the images of Hitoshi's death played over and over in her mind.

'I wasn't strong enough. To protect the ones I care about or myself... Why am I so worthless?'

In desperation, she forcefully pushed herself on all fours, feeling as if she were lifting an unimaginable weight in her back.

"Fighting so desperately. Just like your mother. How annoying."

Haru felt a chill run up her spine, "My mother?"

"Oh? They never told you?" All for One spread his hands wide, "I'm the one you killed her. Actually, not just her. I was the one who masterminded the destruction of the Uzumaki Clan."

Haru's expression turned to one of complete horror as she stared at the man, her eyes trembling in fear, "What...?"

The Symbol of Darkness let out an ominous chuckle, "I see. It's been so long, they must have forgotten, but I guess I almost forgot about it myself. It was but a small matter," he clasped his hand behind his back, taking a floating step forward, "I had a simple goal in life. To rule the world from the shadows as the most powerful demon lord. The Uzumaki Clan were the first heroes of Japan and opposed my rule. They were the ones responsible for kidnapping my brother and keeping One for All from my grasp all this time. Over the years, I've systematically had them eliminated one by one, but they never stopped resisting. It was unfortunate I was never capable of stealing their Quirks, but I suppose that's how things go. Your father was especially difficult, but his self-sacrificing nature took care of the problem for me. After that, killing your mother was no issue. To think that All Might never told you that she sacrificed herself to save him sixteen years ago. I must imagine the guilt has been crushing on him."

Haru gritted her teeth, her nail digging into her arm to calm herself, "So because my family was noble enough to sacrifice themselves to keep you in check, you killed them. Just because you hated that they understood the world does not revolve around you?"

"You misunderstand, child. I, as an abnormal human am incapable of feeling such trivial emotions," All for one corrected, "They were simply obstacles that kept getting in the way. Therefore, I found it necessary to eliminate them."

A terrifying aura seeped from Haru's body, all her former fears and insecurities forgotten, "Trivial emotions indeed," Haru rose to her feet, "And yet, it's ironic that someone like you is so pathetic you'd never face your enemy face to face because you knew your too weak to face them. You could only allow yourself to manage an untrained inexperienced girl."

A rumble filled the air as a chasm opened under All for One's body, revealing a multitude of paper bombs.


A wall of paper bombs surrounded the villain, igniting in a deafening explosion.

Haru panted as she struggled to maintain the Jutsu, knowing that even if she didn't manage to hurt her opponent, she could at least make him use more of his power.

A forceful shockwave blasted from the center of the ultimate attack, effortlessly destroying it.


All for One acted fine, but his clothing, once spotless and undamaged was now scorched and torn. His breathing apparatus was damaged and he was bleeding in several places.

"Have you finished struggling?" he noted Haru's panting figure, raising a hand towards her, "The difference in power is obvious," a dark orb formed in his hand, "The Uzumaki Clan... will die."

Time seemed to slow down as All for One launched the orb. Haru could only watch as it approached her, knowing she was going to die.

'I'm sorry, everyone.' Memories of her family and all her friends flooded her mind. 'I tried.' The image of Hitoshi's smiling face caused a tear to fall down her cheek. 'Hitoshi...'


The familiar voice calling her name snapped her out of her reverie.

A mountain of ice shot up before her protecting her from the orb as it hit the wall and exploded.

Katsuki flew in from the air, aiming his hand at the ice formation, "DIE!"

A blinding light glowed through the frozen formation an instant before it exploded, sending a massive shock wave in All for One's direction and forcing him to raise an arm.

"Haru!" Izuku appeared in a streak of green lightning and grabbed her.

An instant later she was passed into a pair of familiar arms.

"Sorry I took so long, babe."

Haru's body trembled as she felt the familiar warmth and smelt the floral scent of lavender.


The indigo-haired boy caught his breath at her broken voice, "It's okay. You're safe now."

He picked her up princess-style and ran away from the site of destruction. Shoto, Katsuki, and Izuku scattered in different directions, creating as much chaos as possible to cover their escape. All for One tried to stop them, but All Might appeared from his blind spot and attacked him before he could act.

Hitoshi gripped his soulmate tighter and kept on running.

"You were dead..." Haru murmured, "I saw you die!"

Hitoshi nuzzled her head comfortingly, "For a moment, I almost did. Your heal bite kept that last bit of life in me from fading out. When your brother showed up a couple of minutes after you were taken, he resuscitated me to find out where you had gone," he grimaced, "I'm sure that if Midoriya didn't show up in time to stop him, he would have killed me again for letting you get kidnapped."

He crouched behind a pile of rubble, pausing to catch his breath. It was then that Haru noticed the bandages peeking out from under his clothing.

"Your injured."

He gave her a reassuring smile, "Just some burns," he hissed as she touched the injuries around his neck, "Third-degree ones! I snuck out of the hospital."

Haru hummed and leaned her head against his ċhėst, emanating a soft green glow.

"Hey," he grabbed her hand, looking her in the eyes, "Take a break. I'll be fine."

A loud crash sounded nearby and they jerked up to see All Might stand up from a large crater in the ground.


"Don't think I've forgotten about you," All for One scolded them like a parent would a child, "I have no intention of letting any of you get away.

He used his Rivet Stab to pin the Symbol of Peace down.

Haru extended her sensory, searching for help, but found none. Her brother and friends were being attacked by Nomu and the other pros were too far away to make it in time.

Hitoshi set Haru down and placed himself between her and the villain, "I won't let you touch her."

A dark chuckle made him flinch, "Trying to control my mind? Your power is strong. I may add it to my collection."

The Symbol of Darkness reached out a hand towards the boy, clenching his fist.

There was a tearing sound as several shallow cuts appeared across Hitoshi's body, spraying blood in all directions.

Hitoshi gagged, clutching his throat as he coughed up blood.


Her boyfriend braced his feet, "Stay behind me!"

He grunted as she hugged him from behind, her arms wrapping around his ċhėst as healing chakra enshrouded them both.

"I won't lose anyone else," she closed her eyes as a seal appeared on her forehead, "Ancestors of my clan if you can hear me, lend me your power. Release!"

A blinding light illuminated the city as a multitude of golden chains shot from her body in a thunderous rattle.

All for One took a step back, "That technique! It was lost!"

The chains overwhelmed him, stabbing into his body and binding him tightly.

Haru had her eyes closed shut, "ALL MIGHT!"

The number one hero clutched his fist, the last of his remaining power channeled in the final blow.


The impact of the blow sent out a shockwave that blew everything away, causing a massive tornado to shoot up into the sky.

The adamantine chains faded as Hitoshi and Haru were blown away, only being saved from a fall by Haru's origami wings.

When the winds died down, they landed and Haru, exhausted from her grief, days of sleeplessness, and her multiple battles fell asleep in her soulmate's arms.

"You really are something," Hitoshi chuckled.

He held her close but then realized how much of a mess he was in. Dirty, bleeding, the bandages covering his burns mostly ripped off, he was a sight to behold. Looking at Haru, he couldn't tell how much of the blood on her was her own, but he was more concerned about her internal damages. Expending so much chakra was detrimental in every case, but the consequences of this may have permanent effects.

And she risked it all for him.

"What did a guy like me do to deserve a girl like you?"

"I should ask you a similar question," she murmured, bȧrėly awake as she snuggled closer to him.

He let out a chuckle, his vision fading to black.

They were both found that way, the boy sitting on the ground amid the rubble, cradling the girl in his arms as she clung to him.


(Play: Need You Now - Lady Antebellum (Lyrics):


Haru woke up with a start, gasping in fear from the nightmare that scared her awake

The smell of antiseptic hit her nose as the plain decor of the hospital rehabilitation unit met her gaze.

The beeping of her heart monitor hit her ear and she covered them, shutting her eyes to block the world out.


Her eyes snapped open as she tried to use her sensory to search for him.

She flinched, looking down at her wrists to see Quirk suppressing wrist bands used for patient's safety.

She tried to take them off, using everything she had on hand to no avail. When she nearly gave up in despair, her soulmate mark burned through her skin, almost pulling her out of the room.

On impulse, she followed her instincts, staggering down the darkened halls of the hospital ignoring the panicked whispers of the nurses when they ran unto her room and found her gone.

She stumbled, fell, got back up, and ran again, her bȧrė feet slapping against the floors as her hospital gown billowed around her shivering figure.

The long halls crawled on and on like an endless maze. There seemed no end to them.

After what seemed to be an eternity, she found herself in the MICU and opening the door to one of the rooms.

She found Hitoshi, sleeping peacefully on the bed despite all the life support equipment he was hooked up to. His slow, even breathing fogged the ventilator mask over his face.

Letting out a whimper, Haru crawled onto the bed, cuddling herself against her soulmate's side.

Finally able to hear his heartbeat, she calmed down, letting her eyes flicker shut and let sleep claim her.

Hitoshi's hand tensed reaching out to stroke her head, his sleeping expression softening into a contented smile.

When the nurse entered to check on him the next morning, she stopped in shock to see the missing patient from the other night lying on the bed, sleeping peacefully.


(Years Later...)

The news was given a showing of the new academy being opened in conjunction with UA's opening of their new Medical Hero Program. Formerly placed on Uzumaki land, the building, their extensive grounds in the mountains, and their unique and top-grade security were all donated and paid for by the remaining heiress to the Uzumaki legacy.

The name was yet to be revealed but that wasn't as exciting as the presence of the Unranked Hero: Akatsuki.

After her debut. The Heroine had publicly announced her withdrawal from the Hero Rankings, both in Japan and internationally. Her reasons were, shocking as it was but quickly confirmed to be true, her clan never participated in rankings in the past and she had no intention of beginning now.

Her declaration had caused a debate about whether the rankings should be abolished, but it was decided that they would be left alone for another time.

Now, bȧrėly three years later, with her standing and unshakable position, she'd spearhead several campaigns that revolutionized how society functioned. Old laws were replaced by fairer ones, outdated and incompetent programs overhauled and reformed, the crimes that went unseen were finally punished.

There had been much opposition, but the heroine was untouchable. She had the hearts of the people, the alliance of the old noble clans and leading families of Japan, the backing of most of the country's top heroes, the cult following of the underworld.

A heavy burden indeed, but one that rested lightly thanks to those close to her.

The crowd gathered around the front grounds of the new school, eagerly waiting for the arrival of their host. The presence of several top heroes, including members of the famous Class A the studied alongside Akatsuki in her high school years, had already drawn crowds, but the angel had yet to arrive.

"She's here! There she is!"

The media went wild, snapping hundreds of photos as the black Hercules Model* pulled through the main gates.

A security guard opened the car door and a well-known hero figure flashing a cheerful smile got out.

Several cries of greeting rang out as Deku greeted them with a polite wave.

"Out of the way, Deku!"

The number one Hero was pushed out of the way by an intimidating ash-blonde male who had exited the car directly behind the green-haired man.


This rare appearance caused the fans to freak out more as the number two ranking hero was well known for avoiding the majority of public events.

Seeing these two heroes in person and in costume, minus their bulkier support gear, was a rare novelty indeed.

Katsuki clicked his tongue stepping away from the car as another man stepped out. Most of the crowd did not recognize him, but he seemed to be a hero from the way he was dressed.

Sporting a mass of wild indigo-colored hair and clad in a black outfit that resembled a spy outfit, the mysterious man leaned forward and held out a hand to the next person leaving the vehicle.

A pale hand took the offered hand and a stately, crimson-haired beauty stepped out.

Wearing her hero costume, a navy blue robe with a large hemline on the front, black tights, and a pair of white heels, she was absolutely stunning.

For the occasion, she also wore a flowing, white lace haori with the red spiral symbol of the Uzumaki Clan embroidered on the back.

After getting out of the car, she continued to hold the unknown hero's hand, drawing a lot of attention, and questions, from the reporters that tried to get close.

They were politely warded off and the group made their way to the podium.

[Thank you all for your gracious attendance on such a special occasion,] Haru welcomed everyone, [For years, heroes have fought to keep the world safe from those who would abuse their power to harm others. Now, nearly two hundred years since Quirks were first seen in our society, we have seen society's greatest stride towards the goals of unity and peace we have fought for. The few healers within our ranks once struggled endlessly to help the injured alone on the fields of battle. Now, with this new school and the program provided by our friends at UA High, we will train a new generation of first responder heroes who will provide healing and support in our fights against crime and the unforeseen disasters that may fall.]

Her speech was answered by countless cheers and clapping.

[And now we shall open... the Twilight Medical Academy!]

The doors to the main opened, symbolically showing the official opening of the school.

Haru smiled as she explained the name, [Twilight happens both at the beginning of the day and the night just at the turn of dawn and dusk. This academy will not only stand as an institution of a new era but also as a bastion of the old,] she paused the interrupted applause and continued, [It also has a more personal meaning,] she turned and held out a hand toward the indigo haired hero, [Yūgare.]**

The hero smiled and took her hand, moving to stand beside her.

"I've decided to come public with a special announcement. I'd like you all to officially meet my soulmate and future husband."

The response was a little mixed, but the crowd called out their good wishes for the couple.

There were a few protests since the husband-to-be was an unknown, but the hero only smirked in response.

[Sorry, boys, she's mine forever.]

Hitoshi gently held his fiancé's chin, giving her a brazen kiss in front of everyone.

The action, along with a lot of people remembering a similar scene from a sports festival several years previously caused a widespread roar of approval.

The two soulmates pulled away from their kiss and raised their held hands, baring their soulmate marks to the world among the applause of their friends and supporters.



*Hercules Model is an armored sports car that was originally used by Toshinori Yagi. Don't research further or you spoil the manga.

**Yūgure-Shinso's hero name meaning dusk.. Twilight Academy is a play on Akatsuki and Yūgure, Dawn and Dusk.

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