Shikigami Dance: Naruto/BNHA Crossover

Chapter 5 - Character ProfileHero Constitution

(First Name) Haruko

(Nickname) Haru

(Last Name) Uzumaki/Bakugo

(Age) 14 at the start of the story/15 when he enters UA

(Hair Color) Bright red

(Eye Color) Amber

(Skin Color) Pale

(Height) 5' 6" (a couple of inches shorter than Katsuki)

(Gender) Male

(Birth Date)

Technically he was born on February 21st in the Naruto universe, but the reverse summoning warped time so he's now a couple of weeks younger than Katsuki making his birthday May 2nd.



Haru is often a little shy towards unfamiliar people but is comfortable to open up around people he trusts. He has an unpredictable sense of humor and a major tease, especially towards his adopted brother. He is often mistaken as soft-spoken, but he just happens to treat everyone as gently as possible. He is highly intelligent. A genius in combat and academics. Whenever he goes into a fight, he respects his opponent as he fights at full power (with the exception of killing force.) He looks up to Katsuki as an older brother and a source of inspiration for his goals in life which is to be the hero who supports the number one hero as a supporting pillar of peace. He is also unusually empathetic but could be painfully logical. More details on his personality will develop as the story progresses.


Haru can be reckless when he gets truly angry which isn't very often. He also tends to push his limits too often. His worst mistake (and one he ends up regretting) is how lenient and forgiving he is concerning Katsuki's behavior.


Origami: Technically, due to his circumstances, Haru's abilities do not fall under the Quirk category but officially his Quirk is labeled Origami. It allows him to create and/or manipulate paper. This includes changing existing paper into different types of paper and changing its shape. He is especially skilled at turning his own body into paper and creating origami animals. One special skill of his also includes changing the very substance of the paper to make it damp, absorbant, or explosive, but this requires existing materials in his surroundings.


Family Record

(According To The Government)

Name: Masaru Bakugo

Affiliation: Haru's Adopted father. He currently works in the fashion industry with his wife.

Age: 42

Quirk: Acid Sweat:

It allows him to secrete acidic sweat with combustive properties from the palms of his hands, however, he cannot fȯrċɨbŀƴ secrete it, it comes out like normal sweat. If he rubs his hands together, then he can create explosions.


Name: Mitsuki Bakugo

Affiliation: Haru's adopted mother. She currently works in the fashion industry with her husband.

Age: 38

Mitsuki's Quirk gives her the ability to secrete Glycerin from her skin. Because of its moisturizing effect, she maintains great skin quality, despite her age.


Name: Katsuki Bakugo

Affiliation: Haru's adopted brother.

Age: 14 at the start of the story/15 when he enters UA

Quirk: Explosion:

Allows him to secrete nitroglycerin-like sweat from the palms of his hands and ignite it on command, allowing him to create strong explosions.


Name: Nagato Uzumaki (Deceased)

Affiliation: Haru's birth father. Unknown Hidden Rain Village

Age: Unknown

Quirk: Unknown


Name: Konan (Deceased)

Affiliation: Haru's birth mother. Unknown Hidden Rain Village

Age: Unknown, but presumed in her thirties upon death.

Quirk: Unknown but believed to be paper-based.



Quirks cannot be used publicly by any non-licensed hero.

Quirks cannot be used to injure other persons under any circumstances without just cause and a hero license.

Hero's quirks must be registered in the public database (can be changed).

Quirks CAN be used for self-defense purposes when in distress or present danger. (Similar to Castle Doctrine, and Stand-Your-Ground Doctrine).

Article II - Support Companies

Support companies must be licensed by the government to create and maintain Hero support equipment.

Hero gear can only be altered by the support companies.

Article III - Non-Licensed Individuals

Those without a license may be considered interns and can use their quirks at the discretion of the individual they are interning under.

Article IV - Costumes

Minor alterations can be done on the know-how and be sent to the support companies outlined in Article II.

Major alterations must be done by the support companies directly as that is their expertise.

Only a certain percentage of the skin may be exposed to prevent the image of heroes from being diminished.

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