Haru's named after Yahiko. Yahiko's name indirectly means light. Haruko also has a similar meaning. The general translation of Haruko is 'Spring Child.'


(At the end of the school day...)

The last bell rang and everyone started gathering their things to go home.

Haru shouldered his school bag, looking over at his brother, as they walked down the hallway, "I gotta grab something from the lab. I'll meet you outside."

Katsuki glowered a little, "This have something to do about you collecting my sweat the other day?"

Haru gave him a closed-eyed smile, "That's right, you little shit!"

Katsuki shoved his younger brother's head down, "Watch what you call me! Damn it!"

Haru elbowed Katsuki in the stomach before dashing off as the blonde doubled over, "I'm a Bakugo! I can use whatever language I want!"

"No shit, you paper doll!"

"Hey! I take that personally!"


Izuku was staring at his phone intently as he poured over the morning news.

'Man! That fight debuting Mount Lady this morning is all over the news! Better write some notes down before I forget anything.'

He picked up a worn-out notebook he used to write down everything about heroes and their Quirks.

Only for it to be snatched away by a familiar angry blonde.

"I don't know what you think you're doing, Deku, but we're not done here," Katsuki's tone made Izuku's heart sink when he realized Haru wasn't around this time to help him. He was on his own with Katsuki and two of his 'friends'.

"Whatcha got? His diary?" one of them asked mockingly as he eyed the book.

The three bullies smirked when they saw Izuku's handwriting reading, Hero Analysis For the Future: No. 13, on the front.

The other teenager scoffed, "Don't tell me he's taking notes on how to be a hero? That's so pathetic."

He and his friend burst out laughing.

Izuku gave the trio a weak smile, "Yeah, real funny guys. Just give it back."

Katsuki slammed the book between his palms, scorching it with an explosion as Midoriya yelped in fear.

Katsuki gave the trembling boy a blank expression, "Most first string heroes show potential early on. People look at them and just know. When Haru and I are the only students from this garbage junior high to get into UA, people will start talking about us like that. They'll realize we're legit. The next big thing," he gave himself a self-satisfied smile, "That's not ego talking, I just know we're good."

His fellow bullies sweatdropped.


Katsuki placed a smoking hand on Midoriya's shoulder, causing the boy to flinch as he felt the sudden heat of the blonde's Quirk through his uniform.

"Here's a little word of advice, nerd," Bakugo gave Midoriya a closed-eyed smile that reeked of harmful intent, "Don't even think of applying. Or else..."

Izuku could only whimper a response, too terrified to speak. Katsuki dropped the smile and tossed the notebook over his shoulder out the open window behind him.

"You know if really want to be a hero that badly, there actually might be another way," he failed to notice the change of expression on everyone's faces as they stared at something behind him, "Just pray you'll be born with a Quirk in your next life... and take a swan dive off the roof of the building."

"What did you say?"

The sound of his brother's voice actually made Katsuki turn a shade pale as he slowly looked around to see a dark, winged silhouette looming over him.


That was all he had time to say before the floor beneath him erupted in a wave of paper that quickly immobilized his body in a cocoon harder than steel.

The look in Haru's eyes petrified everyone in the room. If he had just been angry, it wouldn't have been so bad. But it held hurt. Izuku had been friends with Haru since before kindergarten, yet he had never seen this level of... Disappointment? Sorrow? Betrayal?

"Katuski," Haru placed a hand on his brother's cheek, his amber eyes drilling into the blonde's soul, "Why?"

One of the bullies raised his hands passively, "Calm down, Haru. He was only joking."

Haru's eyes flickered dangerously and he directed a hand, palm facing downward, toward the speaker.

The said boy jumped back in panic as he was backed against the wall by a life-size origami leopard.

"I can report this incident to the principle and get you all suspended for bullying," Haru didn't bat an eye as the trio flinched at his words, because they knew that he not only could, but no one would doubt his word either.

"C'mon, it's just Midoriya! He's Quirkless?"

Haru raised his hand again towards the other boy before Izuku found his voice, "It's fine, Haru-chan, you don't need to get angry!"

The redhead lowered his arm, "You're wrong, Izu."


Haru turned to look at his brother again, "This is not just because of you," his voice sounded strained as if he found it hard to say, "What Katsuki just said could have compromised our entire family's future."

Katsuki, crimson eyes widened in realization at what he'd done. If Izuku had followed his advice, he'd have been indirectly responsible for the suicide. The chances of him becoming a hero would have become slim. UA at least would have been out of the question. Not just that, but his entire family would have suffered consequences for his actions. Haru, being adopted, would more likely be taken away. The thought made the teenager sick to his stomach.

Haru stepped back, releasing his brother and dispersing his leopard, "Izuku, your dream is important. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise," he said stepped back towards the window, "I caught your notebook before it landed in the koi pond. I'll repair it and return it tomorrow. I'm sorry for the inconvenience my brother caused you."

Katsuki raised his hand pleadingly as his brother turned towards the window, "Haru..."

The boy paused, glancing over his shoulder, "See you at home."

His body dissolved into a cloud of paper buŧŧerflies that fluttered out the window.

Katsuki ran forward to see the paper insects reform into his younger brother on the path toward the school gate, "Haru!"

He received no response as the younger Bakugo steadily walked away, completely ignoring his brother's shouts.

Katsuki clench his fist and slammed it against the window frame, knowing he had messed up bad.

'Damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT!'


(A little later...)

Haru didn't feel like going home, so he decided to walk around the city for a bit. He felt like he needed a distraction from the thoughts running through his head. He felt a little guilty for acting the way he did with Katsuki's behavior back at eh school. He had acted more out of fear than anything else. After all, there were secrets Haru wouldn't share, even with his brother.

It had happened several years back when he was eight. Katsuki had gone to a sleepover at a friend's house while Haru was stuck at home with a cold. Their parents had received a surprise visit from none other than the number four hero, Best Jeanist. Haru hadn't meant to eavesdrop, but he'd had happened to overhear a rather disturbing conversation.



"I've made my periodic check on Haruko and from what I've seen he's been doing really well," the pro hero said as he sat across from Haru's adopted parents.

Mitsuki gave the man a smirk, "What can I say? I know how to raise kids better than I expected."

Masaru smiled at his wife before looking at the hero, "Yes, Mitsuki has done wonders with them. Haru has grown to be a wonderful child. He and Katsuki are closer than most brothers I've seen. We see him as our own son."

Jeanist's smile was mostly hidden by the high collar of his costume, "I'm glad I helped you receive custody of the boy all those years ago. He seems to be doing better than if the government sent him elsewhere."

Mitsuki frowned, "They still having second thoughts?"

Best Jeanist sighed, "Not long after the night you found him, many of the higher-ups got curious about the situation behind his mother's death and the female who was with her. They found no birth records or registration for either woman. They were curious about your account of his mother using a paper-based Quirk when tests showed her to be Quirkless. Some wanted to place Haruko under direct surveillance as he could be a potential key towards discovering the truth about how Quirks work."

Masuru gripped his wife's hand firmly, "Haru is not an object that they can experiment on."

The blonde hero pinched his nose tiredly as he nodded, "Luckily, I know a few people who made things happen before they could take him. Without legal ground to stand on, they can't do anything. Now that Haru is getting older, they have less of a chance as long as he decides to stay with you."

A sigh of relief left the Bakugo couple before the hero gave them another warning.

"I noticed your other son is a little aggressive. Be sure he doesn't get into any major trouble. Some authorities may use some incident as an excuse to take Haru out of your custody on the grounds of your home being an unhealthy atmosphere for him."

Haru suddenly became scared. The thought of being taken away was too much for him to handle. His Quirk got out of hand as it occasionally did and cause several of the school books he and Katsuki had left on the living room table to flutter open.

His parents instantly snapped their attention towards the doorway just in time to see a flash of red hair as Haru ducked out of sight.

Jeanist stood up, a troubled look on his face, "You said he was asleep."

Mitsuki's expression bore the same look, "He was."

Masuru rose from the couch and started to follow the sound of running footsteps of the unintentional eavesdropper, "I'll get him. I think we owe him an explanation."



There had been a long conversation after that. One that most eight-year-olds would have understood. Only Haru wasn't ordinary. Like Katsuki, he was unusually smart for someone his age (And a lot more mȧturė than his older brother). Because of that, Masuru and Mitsuki had felt confident enough to tell him where he had come from.

Apart from the initial shock, there had been little change in his life. Katsuki had treated him the same after hearing the truth of him being adopted. As far as he had been concerned, Haru was family. Haru had learned what could be learned about his birth parents from the Bakugo's. It wasn't much aside from a family name and learning they had died due to a war somewhere. They had all visited his mother's grave where Haru and Katsuki had been given a pair of paper roses Haru's mother had left for them.

They still had those roses. As a matter of fact, the Bakguo's even owned the robe his mother had worn when she died. Thanks to the information on a scroll bearing his birth information, they had learned it was a special robe that had been worn by a special organization his parents had led, the Akatsuki. Mitsuki had mended the torn bits as best she could and let Haru hang it in a display case in his room. It was a simple, high collared, black robe covered with several red clouds to symbolize the dawn of the new era of peace his parents had fought for.

Sometimes, late at night, Haru would wonder what his birth parents were like when they were alive. He couldn't imagine living a life with anyone other than the Bakugo's, but somehow the knowledge of how much his parents had cared for him made him feel an unusual warmth towards the people he had never met.

Nagato and Konan Uzumaki.

Those were the names of his birth parents and he cherished them. He may never use the same name but he would always try to bear it with pride.


(Elsewhere in the city...)

Katsuki and his two friends were walking down a shady alleyway just killing time. At least that's what Katsuki was trying to do. Mostly he was arguing with himself about whether to apologize to his brother or not. What he said had been stupid, he'd admit. He wasn't so hardheaded to not realize that. What upset him was the look of betrayal Haru had given him. All because he had bullied Deku.

He gritted his teeth, taking a sip of a soda he had gotten from a vending machine nearby.

'Stupid Deku! It's always been about him! What's so great about him anyway? He's weak! A Quirkless loser!'

His mental rant was interrupted by the boy who Haru had threatened with a leopard, "Man, that was rough. Who knew Haru could actually brush you off like that. Everyone knows he practically follows you around like a chick with its mother. "

Katsuki's raised his hand, sending off some threatening crackles from his Quirk, "You saying my bother can't think for himself?"

The other boy chuckled nervously, "No! Of course not! We were just surprised that he can create animals with his Quirk. He's never done that before."

Katsuki clicked his tongue not bothering to respond.

The first boy continued, "Anyway, weren't you and Midoriya good friends when you were kids?"

The second nodded in agreement, "Yeah, you were a little harsh with him today."

Katsuki caught their underlying question about why he risked Haru's wrath with his bullying of the Quirkless teen, and stared at his drink, "It's his own fault for getting in my way."

He kicked a plastic bottle that lay in his way, not noticing the strange grunting sounds it made as it hit the wall.

The first boy gave him a smug look, "You shouldn't waste your time on the guy."

Katsuki blew up the soda can in his hand before growling, "Someones gotta teach that worthless nerd how the world works. I hate it when he talks heroes!"

His two friends shared a malicious snigger before the second came up with an idea.

"Hey, we should go to the arcade. Get your mind off everything, you know?"

The blonde glowered a little but complied, "Fine."

The other boy wiggled his eyebrows, "Or we can sneak into the bar at the station. Pick up some ladies?"

His companion grin anticipatingly, "Now that's a good idea!"

Katsuki glared at the two as he yelled at them, "Idiots! If we get caught, there's no way UA would let me in!"

The two boys suddenly pointed at something behind the teenager, "Hey! What's that?"

Katsuki whirled around to see a massive blob of green slime towering over him with a satisfied laughed.

"Perfect! I like a skin suit with some fire!"

Katsuki's eyes widened as for the first time he experienced the true meaning of fear.


(A short distance away...)

Haru wandered around the streets, his backpack thumping on his back as he searched for his brother. If Katsuki did as he usually did, he more likely was hanging out on one of the local arcades.

The only issue was today was not like most days. Haru had gotten into fights with Katsuki before, and they never went well. The last time something like this had happened, the two boys hadn't interacted for over three days. That had ended when their mother had broken down their bedroom doors, dragged them both out, and made them talk it out.

Haru was feeling uneasy about this time. Fighting was something he could deal with. Hell, he was a Bakugo! Fighting was in his blood! Metaphorically speaking. It was how Katsuki acted when they got into a fight. Katsuki got a little more irritable than he usually did, not that Haru expected otherwise, but the older boy would silently mope around until one of them fixed things. When Katsuki was like that, he got dangerously distracted.

Haru was on the verge of panicking by now. His calls had failed to connect several times before he realized that Katuski must have forgotten to turn his phone on again after school. A result of the moping. Haru's senses were screaming at him that he had to find Katsuki, or he would regret it for the rest of his life.


Haru looked up to see a bruised Midoriya waving at him from across the street.

"Izu! I'll be right there!"

Haru raised his hands into a ram sign, focusing his chakra to his feet. That night many years ago, Haru had learned from his parents that the scroll his mother had left also gave a brief explanation of how his power worked.

Haru was born with an energy called chakra. It was what fueled Haru's Quirk and gave him his abilities. Not only that, but his particular chakra allowed him to enhance his senses and physical capabilities in odd ways.

With a quick breath, Haru bounded out into the street, neatly bouncing himself off the tops of the passing cars. Normally, he would have gotten into trouble for this, but with the sensory skills he had inherited from his mother, didn't detect anyone besides Izuku watching.

Izuku's eye sparkled as he fumbled with his backpack trying to find his notebook, "Your Quirk is so cool! You just jumped between those moving cars like they were nothing!"

Haru sweatdropped, "I just used my chakra to my feet so I wouldn't slip, Izu."

The said teenager fished out a pen but still found himself misplacing his notebook, "Oh yeah! The energy that fuels your Quirk. It's so cool you can do other things with it! Have you ever tried...?" his voice trailed off into indiscernible mumbling.

Haru reached into his bag and handed Izuku a familiar object, "Here. I was able to repair it as I walked."

It was Midoriya's notebook. It's once scorched and torn pages newly refurbished by Haru's Quirk.

Izuku grabbed the book gratefully and began to write down his latest facts. As he did, however, he accidentally dropped a slip of paper from his pocket.

Haru lifted a finger and floated the scrap to his hand. He glanced at the content so the note and blinked.


The green-haired boy looked up from his writing and finally noticed the loose scrap and suddenly turning red.

"Ah, yes! I ran into All Might! He signed it for me!"

Haru could help but feel slightly jealous at his friend's prize, "Whoa! Lucky!"

Izuku rubbed the back of his neck as he suddenly turned gloomy, "Yeah... I tried asking him about my chances of being a hero."

Haru looked at him expectedly, "And?"

Izuku ducked his head, "He told me it would be impossible without a Quirk."

He was half afraid of Haru's reaction to the news. After it was discovered he was Quirkless, Izuku had been bullied or ignored by most of the other kids at school. Haru had been the only one who believed he could still be a hero. The younger Bakugo had supported him every step of the way when even Izuku's mother had given up. The other kids had learned quickly not to tease him about being a hero in front of Haru. If they did, they would either face Haru's quiet wrath or get beaten to a pulp by Katsuki for upsetting his younger brother. For the hero that Haru admired most to tell him his dreams could not become reality, Izuku didn't dare think what would happen.

At the present, Haru's expression was unreadable.

"I see..." he said at last.

Izuku suddenly spoke in defense of his idol, "I'm sure he's right! I mean, who am I kidding? I can't possibly fight villains without a Quirk! It was a stupid dream anyway!"

He stopped when Haru gripped his shoulders, his eyes overshadowed by his hair, "Don't say that, Izu! You are misunderstanding what he meant!"

Izuku blinked, "Huh?"

Haru's amber eyes looked into his green ones, "Izu," his tone was serious, "He wasn't trying to be cruel. He didn't want to lie and tell you it would be easy. Heroes without Quirks have been rare for a long time, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. It's not the power that counts," he thumped his friend's ċhėst, "Its the inner person you are that's what will make you a hero."

Izuku was stunned, "Haru-chan..."

The redhead gave him a closed-eyed smile, "You just need to have confidence in yourself. Trust your instincts, young padawan!"

"Eh?" Midoriya's face was blank.

'Oops... lost him...'

Haru chuckled, "Sorry. Star Wars reference."

The two boys shared a quiet laugh.

The calm was suddenly shattered by the sounds of explosions.

Haru turned pale at the sound, "I know those explosions!"

Izuku's eye widened upon seeing rising smoke appear over the building a distance away, "Kacchan!"


The air was filled with smoke from multiple fires that sprang up on the small street. Screaming cIvilians ran for safety as the heroes arrived to see a blonde teenager struggling to free himself from the slimy body of a villain.

A police officer filled them in on the situation, "It's taken someone hostage!"

One of the heroes, Death Arms, ran forward screaming in righteous anger, "HOW DARE YOU PREY ON A CHILD!"

The man leaped up into the air, using the momentum to enhance his strength-based Quirk to land a massive blow to the villain.

His attack didn't even faze the slime villain. For a brief moment, he found his arm stuck inside the villain's body, the next he was sent flying by a tentacle that shot from the villain's form.

A couple of other heroes stepped forward, only to be sent scrambling back by another series of attacks from the villain.

"Stay back or I'll snap his neck!" the villain threatened menacingly.

Katsuki struggled to pull himself away, managing to free most of his upper body, "YOU PICKED THE WRONG GUY TO MESS WITH! I'M GONNA SENT YOU BACK TO WHATEVER SEWER YOU CRAWLED FROM!" a series of explosions shot out from his slime-covered hands, "LET ME GO!"

A blast of air fanned the flames that now covered many of the buildings on the street, making things worse.

The villain cackled as he regained his grip on the teen, "You've got so much power! I really hit the jackpot! With a Quirk like yours under my control, I can take All Might down with one punch!"

Several cries announced the arrival of the newest hero, Mount Lady, but she was unable to help as the space was too narrow for her gigantification Quirk.

Even after the arrival of Kamui Woods, there was nothing to be done as his wood-based Quirk couldn't handle the fire.

The rescue specialist, Backdraft, was forced to turn his attention to the spreading fires that beginning to threaten other buildings.

None of the heroes had a Quirk suitable to combat this villain's Quirk and Katsuki's sporadic explosions.

This was the scene Haru and Izuku ran into.

The redhead stared in horror at the sight of his brother slowly drowning in a villain's grip.


He tried to push forward but was held back by Death Arms.

"Kid it too dangerous! Leave it to the heroes!"

Haru desperately tried to pull away, "He's got my brother!"

Kamui gripped him with his Arbor and pulled him back, "You are not authorized to use your Quirk. We can't take responsibility for you fighting the villain. You'll only be a liability."

Haru stopped struggling, sending the hero a pleading look, "Please... Let me help... I can't lose him..."

"Kamui, people still need rescuing!" Backdraft yelled.

The young hero saw a spark light in the boy's amber eyes, "I can help with that. If more of you can focus on the villain then I won't get in the way."

Not seeing much of a choice in the situation, Kamui nodded, loosening his hold on the boy.

Haru slammed both hands onto the ground.

With a savage roar, two origami leopards sprang to life as they materialized on either side of the boy.

Haru motioned at the buildings, "Shinra. Kai. Evacuate civilians."

One of the heroes watched in horror as the two cats leaped through the flames, "Are those things made of paper? Are you crazy?"

Haru charged up his chakra silently kneading it through his body, "My paper is tougher than some ordinary fire," he stretched out his arms to either side, "Shikagami Dance!"

Several bystanders gasped in shock as a wave of paper peeled itself from the surrounding area and swiftly move to smother the flames.

Backdraft observed with approval as he noted the foresight shown by the boy.

He's soaked all the paper in water before using it to stamp the fires out. 'This child has amazing control over this Quirk. And his leopards...'

The two beasts traveled to and fro, helping conduct bystanders to safety. They were both quick and efficient, each animal working in sync with the heroes.

With more hands available, the heroes redoubled their efforts to rescue the drowning Katsuki, who had increased his struggles at the sight of his brother.

It was all that Haru could do to keep himself focused on damage control. He didn't care if he could get in trouble later for using his Quirk. None of that mattered while Katsuki's life was at stake, but he had promised not to interfere.

"Right! Everyone stand back!" Backdraft yelled, aiming one of his hose at the slime villain, "Aqua Cannon!"

A high pressured stream of water blasted at the villain's body, dissolving enough of the slime for Katsuki to partially break free a moment. Everyone thought that maybe they had a chance until the villain pulled itself to gather again, revealing itself unhurt.

Haru felt as if time stood still for him as he caught a glance of Katsuki's eyes.

They were terrified.

He tensed his muscles to move when a blur moved past him.

"No, you idiot!"

"Stop! Your gonna get yourself killed!"

Haru's face stiffened when he realized...

It was Izuku!

The green-haired, Quirkless boy who had been too timid to stand up for himself for all these past years, was now running full tilt at a rampaging villain.

The villain growled as if he recognized the desperate teen, "Not this brat again. You're toast kid!"

Izuku's expression was petrified with fear, but he still kept running. With a sudden effort, he ripped his backpack off and hurled it into the villain's face. To everyone's shock, the villain flinched as the bag and its contents made contact with his eyes.

The villain's grip on Katsuki loosened finally allowing him room to breathe again.


Izuku desperately began clawing at the villain's body surrounding his former friend.

"What the hell? Why are you here?"

"I don't know! My legs... They just started moving!" his voice choked as tears ran down his face, "Kacchan, I couldn't just stand there and watch you die!"

The word seemed to spur the blonde into action as he pushed against his slimy prison, "GET THE HELL OFF ME!"

The villain tightened his grip again, "Just a little bit longer kid, and I'm done playing with you!"

Everyone watched in horror as a large tentacle rose in the air before slamming down on the helpless Izuku.

A crash shook the ground as the villain suddenly screeched in agony, a paper shuriken lodge in his eye.

"You've pissed me off for the last time," a wave of cold intent made everyone stop in their tracks.

Haru could be seen leaning over a trembling Midoriya who he had snatched away to safety. As he stood up, his molten gold eyes glared at the pile of slime as if it were some bug he wanted to crush.

"You messed with the wrong people. Villain," he spat out the final word with a venom that shocked everyone as he pulled out a strange-looking piece of paper with the kanji for 'explode' written in ink, "Looks like I can show my brother my newest project. I won't kill you because that not what a hero does, but you will suffer the consequences for what you've done!"

The tag glowed and multiplied. Surrounding the villain in a loose sphere of floating tag.

"Now," Haru directed a hand at the villain, "Katsu!"

The tags attached themselves to the villain, who began to laugh, "Seriously? I can absorb these bits of paper just like–"

A series of explosions burst at the villain from all sides, causing him to scream as they starting overwhelming him with sheer numbers.

Haru kept his hand raise, fueling his chakra into multiplying the tags, and detonating them.

'I am placing the explosions so they won't hurt Katsuki. It risky, but I don't have much choice by now. If I can keep this up.'

A wave of dizziness hit him hard and he fell to his knees.

'No! Not now! I must have used too much chakra putting out fires. I didn't consider how much stamina it takes to control wet paper. Using a new technique was too much for me to handle.'

The villain glared at the weakened boy as Katsuki's eyes pleaded for Haru to run away.

Several heroes jumped forward.

"Save the kids!"

Several tentacles sent them flying back before they could get close enough to help.

Two streaks of white dashed in, sending out harsh growls of challenge.

Haru raised a hand, "Shinra! Kai! Wait!"

The two animals ignored the boy's yells as Shinra leaped at the villain's head.

"Pesky animals!"

The cat was struck by a tentacle and exploded into a shower of fluttering paper. Haru flinched as the repercussions of a destroyed paper clone hit him. Whenever one of his more advanced creatures got destroyed, Haru would usually be overwhelmed by all the memories and information they had gathered. Since Shinra was one of his most intelligent and independent clones, the effects were bigger.

Kai crouched in front of his creator a whɨnė of concern rumbling from his throat.

"Games up kid!" the villain raised several tentacles over his head, "Time to die!"

Haru didn't flinch as he saw his life flash before his eyes.

'I'm sorry Katsuki. I wasn't strong enough.'


Izuku placed himself in front of his friend, his arms spread protectively as he braced himself to take the blow.

Haru could only watch in horror as a tentacle descended on his friend's helpless body. He couldn't help but close his eyes. He didn't want to watch him die.

He heard the tentacle slam down and he choked on the smoke and dust caused by the impact.

"I really am pathetic."

Haru's snapped his eyes open.

That voice!

"All Might!" Izuku exclaimed, confirming Haru's suspicion.

"I told you the traits that make a great champion," the hero grunted as he pushed against the villain's absorption, "But I see now I wasn't living up to my own ideals!"

He jerked his arm away from the villain's grip and stabbed his hand into the body, grabbing Katsuki's arm. Blood began flowing from his mouth from what Haru guessed were internal injuries, but he still kept going.

"Pros are always risking their lives! That's the true test of a hero!"

The number one hero pulled back a fist for an attack.

The villain growled in frustration as struggled to keep a hold onto Katsuki, "Damn you All Might!"

Haru sat up grabbing hold onto Izuku. He exchanged a look with Kai and the leopard nodded.

'Just a bit more...'

"Shikigami Dance!"

Kai's body dispersed and regathered around Haru and Izuku as a pair of massive origami wings.


A massive shockwave blasted through the street threatening to blow everyone away. Luckily, Mount Lady was able to protect the civilians while the other heroes were able to brace themselves. Haru grunted as he struggled to maintain his chakra as he squeezed a disoriented Midoriya to his ċhėst.

The displacement of air caused a small cyclone to form around where All Might was standing. Luckily, it died down just before Haru collapsed in exhaustion. earning a concerned cry from Izuku.


Haru lay on his side giving his friend a soft smile, "That. Was terrifying."

He glanced at All Might's heaving figure as the rain began to fall.

Several murmurs from the bystanders and heroes registered through the buzzing that was fogging his mind as he realized that the clouds were circling above them as a result of All Might's attack.

"He changed the weather," Izuku murmured in awe.

Several cheers rose from the crowd as they watched the Symbol of Peace straighten up, raising his fist in victory.

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