Shinka no Mi

What Makoto can do

"Hey, get out of the way! Injured!

"Restoration pills stockpiled!?"

"Almost no more!

"I can't get in any more [during recovery] either!

I managed to get him inside the main entrance safely, and I was stunned by the sight that spread in front of me.

There were a lot of soldiers scratched all over their bodies, bleeding but desperately moving.

Even the general public and children move around to help them like that, helping them everywhere.

Everyone was doing what they could now and scratching their feet to survive.

Seeing me stand up, Mr. Riel laughs with his nose and takes the whole city around even further.

It was like walking like that, showing me that I couldn't do anything.

"- What do you say? You got that? It doesn't do you any good."


After walking all the way around, stopping in a place like the square, Mr. Riel said so in a tone that made fun of me.

Take that, I...

"Great, looks like I could use some help."


For some reason Mr. Riel opened his mouth with Pocan as he opened his eyes.

But as soon as he tightened his face, he glanced at me with a faint look.

"Are your eyes ornamental? Looking at this situation, you think you can help? Look at those wounded soldiers. There is no longer a stockpile of restorative drugs, and [during recovery] is already overflowing with injured people. But the enemy doesn't wait for us like that, they attack us. I don't have time to heal my wounds. And even if you had a cure right now..."

"Is there enough healing pills for this?


I took all the finest healing pills out of the item box.

This healing drug was grown in the [endless forest of sad love] with the magic "Instant Farm," which I created, in parallel with the "fruit of evolution." For what? No, because it's the magic I made because of it, and it was a shame to do it just for the 'fruit of evolution'. By the way, the "fruit of evolution" has grown well and a good number has been harvested, but it has bothered my head where I use it.

Anyway, I originally had plenty of healing pills available to me, no matter what happened. I'm glad you're ready for that.

Mr. Riel shakes his head slowly, staring silently at the recovery pills lined up in front of him.

"Oh, that's crazy. Are my eyes the ornament? There's a healing pill right in front of me... it's also called the finest healing pill, there's no longer a lot of legendary items..."

"Is that it? Not enough? We still have the ingredients. Shall we make them? One can be done in about three seconds..."

"Three seconds!?"

In front of Mr. Riel, who opened his mouth just to ask if his jaw would come off, I took out the specialty herbs and tools, activated his skills and created them in an instant. Oh, I didn't need three seconds.

"Yes, like this. Oh, I don't have anything in here. Can I have it?

"What are you!?"

When Mr. Riel suddenly grabbed my shoulder, he began to rock with great momentum. My vision shakes. Run!

"This is all the finest healing pills you can create in an instant!? Are you a god or a god?!? Oh!?"


"I don't know what you're talking about!

"It's unreasonable. Awwwwwwww!

They grab my shoulder and they shake me, so I tell them I can't talk properly!

The tree looked funny and laughed at me like that.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Stop this guy. Whoa, whoa, whoa!

"Huh? I can't. I'm just a tree. Besides, I wonder what happens to Makoto if he stays like this. Just trees."

"You, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

You're shaking me so hard, my brain is shaking me up and making me sick.

When I was sick and about to throw up, someone who had been hiding behind my back and following me, jumped out in a hurry.

"Riel, stop! He's gonna throw up!

"What!? Dirty!

"Seriously, that's unreasonable!?"

Released thanks to those who popped up, I laid my hands on the ground for a while to calm down to do something about my shaky vision. Oh, it's dangerous. I almost got it out of my mouth like a tree...

When I looked up where my vision was finally set, a black-crushed woman stood next to Mr. Riel.

Apparently, it's the same black-crushed guy I saw in [Sealed Demon Forest], but I didn't know she was a woman. I didn't know my gender when it just looked like it... is there something like a technique that dares to make my gender hard to understand?

Observing a black-crushed woman thinking that way, the person approached me with a bitter laugh and reached out.

I took that hand for no reason, and when I was stood, the black-crushed woman bowed her head.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend Riel either."

"Hung, you don't have to worry about such a suspicious man."

"But I guess this recovery pill is his thing? Then don't treat me so badly."

Yes, after telling Mr. Riel, the black-crushed woman who turned to me again opens her mouth.

"Introduce yourself for one second? I'm swine. I'm doing some reconnaissance and intelligence."

"Duh, thanks. I'm Seiichi Shu, the adventurer."

"Yeah, yeah, it's nice to meet you, Makichi!... Look, I won't even introduce myself!

"............... it's Riel. Sorry I disturbed you earlier."

The black-crusted woman - - followed by Mr. Swine, Liel opened her mouth as badly as one seemed.

"Well, we learned each other's names, Makichi. Can I get this recovery pill?

"Yeah, sure. I put it out for that. I told Mr. Riel, if it didn't seem enough, I'd still make it, wouldn't I?

"Thanks! That'll help! I just want to ask you one thing, Makichi, can you use restorative magic?

"Yes, you can use it"

"Right, right! Well, that's enough healing pills. I just need you to come."

"Hey, Swine! Are you taking him?!?"

"'Cause you wouldn't have a choice, would you? Besides, as much as you have the finest healing pills, healing magic can be amazing."

"But you don't have to go out of your way to get to that point, you just need to recover with a healing pill"

"That would take too long. I don't have time for everyone to drink. Compared to that, healing over there is a moment, depending on the type of magic."


"Um... what am I supposed to do after all?

Mr. Swine panicked when he asked unexpectedly because the conversation was going on without me.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Makichi will explain it to you. Makichi wants you to use healing magic in a place called [Between Recovery]."

"Huh? But you can't use magic in this country, can you?

"Yeah, because the trees of [Sealed Demon Forest] are rooting for the magic around them."

I saw the tree unexpectedly in Mr. Swine's words.

"... hey, it's your fault"

"Isn't that reasonably good? It doesn't make sense to be mad at a tree, does it?

"I'm extra angry because it's an honest argument!

Surely I can't help but be angry with the woods and trees. Because that's the ecology.

"Can we keep talking?

"Oh, excuse me..."

"Fine, fine! So, Makichi, your question is, there's only one place in this country where magic can be used. That's [during recovery]."

"Then can magic normally be used there?

"That's another special place, and there's one kind of magic you can use to figure out what principles. It's just restorative magic, too. So, in this country, wizards are all healers."

"I see..."

That's a very exclusive place. However, I don't think it's only possible to use attack magic, I think it's a good place to just use healing magic. It'll help when you get hurt or something.

Well, that's fine...

"Um... okay? I think it's rather suspicious."

The tree that was listening to my words opened its eyes and said, "Were you conscious?" He just looked at me. No, I don't think I'm as suspicious as you are, though, do I?

"Can I take such a suspicious person somewhere that seems important to this country?

As the only place in the country where healing magic can be used, I don't see how that's the case, but if I were the enemy, there's a chance I'd mess it up.

Whereas Mr. Riel still had a difficult face as to whether my suspicions were the best, Mr. Swine laughed frankly.

"I'm not worried about that. Actually, I've been looking in the back since you and Riel were in conversation at the main entrance."

I knew that. I'm not going to say anything because it's going to be easy to say.

"And I have the skill to tell if the person is lying, saying 'true or false eyes'. And I've been activating it since you and Riel were in conversation, and it didn't turn out to be lying. In fact, you don't want to engage in hostilities with us, do you?

"Of course!"

The moment I answered that, Mr. Swine's eyes glowed blue for a moment. Probably activated that 'true and false eyes'.

"Yeah, the word isn't a lie now either. Well, like this, you're not our enemy, at least. So now that we're overwhelmingly understaffed, I'd love for you to give me a hand. All right?

"If it's okay with me..."

"Yeah, that word isn't a lie either. Well, then, please."

When Mr. Swine laughed, he began to guide us [during recovery].

At that time, the healing pills I made were picked up by soldiers with few scratches and carried carefully as they were.

When I see it and start moving, things get into my eyes again around me.

Various people were moving around and they wondered how critical a battle this country was in.

"Speaking of which, Empress during this time? when I met her, she couldn't tell me, where am I?

"Right here? This is-"

"Suin. His Majesty didn't answer. We can't answer that."

"I can't seem to tell you because it sounds like... I'm sorry?"


I don't think I need to keep it that thorough.

"So another question, is this going to be the capital of the so-called country?

"Yes, I am."

"Uh... is this condition in that capital okay with other cities or something?

"Oh, that's okay. There is only one more means to get to other cities without going through this capital. It's not from land, it's the sea."

"Huh? So it's the sea outside [Sealed Demon Forest]?

"That's what you're gonna say. Besides, the ocean has a lot of currents and rocky reefs, and the ship didn't get very close. So we struggle with trade... or we're almost self-sufficient in our clan state."

Apparently, this country is more special than I think.

However, so it would be the only salvation to say that you don't have to worry about it for one second except this city. Well, I guess that also leads to a situation where you can't even get help as a result.

Walking on that conversation, I realize I do.

"Um... Mr. Swine? Could it be that there is [during recovery]..."

"Oh, have you noticed? As you can see, there is a time for recovery in [Castel Caña], the symbol of this country."

"... that's why I didn't want to take him during his recovery"

Mr. Riel says that in a grumpy way, but you certainly don't want to take such a suspicious person to the place where the Empress lives. When I was in Terveil, it was the way I was taken.

I arrived at the [Castle of Caña] and when Mr. Swin spoke to the gatekeeper, I was able to enter the clam.

The castle itself may not be that different from the castle in Terbert, but I still feel it may be exotic.

"So, Makoto. I'll be waiting for you in the garden."

"What, you're not coming?

Then as soon as I entered the castle, I was surprised because the tree started saying that.

"Makoto doesn't know what he wants from me, but I'm more of a tree than I was originally, right? It's my job to sleep in photosynthesis."

"Shit, I totally forgot because you don't look like a normal tree anymore..."

Yeah, it's a tree originally. Well, trees don't move, and they don't talk. I knew I was too poisoned.

Besides, I'm sure the trees just guide us to this country, and we shouldn't have followed them this far.

"... that? So when are you going back to that normal tree?

"Come on? Are you in the mood?


Is that appropriate?... Well, except for my mental fatigue, no harm, I guess.

Surprised at me, the tree headed for the garden at My Pace, spreading the branches on the spot, began to sunbathe in a pleasant way. Koitz, you're really my pace when your own birth parent, the Empress, is in trouble. I can't say anything about it because it would be different from human sensibility.

Mr. Swine laughed bitterly, as long as I was actually able to use healing magic, so the tree left me in the garden and started moving again until between healing.

The [Castle of Cargna], in a different style than the castle of Terbeil, is not boring to watch, including the shapes of each pillar and the paintings painted on the ceiling.

Even when I was on Earth, I never left Japan. From me, Terbeil was fresh, but the castles in this country are fresh again, and I look around like an old man.

"You... you're so looking inside the castle, you're up to something?

"No, no, no! That's not true!

"Ha, Riel. You just care too much. Besides, Makichi, your answer isn't a lie right now, so I think you can assume that you're not really the enemy.... Look, we're here more than that."

When Mr. Riel was not in doubt, he was coming in front of a room closed with heavy metal doors.

A gatekeeper stood in front of that door, and when Mr. Swin told him something, just as he did when entering this castle, he was allowed inside with clams.



"Hey... stay..."

"My eyes... I can't see anything..."


It was overflowing with heavily injured people, incomparable with the soldiers who were wounded outside.

Those people in white from above a few black military uniforms are desperately putting something like healing magic on them.

But there's not enough people in the first place, and there's no way the injury is completely healing.

Mr. Swine, who looks at the sight with a sinking face, explained.

"... here is a place to heal wounded soldiers who can't help themselves with their healing pills. But healing magic also has its limits. If you lose your hands and feet, you'll never go back to normal again. They are all wounded heroes to protect this country. Makichi, I don't know what your healing magic arm looks like. If you can still use a little healing magic, you can use a little of the heroes here -"

"" The Healing of the Virgin Mary ""

I activated the 'Healing of the Virgin Mary', the finest magic in light attributes.

Then Mr. Swine and the others were right, it really seems that healing magic can be used in this space, and soon the whole room will be filled with my magic. No, on the contrary, beyond this room, the light of the 'Healing of the Virgin Mary' ran all over the castle, all over this city.

I guess magic isn't good if it's normal because there's no magic in the city, but that's my magic there. Once activated, he activated it exactly as I wanted. I mean, it feels like the enemy has no influence whatsoever and only soldiers and citizens of this country will recover.

I used magic for real because the number of wounded during the recovery was higher than I expected, and the number of healing magicians didn't seem to be enough at all. This way we can all recover, and I thought we should finally recover from all the people in the city. However, you won't be using the restorative drugs I gave you because of it, but well, you could also use it as a national reserve for when something happens.

If you think so, the other healing magicians who were distracted by my magic, as well as all the wounded, check their respective bodies with indignation.

"Oh, man. You, the wound..."

"Move... move, my hand...!

"Oh......! I can see, I can see well......! I thought I'd never see it again......!

"Hey, they said it would never heal. Even my old wounds heal...!

"It's a miracle, a miracle has happened...!


You were all stunned by what happened to you at first, but as you gradually began to embrace reality, you burst into tears in your eyes and smiled and rejoiced at each other. Yeah, yeah, 'cause I hate the dark vibes. I knew people liked the look on their faces when they said they were happy.

Once again, after completing the help Mr. Swine told me, I turn my gaze to Mr. Swine and the others.

"Mr. Swine. Can I look like this?


"Oh, by the way, I also magically managed to recover the wounds of the soldiers who were outside from here, so check it out. I think that's eliminating the use of the recovery pills I gave you earlier, but leave it there for stockpiling or fattening the warehouse in case you need it. For once, we make sure there is no expiration date, so you can save it all the time."

Hey, you've done a good job in a while, haven't you?

It's been a battle and a slaughter lately. And, hey, it sounds like the world cares, and it sounds like a chunk of insanity and irrationality, but you wouldn't say that if you did it this far. I'm helping people, so I don't have the elements to be told. Perfect......!

Yes, when I'm convinced by myself, I think something is just wrong with Mr. Swine and Mr. Riel, who are still silent, and I peek into his face -.

"" Ahhhhhhhhhh!? "

"Wow, I'm surprised!?"

Suddenly they were all together and screamed.

Then Mr. Riel grabs my shoulder, just like he did when he was on his recovery pills again, and starts to rock more than then.

"I knew what you were!? God, you're God!? Yes, you must be. Say yes!

"If so, it's disrespectful. Yikes!?"

No, actually, I don't mind because I'm not a god, but if God is, he says that statement is really disrespectful - and I'm gonna throw up, Cora.

You perceived disturbing signs from my stomach and mouth, and Mr. Riel pushed me away as if he had touched even filth.

Oh, I was released early - I thought...

"Let me, Makichi!? What was that?!? And why are the bodies of the people who lost their hands and feet back on track?!?"

"Susssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down, calm down. Yeah, yeah!

Hey, 'Evolution'!? Isn't this the situation what you should adapt to!? Or you'll throw up and die!? Socially Neh!

"Skills [Evolution] has been activated. This will help your body adapt. '

"Are you adapting?"

I was joking about it, but apparently Mr. World and Mr. Brain Announcement distracted me, and the disgust that had brought me to social death earlier disappeared perfectly beautiful.

Still hadn't stopped grabbing my shoulder and shaking it, answering Mr. Swine's question as he clammed his head.

"And it was a hassle for now, so I put it together and healed all my injuries"

"I don't know what that means!?"

I don't know what that means, but I don't know what it means.

I'm still not sure if this world even gave me some weird accommodation, even though it worked better because of my magic. No, really, what makes the world accommodating?

"Oh, I'm probably healing ancient wounds and all around there because of that healing magic, so I'm sorry if anyone intentionally left a wound. I wanted to cheer you up a little bit sooner, so I activated magic without thinking about it."

Aside from whether or not I'm convinced, I gave my explanation right, but both Mr. Riel and Mr. Swine are shook their necks sideways in dismay.

"Weird. Weird after all. What's going on? What the hell is this guy in front of you? Well, we were in a critical situation, weren't we? What? I don't know what you mean by saying it myself, but what does' was' mean in its past form?

"Ri, Riel, calm down. No, not if you're calm. But it's really healing, and it's beyond my comprehension? What? Who is he?

"I'll find out! Hey, you! What's this all about?!?"

"Isn't that too vague!?"

Whatever you ask me about this, everything I've done in front of Riels is wacky...

If you just insist, you'll be feeling strong these days arr (...).

"Normally, did you run away?

"What do you mean, normal runs away!?"

No, I want to hear it. But I think that a lot lately, and I can't help it. Why are you running away? Hiding? Just come home because I lose...!

Mr. Riel politely tells me one by one as he holds his head to my answer.

"Ready? Firstly, healing pills. Common healing pills are not the finest. The healing pills are a substitute for the cuts that should heal beautifully. That's the sort of thing that heals any legendary wound in an instant. You lined me up like an asshole, huh?

"Well, I thought there should be a lot of them"

"Oh, even if it actually helped. And come here. It's restorative magic. What, regenerate the missing parts? And this whole city? Hahaha, I just have to laugh now"

"Ha ha..."

Mr. Riel, my eyes aren't laughing.

"I only got one thing. You're an insane piece of shit."

"Why, yes, yes, yes, yes!?"

That's crazy! I thought it was a good idea, but it's crazy to treat you like insane!

"I don't care what you think...... in the general common sense range, recovery drugs are a few things on the market, recovery magic is about one person at a time, or many and three at the same time. Moreover, there can be no complete healing only by alleviating the wounds of the seriously injured"

"Right... well, thanks to Makichi being outside our common sense, we're all smiling."

"I'm going to cry when they say I'm insane!

Enough! No! If my tears make everyone smile, I'll cry, Konchikhou!

Watching the soldiers rejoicing in tears accidentally, someone came to the entrance between recovery.

"Seiichi, are you done? Well, it must be over. Because a magical wave has come this way. You're still just an irrational and insane chunk.... No, both" irrational "and" insane "will carry a heavy burden as a word for sincerity."

"Come and stop making your mind choices soon!?"

What came was a tree that was supposed to be photosynthetic or something in the square.

The tree almost came to the point where I was just mentally beaten down.

What do you mean, "irrational" and "insane" are heavy loads to describe me!? Because I don't use "irrational" in the first place in a nutshell!? I've never even heard of it before! Except against me!?

"Well, what are you doing here? I thought you were waiting in the square.

"I'm here because I'm free"

"You were just a tree, weren't you?"

I guess I don't have time or anything. Though it would be tree life to root and photosynthesize.

"Well, it looks like we've cleared up the issue of tension all over this city for now, so let's go next."

"What? Next no?

What more do you say we do?

I frown at the words of the tree and lean my neck.

"Yes. Makoto wants you to do the next thing..."

"- What the hell is all this fuss?


Blocking the words of the tree and showing up again at the entrance between the recoveries was a woman called the [Empress], arguably the worst encounter ever.

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