Shinka no Mi

The Varsha Empire uniting

"Riel, Swine. What's this all about?


"What do you say…"

The soldiers, who were delighted during the recovery, of course, looked at each other with expressions such as what to explain to that Mr. Riel or Mr. Swine, to a woman known as the [Empress] who suddenly came after the tree.

When I looked in that direction because I felt an unexpected glance at the soldiers like that, I looked at me and the tree with a strange face.

"You... why are you here? Sure, I would have breathed my life into a tree on that spot and ordered it to be stopped... but no, why is that tree here too? What happened to the rest of the orders?

"(I'm just a tree I'm just a tree I'm just a tree I'm just a tree...)"

"... dude. Who do you think created you? I can hear your thoughts."


With [just a tree plan] by the tree broke in an instant, the tree shouted like it had never heard before.... Nanbu, Nanbu.

"You look irrelevant, too? Is it obvious you did something?


He stares at me with a sharp gaze, and I unwittingly clog the words, but the empress in front of me looks at me like she won't let me get away with it until she tells me what happened.

Nevertheless, I answered normally, especially since I have not had any difficulty or difficulty being asked.

"Uh... for now, when they brought me here, I needed more serious illnesses, and it seemed spicy just to watch, so I cured them all"

"healed them all!?"

The Empress, who saw the soldiers again in an awesome shape, glances with dismay.

"Duh, what's going on... Wake up in heaven during the recovery that was so hellish while I slept a little...?

"Oh, I gave the soldiers out there the finest healing pills, and I think they're all healing."

"What are you talking about?"

"Sire, tone of voice!

The empress, pointed out to Mr. Swine, had one cough when she gave a hazy look.

"Mmm!... I didn't know something unexplainable was happening so far while I was still asleep... And if it's always the case, I'm strangely tired after using a lot of power, and I can't fatigue inside, but I'm feeling strangely well now..."

"Uh... that, Your Majesty. This Seiichi magic wasn't actually just during this recovery, it was all over the castle... No, it was going to the whole city, so I thought it might affect you..."

"What are you really?!?"

For some reason I didn't know what to answer to an empress screaming in tears. No, I'm the one who wants to know. Really, it must be "human"......

Unexpectedly, looking far away, a tree began to appeal to the Empress just here.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! It's me, who brought this Seiichi so far! What do you say!? Thanks!?"

"But it's not gonna break orders, is it?


The tree cleverly drooped his hands to the ground. He's smelling more and more human.

"Well, what is it really? I just didn't get down to the Kaisel Empire. I thought everyone would get hurt and die... it was such a desperate situation, why are you fixing everything when you sleep and wake up? Isn't that strange?"

"Your Majesty... I'm sure in my heart..."

"Really terrible to be told!?"

Well, I hope everyone's feeling better!

The Empress shook her head several times, without animosity, and had turned her straight eyes.

"- I must thank you for the rest. What was his first name?

"Is that where you get vegan?

Even though we did name it [Sealed Demon Forest], we were awkward at each other then. I'm suspicious. So I guess we never remembered it properly.

So I raised my name again without complaining in particular.

"I'm Seiichi the Adventurer. I've already explained the situation to Riel and Suin there, but while attacking a dungeon that appeared near Terbert, King's Capital of the Kingdom of Wimbledon, I was engaged with someone named the 'Gods' of [the Demon Order], and after defeating them, I was looking into possessions to see if there was anything dangerous, and I came to this strange land with the crystal power that the 'Gods' had."

"Oh well. That's a harder and more unexpected reason... Mmm! The rest rule the Varsha Empire, Amelia Flem Varsha."

"To? The Varsha Empire?

Empress - I was unintentionally surprised by Amelia's words.

The Varsha Empire... I was just attacking the dungeon when Helen said she was going to be strong to get back here? Is that it?

"Hmm? What's wrong with you?

"Yes, no, it's okay. Yes."

For one thing, it would be prerequisite to put aside the fact that I am coming to the Varsha Empire and to respond to what is happening here more than that.

"So, Seiichi. I thank you. I can't give you a formal thank you yet, but I expect some. … Hopefully we can make it home safely."

"Yes? What does that mean?

Asked unexpectedly by Amelia's disturbing remarks, Amelia spoke with a look that she was about to give up somewhere.

"As you already know, this Varsha Empire is under attack. That's two things: the Kaisel Empire, which is trying to keep the land under control, and the - [Demon Order]."

"Oh, two!?"

And by the way, why are you being targeted by two such hassles?!? Neither of them is Locke!

"You apparently have something to do with [the Demon Church] for personal reasons..."

"Personal cause, or coming on its own from the other side first to go..."

I don't want to have anything to do with those annoying people. I don't even know the demon gods very well.

"Anyway, this Varsha Empire is dealing with those two enemies"

"So those wounded soldiers...?

"No, the apparent cause of the attacks and injuries are soldiers of the Kaisel Empire. All soldiers are 'transcendents' as to what kind of hand they used. And have sent more than a thousand soldiers of that transcendent to this land."

"... well held"

"Saved by [Sealed Demon Forest]. Because they can't use magic, they don't have the means to attack extensively. Besides, the forest is depressing and the scaffolding is bad. Originally not suitable to travel in large numbers. And then... it would get in our way, but we managed to outrun the demons that originally lived in the woods."

"I see..."

"[The Demon Church], but this one is more troublesome. Even the current war between the Kaisel Empire and our country seems to be just an event of value to them. They use some strange technique or medicine to fortify the demons in the woods. I can't grasp the executioner."

"Er... why do you think [Demon Order] is the cause of that demon being enhanced? I'm sure I'm going to..."

"Simple story, I've been lurking in our country for a long time, so there are a few similar examples. I've tried to catch him many times, but there's no sign of him ever getting caught. Besides, they don't know what the purpose is, but they're collecting people's negative feelings and doings. There hasn't been any movement among them lately, but I suppose you thought you could earn negative emotions from this war. Looks like it's starting to move again. belly, but undoubtedly negative sentiments are spreading in our country today"

"Your Majesty..."

Mr. Riel and Mr. Swine looked worryingly at Amelia, who regrettably told him so.

But when Amelia immediately realizes something, she turns away from what she just did and becomes faceless.

"- Forget the rest of your expression now. Nice."

"Huh? Yes"

I don't know what the problem was, but they told me to forget it, so I'll forget it... so let's just keep it to a point where I don't recall.

"Now, let's get back to it... we were talking about whether we could officially thank you?


"As I just said, my country is no longer in a desperate situation. Even if our soldiers regained their power with the healing pills and healing magic you brought."

"- That's not true!

Then one of the soldiers, who had been wounded until just now, who had been listening to us in silence, shouted so.

"We can still fight, Your Majesty!

"Yes! Next time, I'll try to get the Kaisel Empire guys out of the way perfectly!

"It's not hopeless or anything yet!

Soldiers who boost their will when they can fight mouth-to-mouth and tell Lady Amelia.

But Lady Amelia just shook her head to the side.

"No, I can't. Even with the rest of your abilities, you're overwhelmingly short on numbers."

"I don't..."

"Are you telling me there isn't? Even though our country can't call for help anywhere? By comparison, they can call for as much rescue as they want. If more soldiers are gathered now and attacked by [Sealed Demon Forest] in man-made sea tactics, our country will perish in an instant"


"Besides. They can get supplies from other controlled countries. It also comes from outside this Varsha Empire, the Kingdom of Wimbledon, and the countries of the East. While we are constantly forced into a war of annihilation, they will always attack us in full swing."


All the soldiers try to say something back to Lady Amelia's words, but in the end they find no words and shut up.

"... different from the force in the first place. I didn't know the rest of it.... When the first surrender recommendation was made, I thought I could win the rest. land, remaining abilities, and strong soldiers. The rest of the country is the strongest. It was to destroy these fools who tried to destroy the rest of the country... but it was nothing but illusions."

When Amelia quietly meditates on her eyes, she eventually looks over at the soldiers in a manner that determined something.

"I'm sorry, everyone. The rest of the choices put everyone in crisis. From here on out, I'll take responsibility."

"Responsibility?... No way, Your Majesty!? You shouldn't!

Amelia shakes her neck sideways, even as Riel opens her eyes and tries to stop Amelia.

"No, I've decided the rest. From this, the Varsha Empire is - No. Amelia Flem Varsha surrenders to the Kaisel Empire"

The soldiers immediately returned to me, wrapped in silence during a moment of recovery, to the words of Lady Amelia, who had utterly said so.

"Nah, I won't, Your Grace!

"We can still fight!

"And Your Majesty is responsible!? We should be responsible for that too!

"Please reconsider!

As Mr. Riel and the other soldiers shouted so, only Mr. Swine, stared at Amelia with a complex expression.

"... I can't hurt everyone any more"

"But heh!

"Fine. Fine. And even if the rest of us die, the bloodline..."

Lady Amelia said that much and squeezed her expression again when she wondered if she had grinned, staring somewhere far away.

"Tomorrow, the rest will head to the positions of the Kaisel Empire and tell them that they will surrender. Don't worry, everyone. Protect us all with the rest of our lives."


Everyone just has to shut up and listen to what Amelia has to say.

- Yeah, I thought so.

"- I don't like it!


Mr. Riel stared at Lady Amelia with tears in her eyes and said so with clarity.

"Liel, the rest of the orders..."

"I can't ask! All this... you'll never, ever hear of it...!

Mr. Riel was finally overwhelmed and cried out like that.

"Until the end, I will be beside His Majesty! I won't let you fight alone......!

"Your Majesty, I will serve you to the end."

"Riel, swine......"

Kneeling on the spot, they both stare straight at Amelia in tears.

Then the other soldiers started shouting their thoughts one after the other.

"Sire, don't say such sad things!

"We are His Majesty's sword and we are shields!

"Everyone, until the time of death! I swear to you the same loyalty!

"Your Majesty...!

"Your Majesty!!"

Soldiers kneeling and drooling at the same time.

Seeing the appearance, Lady Amelia wept.

"Everybody...... that's stupid. It's really stupid. If I were the only one to sacrifice, we might all be able to help..."

My tone as [Empress] has broken already, and Dear Amelia, who just weeps as one girl.

To such Amelia, Mr. Swine smiled.

"Your Majesty. You're out of tune again, aren't you?

"Ugh, shut up! You can't help it!? It's your fault!

Amelia wet her tears to delude her desperate crying.

And already, at that time, it had turned into a strong willingness to look forward, not a given look earlier.

"Everyone...... thank you. Loyalty to all, received only. Let's fight together to the end......!

"" "Whoa, whoa, whoa!

On the contrary during the recovery, the more the castle all sways, the greater the roar.

Each one poked high at the weapon in his hand and excited each other with a willingness to offer victory to Lady Amelia.

"Hey... this country is amazing"

"Yes. It's my Lord's, proud country."

The tree smiled somewhere proud when I accidentally told the tree that was looking at the sight next door.

"You... No, Makoto"


When I watched and admired everyone, Amelia, whose tone and atmosphere softened, called out to me.

"What about Seiichi?

"What do we do, what?

"Makoto is not originally from this country. On the contrary, I have come to this dangerous place in an accident. That's why I'm not obliged to accompany this battle to Makoto."


Indeed, as Amelia said, I am not originally obliged or obliged to help in the war in this country.

"Besides, Makoto has already asked me to help him with the recovery drugs and the restorative magic. You can call it our problem from here on out."

"Yeah. Besides, now that the Kaisel Empire is still pulling into position, it might be possible to make only one departure. I asked the soldiers who were at the front gate, but they didn't seem to work arrows in any special way, and I'm guessing it's no problem to get away with it in strength?


"As far as Seiichi is concerned, is there someone waiting for Seiichi?


That's what Lady Amelia told me, and Salia's face immediately came to mind.


"No - I was asked by the tree there to help you."


"That's not all. That... Look, the first encounter is like my carelessness, and is that an apology..."

…… Huh!? "

Amelia, who twisted her neck for a moment did not know what she was talking about, remembered her encounter in [Sealed Demon Forest] and turned her face bright red.

"Oh, oh, you! Forget about that time! Fine!? Write it off now!?"

"Uh... duh, I'll try"

"Definitely forget it, not an effort! Or I'll physically erase it!?"

"Eh, scary"

Physically erase what? Instead of memories, it seems to erase the momentum from my head.

"That's enough... if you say you'll stay here, I'll lend you a room. It's almost night, and fortunately the Kaisel Empire thinks they can destroy us whenever they mean it, and they attack us twitchy, so there shouldn't be any night raids, so we should be able to sleep.... I don't know if I can really rest my mind."

There's going to be a night raid if it's a war or something, but apparently the Kaisel Empire has no sign of it so far. I guess I'm really playing with jitters hurting me. You have a bad personality.

"[The Demon Church] won't be targeting you directly either, so if you're going to launch an attack, it should be the same as the Kaisel Empire. So get some rest now. It's okay. If there's a night raid, I'll call you from the watch, and I'll beat you up even if you fall asleep."

"Oh, that's scary..."

He seems to have memories as he slaps them up.

I just realized...

"The... Dear Amelia? The tone has already returned to vegetables since earlier..."

"......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I won't use that tone on you anymore! So you don't have to be respectful either. No need for strawberry or sarcasm. Years are coming up, and you can call it off."

"Heh, sire!?"

Amelia... No, Amelia tells me that there is no such thing as a sudden de-signature.

"'Cause in this situation, and it would be weird to ask someone to help you to respect you, wouldn't it? And I'm not on official business right now. What a waste of time talking with respect."

"Well, maybe..."

"Anyway, just between now and then. All right?

"Ha ha..."

I accidentally replied out of my mind, but Amelia nodded contentedly.

"Okay, so swin? Show Makoto to his room."

"Yes, sir."

This is how Mr. Swine took me to my room.

◆ ◇ ◆

"- So it feels, the battle between the Varsha and Kaisel empires? You are now joining"

"Why can't you be normal!?"

Al got so mad at me when I contacted Salia and the others about what was going on in the room that Mr. Swine showed me, using his necklace. No, I want to be normal, too, right?

"But you can't overlook it, can you? I'm trying to see people fighting in front of me ready to die... and I want to make sure that one person's life is saved by some kind of help."

'Well... maybe I am...'

"Besides, I don't want to fight either. I'm scared."

There has been a lot of fighting with the [Demon Order], but I'm scared of fighting in the first place. They're all attacking me with amazing shapes.

If you think that way, you hear Al's big sigh over the neckline.

'Ha... If Makoto has already decided, I can't help it. Just make sure you're okay, okay?

"That's for sure. I'm leaving without a scratch."

'... No, Makichi says so, so I guess it's okay'

'Right! But be careful, okay?

"Oh, thank you"

Salia admitted to my behavior, but worried, I smiled unexpectedly.

For one thing, besides that, I remembered huffing when I was telling them as much as I could about where I was right now and the situation.

"Speaking of which, what happened to Destra?

"He gave it to Mr. Lanze!

'... the king had a headache for your actions, too. I don't know what that means.'

'Cause I don't know either.

So, why are you in trouble when you're going first? I really don't like it.

"Well, if I could just give it to Mr. Lanze, I'd be fine. In the first place, Destra's abilities have changed, and now she's harmless."

"The King and I don't know what that means, including there..."

"And what happened to Helen? Are you near that?

Yes, I know Helen was trying to be strong to help someone in the Varsha Empire, and now that I'm here, I was hoping I could give her some information.


"Uh... that's it, he left the dungeon, and then went straight to the Varsha Empire on his own."


'We stopped, too, but said we already served our purpose...'


Am I supposed to be stunned or praised for Helen's ability to behave... I felt indescribable?

Well, there seems to be someone important in the Varsha Empire, and I can't help it.

"I wish I could pass on some information."

"As for me, I thought Helen's efforts had been wasted at the time you were here..."

"What do you mean?!?"

Why would Helen's efforts be wasted if I were in the Varsha Empire? That's terrible.

"Well no. Tomorrow the battle will start again, and I'll rest around here."

"... right"

"Makichi, be really careful, okay?

"Whoa. Good night."

When I greeted them that way and finished contacting them, I fell straight into bed.


Bo stares at the ceiling all the time, thinking unexpectedly.

Tomorrow, if we fight normally, we'll all get hurt. On the contrary, it could kill you.

If magic could have been used here, I guess I could have just sniped at the soldiers of the Kaisel Empire with 'Judgment' or something, but for some reason magic won't always be available, so I just have to figure out some other way.

... Well, like the tree said, maybe there's a reason my body can't use magic. If you want to borrow a word like Lune, why be the world...... hey? Well, I don't think so. I didn't communicate like magic...


No, you've had a conversation with the world. All right, let's not talk about this.

It's more about tomorrow than that.

I know you're arrogant, but if you can, I'd like to be powerless without hurting anyone...

The moment I thought about it that much, I had one idea… on the contrary, I came up with something ridiculous. I came up with it.

"No, no, no, that's just..."

I try to deny that it's impossible to fly too far while I think about it myself, but I don't feel like my body is saying 'it's not even hard work'.

... No way, can you really do that? If I can......

If you think about it and you try to deny it, all you have is a feeling that you can.

After that... is it a matter of my feelings?

No, not if I'm telling you how I feel right now.

When I got out of bed, I slapped my cheek to regain my temper.

"Phew... Though I think that's all normal, the thought circuits are getting less and less normal - let me show you plenty of 'human (bucket stuff)'!

When I was so determined, I went into the futon in preparation for tomorrow.

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