Then wouldn’t you try to find a way to get in?

At the same time, the E-Union Headquarters can recruit more admirals according to the admiral selection conditions of the Admiral Academy.

It doesn't matter how many admirals can meet the conditions.

As long as the conditions are there, there will always be people who want to take advantage of the situation and meet the conditions, thereby turning over in one fell swoop and reaching the pinnacle of life.

This will speed up the joint control of the continent by the ship girls, and at the same time, the expanded admirals can quickly replenish the emptiness of the ship girls union.

It will play an important role in the subsequent arrangements for the garrison.

As for the die-hards who fight to the end.

The Ship Girl Alliance has handed over the lowest execution power to the admiral who is a mainlander himself, so what does what they do have to do with the Ship Girl?

That was done by humans, not by the ship girls.

The admiral takes the blame, and the ship girls can unite to gain a good reputation that benefits the public.

As for whether they are afraid that the admirals with ship girls will rebel in the end, the number of admirals needed to manage the mainland is something that the ship girls alliance can control.

Moreover, if the admiral wants to own a ship girl, he cannot do without the construction machine, which is now jointly controlled by the ship girls.

They have grasped the lifeblood of all admirals. As long as they want to have ship girls, the only way now is to become admirals of the ship girls alliance.

Vian's plan only accelerated the process.

Therefore, the force that each area can possess is also under the control of the ship girl alliance.

Human desires are always endless. If they live a better life, they will always want to live a better life.

Just like him, when you have a ship girl, you want to have more, and so do other admirals.

For the newly born admirals in the four theaters, the ship-girl alliance can increase the difficulty of construction and the resources required.

Let them be forced to roll. If they want to have more resources and ship girls, they must climb on the heads of others.

It is very easy to have normal admiral treatment, as long as they can pass a very strict assessment and enter the admiral academy in the central theater.

In that case, they will be the admirals directly under the Ship Girl Alliance.

If he wants to pass the screening of the Admiral Academy, he must at least definitely agree with the ship girl's views, and his character must also be approved by the ship girl.

By then, will they still be the same people they are now?

After all, perspectives have been changed.

The Ship Girl Alliance does not exploit and oppress the admirals below like the navy does, and even gives everyone a way to rise when the admiral is vacant.

As long as you pass the test of the ship girl alliance, you can become an admiral and no longer have a hard life.

Their opponents are only other mainlanders who want to climb up like them.

The ship girl alliance just needs to wait slowly to harvest a steady stream of admirals.

Wei An revealed his thoughts to Hood's shocked face.

Hood hadn't come back to his senses until Wei An finished speaking.

She couldn't calm down for a long time, and in the end she could only look at Wei An with a strange expression on her face.

If it weren't for the fact that Wei An was very good to his ship girls and had a good reputation among other ship girls.

Otherwise, now she would have to wonder whether Wei An's brain had been changed.

A person who is usually so gentle can now say such inappropriate things.

Is this really a way to deal with similar people?

She originally thought that Veneto's method of killing was inhumane enough, but now she can only lament that she is too kind.

With the help of human hands, the restless people can be solved, and a large number of admirals who agree with the joint views of the ship girls can be cultivated, and it is not easy to be discovered.

Even if they are discovered, they have no choice but to endure it if they want to live a better life.

After all, they no longer harvest and oppress these ordinary people, but also give them hope for a better life. What else do they want?

Among them, Wei An emphasized that these admirals are not allowed to gamble in private or annex other people's garrison buildings. Everything must be under the supervision of the ship girls.

Admirals who violate the regulations will be enforced by the ship girls united by the ship girls, and their status as admirals will be deprived.

This will also ensure that the ship girl alliance can promptly eliminate some admirals with unqualified conduct.

If you want to live a better life and have more resources, there are only two ways.

One works hard to jointly work for the ship girls, while the other goes to dangerous sea areas to serve as admiral and grab resources from the deep sea.

Completely identify the deep sea as the biggest enemy, and the ship girl is their partner

"If you do this, the method will be too cruel."

After hesitating for a long time, Hood asked sadly.

For the kind-hearted ship girl, some of Wei An's methods are too inappropriate. On the surface, they are hoping for mankind, but secretly they are still oppressive.

"Then do you still want to see the navy that brought such a heavy price to the ship-girl union?"

Weian stared into Hood's eyes with a serious face.

It's not that he wants to exploit and restrict these admirals, but as human admirals, as long as they have desires, they will climb up.

Their power will also become greater and greater. There will be more and more subordinates, and they will still be able to resist. All he has done is to put shackles on them. As long as their hearts are united towards the ship girl, then there will be no problem even against the deep sea.

The ship girls rushed ahead of them, but once they had bad intentions, these means and shackles to weaken them would allow the ship girls to join forces to solve them faster.

When Wei An mentioned the navy's problem, Hood just shook his head. Wei An shook his head and stopped asking.

Although Wei An's method was a bit sinister, at least the starting point was to unite with the ship girl.

"Do you really not regret it? After all, you are also a human being. If I discuss your arrangement with other flagships, we can make it final."

"By then, all places under the Kanniang Alliance must implement this set of standards. Doesn't this also impose restrictions on you?"

What Hood is saying is that the alliance of ship girls has the right to supervise and adjudicate the admiral.

In the past, as long as the admiral was good to his own ship girls, the alliance of ship girls could ignore other issues.

But as long as the union of ship girls can deprive them of it , With the status of admiral, various rules and restrictions on the admiral will follow.

"Now that there is no navy, all war zones belong to the alliance of ship girls. If we want to develop better, rules are essential."

"The ship girl ensures that the people at the top will not be crooked, and then restraining and controlling the people below can ensure long-term stability."

"As for me, I will be restrained in the future. Although the rules are there, they are not static."

"Where there is punishment, there must be reward, just like Admiral Yunhai and me."

"We are all married to destroyers, which are like manures, but their effects are incomparable to those of 10 ordinary admirals."

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