What Wei An didn't say was that after this plan was implemented.

Because there is no difference between admirals of the navy and joint admirals of ship wives, even admirals will be divided into three, six or nine ranks in the future.

The one at the bottom without port area and power is the commander.

Those who are slightly better can find jobs in the mainland. Depending on their jobs, the ship girls will jointly reward them with resources and blue coins.

It is equivalent to the ship girls jointly raising them, and they manage the mainland.

The admiral a little further up is the admiral who has his own port area.

Admirals are divided into safe sea areas and open sea areas.

The admiral of the safe sea area only relies on the safety of the escort route and regular patrols to sweep away the free deep sea. The ship-girl alliance only takes away some resources.

With the autonomy of their own port area, as long as they don't mess around, they can continue to work stably. If they encounter a deep-sea invasion, they won't be the first to attack, which is suitable for admirals who can lay low.

Furthermore, the admirals who open up sea areas have the highest risks and higher returns, and their fleets are also the strongest.

Their strength represents the power in their hands and the right to speak within the ship girl alliance.

Because under the new rules, it is basically impossible for other admirals except these admirals to live a happy life.

The resources obtained by the admirals who are lying around in safe waters will be taken away by the ship girls, which is equivalent to controlling their strength.

Forcing them to get involved in the situation, they all headed towards dangerous sea areas.

Under such circumstances, humans always like to compare.

There will always be the strongest admiral in each war zone, and now Yunhai in the northern war zone is still the governor.

Then it makes sense that other war zones should also have governors to assist the ship girls in jointly managing the war zones.

Now that there are governors in the five war zones, the entire ship girl alliance also needs corresponding admirals.

Then won't his chance come?

And the reason why Wei An forced all the admiral papers was very simple.

As long as you want to sit in the strongest position, the requirements for strength are very strict.

If you want to become stronger, you must first have more ship girls. In fact, your ship girls must be strong.

So when the hull of the ship is not changed much, in addition to improving the training level, it is to use powerful ship equipment.

When they need powerful ship equipment, won't Wei An's opportunity come?

Now that the navy is gone, no struggle is allowed within the admiral. Not only is his own strength sufficient.

For the time being, Hood can be used as his flagship to provide cover. After he determines his garrison, he can just bring back some ship equipment and sell them every month.

Anyway, the strength of his fleet and the alliance of ship girls are obvious to all, so it is normal for some powerful ships to appear.

Wouldn't this make it possible to harvest all the admirals and ship girls of the entire alliance in a fair and just manner?

How much money can he make with just the admiral and shipgirl?

Of course, he is trying to find a way to expand the entire base so that they have enough money to buy powerful ship equipment from him. After all, this is the only one.

The way to make your base bigger is also very simple. Be a pioneer admiral and fight against the deep sea. The fastest way to make money.

In this way, he can just stay in the garrison and wait to collect a small amount of money.

Therefore, for Wei An, the current alliance of ship girls treats admirals too favorably, and the restraints are loose, and a large number of admirals are waiting to be laid to rest.

This was a very serious blow to his plan to make money. If he wanted to make money, he had to make money from a small number of pioneering admirals and a small number of powerful ship girls.

But how long can a person like this keep the wool?

It is easier to make money when there are more people, and things are more valuable when they are scarce.

The more people there are, the more powerful ship equipment he can provide, so won’t the price go up?

Therefore, changes must be made to the current ship girl alliance.

It just so happens that the Ship Girl Alliance is also in a turbulent situation now, and has not completely settled down internally. Hood is still the flagship of the E Joint Headquarters for the time being.

Through Hood, he can influence the ship-girl alliance in disguise, and next, Wei An is going to find Veneto and convince her too.

The entire eastern theater can be used as an experimental site to take the lead in implementing his plan. As long as it produces results, are you afraid that other theaters will not learn from it?

As long as the whole alliance is rolled up, the overall strength will rise rapidly, and the ability to resist the deep sea will also increase.

He just sits back and waits to receive the money.

And as long as this plan is executed well, then he can propose more plans, and he can also naturally bring up the matter of the ship girl joint governor.

From a human perspective, the Ship Girl Alliance can go further. After all, people still have to manage human beings in person.

The restriction on the admiral and the joint judgment ability of the ship girls are now formulated to better protect his ship girls.

If he wants nothing to happen to his shipgirls, the shipgirls alliance must override the five war zones with absolute power.

He also needs this absolute power to recreate the ship girl alliance from top to bottom. It will not affect the ship girls. Only the admiral will suffer. It is completely in the interests of the ship girls.

What would Wei An's face be like if he knew that he didn't have to do so much at all and could just lie down and wait for the news about the selection of the joint governor of the ship girl.

Didn't he do so much just to let the ship girls jointly elect the governor? It turned out that Akagi and Bismarck had this idea.

How about Hood's strong execution ability?

When Wei An left to find Xuefeng and the others, Hood had already arranged Wei An's plan, and was preparing to go to other flagships to discuss the joint implementation of Wei An's plan.

The most important thing is the right to judge the admiral.

On the way to find Yukikaze, Wei An pondered about things in the port area.

After just explaining the matters in the Eastern Theater, Hood had already asked him about the port area.

For the contribution he made in this battle, he could choose any unowned island in the five war zones as a base for establishing a garrison.

After all, now there is no navy to interfere.

To say that the place he wanted most was the Jinghai Garrison in the Western War Zone, the place where his parents once stayed.

But now, the one that is most in line with his interests is in the Eastern Theater District. After all, the entire E Joint Headquarters is here, and it can help him the most.

Moreover, the islands in the eastern theater were most completely destroyed this time, and they were all ownerless islands.

Wei An was walking thoughtfully on a familiar street he had passed countless times. Suddenly, a gust of wind carrying the fragrance of flowers blew over his face, interrupting his thoughts.

He looked up and looked around but was stunned.

Stopping at the intersection of roads, the street on the left is lined with cherry blossom trees, and now they are in full bloom just like I remembered.

A girl once told him that she would come back to him after he became an admiral. Now that he has become an admiral, he has returned under the cherry blossoms.

Where is she?

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