Shocked! My Cat Turned Out To Be A Female President

74: Stunned Zhou Song, you stayed with President Xu for a day?! She confessed that I can accept it!

Lu Fei got up and walked to Xu Yan's desk.

"This one."

Xu Yan turned the computer screen around, stretched out her tender white finger, and pointed to a stock.

Ruiheng Intelligent Control.

This is a state-owned enterprise.

The business includes electronic motherboard, data transmission and financial terminal software.

Lu Fei glanced.

This company is quite lively.

A dozen big news broke in a week.

High debt ratio.

But got a high new order.

The stock price went up and down many times.

So far, it has remained in a relatively stable range.

After reading it, Lu Fei asked: "Do you want to vote for this?"

Xu Yan looked at Lu Fei, the hand under the table, and clenched the corner of her clothes nervously: "I want to hear your opinion."

“It will gradually level off, and there is no particularly great investment value. 99

Lu Fei spoke the truth calmly.


Xu Yan was slightly stunned.

She also wanted to say a few more words to the dog man!

Just these two sentences, and the analysis is over?!

Lu Fei said: “There is nothing else, I will go ahead and continue to report.35

Xu Yan wants to keep Lu Fei.

But in the end she said, "Go ahead."

Lu Fei turned around, went back to the table, and continued his report.

Xu Yan glanced at him secretly, then quickly withdrew her gaze.

Let's work.

Xu Yan sighed.

Her courage has run out today.

Let's talk another day.

Three forty in the afternoon.

Xu Yan glanced at the time and breathed a sigh of relief.


At least it's been a day.

The dog man shouldn't find out what happened to her.


Xu Yan almost had to leave first.

She had to go back before Lu Fei came home.

"When you're done with the report in your hand, go home.

"I have something to go.

Xu Yan stood up and said to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei nodded: "President Xu walk slowly. 99

Xu Yan got up and left.

dog man.

See you at home.

She is out of the office.

The secretary at the door said quickly, "Mr. Xu walk slowly. 55

Xu Yan nodded and instructed: "Lu Fei is still working inside, and you can leave work when he leaves."

"Okay, Mr. Xu."

Xu Yan got on the elevator and went downstairs to drive home.

Lu Fei was alone and continued to bow his head to finish the work.

Just at this time.

His phone suddenly lit up.

Zhou Song sent a message: "Brother Fei, do you have time at noon tomorrow? Let's go eat hot pot?"

Lu Fei replied: "No, I just ate today. 35

Zhou Song: "Damn it! Brother Fei, you didn't take me with you to eat hot pot! You took me as a pigeon last night!""

Lu Fei: "You can't finish the work by yourself, you don't have time to eat, and you say I pigeon you?"

Zhou Song: "Then you should call me at noon today!"9

Lu Fei: "I ate it with others. 35

Zhou Song: "Are you in your family?

Lu Fei: "No.

Zhou Song: "That's all right! Eating with other friends will have any effect~.

Lu Fei: "The main reason is that I think I called you for this dinner, and you didn't dare to come."

Zhou Song: "Joke, in the next eight provinces to be the champion, and the bureau that I dare not go to work?"

Lu Fei: "I ate with President Xu.

Zhou Song: "???

Zhou Song: '!

Zhou Song: "Lying! Slot!"

Zhou Song: "What did you eat with President Xu?! Why?! What happened?! I crossed? Today is October 15th?!

Lu Fei smiled: "Today is 2025.

Zhou Song was shocked, and quickly glanced at the calendar.

The result didn't change at all.

Really have you, Fei brother!

Bad or you bad!

Zhou Song replied, "It doesn't matter! What's the matter with you and President Xu?!"

Zhou Song: "Is this about falling in love?! 35

Lu Fei: "Let's talk about it, she asked me to work overtime and do a day's documentation."

Zhou Song: "Brother Fei! I feel more and more that I am a prophet!"

Zhou Song: "Why are there six people in the group, she doesn't call others, but calls you?!

Lu Fei: "Because I work fast.

Zhou Song: 66......99

Zhou Song: "No way? Brother Fei! Don't play stupid! You've been with President Xu for a day, can you feel nothing else?! 99

Lu Fei shook his head and smiled: "I'm not pretending to be stupid. 39

"I also think she treats me a little differently. 35

Lu Fei is not stupid.

Xu Yan's attitude was a little subtle, and her eyes glanced at him from time to time.

Of course he could notice.

Zhou Song: "Look!

Lu Fei: "What am I looking at? Can't she ask me to work overtime, look at me a few more times, and say she likes me?"

Zhou Song: "I feel at least there is a chance!"

Zhou Song: "Brother Fei, take the initiative!

Lu Fei asked back: "How can I take the initiative? Go over and tell President Xu, do you like me when you ask me to work overtime?"

Lu Fei: "Do you think she will think of me as a lunatic?"9

Zhou Song thought about it.

It seems to be true!

Although President Xu is a little special to Fei Ge.

But this is special, can she really like Fei Ge?

Hard to say.

Zhou Song thought about it and replied with a message: "You don't need to be so straightforward, you can chat with President Xu.

"Close a little distance! Years

"Seize the opportunity!"

Lu Fei replied calmly: "Don't worry. 55

"If she really thinks about me, she will say it sooner or later.

"I have no idea, what's the use of me being anxious?"

Zhou Song was shocked.

Lu Fei has a calm spirit, which makes Zhou Song admire for a moment!

Take it easy!

Don't be in a hurry, judge calmly.

The charm of men!

After Lu Fei replied the news, he took a sip of water and was really calm.

Xu Yan is very beautiful.

The only thing he felt that he could see the girl who surprised him was Xu Yan.

Especially when eating hot pot, Xu Yan's face was red, and she looked not only beautiful, but also a little cute.

But he was still in no hurry.

If Xu Yan likes him, he accepts it.

But when he was not sure what Xu Yan was thinking.

He certainly won't be in a hurry to take the initiative.

forever winner.

Always behind the scenes.

There has to be this calmness.

Zhou Song replied: "Then you don't plan to make a move?

Lu Fei smiled: "I said, she chased me, I can barely agree."

Zhou Song gave Lu Fei a middle finger in his heart!

"Even if President Xu is really interested in you, it is impossible for others to take the initiative to confess! 99

"If President Xu takes the initiative to confess, I will contribute another ten years of life!"

"This is impossible! Brother Fei, you should take the initiative.

Lu Fei smiled: "Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going home after my work.

Lu Fei: "I didn't see my cat again in the morning, I hope it doesn't run away."

After chatting.

Lu Fei lowered his head and continued to work.

A little file left.

Lu Fei finished it at half past four.

"Finally done!"

Lu Fei stretched.

go home!

Although today Saturday, came to work for a day.

But it's nice to have a day off on Monday.

Especially today when I can get off work half an hour earlier!

Feel more profitable!

Lu Fei drank the water, threw away the paper cup, put away the power outlet, and installed the computer.

After confirming that nothing has fallen.

Lu Fei turned to leave.

when going out.

The secretary said to Lu Fei: "`. Mr. Lu, walk slowly.

Lu Fei nodded politely and got on the elevator.

to the underground parking lot.

Lu Fei drives home.

Half past five.

Lu Fei came out of the elevator.

"Little flower?

He called first.

But no response.

Lu Fei frowned and opened the door.


The door just opened.

Lu Fei saw Xiaohua standing at the door.

"You didn't go out."

Lu Fei's mood suddenly became more at ease.

Xu Yan looked at Lu Fei, in a good mood, and let out another meow.

What a great feeling to spend a day with a dog man!

Lu Fei changed his shoes and clothes.

After entering the room, he picked up Xu Yan and looked at her claws one by one.

Nothing dirty.

It seems that she should really not run away.

Lu Feirua shook her head and said, "I've been worrying about you for a day. Can you answer when I call you in the morning?"

Xu Yan pretended to be innocent.

Although Lu Fei was in a hurry.

But she's just a little cat who doesn't understand anything.

Lu Fei smiled and took it into the room.

"I'll order takeout first."

Lu Fei picked up the phone and started to choose.

The Mala Tang, which Lu Fei often eats, has a coupon today.

Full 40-10 blocks.

Lu Fei thought about it and didn't choose it.

Although the discount is delicious.

But Lu Fei just ate hot pot at noon and didn't really want to eat Mala Tang.

Money is a small thing.

Lu Fei wants to eat, (Zhao's) doesn't need to care about discounts or not.

Pick a circle.

Lu Fei ended up choosing a crayfish chow mein.

58 servings.

I haven't tried this Lu Fei, but according to the reviews, the shrimp seems to be given a lot and the taste is also good.

try it.

Anyway, 58 yuan is not much for Lu Fei.

It's really not tasty, just ask for something else.

Order takeout.

Lu Fei looked at Xu Yan and asked with a smile, "Did you miss me?"

"Meow. 35

How could I miss you.

In Xu Yan's heart, she complained very hard.

She stayed with Lu Fei all day today.

right by your side.

Of course I didn't think of him.

Lu Fei touched her nose.


Still a little wet.

"Looks perfectly fine.""

Lu Fei smiled happily.

Xu Yan looked at Lu Fei's smile.

dog man.

Just look at you and smile.

I will feel much better.

it's wired.

Lu Fei chatted with her, picked up the wrist guard, and threw the fork out.

"Come on, little flower, pick it up."

Lu Fei hasn't given up yet.

Xu Yan hesitated for a moment, then ran towards the wrist guard, then bit it back in front of Lu Fei.

She promised in the morning.

Play with the dog man once.

It's definitely not that she approves of Lu Fei's status as a master!

This is the bottom line!.

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