Shocked! My Cat Turned Out To Be A Female President

75: Dog man, I like your words! Lie for a day and earn 260,000! (36!)

Lu Fei was stunned when he watched Xiao Hua pick up the bracer!

"Little flower!

Lu Fei hugged Xu Yan, then hugged her and rubbed up!

Xu Yan narrowed one eye, but did not resist.

never mind.

For the sake of the orange juice at noon, let's make you happy.

Lu Fei rubbed a few times, picked up the bracer, and threw it out again.

"Xiaohua, play again.

Don't play.

Xu Yan licked her paws and fell down.

"Good, be obedient.

Lu Fei tried a few more times.

Xu Yan was lying beside him and just looked at him like that.

I'm listening, dog man.

go on.

"Forget it, don't worry, you have done a good job today."

Lu Fei touched Xu Yan's head as a reward.

Xu Yan was no longer hiding.

Been rua's head for so long.

She was a little used to it.

Also feel quite comfortable.

It's like being massaged when you wash your hair.

Six fifteen.

Takeaway delivered.

Today Lu Fei came home early.

It's too early to eat.

while eating.

Zhao Mei sent a message to Lu Fei: "Have you got off work?"

Lu Fei smiled.

Zhao Mei actually knew that he was working overtime.

The relationship between Tang Shufang and Zhao Mei is really getting better day by day.

Lu Fei replied: "I've already eaten, don't worry about me.

Zhao Mei: "That's good, drink more water and eat more vegetables and fruits."

Lu Fei's heart warmed slightly and replied, "I'm fine."

Zhao Mei: "Okay, let's eat.

Lu Fei put down his phone and started to eat.

Xu Yan was lying on the sofa, looking at Lu Fei.

Watching the dog man eat, she will be in a good mood.

In fact, just see the dog man.

She will feel better.

have eaten.

Lu Fei put the things aside, then hugged Xu Yan and went back to the room.

work day.

After eating.

stroking the cat.

Watch the video.

good mood!

Especially with another day off on Monday!


Xu Yan lay beside Lu Fei and closed her eyes, feeling a little sleepy.

She woke up at 080 after five in the morning.

Until now, I haven't slept.

If not by Lu Fei's side.

She can hold on.

But with Lu Fei, she was really sleepy, so she wanted to stay beside Lu Fei and get a good sleep.

Lu Fei moved her to his side with his left hand.

Xu Yan's back was against Lu Fei's stomach.

"Go to sleep, I'll watch over you.

Lu Fei said, rubbing her back.

dog man.

This sentence……

she likes.

Xu Yan's thought just came up.

Then fell asleep.

until half past ten at night.

She only woke up when Lu Fei went to wash up.

After sleeping for a few hours.

She has a lot of energy.

"Can't oversleep any more today. 35

Xu Yan reminded herself quietly.

If he becomes a human again, he will really be discovered.

She knows the character of a dog man too well.

He works at most one day overtime.

Add another day, and he must refuse.

Then it's all dressed up.


After washing up, Lu Fei walked in wearing blue pants.

"Xiaohua, ready to sleep."

Lu Fei threw himself on the bed and almost knocked Xu Yan flying.


Xu Yan's understanding of dogs gradually deepened.

When Lu Fei rushed over, she ducked aside first.

After playing with Xu Yan for a while.

Eleven o'clock.

Lu Fei fell asleep.

Wait until he is fully asleep.

Xu Yan opened his eyes.

She hesitated.

Then quietly stood up and walked in front of Lu Fei.

She probed slightly and rubbed Lu Fei's face with her cheek.

dog man.

Had a great time today.

Hot pot is also delicious.

I want to eat with you next time.

Although I don't know if there will be a next time.

But now that's fine.

Good night.

dog man.

Xu (abeh) Yan was a little happy, but also a little melancholy.

She probably knew it too.

This kind of feeling that emotions change over and over because of one person.

I just like it.

If you want to confess to a dog man.

Are you saying you like him?

Xu Yan's heart beat faster.


She tried it, and finally gave up temporarily.

That is, in the dead of night, Bian Ru can't say the words that he likes dog men.

So embarrassing!


Xu Yan yawned and fell asleep.

the next day.

Four fifty-five in the morning.

Xu Yan woke up.

She didn't fall asleep this time.


She looked at Lu Fei who was still sleeping, and instead of tossing him, she quietly changed her angle and lay down.

until half past seven in the morning.

Lu Fei woke up.

"Meow. 35

Before he could start looking.

Xu Yan called first.

The dog man closes his eyes when he touches her every morning.

If you're lucky, it's just like touching your head normally.

bad luck.

Xu Yan's face will be rubbed into various strange looks.

She chose to call first.

At least let the dog man know where she is.

Lu Fei's hand reached out and touched her head.

After touching.

Lu Fei turned around and picked up the phone.

If it's a weekday, get up now.

But today is the weekend!

Taking the phone, Lu Fei turned over, touched Xu Yan's head, and swiped the phone.

It's sunny outside.

But the temperature is still very low.

Lu Fei turned on the air conditioner, and the room was 22 degrees, warm and comfortable.

Watch the recording of the game.

Watch two sand sculpture videos.

Brush up a movie.


Lie down until noon.

Lu Fei just got up, brushed his teeth, and cooked some beef for Xu Yan.

Xu Yan ate a little.

She is also used to living with a cat's body on weekends.

After making her a meal.

Lu Fei picked up the takeaway himself.

In the end, I chose two beef tenderloin cheese toast.

Just two slices of bread with cheese, eggs, beef tenderloin and black truffle sauce inside.

18 yuan without meat.

30 with meat.

Lu Fei asked for two with meat and a glass of warm milk.

There is milk at home.

But Lu Fei was too lazy to get hot.

A total of 67 dollars.

Expensive is expensive.

But to Lu Fei, it was nothing.

At half past twelve.

Takeaway delivered.

Lu Fei opened the take-out box and was in a happy mood.

Two slices of fried slightly golden bread wrapped in a dollop of eggs!

And it also had a few pieces of fried beef on top, sprinkled with some black pepper.

This kind of thing looks pretty cool anyway.

The taste is also good.

The eggs were tender and some fluid.

The beef is also delicious.

Served with slightly crispy bread.

It is quite satisfying to eat!

Had lunch.

Lu Fei went back to the bed to lie down.

Neither did the stock market.

Lu Fei doesn't even bother to read the news on the software.

Today is really nothing to worry about.

Just be salted fish.

Xu Yan was also affected.

Beside Lu Fei, I was always sleepy.

But she dared not sleep.

If you sleep during the day, you will become human.

If you want to sleep, you have to endure it until after 5 o'clock in the evening.


Endure until five o'clock in the evening.

She went straight to sleep.

Can't stand it anymore.

Lu Fei patted her on the back.

Suddenly someone in the group sent a message.

Zhang Yu: "Ah, I'm going to work tomorrow, and I'm gone."

Liu Wen: "Shh! Don't say it! As long as you don't say it, I can still enjoy the last few hours.

Team leader: "You guys are content, I'm going out to play with my wife and children, and I'm still out of town. I have to drive back at three o'clock today.

Zhou Song: "I've been working overtime all weekend, and the work of this consulting group is quite troublesome.

the entire Special Advisory Group.

Except for Lu Fei, they are all having a hard time now.

The project Xu Yan gave them was a bit complicated in itself.

In addition, they want to express themselves very seriously, and they do it very seriously.

Worked overtime all weekend.

Lu Fei sent a message: "I envy someone like you who has a job. Unlike me, you can only lie at home until your back hurts."

Zhang Yu: "Brother Song's mentality exploded. 35

Liu Wen: "I die of laughter, they are all from the same working group, how can there be such a big gap.

Zhou Song: "Brother Fei, can you speak a human language?"

Lu Fei: "Yes.

Lu Fei: "I make up a day off on Monday, so I don't have to go to work, so I can lie down for another day tomorrow."5

Colleagues who were still laughing just now.

Instantly stopped laughing.

Zhang Yu: "Okay, now my mentality is broken.

Liu Wen: "I am so envious, I also want to take another day off."

Chatted with colleagues in the group for a while.

until half past ten.

Lu Fei washes and sleeps.

The next day, seven thirty in the morning.

Lu Fei woke up, licked Xu Yan, and then heard the sound of the system.

"Congratulations to the host for completing a week's work, reward: advanced programming skills.""

Lu Fei opened his eyes a little excitedly.

Software can be upgraded!

Before the software was only responsible for collection.

but now.

Lu Fei can mark the relevant content of a company.

Focus on collection!

Then make an induction!

This is even more convenient!

The news previously collected by the system was collected based on key information.

Actually not very flexible.

Sometimes, if Lu Fei wants to find information, he still has to look at it one by one.

After software upgrade.

Lu Fei only needs to enter the information of the company he is looking for.

The software can be found directly!

This is so useful!

Especially in daily work, this is more worry-free!

After getting the system reward.

Lu Fei sat up.

Although he is still resting today.

But the stock market is about to open.

Don't stay in bed today.

After sitting up.

Lu Fei sat at the head of the bed and first glanced at the information collected by the software.

There are a lot of news related to Renhe Electronics these two days.

In addition to the negative, there are also positives.

There seems to be a dealer who wants to protect the market.

But Lu Fei felt that Lei was too big to be protected.

After washing up, Lu Fei had breakfast.

Wait until half past nine.

Official opening!

As soon as Renhe Electronics opened, it immediately began to plummet all the way down!

At 10:5.

Someone wants to protect their hands.

Forcibly pulled a wave of stock prices.

But less than ten minutes.

was pulled down.

Renhe Electronics is also a Hong Kong stock.

No limit down.

It has been down 26%, and it has barely slowed down!

Many people lost their fortunes.

But Lu Fei, lying at home all morning, netted more than 240,000!

It's not over yet.

will fall again.

At the close on Monday afternoon.


This is more than Lu Fei thought!

"It seems that I can earn more than 50% in the end.""

Xu Yan was beside her and glanced at Lu Fei.

She also watched the stock market one day.

The dog man predicted, not bad at all!

Although there are surprises.

Someone wants to protect the disk.

But it can't be protected at all!

too strong!

Dog man, why are you so powerful!

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