She is Princess Mu Qingqing, the biological daughter of Empress Bingxuan of the Haotian Empire.

Seeing Mu Qingqing coming, the two instantly extinguished the idea of fighting, they didn't want Mu Qingqing to benefit from the fisherman.

Lan Feng glanced at Mu Qingqing with a little jealousy and said, "I didn't expect you to come too."

"The most powerful force near the Two Realms Mountain is also the force where the three of us are. Mu Qingqing replied.

"You are all here, how can I not come, this is related to the imperial soldiers. At

the mention of the imperial soldiers, a trace of greed flashed in the eyes of the three of them.

Because the emperor is the foundation of the sect.

The three of them stood on three legs, and they were afraid of each other for a while, and no one took the initiative to make trouble.

Just wait quietly for the entrance to the secret realm to open.

It didn't take long.

Another girl with an extraordinary temperament dressed in a phoenix feather coat walked over, she was An Miaoling.

It's just that this time she wears a special pink veil.

But judging from the contours of her face and a pair of fresh and refined eyes, she can still be seen to be a big beauty.

The reason why she wore the veil was because she was afraid that she would be recognized by the forces in Zhongzhou.

Lan Feng saw a beautiful woman with an extraordinary temperament appear, so he ran over to talk.

But An Miaoling stood with her sword in her arms, looking at the entrance of the secret realm expressionlessly, and ignored him.

An Miaoling's attitude aroused Lan Feng's possessiveness even more.

He is a prince, and apart from Mu Qingqing, no woman has ever dared to ignore him.

Lan Feng patiently said his identity, and then promised that after entering the secret realm, he would cover An Miaoling.

But An Miaoling still didn't pay attention to him, but walked around Lan Feng in the direction of approaching the entrance.

was ignored in front of so many Tianjiao, and a wave of anger surged up in an instant.

"Stop for this prince. With that, he grabbed it with one hand.

An Miaoling felt it, and dodged it with a side step.


ice glass sword was unsheathed, and he turned around and slashed it away.

Lan Feng didn't expect An Miaoling to dare to use a sword against him.

So in a hurry, he could only use the body protection aura to resist.

The Ice Glass Sword directly slashed through his protective aura, leaving a scar on his arm.

This scene shocked the audience.

"It's amazing, I actually injured the prince of the Shenlan Empire with a sword. "

I don't know which force's Tianjiao this is, isn't it Tianjiao from the central region of Zhongzhou?"

Mu Qingqing and Jian Beichen also looked at An Miaoling in surprise, especially Jian Beichen, because he felt that An Miaoling's sword intent was not weaker than his.

"Which force are you from?" Lan Feng instantly distanced himself from An Miaoling and asked in a deep voice.

"There is no door, no faction. An Miaoling replied.

Lan Feng began to look An Miaoling up and down, her realm could be confirmed to be a half-saint and a heavy, but the sword intent was stronger.

Then her sword must be not ordinary, at least a half-emperor level weapon, and it may even be an emperor rank lower grade.

Thinking of this, Lan Feng showed a greedy gaze.

"Little sister, leave your sword behind, or you won't be able to leave today. "

Get out!" An Miaoling's lips opened slightly, and she spat out a word.

"Don't blame me for being rude.

Lan Feng directly pulled out his long knife.

An Miaoling also showed a solemn look when she saw that he was about to make a move, after all, the other party was two realms higher than him, and he was still a genius.

Lan Feng rushed over in an instant, slashing down.

An Miaoling held the ice glass sword in her hand and met it, and took a hard slash.


two of them each took a few steps back, and An Miaoling relied on the ice glass sword and the perfect sword intent, and did not fall behind.

Seeing this, Lan Feng directly activated their Divine Lan Empire's holy product royal bloodline.

The momentum is also a little stronger.

An Miaoling also activated her Ice Phoenix bloodline, and the temperature in the field suddenly dropped.

Lan Feng's expression changed, and he felt that An Miaoling's bloodline seemed to be stronger than his own.

"What kind of bloodline are you?" Jian

Beichen and Mu Qingqing on the side also showed surprised expressions.

An Miaoling frowned and did not answer Lan Feng's words.

At the moment, what she was worried about was that the forces behind Lan Feng would attack her.


Whether it is her sword or her bloodline, it is very attractive to those big forces.

Then Lan Feng continued to attack, constantly using his royal mastery.

But An Miaoling took them one by one.

Lan Feng knew that it would be difficult for him to defeat him, so he shouted, "

Uncle Long!" A middle-aged man appeared after three breaths, he was Uncle Long in Lan Feng's mouth, and he was also Lan Feng's protector, the Holy Realm Triple.

At this time, Lan Feng seemed to be transmitting a message to Uncle Long.

It didn't take long.

Uncle Long looked at An Miaoling, and a golden light flashed in his eyes, because he saw An Miaoling's ice phoenix bloodline.

"Little girl, let's discuss, how about marrying our prince Lan Feng as the imperial concubine?"

This remark shocked the audience again, because Lan Feng was the heir to the throne of the Shenlan Empire.

Lan Feng just wanted to say something, but after hearing Uncle Long's transmission, he immediately shut up.

When he looked at An Miaoling again, his eyes were full of possessiveness.

An Miaoling said with a look of disgust, "I refuse." After

saying that, she grabbed the space-time order with one hand, ready to urge at any time.

"Do you know what the imperial princess represents?" Uncle Long continued.

"It's not uncommon!" Hearing

An Miaoling's answer, Uncle Long's face became gloomy.

"You may not be clear in your mind now, I will take you back to the empire to govern. After speaking,

he was ready to step forward and capture An Miaoling.

And at this moment, a flying sword shot at him in the distance.


Long was directly shocked and retreated.

Seeing the sword in the air, An Miaoling's cold expression eased, and then looked around to find Qin Tian's figure.

Qin Tian didn't appear, but said to An Miaoling, "I won't come out, I'm secretly shocking them." He

was afraid that his appearance would cause greater contradictions, which would lead to the arrival of the Emperor Realm powerhouse, and it would not end well.

Uncle Long also looked around, and finally looked at An Miaoling.

"Your protector?" An

Miaoling nodded and acknowledged.

Uncle Long hesitated for a moment and then gave up and continued to shoot, through the previous fight, he could feel that the other party was stronger than him.

Then he sent a message to the empire asking for help, and then disappeared and hidden.

It didn't take long for the entrance to the secret realm to open, and everyone walked in one by one.

After entering, it was a desert inside, and many people began to form teams spontaneously.

There are more people, and it is safer to hunt for treasures.

Lan Feng found Jian Beichen and teamed up.

After the two talked, they looked at Mu Qingqing and An Miaoling with bad intentions.

Mu Qingqing thought about it, then walked to An Miaoling's side and said with a smile:

"Hello, my name is Mu Qingqing, I hope to team up with you and get the items and we will divide them equally."

An Miaoling agreed after a little thought, because she also noticed Lan Feng's malicious eyes.

Then the two women went together to explore the depths of the secret realm.

The Shenlan Empire, the Lanyang Palace, and the Emperor Realm powerhouse, the Lanyang King, got up and rushed to the location of the Two Realms Mountain.

Because he received a transmission from the Lantian Emperor.

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