As we continue to go deeper, there are more and more suns in the sky above the secret realm.

Two, three....

By now, there were six suns hanging in the sky, and the temperature of the sun was much higher than outside.

Faced with this situation, there are already many cultivators in the Creation Realm who are miserable.

An Miaoling didn't have much effect, because she was of the Ice Phoenix bloodline, and the power of the bloodline could lower the temperature nearby if it was slightly stimulated.

So even Mu Qingqing was stained.

Because An Miaoling is of ancient blood, Mu Qingqing also really wants to make friends.

There are a lot more words, and she also shares her cultivation experience with An Miaoling.

Although these experiences are not of much use to An Miaoling, the reincarnated empress, they have also gained some favor from An Miaoling.

As everyone continued to move forward, the number of suns in the sky had increased to nine, and at this time, the people below the Half-Saint Realm couldn't hold on and ran back.

Even the Semi-Holy Realm ran back to two.

The nine suns lasted for an hour and then all disappeared.

The entire secret realm shook, and everyone was teleported to the gates of a huge city.

There are three big characters written above the ancient city, Guyang City.

Seeing this name, An Miaoling seemed to remember something.

Mu Qingqing on the side said, "According to the records of our Haotian Empire, thirty thousand years ago, there was a peak powerhouse of the Emperor Realm Triple called Guyang Emperor.

"Then this secret realm is likely to be left by the Emperor Guyang. "

I heard that the Emperor Guyang has the Emperor Soldier Guyang Blade. Speaking of this, Mu Qingqing's face was excited.

Because even they Haotian Empire only have one imperial soldier.

The gap between the Emperor Realm with Imperial Soldiers and the Imperial Realm without Imperial Soldiers is very large.

It wasn't just the two of them who knew this information, but Tianjiao, who also had some big forces, thought about it.

Especially Lan Feng and Jian Beichen, they look like they are bound to win.

The stone gate of the city gate rose, and almost all the cultivators rushed towards the city.

An Miaoling and Mu Qingqing also followed.

But not long after they entered, they heard screams.

There were a large number of Yin soldiers inside, almost all of whom had the strength of a semi-holy realm.

And they're also good at combos.

The few cultivators who rushed to the front were directly taken away by a charge.

The Yin soldiers then continued to charge, and by the time they tried to withdraw, the gates were closed.

The entire city was also shrouded in a formation, and it was impossible to fly out.

The careful An Miaoling found that the dead person's body gradually dried up.

But she didn't open her mouth because it didn't work.

At this time, most of the cultivators had already been killed by the Yin soldiers.

It is only useful if they are re-established in their faith.

Then she said something to Mu Qingqing, then pulled out the ice glass sword and rushed towards the Yin soldiers.

The Yin Soldier didn't have much resistance under her Ice Glass Sword at all, and she could basically solve one in three moves.

An Miaoling's move also made everyone wake up to the fact that the Yin Soldier is not invincible.

At this time, many people found that the body was dry.

So they spontaneously organized themselves to launch a counteroffensive.

This battle was very miserable, and when all the Yin soldiers were killed, there were only ten people left in their team of nearly eighty people.

At this time, the remains of the Yin soldiers turned into clouds of Yin Qi and floated towards the city.

Seeing this strange scene, An Miaoling immediately made a decision and chased directly in the direction where the yin qi floated away.

If anything, it's best to stop it now.

Now that the ancient city is sealed, it can't get out, if you let the yin qi gather again, what is the difference between it and waiting for death.

The others also chased after a little hesitation, and as the heirs of the major forces, they were naturally not stupid.

Chasing them to the city, they found a palace, and the yin qi was floating into the palace.

After coming to the palace.

They saw a bronze man with a blood-red body, holding a broad sword in his hand, the tip of which was clubbed down to the ground.

There is also a storage ring on the finger.

And the yin qi is gathered on him.

Jian Beichen raised his eyebrows and slashed directly with a sword.

Just when Jian Beichen was about to attack the bronze man, the bronze man moved.


bronze man slammed his sword and launched a counterattack.

Under the collision of the two swords, Jian Beichen flew out directly.

That's when everyone realized the seriousness of the matter.

Others have expressed their own speculations.

"Could it be that this bronze man is the Emperor Gu Yang, and he absorbs the Yin Qi and the Qi and blood of the previously dead Tianjiao in order to resurrect

it?" "And the sword in his hand is the Gu Yang Blade?"

Listening to this person's analysis, many people agreed.

They were surprised and delighted, surprised by the resurrection of Emperor Guyang, and happy that there were really imperial soldiers.

Mu Qingqing stood up and proposed, "Emperor soldiers, let's not think about it yet, the top priority now is to solve this bronze man who is suspected to be Emperor Guyang."

As soon as she finished speaking, she was recognized by many people.

"Makes sense. "

Let's work together to solve the Bronze Man first. Then

everyone scattered and surrounded the bronze man, and then took out his own weapons and attacked the bronze man.

In the face of the attacks of so many people, especially An Miaoling, who was holding the best imperial soldiers, the bronze man could only temporarily stop absorbing them.

At this time, the strength of the bronze man has reached the double level of the holy realm.

Jian Beichen and the others all have an undefeated record of fighting with the Holy Realm First Heavy, but they are still a lot worse in the face of the Second Realm.

But they can only bite the bullet, because if the bronze man continues to absorb it, there will be no fighting.

After holding on for half an hour, they were pleasantly surprised to find that the aura of the bronze man was weakening.

This means that if they hold on a little longer, they will win.

An Miaoling secretly sent a message to Mu Qingqing when she was attacking:

"I'll find a chance to give the final blow later, the storage ring is mine, and the imperial soldier is yours." "

Deal!" Mu Qingqing replied.

For a powerful force like them, there is no shortage of cultivation resources, and what is lacking is the imperial soldiers.

Half an hour later, the realm of the bronze man fell to the holy realm, and there was a great tendency to fall.

And he has been left with a lot of scars on his body.

"Ready. An Miaoling sent a voice to remind her, and directly used her imperial sword skills.


black and white qi surrounded the ice glass sword, and stabbed towards the bronze man's head.


The ice glass sword directly pierced the bronze man's head, and suddenly the entire bronze man cracked directly.

An Miaoling and Mu Qingqing, who had been prepared, ran away with the ring and sword.

The others hurriedly chased after them.

But the strength of the two women is not weak, and after chasing and fighting, the two still escaped from the secret realm.

Out of the secret realm, the two of them did not stop, and continued to sweep into the distance.

At this time, after Mu Qingqing's protector got the news, he hurriedly sent out a distress signal and ran over to help escape.

But they didn't have to go far before they were stopped by the Lanyang King who had rushed over.

Suddenly, everyone's faces changed, but they didn't expect the Shenlan Empire to send an Emperor Realm powerhouse here.

Seeing this, they temporarily gave up the idea of snatching the Imperial Soldier and the Storage Ring.

I want to see how the Haotian Empire deals with King Lanyang.

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