After An Miaoling came, Qin Tian's mood seemed to be much better.

I also cook a meal from time to time to eat, as if I have returned to the days of the Hidden Sword Pavilion.

After eating, Qin Tian came to An Miaoling's room and sat down.

An Miaoling smiled, "Aren't you going to find your little maid to pinch your shoulder

?" "Isn't this you!

"No, it won't.

"It's very simple, teach you for the teacher. After speaking, Qin Tian walked behind An Miaoling.

A pair of warm hands were placed on An Miaoling's shoulders.

An Miaoling's body trembled, a little shy, "Forget it, Master, there is a difference between men and women."

Qin Tian pressed An Miaoling, who was about to get up, a little harder.

"Isn't it normal to press a shoulder, many filial children and grandchildren will not help their elders pinch their shoulders and beat their backs. "

You're getting more and more like that. An

Miaoling was speechless, and she could say so righteous and awe-inspiring to take advantage.

In the end, I could only let Qin Tian press it.

Qin Tian pressed his shoulder and began to press his back, while Qin Tian enjoyed the gentle touch.

An Miaoling's little face has already floated a touch of red.

However, Qin Tian's skills made her really comfortable.

After Qin Tian pressed it for a while, he thought about changing An Miaoling to press it for himself.

Later, An Miaoling pressed Qin Tian's shoulder with her unfamiliar technique, and Qin Tian grabbed An Miaoling's little hand from time to time to correct her technique.

In the end, An Miaoling finally couldn't stand Qin Tian's salty pig hand, and sealed Qin Tian's hand in one fell swoop.

Then he drove Qin Tian out of the room.

Qin Tian lifted the ice on his hands.

I thought to myself, I was still a little anxious today.

In the future, I still have to move forward slowly and slowly cultivate this hobby.

Qingyun City, the City Lord's Mansion, and Lin Zhou are drinking with the City Lord.

Recently, the Lin family firm has gradually risen, so the city lord also wants to have a good relationship with Linzhou.

After the wine was drunk, Lin Zhou revealed a little bit of Qin Tian's news.

The lord of the city was also surprised to learn that there was such a master in the city.

So I thought I'd find a time to meet him, maybe I'll find a place to ask him soon.

Because there are more and more demons in the Qingyun Mountain Range, he is under a lot of pressure.

It would not be unusual if the demon clans of Qingyun Mountain came to slaughter the city one day, after all, some demon clans were moody.

The next day, the city lord came to visit the artistic conception painting with gifts.

Because the artistic conception painting is no longer in business, it is generally closed.

The city lord's butler began to knock on the door.

When Qianxue opened the door and saw two people coming with gift boxes, she asked, "Is there something wrong?"

The city lord smiled, "Hello girl, I am the city lord of Qingyun City." "

I heard that there are seniors living in seclusion here, so I came to visit!" "Seniors

?" "Are you talking about the sect elder or our Qin

Gongzi?" "I'm here to visit Qin Gongzi." The lord replied.

"Childe is cooking, then you can come with me!" After speaking, he led the city lord to the kitchen.

"Childe, the city lord is here to visit you!" At

this time, Qin Tian was cutting meat, and An Miaoling was helping on the side.

The city lord was stunned when he saw An Miaoling, and he was simply shocked.

Even if he was a city lord, he had never seen such a beautiful woman, and this woman might only be comparable to Princess Mu of the Haotian Empire.

Looking at the sluggish appearance of the city lord, Qin Tian frowned slightly and shook the kitchen knife in his hand.

Suddenly, a fierce sword qi rippled out, and the city lord was shocked and retreated again and again, and then he came back to his senses.

The city lord hurriedly smiled and said, "The prince looks better than Pan An, and the young lady fairy went down to earth, and she was shocked in the next moment, so it was a little rude."

Then he picked up the gift box in his hand and said, "This is a little spiritual fruit, please try it."

Qin Tian nodded slightly, and Qianxue took the gift box.

Seeing that he was the city lord and was so polite, Qin Tian didn't care.

At this time, the city lord set his eyes on the kitchen knife in Qin Tian's hand.

Because Qin Tian didn't use any spiritual power just now, the sword qi of this knife alone was able to shock him back.

Although he was defenseless, he was also a master of the Holy Realm Triple Realm.

Then this knife is very likely to be an imperial soldier, a half-emperor soldier he has seen, not so powerful.

Looking at the city lord's gaze, Qin Tian smiled and said, "Interested in my knife?" "

Sir's knife is not ordinary, dare to ask which master

made this knife?" The city lord felt that this form of knife should be custom-made, and the normal trading of this level of blade should at least be reasonable.

"I built it myself. Qin Tian replied casually.

The city lord was shocked, "It turns out that you are still an imperial refining master

!" "Sort of!" Qin Tian didn't deny it.

Hearing this, the city lord was shocked, because the Emperor Refining Master, even the Empress Haotian, had to treat him with courtesy.

"I'm here to visit you, and since you're cooking, I won't bother. After speaking, he bowed to Qin Tian and left.

After returning to the City Lord's Mansion, he was in a good mood, and with such a master sitting in Qingyun City, he felt much more stable.

At this time, her daughter ran over and said coquettishly, "Why is my father so happy today?" The

city lord touched his daughter's hair dotingly, and said: "We have a master in Qingyun City, and with this master in charge, Qingyun City will be much safer." "

Is it better than my father?" the daughter continued.

The city lord nodded, and then his daughter showed a look of adoration.

Looking at his daughter, who was like a flower, the city lord wanted his daughter to seduce Qin Tian, but when he thought of the troubled girl in the kitchen, he dispelled this idea.

Perhaps only such a beautiful goddess can match the imperial refining master of Qin Gongzi.

And his own daughter is not worthy!

When he mentioned the emperor-level refining master, he remembered something.

That was the matter of Xiao Zhan, the general of the empire, who sent people to Qingyun City to purchase the emperor's refining materials some time ago.

General Xiao Zhan and his wife's family are a little related.

His wife is also from a big family in the Haotian Empire, but she is not very valued, so she will marry here.

Thinking of this, he was a little excited, or maybe this was an opportunity to get in touch with General Xiao.

So he hurriedly went to his wife and asked her to go back and report the news.

If someone else has this need, it can be regarded as a good karma.

Artistic conception painting, Qin Tian, An Miaoling, and Qianxue sat and ate together.

Looking at An Miaoling in front of her, Qin Tian felt that it was becoming more and more eye-catching, since her strength improved, both her temperament and appearance had improved.

An Miaoling watched Qin Tian staring at herself, and couldn't help but say, "Haven't you seen enough every day?"

"I can't get enough of it in my life." Qin Tian replied.

On the side, Qianxue covered her mouth and chuckled, but An Miaoling became shy, damn master, she was teasing herself again, and she didn't look like a master at all.

She felt that her empress's pride was completely useless in front of Qin Tian.

If she hadn't stayed together for so many years, she would have suspected that Qin Tian was a wanderer.

Because Qin Tian would have a few ambiguous love words with her from time to time.

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