Haotian City.

In the General's Mansion, a man stood respectfully in front of Xiao Zhan.

He is Qingyun City, a member of the City Lord's Wife family.

"Are you sure there is an Emperor Refining Master in Qingyun City?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"This ......," the man hesitated, but finally gritted his teeth and said, "Sure." "

Actually, Xiao Zhan has been worrying about this matter recently, because he is about to go on an expedition.

The previous weapon was damaged, so he didn't even have the weapon he had in his hand now.

So he collected materials and contacted the Empire's master refiners.

Originally, it was all said, but the master suddenly realized that he was in retreat, and if he had to wait, he didn't know when he would go.

So when he heard the news, he was more concerned.

"You take me to that master now, if the news is true, you will have a heavy reward. Xiao Zhan said.

Then the two of them quickly rushed to Qingyun City.

After coming to Qingyun City, the city lord personally greeted him and walked towards the artistic conception painting.

Looking at such a small house, Xiao Zhan frowned, revealing a look of suspicion.

The city lord hurriedly went up and knocked on the door, "Mr. Qin, I'm here to visit again." "

It's Zong Wu who opened the door this time," Zong Wu immediately set his eyes on Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan also looked at Zong Wu with a solemn face, because he felt a trace of danger in Zong Wu's body.

It's a feeling he's cultivated over many years, and there's no wrong with that.

But it's just a little jealous, because the realm of both of them is the double realm of the emperor.

Thinking that he had a request for others, he said politely, "Xiao Zhan is the general of the Haotian Empire. "

I heard that you are a master of imperial refining, so I came to visit. "

Emperor Refiner Master

?" "You're here to visit my son-in-law, right?" Zong Wu replied.

Childe?Xiao Zhan was puzzled.

The city lord on the side explained, "The Emperor Refining Master is Qin Tiangongzi, not the senior in front of him. He also saw that Zong Wu was not ordinary.

When Xiao Zhan heard that the Emperor Refining Master was the master of Sect Five, he had some expectations.

Qin Tian came over after hearing the movement, "Who?"

Zong Wu turned around and said, "I'm here to visit Gongzi."

At this time, Xiao Zhan also looked at Qin Tian, he looked repeatedly, but he still couldn't detect a trace of spiritual power on Qin Tian's body, which made him very puzzled.

Because even Empress Bingxuan herself didn't understand a thing or two.

However, he didn't get entangled, but said his demand, "I have prepared two copies of the refining materials for the Emperor Rank Emperor Soldiers, and I only want to refine it into a half-Emperor rank long knife."

"If it is refined, send an elixir to the emperor's rank." This is also the reward that he negotiated with the previous Emperor Refining Master.

It's a bloody investment.

Hearing such a good thing, Qin Tian actually wanted to agree, but he didn't have the spiritual power to control the formation now, so he couldn't refine it.

"I can't refine it now, let's wait for a year!" Hearing

this answer, Xiao Zhan's heart suddenly cooled, could it be that he was less rewarded?

After thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "If you help me refine now, the reward will be two emperor-level low-grade elixirs." "

With the game imminent, he can only grit his teeth and increase the price.

Qin Tian was even more excited, what he lacked most now was the emperor's elixir, with the elixir, he could refine the pill, and he and An Miaoling could also improve their strength faster.

But he was also helpless when he couldn't use spiritual power, and just when he was about to refuse again, the system spoke.

[For the good development of the host, the seal is changed, before the task is completed, the host can use spiritual power to alchemy and refining tools, but it cannot be used in fights, and if it is forcibly used, the task will fail. Hearing

the words of the system, he couldn't help but sigh

! The system is still quite humane!

"If I refine the Imperial Soldier, what reward will you give me?" Qin Tian asked.

Emperor Soldiers? Xiao Zhan was shocked for a moment, because there were only two Emperor Soldiers in the entire Haotian Empire.

One of them was brought back by his niece Princess Mu Qingqing not long ago.

"You... Can you refine the Imperial Soldier?"

"Yes. Hearing

Qin Tian's words, he really calculated how much he could get paid at most.

After a while, Xiao Zhan said, "If you refine the Emperor Soldiers, I will give you five Elixir of the Emperor Rank."

"That's all I can do to come up with that, and if you ask for anything else, I'll do my best to agree."

By observing the changes in Xiao Zhan's expression, he could also see that Xiao Zhan could only take out so much.

These are also very profitable for himself, so he directly agreed.

Xiao Zhan handed Qin Tian two copies of refining materials and weapon drawings, and Qin Tian began refining after taking the materials and drawings.

The first step is that Qin Tian uses the Ten Thousand Stacks of Heavenly Hammers to temper the Emperor-rank ore.

He stacked it up again and again, and the whole building shook behind him.

Zong Wu, Xiao Zhan, Qianxue and the others were already dumbfounded.

Especially Zong Wu and Xiao Zhan, I am afraid that they can already hammer themselves to death with this strength now.

Zong Wu began to congratulate himself on his original choice, if he chose to rob it, his grandfather and grandson would have become dry bones long ago.

Xiao Zhan was full of excitement at the moment, he had seen the refining of half-emperor level weapons, and compared with this one, it was far behind.

This level of refinement made him feel that the emperor had some hope.

After the ores were refined, Qin Tian began to fuse, fusing different ores together and refining them into the embryos of weapons.

This fusion took a long time, but they all watched intently.

In the end, Qin Tian began to carve the formation, which was also the most critical.

Zong Wu and Xiao Zhan were amazed when they saw the formation carved by Qin Tian, it was too mysterious.

When Qin Tian's last depiction was completed, the vision appeared, which also showed that the emperor's soldiers had been refined.

Zong Wu and Qianxue looked envious, and Xiao Zhan was already excited.

With this imperial soldier, their Xiao family has a foundation, and it will be different from now on.

He hurriedly took out the only two of his Emperor-level medicinal herbs, and said

, "I only have two now, and there are still three that need to be prepared back, you see......

" Qin Tian directly threw the imperial soldier to him, "You go back and get it and give it to me."

Xiao Zhan excitedly took the imperial soldier in his hand and watched it repeatedly, and then promised to come back as soon as possible.

Before leaving, Xiao Zhan couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you afraid that I won't come back after I leave?"

Qin Tian smiled, "You can try!"

Xiao Zhan smiled awkwardly, "Don't dare, don't dare." "

He really doesn't dare, a refiner who can refine the emperor's soldiers, I'm afraid that even the Haotian Empire can't afford to provoke him, let alone himself.

Then he rushed to Haotian City, and he was going to go to the empress to borrow three elixirs first, because he really couldn't get it.

After Xiao Zhan left, Qin Tian looked at Zong Wu and said, "What kind of knife do you want, I'll refine it for you, and there just happens to be a material." "

The scene just now was also a kind of beating for Zong Wu, so Qin Tian was ready to give some sweetness and completely subdue Zong Wu.

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