Hearing Qin Tian's words, Zong Wu knelt down directly, "Thank you Gongzi for your kindness, and your subordinates will swear allegiance to the death."

Then he took out his weapon drawings and respectfully handed them to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian began refining again....

The other side.

After Xiao Zhan returned to Haotian City, he immediately entered the palace to meet Empress Bingxuan.

told the matter and said what he wanted.

Empress Bingxuan was also quite shocked when she heard this!

Emperor refiners were also very rare in the entire Zhongzhou.

Then she directly took out three elixirs and handed them to Xiao Zhan, how to say that Xiao Zhan was also her relative and one of the people she trusted.

After Xiao Zhan retreated, Empress Bingxuan chanted

Qin Tian's name in her mouth, and suddenly she remembered something! The person who helped Qingqing and them get out of trouble before seemed to be Qin Tian, thinking of this, she hurriedly called Mu Qingqing's protector over and asked her to find out if it was this person.

Xiao Zhan first returned home and looked for his daughter Xiao Meng.

He planned to let his daughter go with him to deliver the elixir, and then let his daughter stay in Qingyun City to see if he could attract Qin Tian.

How can I say that my daughter is also one of the top few stunning beauties in the Haotian Empire.

And Qin Tian, no matter how powerful he is, he is still a man.

Since ancient times, heroes have been matched with beauties.

If his daughter can get along with him, then the Xiao family will really take off.

By the time Xiao Zhan and Xiao Meng returned to the Artistic Conception Painting Zhai again, Qin Tian's refining was also nearing the end.

The two did not bother, but watched quietly.

Xiao Meng felt handsome the more she looked at Qin Tian, and in the end, she was even more worshipped.

Emperor refiner, Emperor realm powerhouse, these identities, coupled with handsome appearance, are completely in line with the most perfect Taoist image in their hearts.

Xiao Zhan also noticed his daughter's expression and smiled, it would be better if her daughter liked it.

As the saying goes, women chase men compartment yarn.

Finally, the vision appeared again, and the imperial soldiers were successfully refined.

Xiao Zhan was shocked once, because Qin Tian had refined the weapon twice in a row, and both times he had successfully refined.

As far as he knew, other Emperor Refiners could only refine once in a few months, and the failure rate was very large, refining five or six times, and it would be good to succeed once.

Otherwise, the imperial soldiers in Zhongzhou would not be so rare.

After Qin Tian finished refining, he directly handed over the imperial soldiers to Zong Wu.

Then he said to Qianxue, "Don't be envious, just cultivate hard, follow me, as long as you cultivate to the emperor realm, there will be emperor soldiers."

Qianxue smiled sweetly, "I will definitely work hard to cultivate."

After seeing Qin Tian's explanation, Xiao Zhan hurriedly stepped forward and handed over the three emperor-level elixirs to Qin Tian, and then pulled Xiao Meng over and said,

"Are you short of tea and water here?" What do you think of my daughter? "


Xiao Meng shouted shyly, a little embarrassed.

On the side, Asa Xue pouted, because she felt that her status as a maid was threatened.

She bit her lip and said, "I'm Childe's maid, and I make the tea and water." "

The scene was awkward for a while.

Suddenly, Qin Tian felt that the temperature of the small building had decreased.

He knew that this was a warning signal from An Miaoling, so he could only refuse ruthlessly: "I appreciate your kindness, but I don't lack maids here."

Xiao Zhan and Xiao Meng were both a little disappointed, and then said goodbye to Qin Tian.

After leaving the artistic conception painting fast, Xiao Zhan said to his daughter, "You first find a place to live in Qingyun City and take your time." "

As the saying goes, women chase men, you are so beautiful, he will like you sooner or later." "

Hmm!" Xiao Meng replied shyly.

In the artistic conception painting room, An Miaoling walked down and said dissatisfiedly: "If I don't give you a reminder, are you ready to accept

it?" Qin Tianzheng said: "Is this the kind of person you are the teacher?" "

It's good that I have you, you see that you can help the master serve tea and pour water, and you can also help the master rub his shoulders and pinch his back."

An Miaoling frowned and complained, "You are this kind of person, if I don't come, maybe I will have a teacher." With that, he left.

Only Qin Tian was left to smack his tongue secretly.

On the other side, Empress Bingxuan also got the exact news, this Qin Tian was the Qin Tian who helped Mu Qingqing.

After confirming, she had a decision in her heart, that is, to let Mu Qingqing go out of the customs to find Qin Tian.

It would be better if a relationship could occur, and then he would be the mother-in-law of the emperor refiner.



Xiaoru, who was spitting on the mountain peak, suddenly opened his eyes.

Because she received a small transmission from her sister Bai.

This means that her sister has come to Dongzhou.

Thinking of this sister, she showed a look of excitement.

She is very close to her sister, and it can be said that she brought her up when she was a child.

Thinking back to her sister's heart-rending cry before leaving, she still can't bear it now.

After running away for so long, my sister must be very worried.

Thinking of this, she couldn't wait to see her sister.

After she and her sister determined the location, they quickly searched for it, and finally saw her sister near the boundary of the Two Realms Mountain.

At this moment, both women couldn't help crying.

If it weren't for the fact that the soul stone bound to my sister hadn't been broken, I'm sure my sister was fine.

Bai Xiaoxiao couldn't help but go out to find Bai Xiaoru a long time ago.

Bai Xiaoxiao said with a crying voice, "A few days ago, a group of strong people came to Qingqiu Xingshi to ask for guilt.

"Because all the soul stones of the people who were looking for you in Zhongzhou were shattered, they suspected that we Qingqiu sent people to kill them. "

Later, I almost fought, but thanks to the dragons, I made peace.

"Then they said they were going to send someone to Zhongzhou to look for you again, so I secretly came to report to you.

Bai Xiaoru's face changed after hearing this, "Did you sneak over? didn't run into anyone else?" Seeing Bai Xiaoru's

ugly expression, Bai Xiaoxiao nodded blankly.

Bai Xiaoru explained: "They actually suspect that someone in Qingqiu has made a move, how can they not imprison Qingqiu's people?" "

You a demi-saint sneaked out, how could they not find out, they must have followed you to find it." Hearing

her sister's words, Bai Xiaoxiao's face turned pale and she cried anxiously.

Bai Xiaoru ran away with Bai Xiaoxiao in her arms, but as soon as she started, a gray-robed man with a double emperor realm stopped in front of her.

The man smiled: "Thanks to this little girl leading the way, otherwise it would not be easy to find you." "

You better go back with me, the Lord misses you very much!"

"I won't go back with you even if I die."

After speaking, Bai Xiaoru gritted his teeth and sacrificed his tail again.

Suddenly, one of her tails exploded, turning into a white light, enveloping her and Bai Xiaoxiao as they quickly fled in the direction of Zhongzhou.

Only by going to Zhongzhou to find Qin Tian has a glimmer of life.

On the way, she took Bai Xiaoxiao a lot slower, so it was difficult to get rid of the man completely.

Bai Xiaoxiao was also annoyed, blaming herself for being too stupid.

She cried and said anxiously, "Sister, give up on me, you can't run away with me."

"Don't talk, you may be saved when you get to Zhongzhou." Bai Xiaoru replied.

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