After Zi Yao left, Qin An'an swam over and said, "It's better to give me such a good knife." Zi

Yao didn't see the quality of the knife, but she did.

She was born with a sensitivity to treasures.

It is not an exaggeration to say that she has a talent for treasure hunting.

The direction of finding the spiritual spring was what she had guided.

Qin Tian rubbed Qin An'an's head and said

, "She is a good person, so she should have a good fate."

"If you want a weapon, I'll give you one when I have time."

"It just so happens that I'm going to make a better kitchen knife. "

Uh-huh, thank you, brother.

After soaking for a while, Qin Tian took out a blank storage ring to collect some spiritual springs.

I'm going to take it back and find An Miaoling and Bai Xiaoru to soak in the spiritual spring together.


After the Ghost-Faced Demon Emperor got the news from the snake demon, he immediately contacted the other eight demon emperors and went to the place where the snake demon said together.

The demon emperors came to look near the spiritual spring, and it didn't take long to find Qin Tian and Qin An'an.

Qin Tian felt that someone was coming, so he didn't pay attention to it, but led Qin An'an to continue walking.

Not far away, the snake demon pointed at Qin Tian and said, "Demon Emperor, it was he who killed the Demon Ape Demon Emperor." The

Ghost-Faced Demon Emperor nodded, just as he was about to make a move.

The Desolate Bull Demon Emperor on the side pointed at Qin An'an and said

, "That is Xiangrui!" "This person dares to kidnap our Xiangrui, the crime is unforgivable." With

that, he took the lead and rushed over.

Feeling the killing intent from behind, Qin Tian turned his head.

When he saw the Desolate Ox Demon Emperor, his eyes lit up, and then he said to Qin An'an, "This ingredient is good, tomorrow my brother will make you beef trotter soup to drink."

Qin Anan nodded subconsciously.

The Wild Cow Demon Emperor was directly angry, "You dare to treat me as an ingredient? After

speaking, the Wild Bull Demon Emperor turned into his body and collided with the horns of the bull.

Qin Tian jumped into the air and dodged the impact.

Then he swung the sword of life and death and slashed at the horns of the Desolate Bull Demon Emperor.


Desolate Bull Demon Emperor screamed in pain, and Qin Tian took this opportunity to sit directly on the back of the Desolate Bull Demon Emperor.

And put the blade of the sword under the neck of the Desolate Bull Demon Emperor.

Suddenly, the whole body of the Desolate Bull Demon Emperor froze.

Because he knew that as long as Qin Tian exerted his strength, he would die.

Now he didn't even dare to swallow his saliva, so he could only look at the other demon emperors with a gaze asking for help.

The remaining eight Demon Emperors surrounded Qin Tiantuan, "Although you are very powerful, you are outnumbered. "

You let my brother Niu go now, I'll spare your life!" It was the Earth Splitting Demon Emperor who spoke.

Qin Tian joked: "I'll give you a chance to save your brother Niu now, as long as you give yourself three slaps, I will let him go." "

I'll give it to you...", the Earth Splitting Demon Emperor scolded angrily and directly.

As soon as the sword of life and death in Qin Tian's hand was forced, the neck of the Desolate Bull Demon Emperor began to splatter blood.

He swung frantically and struggled to the death, Qin Tian sat on it and stabbed down with a sword, and the Desolate Bull Demon Emperor collapsed on the ground, and there was no movement anymore.

A demon emperor of the same level as them died easily by their side like this.

This made the demon emperors fearful, although they went up together, they had the opportunity to punch the master to death.

But the first one on the line is in danger of his life.

After dealing with the Desolate Cow Demon Emperor, Qin Tian walked in the direction of the Earth Splitting Demon Emperor.

The Earth Splitting Demon Emperor subconsciously took two steps back.

Just as he was retreating, Qin Tian rushed forward.

Looking at the sword of life and death that was getting closer and closer, the Earth Splitting Demon Emperor felt that he was locked.

There was no way to avoid it, he could only choose to be tough!

Qin Tian's sword light kept flashing, and blood flowers splashed on the body of the Earth Splitting Demon Emperor.

In the end, he fell to the ground unwillingly and died.

Then Qin Tian raised his head.

All the demon clans around them retreated one after another.

Qin Tian began to look for the next target.

In the end, he took a fancy to the Lei Peng Demon Emperor in the air.

With a sudden, Qin Tian rose up to the sky and killed the Lei Peng Demon Emperor.

The Lei Peng Demon Emperor turned around and ran, and the other demons also took this opportunity and began to flee in all directions.

Lei Peng's speed was very fast, like lightning, and Qin Tian couldn't catch up at all with his own speed.

Therefore, you can only control the sword of life and death and chase it with a flying sword.

Feeling the flying sword coming, Lei Peng turned around to resist.

After being entangled by the flying sword, Qin Tian immediately chased after him and rode on Lei Peng's body.

Lei Peng struggled desperately, but in the end he died under Qin Tian's sword.

By the time Qin Tian dragged Lei Peng's body to Qin An'an's side, the other demon clans had already run out.

At this time, Qin An'an's eyes were no longer the same as when he looked at Qin Tian, and he had a hint of worship.

"My brother is so powerful. Qin Anan said happily.

"If you cultivate hard, you will be as powerful as your brother in the future.

"Well, I'll definitely try.

"Now that the ingredients are available, my brother will make you something to eat." "

Hmm!" Qin An'an looked expectant.

Qin Tian cut a little of the meat on the thighs of the Desolate Bull Demon Emperor and the meat on Lei Peng's wings.

He was going to make a cow's hoof soup and braised Lei Peng wings.

After working for a while, it was finally done, and the fragrance was wanton.

Qin Tian took out the table, chairs, bowls and chopsticks, and then scooped a bowl of soup and beef hoof soup for Qin An'an.

It's good for children to make up for it.

He also drank a bowl himself, after all, he was only one emperor realm, and this kind of emperor realm triple broth also improved him a lot.

After Qin An'an finished drinking the soup, his breath began to surge, and there was a faint tendency to break through the double of the emperor realm.

Qin Tian, who watched it, was surprised, this was just a child.

So he thought to himself, he had to hurry up his cultivation, otherwise he would be surpassed by the little girl in front of him.

Just as the two were eating, an old man and an old woman flew over smelling the smell.

When they saw the three corpses of the Demon Emperor on the ground, they were stunned.

The mouth was shocked: "This... This is the Desolate Cow Demon Emperor, the Lei Peng Demon Emperor and the Earth Splitting Demon Emperor?"

the two glanced at each other, and after confirming each other, they confirmed that they were not mistaken.

Then they looked at Qin Tian and Qin An'an, who were drinking soup.

"Did you kill this demon emperor by your predecessors

?" Qin Tian nodded, and said lightly: "Do you want to come to eat?" "

Don't dare, don't dare!"

Lao Ou and the old man said in unison.

"We are the head and elder of the Zixuanmen, and when we returned from the sea this time, we found that the sect had been destroyed.

"So we're searching around for surviving disciples, as well as contacting other human forces to form an alliance.

"If we don't unite any longer, I'm afraid there will be no place for our human race in this Demon God Island.

Qin Tian nodded, a little embarrassed.

From the siege of the Demon Emperor just now, it can be seen that the riot on the Demon God Island was caused by itself.

The old man hesitated for a moment and said, "Since the predecessors are also human beings, can they lead us to resist

the demon clan together?" Originally, the strength of the human beings on the Demon God Island was far inferior to that of the demon clan.

But it would be different if Qin Tian joined, after all, the corpses of the three demon emperors were placed here.

Seeing that the old man is a local force, there is an alliance.

Maybe you can get news of Phoenix Zhuguo from him.

Thinking of this, he conjured up a projection of a

phoenix vermilion fruit in the void, "Do you know where this fruit is?" The two stared at the phoenix vermilion fruit carefully, and finally asked, "Are you looking for the phoenix vermilion

fruit?" "Yes, do you know where it is?"

The old man's expression became serious, and then he muttered: "We have only seen this fruit in the records of the sect.

"If there is such a thing on Demon God Island, there is only one place, and that is the cave of the Nine Shadow Dragon Sparrow.

"Legend has it that there is a vermilion tree where a phoenix once lived.

"And the Nine Shadow Dragon Sparrow is the overlord of the Demon God Island, and its strength has reached the half-step supreme. Hearing

the old man's words, Qin Tian's face was overjoyed.

"I'm waiting for you here, don't you have an alliance, call the Master to kill with me. The

old man was overjoyed: "Okay senior, you eat first, and I'll come when I go."

After speaking, the old man flew away with the old woman.

"Brother, the Nine Shadow Dragon Sparrow is very powerful. Qin Anan put down the bowl in his hand with a worried face.

Apparently she had seen the Nine Shadow Dragon Sparrow.

Qin Tian touched Qin An'an's little head and said, "It's okay." "

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