The old man of the Purple Xuanmen didn't go far before he released a gathering signal into the air.

At the same time, they also started to transmit notifications.

Then there were human powerhouses flying over continuously.

There are sword-guards, beast-wingers, and puppet-controlling puppets, in short, all sorts.

The strongest of them were the three Emperor Realm Triple Powerhouses.

"Zi Ye, what you said is true?"

"Is there really a senior who wants to lead us to attack the Nine Shadow Dragon Sparrow?"

Zi Ye is the head of the Zi Xuan Sect, that is, the old man who had spoken to Qin Tian before.

"Really. Zi Ye replied.

"The seniors should also have this strength.

"I saw with my own eyes that there were the corpses of three demon emperors beside my predecessors. "

It was just killed, and we didn't get the news before that the Nine Great Demon Emperors were going to kill someone together.

"It should be this senior. "

The seniors fought against the nine demon emperors with their own strength, and they also killed three, which is enough to show the strength of the seniors.

After Zi Ye finished speaking, the powerhouses nodded, feeling that it made sense.

This time may be the Demon God Island, the opportunity for the rise of the human race.

Thinking of this, the sadness and anger of the previous slaughter of the sect have also improved.

Just as a few people were talking, a crisp and pleasant voice came, "Dad." Zi

Ye and the old woman looked over, it was their daughter Zi Yao.

Seeing that their daughter is still alive, the two elders are also very happy.

After saying hello to each other.

Zi Yao said, "Father, please help me find a benefactor." "

Benefactor?" Zi

Yao nodded and continued, "When I ran away before, I met a young man from the Spirit Realm. "

He gave me a kitchen knife, and at first I didn't care.

"Later, when I was fighting with the demon clan, the weapon was knocked away, and in a hurry, I took out the kitchen knife and actually slashed the demon clan of the demon saint triple at once.

"At this time, I knew that this kitchen knife was a medium-grade imperial soldier, and I also relied on this imperial soldier to survive. "

So I want to find him to repay my kindness, and when the time comes, I can also leave him as a disciple in our Zixuanmen.

Speaking of which, the handsome figure came to her mind.

Although it was just a meeting in Pingshui, he was in a desperate situation, and the scene of falling into his arms is still vivid.

This young man can still be so calm on the demon god island full of crises, and this calmness is worthy of her admiration.

Zi Ye was a little shocked when he heard his daughter's words!

, "Emperor-rank mid-grade kitchen knife, are you sure?"

Because he himself only has the weapon of the emperor-rank lower-grade, which is still inherited from the sect.

Zi Yao directly took out the kitchen knife and handed it to Zi Ye, "Daddy, please take a look."

Zi Ye took the kitchen knife and began to investigate.

This investigation revealed that it was really an imperial soldier.

"Are you sure you're just a teenager in the Agile Period?"

"I guess so.

"That's why I want my father to help him find him, I owe such a great favor, if I don't pay it back, I can't feel at ease."

Zi Ye nodded, "Dad will help you find it, but we have more important things right now." "

We're going to follow a senior to attack the Nine Shadows Dragon Sparrow.

Zi Yao's beautiful eyes froze, a little surprised.

As the original inhabitants of Demon God Island, they have always lived in the shadow of the Nine Shadow Dragon Sparrows.

But now she wants to find her benefactor even more.

The later it is, the more likely the benefactor is to die.

Zi Ye saw her daughter's thoughts.

He knew his daughter's character, if he didn't let her find it, that person would really die, and it would affect his daughter's Dao heart.

After thinking about it, he said: "You go with me to meet that senior first, the senior has great powers, maybe there will be news of that person." Zi

Yao thought about it and felt that it was too, the Demon God Island was so big, and it was undoubtedly a needle in a haystack to look for it alone.

"Then I'll go with my father.

Zi Ye nodded and reminded: "This senior looks quite young, you can have a sweeter mouth later."

Then he said to the cultivators, "The people are almost there, so let's leave two people as liaisons to contact the Daoists who will come later."

"The rest of the people went with me to visit the seniors first, and it was not good to make the seniors wait for a long time. "

Old man Zi is right, let's go over first. Then

the group gathered at Qin Tian's place.

Originally, it wasn't far from Qin Tian, so it didn't take long to arrive.

"It's here. "

The seniors are just ahead. Zi Ye said excitedly.

Everyone landed on the ground and followed Zi Ye towards Qin Tian's side.

Before arriving, Zi Ye instructed: "This senior is relatively young.

"Don't underestimate him because of that. After

speaking, everyone didn't take a few steps before they saw Qin Tian drinking tea.

And Qin Tian also saw everyone, he put down the teacup in his hand and looked at everyone lightly.

"Hey, look at that little girl, she turned out to be the Emperor Realm. A strong man wondered.

"This is a little girl, this is our Demon God Island's Rui Beast Qilin. "It's the Sect Master of the Imperial Beast Sect who speaks.

He was very sensitive to the aura of the demon clan, and he had seen Qin An'an once before, so he recognized it.

"Even the Rui Beast follows this senior, it seems that the predecessor is indeed not ordinary.

Then everyone saluted in unison, "I've seen my seniors." Only

Zi Yao was stunned on the spot.

At this time, her red lips were slightly open, and her big eyes were full of incredulity!

And the little girl....

Zi Ye noticed that his daughter didn't salute, so he hurriedly said, "Hurry up and salute your seniors." Hearing

this, Zi Yao reacted, "This... This is the senior that Dad said?"

"Yes! Salute quickly!" Only

then did Zi Yao understand why the demon beast she was chasing disappeared when she met Qin Tianhou.

Why was Qin Tian so calm after knowing the situation on Demon God Island.

And the kitchen knife he gave himself.

It's all explained.

At this time, she felt how naïve she was for what she had said to Qin Tian before, as well as the matter of sending him exercises.

After sorting out her thoughts, she hurriedly said: "I have met my seniors, and I thank my seniors for saving their lives several times."

After speaking, she took out a kitchen knife and walked towards Qin Tian, "If it weren't for the imperial soldiers rewarded by my predecessors, I would have died a few times." "

Now that you have seen your predecessors, this imperial soldier will be returned to you.

At this moment, Zi Ye knew that the young man his daughter was talking about was the senior in front of him.

Qin Tian shook his head, "Seeing each other is fate, since it was given to you, you can accept it."

Zi Yao hesitated for a while, and then said: "In order to repay the kindness of the son, the little girl is willing... Willing to follow Childe!"

After speaking, Zi Yao's face turned red.

Then he turned around and looked at his parents apologetically.

After Zi Ye and the old woman glanced at each other, they also stepped forward and said

, "We are the only three of us left in the Zixuanmen, if the seniors don't dislike it, we and the other three are willing to join the seniors." "

It's not a bad thing to be able to follow the master who casually rewards the imperial soldiers, and they also have the idea of getting out of the Demon God Island.

Others tried to do the same, but they immediately vetoed it.

They can't give up their foundation.

I also thought that after Qin Tian took them to deal with the powerhouses of the demon clan, they would come to dominate the Demon God Island.

Qin Tian looked at the three of them, Zi Xuan is a powerhouse of the Emperor Realm Triple Realm, and the old woman is also a Emperor Realm Double, Zi Yao's talent is good and worth cultivating, so he agreed!

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