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"Dear students, the next is the most exciting moment. Next, the three of us judges will start to taste the sushi dishes made by the two students and give them scores.

Seeing Ida Jinkyū serving his dishes, Kawashima Rei took the microphone and began to explain excitedly.

"The first dish served was Jinkyū Itada from the Sushi Research Institute, and his dish was foie gras sushi. Sushi made with foie gras, one of the three greatest delicacies in the world, is mouth-watering just thinking about it. I wonder how Jinkyū Itada will shock the judges, so let's wait and see."

As Kawashima Rei's voice fell, Jinkyū Itada had already arrived in front of the three judges.

"This light fragrance is the fragrance of top-grade foie gras."

Looking at the smell coming from the sushi, one of the judges stared with his eyes wide open, revealing a greedy expression.

For these gluttons, foie gras is still very tempting to them.��The sushi was made of goose liver, which made the three judges take a piece of sushi from the plate and put it in their mouths.

"Wonderful enjoyment"

"The tender goose liver, which has been fried over a low flame, melts in your mouth. In order to make the French goose liver and vinegar rice go together, soy sauce is used to season it during frying to make it taste like Japanese cuisine. The slightly sour vinegar rice, the tender meat, and the rich and delicious goose liver are simply a perfect match."

"Yes. I never thought that someone could use foie gras, a French dish, on sushi. This idea alone is beyond the imagination of others. It seems that the Ida family has a successor."


Listening to the comments of the three judges, Ida Jinxu suddenly laughed triumphantly. Then he looked at Ye Lin with a provocative look, as if to say,"See, this is my strength, just wait for me to admit defeat."

Ida Jinxu's vanity was greatly satisfied at this time. Although this foie gras sushi was not his idea, would he say it? Of course not.

As for Ida Jinxu's provocative look, Ye Lin simply chose to ignore it. Picking up his own dish, he walked directly towards the judges.

"Is this tuna sushi?"

Seeing the dish that Ye Lin brought up, the eyelids of the three judges twitched subconsciously.

They had already seen it when both parties were making dishes before. Although the tuna used by Ye Lin was good, it was not bluefin tuna, so compared with the top delicacy such as foie gras, it naturally failed to arouse the appetite of the judges.

After all, sushi is different from other dishes. The taste itself is not very strong, so it is difficult to smell the taste of sushi if you don't smell it carefully.

At the same time, looking at the sushi in front of them, there was nothing else on the tray except sushi, which made the three judges frown again.

"You, don't have any dipping sauce?"

It is common sense to eat sushi with dipping sauce, even the foie gras sushi made by Ida Jinxu has its own dipping sauce.

But at this time, Ye Lin didn't even prepare the dipping sauce. Does he really not understand sushi, or is it because time is too tight and he has no time to prepare it.

You know, dipping sauce is like green leaves to sushi, although green leaves are only to set off the tenderness and beauty of flowers. But if flowers don't have green leaves to Chen Duo, their tenderness will seem lonely and monotonous.

"Dipping sauce, please try it and you will know."

Ye Lin did not say much, but smiled mysteriously and looked at the three judges.

Seeing Ye Lin's confident smile, the three judges looked at each other and immediately picked up the leftmost sushi of the six sushi in front of them and started eating.

"this、、、This taste、、、"

At first, they didn't care, but when they bit down, their expressions changed immediately.

The soft and elastic vinegar rice spread in their mouths instantly, and combined perfectly with the tuna meat.

There was no fishy smell of tuna meat at all, only the firm, plump and sweet taste of tuna.

And between the plump and sweet (ahcd) fish meat and the vinegar rice, a thin layer of sauce also burst in the mouth at this time, and three wonderful flavors mixed together.

After eating one sushi, they immediately picked up another sushi and ate it.

As the sushi entered the mouth, it was another different taste.

Maybe the previous sushi was a little weaker than the foie gras sushi in terms of taste and impact, but the sushi that was just eaten combined with the taste of the sushi that had not disappeared before, forming a new taste and a new impact.

Two, three, until the sixth sushi was finished, six sushi, using six different parts of tuna, the taste is also different. Each piece may not look amazing, but after eating the sixth piece, they feel like tuna swimming in a sea of rice.

These six pieces of sushi are like six puzzle pieces. Each piece alone is useless, but when all six pieces are put together, they will create a beautiful picture.

"How is it possible? ? ?"

Ida Jinxu, who had been so proud before, couldn't believe it when he saw the three judges showing happy expressions.

He had thought that the sushi made by Ye Lin must be very unpalatable, but now it is not what he thought at all.

All the judges have eaten all over the country and must have eaten a lot of sushi.

Apart from anything else, Ye Lin's sushi was very delicious to make these three judges show such expressions.

This made the proud Ida Jinxu panic. For the first time, he felt that things were a little beyond his expectations.

"Now the three judges have tasted the beauty of the two contestants, and the next is the moment that everyone is most looking forward to, and it is also the most exciting moment. The winner of this game is our transfer student Ye Lin, or our sushi cooking research club's general Ida Jinkyū, so please let our judges show their choices."

As Kawashima Rei's voice sounded, all the eyes of the entire duel field were immediately focused on the three judges.

It can be said that at this time, the fate of both sides of this food battle is in their hands, a heaven and a hell, depending on their decision.

And the most nervous person at this time is undoubtedly Ida Jinkyū. Watching the three judges communicate with each other and choose their own decisions, drops of cold sweat flowed from his forehead and finally fell down his cheeks. Although he said he didn't care, how could he not care at this time.

If you say who is the most relaxed person on the scene, it is definitely Ye Lin, another contestant in this food battle._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend, and share

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