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"What happened there?"

"I don't know, but it smells good, as if there are delicious foods there."

At this time, a strange phenomenon occurred near Ye Lin's home. Although this is a residential area, the people around are all standing on the street and not walking. At the same time, everyone closed their eyes and their throats moved involuntarily.

The residential areas on both sides of the street were the same. Everyone opened the windows and doors and looked outside.

However, although they said they were looking, they also closed their eyes, just like the people standing on the street.

Moreover, such a strange phenomenon occurred here, and people who did not know the truth immediately came over curiously to see what was going on. But not long after, those curious people also joined them one after another.

At this time, they all raised their heads, closed their eyes, and looked like they were enjoying themselves. Those who didn't know thought they were taking drugs.

However, although it was not taking drugs, it was almost the same. After all, for foodies, real food is even more ferocious than drugs.

At this time, Ye Lin didn't know what was happening outside at all, because at this time He was desperately preparing the dishes.

Youyouko and Gabriel were eating the dishes made by Ye Lin. The extreme taste that they had never tasted before conquered them instantly.

Youyouko was not to be mentioned. She could eat up any amount of food. But Gabriel was different. Although she was an angel, her appetite was just average, the amount of an ordinary girl.

Although Gabriel also liked to eat the dishes made by Ye Lin before, she only ate a little bit. After all, she was an angel after all, so she still had some restraint.

But now, in order to eat more dishes made with fantasy ingredients, Gabriel immediately used the holy power in her body to purify the food that entered her body, so that no matter how much she ate, it was as if she had not eaten anything.

Therefore, unlike Youyouko, Gabriel emitted a faint white light when she was eating the dishes. Although it is not easy to see during the day. But after it gets dark, ordinary people will probably be able to see it.

""Ah~" Looking at the ingredients that were almost used up, Ye Lin had originally prepared only for Youyouzi, and it would not be a big deal even if he added Gabriel.

But the problem was that Ye Lin did not expect Gabriel to add a bug to himself, and suddenly one Youyouzi became two Youyouzi.

"Well, this is the last one."

After serving the last charcoal-grilled wine-roasted beef, Ye Lin immediately looked at the two of them helplessly.

"Hmm? Isn't there more there?"

Youyouzi looked at him in confusion, staring at the pot of bone soup that Ye Lin had been stewing since the beginning.

In Youyouzi's mouth, he was chewing a bone that was several times bigger than the usual one, sucking it up, absorbing the essence of the bone.

This bone was the leg bone of a drunken cow. The leg bone of a drunken cow not only had more marrow than that of an ordinary cow, but also had the taste of high-grade brandy.

Although Youyouzi didn't drink, she still liked the taste of this bone very much.

Not only Youyouzi, but even Gabriel was also attracted by the taste. Turning the pot of Hundred Bone Soup.

Although the Hundred Bone Soup was not stewed with the bones of 100 different beasts, not even half of that, the bones used to stew the soup were all ingredients from captured beasts above Level 1.

Among them were the six-tailed eagle, red-haired pig, crab pig, and several other ingredients that Ye Lin had processed. Now it had become a pot of thick milky white soup.

Looking at the pot of Hundred Bone Soup, Ye Lin knew that if he didn't give it to them to drink, it would definitely not work.

So after each of them scooped a large bowl, he said,"The rest is for my sister. She is too weak now and needs to be well nourished. I hope you can forgive me.""

"How about I give her a blessing?"Gabriel looked at Ye Lin and suddenly said.

Ye Lin was stunned and subconsciously looked at Gabriel.

Different from Youyouzi's race, Gabriel is an angel. What is an angel? Whether it is the previous world or the present world, there are legends about angels.

It can be said that if you can get the blessing of an angel, then even an ordinary person can live a long life without illness and disaster.

"Well, I can give you a blessing, but can you wait a little longer?"Ye Lin looked at Gabriel with shining eyes. There was no doubt that Gabriel's words made Ye Lin very moved.

"Why?" Gabriel looked at Ye Lin in confusion, and even stopped eating.

"Although you have never met Sagiri, you should know that Sagiri is also a stay-at-home girl like you.

But the difference is that you are an angel, and she is just an ordinary person.

No matter how much you stay at home, the basic quality of your body will not change.

But she is different.

As an ordinary person, she has been staying at home for several years.

And in the past few years, let alone going out, she has hardly even exercised, so that Sagiri's physical fitness is getting worse and worse.

I can say without hesitation that if Sagiri is asked to run now, she probably can't run a hundred meters.

And I also know something about the blessing of angels, which can make people free from diseases and five disasters.

So what I think is, I will strengthen Sagiri's body later, and after strengthening her body, you can bless her.



She knew there was another person in the house. But she didn't expect that he was the same type as her, who liked to stay in the room and not go out.

Unfortunately, Ye Lin shook his head and said quickly:"No, she doesn't play games. She just doesn't go out because she is afraid of the outside world. But she likes to draw."

As if he was afraid that Gabriel would turn Sagiri into a game otaku, Ye Lin added another sentence after he finished speaking.

After hearing Ye Lin's words, Gabriel immediately lost interest.

I thought there was another teammate who could play games, but I didn't expect it to be from another sect.

If it weren't for her wanting to continue eating Ye Lin's cooking here, I'm afraid she wouldn't want to bless Ye Lin's sister.

After all, the blessing of an angel is not a cheap thing. Unless you have a very sincere Xingyang, the angel will not bless you.

But that's for ordinary angels. Now it's just like the system said, although the body is still an angel, the soul has begun to fall.

After the soup was cooked, Ye Lin put it in a large bowl, put it on a tray with other dishes, and walked upstairs.

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