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‘Knock, knock, knock~'

I knocked on Sagiri's door, but after a while there was no response, not even a sound.

‘"Dong, dong, dong~"

He knocked on the door again, and after waiting for a while, Ye Lin still didn't hear any movement from inside. You know, at this time, even if Sagiri didn't open the door, she would respond to him, but there was no sound from inside, not to mention movement. This immediately made Ye Lin wonder what Sagiri was doing inside, sleeping?

As for not being in the room, this was completely impossible.

Not knowing what happened inside, Ye Lin frowned slightly.

Looking at Sagiri's closed door, he thought about it and immediately took out the artifact from his pocket, the legendary spare key.

In order to prevent Ye Lin from breaking into his room every time for no reason, and because of the quarrels in the past two days, Sagiri always locked the door and didn't give Ye Lin the opportunity to break in.

And this spare key was privately made by Ye Lin when renting the house, and he didn't let Sagiri know.

Otherwise, Sagiri wouldn't lock it at all. After all, what's the difference between Ye Lin locking it and not locking it when he has the key? 683

If Sagiri knew about this spare key, she would definitely be asked for it.

So generally speaking, Xia Yelin doesn't plan to use it.

With the twist of the key, Yelin opened the door of Shawu


When Ye Lin looked towards the room, he saw Sagiri sitting on the ground in a duck-like position, with her eyes closed and her head tilted back. She looked very happy, as if she had just finished taking marijuana.

"What's going on?"Looking at Sagiri's appearance, Ye Lin suddenly had several question marks on his head.

"The host doesn't seem to know what's going on? Although both the world of Food Capture and the world of Shokugeki are worlds of gourmet food, there is no doubt that because of the ingredients, the people in the two worlds have completely different resistance to gourmet food.

It's like a person who usually eats ordinary food suddenly eats top-level food, and the deliciousness of the food will make them lost.

In the world of Food Capture, gourmet food with a capture level below 1 is okay, but ingredients above capture level 1 are more delicious than the top-level ingredients in this world.

And the dishes made by the people in this world with the top-level ingredients can deeply attract them, not to mention the fantasy ingredients that are more delicious than those ingredients.

So if they were in the world of Food Capture, those people would definitely not show such expressions.

It can be said that only dishes that are carefully made with a capture level of more than 30 may make them show such expressions.

For example, the world's thick soup, although its capture level is not the highest, its taste can easily conquer anyone, making anyone who tastes it show a wretched expression because of its deliciousness.


"Century Soup?"

When Ye Lin heard the system say World Soup, his eyes lit up. If he remembered correctly, this would be the last time to try the natural Century Soup. In the future, he would have to try the artificial one. The artificial one tasted good, but he still wanted to try the natural one.

"No, no.、、、、、、"At this moment, Ye Lin suddenly shook his head. He was thinking about Sagiri, how come he was thinking about food again.

However, seeing Sagiri closing her eyes with a look of enjoyment on her face, Ye Lin's expression suddenly moved. He subconsciously looked at the gourmet cells in his trouser pocket. If he remembered correctly, the gourmet cells were injectable.

And Sagiri seemed to be very afraid of injections. Once she caught a cold and would rather recover slowly than get an injection.

Thinking of this, Ye Lin suddenly walked into Sagiri's room quietly.

At this time, Sagiri, who was already intoxicated by the fragrance of the food, had no idea that a big demon had come into the room at this time, and was going to do the most extremely evil thing to her.

Putting the food gently on Sagiri's table, Ye Lin came to Sagiri in an instant. (ahcd)

"Local anesthesia."Extending his right index finger, Ye Lin instantly touched Sagiri's slender right hand.

Before Sagiri could react, she had already taken control of her right hand.

He was originally thinking about how to explain it to Sagiri, but now, Sagiri was in an unconscious state, and seeing her was a godsend.

At this time, Ye Lin was in no mood to look at Sagiri's rearranged room. After anesthetizing Sagiri's right hand and eliminating all the perception of her right hand, he immediately took out the syringe containing gourmet cells from his trouser pocket.

Looking at Youlan's gourmet cells flowing in the syringe, Ye Lin rolled up Sagiri's right sleeve and injected it directly into her arm.

At this time, Sagiri Sagiri had no idea what was happening around her, and her right hand had been anesthetized by Ye Lin, so she had no feeling at all. So no matter what Ye Lin did with her right hand, she would not feel anything.

As the gourmet cells were pushed into Sagiri's body at a speed visible to the naked eye, Sagiri seemed to feel something, her eyelids began to tremble, and she slowly opened her eyes.

Seeing Sagiri's eyelids move, Ye Lin immediately knew that Sagiri might wake up.

With his right hand, he pulled out the syringe that had been injected and threw it into the gourmet space. With his left hand, he untied Sagiri's right hand that had been acupunctured. When Sagiri woke up, he found that he could not control his right hand.


At this time, Sagiri had no idea what was happening around her. She opened her eyes dazedly and looked around subconsciously.

The first thing that caught her eye was the familiar room, the familiar layout, the familiar ceiling, and the familiar brother.

"······""Ah~~ How come you are here? I don't remember you coming in. Could it be that those two women can't satisfy you anymore? Can't you resist doing this or that kind of H thing to your sister? You big hentai pervert、、、"Ouch~~It hurts~"

Before Sagiri could finish her words, Ye Lin couldn't help but hit her on the head with a knife.

Although Ye Lin had restrained his strength, Sagiri still felt a slight pain on her head. She immediately sat on the floor and hugged her little head.

"I have told you so many times that they are just ordinary friends who came here to stay temporarily because of a quarrel with their families."

Looking at Sagiri's eyes that didn't believe it at all, and she was lying, Ye Lin was helpless.

Could it be that these two are my girlfriends, your future sisters-in-law, and they will start living with me from today? Not to mention whether those two will kill me, just Sagiri will definitely make a big fuss.

So although this sounds like there are a lot of loopholes, I can only bite the bullet and say it.

Whether Sagiri believes it or not, Ye Lin believes it anyway._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation, and sharing

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