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Seeing Ye Lin's dancing-like pulling technique, Isshiki Hui opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say it.

Although Ye Lin's movements seemed a little exaggerated, the noodles in his hand, which were thinner than a hair, said it all.

If other people used this technique to pull noodles, not to mention that the noodles would get tangled in their bodies, they would probably break long ago.

But Ye Lin was different. Not only did he successfully turn the dough into noodles, but he also made them so thin. It was simply a miracle.

"Food Techniques、、、"Isshiki Hui looked at Ye Lin solemnly, and two words slowly came out of his mouth.

Ye Lin had told him about food skills before, but he had never figured out what food skills were. But now, he seemed to understand a little.

Xiaolin Longdan, who was standing next to him, moved her ears,"Zero Zero Zero" She heard clearly what Isshiki Hui had just said about food skills.

Suddenly, Xiaolin Longdan wanted to rush up and ask Ye Lin what happened just now.

But in the end, Xiaolin Longdan held back. Compared to asking Ye Lin what happened just now, she was more looking forward to what kind of dishes Ye Lin would make.

Putting the pulled noodles aside, Ye Lin began to make noodle soup.

If the noodle soup is not good, even if Ye Lin pulled the noodles into a flower, it would be useless.

And the noodle soup must be matched with noodles, so this step is crucial.

The soup that Ye Lin chose is a vegetable soup boiled with various fresh seasonal vegetables. It can be said that there is no taste of meat and seafood in it.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Lin needs a bamboo fungus that is delicious enough as the main ingredient of this noodle soup.

Carrots, mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, winter bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, chicken mushrooms, burdocks and other ingredients were processed by Ye Lin one by one and thrown into the paper pot.

That's right, it was a paper pot.

Ye Lin did not use a casserole or iron pot to stew, but directly made a paper pot with paper.

Because the soup stewed with various wild delicacies is fragrant and delicious, but it also has a big problem, that is, too many impurities.

And Ye Lin couldn't keep staring at the pot to pick out impurities, so he thought of the way that the little master Liu Angxing thought of when he was competing with his uncle in the final of the lobster three hegemony.

As the wild delicacies soup in the paper pot began to boil, a faint fragrance began to waft.

Seeing that the wild delicacies soup had begun to boil, Ye Lin began to put various seasonings into it, making the soup taste more and more fragrant.

However, no matter how much he cooked, Ye Lin still remembered that he was making the soup base for noodles this time, not the casserole, so as not to mix it up accidentally.

After all, the casserole is ready to eat, while the soup base is used to cook noodles and go with the noodles. If you mix it up, it will be very bad.

‘"Gudong~" A sound of swallowing saliva came.

Ye Lin's ears moved and he laughed.

Of course, this sound was not made by Ye Lin, but by Xiao Lin Longdan who was standing at the door.

Turning his head, he immediately saw Xiao Lin Longdan standing with shining eyes and Isshiki Hui who also showed an expression of wanting to taste it.

Ye Lin had already discovered these two people. Or to say, he had discovered them when they first appeared.

It's just that the two did not disturb him, so he did not point it out, but just continued his work.

Looking at the soup that had been boiling in the paper pot for a while, the incomparable fragrance kept drilling into Ye Lin's nose. Especially the smell of long skirt bamboo fungus, it was even more fragrant.

However, Ye Lin, who had a smile on his face, did not continue to smile, but looked at the mountain delicacy pot with a bit of an ugly expression.

Xiao Lin Longdan and the other person not far away saw Ye Lin's face suddenly change, and they were a little confused.

Looking at Ye Lin's ugly face, it seemed that he had discovered something incredible.

Seeing the impurities just emerging being absorbed by the paper pot, Ye Lin's expression was more solemn than ever.

He picked up the spoon beside him, scooped a mouthful and tasted it, then turned off the fire silently.

"What happened?"

Seeing that Ye Lin had turned off the fire in the paper pot, Yi Se Hui was immediately puzzled.

He came to Ye Lin and looked at the mountain pot. The mountain pot exuded an extremely fragrant aroma. Even if so many ingredients were cooked together, it was still so clear.

At first, he was still puzzled why Ye Lin used a paper pot, but now seeing the inside of the pot, he immediately understood what Ye Lin meant.

Moreover, paper that has been soaked in water cannot burn, so no matter how big the fire is, it will not burn........

Regarding the idea of using paper pots to absorb impurities, Isshiki Huidu couldn't help but sigh that this is indeed a very good idea

"The taste、、、、、、"

With Isshiki Hui standing there in a daze, Xiaolin Longdan went straight to the cooking room and took the spoon from Ye Lin's hand and tasted the soup.

Ye Lin's face suddenly became so ugly, nothing more than something went wrong with the cooking.

In this case, why not try it and you will know.

When the soup entered her mouth, it tasted really delicious. But after tasting it carefully, she also found a fatal problem.

""Well, what are you going to do?" Putting the spoon on the table, Xiaolin Longdan narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Lin.

Seeing this, Isshiki Hui picked up another spoon from the cooking table and tasted it. Although there was nothing at first, he soon understood the problem.

Although the soup was so clear because of the paper pot, even the words below could be seen.

But the problem is that no matter what it is in this world, it has its own taste, even a stone.

Although stewing soup in a paper pot can absorb the impurities in the pot, the taste of the paper pot is also cooked into the soup.

And it's not just the taste of the paper pot, even the taste of the ink on the paper is integrated into the soup.

Although this taste is very subtle, ordinary people can't tell it at all.

But the fact is that neither Koizumi Monopoly nor Isshiki Hui are ordinary chefs, so after tasting it carefully, they found the problem.

It can be said that the paper pot is the reason for success and failure.

Even if it is replaced with white paper without writing, the soup will still have a little taste of paper.

It can be said that if this problem is not solved, then Ye Lin can only change a soup base.

"What are you going to do?"Yise Hui looked at Ye Lin solemnly, wanting to see if he had any solution.

However, Ye Lin also frowned and sat on the bench with a distressed look. He subconsciously took out a chocolate apple and started eating it.

Whenever Ye Lin had any troubles, he would eat something. He thought while eating, as if this could bring him inspiration._Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel AP

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