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But this is a real world. Although the plot in the anime can be used as a reference, it must not be taken seriously.

In the anime, the Baoshan Feilong pot did not expose its shortcomings, but this does not mean that using a paper pot has no shortcomings.

You must know that no matter how good the food in the anime is, it is just a fantasy. When it is cooked in reality, it still has its own shortcomings.

Even if it is the food in the food wars world, Ye Lin is sure that it is not as perfect as shown in the anime.

Because this is a real world, not a fake world.

Although Ye Lin has been reminding himself of this, sometimes he will subconsciously ignore this problem.

And this time he used a paper pot to cook the soup base, but he didn't think of this problem. It was not until his nose smelled that problem that he discovered it.

Although this seems to be a small problem, Ye Lin knows that it is difficult to solve this small problem. After all, no matter how you change the paper, it is still paper.

""Hmph, how about trying another pot?" Just when Ye Lin was lost in thought, Xiao Lin Longdan suddenly appeared beside Ye Lin, snatched the chocolate apple from Ye Lin's hand and took a bite.

Just now when Ye Lin was eating, she saw that this fruit, which sounded and looked like an apple, not only exuded the smell of chocolate, but also had a chocolate brown color.

If Xiao Lin Longdan hadn't heard the unique crisp sound of the apple, she would probably have thought it was an apple made of chocolate.

The crispness of the apple, coupled with the fragrance of chocolate and the slight bitterness, was more delicious than any apple she had ever eaten. This made Xiao Lin Longdan feel that it was right to follow Ye Lin here.

"No, if you use a pot to cook, although there is no problem with the paper, it will produce large impurities. Although this is not a big problem, it will take a lot of time to remove the impurities."Ye Lin took out a fist-sized honey strawberry from his pocket again and started to eat it directly.

"Why don't you try using oil-absorbing paper? It's no secret that paper pots can absorb impurities produced in soup, so a long time ago someone had specially made oil-absorbing paper. This kind of paper can not only cook soup, but also make hot pot."Ise Hui seemed to have thought of something and quickly said to Ye Lin

"Oh, you can try."Ye Lin's eyes flashed with a gleam when he heard this.

Although he had heard something about this before, he didn't expect it to be true.

And this kind of paper is basically available in supermarkets, so Yuanyue must have it too.

In Yuanyue, if there is one Yuanyue Ten Heroes who can't do it, then just add one more.

What's more, taking some oil-absorbing paper is not a problem at all.

Isshiki Hui quickly got some. After using it, although the effect of these oil-absorbing papers is better than ordinary paper pots, the problem is still not solved.

In other words, although the taste has been reduced a lot, even some professionals can't taste it.

But Ye Lin is still not satisfied, and still wants to see if he can use other papers instead.

"It seems that what is spread in school is true."Looking at Ye Lin's distressed look, Xiao Lin Long Dan suddenly smiled.

When she heard that Ye Lin possessed the Divine Tongue and even other abilities, Xiao Lin Long Dan's first reaction was to disbelieve it and completely regarded it as a joke.

But now it seems that she believes it a little.

Even she couldn't taste anything in the soup base made with oil-absorbing paper, but Ye Lin was still not satisfied.

Moreover, before, Ye Lin found out the problem without even tasting it, and this should be the legendary Divine Nose.

Although she didn't know whether the Divine Hand was true, possessing the two abilities of Divine Tongue and Divine Nose at the same time was enough to look down on the entire Yuanyue.

And for Ye Lin who possessed two abilities, she was even more curious.

"What, is it still not working? Seeing Ye Lin's brows still furrowed, Yi Se Hui immediately asked

"The problem is not big. It can be said that the defect has been extremely reduced. If you don't have a very keen sense of taste, you can't taste it at all."Ye Lin shook his head slowly and said

"In this case, then、、、、、、"

"I don't like this kind of mediocre food. I either don't cook it, or I use all my strength to make a perfect dish. Even if it's just a little flaw, it's a failed dish for me."Ye Lin is serious about cooking.

Whether it's his love for cooking or his dignity as a chef, he won't allow him to present imperfect dishes to customers.

"Why not try without the pot, if you add an egg white in it, it can also absorb the impurities."Isiki Hui thought about it and immediately told Ye Lin the method he had thought of.

However, Ye Lin still shook his head when he heard it, obviously not. Although adding other ingredients can absorb impurities, no matter what is added, it will destroy the taste of the soup base. At that time, other ingredients and seasonings will be added to make the taste of the egg blend into the soup, which almost turns the soup base into another kind of soup base.

Although the same delicious taste will definitely be made in the end, it is too time-consuming.

While eating, I was thinking about the solution.

Isiki Hui and Kobayashi Ryodan looked at Ye Lin who kept taking out food from his body like a magic trick, and immediately looked at him like watching Doraemon, and at the same time wanted to know if his pocket was a four-dimensional space. It can actually hold so many things

"Although it is gratifying to see the host so serious, but seeing the host's stupidity, this system is helpless. 000" At this moment, it seemed that the spirit of the Wanjie Food Saint System could not bear it anymore and spoke out.

Ye Lin, who was thinking, was stunned for a moment, and then asked the system in his mind. From what the system said, it was obvious that it had a way.

At this time, Xiaolin Longdan wanted to snatch the honey strawberry that had just been taken out from Ye Lin's hand, but unfortunately, Xiaolin Longdan had eaten several of them before, so Ye Lin did not let her succeed this time. Her steps kept shaking, avoiding Xiaolin Longdan's snatching one by one. At the same time, while dodging, she quickly ate the honey strawberry in her hand.

Although I don't want to rely on the system, but since the system has a way, I'd better listen.

"If the host does not have Alzheimer's disease, then this system has said before that everything in this world is food. No matter what it is, it can be cooked. The same is true for taste. For example, many people did not like the smell of stench in the past, but now countless people are obsessed with various dishes containing stench. So the host should not consider how to eliminate it, but how to use it."

"You mean、、、、、、"Ye Lin's eyes flashed with a gleam.

He was not stupid. After hearing what the system said, he immediately remembered a food TV series he had watched before.

Although this TV series was not like the fantasy of Xiao Dangan's Food Wars, there was something in it that he seemed to be able to use.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend, and share

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