"Sagiri, how are the preparations going?"

After returning home, Ye Lin went directly to Izumi Sagiri's room.

Because Ye Lin always entered her sacred territory for no reason, Izumi Sagiri immediately resisted. Unless she went out, the room would definitely be locked. Even when delivering food, he had to knock on the door first, and wait for Izumi Sagiri to open the door before delivering it.

Although he also had the key, he still respected Izumi Sagiri's choice and did not use his own key to open the door.

As usual, after get off work, Ye Lin would find a famous restaurant to taste the food.

But today is different, because they are moving today.

Because they have to go to Totsuki to go to school, but this place is a bit far from Totsuki, so in order to take better care of Izumi Sagiri, Ye Lin plans to move.

But considering Izumi Sagiri's personality, it has been delayed until today.

During this period, Ye Lin did make some changes to Izumi Sagiri, but unfortunately it was of no use. Even Ye Lin's otaku friends are helpless about Izumi Sagiri's situation.


As the door slowly opened, Izumi Sagiri, who was wrapped tightly, suddenly appeared in front of Ye Lin.


Looking at Izumi Sagiri's face, she not only has her mask on, but also has a few white strings on her ears. Nasser's body is made of the strings of the mask.

She wrapped herself up like an Eskimo, not only with a mask on her face, but also with three layers of masks under the mask. How much does she not want to be seen?


Izumi Sagiri seemed to have thought of something, and immediately stretched out her hand to Ye Lin and closed the door.

When the door was opened again, although it seemed that nothing had changed, when Ye Lin looked carefully, he found that Izumi Sagiri had an extra pair of glasses next to her ear.

Although I don't know what happened, it's clear that someone's shut-in attribute has become more serious.

"I said, do you really need to do this? Sagiri, you are so cute and you are not some monster that cannot be seen by people. Why do you wrap yourself up like an Eskimo? If you don't know, you would think you are spending the winter. And it's so hot, aren't you hot like this?"

"So we have to move quickly."

The tightly wrapped Izumi Sagiri made way for Ye Lin. When he went in, he found that there was no movement inside. It was obvious that Izumi Sagiri had not packed at all.

Turning his head to look at Izumi Sagiri, Ye Lin's eyes were full of confusion.

And Izumi Sagiri didn't say anything, just raised her right hand and gave a thumbs up, as if I was optimistic about you.

Seeing Izumi Sagiri's actions, how could Ye Lin not know what this guy was thinking. It

's not that she didn't want to move, but she was too lazy to pack.

To put it simply, Izumi Sagiri didn't want to do anything at all, she just wanted to stand behind her and shout"666".

With a sigh, he really had no choice but to have such a sister.

After calling the moving company that had been arranged long ago, Ye Lin began to pack up the things in Izumi Sagiri's room.

It doesn't matter if Izumi Sagiri packs up, watching the thin and beautiful pajamas and cute panties pass through Ye Lin's hands, not only Not only Ye Lin blushed, but even Izumi Sagiri's face behind the mask was also red.

Izumi Sagiri was not like other girls, because she stayed at home all day long and never went out to buy things. Although she would buy a set of these online from time to time, the quantity was not much.

So in less than half an hour, Ye Lin had packed up Izumi Sagiri's things.

But after packing, Ye Lin found that Izumi Sagiri did not do nothing. Looking at the box that had been placed in the corner of the door for a long time, this should be what she packed by herself.

However, she even asked her to pack her panties, so it was obvious that there should be her little secret in this box.

Although he wanted to open the box to see what the secret was, Ye Lin still restrained himself.

Because they were moving, many things had been packed by Ye Lin before that. Before the moving company came, all the things to be moved out of the house were packed in the boxes.

‘Ding Dong~'

As the doorbell rang, Ye Lin immediately came to the door and opened it

"Hello, is this Mr. Ye Lin?"


Standing at the door were two strong men, whose bulging chest muscles showed that they were both strong players.

Although they looked fierce, their expressions betrayed them.

"We are One-Click Moving Company. Have you packed all your things

, Mr. Ye Lin?"The two tough guys were none other than the people from the moving company. Although Ye Lin looked underage, they did not look down on him because of his underage status.

""Yes, it's done."

Nodding, at Ye Lin's signal, the two went in and started to move out the boxes that had been packed and put them into the truck.

As people from a moving company, their muscles were not fake. When everything in the room was moved out, they didn't even breathe.

However, when they saw Izumi Sagiri, whose body was wrapped like a mummy, they were stunned.

"Is she sick?"Looking at Izumi Sagiri, one of them couldn't help but ask.

Obviously, when they saw Izumi Sagiri for the first time, they thought she was sick, and it was an infectious disease.

Although the moving company did not have the right to choose customers, they were still a little worried about encountering customers with infectious diseases.

After all, they heard that infectious diseases in the world are becoming more and more rampant, and things like airborne transmission and saliva transmission are already weak. Those infectious diseases that are transmitted through the Internet, eyes, and benches are really powerful.

"It's nothing, she's just shy."Ye Lin really had no way to deal with his sister's behavior.

And Izumi Sagiri didn't say anything, just took her tablet and went directly into the cargo box.

Ye Lin had no choice but to let the two tough guys close the door, and then he came to the co-pilot seat of the truck and sat down.

The two men didn't say anything, they just got in the car and started the car and drove away.

The destination was his new home. Not only was it more luxurious than the current one, it was only ten minutes away from Totsuki Academy.

Of course, these ten minutes were only relative to Ye Lin. If it was someone else, it would probably take at least forty or fifty minutes.

As for his new home, Ye Lin had been there before, so it was nothing, but Izumi Sagiri, who was sitting in the trunk, was full of expectations.

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