After an afternoon of hard work, Ye Lin finally packed up the entire new home.

As for Izumi Sagiri, she sat in the living room and watched Ye Lin busy there, and shouted"666" to Ye Lin.

Because he was not short of money, Ye Lin bought a big house this time. Two floors, five rooms, two living rooms, two bathrooms and one kitchen, and the kitchen was bigger than the one in the previous house.

If Ye Lin's body had not been integrated with the gourmet cells, he would have been exhausted after cleaning up this meal.

Izumi Sagiri chose the largest room as her own room. After Ye Lin finished tidying up, he went into the house and locked the door and couldn't come out.

Seeing Izumi Sagiri's appearance, Ye Lin shook his head helplessly.

Time passed in a flash. When the next day came, Ye Lin made breakfast early and put it on a bench at the door of Izumi Sagiri and left.

Because Ye Lin had to go to work in the morning and couldn't wait for Izumi Sagiri to wake up, Ye Lin would make breakfast in the morning and put it on the bench at the door of Izumi Sagiri.

As for the cold, Izumi Sagiri Hui went to the microwave to heat it up herself. Anyway, it's only a matter of one or two minutes, no problem at all. And there will be no one at home by then, so it's acceptable to go out. As for going out further, it's impossible, no matter how hard you try.

Because Xingping Restaurant is closed today, Ye Lin didn't go to Xingping Restaurant, but looked for a restaurant.

And the first stop today is a western restaurant called Chunguoting.

Ye Lin has checked Chunguoting, it is a restaurant opened by former graduates of Yuanyue. For Yuanyue

's graduates, the teaching is like raising Gu, and those who can graduate from it can be said that everyone is a top chef.

Ye Lin wanted to go there, but he didn't go because it was a bit far away.

During this period of time, I have tasted all the restaurants nearby, so if I want to eat, I can only go to a farther place. And this Chunguoting is my next destination.

But Ye Lin didn't take a taxi, but ran there directly.

This world is not a world of food captives, there is no opponent for you to fight to your heart's content.

So if you want to exercise, you can only run and do fitness.

Although he was running, Ye Lin was running at a speed slightly lower than that of an ordinary person, and he did not run at a normal speed.

But even so, it took Ye Lin just over half an hour to reach Chunguo Pavilion.


Ye Lin was even hungrier because he had not eaten in the morning and had done some exercise.

He checked the time and saw that Chun Guo Ting was already open.

Some people say that you can tell a person's personality from the restaurant he owns.

Different personalities will make them prefer their own styles when decorating restaurants.

Although it is a Western restaurant and a well-known one, Chun Guo Ting is not as luxurious as other Western restaurants. People who don't even know about it may think it is just an ordinary restaurant.

Although it looks simple, the layout is very elegant, which makes people feel pleasing to the eye and relax unconsciously.

The store was already open, and the faint aroma of food kept wafting out from inside, which immediately cheered up the hungry Ye Lin.

For other people, if they want to know whether a restaurant is good or not, they must first try the food. But for Ye Lin, his super sense of smell has enabled him to understand the strength of a restaurant by seven or eight levels.

"Welcome, what would you like to order sir?"


Just as Ye Lin entered Chunguo Pavilion, a waiter came to greet him.

Because it was morning, there were not many people here now, only a few. After finding an empty seat, Ye Lin immediately picked up the menu from the table.

Looking at the exquisite dishes on the menu, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Unlike other restaurants, restaurants like this almost have one dish occupying a page. In addition to the name of the dish on each page, there is also a beautiful picture. And this picture is this dish.

It can be said that with pictures, guests can better choose the dishes they want to eat.

"Hello, give me one of each dish."

After reading the menu, Ye Lin did not choose, but just ordered each one as usual.

""Okay, huh?"

After hearing Ye Lin's words, Hua Lizi nodded subconsciously. When she fully reacted, she looked at Ye Lin in surprise. However, before she could finish her shock, Ye Lin's next words made her not know what to do.

"If possible, I would like to eat the food made by Mukuchi Orchard"


If it is the former, although it is a little unbelievable, since the customer has ordered, then they will make it.

But if you want to eat it, Kikuchi Orchard made it by himself. You should know that Kikuchi Orchard is the owner of Chunguoting and also the head chef of Chunguoting.

No matter which restaurant it is, the head chef generally does not do it, and it is other chefs who do the cooking.

After all, the head chef represents the highest level of cooking skills in a restaurant. If everyone wants to eat the food cooked by the head chef, then what do other chefs do.

So no matter which restaurant you go to, it is a bit difficult to eat the food cooked by the head chef.

"Well, our store manager hasn't come yet. If you want to eat the food made by the store manager himself, you may have to wait a while."

Originally, as the store manager, Mu Jiuzhi Guoyuan would be the first to arrive every day, but because she happened to have a friend coming over, she has gone out to pick her up and will not be back for at least an hour.

"No problem, the delicious food is worth waiting for. But if possible, it’s best not to turn breakfast into lunch."

Looking at Hanako's embarrassment, Ye Lin couldn't help but tease her.

Looking at Ye Lin with a faint smile on his face, Hanako didn't know what she thought of, and her face suddenly turned red.

That handsome appearance, full of sunny smile, Hanako's girlish heart began to beat"bang bang bang" at that moment.

In order to hide her embarrassment, she didn't stay for long, and covered her face with the menu in her hand and left quickly.

Looking at the waiter who left shyly, Ye Lin didn't pay attention at all, but took out his mobile phone and played while waiting.

Although Chunguoting is not without chefs now, Ye Lin is here to taste the food to improve himself, so if he wants to eat, he must eat the best chef here. And the best chef here is of course Mu Jiuzhi Guoyuan, the manager and chef of Chunguoting.

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