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Walking cautiously in the dense forest, the sound became clearer as the distance got closer. When Ye Lin found the beast by following the figure and smell, he was immediately surprised.

It has the body of a wild boar, but the limbs are those of a cow, slender and full of muscles. There are two sharp horns on the big pig's head, and the body is covered with a thick layer of armor. The pig hairs are as sharp as steel needles.

The scarlet eyes kept staring at the bottom of a huge tree, and the two hooves kept digging something.

Coupled with the body that is as big as a truck, it is completely a mobile tank. Just standing there gives people a strong sense of oppression, not to mention the bloodthirsty eyes.

Cow pig, capture level 8. The meat on the body has the firm and tender"sixty-six-seven" flavor of beef and the rich and mellow flavor of pork, especially the fat on the body, which is a top-grade animal fat if extracted. Not only is the character cruel���, it is easy to hold a grudge. However, cattle and pigs like to eat matsutake mushrooms very much. The better the matsutake mushrooms, the more cattle and pigs there are around.

Thinking back to the information about cattle and pigs that I saw in the food encyclopedia, I suddenly realized that this guy in front of me is not a simple character.

Although I have watched the anime"The Prisoner of Food", Ye Lin knows that anime is anime and reality is reality, and the two cannot be confused.

Although there are many delicious ingredients in the anime, Ye Lin knows that those ingredients are just the tip of the iceberg of this world. There are more ingredients that have not been shown.

So when I came here, Ye Lin spent a thousand food points to exchange for a food encyclopedia of this world. In addition to the ingredients recorded in IGO so far, this book also records the ingredients and beasts in the food world.

Although there are more ingredients outside the planet, it is a pity that one thousand points are only enough to exchange for the planet version, and as for the interstellar version, it costs 100,000. After all, after the prisoner of food, even the planetary galaxy has become an ingredient, which is enough to show how many ingredients there are in the entire prisoner of food.

Moreover, this encyclopedia is not fixed. For example, the one Ye Lin has now, whenever a new ingredient appears on the earth in the world of food captives, it will be automatically added to the encyclopedia. This is a good after-sales service.

Of course, basically all the ingredients on the earth have been recorded in the encyclopedia. The reason why people in that world don't know is that they have not been discovered yet.

Watching the cow and pig constantly digging on the ground, Ye Lin knew that there must be matsutake under the tree. It's just that there is only one here, so it is obviously not the best matsutake. However, this so-called best is only relative to this world.

If you get the world of food wars, it is estimated that it is more delicious and valuable than the most expensive matsutake.

However, Ye Lin did not rush up. Although his current strength is much stronger than that of ordinary people, he has too short a time to get the gourmet cells. If he goes out like this, I am afraid that he will die.

Although Ye Lin also thought about retreating, his cells are a kind of precious food. It can be said that as long as he can eat this cow and pig, his gourmet cells can be fully awakened.

Looking at the sword in his hand, which Ye Lin bought at a forging factory, it can be said to be quite sharp.

However, looking at the hair like armor and the layer of grease like armor, Ye Lin was stunned. He didn't know if the sword in his hand could cut through the armor.

Although he wanted to, it was obviously unlikely.

Whether in his own world or the original world, wild boars are not ordinary. As the saying goes, one pig, two tigers and three bears, the wild boar can be ranked before tigers and bears, which is enough to show his strength. You know, even tigers are afraid of crazy wild boars. The reason why wild boars are difficult to deal with, in addition to the brute force of rushing and sharp fangs, the most important thing is the thick resin armor on their bodies.

In addition to eating, the favorite thing for cow pigs to do every day is to rub their bodies against trees. As time goes by, the resin of these trees will remain on their bodies, and gradually when the resin solidifies, it will form a set of hard armor.

However, it is agreed that after being wrapped in resin for many years, the beef and pork meat naturally takes on the fragrance of resin, making the beef and pork more delicious........

If it was any other beast, then Ye Lin would have no problem using this sword, but facing the thick armor of cows and pigs, it seemed insufficient.

After thinking about it, Ye Lin quietly put down the tennis bag behind him and opened it on the ground.

As the bag was opened, some of Ye Lin's kitchen utensils were placed inside. These kitchen utensils were wrapped in leather sheaths, so there was no"ping-pong-pong" sound when walking.

At the bottom of these kitchen utensils, Ye Lin took out a kitchen knife with a somewhat strange shape wrapped in a leather sheath that looked like snake patterns.

This kitchen knife was not the Seven Star Knife, but the Qiande Knife that Ye Lin had not used since he was drawn.

The Qiande Knife had not been used since Ye Lin was drawn, not even once.

It was not because of anything else, but because the Qiande Knife came from the world of food captives.

As a kitchen knife produced in the world of food captives, its sharpness was absolutely beyond doubt. Moreover, as a work personally made by Melk, and also known as a representative work, let alone a mere level 8 beast, even a level 80 beast can probably be cooked.

Although the Seven-Star Knife can also hurt the cow and pig, it can only cause minor injuries.

Either don't do it, or once you do it, you must kill it as quickly as possible.

So after thinking about it, Ye Lin finally didn't use the Seven-Star Knife, but chose the sharper Qiande kitchen knife.

However, despite this, Ye Lin still took out the big knife Pojun from the Seven-Star Knife and put it on his back.

Looking at the cow and pig that had dug out a matsutake mushroom and was eating it, Ye Lin's mind has begun to think about how to hunt it.

Although the cow and pig are beasts, their capture level is only 8, so their IQ is not high at all, and they still can't get rid of the pig's IQ.

So as long as you think of a good enough strategy, it is not impossible to kill the cow and pig.

But as the saying goes, no matter what opponent you face, don't be timid, just do it.

Although Ye Lin wanted to dig a trap or something, his foodie cells had already reached their peak of desire for food, so Ye Lin rushed up directly without thinking too much.

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