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"Moo~~"A sound full of pain came from the mouth of the cow pig that was eating.

Scarlet blood flowed from the top of the cow pig's head and flowed through the scarlet eyes.

The eyes that had been enjoying it before suddenly turned into anger, and turned around with murderous intent to look at the culprit who made it suffer.

And just then, the cow pig suddenly saw a sharp object lying on the ground. At first, it was still wondering what it was. When it reacted, it was going crazy.

For some animals, a certain part of their body is the most important thing besides their life. For cow pigs, the horns on their heads are not only weapons to attack the enemy, but also capital to show off to female cow pigs.

It can be said that the bigger, thicker and longer the horns of male cow pigs are, the more they can attract female cow pigs.

However, his horns are broken now, which is more serious for humans than castration.

After all, after castration, the tool of crime will be gone and you can't feel it. But the horn of 07 Niuzhu was broken. Although the tools were still there, it could not find the target. This made it want to kill the creature that cut off its horn.

However, at this time, Ye Lin's blue eyes turned silver-white at some point, and his eyes were full of greed when he looked at Niuzhu.

Just now, Ye Lin wanted to set a trap, but because of his gourmet cells, he didn't want to wait any longer, so under the control of appetite, he rushed directly towards Niuzhu.

Before Niuzhu noticed, he cut the Niuzhu's head across the spine with a knife, and at the same time cut off one of Niuzhu's horns.

Under the sharpness of Qiande's kitchen knife, the bones of Niuzhu were cut open by Ye Lin without any hindrance like tofu.

It was a pity that Niuzhu was too big, and Qiande's kitchen knife was too short, so although it cut the skin of Niuzhu and injured Niuzhu, it still did not kill him.

But even so, Niuzhu was seriously injured, and even his skull and spine were damaged to a certain extent.

If it were any other creature, it would definitely want to run away after receiving such an injury, but Niuzhu's character was just like that of a wild boar. Seeing Ye Lin hurting it and cutting off one of its horns, it did not run away, but instead showed a murderous look in its eyes.

After digging its front hooves twice on the ground, it rushed towards Ye Lin without caring about its injuries.

This is the character of a wild boar. Once it goes crazy, it will fight to the death, and will even drag you down even if you die.

Niuzhu's huge body, which is like a truck, ran on the ground, and its huge body made the ground tremble slightly, making a light"bang bang bang" sound.

With its huge body and bloodthirsty eyes, if it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid he would have been scared and ran away long ago.

But at this time, Ye Lin did not choose to run away. He stared at Niuzhu with his eyes, and the Qiande kitchen knife in his hand was constantly replaced by the Seven Star Blade Pojun.

As Niuzhu got closer and closer, Ye Lin began to move slightly.

Before Niuzhu got close, the strong smell of blood on its body hit him in the face.

But the strange thing is that the smell of cow and pig blood is not fishy at all, but has a fresh fragrance of matsutake. Although the smell is very light, Ye Lin still smelled it.

It would have been better if he hadn't smelled it. This smell aroused Ye Lin's appetite even more.

As the cow and pig got closer and closer, Ye Lin bent his legs and jumped up. His jumping ability far exceeded that of a high jumper, so Ye Lin jumped onto the cow and pig in one jump.

Without any hesitation, the broken military knife in his hand was inserted directly into the wound on the cow and pig's neck that had been cut with the Qiande kitchen knife.

Although the skin of the cow and pig is very hard, it does not mean that its body is hard inside.

When Ye Lin inserted the shrimp with all his strength, the broken military knife pierced directly into the cow and pig's neck, and then he slashed hard along the wound of the Qiande kitchen knife. Suddenly, the wound that was not too big originally became a fatal wound.


Painful sounds kept coming out of the cow pig's mouth, and its huge body kept crashing into the surrounding thick trees because of the severe pain, as if this would reduce its pain a little. At the same time, it also crashed the guy on its back to death.

However, Ye Lin had jumped away and hid aside when Po Jun pierced its neck, so no matter how the cow pig crashed, it didn't hurt Ye Lin at all.

I don't know if the beasts in this world have tenacious vitality because of their gourmet cells, and they didn't die immediately after being injured enough to be fatal.

Under the cow pig's huge body, one thick giant tree after another was hit by the cow pig.

The startled birds flew towards the sky in panic, looking very scared.

When the surrounding trees were broken, the cow pig saw the hateful voice again. Although his life had passed away, the cow pig still crashed into Ye Lin without hesitation.

It knew that it couldn't survive, but even if it died, it would never let the other party have an easy life.

The broken tree blocked the cow and pig in the middle, but the cow and pig turned a blind eye, as if they didn't see it, and still rushed straight towards Ye Lin.

However, how could the seriously injured cow and pig be Ye Lin's opponent at this time? Although they looked extremely brave, they were also at the end of their strength. After Ye Lin used the Qiande Knife to cut the tendons of their limbs at an extremely fast speed, the cow and pig could only lie there quietly and wait to die.

According to Ye Lin's strength, it would not be so easy to deal with the cow and pig. All this was because of the advantage of the weapon.

The Qiande Knife was so sharp that it could easily cut open the bodies of cows and pigs with a capture level of 8, not to mention cows and pigs with a capture level of 80.

It's just a pity that under the sharp blade of the Qiande Knife, even cows and pigs can only die in regret.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission, hunting. Get the reward food space."

Just when Niuzhu closed his eyes unwillingly and his heart stopped beating, a prompt instantly appeared in Ye Lin's mind.

Hearing the system's prompt, Ye Lin came back to his senses.

"What’s going on? Why is there a hidden mission?"

"Generally, the tasks of the system are divided into main tasks and side tasks.

The main tasks are fixed tasks, while the side tasks are tasks that are released according to the host's situation.

In addition to these two task systems, there is also a hidden task mechanism, which is the hidden task.

Generally, whether it is the main task or the side task, the host will be informed, so as long as the host follows the requirements and prompts of the task, he can basically complete it.

But the hidden task is different.

It is like a person hiding in the dark.

It will not tell you anything, and the host can only figure it out by himself.

Therefore, the host will not be told what the tasks in the hidden tasks are and how to complete them.

The rewards will only appear when the host completes the task.

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