The sky was full of stars, and the sky was full of stars.

[Sky screen]

[In the screen, there is a forest. Pain and the six-tailed Naruto are chasing each other. Naruto's attacks behind him are ruthlessly dodged by Pain...]

[Between Pain's palms, there is a fist-sized black ball, which slowly condenses. The next moment...]

["Earth-shattering Star!"]

[The black ball flew out of his hand and slowly flew into the sky. Under the sun, countless dazzling lights refracted from the black ball, covering the world...]


[Boom! 】

【This shrouded world, the ground below, was torn apart, and huge rocks began to rise into the air, slowly gathering towards the black ball in the air...】

【And the figure of the six-tailed Naruto was also out of control, slowly flying towards the black ball in the air! 】


【The six-tailed Naruto still wanted to struggle, but it was useless, and huge rocks buried his body in the black ball...】

【In the sky, a small moon slowly appeared...】

The ninja world looked at the sky with almost fear. What was that? Was it the moon?

They were shocked and terrified. Uzumaki Naruto was sealed. In that case, he was actually sealed by Pein? ? !

No one thought that Pein had such power? And such means!

The mountains collapsed, the earth cracked, and finally formed this moon-like existence!

"What on earth is this? Is it still a ninjutsu?"

"Is this the moon? Pain actually created a small moon with his bare hands?"

"That should be a sealing technique. Uzumaki Naruto was sealed by this Heavenly Path Pain!"

"It's hard to imagine that it can seal Naruto in that form. What kind of sealing technique is that? Why have you never heard of it?"

The faces of the five Kages were equally solemn. What kind of ninjutsu is that? Never heard of it, but it is extremely terrifying. Even the runaway Jinchūriki can be sealed?

Could it be a product of the Uzumaki clan? But one thing is wrong!

Uzumaki Mito thought that this was not a sealing technique passed down by the Uzumaki clan at all. She had never seen it, or even heard of it!

"This kind of sealing technique has never been recorded even in the ancient books of the Uzumaki clan!" She murmured, full of solemnity.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was also very surprised when he heard it. Didn't she know it?

【12 Little Strongmen Channel:】

The companions who were watching this scene were also very surprised. They were just like this? No one could have thought that the other party had a trick up their sleeve!

"Naruto was sealed? What is that?" Ino murmured, her pretty face full of emotion.

Such a powerful Naruto, was actually, actually sealed like this?

Hinata of the Hyuga clan looked at this scene in disbelief, and her slender hands could not help but cover her red lips, her eyes full of disbelief.



Sasuke and Gaara looked at all this with narrowed eyes, and they felt palpitations for Pein.

"The last one, facing such a strong enemy, you have done well alone." Sasuke murmured, but he had another idea in his heart.

Next time, let's fight together.

However, Gaara's idea was much simpler. This Pein, he really deserved to die, actually bullied his only friend like that.

Absolutely unforgivable!

[Sky screen]

[That is the sealed space of the Nine-Tails. The water in the entire space has risen so much that the color has even become dim..]

[In the water, the reflection of Uzumaki Naruto can be seen. He kneels here, his face full of confusion and chaos..]

["Why.. Why did it become like this..."]

[Uzumaki Naruto's voice is confused and doubtful. What should he believe in? What is the answer...]

[And the Nine-Tails is quietly staring at each other...]

[If you want to create peace, how should you face this hatred? 〕

〔I don't know about this either..〕

〔Uzumaki Naruto clutched his chest with both hands and lowered his head in pain..〕

〔"It's so painful, so suffocating..."〕

〔"Someone come to save me..."〕

〔"Someone come... tell me the answer..."〕

〔He doesn't know, he doesn't know anything, please, someone come to help me, what is the answer...〕

〔Even if it's just one person, someone come to help me, tell me the answer...〕

〔Suffocating, desperate voices echoing here...〕

At this moment, the bewitching voice of the Nine-Tailed Fox appeared in my ears...]

[Destroy everything!]

[Destroy everything that makes you suffer...]

[Give me your heart...]

Uchiha Sasuke looked at the sky, and his kaleidoscope bulged out. It was the Nine-Tailed Fox again. The Nine-Tailed Fox was really going to make trouble again!

"This damn Nine-Tailed Fox, the last one, you must hold on!!" Sasuke clenched his fists, but he was roaring in his heart.

Where was I during this period? Where was I? ! ! !

Where was I, who should have appeared on the other side? !

For the first time, he felt incompetent. He couldn't even save a companion, and he couldn't even save his friend Naruto. What on earth was he? !

"Damn it!"


"I feel so bad for the future Naruto. Everything is put on the other person. If it were me, I would have collapsed long ago."

"Naruto, come on, you can do it, you must hold on!"

"Master Naruto, you still have us. Although we have done many wrong things before, we have repented now. Please believe us..."

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, is everything going to end? If it is really over? What about the future Naruto?"

The ninja world, including Konoha and his companions, feel bad for Naruto. One person carries so many heavy responsibilities. If it were them, they might have collapsed long ago, right?

Hyuga clan

"Naruto-kun, you can do it. Come on!" Hinata cheered for Naruto in the picture, clenching her fists.

[Sky screen]

["Give me your heart, so I can save you from pain..."]

[The eyes of the Nine-Tails flashed with amazing red light. The next moment, Naruto's collar opened directly, revealing the Eight Diagrams Seal...]

[At this moment, the Eight Diagrams Seal slowly flowed with black water, which soon polluted the water surface...]

[In the outside world, it was Yamato who rushed to Konoha at a high speed. In the center of his palm, there was an eight-character sign! ]

[Boom! ]

[The entire sphere began to crack, amazing red light flashed out, the rock disintegrated instantly, and eight scarlet tails sprang out of the sphere one after another...]


[That was the hairless Nine-Tails, which suddenly broke free from the restraints and drilled out from the disintegrated seal, and the roar shook the world. ]

"Eight tails?!!"

The entire ninja world was shocked. It actually grew eight tails, which means that there was only one left?!

At that time, the Nine-Tails!

The Ninja World could not help but worry, if... if Naruto really...

[In the Nine-Tails sealed space, Naruto's pupils became more and more scarlet, and when he finally collapsed, he finally couldn't hold on..]

["Come here, come on, tear off this seal..."]

[Uzumaki Naruto stood up without a soul, like a puppet, slowly walked towards the giant sealed door...]


I don't know who was shouting, and then a series of shouting voices roared up, as if they wanted to yell at Naruto in the picture...

But their voices, Naruto in the sky couldn't hear them at all...

[He was like a puppet, bewitched by the Nine-Tails and walked away, he didn't know anything What is the answer? It's so painful, so suffocating...]

[The lecherous sage, his master, his mentor, the sage who invited him to eat popsicles... is dead...]

Jiraiya was silent, his face full of shame and powerlessness. Everything was because of him, all of this was because of him...

It was he who gave all this to him, and he was a useless teacher...

[Teacher Kakashi, the teacher who was always late and taught their seventh team... is dead...]


Kakashi also looked at this scene in silence, his face full of emotion, he looked at Naruto and his subordinates in the picture with a distressed face...

"It's me, the teacher, who is too useless." Kakashi said guiltily.

[Everyone in Konoha, the villagers he wanted to gain recognition from, are all dead...]

[His companions, his home, the place where he lived, were destroyed...]

All the villagers in Konoha couldn't bear to watch it anymore, it was so suffocating, so painful...

[The girl who was always shy and felt so weak when she saw me, died to save me...]

Hinata was already crying, it was so suffocating, this feeling, so sad, so painful...

"Naruto-kun... oooo..."

One mountain after another, weighed on Uzumaki Naruto, and he had already collapsed. Jiraiya's death, Kakashi's death, and the destruction of his home...

For the first time, they saw despair in this cheerful boy

, saw suffocation and pain...

"Stop, don't go any further! Damn Nine-Tails, Damn Pein!"

"Damn it, why does everything have to be put on Master Naruto, he is so young? Only sixteen or seventeen years old?"

[On Yamato's hand, there is a scarlet word nine, which is showing...]

[That is the accumulated water, which is starting to rise, slowly supporting Uzumaki Naruto's body...]

[That is a young man, flashing across the screen...]

"That is..."

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