The scene was so strange that the two brothers were so confused.

"That is...!?"

Although the scene only flashed by, many sharp-eyed people in the ninja world still noticed that the figure was...?

Lightning Country, Cloud Village——

"It can't be wrong, it must be that guy, the one from Konoha..." The Thunder Shadow suddenly got up from the sofa, full of shock.

That figure, he would never forget it even if he became a ghost, the one who once suppressed his two brothers...

Earth Country, Rock Village——

"That figure, it can't be wrong, it must be him, isn't he dead?" Ohnoki murmured with palpitations, why did the dead appear?

Land of Fire, Konoha Village——

Even Sarutobi Hiruzen, when he looked at the figure that flashed by, his mind changed slightly, and the memory of death resurfaced again..

At the riverside

"Namikaze Minato..." Tsunade murmured, her face full of surprise, the figure that flashed by just now was so familiar to the person she was talking about.

"It can't be wrong, it's him, as expected, that kid must have left something behind, worthy of him!" Jiraiya laughed.

Under the attention of the ninja world..

[Sky screen]

[Just when Naruto was about to tear open the seal, the figure that flashed by suddenly moved, stretched out his hand and pulled Naruto down from mid-air...]

The sudden appearance of the figure also made the ninja world slightly stunned, and then began to become strange, why would someone appear in the sealed space of the Nine-Tails...

But the next moment, they were shocked!

[Naruto in the picture was also stunned, and then, a hand stretched out to him. In a daze, Naruto subconsciously stretched out his hand, and then he was pulled up from the water by the other party..]

[As Naruto's sight moved, it was a handsome man with yellow hair, wearing a white divine robe, and his blue eyes looked at Naruto gently..]

[Behind the divine robe, the name of the fourth generation Hokage was drawn...]

["The fourth generation Hokage..."]

[Looking at this figure, Naruto was also stunned and murmured. ]



"The fourth generation Hokage! Oh my god, that's the fourth generation Hokage!?!"

"Why, why did the fourth generation Hokage appear? Why exactly?!"

The ninja world was shocked. They actually saw the man who had died long ago, the man who had great contributions in the entire ninja world.

The yellow flash of Konoha, the fourth generation Hokage, Namikaze Minato!

All the people in the ninja world were shocked by the figure that appeared in the picture. Minato Namikaze, the person who saved Naruto, turned out to be Minato Namikaze...

Konoha Village——

"It's him, it's him, the Fourth Hokage, I finally see you again after so many years!"

"So handsome, is this the Fourth Hokage? Such charm!?"

"Huh, in this case, Master Naruto must be fine, right? Sure enough, when it comes to danger, the Fourth Hokage is reliable!"

The villagers of Konoha were excited. That was the hero who saved Konoha Village and the great ninja who sealed the Nine-Tails!

【Twelve Little Strongmen Channel:】

"That's the Fourth Hokage, is that Naruto's father!?"

Looking at the figure that appeared on the screen, the Twelve Little Strongmen were all stunned. He was Naruto's father...

Even Naruto was stunned after seeing Minato Namikaze on the screen. Although he had been exposed once before, he had never been shocked like this time...

"Is that... my father?"

For a moment, Naruto didn't know what expression to show, sometimes complicated, sometimes smiling.

Complex, because the Fourth Hokage was his father, the one he regarded as a hero, and the one who sealed the Nine-Tails in his body...

Smiling, because he was not an orphan who was unwanted, he had parents, and he was never alone...

Seeing this, Jiraiya gently touched the latter's head and smiled: "That's your father, he is a hero!"

"I know..." Naruto nodded, although he was not a good father, Naruto thought so.

No matter what, Naruto still has some temper.

Hokage's Office

"Is that the man Kushina fell in love with? He is indeed a handsome man." Uzumaki Mito nodded with satisfaction. Although it had been exposed before, but...

Because of Naruto's outburst at that time, she didn't have the mind to watch the sky, but paid all her attention to Naruto.

From this point of view, he is indeed a person worthy of trust.

[Sky screen]

【For his son's stunned look, Minato Namikaze could only smile warmly, and said in a very gentle voice: "Once even the seal of the Eighth Tails is lifted, I will appear in your consciousness."】

【"I did a little trick on the sealing ceremony, although I tried my best to avoid such a result, because I don't want to see you again, Nine-Tails..."】

【As he said, Minato Namikaze turned his eyes and glanced at the Nine-Tails coldly. 】

【"But... I am a little looking forward to seeing my son when he grows up. It can be said that there are joys and sorrows."】

【Naruto was stunned. Son, who are you talking about? Me? 】

【"Fourth-generation Hokage, come here, watch me tear you into pieces with one claw!" Seeing that there was no hope of escaping, the Nine-Tails suddenly became anxious and began to roar helplessly. 】

【"You said you want to tear me into pieces, but you can't get close to me. I'm right, Naruto..." Minato said. 】

Ninja World:

"Too cool, is this the Fourth Hokage?!"

"Little Nine-Tails, in front of my Fourth Hokage, you just raised your hand to suppress him. Look, he is already starting to get angry?"

[The scene continues]

[Naruto was stunned by Minato Namikaze's words and asked in confusion: "Naruto is my name, why does the Fourth Hokage know my name?"]

["Well, because I gave you your name, you are my little one."]

["Little one... then I..."]

[Seeing that the other party still had this expression, Minato still gently explained He said, "I just said it, you are my son."]

[When Naruto heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then he started to laugh while crying...]

[The Nine-Tails behind him was still furious, Minato had no choice but to snap his fingers, and suddenly, the surrounding environment changed, it was a golden and brilliant space...]

["The Third Hokage, it seems that I didn't tell you anything, about the Nine-Tails, you tried your best to hide it, right?"]

["If you were my son, there would be many dangers for you..."]

Sarutobi Hiruzen in the outside world was ashamed when he heard this.


[While Namikaze Minato was stunned, it was Naruto's fist that hit the other's abdomen hard...]

[Bang! 】

【After this punch, even Minato Namikaze himself and the people in the ninja world did not react, but the next moment..】

【"Why did you seal the Nine-Tails in my son? Thanks to you, I really suffered a lot. The adults all looked down on me, and it was difficult for me to make friends, so I kept working hard, hoping that everyone would recognize me, and practiced hard to become stronger...

Then I met Teacher Iruka, Teacher Kakashi, and the lecherous sage. I was very happy to be able to become stronger, but because of this, I was targeted by those people from the Akatsuki organization, so I had to strengthen my practice. Obviously, I finally became stronger, but my companions were killed by Akatsuki again... Oh, I...

I can't tell whether I am happy or angry..."】

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