The old man was buried in the grave.

[Nagato suffered two pains, one of which was the death of his parents..]

[Those were the three great nations of Fire, Earth and Wind, and the Land of Rain was the place where these great nations fought, and the Hidden Rain Village was thus dragged into the war..]

[The war was cruel, affecting the entire Land of Rain, and Nagato's parents were mistakenly killed by two Konoha ninjas because they were protecting Nagato. 】

【This is one of his pains...】

Ninja World:

"To be honest, maybe Konoha can't really be blamed for this? After all, it was a war?"

"War is cruel. Those two Konoha ninjas should have come to clean up the battlefield or look for supplies at the end of the war, and their nerves were highly nervous."

"In this situation, two unknown people suddenly ran out and hugged you. You would fight back no matter who you threw?"

"After all, it was a war. No one knows whether the other party is a spy crawling out of the enemy army or something..."

"Now that things have come to this, what's the point of saying those things? How long has it happened?"

Looking at this scene, Uzumaki Mito sighed softly, and then focused on Nagato's hair color in the picture, although the other party's hair color was a little dim because of the line of sight.

But she could still find that it was red hair, the symbol of her Uzumaki clan.

"Why, why can a member of the Uzumaki clan awaken the Samsara Eye?" She murmured, very puzzled.

[Sky screen]

[Nagato's second greatest pain is the death of Yahiko! ]

Jiraiya was stunned. Is that so? Yahiko is dead? But why? What happened?

[Nagato, who lost his parents, met Konan and Yahiko while wandering in the Hidden Rain Village. He got to know them and was later taken in by Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas.]

[Jiraiya taught them for three years. He took great care of them and taught them how to survive and ninjutsu.]

[After that, they inherited Jiraiya's will and worked hard to achieve peace in the Land of Rain. They even founded the Akatsuki organization! ]

[After the Akatsuki organization was established, it became unstoppable and its reputation became more and more famous, even attracting the attention of the demigod Hanzo. 】

【Hanzo of the Salamander proposed to conduct peace talks with the three major countries with us as the core, hoping to get a peace agreement from the three major countries with us as the strength...】

【This was originally a negotiation for peace, but something unexpected happened. Hanzo of the Salamander joined forces with the Darkness of Konoha, Danzo, to eliminate the threat of Akatsuki...】

【Although they each have their own goals, they really want to eliminate Akatsuki...】

"Danzo, it's that Danzo again, why is he involved in everything? How many things does that guy have?"

"The Uchiha clan incident, and now the Akatsuki incident? It seems that the thing about Naruto's demon fox was also leaked by this guy!"


That was in the Hokage's office. Uzumaki Mito almost slapped the table in half with one palm. She was extremely angry. Danzo, Danzo, it's Danzo again!

The matter of Hatake Sakumo, the matter of the demon fox, the eyes of Uchiha Shisui, the incident of Itachi, and now the matter of Akatsuki.

How many things did Danzo do? !

"Sarutobi Hiruzen!" Uzumaki Mito glared at the monkey. She didn't believe that the latter didn't know anything.

How could Sarutobi Hiruzen not know these things? For a moment, his face turned green, and he didn't know what to do.

Looking at the other party's silence, Uzumaki Mito shook his head disappointedly and said: "You disappoint me so much."

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen was in great pain. What else could he say? In front of this mistress, in front of these truths, he couldn't refute anything.

How could he not know anything about what Shimura Danzo did?

But in the end, he still covered up for the other party one by one.

Konoha Riverside

"It's that old guy Danzo again." Jiraiya and Tsunade looked at each other and could see dissatisfaction in each other's eyes.

"No wonder, no wonder I can't figure it out. Is that the case? These things have happened over the years, and I, as a teacher, am not responsible at all." Jiraiya sighed.

[Sky screen]

[That is something that Nagato still cannot let go of. That day, he had a deep understanding of his ideals, dreams, and this cruel world...]

[Hanzo captured Konan alive and threatened Nagato to kill Yahiko himself, but in the end... Yahiko crashed into the kunai in Nagato's hand, and now it ends...]

[You and Konan, you must survive no matter what...]

[Nagato, you are... you are

If you are the savior of this world, then you can definitely do it...〕


【Konan's cries were heartbreaking, and Nagato's expression was unbelievable. He didn't want to believe it...】

【Yahiko died, died on his kunai. At that time, he had grown up, but he couldn't do anything, just like when his parents died...】

【At that moment, he was desperate about this world, full of disappointment in this cruel world...】

【The so-called answer was worthless in the face of this cruel reality. Under this huge impact...】

【"Spiritual Summoning, Outer Path Statue!!!"】

【Nagato summoned the Outer Path Statue, All enemies were eliminated, but Hanzo still escaped..】

【That was his second pain, Yahiko died..】

"Is that so? No wonder it turned out like this, I understand Nagato's approach a little bit."

"Despair of this world, because Yahiko is dead?"

"What is the last trick? Is it a summoned beast? Why is it so scary? It gives me the feeling of surpassing the Nine-Tails..."

"Geido, that's the name of the summoned beast? What is that?"

The ninja world didn't understand and threw the reason to the Samsara Eye. After all, the Samsara Eye is the eye of the legendary Six Paths Sage, and they don't know what ability it has.

However, there is a group of people who panicked the moment they saw the Geido. The familiar feeling made them feel palpitations.

"Geido, that's the thing!!" In the sealed space, the Nine-Tails murmured, full of solemnity.

This is the first time the Geido has been seen in a thousand years.

The boy with the Samsara Eye had already shocked them, and now the Outer Path Demon Statue had appeared, which made them even more anxious. It seemed that something would happen in the near future...

["Without the sacrifices of our small countries, how could you big countries have peace? And your peace is violence against our small countries!"]

["As long as people are alive, they will hurt others unconsciously. Hatred and humans coexist."]

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