The truth is that hatred will always exist as long as people exist. There is no real peace in this cursed world! ”]

[“What Jiraiya-sensei said is just fiction.”]

[“I have already told my story. Let’s hear your answer.”]

[Nagato calmly recounted the pain and told Uzumaki Naruto what had happened and what he had seen...]

[Uzumaki Naruto was silent...]

When the whole ninja world heard this, they fell into deep thought. That kind of question, that kind of impossible answer...

“What is peace? What is peace?!”

"Is it really possible to seek the unattainable peace in this cruel ninja world?"

"The peace described by Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, is too idealistic, but Nagato has personally experienced the cruelty of reality..."

"Having said this, what is Naruto's answer? Kill or not?"

"Nonsense, of course it's killing. Do you think you can wipe out the hatred in a person's heart with just a few words?"

"If so, when will peace come?"

The five major countries were also silent. The short video gave an answer that even they couldn't describe.

[In the picture, Naruto was caught in a dilemma, even a critical point. His eyes were confused and hateful...]

[Sure enough, at this point, he finally...]

[Uzumaki Naruto took out a novel that Jiraiya had written from his arms. It was... "The Root of Ninja"! 】

The Ninja World and Nagato were both very confused, wondering why the former took out a book that had nothing to do with it?

Only Jiraiya's eyes lit up, that was... that was his book, that book...

[The era of mutual understanding will eventually come, I firmly believe it! ]

[Naruto couldn't help but think of Jiraiya's entrustment again, and then slowly said: "It may be so, and I also think it may be as you said..."]

["I have understood you, but even so, I still can't forgive you!"]

["Then let's make a break!" Nagato said in a serious tone, as if he had known it for a long time. 】

【It is almost impossible to understand and sympathize with each other, even in the face of hatred. A few short words cannot eliminate the hatred at all.】

No matter how much Uzumaki Naruto believes in what Jiraiya said, as a human being, as a ninja of Konoha Village...

The devastated Konoha, the dead companions and villagers...

"Hurry up and do it. There is no room for negotiation. Let's make a break!"

"Why say so much to the other party? Just do it directly. I don't believe it. "Nagato is so weak? Can he still defeat Naruto?"

"Have you noticed? This is not a question of whether to kill or not. Even if Nagato is killed, can those Konoha companions be resurrected?"

"Don't kill? Are you kidding? Do you think we are saints?"

"It's okay if we don't kill them. If he resurrects the dead lives of Konoha, then we will let go of our hatred!"

Akatsuki Organization

Nagato stared at the sky, he wanted to see what Uzumaki Naruto wanted to do after listening to his pain.

Hokage's Office

[If we want to live in harmony, then both sides have to lay down their weapons, be honest with each other, and drink a cup of wine together as comrades...]

[But I can never do that...]

It seems that in the distant past, her husband once said to her that if we want to live in harmony, we have to put down the prejudices of the two clans, put down our pride, and drink together as comrades...

"Child, I also believe that you are the son of prophecy who can bring peace to the ninja world. Don't let me down." Mito murmured.

The key lies in this negotiation...

Countless people in the ninja world are watching, waiting for the next answer from Uzumaki Naruto in the picture...

They clenched their fists.

[In the picture, Konan is ready to kill at any time. If Uzumaki Naruto makes any move, she will capture him in an instant! 】



Countless people in the ninja world raised their heads, and Nagato also squinted his ears, stared at the sky with his eyes wide open...

【"But the lustful sage believed in me and entrusted everything to me..."】

【"That way

, I also try to believe what the lustful immortal once believed, this is my answer! ”】

[Uzumaki Naruto stared at the Genshin Ninjutsu, then suddenly raised his head, his eyes full of determination, and said.]

The ninja world was a little stunned, only Nagato became unbelievable. It has already come to this point, why do you still believe in what Jiraiya teacher said?

[“I won’t kill you!”]

The ninja world became unbelievable, and voices came out one after another.

“Why? What are you doing? Why don’t you kill? Why not?”

“It’s come to this? Just this step! ? Why should I forgive this guy? Did Konoha’s companions die in vain?”

“No, what are you shouting about? One by one, they have nothing to bear, but they show up and shout. Killing them will solve all problems?”

“Then why don’t you kill? The enemy is right in front of me, why should I forgive an enemy? ”

“If we kill them, will everything be solved? Where is the so-called peace? ! ! ”

“What does the so-called peace have to do with us?! Do we have such a strong power to change it? Why should we?”

“But Naruto is, he is the son of prophecy praised by Master Jiraiya, and he is the one who is looking for peace. If even he... then the ninja world may really be...”

“That’s the truth, but... I still can’t forgive, I still can’t forgive this Pein! !”

“We can’t judge what any of them did, we can only wait for the result...”

[Sky screen]

[“Do you believe what Jiraiya once believed in? I see, is this your answer?” Nagato looked at him in surprise and said slowly.]

[Then, Nagato’s eyes became indifferent, and he said coldly: “Then let us believe that you can bring peace to the world, so we just wait?”]

[“Don’t be kidding! ”]

[“At this point, can you still believe what Jiraiya-sensei said? True peace does not exist. As long as we live in this cursed world, such a thing cannot exist!”]

[Nagato’s voice began to become furious. He asked them to believe in this boy, so they waited?]


[“In that case, I will break this curse!”]

[“If peace really exists, I will hold on to it tightly…”]

[“I will not give up!”]

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